
Plastic waste – Chemical recycling ‘not the miracle cure’ for plastic waste 07-11-2023

Plastic waste

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

German exports fall by 7.5% YoY, imports drop by 16.6 % YoY during Sep


  • German exports were down by 2.4 per cent and imports dropped by 1.7 per cent month on month on a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis in September.
  • Exports fell by 7.5 per cent and imports by 16.6 per cent year on year.
  • After calendar and seasonal adjustment, Germany’s goods exports were worth €126.5 billion and imports worth €110 billion in the month.

German exports were down by 2.4 per cent and imports dropped by 1.7 per cent on a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis in September this year compared with August.

Based on provisional data, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported that exports decreased by 7.5 per cent and imports fell by 16.6 per cent year on year (YoY) during the month. Plastic waste

After calendar and seasonal adjustment, Germany exported goods worth €126.5 billion and imported goods to the value of €110 billion in September.

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The foreign trade balance showed a surplus of €16.5 billion in September. The calendar- and seasonally-adjusted surplus stood at €17.7 billion in August this year and €5 billion in September.  Plastic waste

On a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis, Germany exported goods worth €69.8 billion to the member states of the European Union (EU) in September, while it imported goods worth €58.7 billion from these countries in that period.

Compared with August this year, calendar- and seasonally-adjusted exports to EU nations dropped by 2.1 per cent and imports from these countries fell by 2.6 per cent.

The value of the goods exported to euro area countries in September totalled €48.8 billion (minus 2.4 per cent), and the value of the goods imported from these countries was €38.9 billion euros (minus 3.8 per cent).  Plastic waste

Exports of goods to countries outside the non-EU countries amounted to €56.7 billion in September, while imports from these countries totalled €51.3 billion on a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis. Compared with August this year, exports to non-EU countries declined by 2.8 € and imports from such countries fell by 0.6 per cent.

Most German exports in September were to the United States. After seasonal and calendar adjustment, exports of goods to the United States during the month were down by 4 per cent compared with August, with the value of exports dropping to €12.8 billion.

Exports to China fell by 7.3 per cent to €7.7 billion and exports to the United Kingdom rose by 2.3 per cent to €6.3 billion.  Plastic waste

Most imports during the month were from China. Goods to the value of €13 billion were imported from there, representing a 0.9-per cent decrease month on month (MoM) after calendar and seasonal adjustment.

Imports from the United States rose by 0.5 per cent to €7.7 billion. Imports from the United Kingdom increased by 5.2 per cent to €3.2 billion during the month.

Exports to Russia in September this year declined by a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted 11.2 per cent MoM to €0.6 billion and by 41.7 per cent YoY. Imports from Russia rose by 7.5 per cent MoM to €0.2 billion, and were down by 89.4 per cent YoY.


German exports fall by 7.5% YoY, imports drop by 16.6 % YoY during Sep

Oceana: Coca-Cola and Pepsi’s plastic packaging use increases by hundreds of millions of pounds

Oceana calls on both companies to increase reusable packaging and reduce single-use plastic, after Ellen MacArthur Foundation report reveals significantly increased plastic use and limited progress in meeting recycling goals

Oceana analyzed data[1] from the Global Commitment 2023 Progress Report released earlier this week by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and found that the two top polluting brands, according to the Break Free From Plastic Brand Audit, increased the amount of plastic used by hundreds of millions of pounds on a year over year basis. The Coca-Cola Company increased its use of plastic packaging by over 6% or over 454 million pounds (206,000 metric tons) to a reported 3.43 million metric tons in 2022. PepsiCo increased its use of plastic packaging by 4% or over 220 million pounds (100,000 metric tons) to a reported 2.6 million metric tons in 2022. Plastic waste

This increase coincides with additional data in the Ellen MacArthur annual report that shows the companies made only marginal progress towards meeting pledges to increase recycled content in their plastic packaging and to decrease their use of virgin plastic packaging. And, both companies reported no progress on having more plastic – by weight – in reusable packaging. Coca-Cola disclosed that this percent was just 1.3% in both 2021 and 2022 and Pepsi, for the second year running, released no data for this metric. The companies have pledged to increase the volume of beverages they sell in reusable packaging by roughly 10-percentage points by 2030.

Oceana released the following statement from Matt Littlejohn, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives:

“It is unacceptable that Coca-Cola and Pepsi are increasing their use of plastic by hundreds of millions more pounds year over year.  Plastic waste

The companies’ efforts and pledges are not solving this problem. The best way for Coca-Cola and Pepsi to stop this relentless growth in plastic is to dramatically increase the use of refillable bottles – which can be used up to 50 times if made of glass. Just a 10% increase in refillable bottles in all coastal countries in place of single-use plastic could reduce marine plastic bottle pollution by 22%.

Unfortunately, despite commitments to increase reusable packaging, both companies are falling short. This doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Refillable bottle systems exist – at scale – in many countries around the world. Consumers in existing markets buy them, prefer them, and return them for a small deposit. Coca-Cola has said that 93% of their reusable packaging is returned to the point of sale.  Plastic waste


Plastic waste

Chemical recycling ‘not the miracle cure’ for plastic waste

Where does pyrolysis fit in the waste hierarchy?

Pyrolysis is not a ‘future-proof’ solution in the battle against plastics, insists Zero Waste Europe. The group argues in a new report that relying on the chemical process creates a ‘leaky loop’ rather than a circular economy. 

‘Even in the best scenario, only 2% of today’s plastic waste fed into pyrolysis will actually make the round trip into the steam cracker and then be recycled,’ writes Zero Waste Europe (ZWE).  Plastic waste

Furthermore, it argues, the process produces new, unwanted, and toxic hydrocarbons. ‘All plastics, though notably the polyolefins which are identified as ideal pyrolysis feedstocks, do not simply revert back to the precursor material from which they were formed,’ the report says.

‘Instead, they produce a wide variety of products due to aggressive chemical substances, known as free radicals, splitting from the plastic and re-combining in unwanted forms.’ These pyrosynthetic hydrocarbons lower the product oil yield and impair its quality, it adds.

High contamination

ZWE believes ‘chemical recycling’ is not the answer for difficult-to-recycle plastic waste streams. Highly mixed, unwashed or difficult-to-recycle plastic waste streams, such as automotive shredder residue and computer casings, result in a pyrolysis oil with substantially increased levels of contamination.  Plastic waste

‘The universal laws of physics and chemistry that govern pyrolysis are unlikely to change because of marketing pressure,’ the report states. ‘Decision makers would be sensible to accept that pyrolysis is not the wonderful miracle they need merely because no other back-end solution exists.’

It claims the laws of thermodynamics dictate that the most sensible solution to minimising plastic waste lies in upstream intervention. ‘This means putting investment into making plastic products less complex, less contaminated, and more recyclable,’ the report concludes.


Plastic waste

New batteries for electric cars and wearables, backed by multi-million US$ funding, are both fire resistant and flexible

Anthro Energy’s flexible energy storage systems will be used in next-generation electronic devices and are currently being sold to the first wearable manufacturers.
The development team has identified promising applications for the fireproof batteries, particularly in electric vehicles and laptops. By integrating them into belts, straps and other “dead spaces”, Anthro batteries are expected to extend the service life of devices by 2 to 5 times. Plastic waste

Batteries are regarded as crucial technologies in the battle against climate change, particularly for electric vehicles and storing energy from renewable sources. Anthro Energy’s novel flexible batteries are presently available to wearable manufacturers and could be employed in a variety of areas, including electric cars and laptops.

The innovative batteries score well in fire safety, thanks to new materials and design features that eliminate internal and external mechanical safety risks like explosions. Many of today’s batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, contain a flammable liquid as an electrolyte.

Anthro Energy’s David Mackaniac and his team have created a flexible polymer electrolyte that is malleable like rubber. The new technology provides increased design flexibility for use across a range of devices, with adaptable shapes and sizes to suit specific applications.

The batteries are highly durable, capable of enduring tens of thousands of bending cycles without any decrease in performance. Plastic waste


Plastic waste

Nylon demand falls across major end-uses; China exports pressure margins – AdvanSix CEO

AdvanSix is seeing global nylon demand declines across most major end-uses, Erin Kane, CEO of the integrated US-based nylon 6 producer said during the company’s third-quarter earnings call on Friday.

“Overall, we see demand declines across most key end markets, leading to further margin compression in the industry,” Kane said.

In North America, the higher interest rate environment is unfavourably impacting building and construction end markets, she said.  Plastic waste

The high rates are also impacting consumer spending, with implications for nylon in packaging applications, she said.

However, auto has been a more “resilient” end market for AdvanSix, with the recent US auto worker strikes only modestly impacting engineered plastics demand, she said.

Meanwhile, low-priced imports are creating “competitive intensity”, she said, noting in particular exports from China.

“We are seeing China’s global nylon exports reach all time-highs” amid that country’s slower economy, thus putting pressure on nylon prices and margins, she said.

The company expects nylon industry margins to remain at “trough levels” through year-end, due to the unfavourable supply and demand conditions, she said.

With the softness across the key nylon end market in North America, AdvanSix would “continue to leverage various sales channels to meet demand where it exists, including a higher share of exports”, added chief financial officer Michael Preston.

On the positive side, underlying agriculture industry fundamentals are expected to remain favourable, boding well for ammonium sulphate (AS).  Plastic waste

AS is a by-product of AdvanSix’s integrated nylon production process.

In North America, “the underlying fundamentals continue to support firm fertilizer demand, moving forward”, Kane said, adding: “Our current order book is robust”.

As for acquisitions, “accretive M&A has always been part of our framework” and the company continues to evaluate opportunities, she said, adding: “This is an interesting time” for M&A.

She was responding to an analyst on the call who suggested that AdvanSix, with its healthy balance sheet, should have the opportunity to expand with “bolt-on” deals in chemical intermediates, specialties or other products. Plastic waste


Nylon demand falls across major end-uses; China exports pressure margins – AdvanSix CEO

Bloomberg Asks Why Electric Cars Today Are So Huge

The UK has a long tradition of small cars, exemplified by the original Mini but including a gaggle of MGs, Triumphs, Humbers, Hillmans, Cortinas, Austins, and the like. Mostly they were small because raw materials were scarce after World War II, but also because Britain taxed cars based on horsepower. Smaller cars were lighter, which means they could make do with less powerful engines. While all of that is true historically, it does not explain why most electric cars sold in the UK today are so big and heavy.  Plastic waste
Bloomberg correspondents Olivia Rudgard and Kyle Stock spent some time driving around London behind the wheel of an Ora Funky Cat. At just over 4 meters (13 feet) in length, the four door, five passenger hatchback proved to be an able and efficient vehicle for use in that environment. For some perspective on size, the Maxda MX5 — known as the Miata in North America — measures 12.8 feet in length. [Note: The Funky Cat appears to be very similar in size to a first-generation Nissan LEAF.]
Of the 72 electric cars available in the UK, nine have batteries with a capacity under 50 kWh. (Just two EVs in the US have such small batteries.) Between 2013 and 2022, new sales of every type of car declined in the UK — except SUVs, whose sales have risen 75% over that period according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). In August, tests by Which?, a consumer group, identified 161 cars too big for standard UK parking spaces, up from 129 in 2018.  Plastic waste
Small cars like the Fiat Punto and the Ford Fiesta have been discontinued and replaced with SUVs in recent years, says Ralph Palmer, UK electric vehicles & fleets officer at Transport & Environment, which tracks the new and used car markets. “They’re seeing that there are great profit margins to be made from selling a massive SUV for a far higher margin, but selling fewer of them,” he said.
Electric Cars — How Much Is Enough?
This shift in the marketplace, especially when it comes to electric cars, is creating a dearth of options for commuters looking to buy only as much car as they need. The Ora Funky Cat with its 48 kWh battery has a range of 320 kilometers (about 200 miles). As Rudgard and Stark discovered, that is more than ample range for urban driving. After a weekend of shopping and hauling furniture from IKEA, they still had nearly a 50% state of charge remaining in the car’s battery. The car’s dimensions mean it is closer in size to those iconic British cars of old, which is a plus in crowed urban environments where a car can be more of a logistical nightmare than a convenience.  Plastic waste


Bloomberg Asks Why Electric Cars Today Are So Huge

Sage Automotive Interiors Partners With US Startup NFW

Sage Automotive Interiors has partnered with Peoria, Ill.-based startup, NFW, a producer of a plastic-free, plant-based leather alternative for car interiors. This strategic partnership between Sage Automotive Interiors, part of the Asahi Kasei Group, and NFW, a leading global provider of innovative and functional materials for the automotive interior — enables another major step to support global automotive OEMs in reducing the environmental burden of the automobile lifecycle.  Plastic waste

NFW was founded in 2015 and has developed the only platform capable of producing precision-engineered, all-natural (zero plastic) leather, foam, and textiles to replace animal and petrochemical-based materials. MIRUM®, the company’s patented leather alternative, is made from natural rubber, natural fibers, plant oils, natural pigments, and minerals. MIRUM is bio-neutral and can be safely returned to the Earth or recycled by NFW at the end of its lifetime. The material offers superior durability and quality that can replace traditional animal-based or synthetic leather products without the use of any polyurethane or other coatings.

Sage is engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sales of innovative functional materials used in automobile interiors globally. Since its acquisition by Asahi Kasei in 2018, Sage has continued to strengthen its business activities in Europe and China through mergers and acquisitions in parallel to expanding its lineup of growth-potential materials such as suede and synthetic leather.  Plastic waste

As one of the leading global suppliers in the car seat fabric market, Sage has a strong presence among automakers and suppliers.

Luke Haverhals, CEO and founder of NFW, said: “Over time, our partnership with Sage will allow consumers to apply the same decision-making process that they use in their homes, in their cars as well — the most sustainable option will be available to them. The kind of impact that matters to the planet has to happen at scale, not just around the edges.”


Sage Automotive Interiors Partners With US Startup NFW

Recycled cellulosic-fibres – Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic 06-11-2023

Plastic waste

Recycled cellulosic-fibres – Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic 06-11-2023

Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Petrochemicals BGPET – Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy


Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

New partnership for recycled man-made cellulosic fibres

SaXcell and Birla Cellulose sign Memorandum of Understanding for recycled fibre production to accelerate circularity.
Textile recycling innovator SaXcell has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Aditya Birla Group’s, Birla Cellulose, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of man-made cellulosic fibres. The MoU paves the way for the expansion of collaboration between the two companies for production of recycled man-made cellulosic fibres. SaXcell’s textile waste pulping technology combined with Birla’s advanced wet spinning expertise results in high quality sustainable SaXcell recycled fibres, serving the circular textile needs of customers at commercial scale.Commenting on the development, Mr Erik van der Weerd, CEO SaXcell, highlighted that this collaboration fits SaXcell’s vision to set up a robust circular textile supply chain based on partnership and mutual commitment. He explains: “To address today’s social and environmental challenges of the textile industry, global collaboration is imperative.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres
We need to facilitate a change from a linear to a circular economy and we need to do it now. SaXcell’s and Birla’s combined innovation force and production power offer a great opportunity to create real impact.”Commenting on this circularity and sustainability focussed collaboration, Dr. Aspi Patel, Chief Technology Officer, Aditya Birla Group and Birla Cellulose, points out: ”Birla Cellulose is strongly committed to support innovators for expanding circular fibre offerings in the textile and non-woven value chain. We have been exploring innovative business models and partnerships, this collaboration is one such initiative, where we aim to help SaXcell leapfrog from pilot to commercial demonstration scale.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres
Such partnerships will play an increasingly important role in accelerating circularity in global textile value chain.”SaXcell B.V. is an innovative technology development company that recycles used textiles into feedstock for making new and sustainable man-made cellulosic fibres. Creating the new fibres requires less water, land and chemicals. A team of researchers from Saxion University of Applied Science in Enschede started with SaXcell B.V. in 2015. After extensively testing and improving the technology, a pilot factory was successfully built in 2020. By 2024 SaXcell will further expand by building a Small Scale Production plant in Enschede, The Netherlands.
More…Recycled cellulosic-fibres

BMW showcases own battery to tackle Tesla

BMW starts making new battery cells that outperform Tesla’s BMW has begun producing its new Gen 6 battery cells, which will power its upcoming Neue Klasse electric vehicles.

The German car maker says its battery cells are better than Tesla’s in both performance and sustainability.

The Gen 6 battery cells are cylindrical and have a diameter of 46 mm. They come in two heights, 95 mm or 120 mm, depending on the capacity.

This shape helps to optimize the space and weight of the battery pack, which will be built into the vehicle structure.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

The Gen 6 battery cells will also have a voltage of 800 volts, which will enable faster charging and higher efficiency.

BMW claims its Gen 6 battery cells will provide a 30% increase in range over the previous generation, thanks to higher energy density and improved thermal management.

Moreover, the German company says it has cut CO2 emissions in cell production by 60%, using renewable energy and recycled materials.

The Bavarian company also plans to introduce solid-state batteries by 2030, which will further boost energy density by 20%.

The first cars to use Gen 6 battery cells will be the Neue Klasse models, which will launch in 2025.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

This is a new exclusive electric platform, which will include a compact sedan, a sporty SUV, a crossover and a station wagon.

BMW aims to sell more than 10 million electric vehicles by 2030, with a market share of 25%.

Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic

Scientists in Japan have developed a new version of plastic which is not just stronger and stretchier than the traditional version but also partially biodegradable. Besides, it can remember complex shapes which can be restored once it is heated.

Now, researchers at the University of Tokyo have successfully created “sustainable plastic,” which is based on an epoxy resin vitrimer. Recycled cellulosic-fibres

What are vitrimers?

Vitrimers represent a relatively recent category of plastics known for their impressive strength at low temperatures, while also possessing the unique ability to be reshaped numerous times when exposed to higher temperatures.

Nonetheless, they do have a notable drawback – extreme brittleness, as they cannot be stretched far before breaking.

To address this issue, researchers introduced a molecule called polyrotaxane into the plastic synthesis process, resulting in a novel plastic variant they’ve dubbed VPR, an abbreviation for “vitrimer incorporated with polyrotaxane.”

At lower temperatures, VPR’s robust internal chemical bonds maintain its rigid shape, but as temperatures rise, to around 150 degrees Celsius, these bonds start to recombine, allowing the material to take on different forms.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Moreover, when heat and a solvent are applied to VPR, it readily breaks down into its constituent components. Submerging VPR in seawater for 30 days also led to a 25 per cent biodegradation, with the polyrotaxane breaking down into a potential food source for marine life.

Self-healing properties

“VPR is over five times as resistant to breaking as a typical epoxy resin vitrimer,” said Professor Shota Ando, a project research associate at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.

“It also repairs itself 15 times as fast, can recover its original memorised shape twice as fast and can be chemically recycled 10 times as fast as the typical vitrimer.

It even biodegrades safely in a marine environment, which is new for this material,” Ando added.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres


Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic

High-purity rPET for new bottles

Croatia’s accession to the European Union has also given a significant boost to the topic of recycling, among other things.

Varisort sorting systems with FLASH technology for inspecting the bottle material for special colours (silver, opaq, TiO2 coloured) and for detecting bottles with a very low colour saturation.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Since then, the aim has been to implement the EU’s waste directives and current targets and, above all, to drive forward the circular economy to a national level. The EU target of recycling more than 65 percent of the municipal waste generated by 2035 has paved the way for a sustainable circular economy.

Plastic packaging manufacturers as an active part of the circular economy

An example from the field of plastic packaging shows that especially the distributors and manufacturers of such packaging who see it as their duty to make their contribution to the circular economy and thus to environmental protection and resource conservation. The aim is to use recycled PET material in the production of PET beverage packaging and to continuously increase its share. When using recycled PET, purity is the decisive factor. Only pure and high-quality recyclate can be used for a wide range of new products and especially for beverage packaging.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

rPET pellets of the highest quality for use in the food sector

Austrian beverage producer Steinrieser and the newly founded Austrian-Croatian trading company for beverage production KIS pica have joined forces to set up a PET recycling plant in the Donja Dubrava region of Croatia to reprocess disposed plastic bottles.

The PET recycling plant REKIS produces up to 18,000 metric tons of high-quality rPET pellets annually, which is then reused for the production of beverage bottles. In Croatia, plastic bottles are collected via the existing deposit system, but also via municipal collection points. In addition, REKIS sources collected plastic bottles from Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

The material is delivered pressed into bales, separated and forwarded via an eddy current separator for separation from aluminium cans. To obtain pure PET material for use in the food sector from the plastic bottles processed in this way, a multi-stage sorting process follows.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

At REKIS, multisensor sorting systems from Sesotec are used to reliably separate plastic bottles and, in a further step, plastic flakes by type. This is the prerequisite for obtaining high-quality rPET pellets.

Presorting with Varisort+ multisensor sorting systems

In the first step, the bottles pass through the Varisort+ multisensor sorting system. Positive sorting of clear PET bottles takes place: PET plastic bottles and clear bottles are removed and sent to the next sorting stage. Unwanted plastic bottles are actively suppressed and were then sent to the return sorting stage with all other materials.

The advantage of this sorting process is that the target fraction is positively identified and collected. All other materials, such as stones, etc., are removed and no longer interfere with further processing.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres


High-purity rPET for new bottles

APLA ’23: Brazil’s PE supply concerns rise as demand ticks higher

Brazil’s concerns about short supply of polyethylene (PE) in the fourth quarter continue mounting as imports could fall while demand is expected to rise slightly heading into this year’s annual meeting of the Latin America Petrochemical Association (APLA).

  • Weather conditions could affect imports into Brazil
  • Planned maintenance shutdowns to affect domestic supply
  • Imports into Argentina heavily curtailed

Until August, PE supply was not a concern for the Brazilian chemicals market, but a drought in Brazil’s northern states has changed the scenario.

The inland Port of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, is one of the main gateways for PE into Brazil; the region has large converters and is a free trade zone, making imports more competitive.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

However, the region has been struggling with a severe drought, causing the Port of Manaus – where the rivers Negro and Amazonas meet – to record its lowest water level in 121 years.

The Port recorded a water level of 13.59 metres in mid-October, the lowest level since records began in 1902 and well below the previous record lows of 2010.

Many shipping companies have ceased their services to the Amazonas state capital because, in some critical passage points, the water has reached a level that makes it impossible to continue maritime operations.

Many cargoes on board vessels bound for Manaus will have to be unloaded in other ports like Pecem and Vila do Conde, but it remains unclear when these cargoes will be re-embarked to Manaus.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

According to one distributor, this situation has caused many converters to transfer their production to plants located in other regions, thus generating an “artificial” demand for PE due to the impossibility of receiving imports in Manaus and shipping finished products from there to other regions.

Another source said this situation should only improve in Q1 2024, causing a large volume of backlogged cargo to land in Manaus next year, while a local converter said it expects the situation to improve in November.


APLA ’23: Brazil’s PE supply concerns rise as demand ticks higher

Berlin Packaging and APR partner to assess recyclability of PET bottles

The initiative will allow participating companies to receive the APR’s Design Recognition verification. Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Berlin Packaging has collaborated with US-based non-profit organisation the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) to introduce a sample bottle programme.

The programme aims to assist in the designing and testing of recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic packaging.

Berlin Packaging, a hybrid packaging solutions provider, is a member of the APR.

As part of this effort, Berlin Packaging is required to send small quantities of PET bottles to undergo recyclability test protocols at third-party testing laboratories to secure the APR’s Design for Recyclability Recognition.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

This guide is designed to help companies ensure that the design of their packaging is fully recyclable and can easily be converted into high-quality, post-consumer recycled content.


Berlin Packaging and APR partner to assess recyclability of PET bottles

Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Mechanically recycled plastic – Multiple mixed plastic polymers depolymerized by single catalyst in new scientific development 04-11-2023

Petrochemicals BGPET – Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy 06-11-2023

Petrochemicals BGPET

Petrochemicals BGPET

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals BGPET

Petrochemicals BGPET

ITEM 30/10/2023 06/11/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 6,900 yuan/ton 6,900 yuan/ton
Bottle grade PET chips export market 885 $/ton 880 $/ton -5
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,790 yuan/ton 6,780 yuan/ton -10
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 6,830 yuan/ton 6,830 yuan/ton
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 5,900 yuan/ton 5,890 yuan/ton -10
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 730 $/ton 740 $/ton +10
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,070 yuan/ton 4,080 yuan/ton +10
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 468 $/ton 470 $/ton +2
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals BGPET

1,014 $/ton 1,031 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 991 $/ton 1,008 $/ton +17
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,150 $/ton 1,150 $/ton
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,400  yuan/ton 7,280 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 8,700 yuan/ton 8,650 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals BGPET

8,750 yuan/ton 8,700 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,050 yuan/ton 7,950 yuan/ton -100
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,500 yuan/ton 7,450 yuan/ton -50
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,750 yuan/ton 12,825 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,830 $/ton 1,830 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,750 yuan/ton 13,800 yuan/ton +50
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals BGPET

13,900 yuan/ton 14,050 yuan/ton +150
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,700 yuan/ton 20,000 yuan/ton +300
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,100 yuan/ton 16,150 yuan/ton +50
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,250 yuan/ton 18,300 yuan/ton- +50
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,250 yuan/ton 17,200 yuan/ton -50
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,000 yuan/ton 32,000 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,300 yuan/ton 9,150 yuan/ton -150
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals BGPET

8,340 yuan/ton 7,940 yuan/ton -400
Benzene overseas  market 911 $/ton 905 $/ton -6
Ethylene South East market 970 $/ton 945 $/ton -25
Ethylene NWE market 679 $/ton 717 $/ton +38
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals BGPET

9,500 yuan/ton 9,700 yuan/ton +200
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,350 yuan/ton 13,200 yuan/ton -150
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals BGPET

7,350 yuan/ton 7,350 yuan/ton
Naphtha overseas market  658 $/ton 658 $/ton
Phenol domestic market 8,425 yuan/ton 7,812 yuan/ton -613

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,900 yuan/ton   –


Petrochemicals BGPET

Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy

  • The ongoing Israel-Hamas war could affect European economies via lower regional trade, tighter financial conditions, higher energy prices and lower consumer confidence, Goldman Sachs said.
  • Concerns are growing among economists that the conflict could spill over and engulf the Middle East, with Israel and Lebanon exchanging missiles, as Israel continues to bombard Gaza.

The Israel-Hamas war could have a significant impact on economic growth and inflation in the euro zone unless energy price pressures remain contained, according to Goldman Sachs.

The ongoing hostilities could affect European economies via lower regional trade, tighter financial conditions, higher energy prices and lower consumer confidence, Europe Economics Analyst Katya Vashkinskaya highlighted in a research note Wednesday.

Concerns are growing among economists that the conflict could spill over and engulf the Middle East, with Israel and Lebanon exchanging missiles as Israel continues to bombard Gaza, resulting in massive civilian casualties and a deepening humanitarian crisis.

Although the tensions could affect European economic activity via lower trade with the Middle East, Vashkinskaya highlighted that the continent’s exposure is limited, given that the euro area exports around 0.4% of the GDP to Israel and its neighbors, while the British trade exposure is less than 0.2% of the GDP.

She noted that tighter financial conditions could weigh on growth and exacerbate the existing drag on economic activity from higher interest rates in both the euro area and the U.K. However, Goldman does not see a clear pattern between financial conditions and previous episodes of tension in the Middle East

The most important and potentially impactful way in which tensions could spill over into the European economy is through oil and gas markets, Vashkinskaya sai“Since the current conflict broke out, commodities markets have seen increased volatility, with Brent crude oil and European natural gas prices up by around 9% and 34% at the peak respectively,” she said.

Goldman’s commodities team assessed a set of downside scenarios in which oil prices could rise by between 5% and 20% above the baseline, depending on the severity of the oil supply shock.

“A persistent 10% oil price increase usually reduces Euro area real GDP by about 0.2% after one year and boosts consumer prices by almost 0.3pp over this time, with similar effects observed in the U.K.,” Vashkinskaya said.


Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy

Petrochemicals r-Polyester – Artificial Intelligence and the Call for Safety: A Global Initiative 30-10-2023

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

ITEM 23/10/2023 30/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 6,825 yuan/ton 6,900 yuan/ton +75
Bottle grade PET chips export market 875 $/ton 885 $/ton +10
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,775 yuan/ton 6,790 yuan/ton +15
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 6,810 yuan/ton 6,830 yuan/ton +20
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 5,710 yuan/ton 5,900 yuan/ton +190
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 730 $/ton 730 $/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 3,960 yuan/ton 4,070 yuan/ton +110
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 457 $/ton 468 $/ton +11
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

1,027 $/ton 1,014 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,004 $/ton 991 $/ton -13
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,150 $/ton 1,150 $/ton
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,600  yuan/ton 7,400 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 8,950 yuan/ton 8,700 yuan/ton -250
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

8,950 yuan/ton 8,750 yuan/ton -200
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,200 yuan/ton 8,050 yuan/ton -150
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,450 yuan/ton 7,500 yuan/ton +50
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,650 yuan/ton 12,750 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,900 $/ton 1,830 $/ton -70
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,750 yuan/ton 13,750 yuan/ton
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

14,100 yuan/ton 13,900 yuan/ton -200
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,100 yuan/ton 19,700 yuan/ton +600
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,200 yuan/ton 16,100 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,500 yuan/ton 18,250 yuan/ton- -250
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,250 yuan/ton 17,250 yuan/ton
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,000 yuan/ton -200
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,400 yuan/ton 9,300 yuan/ton -100
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

8,120 yuan/ton 8,340 yuan/ton +220
Benzene overseas  market 918 $/ton 911 $/ton -7
Ethylene South East market 950 $/ton 970 $/ton +20
Ethylene NWE market 786 $/ton 679 $/ton -7
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

9,700 yuan/ton 9,500 yuan/ton -200
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,400 yuan/ton 13,350 yuan/ton -50
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

7,220 yuan/ton 7,350 yuan/ton +130
Naphtha overseas market  687 $/ton 658 $/ton -29
Phenol domestic market 8,382 yuan/ton 8,425 yuan/ton +43

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –



Petrochemicals chip – Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep 23-10-2023

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

Artificial Intelligence and the Call for Safety: A Global Initiative

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has issued a stark warning about the potential risks and dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI), likening its potential consequences to that of a nuclear weapon. Sunak’s concerns were articulated on the eve of the first-ever global summit on AI, an event that he passionately supports. The summit, scheduled for November 1 and 2, is set to take place at Bletchley Park, a historic hub of technology where Alan Turing famously cracked the Enigma code during World War II. In his address to the public, Sunak outlined both the tremendous promise and the peril that AI presents, while also revealing the establishment of the world’s first institute dedicated to AI safety.

Sunak emphasized that artificial intelligence, when harnessed responsibly, has the potential to usher in a new era of knowledge, economic growth, human progress, and the resolution of previously insurmountable problems. However, he cautioned that AI also brings forth a new set of dangers and fears that need to be addressed proactively. A comprehensive government report, authored by a panel of 50 experts, highlights AI’s potential as an “existential threat” in the future. Sunak is urging the global community to address these concerns now to ensure the utmost peace of mind for citizens.

One of the central concerns is the potential misuse of AI technology, with threats including fraud, cyberattacks, and, by 2025, the possibility of enhancing the capabilities of terrorist groups in planning attacks and propagating extremist propaganda. Sunak stated that AI could even facilitate the development of chemical or biological weapons, with the dire possibility of terrorists exploiting AI for mass destruction. Criminals could utilize AI for a wide range of malicious activities, from cyberattacks to disinformation campaigns and child exploitation. In the most extreme scenario, there is the risk of losing control over superintelligent AI, raising concerns about humanity’s very existence.

To address these concerns, the United Kingdom will be the birthplace of the world’s first center for AI safety. This institute will specialize in the analysis, evaluation, and testing of new AI models, contributing valuable insights to the global AI safety discourse. The primary objective of the center is to advance humanity’s understanding of AI safety and assess potential risks, including social damage such as bias and misinformation. Sunak’s ambition is to position the UK as a global leader in AI regulation, recognizing the immense potential benefits, particularly in fields like medicine and science, while acknowledging the paramount importance of safety and security.

The upcoming Global AI Summit at Bletchley Park aims to be a platform for collaboration, involving institutions, international partners, AI experts, tech companies, and civil society. With approximately 100 attendees, the event will feature notable figures like Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. The summit also anticipates Chinese participation, highlighting the necessity of engaging with Beijing in shaping a cohesive strategy for AI, despite challenges. The British government has set forth five key objectives for the summit, including promoting a shared understanding of AI risks, fostering international collaboration, recommending organizational safety measures, exploring AI security research, and demonstrating the potential for beneficial global AI development.

The United Nations is also stepping up its efforts by creating a Committee for Artificial Intelligence, which consists of around 40 experts from diverse backgrounds. This committee, led by Amandeep Singh Gill, UN envoy for technology, and including notable members like Father Paolo Benanti from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Italy, is tasked with formulating common rules for AI. Their mission encompasses evaluating the benefits and risks of AI and its contributions to sustainable development and international cooperation.

As the world grapples with the profound implications of artificial intelligence, these initiatives demonstrate a collective commitment to addressing the challenges and risks while harnessing the potential of AI for the betterment of humanity. The coming years will reveal whether these global efforts can effectively regulate and safeguard the development and deployment of AI technology, ensuring it remains a force for good in the world.

Artificial Intelligence and the Call for Safety: A Global Initiative

Unrecyclable plastics – The Complex Reality of Plastic Recycling: Beyond the Hype 24-10-2023

Unrecyclable plastics

Beijing’s economy is in bad shape

Proof? Xi Jinping today visited the Central Bank of China.

It is the first time this has happened since he came to power 10 years ago – the aim is “to underline the government’s growing attention to supporting the economy”.

Translated: countermeasures are needed to avoid collapseChinese President Xi Jinping today made his first known visit to the Central Bank (PBOC) since coming to power 10 years ago, aiming to underline the government’s growing focus on supporting the economy and financial markets amid stagnant growth and turbulences of various types.
Bloomberg reports this, citing well-informed sources, according to which Xi, together with Vice Prime Minister He Lifeng and other government officials, went to the headquarters of the PBOC and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (Safe) in the afternoon.

He, according to the same sources, also visited the nation’s sovereign wealth fund.

Unrecyclable plastics

Beijing's economy is in bad shape

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Mura Technology opens advanced recycling facility for ‘unrecyclable’ plastics

Mura Technology is opening its first commercial-scale HydroPRS advanced plastic recycling plant in Teesside, UK, processing ‘unrecyclable’ flexible and rigid mixed plastics into recycled hydrocarbon feedstocks for repeated plastic production.

Located at the Wilton International industrial site, the site reportedly has the capacity to produce 20ktpa of recycled liquid hydrocarbon products and expand its production capacity by over three times its initial size in the future. It is said to have created 150 jobs during its build and commissioning phases and now expects to offer up to 50 direct jobs and a further 100 surrounding related infrastructure to support operations.

The company anticipates that its offtake partners will receive their first delivery of recycled hydrocarbon products from the Teesside facility early next year. Unrecyclable plastics

HydroPRS is a process designed to complement mechanical recycling and produce recycled plastic feedstock to manufacture new plastics, in turn facilitating a circular economy. It makes use of supercritical water, or water under high pressure and temperature, and converts films, pots, tubs, trays, and other post-consumer, multi-layered plastics into stable hydrocarbon feedstocks.

Independent Life Cycle Assessments have been carried out at Teesside and suggest that the process saves 80% of carbon emissions by diverting these ‘unrecyclable’ plastics away from incineration. Apparently, materials can undergo unlimited cycles of the HydroPRS recycling process, which would cut down on single-use plastics and drive circularity within the plastics industry.  Unrecyclable plastics

For every tonne of plastic waste produced, HydroPRS is also said to save up to five barrels of oil and create products with an equivalent or lower Global Warming Potential.

Local mayor Ben Houchen will deliver a speech at the opening of the facility. Also set to attend are Marco ten Bruggencate, commercial VP for EMEA at Dow and President of Plastics Europe; Benny Mermans, vice president of Sustainability at Chevron Phillips Chemical (CPChem); Jinsuk Kim, managing director of LG Chem Europe; Doug Kelly, vice president of Technology at KBR, Mura’s License and Engineering Partner; and Dr Paul Davidson, Director of UK Research & Industry’s Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge delivered by Innovate UK.  Unrecyclable plastics

Dr Steve Mahon, CEO of Mura Technology, said: “The opening of our first-of-its-kind, next generation recycling facility is a groundbreaking achievement and the culmination of four years of dedication.

“Our HydroPRS process is unlocking a new market for plastic waste, creating value and keeping both plastic and carbon in circularity. The technology works alongside existing mechanical recycling to ensure no plastic types are considered ‘unrecyclable’ and require incineration or landfilling.

“With support from our partners, the Teesside site will be the first in Mura’s global roll-out, helping in the fight against the plastic pollution and global warming crises and acting as a launchpad for the 1,000,000 tonnes of annual recycling capacity that Mura plans to have in operation and development in this decade.”  Unrecyclable plastics

Partnerships with blue-chip companies like KBR, CPChem, LG Chem, and igus GmbH are helping Mura pursue global scaling for the HydroPRS process. Its collaboration with Dow has resulted in plans to construct a HydroPRS advanced recycling facility in Böhlen, Germany, scheduled to begin operations in 2025.

In similar news, Swedish Plastic Recycling’s Site Zero plant site, which aims to recycle all kinds of plastic packaging without emitting CO2, has scheduled its own grand opening on 15th November 2023. The company expects its opening to commence a ‘new era’ for the recycling of plastics.  Unrecyclable plastics


Unrecyclable plastics

Joint Swiss-German survey finds inflation expected to drop worldwide


  • Though inflation expectations worldwide remain above central banks’ target, a further fall in the expected inflation rate for the rest of this year compared with previous quarters is evident, a Swiss-German survey found.
  • The overall average expected inflation rate this year is 6.2 per cent.
  • High inflation rates worldwide are expected in the coming years.

Though inflation expectations worldwide remain well above central banks’ target, a further decline in the expected inflation rate for the rest of this year compared with previous quarters is evident, according to the Economic Experts Survey (EES) of the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich (ifo Institute) and the Institute for Swiss Economic Policy.  Unrecyclable plastics

The overall average expected inflation rate this year is 6.2 per cent. This is the median of average expected inflation rates at the country level, ifo Institute said on its website.

Though inflation expectations worldwide remain above central banks’ target, a further fall in the expected inflation rate for the rest of this year compared with previous quarters is evident, a Swiss-German survey found. The overall average expected inflation rate this year is 6.2 per cent. High inflation rates worldwide are expected in the coming years.

The median is used because expected inflation rates vary widely by region, with some dramatically higher in individual countries and regions such as Africa than in the rest of the world.  Unrecyclable plastics

The average rate of 6.2 per cent expected in the current quarter is significantly lower than the expected rate of 7 per cent in the second quarter this year.

Short-term inflation expectations are therefore falling, but remain at a high level worldwide. Experts also expect high inflation rates worldwide in the coming years.

In the long term up to 2026, inflation expectations will also remain high at 4.5 per cent. However, long-term inflation expectations have decreased compared with the results of the previous quarter (4.9 per cent).

Inflation expectations vary widely among the world’s regions. For 2023, experts expect the lowest inflation rates in North America (4.1 per cent).  Unrecyclable plastics


Unrecyclable plastics

Mexico’s Alpek suspends construction at the PTA and PET plant in Texas due to inflationary cost pressure

Mexico-based Alpek, one of the largest petrochemical companies in the Americas, has decided to temporarily suspend construction at its Corpus Christi Polymers (CCP) project in Texas due to rising costs. The decision comes shortly after the announcement of the closure of a filament plant in Mexico due to profitability challenges. Alpex has already obtained consent from its partners for this project for the temporary suspension of construction at the CCP project.  Unrecyclable plastics

The CCP project offers the most efficient and innovative production of polymers such as purified terephthalic acid (PTA), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PTA accounts for the majority of the total annual capacity of the project, followed by PET. The project uses innovative processes and products for technical advantages compared to the competing packaging materials in its versatility. The CCP was originally scheduled to commence commercial production in 2025.

Reports said that the construction and labour costs have surpassed the initial expectations due to a sustained period of high inflation. Hence, CCP and its partners decided to pause the project temporarily. The promoter, partners, and financiers are expected to meet in the near future to decide the re-commencement of the construction work and commercial production. Sources said that the project will be adequately preserved to restart construction in the near future.  Unrecyclable plastics

Unrecyclable plastics

The Complex Reality of Plastic Recycling: Beyond the Hype

Plastic recycling has become a buzzword in the global efforts to combat climate change and environmental degradation. Recycling plastics is seen as a sustainable solution that can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and minimize the environmental footprint of plastic production. However, the reality of plastic recycling is far more complex than it may seem. In this article, we will delve into the multifaceted aspects of plastic recycling, including the challenges faced by small businesses, the complexities of recycled raw materials, and the need for a more nuanced understanding of environmental benefits.
The Cost Challenge
One of the most significant issues in the plastic recycling industry is the cost of recycled raw materials. In many cases, recycled plastics are more expensive than their counterparts derived from fossil fuels. This cost disparity poses a challenge for businesses looking to adopt sustainable practices. Consequently, some brands incorporate negligible quantities of recycled materials to maintain an image of sustainability while keeping their costs low.  Unrecyclable plastics
It’s important to understand that the cost of recycling involves various factors, including collection, sorting, cleaning, and reprocessing. These additional steps in the recycling process contribute to the higher costs. Small businesses, in particular, often struggle to absorb these extra expenses, leading to a situation where only large corporations with substantial resources can invest in sustainable practices.
Exceptions in the Automobile and Other Sectors
While the use of recycled plastics is cost-prohibitive for many industries, some exceptions exist. The automobile industry, for instance, has made significant strides in incorporating recycled materials into their products. This is largely attributed to the innovative practices of large automotive manufacturers. However, these exceptions are not widespread and are primarily driven by the significant financial resources available to large corporations.
For small businesses that produce high-quality products, the financial barriers can be insurmountable. Many of them find themselves caught between wanting to make sustainable choices and struggling to compete with larger competitors who can absorb the additional costs of using recycled materials.  Unrecyclable plastics
The Market for Low-Performance Recycled Raw Materials
There is indeed a market for recycled raw materials with lower performance attributes, but profitability is often elusive. These materials may find applications in less demanding industries or in products where performance is not a critical factor. However, the market for this materials have a fierce competition .
To make recycled raw materials more attractive, it is essential to develop innovative ways to enhance their performance and durability. Only then can they compete more effectively with their virgin material counterparts and gain a broader foothold in various industries.
The Nuances of Environmental Benefits
When discussing the environmental benefits of using recycled materials, it’s important to consider the full picture. While it is true that recycling plastics can significantly reduce carbon emissions, these reductions can sometimes be exaggerated. This is often due to the omission of certain secondary factors or the failure to account for differences in recycled and virgin materials.  Unrecyclable plastics
For instance, the carbon emissions associated with the transportation of recycled materials, additional energy requirements in the recycling process, and the carbon footprint of collecting and transporting plastic waste are factors that can affect the overall environmental impact. While recycling remains an environmentally beneficial practice, a more nuanced and comprehensive assessment is needed to provide an accurate representation of its advantages.
Plastic recycling is a crucial component of our collective efforts to mitigate the environmental impact of plastic production. However, it is essential to acknowledge the multifaceted challenges that exist within the industry. The cost disparity between recycled and virgin materials, the exceptions in industries like automotive and the nuanced assessment of environmental benefits all underscore the complexity of plastic recycling.
Small businesses that aim to embrace sustainability may find themselves at a disadvantage, given the financial barriers associated with adopting recycled materials. This highlights the need for more accessible and cost-effective recycling solutions for all businesses.  Unrecyclable plastics
Furthermore, a transparent and comprehensive evaluation of the environmental benefits of recycling is vital to ensure that the advantages are accurately represented. By addressing these challenges and promoting innovation in the recycling industry, we can move closer to a more sustainable and eco.
The Complex Reality of Plastic Recycling: Beyond the Hype

InnoVent Renewables Launches a Solution to Global Waste Tire Challenge

Exclusive technology converts tires into valuable fuels & chemicals

InnoVent Renewables announces its formation with a corporate mission to drive renewable energy forward by mitigating the global environmental challenge of waste tires. InnoVent Renewables launched as a U.S.-based technology and operations company with a proprietary continuous pyrolysis technology that converts waste tires, plastics, and biomass into valuable fuels and chemicals.  Unrecyclable plastics

Each year more than 1 billion tires are disposed of globally, and North America alone disposes of 100+ million tires annually.  Decomposition of tires is slower than other waste resulting in a serious health hazard (mosquitos, pests, water borne diseases, and chemical leaching into soil); and burning tires in pits or cement kilns is far more hazardous as it emits toxic emissions in the air. The exclusive pyrolysis technology is unique in that it’s continuous, which is a much higher efficiency compared to batch processing. It utilizes the gas to preheat the tires, thereby making it a Net Zero energy process. During the process valuable chemicals are recovered from the products, producing high quality fuels.

“We are thrilled to formally launch InnoVent Renewables and plan to ramp-up operations into early 2024,” noted InnoVent Renewables CEO Vibhu Sharma. “Our investors, strategic advisors, and management team are all fully committed to our success as we address the global challenge of waste tires.  Unrecyclable plastics

We firmly believe our proven process, deployed at scale globally, will have a huge positive impact on our climate and fill a clear environment need.”

With a solution to this environmental challenge, InnoVent has assembled a team of world class executives each with more than 25 years of energy and chemical industry experience to drive early-stage growth. With current operations in Houston (USA), Pune (India), and Monterrey (Mexico), the company has aggressive growth plans across North America and Latin America, with future expansion opportunities in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-PacificUnrecyclable plastics


InnoVent Renewables Launches a Solution to Global Waste Tire Challenge

Flexible packaging materials get cheaper, but still above 2020 levels

A new report from Flexible Packaging Europe reveals that the prices of flexible packaging materials have fallen more in the third quarter of 2023, but they are still higher than before the crisis.

The report, based on a survey by the European association, shows that the prices have been dropping since the start of the year, after reaching a record high last year.

However, they have not yet returned to the levels of the fourth quarter of 2020, which is the baseline for comparison.  Unrecyclable plastics

The report says that most prices went down by 10% to 20% in the third quarter, compared to the second quarter.

For example, HDPE and LDPE prices went down by 10% and 14%, and ended the quarter with a price index of 125 and 131, respectively.

The index was 100 in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Some prices decreased less than others.

The price of sixty gram single-coated glossy paper went down by 7% and reached 140, while the price of 15 micron BOPA film went down by 8% and reached 124.

The price of 20 micron BOPP film went down by 11% and reached 113, which is close to the original price.   Unrecyclable plastics

The price of 12 micron PET film only went down by 4% and reached 136. David Buckby, a senior analyst at Wood Mackenzie, thinks that the prices are falling because of low orders, low demand from some European customers, and low stocks.

He also says that some markets have too much production capacity, which was increased a lot in the past years. Buckby says that some prices may keep falling in the fourth quarter, but some products may become more stable.

Guido Aufdenkamp (in the photo), the executive director of FPE, says that the future is unclear: “Many customers do not want to buy packaged foods and there are too many stocks in the supply chain.  Unrecyclable plastics

This makes the demand for flexible packaging low in the short term”. He also says that inflation is going down, but not as fast as some people expected.

He reminds that even though these big drops in prices are good for reducing inflation, the prices of flexible materials are still much higher than before Covid and they change a lot. He says that this makes their customers and suppliers very careful, but they hope that demand will increase in 2024.

Flexible packaging materials get cheaper, but still above 2020 levels

What happens to waste tire after pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis is a thermochemical process that involves the decomposition of organic materials, such as waste tire, in the absence of oxygen and at high temperatures. During this process, the tire waste is heated in a controlled environment, leading to the breakdown of its chemical structure.
Stages of Pyrolysis:
Pyrolysis of waste tire can be divided into three main stages:
1. Preheating:
The waste tire is initially heated gradually to a specific temperature range, typically between 300 to 400 degrees Celsius.

This preheating stage helps to evaporate any moisture present in the waste tire and prepare it for further decomposition.  Unrecyclable plastics
2. Pyrolysis or Decomposition:
Once the waste tire reaches the desired temperature, pyrolysis occurs. At this stage, the long chains of polymers in the waste tire break down into smaller molecules, including oil-gases and solids.
3. Condensation and Collection:
After the pyrolysis process, the oil-gas products are usually cooled rapidly by the cooling system(DOING waste tire pyrolysis system has a multi cooling system with high oil yield), causing them to condense into liquid oil and gas. The solid can be discharged from the pyrolysis reactor. These products are then collected and subjected to sell or further process.
– Gaseous Products: Various hydrocarbon and volatile gases, such as methane, ethane, propane, and butane, are released as byproducts of pyrolysis. These gases can be used as sources of energy or further processed for pyrolysis reactor heating or other applications.
– Liquid Products: The decomposition of waste tire results in the formation of a liquid product known as pyrolysis oil or pyrolysis liquid. This oil is rich in hydrocarbons and can be used for industrial plants heating. Or it can be refined by the pyrolysis oil distillation machines to diesel and for agricultural machinery.


What happens to waste tire after pyrolysis?

Packaging films – Oil drops after Hamas releases US hostages : will it continue to go down? 23-10-2023

Unrecyclable plastics

Petrochemicals chip – Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep 23-10-2023

Petrochemicals chip

Petrochemicals chip

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals chip

Petrochemicals chip

ITEM 16/10/2023 23/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,000 yuan/ton 6,825 yuan/ton -175
Bottle grade PET chips export market 885 $/ton 875 $/ton -10
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,860 yuan/ton 6,775 yuan/ton -85
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 6,900 yuan/ton 6,810 yuan/ton -90
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 5,860 yuan/ton 5,710 yuan/ton -150
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 730 $/ton 730 $/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,025 yuan/ton 3,960 yuan/ton -65
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 467 $/ton 457 $/ton -10
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals chip

1,033 $/ton 1,027 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,010 $/ton 1,004 $/ton -6
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,185 $/ton 1,150 $/ton -35
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,675  yuan/ton 7,600 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,000 yuan/ton 8,950 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals chip

8,950 yuan/ton 8,950 yuan/ton
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,300 yuan/ton 8,200 yuan/ton -100
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,450 yuan/ton -100
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,600 yuan/ton 12,650 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,900 $/ton 1,900 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,500 yuan/ton 13,750 yuan/ton +250
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals chip

14,050 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton +50
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,100 yuan/ton 19,100 yuan/ton -300
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,150 yuan/ton 16,200 yuan/ton +50
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,500 yuan/ton 18,500 yuan/ton-
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,250 yuan/ton 17,250 yuan/ton
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals chip

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,500 yuan/ton 9,400 yuan/ton -100
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals chip

7,930 yuan/ton 8,120 yuan/ton +190
Benzene overseas  market 920 $/ton 918 $/ton -2
Ethylene South East market 920 $/ton 950 $/ton +30
Ethylene NWE market 729 $/ton 686 $/ton -43
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals chip

9,700 yuan/ton 9,700 yuan/ton
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,450 yuan/ton 13,400 yuan/ton -50
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals chip

7,400 yuan/ton 7,220 yuan/ton -180
Naphtha overseas market  657 $/ton 687 $/ton +30
Phenol domestic market 8,575 yuan/ton 8,382 yuan/ton -193

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –


Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep

GAGİAD President Koçer Spoke at the Sustainable Future in Textile Panel: “The Future of Textile Is Through Branding”  Petrochemicals chip

Cihan Koçer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gaziantep Young Business People (GAGİAD), spoke at the opening of the panel titled “Sustainable Future in Textiles” held at Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Vocational Training Center. Emphasizing that Gaziantep is a strong textile and export city, Koçer said, “Our Gaziantep city continues its determined march in the 100th anniversary of the Republic, with its textile experience from centuries ago to today, and weaves its success stories, stitch by stitch.”

The present and future of the textile industry were discussed in the panel titled “Sustainable Future in Textile” organized by GAGİAD and Gaziantep Chamber of Industry. In the panel held at Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Vocational Training Center, many topics were discussed, from wearable technologies to sustainable fashion, from employee engagement and sustainable human resources practices to the transition process of the European Union Green Deal. The meeting, moderated by Istanbul Fashion Academy Trainings Coordinator Gülin Girişken, was attended by Fashion Designer Arzu Kaprol, who designs special clothes for Turkish scientists working in Antarctica, and LC Waikiki Corporate Academy, Professional Expertise Development Group Manager Dr. İbrahim Güneş, Orbit Consulting General Manager Didem Çakar and industry representatives attended.  Petrochemicals chip

“We must brand by focusing on sustainability”

Giving the opening speech of the panel, Cihan Koçer, Chairman of GAGİAD Board of Directors, stated that it is very meaningful and valuable to organize such a panel in Gaziantep, one of the most important production and export centers of Turkey, which is the 5th largest textile exporter in the world, and said:

“Our city of Gazi, which aims to continue its stable growth by focusing on production, employment, investment and export, continues its determined march in the 100th anniversary of the Republic with its textile experience from centuries ago and weaves its success stories, stitch by stitch. The fact that the textile industry ranks first with a 2022 percent share in the 10,5 billion dollar exports reached by our city in 36 is the clearest indicator of this progress and success. Petrochemicals chip

I think that both our country and our city have a strong competitive advantage in textile in terms of production capacity and quality, but we have difficulty competing with many countries, especially Asian countries, in terms of cost. “The thing that will get us out of this cycle and turn a development that can be seen as a threat into an opportunity is to center sustainability, branding, and taking our place in the future of the world with high technology and digitalization moves.”

Koçer continued his words by stating that the sustainable future of the textile industry and our country’s reaching the place it deserves in the world requires a paradigm shift.

“To exist and produce value in a world where new generation raw materials, innovative production solutions, carbon neutrality targets and circularity are at the center, now requires leaving familiar paradigms aside.  Petrochemicals chip

At the point we have reached, a view on sustainability should be a necessity rather than an obligation. We should work not for laws and sanctions, but to add value to the world in economic, social and environmental terms.

The textile industry, which was one of the first sectors to announce its sustainability action plan, should aim to first preserve and then increase its competitiveness by rapidly carrying out the implementation processes in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Agreement and European Green Deal on a global level, and the Green Deal Action Plan and Medium Term Program on a national level. At this point; “With the awareness of the responsibility of our chambers, unions and GAGİAD, we will continue to play an active role in the transition of our sectors to the new order,” he said.  Petrochemicals chip

“The transition to a circular economy will accelerate our adaptation to international standards.”

Ali Can Koçak, one of the hosts of the panel, Member of the Board of Directors of Gaziantep Chamber of Industry and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Vocational Training Center (GSO-MEM), emphasized the importance of sustainability in terms of international competition in his speech and said, “It is necessary to realize green and digital transformation for a sustainable future in textiles.” .


Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin – Has the electric car won the war against the hydrogen car? 16-09-2023

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

ITEM 09/10/2023 16/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,025 yuan/ton 7,000 yuan/ton -25
Bottle grade PET chips export market 890 $/ton 885 $/ton -5
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,980 yuan/ton 6,860 yuan/ton -120
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,010 yuan/ton 6,900 yuan/ton -110
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,005 yuan/ton 5,860 yuan/ton -145
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 760 $/ton 730 $/ton -30
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,025 yuan/ton 4,025 yuan/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 467 $/ton 467 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

1,050 $/ton 1,033 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,027 $/ton 1,010 $/ton -17
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,250 $/ton 1,185 $/ton -65
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,900  yuan/ton 7,675 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,150 yuan/ton 9,000 yuan/ton -150
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

9,100 yuan/ton 8,950 yuan/ton -150
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,500 yuan/ton 8,300 yuan/ton -200
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,620 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton -70
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,500 yuan/ton 12,600 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,900 $/ton 1,900 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,500 yuan/ton 13,500 yuan/ton -550
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

14,400 yuan/ton 14,050 yuan/ton -350
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,400 yuan/ton 19,100 yuan/ton -300
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,500 yuan/ton 16,150 yuan/ton -350
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,700 yuan/ton 18,500 yuan/ton- -200
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,500 yuan/ton 17,250 yuan/ton -250
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,800 yuan/ton 9,500 yuan/ton -300
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

7,940 yuan/ton 7,930 yuan/ton -10
Benzene overseas  market 908 $/ton 920 $/ton +12
Ethylene South East market 900 $/ton 920 $/ton +20
Ethylene NWE market 772 $/ton 729 $/ton -43
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

10,000 yuan/ton 9,700 yuan/ton -100
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,400 yuan/ton 13,450 yuan/ton +50
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

7,450 yuan/ton 7,400 yuan/ton -50
Naphtha overseas market  648 $/ton 657 $/ton +9
Phenol domestic market 9,112 yuan/ton 8,575 yuan/ton -537

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –


Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Has the electric car won the war against the hydrogen car?

The debate between electric and hydrogen cars has been ongoing for years. While both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, it seems that electric cars have emerged as the clear winner.

According to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not likely to catch up to battery-electric vehicles, even for commercial trucks 1The study confirms what common sense has made clear for years: hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not as efficient as battery-electric vehicles 2The organization forecasts that battery-electric vehicles will improve to 81% overall efficiency by 2050, whereas hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles will improve to 42% 2. Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Another advantage of electric cars is that they can depend on an existing power generation and distribution system – the electrical grid. An electric vehicle can be recharged wherever there is access to a plug socket 3On the other hand, hydrogen cars require a separate infrastructure for producing and transporting hydrogen 4.

Despite the fact that hydrogen fuel cell cars emerged as an alternative to both the electric and combustion engine vehicle in the early 2000s, they have now all but disappeared 3Toyota and Hyundai, the only vehicle manufacturers to produce hydrogen cars for the UK market, sold just 12 hydrogen cars in the country in 2021 3. Meanwhile, electric vehicles have surged in popularity. In 2010, 138 electric vehicles were sold in the UK. This grew to roughly 190,000 annual sales in 2021 3.

In conclusion, it seems that electric cars have won the war against hydrogen cars. While both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, electric cars are more efficient and practical than hydrogen cars. They can depend on an existing power generation and distribution system – the electrical grid – and do not require a separate infrastructure for producing and transporting fuel. Therefore, it is safe to say that electric cars are here to stay. Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Has the electric car won the war against the hydrogen car?

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle – DFRL, Mysuru develops biodegradable water bottles 02-09-2023

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks : PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

ITEM 25/09/2023 02/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,200 yuan/ton 7,200 yuan/ton
Bottle grade PET chips export market 905 $/ton 900 $/ton -5
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 7,150 yuan/ton 7,100 yuan/ton -50
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,240 yuan/ton 7,170 yuan/ton -70
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,215 yuan/ton 6,240 yuan/ton +25
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 810 $/ton 790 $/ton -20
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,130 yuan/ton 4,050 yuan/ton -80
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 480 $/ton 470 $/ton -10
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

1,133 $/ton 1,117 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,110 $/ton 1,094 $/ton -16
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,250 $/ton 1,250 $/ton
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 8,100 yuan/ton 8,050 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,450 yuan/ton 9,350 yuan/ton -100
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

9,300 yuan/ton 9,200 yuan/ton -100
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,700 yuan/ton 8,650 yuan/ton -50
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,770 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton +30
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 13,375 yuan/ton 13,000 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,830 $/ton 1,830 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 14,450 yuan/ton 14,050 yuan/ton -400
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

15,100 yuan/ton 14,900 yuan/ton -200
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,500 yuan/ton 19,500 yuan/ton
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 17,200 yuan/ton 17,000 yuan/ton -200
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 19,400 yuan/ton 19,150 yuan/ton- -250
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  18,150 yuan/ton 18,100 yuan/ton -50
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,900 yuan/ton 9,900 yuan/ton
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

8,075 yuan/ton 8,240 yuan/ton +165
Benzene overseas  market 980 $/ton 975 $/ton -5
Ethylene South East market 870 $/ton 870 $/ton
Ethylene NWE market 783 $/ton 785 $/ton +2
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

9,700 yuan/ton 10,000 yuan/ton +300
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,100 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,400 yuan/ton 13,400 yuan/ton
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

7,550 yuan/ton 7,600 yuan/ton +50
Naphtha overseas market  719 $/ton 711 $/ton -8
Phenol domestic market 9,407 yuan/ton 9,477 yuan/ton +70

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –


Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

DFRL, Mysuru develops biodegradable water bottles

Mysuru: The Mysuru-based Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), a DRDO lab, has developed a biodegradable water bottle, in an effort to reduce the overall carbon footprint in the environment.

These bottles, developed in a limited quantity, were launched by Union Minister of State for Defence and Tourism Ajay Bhat, here on Friday during the two-day national seminar at SDM College.

According to the release issued by DFRL-DRDO, these bio-degradable are compostable as per the ISO 17088-2021 and IS 17899 T: 2022 standards. These bottles are absolutely safe for food and beverage contact applications and what more, even the bottle cap and label are also compostable.

These bottles look like those other bottles as they too are transparent. Besides, these are durable and strong as any other plastic bottle.

With an aim to check plastic pollution that has become a menace due to indiscriminate littering and also insufficient recycling, these bottles have been developed in collaboration with M/s Konkan Specialty Polyproducts Ltd, Mangaluru. The technology that has been used to develop these bottles is the poly lactic acid manufactured using injection blow moulding technique.

These bottles are yet to be developed for commercial use as the availability of raw materials is scarce, it is said.


DFRL, Mysuru develops biodegradable water bottles

Sidel unveils StarLITE®R – a new, ultra-efficient 100% rPET bottle for carbonated soft drinks

To help carbonated soft drink (CSD) packaging producers embrace material circularity, Sidel has launched StarLITE®R – a 100% rPET bottle. Sidel’s signature StarLITE® family is evolving to address the challenges associated with working with recycled content.StarLITE®R allows CSD producers to switch to rPET bottle production with ease and efficiency, while significantly reducing the impact on product quality or packaging integrity.

Embracing 100% rPET

With over 45 years of experience in the blowing and PET packaging sector, Sidel has developed a deep understanding of recycled PET resin characteristics and its impact on bottle production. Laurent Naveau, Packaging Innovator Leader at Sidel, comments on the challenge rPET resin can present the packaging industry:

“The characteristics of rPET are impacted by several factors. Firstly, by seasonality. Consumption habits fluctuate over the course of the year impacting the product category mix. And secondly, by different PET collection models which means that post-consumer PET material bales will vary from region-to-region and even country-to-country. The recycling process and equipment used will also influence PET resin. All these factors can pose new challenges for manufacturers looking to produce bottles with rPET content.”

In addition to common CSD bottle manufacturing challenges such as stress cracking, roll out and bursting during blowing, a higher temperature is also required to process rPET. Consequently, packaging manufacturers can  experience reduced control over rPET material stretching and distribution of the substance in the bottle-making process.

Traditionally, greater variability in rPET resin leads to a narrower process window and lower bottle quality.

However, Sidel’s innovative base, StarLITE®R uses leading technologies to ensure efficient rPET bottle production by restoring a much wider process window. The StarLITE®R design is easier to blow as it can be done within a wider range of parameter settings on the blower achieving a much higher quality bottle.

High performance rPET bottle base

To achieve a high performing rPET bottle base, StarLITE®R features an optimised mould base profile and uses an advanced stretch rod end design.

The new mould base profile allows for perfect material distribution through advanced stretching and a high base clearance for optimum stability. The advanced stretch rod end design has improved the preform end-cap material stretching and ensures accurate injection gate centering on the bottle. Finally, the perfect combination of grooves and venting holes allows for high-precision base feet formation.

The new bottle solution also utilises dual external and internal bottle base cooling to ensure a perfect shape. Externally, the process uses a mould base cooling circuit that focuses on the warmer bottle base zones and internally a hollow-stretch rod requiring no additional air supply is used.


Bionaphtha Petrochemicals – Europe R-PE and R-PP demand remains weak, but prices may have bottomed out 28-09-2023

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Shinkong Achieves Milestone with US FDA Approval for R-PET

In a significant development, Thai Shinkong Industry Corporation (TSIC) has recently received the coveted approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the utilization of its recycled materials in food-contact packaging, a remarkable achievement for the company. This approval marks a pivotal moment for TSIC as it opens up doors to the lucrative US market, which currently stands as a major consumer of R-PET (Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate) pellets originating from Shinkong’s cutting-edge facility based in Taiwan.

TSIC, a strategic joint venture formed between the renowned Mitsubishi Corporation and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corporation of Taiwan, inaugurated its state-of-the-art R-PET facility in the thriving region of Rayong, Thailand, at the outset of September.

This state-of-the-art facility represents a significant step forward in TSIC’s mission to contribute to sustainability through recycling, aligning with global environmental objectives. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

The journey to securing the US FDA’s approval has been pivotal for TSIC, given the rigorous standards and regulations governing food-contact materials in the United States. This achievement underscores the company’s commitment to delivering safe and eco-friendly solutions for the packaging industry.

As TSIC celebrates this milestone, its focus is now on establishing partnerships and securing approvals from major brands, enabling the company to supply high-quality bottle-grade R-PET pellets to markets both locally and abroad. The FDA approval serves as a powerful testament to the quality and safety of TSIC’s R-PET materials, positioning them as a trusted choice for companies seeking sustainable packaging solutions.

It’s worth noting that TSIC’s journey towards sustainable practices began earlier in September when the company commenced operations at its newly established R-PET facility in Rayong, Thailand. This facility, a collaboration between Mitsubishi Corporation and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corp, represents a significant investment in chemically recycled R-PET pellets production in Southeast Asia. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

With sustainability at the core of its operations, TSIC’s R-PET facility in Rayong exemplifies the company’s commitment to reducing plastic waste and its environmental footprint. By utilizing cutting-edge recycling technologies, TSIC transforms post-consumer plastics into high-quality R-PET pellets, thus contributing to the circular economy and reducing the reliance on virgin plastic materials.

In conclusion, the US FDA’s approval for TSIC’s R-PET materials represents a major breakthrough for the company and marks a significant stride towards achieving global recognition for its commitment to sustainability. TSIC’s journey to becoming a trusted supplier of R-PET pellets for food-contact packaging highlights the company’s dedication to delivering innovative and eco-friendly solutions to the packaging industry while promoting a greener, more sustainable future. This achievement underscores the power of collaboration and innovation in addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

“Empowering Sustainability: Bionaphtha’s Role in Shaping a Greener Future

Bionaphtha, an invaluable byproduct of biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel production, is poised for significant growth in both European and Asian markets. This surge is being fueled by the increasing demand for bioplastics and the imposition of fuel blending mandates.

Much like biofuels, bionaphtha is sourced from renewable feedstocks rather than conventional crude oil. As the petrochemical industry strives to achieve long-term net-zero emissions targets, bio-derived polymers, featuring bionaphtha as a key feedstock, offer a promising pathway toward decarbonization across the entire value chain.

It’s important to note that bionaphtha isn’t manufactured as a standalone product at dedicated facilities, nor are there plans to construct such facilities. Instead, bionaphtha is a byproduct of second-generation hydrotreated vegetable oil biofuel plants.

These advanced technologies employ hydrogen to refine waste oil sources like used cooking oil or animal fats, primarily yielding biodiesel or sustainable aviation fuel as their main products. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

The global biorefinery capacity has experienced robust expansion in recent years and is projected to grow from approximately 19 million metric tons per year in 2023 to over 50 million metric tons per year by 2030. This output includes renewable diesel, jet fuels, bionaphtha, and bioLPG, based on confirmed projects, as reported by the Biofuels Research and Analytics team at S&P Global Commodity Insights.

Notably, bionaphtha currently finds applications in two major sectors: fuel blending and bioplastics production, with a particularly strong presence in European markets. While fuel blending commands a significant market share in Europe, industry experts anticipate that bioplastics demand will ultimately take the lead.

Bionaphtha can serve as a drop-in feedstock in naphtha crackers, facilitating the production of olefins and aromatics used in bioplastics manufacturing.

These bioplastics are often labeled as bio-attributed polymers, setting them apart from other bio-based polymers that rely on plant fibers, corn starch, or sugar as their feedstocks. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

A pivotal concept in sustainable supply chains is the “Chain of Custody,” which tracks and validates the origin, handling, and processes involved in producing sustainable products. The “mass balance” approach plays a key role in this concept, where renewable materials are blended with fossil materials within existing infrastructure to create chemicals with partial renewable content.

This strategy eliminates the need for extensive new infrastructure and reduces logistical complexities. Renewable content is meticulously tracked through bookkeeping and subject to third-party audits, such as those conducted by the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification, ensuring traceability throughout the supply chain.

In recent years, the global chemical industry has invested in both bioplastics and chemically recycled polymers through pyrolysis naphtha routes. These pathways offer solutions to complement mechanical recycling by converting hard-to-recycle plastic waste back into virgin-like feedstocks via pyrolysis. While the two approaches share similarities, they have distinct objectives. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Chemical recycling aims to close the loop in plastic production and recycling, while bioplastics primarily focus on reducing CO2 emissions.

Bioplastics often command a premium over conventional plastics in European markets, appealing to consumer-oriented applications driven by sustainability concerns. For instance, the European toy sector prefers bioplastics over recycled plastics due to legislative safety considerations for young children. In Asia, interest from brand owners, especially in South Korea and Japan, such as cosmetic brands, has contributed to growing demand in this sector. Recycled polypropylene

Despite potential challenges, the bionaphtha market has experienced growth, thanks to a combination of demand and supply factors. Although some petrochemical producers may face negative margins in 2023, major players continue to invest in the bio-chemicals sector. Moreover, advocacy efforts are underway to improve carbon accounting in the petrochemical industry and enhance recognition of the sustainability contributions made by bio-based plastics.

In conclusion, bionaphtha represents a vital component in the journey toward a more sustainable future, offering a versatile and environmentally friendly resource that aligns with the evolving needs of the global market.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Introducing Herma’s Innovative Wash-Off Label Adhesive

Herma has unveiled its latest breakthrough in label adhesive technology, known as 72Gpw. This cutting-edge adhesive boasts nearly double the initial adhesion strength compared to traditional wash-off adhesives, while maintaining exceptional final adhesion and outstanding washability. The company showcased this remarkable innovation at the LabelExpo event.

The Cyclos-HTP Institute has granted certification to the adhesive 72Gpw for compatibility with a wide range of film and paper label materials. Hendrik Kehl, Herma’s product manager, highlights the significance of this achievement, stating, “Label users now have a compelling reason to switch to a wash-off solution without compromising on adhesion or washability, especially in demanding scenarios like high-speed labeling systems or when dealing with humid or cool environments.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

This groundbreaking label adhesive not only ensures secure labeling but also contributes to recycling efforts by facilitating residue-free separation of PET material from label material, including adhesives and printing inks. This results in a cleaner granulate production process.

Anticipating Stricter Recycling Guidelines

In line with the objectives of the European Packaging Directive, which were outlined in late 2022, there is a growing emphasis on closing material loops and enhancing the recyclability of packaging. This is expected to lead to more stringent packaging design standards. While wash-off label solutions have existed for some time, including Herma’s offerings, their adoption in the market has been relatively slow.

The industry association Finat has also provided insight into this trend, stating in July 2023, “Despite the availability of these options in the market, the majority of labels currently in use are manufactured with permanent adhesives rather than specially developed wash-off adhesives.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

To learn more about Herma’s innovative label adhesive solutions, visit their website.

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Europe R-PE and R-PP demand remains weak, but prices may have bottomed out

Demand across Europe in recycled polyolefins is expected to remain low for the remainder of 2023 as bearish macroeconomics continue to drag on the sector.

While some players in the recycled polypropylene (R-PP) and recycled high density polyethylene (R-HDPE) sectors have seen a rebound in demand in September, linked primarily to some limited restocking following summer convertor outages, this is from a low base. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Underlying buying interest remains below that seen in September 2022, and there remain pellet producers in the R-PP sector that continue to operate at 50% of nameplate capacity – as they have done through the majority of 2023 due to narrow margins.

Although some costs, such as electricity, have fallen in 2023, they remain at elevated levels compared with historic norms, while flake and pellet prices have broadly fallen throughout 2023.

Coupled with this, most players’ inventory levels remain high throughout the chain, meaning any restocking effect is more limited than in previous years.

This is particularly true in Germany. For recycled low density polyethylene (R-LDPE) pellets, there have so far been no signs of a pick-up in demand in September compared with August. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

August is typically a low month for demand because many convertors shut operations for several weeks in July and August to do routine maintenance – a process that began earlier and lasted longer in 2023 due to narrow margins.

September typically sees a rebound in consumption as convertors restock following their outages.

Europe flexible post-commercial R-LDPE bale spot prices are meanwhile facing upward pressure in September, while flexible R-LDPE pellet spot prices are at parity with August monthly levels. Bionaphtha Petrochemicalsene

Rising flexible bale spot values were attributed to increasing export demand – particularly to Asia. Feedstock bale availability for natural transparent pellets is tight in northeast and Southeast Asia.

A decline in manufacturing activities across multiple sectors in Southeast and Northeast Asia – resulting from high inflation – has limited input waste entering the chain and tightened supply.

September monthly negotiations across recycled polyethylene (R-PE) and R-PP markets are ongoing. Monthly negotiations in both chains typically settle at the end of the month.


Europe R-PE and R-PP demand remains weak, but prices may have bottomed out

Oil headed for $150 without U.S. support for more drilling, shale executives say

Oil is headed as high as $150 a barrel unless the U.S. government does more to encourage exploration, according to Continental Resources Inc., the shale driller controlled by billionaire Harold Hamm. Recycled polypropylene

Crude output in the Permian basin will one day peak as it already has in rival shale fields such as the Bakken region of North Dakota and the Eagle Ford in Texas, Continental Chief Executive Officer Doug Lawler said during an interview with Bloomberg TV. Without new exploration, “you’re going to see $120 to $150” oil, he said.

“That’s going to send a shock through the system,” he said on the sidelines of Hamm’s first ever American Energy Security Summit in Oklahoma City. Without policies encouraging new drilling, “you’re going to see more pressure on price.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Sprinkled among pro-oil presentations from Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley and Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s David Solomon, shale executives issued calls for the Biden administration to adopt consistent policies that will allow them to drill more. Failure to do so, they warned, will lead to tighter energy supplies and higher prices.

But the CEOs were quick to note that they have no intention of markedly boosting crude output in response to oil’s march toward the $100 mark for the first time in more than a year.

After touching an all-time high in July, oil production in U.S. shale fields is contracting and government analysts are forecasting a third straight monthly decline in October.

“I hear people say, ‘We’re back up to record levels of production,’” Chevron Corp. Chief Executive Officer Mike Wirth told summit attendees. “With better policy we would be beyond that.”  Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Haley said she would seek to boost domestic energy production by expanding drilling, speeding up permitting and building interstate pipelines. She also vowed to roll back some energy subsidies and regulations and revive the Keystone XL project.

“Nikki Haley was a great example of someone who cares about us, who appreciates what we do,” said Occidental Petroleum Corp. CEO Vicki Hollub. “Our politicians can’t lose sight of the fact that unless we’re energy independent, we do not control our own destiny.”

Even if oil breaches the $100 mark, Continental has no plans for a burst of output, Lawler said. Benchmark U.S. crude futures have risen 12% this year to more than $90.


Oil headed for $150 without U.S. support for more drilling, shale executives say

Corbion launches AlgaPrime™ DHA P3, addressing the demand for sustainable active nutrition in the pet food industry

Corbion launches AlgaPrime™ DHA P3, addressing the demand for sustainable active nutrition in the pet food industry Recycled polypropylene

AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 offers pet food manufacturers higher levels of DHA while reducing dependency on scarce traditional omega-3 sources.

Corbion, the global market leader in algae-based feed ingredients, announced today the launch of its new AlgaPrime™ DHA P3, a high-performance omega-3 ingredient enabling pet food manufacturers to enhance the nutritional profile of their products and boost DHA levels reducing dependency on marine-based resources and positively impacting their carbon footprint.

Produced via microalgae precision fermentation, AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 helps meet increasing consumer demand for more sustainable pet food ingredients, as nearly 70% of pet owners worldwide express concern about nutrition, climate change and a desire to make a positive impact on the environment through their everyday actions.

The ingredient supports manufacturers in their efforts to overcome the most common challenges of omega-3 DHA inclusion, as it provides the highest level of DHA on the market in biomass powder form (35% DHA), enabling flexibility for nutritionists and developers in working with higher DHA inclusions for added nutritional value, while advancing the sustainability of pet diets. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

In addition, it is stabilized with a natural antioxidant system. AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 is suitable for dry, wet, and injection-mold applications, allowing efficient access to, and use of, long-chain omega-3s.

“The launch of AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 furthers Corbion’s mission to preserve what matters by offering sustainable ingredients for healthier people, pets, and the planet,” said Tim Rutten, Vice President at Corbion Algae Ingredients.

“We believe this breakthrough ingredient will play an important role in meeting the growing need for better nutrition and more sustainable solutions, while delivering value across the pet industry.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals


US recession likelihood spells trouble for emerging markets


  • The likelihood of a US recession within the next 12 months remains high, posing a significant risk to several emerging markets (EMs), particularly those in Latin America.
  • A strong US consumer base has supported Mexico, but demand is expected to soften due to high interest rates.
  • In Europe, Hungary and Poland are already seeing economic contractions.

The probability of a US recession within the next year remains elevated, which poses risks for several emerging markets (EMs), especially those in Latin America. US consumer strength has buoyed Mexico, but demand is likely to soften due to factors such as high interest rates. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

A weakening eurozone is also causing concerns. Hungary and Poland, in particular, saw their real gross domestic product (GDP) decline, marked by a contraction in exports and deteriorating manufacturing production, according to an S&P Global article titled ‘Emerging Markets Q4 2023: The Lagged Effects Of Monetary Policy Will Test Resilience’ by Valerijs Rezvijs and Vishrut Rana.

In Asia, China’s slowed growth—forecast at 4.8 per cent for 2023 and 4.4 per cent for 2024—will likely impact several economies, although the impact may be mitigated due to the slowdown focusing on domestic activity. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Inflation in most EMs is slowing but is expected to fluctuate in the coming months. Core inflation rates remain high in about half of the EMs, and further rate cuts are expected to be gradual, given the uncertain trajectory of global inflation.

Structurally high interest rates without corresponding growth will constrain investment. As of H1 2023, fixed investment as a share of GDP in the median EM has dropped by 1 percentage point compared to pre-pandemic levels.


US recession likelihood spells trouble for emerging markets

Bottles recycled – 2035 – Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions 27-09-2023

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Post-consumer PET bottles – 2035 – Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions 27-09-2023

Post-consumer PET bottles

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

100 billion bottles recycled by Indorama


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical company, today announces that it has recycled 100 billion post-consumer PET bottles since February 2011 1. This has diverted 2.1 million tons of waste from the environment and saved 2.9 million tons of carbon footprint from the product lifecycles. Demonstrating its commitment to support the establishment of a circular economy for PET, in the last ten years Indorama Ventures has spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection of used PET bottles.

Mr. Aloke Lohia, Founder and Group CEO of Indorama Ventures said, “As we mark the recycling of 100 billion PET bottles, we want to thank consumers for recycling, and global brand owners for using recyclable and recycled packaging while also increasing collection rates. The scale of the waste challenge requires us all to do more, faster. In March 2020, we announced achieving the milestone of 50 billion PET bottles recycled in nine years. Today we hit the 100 billion mark in three and a half years.”

“By recycling post-consumer PET bottles into new bottles, we give waste an economic value. Post-consumer PET bottles

This drives improvements in waste collection systems, meaning less waste and a cleaner environment. In the last 10 years we have spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection systems for used PET bottles. We pledge to continue our long-term focus on circularity.”

The company has also committed a further $1.5 billion to expand its recycling business. To support increased recycling rates globally, Indorama Ventures has expanded its recycling facilities, infrastructure, and public education programs. The unique PET plastic used in soft drinks and water bottles is fully recyclable and is collected in practice and at scale. As a result, PET is the most recycled plastic in the world, and the company’s recycling achievements support that. Building on its position as the world’s largest producer of recycled resin used in plastic beverage bottles, Indorama Ventures is also seeking advanced technologies to deliver more recycling infrastructure globally and reduce lifecycle carbon emissions. Post-consumer PET bottles

The company now has 20 recycling sites in Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Recent developments include doubling the capacity of a recycling site in Brazil; and the opening of PETValue, the largest bottle-to-bottle recycling facility in the Philippines, in partnership with Coca-Cola. Both part of a $300 million ‘Blue Loan’ Indorama Ventures received in 2020 from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank, and Asian Development Bank. The loan has the objective of increasing recycling capacity and diverting plastic waste from landfills and oceans in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, and Brazil – countries seeking support in managing environmental waste.

Indorama Ventures has also partnered with the Yunus Foundation, a leading non-profit organization promoting sustainable development with a global network, with the goal of educating one million consumers globally about recycling by 2030, with 200,000 reached so far. Post-consumer PET bottles

Mr. Lohia added, “Sustainability is at the core of our company. These achievements reflect our commitment to environmental sustainability and our determination to establish a truly circular economy for PET packaging. Reaching this milestone is a testament to our planet’s growing commitment to sustainability. Each of these bottles represents a reduction in waste, and a step towards a world where no packaging ends up as litter or waste. This milestone achievement shows the positive change that can occur when we work together to support PET recycling and strive for a more circular world.”

Post-consumer PET bottles

BASF broadens its Monomers Portfolio and launches bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate 

  • First commercial scale production of bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate
  • 14C content of 73% according to ISO 16620
  • High performance and easy to use in a broad range of applications


Ludwigshafen, Germany – BASF is expanding its growing portfolio of 14C bio-based monomers with a proprietary process for production of 2-Octyl Acrylate (2-OA). The new product underlines BASF’s strong commitment to innovation for a sustainable future with 73% 14C-tracable bio-based content according to ISO 16620. Besides the regular 14C bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate, BASF also launched the new product as 2-Octyl Acrylate BMB ISCC Plus. Here, the remaining carbon content is ISCC PLUS certified, and by applying BASF’s biomass balance (BMB1) approach, this variant offers a further reduced product carbon footprint (PCF2). Post-consumer PET bottles

With an industrial-scale production setup at its Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany, BASF has a pioneering role when it comes to producing 2-Octyl Acrylate in large volumes. This allows BASF to make the bio-based monomer globally available as a raw material. “We have broadened our product portfolio to support customers on their sustainability journey. With 2-OA, we are proud to have launched a novel acrylic monomer that helps customers to meet their sustainability goals,” says Dr. Reiner Geier, Senior Vice President Industrial Petrochemicals Europe.

BASF’s 2-Octyl Acrylate uses 2-Octanol as the respective bio-based feedstock. This bio-alcohol is based on castor oil, a sustainable non-edible feedstock which is reliably available throughout the year.

With its balanced solvency, 2-Octyl Acrylate can easily be used as bio-based alternative to fossil-based monomers such as 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate (2-EHA) and n-Butyl Acrylate (BA) e.g. in adhesives formulations, or coatings applicationsPost-consumer PET bottles

The new product also offers performance benefits compared to fossil alternatives, showing improved scrub resistance in coatings, shear resistance in adhesives and excellent weatherability. Therefore, 2-Octyl Acrylate is one of the few 14C bio-based monomers which can be used in both standard and high-performance applications. The high purity of BASF’s 2-Octyl Acrylate provides a reliably high quality, with low volatile organic compounds (VOC) and enables customers to use the monomer in a broad application range.

BASF’s 2-Octyl Acrylate is already registered in the EU, the US, Japan and many other countries. Further registrations are ongoing.  Post-consumer PET bottlesBottles recycled

Post-consumer PET bottles

Trade between China and Russia continues to surge in 2023, maintaining the robust momentum that was established in the record-breaking year of 2022

The Russian Customs Service has reported substantial growth in both exports and imports between the two nations since the beginning of this year.

According to the Russian Customs Service’s Telegram channel, bilateral trade between Russia and China has witnessed a remarkable 25% increase from January to August compared to the previous year. Data from China’s customs agency supports this, indicating that trade turnover during this period reached an impressive $155.1 billion.

Furthermore, the Russian customs authority has expressed the intention of Moscow and Beijing to further facilitate customs procedures in order to enhance trade. They have a particular interest in ensuring the continuous, round-the-clock operation of key transport hubs, such as the Zabaikalsk-Manzhouli automobile border-crossing checkpoint and the Pogranichny-Suifenhe road crossing. Post-consumer PET bottles

Russia primarily supplies China with energy resources, including oil and gas, as well as refined products, agri-food items, and industrial goods. In contrast, China exports a wide array of products, encompassing foodstuffs, equipment, mobile phones, electronics, engineering goods, furniture, toys, textiles, clothing, and footwear.

Notably, trade between Russia and China reached an unprecedented pinnacle of $190.3 billion in the preceding year. The two nations are now on track to surpass their $200 billion target for this year, firmly believing that achieving an annual trade volume of $250 billion is entirely feasible.

The strengthening of economic ties between Russia and China is bolstered by their shared commitment to conducting a significant portion of transactions using their respective national currencies, reducing their reliance on the US dollar. Moscow and Beijing have redoubled their efforts to lessen their dependence on the dollar and euro in global trade, particularly in light of Western sanctions imposed on Russia and the ongoing trade dispute between the US and China. Post-consumer PET bottles

Post-consumer PET bottles

2035 – Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions

The European Commission is poised to unveil its inaugural proposal regarding exemptions for e-fuels as an addendum to the legislation prohibiting the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2035. However, the forthcoming document exhibits notably stringent restrictions: synthetic fuels must achieve complete carbon dioxide neutrality, necessitating the capture of an equivalent amount of CO2 from the atmosphere as that emitted by engines during operation to qualify for exemption. This objective is perceived as nearly unattainable by the automotive industry, which is already engaged in a vigorous debate.

This Commission’s requirement exceeds the stringency of other community regulations. For instance, member states striving to fulfill renewable energy targets can utilize specific fuels with a 70% reduction in emissions rather than the 100% stipulated for e-fuels. Consequently, e-fuels may once again become a contentious issue, reminiscent of the February episode when Germany impeded the directive on phasing out internal combustion engines, staunchly advocating for a synthetic fuel exemption. Post-consumer PET bottles

Consequently, a tug of war is inevitable; the Commission’s proposal must undergo negotiation with other European institutions, including the Parliament and Council, which may result in significant changes in the months ahead. A consensus must be reached by year-end.

Amidst this, the eFuel Alliance accuses the Commission of reneging on its commitment to include the e-fuel exemption, asserting that the proposal’s restrictions render it practically unworkable. This has unveiled an internal conflict between the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG Clima) and the Directorate-General for Internal Market (DG Grow). The latter had sought alignment of the e-fuel definition with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), which mandates a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions for non-biological renewable fuels compared to traditional fuels. Ultimately, DG Clima prevailed, establishing the percentage at 100%. Post-consumer PET bottles

Ralf Diemer from the eFuel Alliance emphasizes, “E-fuels, when produced from renewable sources, achieve climate neutrality, emitting only the CO2 captured during production during combustion.” RED accounts for not only the vehicle’s usage phase but also factors like transport, storage, and fuel distribution, making a 100% reduction in emissions nearly unattainable. This concept applies to all technologies, including electric mobility. The Commission’s choice of 100% lacks a clear basis, and there is no impact assessment outlining how and when this objective can be realized. To assess a product’s actual CO2 emissions, a comprehensive life cycle analysis is crucial.

Diemer concludes, “We support the EU’s intention to consider the lifecycle more comprehensively, even though this approach has not been widely implemented in many other regulations. However, the industry needs intermediate steps to achieve climate neutrality goals. European legislators seem to be setting conditions that are more suitable for a world beyond 2040. Post-consumer PET bottles

The Commission’s current regulatory stance, already excessively stringent, impedes our objectives rather than fostering ambitious progress.”

2035 - Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions

SKC to build bioplastics plant in Vietnam

South Korea’s advanced materials maker SKC said Monday that it had decided on a location in Vietnam’s northeastern city of Hai Phong to establish a manufacturing plant for biodegradable plastics, as it pushes to expand its eco-friendly business.

Amid mounting global calls to reduce plastic waste, the international market size for bioplastics is expected to grow at an annual rate of over 20 percent.

SKC and its joint venture Ecovance officials and top executives visited Vietnam on Friday to attend a ceremony marking the launch of the investment plan, during which they received an investment registration certificate from the Vietnamese government, the legal document needed for overseas companies to invest in the country.

The factory, set to be operational in 2025, aims to generate an annual output of 70,000 tons, the largest scale in the world, of polybutylene adipate terephthalate or PBAT, a biodegradable co-polymer. Post-consumer PET bottles

High-strength PBAT has been independently developed by Ecovance by using cellulose extracted from trees. It boasts enhanced durability compared to conventional PBAT, facilitating commercialization and its extensive use in general-purpose plastics, from industrial films and food containers to diapers and masks.

Additionally, SKC will be building a separate facility at the same site to produce an annual 36,000 tons of a biodegradable material named Limex .

Limex is made by mixing limestone with plastic resins, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, to reduce the use of plastics in the manufacturing process. SKC seeks to commercialize biodegradable Limex made of its high-strength biodegradable PBAT which decomposes more quickly in nature. Post-consumer PET bottles


SKC to build bioplastics plant in Vietnam

Europe Faces a Major Challenge in Exporting Electric Cars

As of January 1st, 2024, the cost of exporting electric cars from Europe to the United Kingdom will increase by 10%, prompting manufacturers to seek intervention from European authorities. Amid the ongoing issue of an influx of Chinese electric cars into the European market, Europe is now bracing itself for another challenge – the export of its electric vehicles to the UK.

In accordance with the provisions established during the lengthy and intricate post-Brexit negotiations, a new directive stipulates that, starting from January 1st, 2024, all electric vehicles traversing the English Channel in both directions must contain a minimum of 45% of their components sourced from either the EU or the United Kingdom, with batteries accounting for 50-60% of this requirement. Failure to meet these criteria will result in a 10% customs duty. Post-consumer PET bottles

Regrettably, as of now, no electric vehicle model complies with this directive, and time is rapidly dwindling.

Faced with the prospect of having to increase the prices of their electric cars, the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Acea) has issued an urgent plea to both the European Union and the United Kingdom to extend the deadline, aiming to avert further complications in an already challenging market.

Failure to act by the European Commission will result in a 10% tariff being imposed on EU electric vehicle exports to the UK, a critical trading partner. This could potentially cost EU vehicle manufacturers a staggering €4.3 billion over the next three years and may lead to a reduction in electric vehicle production by approximately 480,000 units, equivalent to the output of two medium-sized car factories, as indicated in the association’s press release.

The sole means of evading these tariffs would be to source all battery components and certain vital battery materials from the EU and the UK, a solution that is currently unfeasible.  Post-consumer PET bottles

Increasing consumer prices for European electric vehicles, particularly during a time when gaining market share is fiercely competitive on the global stage, is an unfavorable course of action from both commercial and environmental perspectives. This approach risks ceding market share to global manufacturers. Europe should support its automotive industry in the transition to zero emissions, akin to other regions, rather than impeding its progress,” emphasized de Meo. The solution is straightforward: extend the existing phase-in period for battery regulations by an additional three years. We urge the Commission to make the right choice.


Europe Faces a Major Challenge in Exporting Electric Cars

EV Car

Galp and Mitsui to invest $638m in biofuels and green hydrogen

The partnership will invest approximately $691m in two industrial-scale projects for renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuels.

The project aims to replace around 20% of existing grey hydrogen consumption at the Sines refinery with low-carbon green hydrogen. Credit: odecam via Shutterstock.

Portuguese energy company Galp on Monday confirmed plans to enter into a joint venture (JV) with Japan-based trading company Mitsui to produce renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) biofuels.   Post-consumer PET bottles

The partnership will invest approximately $691m in two industrial-scale projects; a 270 kilotonnes per annum (ktpa) advanced biofuels unit and 100MW of electrolysers for the production of green hydrogen. Both units are expected to begin production during 2025. Galp will own 75% of the JV’s shares, with Mitsui owning the remaining 25%.

The advanced biofuels unit, which will receive approximately $425m in initial funds, will use waste residues feedstock from used cooking oil or animal fat to produce renewable diesel, also known as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). SAFs will also be produced in the same way as the companies look to invest in the decarbonisation of the global travel sector. Post-consumer PET bottles

HVO can be used as an alternative to fossil diesel fuel for vehicles with internal combustion engines, with SAF increasingly being used as a lower-carbon alternative to jet fuel in aircraft. Both are environmentally friendly fuels with lower greenhouse gas emissions. Demand for HVO and SAF is expected to grow, especially in Europe where policies to encourage the use of biofuels are introduced.


Galp and Mitsui to invest $638m in biofuels and green hydrogen

PET plastic – “The Hidden Risks of Sunlight on Plastic Water Bottles” 26-09-2023

Post-consumer PET bottles

Fossil fuel peak – Electric Vehicles: A Solution for Faster Charging and Longer-Lasting Batteries 18-09-2023

Fossil fuel peak

Petrochemicals Polymers – M. Holland Unveils Mfinity Line of Sustainable Resins 


Fossil fuel peak

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

The expansion of renewable energy sources brings the fossil fuel peak within reach

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has revealed that the era of constant growth in fossil fuels is approaching its end within this decade, marking a significant shift in the global energy landscape and the fight against climate change. In an article published in the Financial Times, IEA director Fatih Birol highlights the implications of this transition.

Despite previous discussions about peak oil and peak coal, both fossil fuels have recently reached record highs in production, making it challenging to predict their decline. However, the IEA’s upcoming World Energy Outlook report, set to be released next month, indicates that we stand at the brink of a pivotal moment in history.

Even without the implementation of new climate policies, the report suggests that each of the three major fossil fuels—oil, coal, and natural gas—is poised to reach its peak demand in the coming years. This development is a significant departure from previous expectations and is largely attributed to the remarkable growth of clean energy technologies like solar panels and electric vehicles, structural changes in China’s economy, and the consequences of the global energy crisis. Fossil fuel peak

Global coal demand, which has remained stubbornly high for the past decade, is projected to peak in the near future. Investments in coal outside of China have dwindled, with solar and wind power dominating the expansion of electricity systems. Even in China, the world’s largest coal consumer, renewable and nuclear energy growth, coupled with a slower economy, indicates a decline in coal usage.

There had been speculations that global oil demand might have already peaked during the pandemic. While the IEA was initially cautious about such claims, the latest projections suggest that the proliferation of electric vehicles worldwide, especially in China, is steering oil demand toward a peak before 2030.

The “Golden Age of Gas,” as it was termed in 2011, is also approaching its end. Demand in advanced economies is expected to diminish later in this decade as renewables increasingly outcompete gas for electricity production, heat pumps gain popularity, and Europe accelerates its transition away from gas due to geopolitical factors.

While the forthcoming peaks in demand for fossil fuels are promising, it’s essential to consider several key factors. Firstly, the projected declines in demand, based on current policy settings, are insufficient to align the world with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Achieving this target will necessitate more robust and rapid policy actions by governments.Fossil fuel peak

Additionally, the drop in fossil fuel consumption in advanced economies will be partially offset by continued growth in some emerging and developing economies, particularly for natural gas. The declines in demand won’t follow a linear trajectory, as temporary fluctuations, such as heatwaves and droughts affecting electricity generation, can lead to spikes in coal demand.

While the peaks in demand based on current policies don’t eliminate the need for investment in oil and gas supply, they underscore the economic and financial risks associated with major new projects in these sectors.

In conclusion, the IEA’s projections indicate a historic turning point in the energy sector, but they emphasize the urgent need for more substantial policy measures to combat climate change effectively.Fossil fuel peak

Fossil fuel peak

Electric Vehicles: A Solution for Faster Charging and Longer-Lasting Batteries

A team of researchers from the University of Pisa has found a way to improve the charging speed and lifespan of electric vehicle batteries. Their findings, published in the journal Nature Communications, could revolutionize the electric vehicle industry.

The main problem with current lithium-ion batteries is that they can degrade over time, leading to shorter range and slower charging speeds. This is due to a phenomenon called lithium plating, which occurs when lithium ions build up on the surface of the battery’s negative electrode.

The researchers from the University of Pisa found that lithium plating can be prevented by inserting pauses during the charging process. These pauses allow the lithium ions to redistribute themselves within the battery, preventing them from building up on the surface. Fossil fuel peak

The researchers also found that the pauses can be made very short, without significantly impacting the overall charging time. This means that electric vehicles could be charged quickly and safely, without sacrificing battery life.

The findings of this study are a major breakthrough for the electric vehicle industry. They could lead to the development of new battery technologies that are faster, safer, and more durable. This could make electric vehicles more appealing to consumers and accelerate the transition to a clean energy future.

In addition to the benefits of faster charging and longer battery life, the new technology could also help to reduce the risk of fires and explosions. Lithium plating is a major cause of these incidents, so preventing it could make electric vehicles much safer.

The research from the University of Pisa is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the electric vehicle industry. If the technology can be successfully commercialized, it could make electric vehicles a more viable option for consumers and businesses. Fossil fuel peak

This is a major step forward for the electric vehicle industry, and it could have a significant impact on the future of transportation. With faster charging and longer battery life, electric vehicles will become more appealing to consumers and businesses, and they could help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Fossil fuel peak

Repsol launches EVA range with 100% chemically recycled content

Repsol, the Spanish petrochemical company, has launched a range of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers made with 100% chemically recycled content. This is the first product on the market to incorporate this level of circular AV from chemical recycling.

The new EVA range is part of Repsol’s Reciclex portfolio, which encompasses both polyolefins and polyols obtained through chemical recycling, using plastic waste streams that cannot be mechanically recycled. The range is certified under the ISCC Plus mass balance approach.

Repsol says that the new EVA range is especially relevant for applications that cannot use mechanical recycling due to the properties required by the final product. For example, it can be used in food contact products, cosmetics, and healthcare products.

The company is also set to soon include polyol obtained through the chemical recycling of polyurethane waste in its Reciclex range.Fossil fuel peak

Repsol is building a new polyurethane foam recovery plant in Puertollano, Spain, which is expected to be operational in 2023.

Repsol’s investment in chemical recycling is in line with recent European and Spanish regulations, which are aimed at achieving a recycled content target of 30% for plastic packaging by 2030.

In simpler words:

Repsol has launched a new type of plastic made from recycled plastic waste. This is the first plastic of its kind to use 100% recycled content. The new plastic can be used to make a variety of products, including food packaging, cosmetics, and medical devices.

Repsol’s investment in chemical recycling is helping to reduce the amount of plastic waste that goes to landfills. It is also helping to meet European and Spanish regulations on recycled content in plastic packaging.Fossil fuel peak

Repsol launches EVA range with 100% chemically recycled content

Enviro and Siemens signs MOU regarding cooperation around the European expansion plan

Munich, Germany – Scandinavian Enviro Systems and Siemens has signed a MOU, memorandum of understanding, regarding a collaboration in support of the European expansion plan that Enviro announced earlier this year together with Antin Infrastructure Partners. Through the collaboration, Enviro gets access to Siemens’ extensive experience in automation and digitalization for efficient industrial production.

The MOU was signed in connection with Siemens’ now ongoing Siemens NordX Circle seminar, focusing on sustainability and digitalization, where Enviro’s CEO Thomas Sörensson is one of the speakers. A number of international business leaders participate in the seminar, including Siemens’ sustainability manager Judith Wiese, who is the seminar’s keynote speaker. Fossil fuel peak
Together with Antin Infrastructure Partners, and with the support of Michelin, Enviro has formed the world’s first large-scale tire recycling company and with the plan to establish recycling facilities in Europe by 2030 with a total annual recycling capacity of 1 million tons of end-of-life tires. Siemens is already today a supplier of both hardware and software to the tire industry and, with its focus on sustainability and digitalization, has a great interest in supporting Enviro during the upcoming phase of broad industrialization.

“With the formation of the tire recycling joint venture company, Enviro has acquired the right industrial structure and the right partner company to be able to seriously take part in the transformation of the tire industry towards increased sustainability.

As a supplier and partner, Siemens wants to support the new tire recycling company and thereby help accelerate the important journey towards increased sustainability,” says Maria Grahm, Business Unit Manager Process Automation at Siemens Digital Industries.

Fossil fuel peak


Enviro and Siemens signs MOU regarding cooperation around the European expansion plan

Tesla’s Quiet Breakthrough in Carmaking

Tesla has made a technological breakthrough that could transform the way it makes electric vehicles (EVs). The company has developed a new way to cast the underbody of an EV in a single piece, rather than the hundreds of parts that are typically used in a conventional car. This could help Tesla to halve the production costs of its EVs and make them more affordable.

The new casting process uses huge presses with 6,000 to 9,000 tons of clamping pressure. This allows Tesla to create a single, strong and lightweight underbody for its EVs. The company is also using 3D printing technology to create the sand molds for the casting process, which is more cost-effective and allows for rapid design iterations.

Tesla is still in the early stages of developing this new casting process, but it is expected to be used in the company’s upcoming small EV, which is aiming to have a price tag of $25,000. Fossil fuel peak

If successful, this new process could revolutionize the way EVs are made and make them more accessible to a wider range of people.

Here are some of the key benefits of Tesla’s new casting process:

  • It can reduce production costs by up to 50%.
  • It can make EVs lighter and more efficient.
  • It can shorten the design and manufacturing process.
  • It can improve the crashworthiness of EVs.

Tesla is not the only automaker that is working on new casting processes for EVs. Other companies, such as Ford and BMW, are also developing similar technologies. However, Tesla is believed to be the furthest ahead in this area.

If Tesla is able to successfully commercialize its new casting process, it could have a major impact on the EV industry.

It could help to make EVs more affordable and accessible, and it could also lead to the development of new and more efficient EV designs. Fossil fuel peak

Tesla's Quiet Breakthrough in Carmaking

Sidel Introduces EvoBLOW XL, a Cutting-Edge Blowing Machine for Large PET Containers

Introduction: Sidel, a leader in packaging and blowing solutions, proudly presents its latest innovation, the EvoBLOW XL machine. This state-of-the-art technology is designed to cater to the growing demand for large PET containers while maintaining performance and sustainability. EvoBLOW XL is set to revolutionize the packaging industry by offering versatility, efficiency, and sustainability.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. 75% Shared Parts: EvoBLOW XL leverages Sidel’s existing EvoBLOW range by sharing 75% of its components. This demonstrates Sidel’s commitment to proven performance while expanding into new markets, including hotfill products.
  2. Versatility: EvoBLOW XL serves as both a standalone machine and an integrated combi solution, accommodating a wide range of bottle formats from 8L to 10L.
  3. It offers flexible oven configurations and various bottleneck dimensions, making it adaptable for diverse large bottle types. Fossil fuel peak
  4. Efficiency: With an impressive blowing output of 18,000 bottles per hour (bph) and an overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of 98%, EvoBLOW XL sets a new standard for production efficiency. It boasts user-friendly features for efficient changeovers, including an ergonomic embedded mold handling tool and a mobile mold storage unit.
  5. Sustainability: EvoBLOW XL is designed to handle rPET grades, offering sustainability benefits from virgin PET to up to 100% rPET. It enables lightweighting, reduces CO2 emissions, and supports the transition from HDPE to PET large bottles. The machine’s design enhancements contribute to reduced energy consumption without compromising cost-effectiveness.
  6. Bottle Design: EvoBLOW XL enhances the blowing process, ensuring attractive and user-friendly bottle designs. It achieves perfect material distribution at speeds of 1,500 bph per mold while maintaining low blowing pressure and the highest bottle quality. Fossil fuel peak

Coverage by Packaging South Asia: Packaging South Asia, a prominent B2B publication and digital platform based in New Delhi, India, closely monitors the growth and impact of responsible packaging in the region. It highlights the packaging industry’s consistent outperformance compared to GDP growth, even amid challenges like supply chain disruptions and fluctuating raw material prices.

The publication covers the entire packaging supply chain, making it a valuable resource for brand owners, product managers, raw material suppliers, packaging designers, converters, and recyclers. With significant growth opportunities in the packaging industry in India and Asia, now is the ideal time to engage with Packaging South Asia’s influential platform for targeted business communication. Fossil fuel peak

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Sidel Introduces EvoBLOW XL, a Cutting-Edge Blowing Machine for Large PET Containers

The Nickel-Hydrogen Battery: A 30-Year Revolution in Energy Storage

Space exploration has long been a source of inspiration and innovation, leading to groundbreaking developments that have found their way into our everyday lives. One such remarkable advancement is the nickel-hydrogen battery, which not only defies the limitations of traditional batteries but also boasts an astonishing lifespan of 30 years and 30,000 charging cycles. This exceptional technology, originally designed by NASA to power space missions, is now poised to revolutionize energy storage on Earth, thanks to the pioneering efforts of American company EnerVenue.

EnerVenue, an innovative American company, is taking a giant leap forward in the battery industry by harnessing the engineering and chemistry expertise honed by NASA over four decades. The genesis of this technology traces back to its application in the power systems of the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope. As EnerVenue prepares to scale up production, these nickel-hydrogen batteries are poised to replace conventional batteries, bringing with them numerous advantages that have the potential to reshape how we power our world. Fossil fuel peak

The nickel-hydrogen batteries developed by NASA for space missions have been meticulously engineered to endure the harshest conditions imaginable, from the vacuum of space to rapid temperature fluctuations. These batteries have proven their mettle as safe, durable, and recyclable energy storage solutions, while also eliminating the risks associated with fires and toxic waste. Their remarkable performance in space missions serves as a testament to their reliability and longevity.

EnerVenue’s commitment to harnessing this groundbreaking technology is evident in its recent announcement of the construction of a Gigafactory in the United States. This ambitious venture represents a pivotal moment in the energy storage industry, where space technology is set to transform the way we store and utilize power in our daily lives. Let’s delve deeper into the key attributes of nickel-hydrogen batteries and how EnerVenue’s vision could impact our future. Fossil fuel peak

The Resilience of Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries

Nickel-hydrogen batteries are engineered to thrive in the extreme conditions of outer space. Unlike traditional batteries that struggle with rapid temperature fluctuations, these batteries remain unfazed, providing a stable and reliable power source for critical space missions. The vacuum of space, with its extreme cold and intense radiation, poses significant challenges to energy storage, but nickel-hydrogen batteries have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to withstand such conditions.

Unmatched Longevity

One of the most remarkable features of nickel-hydrogen batteries is their longevity. These batteries are built to last for an astonishing 30 years, significantly outperforming conventional lithium-ion batteries, which typically have a much shorter lifespan. Moreover, they can endure a staggering 30,000 charging cycles without a significant degradation in performance. Fossil fuel peak

This exceptional durability reduces the frequency of replacements, leading to cost savings and a more sustainable approach to energy storage.

Safety and Sustainability

Safety and sustainability are paramount considerations in energy storage solutions, and nickel-hydrogen batteries excel in both areas. Unlike some conventional batteries that carry the risk of catching fire or generating toxic waste, nickel-hydrogen batteries pose minimal environmental and safety hazards. They are non-toxic, non-flammable, and fully recyclable, making them a responsible choice for a world increasingly concerned about environmental impact. Fossil fuel peak

EnerVenue’s Vision for a Battery Revolution

EnerVenue’s mission to bring the benefits of nickel-hydrogen batteries to Earth is a bold and visionary endeavor. By establishing a Gigafactory in the United States, the company is poised to accelerate the production and adoption of this transformative technology. This move signals a paradigm shift in how we approach energy storage, with space technology at the forefront of innovation.

The Gigafactory will not only boost production capacity but also create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and reduce our reliance on traditional energy sources.

As the demand for sustainable energy solutions continues to rise, EnerVenue’s nickel-hydrogen batteries offer a compelling alternative that aligns with our commitment to a greener future.Fossil fuel peak

In conclusion, the nickel-hydrogen battery, born out of the rigors of space exploration, represents a remarkable leap forward in energy storage technology.

With its unrivaled resilience, longevity, safety, and sustainability, it has the potential to transform the way we power our world. EnerVenue’s ambitious plans to manufacture these batteries at scale in the United States mark a pivotal moment in our quest for cleaner, more reliable energy storage solutions.

As we look to the future, it is clear that space technology will continue to play a pivotal role in improving our daily lives and advancing our society towards a more sustainable and innovative future. Fossil fuel peak

The Nickel-Hydrogen Battery: A 30-Year Revolution in Energy Storage

Recycling technologies – Tesla is making waves in the automotive industry with its recent price reductions on a global scale 16-09-2023

Fossil fuel peak

Petrochemicals MEG rPET – Has Stellantis already lost the challenge with China in car batteries? 11-09-2023

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks : PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber   Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

ITEM 04/09/2023 11/09/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7125 yuan/ton 7,075 yuan/ton -50
Bottle grade PET chips export market 895 $/ton 895 $/ton
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 7,000 yuan/ton 7,060 yuan/ton +60
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,020 yuan/ton 7,090 yuan/ton +70
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,150 yuan/ton 6,155 yuan/ton +5
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 800 $/ton 770 $/ton -30
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,100 yuan/ton 4,165 yuan/ton +65
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 475 $/ton 482 $/ton +7
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

1,096 $/ton 1,093 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,073 $/ton 1,070 $/ton -3
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,180 $/ton 1,190 $/ton +10
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,725 yuan/ton 7,900 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,540 yuan/ton 7,650 yuan/ton +110
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,275 yuan/ton 9,350 yuan/ton +75
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

8,950 yuan/ton 9,050 yuan/ton +100
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,350 yuan/ton 8,475 yuan/ton +125
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,600 yuan/ton 7,650 yuan/ton +50
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,900 yuan/ton 13,350 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,550 $/ton 1,570 $/ton +20
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,790 $/ton 1,790 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,650 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton +450
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

14,300 yuan/ton 14,650 yuan/ton +350
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 17,900 yuan/ton 18,100 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,400 yuan/ton 16,750 yuan/ton +350
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,550 yuan/ton 18,900 yuan/ton- +350
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,400 yuan/ton 17,700 yuan/ton +300
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,000 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton +200
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,550 yuan/ton 9,850 yuan/ton +300
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

7,950 yuan/ton 8,500 yuan/ton +550
Benzene overseas  market 903 $/ton 987 $/ton +84
Ethylene South East market 860 $/ton 865 $/ton +5
Ethylene NWE market 735 $/ton 774 $/ton +39
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals PSF PET-Bottle

9,400 yuan/ton 9,500 yuan/ton +100
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 13,600 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton +500
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,150 yuan/ton 13,250 yuan/ton +100
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

7,530 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton +20
Naphtha overseas market  666 $/ton 685 $/ton +19
Phenol domestic market 8,485 yuan/ton 9,270 yuan/ton +785


r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Auto, ccinaugurates its first Battery Technology Center in Italy

Stellantis, one of the world’s leading automotive manufacturers, has inaugurated its first Battery Technology Center in Turin, in the Mirafiori industrial complex. With an investment of 40 million euros for its development, the center increases Stellantis’ ability to design, develop and test the battery packs, modules, high voltage cells and software that will power future Stellantis brand vehicles , we read in a note. Over 100 technicians will work in the Battery Technology Center in Mirafiori, most of whom are specialized workers from Stellantis. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

The group is also working on a Battery Technology Center for North America in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. With 8,000 square meters and 32 climatic cells, the Battery Technology Center is the largest in Italy and one of the most important in Europe. The heart of the center consists of 32 climatic chambers – 24 walk-in chambers for testing battery packs and 8 chambers for carrying out cell tests. Inside the 24 walk-in chambers it is possible to control the environmental conditions by regulating humidity and temperature in a range between -40 and 60 degrees Celsius with a maximum variation of 20 degrees per minute. The center is capable of testing up to 47 battery packs in parallel.

Designed for future expansion, the center’s power system can handle up to 1.2 kilovolts (kV) and 2.2 megawatts (MW) per test cell. In the eight chambers reserved for the cells it is possible to test up to 96 elements in parallel. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

This part of the Technology Center will be dedicated in particular to the study of new chemical compositions and behavioral characteristics of cells for future development.

As part of its Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan, Stellantis announced its goal of achieving 100% BEV sales mix in Europe and 50% BEV passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in the United States by 2030. To achieve these business goals, the company is securing approximately 400 GWh of battery capacity, to be supported with six battery manufacturing facilities in North America and Europe. Stellantis is working to become a carbon-neutral company across the board by 2038, with single-digit offsets for remaining emissions. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

“We find ourselves faced with a unique opportunity to redefine mobility by offering intelligent and sustainable solutions – declared Ned Curic, Chief Engineering and Technology Officer of Stellantis – The new Battery Technology Center in Mirafiori brings together the tools in one place and the talented people needed to develop, test, validate and produce high-quality products that meet the needs of our customers with shorter lead times for premium electric vehicles around the world.”

The new Stellantis Battery Technology Center “is a further step, which follows the many concrete steps that the Region and Municipality have taken with Stellantis. After the many words of the past, the approach and method have changed, we wanted to build an almost contractual agreement with Stellantis”. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Alberto Cirio, president of the Piedmont Region, said this on the sidelines of the inauguration of the centre, built in the Mirafiori industrial complex, in Turin, to test and develop the battery packs for electric vehicles that will power future products in the Stellantis range. “We have put on the table the elements that we could put in place and Stellantis has defined very specific objectives, which are being achieved. Everyone is keeping their commitments”, said Cirio, explaining that “the Battery Technology Center also has a significance of perspective, because it means that the head remains in Piedmont and Turin”. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

The President of the Region explained that in the agreement that is being defined at a national level with Stellantis, and in which Cirio represents the regions as coordinator for the car at the table, “a contractual relationship is being defined to which also the Minister of Business and Urso is paying a lot of attention to Made in Italy. On the one hand it guarantees contributions and incentives for car replacements, but on the other hand it requires concrete commitments from Stellantis.” Cirio said he was “satisfied because, after the many words of the past, today factories are actually being inaugurated, people are being hired and lines are being opened”.  Petrochemicals MEG rPET

At the new Stellantis Battery Technology Center in Turin Mirafiori “over one hundred people will work when fully operational, for now we are aiming for the reskilling of the current staff”, or the transfer from other divisions of the group (these are highly specialized workers, who have received at least 200 hours of training). Ned Curic, chief engineering & technology officer of Stellantis, said this at the inauguration of the BTC. Looking ahead, however, it cannot be ruled out that there will be new hires, also because “many Stellantis employees will retire and we will have to replace them”, said Curic.

Overall, he said, “we are hiring and will continue to do so due to the demographics of the current workforce.” Petrochemicals MEG rPET

According to Curic, in the coming years we will see “a transformation of the workforce” and “we need to implement the talent of the new generations”, which is why Stellantis works with the Polytechnic of Turin “to ensure we have skills to develop”.


Auto, Stellantis inaugurates its first Battery Technology Center in Italy

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