
Plastic waste – Chemical recycling ‘not the miracle cure’ for plastic waste 07-11-2023

Plastic waste

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

German exports fall by 7.5% YoY, imports drop by 16.6 % YoY during Sep


  • German exports were down by 2.4 per cent and imports dropped by 1.7 per cent month on month on a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis in September.
  • Exports fell by 7.5 per cent and imports by 16.6 per cent year on year.
  • After calendar and seasonal adjustment, Germany’s goods exports were worth €126.5 billion and imports worth €110 billion in the month.

German exports were down by 2.4 per cent and imports dropped by 1.7 per cent on a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis in September this year compared with August.

Based on provisional data, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported that exports decreased by 7.5 per cent and imports fell by 16.6 per cent year on year (YoY) during the month. Plastic waste

After calendar and seasonal adjustment, Germany exported goods worth €126.5 billion and imported goods to the value of €110 billion in September.

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The foreign trade balance showed a surplus of €16.5 billion in September. The calendar- and seasonally-adjusted surplus stood at €17.7 billion in August this year and €5 billion in September.  Plastic waste

On a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis, Germany exported goods worth €69.8 billion to the member states of the European Union (EU) in September, while it imported goods worth €58.7 billion from these countries in that period.

Compared with August this year, calendar- and seasonally-adjusted exports to EU nations dropped by 2.1 per cent and imports from these countries fell by 2.6 per cent.

The value of the goods exported to euro area countries in September totalled €48.8 billion (minus 2.4 per cent), and the value of the goods imported from these countries was €38.9 billion euros (minus 3.8 per cent).  Plastic waste

Exports of goods to countries outside the non-EU countries amounted to €56.7 billion in September, while imports from these countries totalled €51.3 billion on a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted basis. Compared with August this year, exports to non-EU countries declined by 2.8 € and imports from such countries fell by 0.6 per cent.

Most German exports in September were to the United States. After seasonal and calendar adjustment, exports of goods to the United States during the month were down by 4 per cent compared with August, with the value of exports dropping to €12.8 billion.

Exports to China fell by 7.3 per cent to €7.7 billion and exports to the United Kingdom rose by 2.3 per cent to €6.3 billion.  Plastic waste

Most imports during the month were from China. Goods to the value of €13 billion were imported from there, representing a 0.9-per cent decrease month on month (MoM) after calendar and seasonal adjustment.

Imports from the United States rose by 0.5 per cent to €7.7 billion. Imports from the United Kingdom increased by 5.2 per cent to €3.2 billion during the month.

Exports to Russia in September this year declined by a calendar- and seasonally-adjusted 11.2 per cent MoM to €0.6 billion and by 41.7 per cent YoY. Imports from Russia rose by 7.5 per cent MoM to €0.2 billion, and were down by 89.4 per cent YoY.


German exports fall by 7.5% YoY, imports drop by 16.6 % YoY during Sep

Oceana: Coca-Cola and Pepsi’s plastic packaging use increases by hundreds of millions of pounds

Oceana calls on both companies to increase reusable packaging and reduce single-use plastic, after Ellen MacArthur Foundation report reveals significantly increased plastic use and limited progress in meeting recycling goals

Oceana analyzed data[1] from the Global Commitment 2023 Progress Report released earlier this week by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and found that the two top polluting brands, according to the Break Free From Plastic Brand Audit, increased the amount of plastic used by hundreds of millions of pounds on a year over year basis. The Coca-Cola Company increased its use of plastic packaging by over 6% or over 454 million pounds (206,000 metric tons) to a reported 3.43 million metric tons in 2022. PepsiCo increased its use of plastic packaging by 4% or over 220 million pounds (100,000 metric tons) to a reported 2.6 million metric tons in 2022. Plastic waste

This increase coincides with additional data in the Ellen MacArthur annual report that shows the companies made only marginal progress towards meeting pledges to increase recycled content in their plastic packaging and to decrease their use of virgin plastic packaging. And, both companies reported no progress on having more plastic – by weight – in reusable packaging. Coca-Cola disclosed that this percent was just 1.3% in both 2021 and 2022 and Pepsi, for the second year running, released no data for this metric. The companies have pledged to increase the volume of beverages they sell in reusable packaging by roughly 10-percentage points by 2030.

Oceana released the following statement from Matt Littlejohn, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives:

“It is unacceptable that Coca-Cola and Pepsi are increasing their use of plastic by hundreds of millions more pounds year over year.  Plastic waste

The companies’ efforts and pledges are not solving this problem. The best way for Coca-Cola and Pepsi to stop this relentless growth in plastic is to dramatically increase the use of refillable bottles – which can be used up to 50 times if made of glass. Just a 10% increase in refillable bottles in all coastal countries in place of single-use plastic could reduce marine plastic bottle pollution by 22%.

Unfortunately, despite commitments to increase reusable packaging, both companies are falling short. This doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Refillable bottle systems exist – at scale – in many countries around the world. Consumers in existing markets buy them, prefer them, and return them for a small deposit. Coca-Cola has said that 93% of their reusable packaging is returned to the point of sale.  Plastic waste


Plastic waste

Chemical recycling ‘not the miracle cure’ for plastic waste

Where does pyrolysis fit in the waste hierarchy?

Pyrolysis is not a ‘future-proof’ solution in the battle against plastics, insists Zero Waste Europe. The group argues in a new report that relying on the chemical process creates a ‘leaky loop’ rather than a circular economy. 

‘Even in the best scenario, only 2% of today’s plastic waste fed into pyrolysis will actually make the round trip into the steam cracker and then be recycled,’ writes Zero Waste Europe (ZWE).  Plastic waste

Furthermore, it argues, the process produces new, unwanted, and toxic hydrocarbons. ‘All plastics, though notably the polyolefins which are identified as ideal pyrolysis feedstocks, do not simply revert back to the precursor material from which they were formed,’ the report says.

‘Instead, they produce a wide variety of products due to aggressive chemical substances, known as free radicals, splitting from the plastic and re-combining in unwanted forms.’ These pyrosynthetic hydrocarbons lower the product oil yield and impair its quality, it adds.

High contamination

ZWE believes ‘chemical recycling’ is not the answer for difficult-to-recycle plastic waste streams. Highly mixed, unwashed or difficult-to-recycle plastic waste streams, such as automotive shredder residue and computer casings, result in a pyrolysis oil with substantially increased levels of contamination.  Plastic waste

‘The universal laws of physics and chemistry that govern pyrolysis are unlikely to change because of marketing pressure,’ the report states. ‘Decision makers would be sensible to accept that pyrolysis is not the wonderful miracle they need merely because no other back-end solution exists.’

It claims the laws of thermodynamics dictate that the most sensible solution to minimising plastic waste lies in upstream intervention. ‘This means putting investment into making plastic products less complex, less contaminated, and more recyclable,’ the report concludes.


Plastic waste

New batteries for electric cars and wearables, backed by multi-million US$ funding, are both fire resistant and flexible

Anthro Energy’s flexible energy storage systems will be used in next-generation electronic devices and are currently being sold to the first wearable manufacturers.
The development team has identified promising applications for the fireproof batteries, particularly in electric vehicles and laptops. By integrating them into belts, straps and other “dead spaces”, Anthro batteries are expected to extend the service life of devices by 2 to 5 times. Plastic waste

Batteries are regarded as crucial technologies in the battle against climate change, particularly for electric vehicles and storing energy from renewable sources. Anthro Energy’s novel flexible batteries are presently available to wearable manufacturers and could be employed in a variety of areas, including electric cars and laptops.

The innovative batteries score well in fire safety, thanks to new materials and design features that eliminate internal and external mechanical safety risks like explosions. Many of today’s batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, contain a flammable liquid as an electrolyte.

Anthro Energy’s David Mackaniac and his team have created a flexible polymer electrolyte that is malleable like rubber. The new technology provides increased design flexibility for use across a range of devices, with adaptable shapes and sizes to suit specific applications.

The batteries are highly durable, capable of enduring tens of thousands of bending cycles without any decrease in performance. Plastic waste


Plastic waste

Nylon demand falls across major end-uses; China exports pressure margins – AdvanSix CEO

AdvanSix is seeing global nylon demand declines across most major end-uses, Erin Kane, CEO of the integrated US-based nylon 6 producer said during the company’s third-quarter earnings call on Friday.

“Overall, we see demand declines across most key end markets, leading to further margin compression in the industry,” Kane said.

In North America, the higher interest rate environment is unfavourably impacting building and construction end markets, she said.  Plastic waste

The high rates are also impacting consumer spending, with implications for nylon in packaging applications, she said.

However, auto has been a more “resilient” end market for AdvanSix, with the recent US auto worker strikes only modestly impacting engineered plastics demand, she said.

Meanwhile, low-priced imports are creating “competitive intensity”, she said, noting in particular exports from China.

“We are seeing China’s global nylon exports reach all time-highs” amid that country’s slower economy, thus putting pressure on nylon prices and margins, she said.

The company expects nylon industry margins to remain at “trough levels” through year-end, due to the unfavourable supply and demand conditions, she said.

With the softness across the key nylon end market in North America, AdvanSix would “continue to leverage various sales channels to meet demand where it exists, including a higher share of exports”, added chief financial officer Michael Preston.

On the positive side, underlying agriculture industry fundamentals are expected to remain favourable, boding well for ammonium sulphate (AS).  Plastic waste

AS is a by-product of AdvanSix’s integrated nylon production process.

In North America, “the underlying fundamentals continue to support firm fertilizer demand, moving forward”, Kane said, adding: “Our current order book is robust”.

As for acquisitions, “accretive M&A has always been part of our framework” and the company continues to evaluate opportunities, she said, adding: “This is an interesting time” for M&A.

She was responding to an analyst on the call who suggested that AdvanSix, with its healthy balance sheet, should have the opportunity to expand with “bolt-on” deals in chemical intermediates, specialties or other products. Plastic waste


Nylon demand falls across major end-uses; China exports pressure margins – AdvanSix CEO

Bloomberg Asks Why Electric Cars Today Are So Huge

The UK has a long tradition of small cars, exemplified by the original Mini but including a gaggle of MGs, Triumphs, Humbers, Hillmans, Cortinas, Austins, and the like. Mostly they were small because raw materials were scarce after World War II, but also because Britain taxed cars based on horsepower. Smaller cars were lighter, which means they could make do with less powerful engines. While all of that is true historically, it does not explain why most electric cars sold in the UK today are so big and heavy.  Plastic waste
Bloomberg correspondents Olivia Rudgard and Kyle Stock spent some time driving around London behind the wheel of an Ora Funky Cat. At just over 4 meters (13 feet) in length, the four door, five passenger hatchback proved to be an able and efficient vehicle for use in that environment. For some perspective on size, the Maxda MX5 — known as the Miata in North America — measures 12.8 feet in length. [Note: The Funky Cat appears to be very similar in size to a first-generation Nissan LEAF.]
Of the 72 electric cars available in the UK, nine have batteries with a capacity under 50 kWh. (Just two EVs in the US have such small batteries.) Between 2013 and 2022, new sales of every type of car declined in the UK — except SUVs, whose sales have risen 75% over that period according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). In August, tests by Which?, a consumer group, identified 161 cars too big for standard UK parking spaces, up from 129 in 2018.  Plastic waste
Small cars like the Fiat Punto and the Ford Fiesta have been discontinued and replaced with SUVs in recent years, says Ralph Palmer, UK electric vehicles & fleets officer at Transport & Environment, which tracks the new and used car markets. “They’re seeing that there are great profit margins to be made from selling a massive SUV for a far higher margin, but selling fewer of them,” he said.
Electric Cars — How Much Is Enough?
This shift in the marketplace, especially when it comes to electric cars, is creating a dearth of options for commuters looking to buy only as much car as they need. The Ora Funky Cat with its 48 kWh battery has a range of 320 kilometers (about 200 miles). As Rudgard and Stark discovered, that is more than ample range for urban driving. After a weekend of shopping and hauling furniture from IKEA, they still had nearly a 50% state of charge remaining in the car’s battery. The car’s dimensions mean it is closer in size to those iconic British cars of old, which is a plus in crowed urban environments where a car can be more of a logistical nightmare than a convenience.  Plastic waste


Bloomberg Asks Why Electric Cars Today Are So Huge

Sage Automotive Interiors Partners With US Startup NFW

Sage Automotive Interiors has partnered with Peoria, Ill.-based startup, NFW, a producer of a plastic-free, plant-based leather alternative for car interiors. This strategic partnership between Sage Automotive Interiors, part of the Asahi Kasei Group, and NFW, a leading global provider of innovative and functional materials for the automotive interior — enables another major step to support global automotive OEMs in reducing the environmental burden of the automobile lifecycle.  Plastic waste

NFW was founded in 2015 and has developed the only platform capable of producing precision-engineered, all-natural (zero plastic) leather, foam, and textiles to replace animal and petrochemical-based materials. MIRUM®, the company’s patented leather alternative, is made from natural rubber, natural fibers, plant oils, natural pigments, and minerals. MIRUM is bio-neutral and can be safely returned to the Earth or recycled by NFW at the end of its lifetime. The material offers superior durability and quality that can replace traditional animal-based or synthetic leather products without the use of any polyurethane or other coatings.

Sage is engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sales of innovative functional materials used in automobile interiors globally. Since its acquisition by Asahi Kasei in 2018, Sage has continued to strengthen its business activities in Europe and China through mergers and acquisitions in parallel to expanding its lineup of growth-potential materials such as suede and synthetic leather.  Plastic waste

As one of the leading global suppliers in the car seat fabric market, Sage has a strong presence among automakers and suppliers.

Luke Haverhals, CEO and founder of NFW, said: “Over time, our partnership with Sage will allow consumers to apply the same decision-making process that they use in their homes, in their cars as well — the most sustainable option will be available to them. The kind of impact that matters to the planet has to happen at scale, not just around the edges.”


Sage Automotive Interiors Partners With US Startup NFW

Recycled cellulosic-fibres – Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic 06-11-2023

Plastic waste

Recycled cellulosic-fibres – Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic 06-11-2023

Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Petrochemicals BGPET – Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy


Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

New partnership for recycled man-made cellulosic fibres

SaXcell and Birla Cellulose sign Memorandum of Understanding for recycled fibre production to accelerate circularity.
Textile recycling innovator SaXcell has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Aditya Birla Group’s, Birla Cellulose, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of man-made cellulosic fibres. The MoU paves the way for the expansion of collaboration between the two companies for production of recycled man-made cellulosic fibres. SaXcell’s textile waste pulping technology combined with Birla’s advanced wet spinning expertise results in high quality sustainable SaXcell recycled fibres, serving the circular textile needs of customers at commercial scale.Commenting on the development, Mr Erik van der Weerd, CEO SaXcell, highlighted that this collaboration fits SaXcell’s vision to set up a robust circular textile supply chain based on partnership and mutual commitment. He explains: “To address today’s social and environmental challenges of the textile industry, global collaboration is imperative.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres
We need to facilitate a change from a linear to a circular economy and we need to do it now. SaXcell’s and Birla’s combined innovation force and production power offer a great opportunity to create real impact.”Commenting on this circularity and sustainability focussed collaboration, Dr. Aspi Patel, Chief Technology Officer, Aditya Birla Group and Birla Cellulose, points out: ”Birla Cellulose is strongly committed to support innovators for expanding circular fibre offerings in the textile and non-woven value chain. We have been exploring innovative business models and partnerships, this collaboration is one such initiative, where we aim to help SaXcell leapfrog from pilot to commercial demonstration scale.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres
Such partnerships will play an increasingly important role in accelerating circularity in global textile value chain.”SaXcell B.V. is an innovative technology development company that recycles used textiles into feedstock for making new and sustainable man-made cellulosic fibres. Creating the new fibres requires less water, land and chemicals. A team of researchers from Saxion University of Applied Science in Enschede started with SaXcell B.V. in 2015. After extensively testing and improving the technology, a pilot factory was successfully built in 2020. By 2024 SaXcell will further expand by building a Small Scale Production plant in Enschede, The Netherlands.
More…Recycled cellulosic-fibres

BMW showcases own battery to tackle Tesla

BMW starts making new battery cells that outperform Tesla’s BMW has begun producing its new Gen 6 battery cells, which will power its upcoming Neue Klasse electric vehicles.

The German car maker says its battery cells are better than Tesla’s in both performance and sustainability.

The Gen 6 battery cells are cylindrical and have a diameter of 46 mm. They come in two heights, 95 mm or 120 mm, depending on the capacity.

This shape helps to optimize the space and weight of the battery pack, which will be built into the vehicle structure.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

The Gen 6 battery cells will also have a voltage of 800 volts, which will enable faster charging and higher efficiency.

BMW claims its Gen 6 battery cells will provide a 30% increase in range over the previous generation, thanks to higher energy density and improved thermal management.

Moreover, the German company says it has cut CO2 emissions in cell production by 60%, using renewable energy and recycled materials.

The Bavarian company also plans to introduce solid-state batteries by 2030, which will further boost energy density by 20%.

The first cars to use Gen 6 battery cells will be the Neue Klasse models, which will launch in 2025.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

This is a new exclusive electric platform, which will include a compact sedan, a sporty SUV, a crossover and a station wagon.

BMW aims to sell more than 10 million electric vehicles by 2030, with a market share of 25%.

Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic

Scientists in Japan have developed a new version of plastic which is not just stronger and stretchier than the traditional version but also partially biodegradable. Besides, it can remember complex shapes which can be restored once it is heated.

Now, researchers at the University of Tokyo have successfully created “sustainable plastic,” which is based on an epoxy resin vitrimer. Recycled cellulosic-fibres

What are vitrimers?

Vitrimers represent a relatively recent category of plastics known for their impressive strength at low temperatures, while also possessing the unique ability to be reshaped numerous times when exposed to higher temperatures.

Nonetheless, they do have a notable drawback – extreme brittleness, as they cannot be stretched far before breaking.

To address this issue, researchers introduced a molecule called polyrotaxane into the plastic synthesis process, resulting in a novel plastic variant they’ve dubbed VPR, an abbreviation for “vitrimer incorporated with polyrotaxane.”

At lower temperatures, VPR’s robust internal chemical bonds maintain its rigid shape, but as temperatures rise, to around 150 degrees Celsius, these bonds start to recombine, allowing the material to take on different forms.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Moreover, when heat and a solvent are applied to VPR, it readily breaks down into its constituent components. Submerging VPR in seawater for 30 days also led to a 25 per cent biodegradation, with the polyrotaxane breaking down into a potential food source for marine life.

Self-healing properties

“VPR is over five times as resistant to breaking as a typical epoxy resin vitrimer,” said Professor Shota Ando, a project research associate at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.

“It also repairs itself 15 times as fast, can recover its original memorised shape twice as fast and can be chemically recycled 10 times as fast as the typical vitrimer.

It even biodegrades safely in a marine environment, which is new for this material,” Ando added.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres


Japan: Scientists develop self-healing, stronger and partially biodegradable plastic

High-purity rPET for new bottles

Croatia’s accession to the European Union has also given a significant boost to the topic of recycling, among other things.

Varisort sorting systems with FLASH technology for inspecting the bottle material for special colours (silver, opaq, TiO2 coloured) and for detecting bottles with a very low colour saturation.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Since then, the aim has been to implement the EU’s waste directives and current targets and, above all, to drive forward the circular economy to a national level. The EU target of recycling more than 65 percent of the municipal waste generated by 2035 has paved the way for a sustainable circular economy.

Plastic packaging manufacturers as an active part of the circular economy

An example from the field of plastic packaging shows that especially the distributors and manufacturers of such packaging who see it as their duty to make their contribution to the circular economy and thus to environmental protection and resource conservation. The aim is to use recycled PET material in the production of PET beverage packaging and to continuously increase its share. When using recycled PET, purity is the decisive factor. Only pure and high-quality recyclate can be used for a wide range of new products and especially for beverage packaging.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

rPET pellets of the highest quality for use in the food sector

Austrian beverage producer Steinrieser and the newly founded Austrian-Croatian trading company for beverage production KIS pica have joined forces to set up a PET recycling plant in the Donja Dubrava region of Croatia to reprocess disposed plastic bottles.

The PET recycling plant REKIS produces up to 18,000 metric tons of high-quality rPET pellets annually, which is then reused for the production of beverage bottles. In Croatia, plastic bottles are collected via the existing deposit system, but also via municipal collection points. In addition, REKIS sources collected plastic bottles from Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

The material is delivered pressed into bales, separated and forwarded via an eddy current separator for separation from aluminium cans. To obtain pure PET material for use in the food sector from the plastic bottles processed in this way, a multi-stage sorting process follows.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

At REKIS, multisensor sorting systems from Sesotec are used to reliably separate plastic bottles and, in a further step, plastic flakes by type. This is the prerequisite for obtaining high-quality rPET pellets.

Presorting with Varisort+ multisensor sorting systems

In the first step, the bottles pass through the Varisort+ multisensor sorting system. Positive sorting of clear PET bottles takes place: PET plastic bottles and clear bottles are removed and sent to the next sorting stage. Unwanted plastic bottles are actively suppressed and were then sent to the return sorting stage with all other materials.

The advantage of this sorting process is that the target fraction is positively identified and collected. All other materials, such as stones, etc., are removed and no longer interfere with further processing.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres


High-purity rPET for new bottles

APLA ’23: Brazil’s PE supply concerns rise as demand ticks higher

Brazil’s concerns about short supply of polyethylene (PE) in the fourth quarter continue mounting as imports could fall while demand is expected to rise slightly heading into this year’s annual meeting of the Latin America Petrochemical Association (APLA).

  • Weather conditions could affect imports into Brazil
  • Planned maintenance shutdowns to affect domestic supply
  • Imports into Argentina heavily curtailed

Until August, PE supply was not a concern for the Brazilian chemicals market, but a drought in Brazil’s northern states has changed the scenario.

The inland Port of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, is one of the main gateways for PE into Brazil; the region has large converters and is a free trade zone, making imports more competitive.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

However, the region has been struggling with a severe drought, causing the Port of Manaus – where the rivers Negro and Amazonas meet – to record its lowest water level in 121 years.

The Port recorded a water level of 13.59 metres in mid-October, the lowest level since records began in 1902 and well below the previous record lows of 2010.

Many shipping companies have ceased their services to the Amazonas state capital because, in some critical passage points, the water has reached a level that makes it impossible to continue maritime operations.

Many cargoes on board vessels bound for Manaus will have to be unloaded in other ports like Pecem and Vila do Conde, but it remains unclear when these cargoes will be re-embarked to Manaus.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

According to one distributor, this situation has caused many converters to transfer their production to plants located in other regions, thus generating an “artificial” demand for PE due to the impossibility of receiving imports in Manaus and shipping finished products from there to other regions.

Another source said this situation should only improve in Q1 2024, causing a large volume of backlogged cargo to land in Manaus next year, while a local converter said it expects the situation to improve in November.


APLA ’23: Brazil’s PE supply concerns rise as demand ticks higher

Berlin Packaging and APR partner to assess recyclability of PET bottles

The initiative will allow participating companies to receive the APR’s Design Recognition verification. Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Berlin Packaging has collaborated with US-based non-profit organisation the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) to introduce a sample bottle programme.

The programme aims to assist in the designing and testing of recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic packaging.

Berlin Packaging, a hybrid packaging solutions provider, is a member of the APR.

As part of this effort, Berlin Packaging is required to send small quantities of PET bottles to undergo recyclability test protocols at third-party testing laboratories to secure the APR’s Design for Recyclability Recognition.  Recycled cellulosic-fibres

This guide is designed to help companies ensure that the design of their packaging is fully recyclable and can easily be converted into high-quality, post-consumer recycled content.


Berlin Packaging and APR partner to assess recyclability of PET bottles

Recycled cellulosic-fibres

Mechanically recycled plastic – Multiple mixed plastic polymers depolymerized by single catalyst in new scientific development 04-11-2023

Petrochemicals BGPET – Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy 06-11-2023

Petrochemicals BGPET

Petrochemicals BGPET

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals BGPET

Petrochemicals BGPET

ITEM 30/10/2023 06/11/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 6,900 yuan/ton 6,900 yuan/ton
Bottle grade PET chips export market 885 $/ton 880 $/ton -5
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,790 yuan/ton 6,780 yuan/ton -10
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 6,830 yuan/ton 6,830 yuan/ton
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 5,900 yuan/ton 5,890 yuan/ton -10
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 730 $/ton 740 $/ton +10
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,070 yuan/ton 4,080 yuan/ton +10
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 468 $/ton 470 $/ton +2
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals BGPET

1,014 $/ton 1,031 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 991 $/ton 1,008 $/ton +17
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,150 $/ton 1,150 $/ton
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,400  yuan/ton 7,280 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 8,700 yuan/ton 8,650 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals BGPET

8,750 yuan/ton 8,700 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,050 yuan/ton 7,950 yuan/ton -100
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,500 yuan/ton 7,450 yuan/ton -50
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,750 yuan/ton 12,825 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,830 $/ton 1,830 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,750 yuan/ton 13,800 yuan/ton +50
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals BGPET

13,900 yuan/ton 14,050 yuan/ton +150
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,700 yuan/ton 20,000 yuan/ton +300
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,100 yuan/ton 16,150 yuan/ton +50
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,250 yuan/ton 18,300 yuan/ton- +50
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,250 yuan/ton 17,200 yuan/ton -50
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,000 yuan/ton 32,000 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,300 yuan/ton 9,150 yuan/ton -150
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals BGPET

8,340 yuan/ton 7,940 yuan/ton -400
Benzene overseas  market 911 $/ton 905 $/ton -6
Ethylene South East market 970 $/ton 945 $/ton -25
Ethylene NWE market 679 $/ton 717 $/ton +38
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals BGPET

9,500 yuan/ton 9,700 yuan/ton +200
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,350 yuan/ton 13,200 yuan/ton -150
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals BGPET

7,350 yuan/ton 7,350 yuan/ton
Naphtha overseas market  658 $/ton 658 $/ton
Phenol domestic market 8,425 yuan/ton 7,812 yuan/ton -613

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,900 yuan/ton   –


Petrochemicals BGPET

Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy

  • The ongoing Israel-Hamas war could affect European economies via lower regional trade, tighter financial conditions, higher energy prices and lower consumer confidence, Goldman Sachs said.
  • Concerns are growing among economists that the conflict could spill over and engulf the Middle East, with Israel and Lebanon exchanging missiles, as Israel continues to bombard Gaza.

The Israel-Hamas war could have a significant impact on economic growth and inflation in the euro zone unless energy price pressures remain contained, according to Goldman Sachs.

The ongoing hostilities could affect European economies via lower regional trade, tighter financial conditions, higher energy prices and lower consumer confidence, Europe Economics Analyst Katya Vashkinskaya highlighted in a research note Wednesday.

Concerns are growing among economists that the conflict could spill over and engulf the Middle East, with Israel and Lebanon exchanging missiles as Israel continues to bombard Gaza, resulting in massive civilian casualties and a deepening humanitarian crisis.

Although the tensions could affect European economic activity via lower trade with the Middle East, Vashkinskaya highlighted that the continent’s exposure is limited, given that the euro area exports around 0.4% of the GDP to Israel and its neighbors, while the British trade exposure is less than 0.2% of the GDP.

She noted that tighter financial conditions could weigh on growth and exacerbate the existing drag on economic activity from higher interest rates in both the euro area and the U.K. However, Goldman does not see a clear pattern between financial conditions and previous episodes of tension in the Middle East

The most important and potentially impactful way in which tensions could spill over into the European economy is through oil and gas markets, Vashkinskaya sai“Since the current conflict broke out, commodities markets have seen increased volatility, with Brent crude oil and European natural gas prices up by around 9% and 34% at the peak respectively,” she said.

Goldman’s commodities team assessed a set of downside scenarios in which oil prices could rise by between 5% and 20% above the baseline, depending on the severity of the oil supply shock.

“A persistent 10% oil price increase usually reduces Euro area real GDP by about 0.2% after one year and boosts consumer prices by almost 0.3pp over this time, with similar effects observed in the U.K.,” Vashkinskaya said.


Goldman Sachs says the Israel-Hamas war could have major implications for Europe’s economy

Mechanically recycled plastic – Multiple mixed plastic polymers depolymerized by single catalyst in new scientific development 04-11-2023

Mechanically recycled plastic

Borealis anticipates expanded mechanically recycled plastic compounding capacity in closed Rialti acquisition

Borealis has successfully closed a deal to acquire recycled polypropylene compound producer Rialti in a move set to boost its portfolio of PP compounds based on mechanical recyclates by 50,000 tons annually.

Rialti produces polypropylene compounds with a focus on mechanically recycled PP feedstock from post-industrial and post-consumer waste. With its annual capacity of 50,000 tons, it makes injection moulding and extrusion PP compounds for the automotive, appliances, and construction industries, among others.  Mechanically recycled plastic

After signing the agreement to acquire Rialti back in June, Borealis anticipates that the subsequent improvement in capacity will help to expand its PP compounding business and increase its volume of compounds based on mechanical recyclates. In turn, it expects to provide a wider range of sustainability-minded, high-performance solutions, meet customer demand, and help close the loop on a circular economy.

“Mechanical recycling is a key component of our integrated circular cascade model, which is a cornerstone of our future-positive transformation and path to net zero,” says Lucrèce Foufopoulos, Borealis executive vice president Polyolefins, Circularity and Innovation & Technology. “The acquisition of Rialti provides a vital expansion of our recyclate-based PP compound capacity, and marks another critical step on our path to reinventing essentials for sustainable living.”  Mechanically recycled plastic

Massimo Dal Toso, CEO of Rialti, adds: “Borealis is at the forefront of our industry’s mission to advance plastics circularity. With the closing of this transaction, I am pleased to see Rialti’s capacity and expertise contributing to this endeavour.


Mechanically recycled plastic

CompPair healable composites, recycled carbon fibers featured in ID Genève luxury watch

HealTech prepregs enable 400x faster regenerative properties for the new Circular C product, along with incorporation of industrial waste fibers for a sustainable touch.

The newly launched Circular C watch by ID Genève (Geneva, Switzerland) is claimed to be the first regenerative watch that has been designed with CompPair Technologies’ (Renens) healable composite technology, HealTech, produced with prepregs made from recycled carbon fibers sourced from industrial waste.  Mechanically recycled plastic

The dial, side decorations and bezel of the watch are all comprised of HealTech prepregs, which are capable of repairing scratches and internal cracks up to 400x faster than industrial standards. Initially intended for sports, leisure and aerospace components, CompPair’s smart material has also proved its appeal in the luxury sector.

“CompPair’s vision is to extend the lifetime of composites to reduce maintenance operations and waste, as well as improve circularity, in line with ID Genève’s vision,” Amaël Cohades, CEO and cofounder of CompPair, says. “Through this work, we are demonstrating the use of our healable resins with recycled carbon fibers, that can be applied to various other applications.”  Mechanically recycled plastic

CompPair aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy with a product enabling ultrafast repair and cost reductions. The company is developing innovative resins which produce composite structures that can heal damage on-site in 1 minute. Together with ID Genève, CompPair has taken its technology one step further by combining it with recycled fibers, combining innovation with sustainability.


recycled carbon fibers

Multiple mixed plastic polymers depolymerized by single catalyst in new scientific development

Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have developed a catalytic process that can apparently deconstruct multiple polymers in mixed plastic streams back down to their building blocks – a development set to cut down on energy use, fossil fuel consumption, and carbon emissions, among other benefits.

According to ORNL, almost 90% of mixed consumer plastics are buried in landfills or incinerated at commercial facilities, regardless of whether they enter waste or recycling streams. This is attributed to the cheaper alternative of making new plastics rather than collecting, sorting, and recycling existing ones.  Mechanically recycled plastic

In response, ORNL has combined chemical design, neutron scattering, and computing to develop a new recycling process.

It utilizes a catalyst to deconstruct multiple polymers in mixed plastics back into monomers. This process is said to take place over approximately two hours and is thought to be the first single catalytic treatment capable of deconstructing PET, polyurethanes, polyamides, and polycarbonates – all of which make up around 30% of global plastic production, the researchers claim.

An analysis published in the scientific journal Materials Horizons suggests that the new catalyst would call for up to 94% less energy input, generate up to 95% fewer greenhouse gases, and reduce fossil fuel consumption by up to 96%. It is set to replace harsh chemicals in polymer deconstruction and provide good selectivity, thermal stability, nonvolatility, and low flammability.  Mechanically recycled plastic

ORNL synthetic polymer chemist and author Tomonori Saito explained: “Our approach involves a tailored synthetic organocatalyst — a compound comprised of small organic molecules that facilitate organic chemical transformations. The organocatalyst can convert batches of mixed plastic waste into valuable monomers for reuse in producing commercial-grade plastics and other valuable materials.

“This exceptionally efficient chemical process can help close the loop for recycling mixed plastics by replacing first-use monomers with recycled monomers.

“Today, nearly all plastics are made from fossil fuels using first-use monomers made by energy-intensive processes. Establishing this kind of closed-loop recycling, if used globally, could reduce annual energy consumption by about 3.5 billion barrels of oil.”

ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source has also used small-angle neutron scattering to confirm that waste plastics had been deconstructed into monomers. In this process, neutrons are scattered at small angles to gauge structures at different levels of detail, e.g., nanometres or fractions of a micrometre.  Mechanically recycled plastic

Plastics are deconstructed at different temperatures by the organocatalyst. This enables individual monomers to be sequentially and separately recovered in a reusable form, as PET deconstructs at 180°C, polyamides at 210°C, polyurethanes at 160°C, and polycarbonates at 130°C.


Mechanically recycled plastic

Plastic-eating bacteria turn waste into useful starting materials for other products

Mountains of used plastic bottles get thrown away every day, but microbes could potentially tackle this problem. Now, researchers in ACS Central Science report that they’ve developed a plastic-eating E. coli that can efficiently turn polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste into adipic acid, which is used to make nylon materials, drugs and fragrances.  Mechanically recycled plastic

Previously, a team of researchers including Stephen Wallace engineered a strain of E. coli to transform the main component in old PET bottles, terephthalic acid, into something tastier and more valuable: the vanilla flavor compound vanillin. At the same time, other researchers engineered microbes to metabolize terephthalic acid into a variety of small molecules, including short acids. So, Wallace and a new team from the University of Edinburgh wanted to expand E. coli’s biosynthetic pathways to include the metabolism of terephthalic acid into adipic acid, a feedstock for many everyday products that’s typically generated from fossil fuels using energy-intensive processes.

The team developed a new E. coli strain that produced enzymes that could transform terephthalic acid into compounds such as muconic acid and adipic acid.

Then, to transform the muconic acid into adipic acid, they used a second type of E. coli, which produced hydrogen gas, and a palladium catalyst. Mechanically recycled plastic

In experiments, the team found that attaching the engineered microbial cells to alginate hydrogel beads improved their efficiency, and up to 79% of the terephthalic acid was converted into adipic acid. Using real-world samples of terephthalic acid from a discarded bottle and a coating taken from waste packaging labels, the engineered E. coli system efficiently produced adipic acid. In the future, the researchers say they will look for pathways to biosynthesize additional higher-value products.

The authors acknowledge funding from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland; the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre; a Future Leaders Fellowship from UK Research and Innovation; and an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Sustainable Manufacturing grant. Mechanically recycled plastic


Plastic-eating bacteria turn waste into useful starting materials for other products

Huntsman suspends EV battery materials because of Chinese imports

Huntsman is suspending a project that would produce ultra-pure ethylene carbonate (UPEC) used in the batteries of electric vehicles because of aggressive imports from China, which has caused pricing to fall by 75%, said the company.

“The current level of pricing will not generate the returns we would expect, and we took the difficult decision to suspend the project,” the company said in prepared remarks about its Q3 earnings.  Mechanically recycled plastic

Once Huntsman sees signs that pricing for UPEC will improve, it can complete the project within 12 months.

Huntsman is the only producer of ultra-pure ethylene carbonate in North America. The company had planned to raise UPEC capacity to up to 20,000 tonnes/year at its plant in Conroe, Texas. The project would have been completed by the end of this year.

Huntsman suspends EV battery materials because of Chinese imports

SK Geo Centric to build a pyrolysis plant in Dangjin with Plastic Energy

■ SK Geo Centric signed an MOU with UK-based Plastic Energy in Germany to establish a pyrolysis plant in Dangjin, Chungcheongnam-do Province, Korea on October 31  Mechanically recycled plastic

■ With the plant’s geographical advantage, proximity to the Seoul metropolitan area and Chungcheong-do regions, the plant is anticipated to create a synergy for waste plastic recycling in collaboration with the Ulsan ARC

■ SK Geo Centric CEO Na Kyung-soo stated, “The establishment and operation of the pyrolysis plant will contribute to establishing a circular economy system”

SK Geo Centric joins forces with Plastic Energy, the UK-based plastic pyrolysis specialist, to build a waste plastic pyrolysis plant in Dangjin, Chungcheongnam-do province. The plant is the second domestic pyrolysis plant after the Ulsan ARC (Advanced Recycling Cluster), which is under construction in the southern district of Ulsan with the goal of operations in 2025.

The two companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the construction of the Pyrolysis Plant 2 in Frankfurt, Germany on October 31 (local time). According to the MOU, the companies will establish a joint venture and construct a pyrolysis facility in the Songsan-2 Foreign Investment Zone in Dangjin. The specific timeline for construction and plant operation will be determined through future discussions between the two companies. The annual waste plastic processing capacity of Pyrolysis Plant 2 is planned to be 66,000 tons.  Mechanically recycled plastic

As the second plant will be located near the Seoul metropolitan area and Chungcheong regions, not only will its locational feature facilitate efficient waste collection from these areas, there is also the potential connection with the Ulsan ARC. The pyrolysis oil produced at Pyrolysis Plant 2 is expected to be further refined at the Ulsan ARC’s pyrolysis oil post-treatment facility for use in petrochemical processes.

Pyrolysis oil is created by heating waste plastics and discarded vinyl at high temperatures, and it is considered a crude oil substitute. Therefore, it is regarded as a crucial element in the circular economy for waste plastics, as it can be used in petrochemical processes to produce new petrochemical products. This process is also referred to as “Urban Oil Field” as it is extracting crude oil from waste materials.  Mechanically recycled plastic

Last year, SK Geo Centric continued its collaborative relationship with Plastic Energy by signing a Heads of Agreement (HOA) for the construction of a waste plastic pyrolysis plant in the Ulsan ARC. Building on Plastic Energy’s experience in operating stable pyrolysis plants in places including Seville, Spain, and its accumulated technology patents, the partnership aims to open up an era of a circular economy for waste plastics in South Korea.

SK Geo Centric CEO Na Kyung-soo said, “Following Ulsan, operating a waste plastic pyrolysis plant in Dangjin will significantly contribute to establishing a circular economy system in Korea.”  Mechanically recycled plastic


SK Geo Centric to build a pyrolysis plant in Dangjin with Plastic Energy

Celanese, the US-based engineered materials producer, has unveiled its plan to cease operations at its nylon 6,6 and high-performance nylon manufacturing facilities located in Uentrop, Germany

The decision to shut down these production units is primarily attributed to mounting operational costs, a move intended to bolster the company’s financial stability. On Tuesday, Celanese initiated the consultation process with both the works council and the labor union, marking the initial steps in the closure procedure.

This strategic decision involves a meticulous timeline, with the company aiming to conclude the shutdown by the year 2024. It represents a significant operational shift and is anticipated to come with substantial financial implications.

The estimated cost of the plant closures is projected to range between USD 110 million and USD 125 million. This substantial expenditure encompasses a variety of expenses, such as decommissioning equipment, managing inventory, and addressing environmental concerns.  Mechanically recycled plastic

Furthermore, a crucial aspect of this process is the termination of the employees currently working at the Uentrop facility. While the company has made efforts to streamline the process and ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible for its workforce, the exact costs related to employee termination remain uncertain. The financial intricacies of severance packages, pensions, and other associated expenses are yet to be fully determined.

This decision has come as a response to the evolving economic landscape and changing market dynamics. Celanese, like many other global companies, faces the challenge of managing production costs and optimizing its global footprint to stay competitive in the industry. The decision to shut down these plants is part of a broader strategy to streamline operations and enhance profitability.  Mechanically recycled plastic

The impact of this closure extends beyond the financial realm. It also raises questions about the livelihoods and future employment opportunities of the workers at the Uentrop facility. The consultation process with the works council and union is crucial in ensuring that the interests of the employees are taken into account as the shutdown proceeds. It is a challenging and complex process that requires a delicate balance between cost management and social responsibility.

In the meantime, Celanese remains committed to maintaining its dividend payout to its stockholders. The company’s dividend, which is a distribution of profits to its shareholders, is set to be paid out in 2023. The dividend is payable to stockholders who were recorded as such by October 30, 2023.  Mechanically recycled plastic

As the shutdown plan progresses, Celanese will continue to navigate the complexities associated with the facility closures and the accompanying financial challenges. The company’s focus remains on adapting to the ever-changing industrial landscape while also fulfilling its obligations to its employees and shareholders. The eventual impact of this strategic decision on Celanese’s financial health and market position will be closely watched by industry observers and investors alike.

Celanese, the US-based engineered materials producer, has unveiled its plan to cease operations at its nylon 6,6 and high-performance nylon manufacturing facilities located in Uentrop, Germany

Plastic waste – Signal: carmakers boost EV battery supply chains via recycling partnerships 03-11-2023

Mechanically recycled plastic

Plastic waste – Signal: carmakers boost EV battery supply chains via recycling partnerships 03-11-2023

Plastic waste

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Axens, IFPEN and JEPLAN announce the start-up operation of Rewind® PET semi-industrial unit in Japan for the chemical recycling of PET

Axens, IFPEN and JEPLAN entered into a partnership in 2020 to develop and license an innovative recycling process, called Rewind® PET, that can be used to recycle all types of waste Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), especially those difficult to recycle mechanically. With the support of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), this collaboration has resulted in the construction, commissioning and recent start-up of their Rewind® PET semi-industrial unit, which modifies and expands JEPLAN’s existing Kitakyushu Hibikinada Pilot (KHP) demonstration plant, in Kitakyushu-city, Japan. The production capacity of the Rewind® PET semi-industrial unit keeps the same capacity of the KHP demonstration plant before modifications, at one thousand tons per annum (1 KTA).  Plastic waste

The aim of this unit is to show future industrial customers how the innovative PET recycling process, developed by the three partners, can be integrated into their own production and recycling facilities. This is a key step for the three partners in view of the commercialisation (licensing) by Axens, which is intended to start by the end of 2023 once the process has been fully validated. The Rewind® PET process will produce a high-quality, virgin-like, recycled PET, suitable for all PET applications including food contact packaging or textiles. An event was held at the semi-industrial unit on October 24th to celebrate its launch.

An innovative process for the chemical recycling of PET

The innovative Rewind® PET process involves a continuous depolymerization of PET by glycolysis, followed by a deep purification of the obtained monomer, BHET (Bis(2-Hydroxyethyl) terephthalate).  Plastic waste

Its major advantage for manufacturers lies in its ability to separate all additives and colorants to restore a pure BHET monomer, which can easily be polymerized again in existing (or new) polymerization plants. It can be used to process all types of waste PET, including coloured and opaque bottles, multilayer trays, packaging film and polyester textiles. This innovation is the result of more than 10 years of development at Axens, IFPEN and JEPLAN, and of the synergy established by the three partners for over three years now. It will greatly help the PET industry meet its targets for the integration of recycled materials, complementing mechanical recycling.

This will also contribute to reaching Europe’s target of 30% recycled content in PET-made packaging by 2030.  Plastic waste

Promoting a circular plastics chain


Plastic waste

Ascend returns to Plastimagen with innovative new materials for Latin America

Ascend Performance Materials will showcase how it is advancing together with its customers through new products for e-mobility and sustainable materials at Plastimagen this week. In its first Plastimagen exhibition since expanding compound production to Latin America, the company will exhibit its engineered materials portfolio, including:

  • New grades of the award-winning Vydyne® AVS, which provide tunable frequency damping for automakers looking to reduce vehicle noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) at the source.  Plastic waste
  • Further advances in Starflam® X-Protect, a family of PA66 compounds capable of withstanding direct flame exposure up to 1,100°C for 15 minutes – mitigating the risk of a thermal runaway to EV passenger safety. Starflam X-Protect recently passed UL 2596, a safety test for EV battery enclosure materials, and is an ideal material for use as busbar insulation, connectors and flame barriers.
  • A growing portfolio of ReDefyne certified circular polyamide compounds with up to 100% pre- and post-consumer recycled feedstock, specially formulated to help customers reduce the carbon footprint of their products without compromising performance. The ReDefyne portfolio can help meet the circularity objectives laid down in the European Commission’s proposed end-of-life vehicle regulationPlastic waste

“A truly innovative product portfolio makes this event exciting for us,” said Steve Manning, senior business director, engineering plastics. “Our new materials and technical support are helping customers design high-performance, sustainable products quickly and reliably.”


Plastic waste

Signal: carmakers boost EV battery supply chains via recycling partnerships

Auto OEMs are partnering with EV battery recyclers, as they seek to secure better raw materials access and improve ESG profiles.

utch automaker Stellantis announced on 24 October that it had signed a memorandum of understanding with US-based Orano to establish a joint venture for recycling end-of-life electric vehicle (EV) batteries. The move, Stellantis said, is calculated to strengthen the company’s position in the EV battery value chain by granting them “additional access to cobalt, nickel and lithium necessary for electrification and energy transition.”

This is just the latest in a series of joint ventures between automakers and EV battery recycling firms, as the former seek to shore up their supply chains against projected raw material shortages and boost the environmental, social and governance (ESG) profiles of their batteries.  Plastic waste

Earlier this month, South Korea’s Kia established a public-private partnership with North Gyeongsang Provincial Government and Gyeongbuk Technopark to build a battery recycling ecosystem, and, last month, Volvo announced a partnership with Newcastle-based Connected Energy to recycle its commercial EV fleet batteries.

And the list goes on. Earlier this year, Honda inked agreements with two leading US-based battery recycling companies, Cirba Solutions and Ascend Elements, in a move calculated to bring the automaker closer to its 2050 carbon neutrality goal. Indeed, Andreas Breiter, partner at the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Co., notes that using recycled battery materials for EV batteries equates to approximately 25% lower carbon emissions versus virgin mineral extraction.  Plastic waste

In March, meanwhile, Germany’s Mercedes-Benz joined forces with three Chinese companies, including China’s largest battery maker CATL, to form a “closed loop” battery recycling project.


Plastic waste

PET recycling claims ‘mislead consumers’

Claims that PET bottles are ‘100% recyclable’ or ‘100% recycled’ are likely to mislead consumers, a report by consultancy Eunomia Research & Consulting says.

Working with environmental groups ClientEarth, the Environmental Coalition on Standards and Zero Waste Europe, Eunomia said PET was “not currently a circular material within even the best recycling systems in Europe” in its report 100% Greenwash? Green Claims on PET Beverage Bottles in Europe.

ClientEarth’s Rosa Pritchard said: “This report clearly demonstrates that ‘plastic bottle circularity’ is a myth.”  Plastic waste

Assertions about the sustainability of PET beverage bottles did “not reflect reality” and potentially breached consumer protection law by making bogus claims, Eunomia said.

The report investigated examples of claims and found the term ‘recyclable’ was ambiguous and should not be placed on bottles. It recommended instead that labels should provide consumers with clear instructions on how to dispose of packaging.

Claims that PET bottles were ‘100% recycled’ might not account for all the components, since caps and labels “are rarely, if ever, made from recycled content”.

The authors conclude that PET beverage bottles should not be marketed in ways that that imply circularity or sustainability.  Plastic waste

Andy Grant, Eunomia technical director, said: “PET beverage bottles should not be marketed using language or imagery that states or implies circularity, sustainability and/or climate neutrality.


PET recycling claims ‘mislead consumers’

REPORT | Chemical Recycling: A Dangerous Deception

Chemical recycling — or what the industry likes to call “advanced recycling” — is increasingly touted as a solution to the plastic waste problem, but a landmark new report from Beyond Plastics and IPEN shows this technology hasn’t worked for decades, it’s still failing, and it threatens the environment, the climate, human health, and environmental justice. This comprehensive report features an investigation of all 11 constructed chemical recycling facilities in the United States, their output, their financial backing, and their contribution to environmental pollution.  Plastic waste

The petrochemical and plastics industries have been aggressively working across America to pass state laws that reclassify chemical recycling facilities as manufacturing rather than waste facilities, which reduces regulation of these polluting plants and allows the companies to grab more public subsidies. As of this report’s release, 24 states have passed such laws. Just like mechanical recycling, chemical recycling is an industry marketing tactic to distract from the real solution to the plastic problem: reducing how much plastic is produced in the first place.

Deregulating and incentivizing chemical recycling is a dangerous trend with environmental and human health repercussions, though it’s not surprising when you consider how little information is publicly available about what chemical recycling actually does, how it does it, who it affects, how little plastic it removes from the waste stream, and how little product is actually produced.

This report unmasks chemical recycling’s history of failure, its lack of viability, and its harms so that others, especially lawmakers and regulators, can see this pseudo-solution for what it is: smoke and mirrors.  Plastic waste


REPORT | Chemical Recycling: A Dangerous Deception

Opinion: How To Increase Recycling Rates With 2D Codes and The GS1 Digital Link

how can we increase the quantity and availability of PCR plastic? Lee Metters, Group Business Development Director, Domino Printing Sciences, explores

Five years since the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the UN Environment Programme launched the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment to create a circular economy for plastics and more than 500 signatories have signed up. Many global brands have promised to drastically increase their use of post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic instead of virgin plastic by 2025.  Plastic waste

Many brands have taken great strides in the right direction, but a problem remains – there is insufficient recycled plastic to meet demand. In its 2022 global report, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation announced that signatories had more than doubled their use of PCR since 2018 – from 4.8% to 10% – but remain way off the 2025 target. Moreover, virgin plastic use is back at 2018 levels after an initial drop.

As such, the question remains: how can we increase the quantity and availability of PCR plastic? Lee Metters, Group Business Development Director, Domino Printing Sciences, explores.  Plastic waste

Creating a circular economy for plastic waste  

The first step towards creating a circular economy for plastic waste is designing products for recyclability, but making products recyclable is only part of the solution. Worldwide, we produce large volumes of recyclable waste daily, but the vast majority ends up in general waste collections. Indeed, a recent report by National Geographic found that 91% of plastic waste is not sent to a recycling facility. So, it’s hardly a surprise that there is a significant debate about how to improve materials recovery.

Multiple start-ups and businesses aim to improve product identification at materials recovery facilities (MRFs), with everything from artificial intelligence and machine vision applications emerging alongside existing near-infrared and air separation technologies to identify waste better at the point of recycling.  Plastic waste


Opinion: How To Increase Recycling Rates With 2D Codes and The GS1 Digital Link

How Polymer Materials are Shaping the Electric Vehicle (EV) Revolution

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution has been gaining momentum over the past few years, and one of the key factors driving this change is the innovative use of polymer materials. As the world becomes increasingly concerned about environmental issues and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the adoption of electric vehicles is on the rise. Polymer materials have played a crucial role in making electric vehicles more efficient, affordable, and sustainable. In this article, we will explore how polymer materials are transforming the electric vehicle industry and shaping the future of transportation.


The Rise of Electric Vehicles

Before delving into the impact of polymer materials, it’s essential to understand the current state of the electric vehicle market. Electric vehicles, or EVs, have seen a significant surge in popularity over the last decade. Several factors drive this surge, including government incentives, environmental concerns, and advancements in technology.  Plastic waste

One of the primary reasons for the growth of the electric vehicle market is the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles are a major source of carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to global warming and climate change. Electric vehicles, on the other hand, produce zero tailpipe emissions, making them a cleaner and more sustainable mode of transportation.

The Role of Polymer Materials

Polymer materials, composed of long chains of molecules, have emerged as a key player in driving the electric vehicle revolution.  These materials have several properties that make them ideal for EV applications.  Plastic waste

Lightweight and Strong

Polymer materials are known for their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. They are significantly lighter than traditional materials like steel and aluminum, which is a crucial advantage in the design of electric vehicles. By using lightweight polymers, manufacturers can reduce the overall weight of the vehicle, leading to improved energy efficiency and longer driving ranges.

Improved Battery Technology

Electric vehicles rely on high-capacity lithium-ion batteries to store and provide energy. Polymer materials are used in the construction of these batteries to improve their performance. The use of polymer separators in lithium-ion batteries enhances their energy density, making them more efficient and capable of storing more energy in a smaller space.  Plastic waste

This, in turn, allows electric vehicles to travel longer distances on a single charge.


How Polymer Materials are Shaping the Electric Vehicle (EV) Revolution

Carbon Fiber – Electric cars : Automaker executives admit their plans are in jeopardy 02-11-2023

Plastic waste

Carbon Fiber – Electric cars : Automaker executives admit their plans are in jeopardy 02-11-2023

Carbon Fiber

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Electric cars : Automaker executives admit their plans are in jeopardy

Despite ambitious electrification strategies, automaker executives expressed doubts this week about the growth of the electric car market, amid signs of slowing demand and production difficulties.

Some industry leaders have also scaled back their electric vehicle (BEV) sales targets, calling into question their profitability and sustainability.
Many auto executives are reviewing their electric car plans
Among those who have changed their tone is Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who has been one of the most optimistic about the future of electric cars.

GM has suspended its targets to produce 100,000 BEVs in the second half of 2023 and another 400,000 in the first six months of 2024, without knowing when it will reach them. “As we progress through the transformation to EV, our road is a little bumpy,” she said.
Even Mercedes-Benz, which had to discount its electric cars by several thousand euros to sell them, did not hide its difficulties.”  Carbon Fiber

But Mercedes is not the only one. In fact, almost all current electric vehicles are sold at a lower price than the list price and in some cases with manufacturer incentives close to 10%.

This is while inventory is piling up at dealerships, in spite of the dealers. Often even significant markdowns and discounts are not enough.

These cars take dealers longer to sell than their gasoline counterparts.
This obviously leads to severe slowdowns in the plans of many companies which were evidently far too ambitious and optimistic.

The president of Toyota Motor, Akio Toyoda, spoke about this problem at the Japan Mobility Show, who declared: “People are finally realizing what the reality is.”

Toyoda has long been skeptical of his colleagues’ purely electric designs.

Carbon Fiber

Self-adhesive label material for PET recycling

Herma, a leader in self-adhesive label materials, has introduced the new wash-off adhesive 72Hpw. Thanks to a special formulation, the production costs of the new adhesive are almost on the same level as a conventional permanent standard adhesive, says the company. Nevertheless, it is claimed to make it possible to generate pure PET flakes with the usual industrial washing processes, without disturbing residues of labels and the printing inks contained on them. At the same time, this adhesive also benefits from the wash-off know-how that Herma states to have acquired in this field: The new adhesive has been designed to achieve good values in the important initial adhesion, i. e. the tack, and in the wash-off rate. They are claimed to be very similar to the more expensive wash-off adhesives that have already been introduced.  Carbon Fiber

Institut cyclos-HTP has already certified the adhesive 72Hpw for wash-off applications in combination with the film Herma PP white super tc (grade 881). This means that PET bottles can also be visually attractive for products such as beverages, cleaning agents (detergents), cosmetics and personal care. They can all be recycled in industry-standard recycling plants. The adhesive 72Hpw has been developed for applications where the label is to be washed off in warm alkaline water. Good results are already achieved at 70 °C in a 1% sodium hydroxide solution, explains Herma. Further material combinations are currently still in the test phase. These include, for example, the extra light and therefore resource-friendly films Herma PP 50 white (grade 884) and Herma PP 50 transparent super tc (grade 886).

Visit Herma


Carbon Fiber

Chlorophyll Water transitions to 100% rPET bottles

For the new bottles’ labels, the brand leveraged Avery Dennison’s water-based CleanFlake technology.

US-based bottled water brand Chlorophyll Water has announced the launch of new bottles made using 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET).

The plastic material used in manufacturing Chlorophyll’s new bottles is recycled using technologies that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The company has also received the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) approval for food-grade applications of this rPET material.  Carbon Fiber

These approvals signify that the material used in Chlorophyll’s packaging can be repurposed again into new PET bottles, further minimising the requirement of using virgin plastic for manufacturing new PET bottles.

Regarding the labels on these new 100% recycled plastic bottles, Chlorophyll leveraged Avery Dennison’s CleanFlake label technology.

CleanFlake labels, according to Chlorophyll, help enhance the yield of food-grade PET during the recycling process.


Carbon Fiber

Landbell and Sabic Enter Into Long-Term Partnership to Advance Plastic Packaging Closed-Loop Systems

Landbell, a German waste management service provider, and Sabic, the Saudi chemical giant, have solidified their long-term cooperation through an agreement aimed at fostering closed-loop systems for plastic packaging and expanding advanced recycling initiatives. The primary focus will be on establishing and enhancing processes to augment feedstock streams, technology, and expertise required for larger-scale chemical recycling operations.

This agreement marks a significant milestone in the ongoing partnership between the two companies, which was initially formed in 2020. Carbon Fiber

It builds upon the success of a pioneering recycling project announced by Landbell and Sabic in 2022 in collaboration with Mars. This project demonstrated the feasibility of closing the loop on flexible packaging by collecting mixed-used plastic and producing certified circular polypropylene (PP) as part of Sabic’s Trucircle portfolio.

Landbell and Sabic aspire to encourage other brand owners, as well as plastic and packaging converters, to integrate circular solutions utilizing chemically recycled post-consumer plastic packaging into their product applications. The collaboration also aims to showcase that closed-loop projects have the potential to recapture value and reintroduce used plastic into new material streams. To achieve this, Landbell is providing mixed plastic packaging waste from the German yellow bag collection as feedstock for chemical recycling—a waste stream that has traditionally been processed through low-end mechanical recycling or incineration for energy recovery.

This waste is transported to a specialized pre-treatment facility operated by A. Siemer Entsorgung, where it undergoes further sorting and cleaning processes in preparation for subsequent processing. Ultimately, the material will be transported to the Sabic Plastic Energy Advanced Recycling Unit in Geleen (currently in its final construction stages), where it will be converted into pyrolysis oil known as Tacoil. Following treatment in a newly constructed Sabic hydrotreater plant, this Tacoil can be utilized in Sabic’s production processes.  Carbon Fiber

Landbell and Sabic Enter Into Long-Term Partnership to Advance Plastic Packaging Closed-Loop Systems

OMV and Interzero establish joint venture to build and operate Europe’s largest sorting facility for chemical recycling


  • Construction and operation of innovative, fully automatic, sorting plant with capacity of up to 260,000 tonnes per year in Walldürn, Germany
  • Processing mixed plastics into feedstock for OMV’s chemical recycling
  • OMV investment volume over EUR 170 mn

OMV, the integrated company for energy, fuels & feedstock, chemicals and materials, headquartered in Vienna, has today announced the final investment decision to build an innovative sorting plant developed by Interzero* to produce feedstock for chemical recycling. In total, OMV will invest an amount of over EUR 170 mn to build this state-of-the-art facility in Walldürn, southern Germany. OMV will hold 89.9 percent of the shares in the joint venture and 10.1 per cent of the shares will belong to Interzero, Europe’s leading provider of circular economy solutions.  Carbon Fiber

Production start of the new plant is expected to take place in 2026. Around 120 new jobs will be created at the new site. The groundbreaking ceremony is already scheduled for November 20, 2023, with guests from politics expected to attend.

The sorting facility will be the first of its kind to produce feedstock for OMV’s chemical recycling on a large industrial scale. The ReOil® technology developed and patented by OMV is a chemical

recycling innovation that converts plastic waste that cannot be mechanically recycled into pyrolysis oil – a valuable resource.  Carbon Fiber

The input for the sorting plant essentially involves mixed plastics that have not been recyclable until now, especially those collected separately from the yellow bag and the yellow bin recycling system in Germany.


OMV and Interzero establish joint venture to build and operate Europe’s largest sorting facility for chemical recycling

Toray Industries, Inc. Develops TORAYCA T1200, the Ultra-High-Strength Carbon Fiber

Toray Industries, Inc. announced that it has developed TORAYCA? T1200 carbon fiber, the higher strength at 1,160 kilopound per square inch (Ksi). This new offering will move forward to reducing environmental footprints by lightening carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic materials.

This fiber also opens a new performance frontier for strength-driven applications. Its potential applications range from aerostructures and defense to alternative energy and consumer products. As carbon fiber products have proven their value and become more commercialized, the supply of high-strength carbon fiber has increased globally.

Pushing this performance frontier has increased the demand for specialty applications. Toray set about refining its proprietary nanoscale structural control technology to design and achieve an internal structure that resists damage. Leveraging this fundamental technology led Toray to develop TORAYCA?  Carbon Fiber

T1200 in its new facility within the Ehime Plant (in Masaki-cho, Ehime Prefecture). T1200 has a tensile strength of up to 1,160 Ksi, more than 10% higher than TORAYCA? T1100, which currently has the higher tensile strength available.

T1100 applications include defense weapon systems, space, aircraft, and sports and leisure equipment. Toray began the commercial production of TORAYCA? carbon fiber in 1971 at the Ehime Plant and diversified the application into compressed natural gas and high-pressure hydrogen tanks, automobiles, aircraft, and sporting equipment.

In 1986, Toray developed TORAYCA? T1000 and further expanded carbon fiber’s potential by commercializing TORAYCA? T1100.

Toray remains a global leader, with both carbon fibers exhibiting the higher strength available worldwide. As part of the Toray Group’s Sustainability Vision, the company committed itself to providing innovative technologies and advanced materials that contribute to sustainable progress. TORAYCA?  Carbon Fiber


Toray Industries, Inc. Develops TORAYCA T1200, the Ultra-High-Strength Carbon Fiber

Report finds high likelihood of greenwashing in beverage packaging

Circularity claims on PET beverage bottles such as ‘100% recyclable’ are likely to be misleading consumers, according to a new report.

ClientEarth, ECOS (Environmental Coalition on Standards), Eunomia Research & Consulting and Zero Waste Europe have researched greenwashing in PET beverage packaging.

The report is based on previous work by circular economy specialists at Eunomia, which concluded that PET is not currently a circular material within even the best recycling systems in Europe. It shows that circularity claims may in some cases be inaccurate and overall give an impression of the ‘sustainability’ of PET beverage bottles that does not reflect reality.  Carbon Fiber

The investigation looks at examples of on-pack claims and finds that the term ‘recyclable’ is ambiguous and should not be placed on bottles. The authors recommend instead that labels provide consumers with clear instructions on how to dispose of packaging.

It also finds that ‘100% recycled’ claims may not account for all the components of the bottle, asserting that caps and labels are rarely, if ever, made from recycled content.

The report warns that companies should address these practices to avoid misleading consumers and potentially breaching consumer protection law.

The conclusion drawn is that PET beverage bottles should not be marketed using language or imagery that implies circularity or sustainabilityCarbon Fiber

ClientEarth representative Rosa Pritchard commented: “‘Plastic bottle circularity’ is a myth. Claims on bottles that promote this idea present an obstacle to the green transition. Consumers need access to fair, honest information about the environmental impacts of products and clear information on recycling.”


Report finds high likelihood of greenwashing in beverage packaging

Circular plastics – World Bank warns oil price could soar to record $150 a barrel 01-11-2023

Carbon Fiber

Circular plastics – World Bank warns oil price could soar to record $150 a barrel 01-11-2023

Circular plastics

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

European plastics manufacturers agree roadmap to circular plastics

European plastics manufacturers have agreed a “Plastics Transition” roadmap that aims to accelerate the transition to make plastics circular and net zero lifecycle emissions.

The “Plastics Transition” roadmap highlights what Plastics Europe calls the “urgent need” for a policy framework that stimulates circular markets and investments.

Plastics Europe says its vision is to create a sustainable plastics system that continues to meet consumer and societal demands while supporting the transitions of many downstream industries. Circular plastics

The roadmap establishes a pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the overall plastics system by 28% by 2030 and towards net zero by 2050. It also predicts that circular plastics could meet 25% of European demand in 2030 and 65% by 2050.

Cumulated additional investments and operational costs to reach these ambitions are projected to be €235 billion, Plastics Europe says.

The roadmap identifies several “key levers and enablers”, and details immediate, short, and medium-term milestones and actions for plastics manufacturers. It also says that circularity requires a whole value chain approach and includes recommended actions for policymakers and value chain stakeholders between now and 2030.

For the first time our industry is united around a hugely ambitious but realistic plan to redesign the European plastics system.

Virginia Janssens, Managing Director of Plastics Europe, commented: “For the first time our industry is united around a hugely ambitious but realistic plan to redesign the European plastics system – the ‘Plastics Transition’ roadmap. It will be our North Star for the years to come and reflects a profound cultural shift that has taken place in our industry.”        Circular plastics

The roadmap also calls for a European waste management system fit for a net zero and circular economy, minimum circular plastic content targets for key plastics applications, and unlock industry investments in, for example, chemical recycling infrastructure.

Marco ten Bruggencate, President of Plastics Europe, and Dow EMEA Commercial Vice President Packaging and Specialty Plastics said: “We are excited about the opportunity the Green Deal provides to create a thriving and competitive European plastics industry that allows us to increase investment and innovation in circularity and decarbonisation.


Circular plastics

Amcor, SK Geo Centric partner for supply of recycled content

Amcor, a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, announced today that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SK Geo Centric (SK), a leading petrochemical company based in South Korea, to source advanced recycled material primarily in the Asia Pacific region beginning in 2025.

The MOU with SK will enable Amcor to provide access to packaging solutions using recycled content for food and healthcare customers in key markets in Asia Pacific, as well as globally, building on Amcor’s existing global access to advanced recycled material through ExxonMobil, as well as its recent investment with Licella in Australia. Combined, these partnerships will help Amcor take another important step toward achieving its target of 30% recycled content across its portfolio by 2030.  Circular plastics

“Our ability to deliver more sustainable packaging solutions containing recycled material is increasingly important to customers in all consumer categories,” said Mike Cash, president of Amcor Flexibles Asia Pacific. “These partnerships will help enable Amcor to unlock opportunities for food and healthcare customers to leverage recycled content in their packaging, and will also foster a circular economy by significantly reducing the need for virgin plastic.”

SK Geo Centric CEO Na Kyung-soo said, “We are committed to contributing to a circular economy by expanding the supply chain where pyrolysis oil, produced from end-of-life plastic, can provide recycled content in consumer packaging. Providing Amcor with access to that material is an important step forward.”

SK extracts pyrolysis oil from end-of-life plastic waste that would otherwise be sent to landfill. SK is using post-processing technology the company developed.

This can then replace crude oil as a feedstock for petrochemical processes and subsequently polyethylene to make new sustainable packaging materials for our customers.  Circular plastics


Circular plastics

500ml sparkling drink bottles from The Coca-Cola Company shift to 100% recycled plastic in Canada

The Coca-Cola Company is transitioning all 500ml sparkling beverage bottles sold in Canada into 100% recycled plastic, excluding caps and labels, by early 2024 to save virgin plastic, reduce carbon emissions, and meet its sustainability targets.

The company claims to be the first to launch multiple sparkling beverages in 100% recycled plastic bottle bodies across Canada. Coke Canada Bottling will produce the bottles at its manufacturing facilities in Brampton, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta; Lachine, Quebec; and Richmond, British Columbia.  Circular plastics

All bottles falling under this category will display ‘Recycle Me Again’ messaging to raise awareness and encourage consumers to continue recycling the packaging at end-of-life.

“This means that no virgin PET plastic will be used for our sparkling 500ml bottles under normal circumstances going forward in Canada,” said Kurt Ritter, vice president and general manager, Sustainability, Coca-Cola North America. “We hope that transitioning our 500ml sparkling portfolio to 100% recycled plastic will increase the amount of high-quality, food-grade, recycled plastic available in Canada and, ultimately, enable us to offer more of our brands in this sustainable format.”  Circular plastics

The shift is predicted to save 7.6 million pounds of new plastic in 2024 and cut out almost 7,000 metric tons of CO2 every year, a reduction that The Coca-Cola Company compares to taking 1,500 cars off the road for one year. It also aligns with the company’s World Without Waste goals, in which it aspires to lower its consumption of virgin plastic and utilize at least 50% recycled content in its packaging by 2030.


Circular plastics

World Bank warns oil price could soar to record $150 a barrel

Escalation of Israel-Hamas war into Middle East-wide conflict would disrupt oil supplies and stoke food prices, says Bank

Oil prices could soar to a record high of more than $150 a barrel if the war between Israel and Hamas leads to a repeat of the full-scale conflict in the Middle East witnessed 50 years ago, the World Bank has warned.

In the first major assessment of the economic risks of an escalation of the war beyond Gaza’s borders, the World Bank said there was a risk of the cost of crude entering “uncharted waters”.  Circular plastics

A “large disruption” scenario comparable with the Arab oil boycott of the west in 1973 would create supply shortages that would lead to the price of a barrel of oil increasing from about $90 to between $140 and 157. The previous record – unadjusted for inflation – was $147 a barrel in 2008.

“The latest conflict in the Middle East comes on the heels of the biggest shock to commodity markets since the 1970s – Russia’s war with Ukraine,” said Indermit Gill, the World Bank’s chief economist. “That had disruptive effects on the global economy that persist to this day.

“Policymakers will need to be vigilant. If the conflict were to escalate, the global economy would face a dual energy shock for the first time in decades – not just from the war in Ukraine but also from the Middle East.”

The Bank said in its latest commodity markets outlook that the shock to the global economy would not be confined to energy costs but would also result in hundreds of millions going hungry as a result of higher food prices.

In its assessment, the Bank said the Israel-Hamas war had had little impact on commodity prices so far. Oil prices had risen by about 6%, but agricultural commodities, industrial metals and other commodities had “barely budged”.

It added: “The outlook for commodity prices would darken quickly if the conflict were to escalate.”  Circular plastics

Under the World Bank’s baseline forecast, oil prices will average $90 a barrel in the current quarter before declining to an average of $81 a barrel next year as global economic growth slows. But it also sketched out three alternative paths for oil prices:

  • A “small disruption” scenario, in which the global oil supply would be reduced by 500,000 to 2m barrels a day -roughly equivalent to the reduction seen during the Libyan civil war in 2011. The oil price would rise to a range of $93 to $102 a barrel.


World Bank warns oil price could soar to record $150 a barrel

Closing the loop on bottle caps

Recycler, processor and manufacturer Greenpath Enterprises has partnered with TOMRA Recycling Sorting to install and optimize a plastic flake sorting line designed to identify and separate mixed polyolefin caps from beverage bottles.

“We are at the genesis of creating a sorting system for caps similar to what is more common today for the bottle,” said Eric Olsson, area segment manager, plastics for TOMRA Recycling.  Circular plastics

Operating for more than 25 years, the vertically integrated Greenpath accepts a wide range of materials, and the inbound flow can be somewhat inconsistent. Greenpath creates value being a one-stop solution by accepting mixed trailer loads with variable supply streams and producing consistent, quality products.

“Developing a mechanical sorting process to close the loop for food-grade cap-to-cap recycling by consistently separating mixed polyolefins by polymer and colour with high purity is a game changer,” said Joe Castro, president of Colton, California-based Greenpath.

Considering only the post-consumer polyolefin materials – low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) – Greenpath accepts film, rigid plastics and bottle caps. Polypropylene and polyethylene (PE) are together the most abundant plastic family on earth, but the market is limited for valuable applications for mixed polyolefins, according to Olsson.

PE and PP have very close density characteristics and are challenging to separate. So, mixed polyolefins are primarily downcycled into more forgiving applications that allow for more contamination.  Circular plastics

The quest for cap to cap

A beverage container commonly consists of four parts: the bottle, cap or closure, ring and label. A more mature PET recycling infrastructure has led to brand owners incorporating up to 100% PCR material in their bottles.

As regulations increase the percentage of recycled content by weight, the next logical container component to address is the cap. “Following Greenpath’s approach, the industry can move toward a 100% PCR by weight package using only mechanical sortation,” says Olsson.

During the recycling process, bottles, labels, caps and rings are shredded, and a sink-float process is used to separate the PET bottles from the PE and PP caps.

The heavier PET sinks and the lighter polyolefins float and are skimmed off as a secondary byproduct.  Circular plastics


Closing the loop on bottle caps

The Future of Cars: Exploring the Advancements in Polymer Automobile Technology 

The automotive industry is experiencing a revolution, and at the heart of this transformation lies the remarkable advancements in polymer automobile technology. In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift towards the use of polymers, also known as plastics, in various automotive applications. These innovations are set to reshape the future of cars by enhancing performance, reducing environmental impact, and improving safety. This article delves into the exciting world of polymer automobile technology and how it is driving the automotive industry towards a sustainable and dynamic future.


The Rise of Polymers in Automobiles

Lightweighting for Fuel Efficiency

One of the most significant trends in the automotive industry is the pursuit of fuel efficiency. As environmental concerns and stringent regulations regarding emissions continue to shape the industry’s landscape, automakers are turning to polymer materials for solutions.

Polymers offer a remarkable advantage in terms of weight reduction. By replacing traditional metal components with lightweight polymers, vehicles can achieve better fuel economy and reduced emissions.  Circular plastics

In the quest for lightweighting, polymers like carbon fiber-reinforced composites are leading the way. These materials are not only lighter than steel but also possess impressive strength and durability. As a result, the use of polymers in structural components, such as body panels and chassis, is on the rise. This shift towards lightweight materials not only reduces fuel consumption but also enhances handling and overall driving experience.

Electrification and Battery Technology

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is another driving force behind the adoption of polymer technology. In EVs, battery packs play a crucial role, and their weight directly impacts the vehicle’s range and performance. To optimize the efficiency of batteries, automakers are incorporating lightweight and thermally efficient polymers in battery components.


The Future of Cars: Exploring the Advancements in Polymer Automobile Technology 

Zeppelin Systems and ReOil build tire recycling plant in Poland

In March 2023, Zeppelin Systems launched the Zeppelin Sustainable Tire Alliance to cooperate with international partners on shaping the future of tire production and tire recycling in a more environmentally friendly manner.

One of the members of this technology alliance is the Polish company ReOil, which built Europe’s largest pyrolysis plant for the recycling of old tires in 2015. Since then, ReOil has recycled around 20,000 tons of old tires annually. Zeppelin Systems was awarded the engineering contract for the construction of a second ReOil pyrolysis plant. Construction is scheduled to start in February 2024.

After completion of the gigantic plant, around 60,000 tons of old tires are to be returned to the sustainable circular economy every year.

ReOil, Europe’s largest pyrolysis plant operator, works in the field of raw material recycling. The company uses continuous pyrolysis to break down rubber from old tires into substance such as gas, oil and recovered Carbon Black (rCB). The recycled materials obtained are reused, for example, in the manufacture of textiles, new tires, rubber components, plastics, steel, or aviation fuel. After commissioning in 2015 and initial test runs, ReOil recycled around 70,000 tons of old tires since 2020 to date. Since 2020, the plant has been operating in a process-stable and profitable manner.

With the construction of the new pyrolysis plant, the company has tripled its annual recycling capacity to around 60,000 tons per year. A first-class plant covering an area of around 27 acres, brought to life by technology and engineering solutions from Zeppelin Systems!  Circular plastics


Zeppelin Systems and ReOil build tire recycling plant in Poland

Carbon fiber – New method of recycling carbon fiber shows potential for use in more advanced products 31-10-2023

Circular plastics

Carbon fiber – New method of recycling carbon fiber shows potential for use in more advanced products 31-10-2023

Carbon fiber

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

New method of recycling carbon fiber shows potential for use in more advanced products

As manufacturing and technology continually take steps forward, products are using more advanced materials and becoming more sophisticated, but also more complicated.

This presents a problem when these products reach the end of their useable life, because they’re either difficult or expensive to recycle, or both.

For example, as the world transitions to electric vehicles, disposing of their used batteries, some made with highly toxic materials, will be a challenge.

As it stands, many advanced products either end up in landfill or incinerated, which is a waste of valuable resources and harmful to the planet.  Carbon fiber

One material that has been difficult to recycle is carbon fiber.

However, a UNSW Canberra researcher has developed a method to recycle it in a way that not only wastes less of the material, but also uses less energy and leaves more of it intact and able to be turned into more useful new products.

Carbon fibers are thin strands of carbon that are exceptionally strong and lightweight. The fibers are combined with plastic to create a composite that can be used to construct a variety of products.  Carbon fiber

Carbon fiber is commonly used to build aircraft, wind turbines, and it is the primary material used in Formula 1 race cars, which need to be as light as possible to increase performance. You might encounter carbon fiber in high-end bicycles or other sporting equipment such as hockey sticks or tennis racquets.


Carbon fiber

Fairmat, a Leading French Deeptech Carbon Fiber Recycling Company, Showcases Tech-Driven Solutions at CAMX 2023

Fairmat, a prominent French deeptech company specializing in carbon fiber composite recycling and product co-design, is set to showcase their innovative solutions at CAMX, the largest and most comprehensive composites and advanced materials event in North America. Their participation in this renowned expo will spotlight Fairmat’s tech-enabled manufacturing processes, addressing carbon fiber waste challenges in the United States.

“At Fairmat, we are closing the loop on carbon fiber composite. Our Ecosystem is a fully-integrated infrastructure that spans the entire value chain, from research and development to design and manufacturing.  Carbon fiber

I am excited to announce that we will be showcasing our solutions, engineering expertise, and co-designed products at CAMX for our US customers,” shares Benjamin Saada, Founder & CEO of Fairmat.

CAMX 2023

For the first time, Fairmat will exhibit their solutions at CAMX, October 30 to November 2, underscoring their commitment to helping US industries decarbonize and assisting clients in co-designing breakthrough sustainable products.  Carbon fiber

“We are proud to be at CAMX for the first time this year. At Fairmat, we want to play a vital role in helping US composite manufacturers decarbonize and aiding local US brands in designing new products using our innovations,” states Antoine de Turckheim, US Country Manager, Fairmat. Booth location: Georgia World Congress Center, BB30, Building C, Level

Proximity to Material & Clients

Emphasizing a global-to-local approach, Fairmat’s presence at CAMX reflects their focus on being closer to carbon fiber material hubs and clients. This aligns with the company’s values and goals to reduce their carbon footprint. Building on its success in France, Fairmat is creating a high-tech closed-loop ecosystem.  Carbon fiber


Carbon fiber

HTPA High Temperature Nylon: A Booming Industry for the Future

High temperature nylon (HTPA) is a special type of nylon engineering plastic that can withstand temperatures of 150°C or higher for a long time1It has excellent mechanical properties, chemical resistance, and dimensional stability, making it suitable for various applications in automobile, electronics, LED, machinery, and other industries2.

The global HTPA high temperature nylon market is expected to witness extraordinary growth by 2030, driven by the increasing demand for high-performance materials in various end-use sectors. According to a report by ReportsnReports, the global HTPA high temperature nylon market size is projected to reach US$ million by 2028, at a CAGR of % from 2022 to 20283. The report also analyzes the market by type, application, region, and key players. Carbon fiber

The major types of HTPA high temperature nylon are glass fiber reinforced type and flame retardant type. The glass fiber reinforced type segment is expected to dominate the market in terms of revenue and volume, due to its superior strength, stiffness, and heat resistance. The flame retardant type segment is also anticipated to grow at a significant rate, owing to its enhanced safety and environmental benefits4.

The main applications of HTPA high temperature nylon are automobile, electronics, LED, machinery, and others. The automobile segment is projected to account for the largest share of the market, as HTPA high temperature nylon is widely used in engine components, transmission parts, fuel systems, and other parts that require high temperature resistance and durability.  Carbon fiber

The electronics segment is also forecasted to grow rapidly, as HTPA high temperature nylon is used in connectors, switches, sensors, and other electronic devices that operate in harsh environments2.

The global HTPA high temperature nylon market is geographically divided into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the market, due to the rising industrialization, urbanization, and consumption of HTPA high temperature nylon in China, India, Japan, South Korea, and other countries.  Carbon fiber

North America and Europe are also expected to hold significant shares of the market, due to the presence of major manufacturers and consumers of HTPA high temperature nylon in these regions5Carbon fiber

The global HTPA high temperature nylon market is highly competitive and fragmented, with the presence of several key players such as DuPont, DSM, Solvay, MGC, Mitsui Chemicals, BASF, Kuraray, EMS Chemie Holding, Kingfa, etc. These players are engaged in various strategies such as product innovation, expansion, mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations to gain a competitive edge in the market6.

The global HTPA high temperature nylon market is expected to face some challenges such as high production cost, limited availability of raw materials, and environmental regulations.  Carbon fiber

However, these challenges are likely to be overcome by the development of new technologies, products, and applications that can enhance the performance and reduce the cost of HTPA high temperature nylon. Moreover, the emergence of new markets and opportunities in emerging economies will also provide impetus for the growth of the HTPA high temperature nylon industry in the future2Carbon fiber

Carbon fiber

New report blasts the limitations of pyrolysis technology, dubbed “miracle” by industry

 A new report released today has criticised a so-called “miraculous” method of plastic waste management that has been shown to be misleading in its efficacy.

Touted as a solution, pyrolysis – technology that heats up plastic waste in the absence of oxygen – produces a type of oil that industries argue can be transformed back into ‘virgin-like’ plastic.  Carbon fiber

However, this latest report published by the environmental network Zero Waste Europe underlines the limitations of pyrolysis oil. Incompatibility with different plastic types, low yield, and contamination of pyrolysis oil means it must be diluted by a petroleum-based mixture, in some cases by a ratio of over 40:1.

The report, “Leaky loop “recycling”: A technical correction on the quality of pyrolysis oil made from plastic waste” argues that for pyrolysis oil to be used in the production of recycled plastic, it should either apply multiple energy-intensive purification steps or highly dilute the oil with virgin petroleum naphtha. Both options are not in line with the ambitions of the EU Green Deal.

Discussions underway to define a harmonised European approach to end-of-waste criteria for plastic will continue until 2025, when the review is foreseen to be adopted. Such a definition is crucial for pyrolysis as industry interests are to classify pyrolysis oil as a product. Decision-makers should not overlook the toxic compounds and purification requirements needed for pyrolysis oil and lower safety standards for the sake of developing a circular economy.  Carbon fiber

Lauriane Veillard, Chemical Recycling and Plastic-to-Fuels Policy Officer, states:

“If pyrolysis oil is reclassified as a product instead of being classified as waste, as industry demands, it must meet EU requirements. We cannot afford to accept haphazardous  legislation that undermines a true circular economy. Our north star should be the protection of the environment, human health and the public trust. These values should form the basis of different discussions on plastic recycling-related issues, like calculating recycled content and defining end-of-waste criteria.” 

Low oil yield presents a significant problem with pyrolysis technology. Even in a best case scenario, only 2% of the plastic waste fed into pyrolysis will actually make it into the “recycled” product, the report found.  Carbon fiber


New report blasts the limitations of pyrolysis technology, dubbed “miracle” by industry

The Growing Problem of Misleading Biodegradable Plastics

In recent years, the issue of plastic pollution has gained significant attention, with experts raising concerns about the environmental impact of plastic waste. A study published in the journal Science revealed that only 9% of plastic produced had been recycled, while a staggering 79% was left to rot in landfills or garbage dumps. Moreover, approximately 10% of this plastic waste eventually reached the ocean, contributing to the global problem of marine pollution.

However, the situation has only worsened since that study was conducted. Despite the implementation of “zero plastic” policies by some countries, the production and disposal of plastic continue unabated.

Factories continue to generate a staggering 400 million tons of plastic each year, exacerbating the accumulation of plastic waste.  Carbon fiber

As a result, contamination by microplastics, which are fragments of plastic less than 5 millimeters in length, has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental concerns alongside the climate crisis. These microplastics can be found everywhere, from land and sea to the air. They have even been found in the human body, circulating in the bloodstream and accumulating in vital organs.

In an effort to address the issue, there have been attempts to develop biodegradable plastics as an alternative to conventional plastics. However, a recent investigation conducted by researchers from the Federal University of São Paulo’s Institute of Marine Sciences (IMAR-UNIFESP) has revealed that some of these claims are misleading.

The study examined 49 different products, including plates, cutlery, cups, and straws, all marketed as biodegradable. Shockingly, none of the products met the minimum requirements to be considered truly biodegradable. They were predominantly made of a type of material known as oxo-degradable plastic, which does not degrade under normal environmental conditions.

Instead, these plastics fragment into smaller pieces, contributing to the formation of microplastics that persist for decades.  Carbon fiber


The Growing Problem of Misleading Biodegradable Plastics

Italy’s Pirelli to make tyres in Saudi Arabia with Saudi wealth fund

Italy’s Pirelli ) has signed a joint venture with Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) to build a tyre manufacturing facility in the country, the two groups said on Thursday.

The deal – for a total investment of $550 million – will make Pirelli the first tier 1 tyre maker to directly source production in Saudi Arabia, which is trying to diversify its economy away from oil.  Carbon fiber

PIF, Saudi Arabia’s $700 billion sovereign wealth fund, will hold a 75% stake in the new JV, with Pirelli holding the remaining 25% and providing the technical and commercial support for the development of the project, the two groups said.

The project will not impact Pirelli’s deleveraging targets to 2025, they added.

The plant is expected to start producing in 2026 and is set to reach a production capacity of 3.5 million units.

It will manufacture high-quality tyres for passenger vehicles under the Pirelli brand, as well as market tires under a new local brand mainly aimed at the domestic and regional market, it added.

Founded in 1872, Pirelli now specialises in high-end tyres for premium carmakers like Ferrari , Porsche and BMW and is the sole supplier for Formula One cars.

Saudi Arabia is boosting its manufacturing capabilities in the automobile sector and aims to produce more than 300,000 cars annually by 2030.  Carbon fiber


Italy's Pirelli to make tyres in Saudi Arabia with Saudi wealth fund

PE, PP ‘highly challenged’ by Europe, new capacity while US exports a positive – LyondellBasell

Global polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) markets will continue to see headwinds from weak European demand and new capacity through at least H1 2024, but positive signs include strong US PE exports and some improvement in China, executives from LyondellBasell said.  Carbon fiber

“[US] PE exports have gone up during the past quarter, and that of course is a positive sign. But one also needs to look at additional capacity that has come into the market or that has not really hit the market because of… some technical difficulties,” said Peter Vanacker, CEO of LyondellBasell, on the company’s Q3 earnings call.

He expects the European market overall to remain “highly challenged” on weak demand coupled with rising feedstock and energy costs which will compress margins.

US exports are being supported by a high oil/gas ratio that is expected to continue, especially with volatility around oil markets and gas production being relatively robust, said Ken Lane, executive vice president, Olefins and Polyolefins (O&P) at LyondellBasell.

“We do feel good about what’s happening in the North American market,” said Lane.

“Europe is going to continue to be very challenged in terms of demand. That is still significantly down, mainly because of the inflation impact, but also the margins are challenged with the higher naphtha pricing,” he added.  Carbon fiber

New capacity will be the key factor to watch in 2024, he pointed out.

“We’re still going to see more capacity coming online next year and that’s why we’re going to be kind of bouncing along the bottom overall as an industry in H1 of next year,” said Lane.

“The hope is that at the back end of next year we start to see some recovery as market growth comes back to absorb the additional capacity. But there’s going to continue to be pressure from new capacity coming in, and that’s going to be the biggest ‘watch-out’ for us,” he added.

In China, overall markets appear to be slowly improving as targeted stimulus measures provide some benefit.  Carbon fiber

“We don’t see the construction market picking up yet but automotive has seen a 10% year on year increase and EVs (electric vehicles) has been closer to 40%,” said Vanacker.

“But on the other hand, we see that consumers continue to save a lot of money. With more and more of these incentives, one would expect confidence will grow in the population which then would influence their spending on durable goods as well,” he added.


PE, PP ‘highly challenged’ by Europe, new capacity while US exports a positive – LyondellBasell

Bottles-to-fabric – Teesside welcomes Mura Technology’s first HydroPRS plant  30-10-2023

Carbon fiber

Petrochemicals r-Polyester – Artificial Intelligence and the Call for Safety: A Global Initiative 30-10-2023

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

ITEM 23/10/2023 30/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 6,825 yuan/ton 6,900 yuan/ton +75
Bottle grade PET chips export market 875 $/ton 885 $/ton +10
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,775 yuan/ton 6,790 yuan/ton +15
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 6,810 yuan/ton 6,830 yuan/ton +20
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 5,710 yuan/ton 5,900 yuan/ton +190
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 730 $/ton 730 $/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 3,960 yuan/ton 4,070 yuan/ton +110
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 457 $/ton 468 $/ton +11
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

1,027 $/ton 1,014 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,004 $/ton 991 $/ton -13
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,150 $/ton 1,150 $/ton
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,600  yuan/ton 7,400 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 8,950 yuan/ton 8,700 yuan/ton -250
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

8,950 yuan/ton 8,750 yuan/ton -200
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,200 yuan/ton 8,050 yuan/ton -150
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,450 yuan/ton 7,500 yuan/ton +50
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,650 yuan/ton 12,750 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,900 $/ton 1,830 $/ton -70
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,750 yuan/ton 13,750 yuan/ton
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

14,100 yuan/ton 13,900 yuan/ton -200
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,100 yuan/ton 19,700 yuan/ton +600
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,200 yuan/ton 16,100 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,500 yuan/ton 18,250 yuan/ton- -250
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,250 yuan/ton 17,250 yuan/ton
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,000 yuan/ton -200
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,400 yuan/ton 9,300 yuan/ton -100
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

8,120 yuan/ton 8,340 yuan/ton +220
Benzene overseas  market 918 $/ton 911 $/ton -7
Ethylene South East market 950 $/ton 970 $/ton +20
Ethylene NWE market 786 $/ton 679 $/ton -7
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

9,700 yuan/ton 9,500 yuan/ton -200
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,400 yuan/ton 13,350 yuan/ton -50
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

7,220 yuan/ton 7,350 yuan/ton +130
Naphtha overseas market  687 $/ton 658 $/ton -29
Phenol domestic market 8,382 yuan/ton 8,425 yuan/ton +43

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –



Petrochemicals chip – Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep 23-10-2023

Petrochemicals r-Polyester

Artificial Intelligence and the Call for Safety: A Global Initiative

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has issued a stark warning about the potential risks and dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI), likening its potential consequences to that of a nuclear weapon. Sunak’s concerns were articulated on the eve of the first-ever global summit on AI, an event that he passionately supports. The summit, scheduled for November 1 and 2, is set to take place at Bletchley Park, a historic hub of technology where Alan Turing famously cracked the Enigma code during World War II. In his address to the public, Sunak outlined both the tremendous promise and the peril that AI presents, while also revealing the establishment of the world’s first institute dedicated to AI safety.

Sunak emphasized that artificial intelligence, when harnessed responsibly, has the potential to usher in a new era of knowledge, economic growth, human progress, and the resolution of previously insurmountable problems. However, he cautioned that AI also brings forth a new set of dangers and fears that need to be addressed proactively. A comprehensive government report, authored by a panel of 50 experts, highlights AI’s potential as an “existential threat” in the future. Sunak is urging the global community to address these concerns now to ensure the utmost peace of mind for citizens.

One of the central concerns is the potential misuse of AI technology, with threats including fraud, cyberattacks, and, by 2025, the possibility of enhancing the capabilities of terrorist groups in planning attacks and propagating extremist propaganda. Sunak stated that AI could even facilitate the development of chemical or biological weapons, with the dire possibility of terrorists exploiting AI for mass destruction. Criminals could utilize AI for a wide range of malicious activities, from cyberattacks to disinformation campaigns and child exploitation. In the most extreme scenario, there is the risk of losing control over superintelligent AI, raising concerns about humanity’s very existence.

To address these concerns, the United Kingdom will be the birthplace of the world’s first center for AI safety. This institute will specialize in the analysis, evaluation, and testing of new AI models, contributing valuable insights to the global AI safety discourse. The primary objective of the center is to advance humanity’s understanding of AI safety and assess potential risks, including social damage such as bias and misinformation. Sunak’s ambition is to position the UK as a global leader in AI regulation, recognizing the immense potential benefits, particularly in fields like medicine and science, while acknowledging the paramount importance of safety and security.

The upcoming Global AI Summit at Bletchley Park aims to be a platform for collaboration, involving institutions, international partners, AI experts, tech companies, and civil society. With approximately 100 attendees, the event will feature notable figures like Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. The summit also anticipates Chinese participation, highlighting the necessity of engaging with Beijing in shaping a cohesive strategy for AI, despite challenges. The British government has set forth five key objectives for the summit, including promoting a shared understanding of AI risks, fostering international collaboration, recommending organizational safety measures, exploring AI security research, and demonstrating the potential for beneficial global AI development.

The United Nations is also stepping up its efforts by creating a Committee for Artificial Intelligence, which consists of around 40 experts from diverse backgrounds. This committee, led by Amandeep Singh Gill, UN envoy for technology, and including notable members like Father Paolo Benanti from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Italy, is tasked with formulating common rules for AI. Their mission encompasses evaluating the benefits and risks of AI and its contributions to sustainable development and international cooperation.

As the world grapples with the profound implications of artificial intelligence, these initiatives demonstrate a collective commitment to addressing the challenges and risks while harnessing the potential of AI for the betterment of humanity. The coming years will reveal whether these global efforts can effectively regulate and safeguard the development and deployment of AI technology, ensuring it remains a force for good in the world.

Artificial Intelligence and the Call for Safety: A Global Initiative

Bottles-to-fabric – Teesside welcomes Mura Technology’s first HydroPRS plant  30-10-2023


Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Petrochemicals r-Polyester – Artificial Intelligence and the Call for Safety: A Global Initiative



Teesside welcomes Mura Technology’s first HydroPRS plant 

The UK’s first plant that uses supercritical water to transform plastic into hydrocarbons has been opened by Mura Technology in Teesside.

The HydroPRS process converts plastics into valuable feedstock materials that can be used by Mura’s customers, who will start receiving deliveries in early 2024.

The plant has an annual capacity of 20,000 tons of recycled liquid hydrocarbons, which can be increased to 60,000 tons. Bottles-to-fabric

The company claims that the process can recycle postconsumer plastics such as films and trays, offering a sustainable solution for these materials.

The HydroPRS process also cuts carbon emissions by 80% by preventing plastics from being burned. Steve Hahon, Mura Technology CEO, says: “Our HydroPRS process is creating a new opportunity for plastic waste, generating value and keeping both plastic and carbon in a circular economy.

The technology complements existing mechanical recycling to make sure no plastics are deemed ‘unrecyclable’ and need to be incinerated or landfilled.”  Bottles-to-fabric

Mura has received funding from various companies in the plastic industry, such as KBR, Dow, CPChem, LG Chem and igus GmbH, as well as from UK Research & Innovation’s Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge and the government’s Future Fund.


LyondellBasell acquires 25% of Cyclyx

It joins Agilyx and ExxonMobil in the joint venture

Netherlands-based LyondellBasell has acquired 25% equity ownership in Cyclyx International, a joint venture between Agilyx and ExxonMobil founded in 2020.

“Investing in plastic waste value chain experts such as Cyclyx, together with Agilyx and ExxonMobil, helps create the robust supply chains we all need to increase access to circular and renewable feedstocks,” said Yvonne van der Laan, LyondellBasell executive vice president, circular and low carbon solutions. “This collaboration unlocks the necessary scale of recycled material and infrastructure for our planned integrated Circular and Low Carbon Solutions Hub in the Houston area and aligns with our purpose of creating solutions for everyday sustainable living.”  Bottles-to-fabric

Cyclyx draws on over 1500 post-use plastic chemical characterisations to assesses each source of waste plastic to understand its chemical profile. It then uses artificial intelligence and big data to sort those profiles into the various mechanical and chemical recycling pathways that the plastics can be used for. Finally, the company aggregates and pre-processes the products according to costumers’ needs.

The resulting products include recycled polystyrene (PS), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene (PE). Cyclyx processes are ISSC PLUS certified, ensuring their compliance with sustainability and traceability requirements along the supply chain.

Cyclyx is also expanding its business model from a strict licensing model to now include a build, own, and operate option for Cyclyx Circularity Centers (CCCs). This business model expansion will enable Cyclyx to control the custody and quality of custom-blended feedstocks from sourcing through delivery.  Bottles-to-fabric



This factory in Tiruppur turns used PET bottles into fabric and garments

Sulochana Cotton Spinning Mills in Chitambalam ventured into recycling in 2010, and aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2027 and says it has also aligned with nine of the 17 sustainable development goals

A 150-acre facility at Chitambalam, about an hour’s drive from Coimbatore, has over 10,000 trees, 1,000 birding nests, solar energy panels, bio gasifiers, and plastic-free zones. Tiruppur-based Sulochana Cotton Spinning Mills buys 4,000 tonnes of used polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles a month and coverts them into polyester fibre, yarn, cloth, and garments on this campus. Bottles-to-fabric

Even as global apparel brands commit to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) targets, textile factories, such as Sulochana, in Tamil Nadu, a textile powerhouse, are showing the way in sustainable and circular fashion. The company, which won the State government’s Green Champion Award for 2021, ventured into PET bottle recycling in 2010 and currently buys used PET bottles from waste aggregators in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Puducherry, and parts of Karnataka.

The bottles land at its gates at Chitambalam in three colours – white, green, and brown. The labels on the bottles are removed and sent to cement factories to be used as fuel. The plastic caps and rings are converted into pellets that go into the making of planters, car bumpers, etc. The bottles are washed multiple times and broken into flakes. Colour master batches are added to the flakes to make coloured polyester fibre or yarn. “We do not use water, salt, or chemicals to dye the fibre. The (PET) recycled fibre saves on both cost and time,” says the company’s CEO, G.D. Gopalakrishnan. Bottles-to-fabric

The recycled fibre waste also has its applications in the manufacture of conveyor belts, automobile mats, etc.

A scuba diving jacket made by Sulochana has 96% recycled polyester filament, avoids 47 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, saves 46 litres of water, and has 40 g of diverted waste. Similarly, yoga wear made by the company has 96% recycled polyester filament, avoids 32 kg of CO2 emission, saves 31 litres of water, and has 27 g of diverted waste.



Vietnam’s fibre exports foresee positive signals

Vietnam is the world’s sixth-largest fibre exporter and the world’s third-largest exporter of textiles and garments – just behind China and Bangladesh.Vietnam is the world’s sixth-largest fibre exporter and the world’s third-largest exporter of textiles and garments – just behind China and Bangladesh.
Latest statistics from the General Department of Customs showed that, by the end of the third quarter of 2023, fibre exports earned 3.2 billion USD with more than 1.3 million tonnes of goods exported abroad, up 9.3% in volume but decreasing 13.8% in value compared to the same period last year. Bottles-to-fabric
Increase in quantity
Regarding the market, in September, fibre exports to China reached 77,459 tonnes worth more than 203 million USD, down 18.8% in volume and down nearly 20% compared to August 2023.
Overall, in the first nine months of the year, Vietnam exported 647,862 tonnes of fibre to the Chinese market and earned more than 1.71 billion USD, up 18.1% in volume but down 2.1% in value over the same period last year. The export price reached 2,652 USD per tonne, down 17.1% compared to the same period in 2022.
The Republic of Korea (RoK) is the second-largest export market of Vietnamese fibre. In September, fibre exports to the RoK reached 10,898 tonnes with a value of more than 30 million USD, an increase of 0.6% in volume and an increase of 2.8% in value compared to August 2023. Bottles-to-fabricOverall, in the first nine months of the year, fibre exports to this market reached 101,880 tonnes and earned more than 284 million USD, down 5.78% in volume and 24.2% in value compared to the same period in 2022. The average export price reached 2,788 USD per tonne, down 19.65% over the same period in 2022.
The US market ranked third. In the first nine months of 2023, Vietnam exported 75,483 tonnes of fibre to the US with a value of more than 108 million USD, down 13.8% in volume and 29.4% in value over the same period. The average export price reached 1,443 USD per tonne, down 17.5% over the same period in 2022 and less than half the export price to China or the RoK.  Bottles-to-fabricMore…Vietnam's fibre exports foresee positive signals

As we strive for a more sustainable future, addressing the issue of electronic waste, particularly used lithium-ion batteries, becomes crucial. The growing demand for lithium-ion batteries, driven by the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy sources, and portable electronic devices, raises concerns about their disposal and environmental impact. However, technological advancements in battery recycling offer powerful solutions to mitigate these challenges. Bottles-to-fabric
At the core of the problem lies the lithium-ion battery, which powers EVs, smartphones, laptops, and various other devices. While these batteries have revolutionized our lives, their disposal poses significant environmental risks. The complex chemistry of lithium-ion batteries makes it difficult to separate and recover valuable materials. To tackle this, battery manufacturers are embracing closed-loop systems, taking responsibility for recycling their products.
This approach not only reduces waste but also motivates manufacturers to design eco-friendly products, increasing the overall sustainability of the industry.A fundamental aspect of sustainable battery recycling involves designing batteries with recyclability in mind from the start.
Researchers and manufacturers are developing lithium-ion batteries with easily separable components and standardized disassembling processes. Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are further revolutionizing recycling through automated sorting systems. Equipped with AI algorithms, these systems accurately identify and segregate various battery types and chemistries, enhancing recycling efficiency. Bottles-to-fabricEmerging technologies like hydrometallurgy processes offer cleaner and greener recycling practices. These methods use water-based solutions to extract valuable materials from lithium-ion batteries, minimizing energy consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Similarly, researchers are exploring bioremediation as an environmentally friendly approach to battery recycling. By harnessing microorganisms, this innovative method degrades and recovers battery components sustainably.More…Innovative Approaches Transforming Battery Recycling for a Sustainable Future

Innovation in plastics packaging – driving the transition to a circular economy

This month, the UK government introduced an extension of the ban on single-use plastics to include polystyrene foods and drinks containers. In the two years since our last article series on targeting plastic waste, a lot has changed both in terms of legislation and the development of plastic-free alternatives.  Bottles-to-fabric

In this article we consider how effective these changes have been in tackling plastic packaging waste, key areas of innovation, and how innovators can protect the new materials and processes that are being developed.

The current landscape

In 2021, packaging was the largest application in the world plastics market. In a bid to tackle this and reduce the use of virgin plastics, the UK government has implemented new legislation that will give UK organisations that import or supply packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR). This requires producers to pay the full cost of dealing with the waste they produce, with businesses needing to collect data on how the packaging is used and ensure packaging is recycled where possible. This legislation is an environmental policy which follows the introduction of the plastic packaging tax in 2022 on the manufacture or importation of plastic packaging components that contain less than 30% recycled plastic. Bottles-to-fabric

The UK government has also launched a range of funding schemes to incentivise development into sustainable plastic packaging, such as grant schemes from the UK Research and Innovation’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. On top of this, the UK government recently announced a further £3.2 million investment in the UKRI’s Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging (SSPP) challenge. With a budget of £60 million for spending from 2019 to 2025, the SSPP has received the largest investment in sustainable packaging initiatives to date. Interestingly, nearly 50% of this funding is directed at mechanical recycling projects, with 30% of the funding being split between refill/re-use, chemical recycling schemes and prevention and reduction projects.

Governmental drive has been reinforced by consumers with 8 in 10 consumers in the UK supporting a ban on single-use plastics. A recent report from Trivium Packaging and Euromonitor International showed that of nearly 10,000 respondents, 82% of respondents would be willing to pay more for sustainable packaging, while 63% of consumers are now less likely to buy products with environmentally harmful packaging.

These regulatory, financial, and consumer-backed incentives seem to be working. Since 2006, recycling and energy recovery have overtaken landfill as the largest waste treatment options.  Bottles-to-fabric


Innovation in plastics packaging - driving the transition to a circular economy

Bio-based plastic – Stellantis to invest €1.5B in Leapmotor for 20% share; JV for products outside China; global EV relationship 28-10-2023


Bio-based plastic – Stellantis to invest €1.5B in Leapmotor for 20% share; JV for products outside China; global EV relationship 28-10-2023

Bio-based plastic

European plastics manufacturers reveal roadmap into circularity for plastics

Plastics Europe and its members have agreed on a ‘Plastics Transition’ roadmap with their sights set on circularity, net zero emissions, and more sustainable material consumption in the European plastics industry.

Although the organizations are concerned about the impacts of the European plastics system on climate change and the environment, they note that the materials are ‘irreplaceable’ in many applications and have their own part to play in both the sustainable transition and the competitiveness of various European sectors.

As such, the roadmap emphasizes that a whole value chain approach must be taken to speed up systemic change and achieve true circularity.  Bio-based plastic

It foregrounds immediate, short, and medium-term milestones and actions for plastics manufacturers while recommending actions for policymakers and value chain stakeholders between the present day and 2030, including the preservation of the European plastics system’s international competitiveness.

It envisions that fossil-based plastics will gradually be phased out, with circular plastics expected to meet 25% of European demand by 2030 and 65% by 2050. At the same time, it aspires for a 28% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the overall plastics system by 2030 and a complete transition into net zero by 2050. Additional investments and operational costs are predicted to reach a total of €235 billion.

Minimum circular plastic content targets for key plastics are necessary to incentivize their uptake, the roadmap states. In conjunction with industry investments in such areas as chemical recycling infrastructure, Plastics Europe also calls for a European waste management system that can feasibly achieve net zero emissions and usher in a circular economy.  Bio-based plastic


Bio-based plastic

E7A, the “next gen” electric motor developed by Renault and Valeo

Harnessing the expertise it has built in wound-rotor motors – which it pioneered in the automotive sector in 2012 –, Renault Group is taking the next step and designing a new motor that is in a class by itself worldwide, even more powerful and efficient, and uses no rare earths. This third motor generation is a team adventure with Valeo, which is contributing its stator expertise. This motor, E7A, is still at the prototype stage and set to debut in 2027.
A breakthrough from France will bring about a more powerful, more compact and cleaner electric motor: Renault Group and Valeo are combining their expertise to create a new electric motor generation.   Bio-based plastic
As a result of the regular conversations between the carmaker and the equipment manufacturer, this partnership that started in 2021 soon grew into a co-development journey. They each pooled one key part (Renault Group the rotor, Valeo the stator) as well as their expertise in technology development and production. The are currently fine-tuning their E7A high-tech motor.

Rare-earths-free and environmentally friendlier

Renault pioneered electrically excited synchronous motors (EESMs) in production vehicles when it introduced ZOE in 2012. This know-how puts it in a position to supply an all-in-one architecture for the new E7A motor (to make it 30% more compact for equivalent power than the current motors equipping the Megane E-Tech electric and the Scenic E-Tech electric) and the rare-earths-free rotor technology (to shrink its Confidential C carbon footprint by 30%).  Bio-based plastic

By using a wound rotor instead of permanent magnets, Renault is improving the engine’s output, securing its supply chain and avoiding reliance on countries that produce rare earths and magnets.  Bio-based plastic

More power and efficiency

This third-generation motor will also help shorten battery charging times as the system will be built for 800 volts instead of 400 volts, the standard today. And the stator by Valeo will boost power and efficiency. The new E7A motor, as a result, will unleash up to 200 kW. It will also supply more power without consuming more electricity. And the E7A motor uses hairpin technology to assemble copper wires, a Valeo specialty since 2010.

At this stage, the engine is still under development. There are other stages to go through before it can reach serial life. The mass production of this new-generation engine will start at Renault Group’s Cléon factory at the end of 2027. Bio-based plastic


E7A, the "next gen" electric motor developed by Renault and Valeo

Honeywell exMorepands renewable fuels offering in Asia Pacifc

Global technology firm Honeywell is expanding the availability of its technologies and digital solutions to enable customers in the Asia Pacific region to produce renewable fuels from various renewable feedstocks.

The move is the result of Honeywell noting a “vital” need for operators to produce low-carbon fuels to support long-term decarbonisation across the Asia Pacific region.

Matt Spalding, Vice-President and Regional General Manager at Honeywell, said, “The ability to use various feedstocks is a transformational opportunity for this market. With UOP eFining™, Ecofining, ETJ and RTP technologies, Honeywell offers multiple routes to market to meet the rapidly growing demand for renewable fuels.”

Honeywell offers serval technologies for the production of renewable fuels. Earlier this year, gasworld sat down with Leigh Abrams, Renewable Fuels Senior Business Leader at Honeywell UOP, to speak about the company’s eFining™ technology.

Abrams explained that Honeywell started out by producing triglyceride-based feedstocks for renewable diesel, but then saw a big shift towards sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

eSAFs combine green hydrogen (i.e., hydrogen produced in electrolysers from renewable energy and water) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to produce eMethanol, which can then be converted to a wide range of sustainable fuels.  Bio-based plastic

In addition to supporting new assets, Honeywell also has the expertise to help retrofit existing refineries for renewable fuel production. This offers lower capital investment opportunities with a fast and cost-effective route to renewable fuels.

To support these objectives, Honeywell provides comprehensive digital solutions, featuring cyber-secure hardware and software technologies designed for day-one readiness, scalability, and seamless integration with legacy systems.  Bio-based plastic


Bio-based plastic

Stellantis to invest €1.5B in Leapmotor for 20% share; JV for products outside China; global EV relationship

Stellantis N.V.plans to invest around €1.5 billion in China-based Leapmotor to acquire approximately 20% of Leapmotor, making Stellantis a significant shareholder. The deal also outlines the formation of Leapmotor International, a 51/49 Stellantis-led joint venture that has exclusive rights for the export and sale, as well as manufacturing, of Leapmotor products outside Greater China.

This will be an industry-first global electric vehicle relationship between a leading automaker and a Chinese pure-play NEV OEM.  Bio-based plastic

The partnership aims to further boost Leapmotor’s sales in China, the biggest market in the world, while leveraging Stellantis’ established global commercial presence to significantly accelerate Leapmotor brand sales in other regions, starting with Europe.

Stellantis intends to leverage Leapmotor’s highly innovative, cost-efficient EV ecosystem in China to help meet core Dare Forward 2030 electrification targets, with the possibility to further explore mutually beneficial synergies. The joint venture expects to begin shipments in the second half of 2024.  Bio-based plastic

The two companies consider Leapmotor’s EV product offering to be complementary to Stellantis’ current technology and portfolio of brands and will bring more affordable mobility solutions to global customers. Stellantis will have two seats on Leapmotor’s Board of Directors and will appoint the CEO of the Leapmotor International joint venture.


Stellantis to invest €1.5B in Leapmotor for 20% share; JV for products outside China; global EV relationship

UBQ bio-based plastic recognised as one of TIME’s best inventions of 2023

The bio-based thermoplastic won in the “reuse & recycle” category of TIME magazine’s award

Israel-based cleantech company UBQ Materials has been named in TIME magazine’s list of the best inventions of 2023. The list features 200 innovations solving compelling problems in creative ways with the potential to change lives. UBQ Materials was recognised as a winning innovation in the “reuse & recycle” category for inventions reducing overconsumption.

The company has developed and patented a closed-loop process, which converts garbage waste – including food waste, mixed plastics, cardboard, paper, and dirty diapers – into a sustainable raw material for the manufacturing of everyday goods across a multitude of industries.  Bio-based plastic

The process works by breaking down the heterogeneous waste streams into their basic, natural components before reconstituting them to create a brand-new material.  Around 70% to 80% of UBQ’s feedstock is broken down to its particulate constructs—lignin, cellulose, fibres, and sugars—and then reassembled and bound together into a matrix. The remaining 20% to 30% are mixed plastics that melt and bond into the matrix, creating a highly recyclable thermoplastic material.

According to a Life Cycle Assessment conducted by Quantis, every ton of UBQ produced diverts 1.3 tons of waste and prevents up to 11.7 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions. According to the manufacturer, that makes it ‘the most climate positive thermoplastic material on the planet’, it said on a statement.  Bio-based plastic

“Our material, UBQ, replaces scarce and carbon intensive materials, including oil-based plastics,” explained Jack ‘Tato’ Bigio, CEO and Co-founder of UBQ Materials. “We provide a climate positive material that is price competitive, straightforward to implement, and highly recyclable, converted from 100% household waste through a clean, zero waste, energy-efficient process.”


UBQ bio-based plastic recognised as one of TIME’s best inventions of 2023UBQ bio-based plastic recognised as one of TIME’s best inventions of 2023

Article-Resin Price Report: Producers Looking for Third Straight PE Price Hike

PP contracts also are set for another price increase, which is now targeting around $0.06/lb.

The solid October start downshifted last week, as spot resin trading slowed, reports the PlasticsExchange in its Market Update. Polyethylene (PE) prices were steady to a penny higher, while  polypropylene (PP) jumped $0.02/lb, reflecting rising monomer costs. Interest remained strong, but deals were harder to complete and transacted volumes at the PlasticsExchange trading desk slipped back toward the levels seen in the earlier part of the year.  Bio-based plastic

Processors pull back

There was a lot more quoting than trading, and it seemed that some processors were just taking the temperature of market conditions, writes the PlasticsExchange. Demand for packaged truckloads outpaced railcars. This came after a previous surge in demand, including some precautionary buying following the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel and the potential for the conflict to expand regionally. Though volatile crude oil prices have remained elevated, keeping upward cost-push pressure on international resins, the export market seemed to lose a little of its upward momentum when prices came off their highs earlier in the month. Producers reportedly remain steadfast in their effort to implement a third straight $0.03/lb PE price increase, while PP contracts will  endure another monomer-led price hike, which is now targeting around $0.06/lb.  Bio-based plastic


Article-Resin Price Report: Producers Looking for Third Straight PE Price Hike

AIMPLAS joins EcoeFISHent project to convert fish by-products into oxygen barriers and more

AIMPLAS is participating in the EcoeFISHent project with a vision of transforming fish gelatine and fishing nets into food and cosmetic packaging, respectively.

Global production from fisheries will reach 194 million tonnes by 2026, according to recent predictions, and around 20 million tonnes of raw material are thought to be used to produce fishmeal and fish oil. AIMPLAS believes that extracting bioactive compounds from residual, bio-based fish side streams is a cost-effective means of pursuing circularity in the fish industry.  Bio-based plastic

The EcoeFISHent project is a European project seeking to preserve marine ecosystems and marine protected areas by streamlining the fish industry’s operational flows and establishing a regional reproducible cluster based on the bio, blue, green, and circular economy approaches.

This involves six multilevel and synergic circular value chains valourizing waste, pre-treating and extracting bio-active components, and recycling end-of-life fishing gear from fisheries and aquaculture for use in packaging, food, automotive, and agricultural applications.

It is set to use gelatine from side streams of fish processing to produce a compostable, gas-barrier biopolymer coating to package oxidation-sensitive food like meat, cheese, and fish itself.  Bio-based plastic

In scaling up to industrial pilot production, the process is hoped to achieve true sustainability while also offering functionality and ‘nonharmful utility’.

Moreover, AIMPLAS will extrude the polyethylene recovered from fishing nets and put it through further injection moulding and lamination processes to create cosmetic packaging. A collection, recovery, and recycling programme for abandoned fishing nets, as well as a sustainability-minded fishing programme, hope to contribute towards this goal.

International research centres and up-and-coming technologies and processes are coming together between thirty-four partners in seven countries. The initiative is coordinated by FILSE spa, the Financial body for Economic Development of the Ligurian regional administration, and funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement ID 101036428.  Bio-based plastic


AIMPLAS joins EcoeFISHent project to convert fish by-products into oxygen barriers and more

Enzyme biorecycling – India set to surpass Japan, Germany to become 3rd largest economy by 2030: S&P 27-10-2023

Bio-based plastic

Enzyme biorecycling – India set to surpass Japan, Germany to become 3rd largest economy by 2030: S&P 27-10-2023

Enzyme biorecycling

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Looking into the future: clear PET’s rise and colored plastic’s decline

From milk tops to Sprite bottles, colored plastics have a grey future, whilst the value of clear PET is becoming transparent.

With only 9% of plastic successfully recycled globally, there has been a growing push towards a circular plastic economy: a closed-loop system for recycling materials which eliminates waste and reduces the need for new production.

Through the 2022 Global Commitment, made in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme, and the Plastics Pact Network, over 1,000 businesses and governments have already enacted plans to move towards a circular economy, committing to a variety of 2025 targets, which include ensuring that 100% of plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable, or compostable.  Enzyme biorecycling

Dominic Cakebread, GlobalData analyst, commented that: “Almost all of the major global companies in the packaging supply chain – from retailers, CPG manufacturers, packaging converters and polymer suppliers are fully aware of the need to move to a circular economy and have sustainability policies, targets and systems in place to address this.”


Enzyme biorecycling

Electric motors come in different types: synchronous or asynchronous, with permanent magnets or wound rotors

These terms may seem confusing if you are not familiar with electrical engineering. Let’s see what they mean and how they affect electric mobility.

All electric motors use electromagnetism, which is based on two simple ideas: electric charges moving create magnetic fields and changing magnetic fields create electric currents.  Enzyme biorecycling

Also, different magnetic fields can push or pull each other, creating forces. This way, we can turn electricity into motion for our wheels. But there are many ways to do this, and many kinds of electric motors, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

In cars, the most common types are the synchronous motor with permanent magnets and the asynchronous motor with a copper cage. In the first one, the stator (the outer, fixed part of the motor) has copper coils that make a magnetic field when an alternating current (that changes over time) flows through them. This magnetic field also changes over time and rotates around the motor axis.

The rotor (the inner, moving part of the motor) has magnets that are attracted by the stator’s magnetic field. This makes the rotor spin at the same speed as the stator’s magnetic field, so it is called synchronous. In the second one, the rotor also has a copper cage, but no magnets.

The stator’s magnetic field makes an electric current in the rotor’s cage, which then makes another magnetic field. This second magnetic field interacts with the first one and makes the rotor spin. But this only works if the rotor is slower than the stator’s magnetic field, so it is called asynchronous.  Enzyme biorecycling

The asynchronous motor is cheaper, easier and stronger than the synchronous one. That’s why it was used in the first electric cars. But it also wastes more energy as heat because of the electric current in the rotor.

That’s why it is being replaced by the synchronous motor with permanent magnets, which is more efficient (and can travel more with less energy). But this motor also has problems, mainly because of the magnets, which are costly and need rare materials to make. A possible solution is the synchronous motor with wound rotors, which some car makers like Nissan-Renault and BMW use.  Enzyme biorecycling

Here, instead of magnets, the rotor has copper coils that get another electric current, called excitation current, to make a magnetic field. This current can be controlled to change how the motor works at different speeds, which can make it even more efficient than the permanent magnet motor at high speeds.

Enzyme biorecycling

Carbios : Progress in in France

Progress in biorecycling in France Carbios has completed the administrative process for the construction of the new plant, which will come into operation in two years.

Output: Carbios has finished the paperwork for the new facility, whic


h will be operational in two years.

It is part of a project to set up the first large-scale plant in France for the enzyme-based recycling of PET waste, which will be located in Longlaville, in the Grand-Est region, close to a PET production plant owned by Indorama Ventures, a partner in the initiative.

Carbios obtained the permits, including the environmental ones, to build and run the new facility, after Indorama Venures sold them the land where it will be constructed in September: an area of 13.7 hectares that will enable future capacity expansions.

The authorizations came after an administrative process and a public consultation, where they evaluated the effects of the site on water resources and aquatic environment protection, on energy use, on landscape integration and on traffic.

Carbios applied for the authorizations to the local authorities last December and it took them ten months to get them all.  Enzyme biorecycling

They will start building the facility by the end of this year with the goal of launching it in 2025.

The biorecycling facility will be able to process 50,000 tonnes of post-consumer PET waste per year, creating 150 new jobs, both direct and indirect.

The biorecycling method relies on the C-Zyme technology developed by Carbios, where an enzyme breaks down PET and polyester fibres, returning them to the original components: terephthalic acid and monoethylene glycol, which, after a purification stage , can be used to make polyester again with a quality equal to virgin and further recyclable at the end of its life.  Enzyme biorecycling

Enzyme biorecycling

India set to surpass Japan, Germany to become 3rd largest economy by 2030: S&P

India has become an increasingly attractive location for multinationals across a wide range of industries, says US-based global ratings agency

India is likely to overtake Japan and Germany to become the world’s third-largest economy by 2030 as its gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to touch $ 7.3 trillion, S&P Global Market Intelligence says in its latest PMI issue.

Currently, India is the 5th largest economy in the world at $3.7 trillion worth of GDP in 2023-24. It replaced the U.K. as the 5th biggest economy in 2022. After two years of rapid economic growth in 2021 and 2022, the Indian economy has continued to show sustained strong growth during the 2023 calendar year, S&P says.  Enzyme biorecycling

“India’s nominal GDP measured in USD terms is forecast to rise from USD 3.5 trillion in 2022 to USD 7.3 trillion by 2030. This rapid pace of economic expansion would result in the size of the Indian GDP exceeding the Japanese GDP by 2030, making India the second largest economy in the Asia-Pacific region. By 2022, the size of Indian GDP had already become larger than the GDP of the UK and also France.


India set to surpass Japan, Germany to become 3rd largest economy by 2030: S&P

Valgroup expands its operations in the Italian PET preform market with the acquisition of Garda Plast Group

Valgroup, one of the largest producers, transformers and recyclers of plastic packaging, announces the acquisition of Garda Plast Group (GP Group), formed through the aggregation – led by Progressio SGR – between Garda Plast S.p.A., based in Polpenazze del Garda (BS), and IFAP S.p.A., based in Palmanova (UD). GP Group is specialized in the production of PET and rPET preforms.        Enzyme biorecycling

This business expansion consolidates the company’s presence in Italy, strengthening relations with suppliers and enabling it to support regional customers more comprehensively.

Massimo Cutolo, President and CEO of Garda Plast, comments: “During these years of partnership with Progressio, the management team has achieved significant milestones. We dare say that our Group is now an excellence in the industry, important goals has been achieved and many others will be achieved.”  Enzyme biorecycling

Alessandro Petraccia, Senior Partner at Progressio, says: “We are proud to have supported Massimo and the management team of the GP Group in this journey. The company has embarked on a virtuous growth path, entering new markets, developing new value-added business lines, investing in technology, digitalization, and sustainability. Special thanks go to our partners, Pietro Bruseschi, Marco Bruseschi, Amos Tonoli, and Luca Tonoli, who, not only for their significant contribution to the business, but also because they have been great companions in this journey.”

Luigi Geronimi, Founder of Valgroup, says: “With the acquisition of the Garda Plast Group, we further consolidate our position in the Italian market, creating a hub of innovation and excellence in the PET and rPET preform sector for the beverage, detergent and dairy industries.”

The two new plants acquired by Valgroup in Italy are in addition to five other PET preform manufacturing units: one in San Jose, Uruguay, another three in Brazil, in the cities of Duque de Caxias (RJ), Ipojuca (PE) and Betim (MG), as well as the unit located in Villa Lempa, Italy, acquired at the end of 2022.  Enzyme biorecycling


Valgroup expands its operations in the Italian PET preform market with the acquisition of Garda Plast Group

What’s the deal on chemical recycling?

A major point of debate in Europe today is the status of chemical recycling. Mark Victory of ICIS weighs in.

Chemical recycling and the definition of recycling
Directive 2008/98/EC forms the basis of the majority of EU recycling legislation definitions, defines recycling as “any recovery operation by which waste materials are reprocessed into products, materials or substances whether for the original or other purposes. It includes the reprocessing of organic material but does not include energy recovery and the reprocessing into materials that are to be used as fuels or for backfilling operations.”

This has left the legal status of chemical recycling uncertain, particularly for pyrolysis – the dominant form of chemical recycling in Europe – where mixed plastic waste is commonly converted to pyrolysis oil – a naphtha substitute – before being reprocessed into recycled materials.    Enzyme biorecycling

The EU Commission stated in late 2020 that it would take a decision in 2021 on the legal status of chemical recycling based on its cradle-to-grave life-cycle impact. This decision remains yet to emerge.

Nevertheless, the proposed redraft of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive – which would replace transform the directive into a regulation, uses a different definition of recycling, which would clear up the ambiguity in directive 2008/98/EC

The draft legislation states that:

“The amount of packaging waste materials that have ceased to be waste as a result of a preparatory operation before being reprocessed may be counted as recycled provided that such materials are destined for subsequent reprocessing into products, materials or substances to be used for the original or other purposes. Enzyme biorecycling


What’s the deal on chemical recycling?

Toyota – Akio Toyoda: “People are finally opening their eyes” to electric cars

It’s never nice to hear I-told-you-so, but that’s exactly what Akio Toyoda, chairman of Toyota’s board of directors, reiterated on the opening day of the Japan Mobility Show: the decline in demand for electric cars is proof that BEVs do not represent the only path to the future of the automotive industry.  Enzyme biorecycling
People are finally starting to see things as they are, said Toyoda, who has been harshly criticized for his less than conciliatory positions on the massive electric transition involving almost all car manufacturers.
The case of the USA.
The manager referred to the contraction in demand in the United States (where GM and Ford are considering slowing down the production of their electric pick-ups) to underline how his reticence towards battery-powered cars was justified.
There are many ways to climb the mountain of CO2 neutrality, Toyoda said from the Tokyo Motor Show. If the rules are written in an ideological way, then it is the consumers, the normal people who suffer the most.
A step at a time. And all the electric prototypes presented at the Japan Mobility Show? Toyoda said that the cars presented in Tokyo a re the result of the work of an automaker that moves with the right times.  Enzyme biorecycling
The strength of the Japanese industry in the electric car sector will come from its decades of experience and the failures of the past.
Meanwhile, it’s worth highlighting that demand for hybrid cars is higher than ever. It certainly won’t be a coincidence.
Toyota – Akio Toyoda: “People are finally opening their eyes” to electric cars

Paper bottle – IEA Study – Electric and renewable “flywheel”: “This will reduce the demand for oil” 26-10-2023

Enzyme biorecycling

Paper bottle – IEA Study – Electric and renewable “flywheel”: “This will reduce the demand for oil” 26-10-2023

Paper bottle

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

ALPLA becomes majority owner of Paboco and invests to upscale paper bottle manufacturing

ALPLA has succeeded Billerud as the majority shareholder of Paboco and is now investing in scaling its manufacturing capacity, envisioning the production of a fully recyclable paper bottle at a new, state-of-the-art manufacturing site by the end of 2024.

Founded in a joint venture between ALPLA and Billerud, Paboco (The Paper Bottle Company) is based in Slangerup, Denmark, and uses pulp-forming technology to produce FSC-certified fibre-based packaging. It has been working with The Absolut CompanyCarlsberg GroupThe Coca-Cola CompanyL’Oréal, and Procter & Gamble to test its first products since 2021.  Paper bottle

Following this successful test phase, it is anticipated that series production for the next generation of paper bottles will begin in late 2024. ALPLA is taking over all Billerud’s shares and is investing in Paboco in the hopes of industrializing the bottles at speed.

A new manufacturing site and development centre are set to open in Denmark for the market launch. Paboco currently hires eighteen employees, but this figure is expected to rise by the time production begins.

In the long term, Paboco aims to develop and scale fully bio-based and recyclable paper bottles.

“Safety, affordability and sustainability are the central criteria of our packaging solutions,” says Philipp Lehner, CEO of ALPLA. “After several years of intensive development and groundbreaking innovations, the Paboco team is now ready to take its pioneering product to the market and establish the paper bottle as a sustainable alternative for a wide range of customers.”  Paper bottle

Tim Silbermann, CEO of Paboco, continues: “The vision of the fully bio-based and recyclable paper bottle has driven the team to create amazing results in just a short development period. With the bottle configuration now, we are targeting the beauty and fabric and home-care segment, but continuous development will also enable us to bring our next-generation bottle into further applications. We are happy that ALPLA is fully committed to supporting us on this journey.”

“We at ALPLA work intensively on alternative materials, invest in promising projects and actively shape technological progress as a ‘Family of Pioneers’,” adds Christian Zmölnig, director of Corporate Research, Development and Innovation at ALPLA and chairman of the Board of Directors at Paboco.  Paper bottle

Ricardo Rehm, CFO of ALPLA, and Rainer Widmar, managing director Central and Eastern Europe at ALPLA, join Zmölnig on Paboco’s Board of Directors.

The transaction took place at the beginning of October, with the contracting parties agreeing not to disclose details.


Paper bottle

IEA Study – Electric and renewable “flywheel”: “This will reduce the demand for oil”

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released its 2023 edition of the World Energy Outlook, projecting a substantial reduction in the demand for crude oil, gas, and coal by 2030. This transformation is primarily attributed to the rapid ascension of clean technologies like photovoltaics, wind power, electric vehicles, and heat pumps. The IEA, an intergovernmental organization established in 1974 in response to the oil crisis, outlines a vision for the energy landscape of the future.  Paper bottle

In this future energy system, clean technologies will play a significantly more prominent role. The IEA predicts that the global fleet of battery-powered vehicles will increase nearly tenfold from current levels. Photovoltaics are expected to generate more electricity than the entire U.S. energy system, and renewables will comprise approximately 50% of the global electricity mix, up from around 30% today. Moreover, electric heating systems, such as heat pumps, will surpass the sales of fossil fuel boilers, and investments in offshore wind projects will triple compared to new coal and gas power plants.

The forecast is contingent on current climate policies implemented globally, coupled with economic shifts. These developments will drive a decline in the demand for fossil fuels, reducing their share in the global energy supply from an average of 80% in previous decades to 73% by 2030. Furthermore, CO2 emissions related to energy production will peak by 2025. Paper bottle

Nonetheless, the IEA emphasizes the necessity for further action to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Meeting existing energy and climate commitments will expedite progress, but even more stringent measures will be essential.

Fatih Birol, the executive director of the IEA, asserts that the transition to clean energy is inevitable and emphasizes that governments, companies, and investors should support this transition for its manifold benefits, including economic opportunities, job creation, energy security, improved air quality, universal energy access, and a safer climate. Traditional energy markets face ongoing volatility, making the case for oil and gas as safe choices for the world’s energy future less convincing than ever.

Continuing to reduce fossil fuel usage is imperative since their current demand remains “too high” to achieve the goal of limiting global temperature increases. According to the IEA, sticking to the current trajectory would have significant costs, as global emissions would still be high enough to raise average temperatures by around 2.4 degrees Celsius this century, well above the Paris Agreement’s 1.5-degree target.

The World Energy Outlook proposes a global strategy based on five key pillars to get the world back on track by 2030. Paper bottle

These pillars include tripling global renewable generation capacity, doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement, reducing methane emissions from fossil fuel extraction by 75%, establishing large-scale financing mechanisms for clean energy investments in emerging economies, and implementing measures for an orderly decline in fossil fuel usage, including halting new coal-fired power plant permits.

Birol underscores the necessity of international cooperation to accelerate the transition to clean energy. It is crucial to finance sustainable solutions to meet the energy demands of fast-growing economies and intensify collaboration rather than abandoning it. This holistic approach is essential for achieving the ambitious climate goals and ensuring a sustainable energy future. Paper bottle

Paper bottle

Naia™ Renew Fibers And The Game-Changing Potential Of Molecular Recycling Take Center At The 2023 Textile Exchange Conference, London

Being responsible materials the main topic of the 2023 Textile Exchange Conference, Naia™ from Eastman is pleased to be among the sponsors of the event and bring its expertise on the topic, in the name of the molecular recycling technology behind Naia™ Renew fibers.  Paper bottle

From recycling technology to sustainable fibers

Naia™ Renew, available at scale as both a filament yarn and staple fiber, is produced from 60% sustainably sourced wood pulp and 40% certified waste materials and can be blended with other sustainable fibers to create nearly endless luxurious fabric possibilities that are comfortable and rich in color. The carbon footprint of Naia™ Renew fiber is measurably reduced over its life cycle*. Eastman transforms waste materials that are difficult to recycle – which would otherwise not have an end-of-life option and would end up in landfill or incinerators – into biodegradable fibers through its patented carbon renewal technology. This is one of Eastman’s molecular recycling technologies that breaks materials down into basic molecular building blocks, assuring end materials are indistinguishable from those made from virgin fossil sources in quality, performance, or appearance.

Accelerating the molecular recycling culture

To make recycling options economically efficient and enable long terms success, Eastman is actively engaging with multiple value chain players, recognizing the need for systematic changes in collecting and sorting.Paper bottle

The company is among the founding members of the Alliance of Chemical Textile Recycling (ACTR), a working group launched by Accelerating Circularity, the nonprofit focused on textile-to-textile recycling at a commercial scale, to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximize the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration: Naia™’s goal, by 2025, is to have more than 25% recycled content derived from textile waste material.
Visitors at Textile Exchange Conference have the opportunity to drop in and find out more about textile-to-textile recycling directly from Eastman’s team contributors in a session of Q&A on October 26, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.  Paper bottle


Paper bottle

Quantum Materials, LLC Acquires the Innegra™ Portfolio of High-Performance Fibers

Quantum Materials, LLC (“Quantum”), a vertically integrated manufacturer of multifilament and monofilament yarns, elastomeric woven suspension fabrics and industrial textiles, has acquired the Innegra™ portfolio of patented high-performance fibers and materials. Innegra will serve as a foundational product to support Quantum’s growth of new technical and industrial textile solutions for the composite and textile markets.

Quantum has accelerated its capital expenditure plan over the last three years to expand the company’s manufacturing asset base to meet increased demand for domestic textile production. The expansion, which included investment in equipment and infrastructure to support the production of Innegra, has allowed the company to seamlessly merge the Innegra business into its operations post-acquisition and successfully service the brand’s current customer base.  Paper bottle

“For over 15 years, Innegra has been effectively used across a wide range of composite applications. We are excited to incorporate Innegra and its patented range of fibers and materials into our product portfolio,” said Allen Smith, CEO of QTI Fibers. “This strategic acquisition fits within our vision of being the industry leader in the development and commercialization of technical textile solutions. As we move forward with Innegra, we see many opportunities that extend past composites, including its integration into products manufactured by the QTI company portfolio, consisting of the Quantum, Twitchell and Infinity businesses.”

Engineered to enhance and amplify the performance of composite and textile materials, Innegra is the lightest synthetic fiber commercially available and can be used as a standalone fiber, or it can be hybridized with other structural fibers or materials. It is chemically resistant, hydrophobic, tough, durable and has excellent dielectric properties, while also being flexible, ductile and fusible. The fiber also has the ability to dampen vibrations, aid impact resistance and can be synergistically combined with many other materials and fibers to improve product performance properties. Today, Innegra can be found in footwear, sporting goods, U.S. military and ballistic products, and various automotive, aerospace and marine applications.  Paper bottle


Quantum Materials, LLC Acquires the Innegra™ Portfolio of High-Performance Fibers

Stellantis and Orano To Enter EV Battery Recycling Joint Venture

Key Takeaways

  • Stellantis and Orano said they will establish a joint venture for an electric vehicle (EV) battery recycling plant set to begin production in 2026.
  • The venture, which will secure access to materials needed to create EVs, could strengthen Stellantis’ position in the competitive EV market.
  • The venture is designed to help support a circular and low-carbon economy amid the transition to EVs.  Paper bottle

Automaker Stellantis (STLA) said it was set to enter a joint venture with Orano, a global nuclear fuel cycle company, to recycle electric vehicle (EV) batteries to support a circular economy.

The companies signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a joint venture for recycling EV batteries and scraps from gigafactories. The joint venture will produce “black mass” or “active mass” that can be refined at Orano’s hydrometallurgical plant to ultimately be reused in batteries.

Stellantis said the venture would strengthen the company’s standing in the EV market by “securing additional access to cobalt, nickel, and lithium necessary for electrification and energy transition.”

The “innovative and disruptive process” creates “a real closed loop,” Orano Group Director of Innovation, R&D, and Nuclear Medicine, Magnets, and Batteries Guillaume Dureau said, indicating that the venture is part of Orano’s “commitment to developing a low-carbon economy with the recycling of strategic materials for the energy transition and the circular economy.”  Paper bottle

The recycling joint venture is set to begin production in the first part of 2026 using existing Stellantis facilities. The company will invest to “reskill and upskill Stellantis and Orano employees” for the project.

Stellantis and Orano To Enter EV Battery Recycling Joint Venture

Packaging regulation, ENVI report voted

Proposed restrictive rules on ultralight bags, BPA and PFAS in food packaging and specific reduction targets for plastic packaging waste.
The Environment Committee (ENVI) of the European Parliament this morning approved by majority (56 votes in favour, 23 against and 5 abstentions) the position with amendments to the proposal for a Regulation on packaging and packaging waste presented by the European Commission as a replacement of the Directive in force since 1994.
The report, with the negotiating mandate, will be voted on by Parliament during the second plenary session, scheduled for 20 November. Then the text will be examined by the trilogue between Parliament, Commission and EU Council.  Paper bottle
“The Environment Committee has sent a strong message in favor of a complete review of the European market for packaging and packaging waste – says the Belgian rapporteur Frédérique Ries -. There can be no effective recycling or reuse policy without safe packaging, which is why the ban on intentionally added harmful chemicals is a huge victory for the health of European consumers. We also ensured that environmental ambitions met industrial reality, with a report focused on innovation and providing an exemption for companies with fewer than ten employees.”
The position of the ENVI Committee includes a ban on the sale of ultra-light plastic bags (under 15 microns), unless they are necessary for hygienic reasons or provided as primary packaging for loose foods, in order to prevent food waste.  Paper bottle
In addition to the general packaging reduction objectives already contained in the proposed Regulation, MEPs want to set specific reduction objectives for plastic packaging waste: 10% by 2030, 15% by 2035 and 20% by 2040. Furthermore the plastic fraction of packaging should contain minimum percentages of recycled content, varying depending on the type of packaging, with specific objectives set for 2030 and 2040.
The amended text remodulates the percentages of recycled content in contact-sensitive packaging by 2030: the 30% threshold for single-use bottles containing drinks, foreseen for PET packaging, has been cancelled. The quota for contact-sensitive packaging produced with materials other than PET has been reduced from 10% to 7.5%, with the exception of bottles.
Packaging containing less than 5% plastic is now exempt from the obligation to introduce a minimum recycled content. And up to 50% of the ‘mandatory’ recycled material can be replaced by bioplastics.
By the end of 2025, the Commission is called to propose sustainability objectives and criteria for biobased plastic, considered “a key resource to defossilize the plastic economy”.  Paper bottle
Among the other measures contained in the draft approved today is the delicate issue of reusable packaging, which should meet a series of criteria, including the minimum number of times it can actually be reused, to be defined later. Operators in the Horeca sector who operate in the distribution of drinks and take-away foods should offer consumers the possibility of using their own container.
However, requests from some Italian MEPs for exemptions from the reuse bans and quotas did not pass. On the topic of bans, the contrary opinion of the Industry Commission (ITRE) must also be considered, especially in the case of packaging for fruit and vegetables and disposable packaging in restaurants. The synthesis between these opposing positions will be entrusted to Parliament.
It is also proposed to ban intentionally added persistent chemicals in packaging in contact with food, such as PFAS and bisphenol A (BPA), used mainly in paper and cardboard food packaging for waterproofing.  Paper bottle

PPWR Regulations with amendments
Packaging regulation, ENVI report voted

Zara owner Inditex to buy recycled polyester from US start-up

Zara owner Inditex , the world’s biggest clothing retailer, has agreed to buy recycled polyester from U.S. start-up Ambercycle, the companies said on Wednesday.

As fast-fashion retailers face pressure to reduce waste and use recycled fabrics, Inditex is spending more than 70 million euros ($74 million) to secure supply of Ambercycle’s recycled polyester made from textile waste.  Paper bottle

Polyester, a product of the petroleum industry, is widely used in sportswear as it is quick-drying and durable.

Under the offtake deal, Inditex will buy a “significant” portion of Ambercycle’s production of recycled polyester, which is sold under the brand cycora, over three years. The clothing retailer aims for 25% of its fibers to come from “next-generation” materials by 2030.

The Inditex investment will help Los Angeles-based Ambercycle fund its first commercial-scale textile recycling factory. Production of cycora at the plant is expected to begin around 2025, and the material will be used in Inditex products over the following three years.

Zara Athleticz, a sub-brand of sportswear for men, launched a capsule collection on Wednesday of “technical pieces” containing up to 50% cycora. Inditex said the collection would be available from Zara.com.  Paper bottle

Some apparel brands seeking to reduce their reliance on virgin polyester have switched to recycled polyester derived from plastic bottles, but that practice has come under criticism as it has created more demand for used plastic bottles, pushing up prices.

Textile-to-textile polyester recycling is in its infancy, though, and will take time to reach the scale required by global fashion brands.

“We want to drive innovation to scale-up new solutions, processes and materials to achieve textile-to-textile recycling,” Inditex’s chief sustainability officer Javier Losada said in a statement.

The Ambercycle deal marks the latest in a series of investments made by Inditex into textile recycling start-ups.  Paper bottle

Last year it signed a 100 million euro ($104 million) three-year deal to buy 30% of the recycled fibre produced by Finland’s Infinited Fiber Co, and also invested in Circ, another U.S. firm focused on textile-to-textile recycling.


Zara owner Inditex to buy recycled polyester from US start-up

Plastic Pollution – Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling 25-10-2023

Paper bottle

Plastic Pollution – Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling 25-10-2023

Plastic Pollution

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Stamicarbon (MAIRE Group) signs licensing and equipment supply contracts with Shandong Lianmeng Chemical Company for an Ultra-Low Energy grassroots urea plant in China

Shandong Lianmeng Chemical Company awards licensing and equipment supply contracts for a grassroots urea melt and prilling plant in China to Stamicarbon, the nitrogen technology licensor of MAIRE Group. The plant located in Shouguang city of Shandong province in China will use Stamicarbon’s Ultra-Low Energy design with a highly efficient pool reactor concept and have a capacity of 2334 MTPD.

Stamicarbon will provide the license, proprietary equipment, including high-pressure equipment made of super duplex stainless steel and associated services. This grassroots project will be the eighth urea plant worldwide to utilize Stamicarbon’s proprietary Ultra-Low Energy design.  Plastic Pollution

The Ultra-Low Energy Design allows heat supplied as high-pressure steam to be used three times instead of two, compared to the conventional CO2 stripping processes. This results in a 35% reduction in steam consumption and a 16% decrease in cooling water use. The efficiency of this design is proven with two operational plants, making its energy savings unparalleled in the market.

“We are thrilled to start this project in collaboration with Stamicarbon, a global leader in urea technology. We are looking forward to seeing the cutting-edge technology in action and are confident in the advantages it will bring,” said Mr. Wang Xinjian, the General manager of Shandong Lianmeng Group.

“We’re excited to launch a project using our Ultra-Low Energy design, which has shown itself to be the top choice for energy efficiency and sustainability in urea production. With this project, we are further expanding our footprint in China, aiming to address the region’s growing demand for urea,” said Pejman Djavdan, Stamicarbon CEO.


Plastic Pollution

In-house production facility in Romania steers Coca-Cola HBC towards 50% rPET goal in 2023

Coca-Cola HBC has opened a new in-house production facility in Romania to supply rPET for its 100% recycled bottle portfolio – apparently positioning the company to deliver almost 50% rPET use across its EU and Swiss markets by the end of the year.

The development follows an investment of €11 million, which includes €3.5 million of state aid, and is thought to make Romania the first market within the group to use 100% recycled bottles across its portfolio, an in-house PET production facility – and, from December, a deposit return scheme (DRS) to facilitate bottle and can collection for recycling.  Plastic Pollution

Other ventures into DRS are set to roll out in many of the company’s markets, with five currently active across the company’s markets and six more set to be added by the end of 2025. These systems are said to reach a typical collection rate of 90% for bottles and cans.

Coca-Cola HBC Romania is also described as the first beverage producer in the market to produce PET in-house and, of Coca-Cola HBC’s markets, marks the third rPET decontamination facility to begin operations.

It is reported that 22% of the PET used across Coca-Cola HBC’s EU and Swiss markets in 2022 was recycled. A combination of its progress in Romania and the transition into recycled bottle portfolios in its Swiss, Austrian, Italian, Irish, and Northern Irish markets, the company claims that it is on its was to utilizing 50% rPET by the end of 2023, ahead of its 2025 deadline.  Plastic Pollution

With packaging constituting around a third of Coca-Cola HBC’s carbon footprint, the company is foregrounding its efforts to achieve net zero emissions across its whole value chain by 2040. Food-grade rPET bottles have an 80% lower carbon footprint than virgin PET resin, the company claims, and all electricity used on its production line is said to come from 100% renewable sources.

Additionally, it claims to have reduced 30% of emissions across its entire supply chain since 2010 and invested €377 million into its sustainability initiatives.

“I’m very proud of the progress we are seeing in our sustainability agenda and our mission to create a world without waste,” said CEO Zoran Bogdanovic. “At Coca-Cola HBC, our purpose is to ‘Open Up Moments that Refresh us All’ and this means that, beyond the functional refreshment that we provide, we strive to refresh our communities and the environment through the work that we do.

“We are working to produce and deliver our drinks in more sustainable ways and in packaging that has a life beyond its initial use – and Romania is a great example of how we can work collaboratively with our stakeholders and the wider industry to create a circular economy for packaging.”  Plastic Pollution

Coca-Cola Philippines recently rolled out its own line of 100% rPET bottles – including caps and labels – for its Coca-Cola Original and Wilkins Pure brands. A new sustainable packaging platform is accompanying their release, seeking to increase consumer education in the fight against plastic waste.


Plastic Pollution

Global Plastics Summit Puts Forth Radical Proposals to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Article-Global Plastics Summit Puts Forth Radical Proposals to Reduce Plastic Pollution

The Global Rules Scenario would lead to production of just 301 million tonnes of virgin plastics by 2040 compared with current projections of 712 million tonnes

Amid what’s described as an “escalating global plastic pollution crisis,” key stakeholders from across the plastics space, headed by NGOs, policymakers, and the scientific community, have unveiled their recommendations to guide UN negotiations on establishing an international, legally binding treaty to combat plastic pollution. Plastic Pollution

Delegates at the inaugural Global Plastics Summit in Bangkok, albeit with sparse participation from plastics producers themselves, proposed a raft of solutions to plug gaps in a draft of a Global Plastics Treaty to ensure it is robust enough to tackle the plastics crisis. The summit, organized by Economist Impact, is the largest and most significant assembly of stakeholders ahead of the third round of negotiations on the UN Plastics Treaty (Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee INC-3), scheduled to take place in Nairobi, Kenya, from Nov. 13 to 19, 2023.

Slashing virgin resin production by 2040

Among the more ambitious — some might say radical — proposals to minimize plastic waste detailed at the summit included calls to significantly reduce production of virgin polymers. One such strategy was highlighted in a presentation by Felix Cornehl, manager of Systemiq. The firm describes itself as a system change company whose objective is to help design and build a better [sustainable] economy. Plastic Pollution

Under its Global Rules Scenario, Systemiq proposes that global production of virgin plastics be slashed by 30% by 2040 compared with the 2019 production level through a process of reduction and elimination, including increased usage of recycled materials.

The Global Rules Scenario would reduce the annual volume of virgin plastic production and consumption by applying targets, fees and demand reduction policies; eliminating avoidable single-use plastics in certain applications; mandating substitution where alternative materials would yield better impacts; and expanding safe reuse, recycling, durability, and repair.

Systemiq’s proposal does emphasize that alternative materials should only be mandated when their environmental outcomes are more favorable than those of the material being replaced. One potential barrier here is that, in numerous cases, plastics have been proven to be the most environmentally friendly option available, provided they are disposed of correctly or recycled. Plastic Pollution

Hefty EPR fees on the table

The company’s proposal also encompasses extended producer responsibility (EPR), with fees modeled depending on product and region, but ranging from $300 per tonne starting in 2025 and increasing gradually to $1,000 per tonne by 2040.

The Global Rules Scenario does not consider substitution of current plastics with bio-based, biodegradable, or compostable plastics (except for some specific applications in agriculture). “Uncertainty remains as to the role of these solutions in the future and caution is required based on the available evidence,” says Systemiq.

The end result of the Global Rules Scenario would lead to production of just 301 million tonnes of virgin plastics in 2040 versus 430 million tonnes in 2019, compared with 712 million tonnes in 2040 in a business-as-usual scenario. If realized, this would have a devastating effect on many plastics producers and converters who fail to adapt to the new normal. Plastic Pollution


Plastic Pollution

Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling

The undersigned, representing 20 associations in the plastics supply chain, call on EU Member States to urgently adopt mass balance fuel-use exempt as the EU harmonised mass balance method for allocating recycled content via chemical recycling.

An early warning report to Member States from June 2023 states that 19 countries are at high risk of not achieving their plastic packaging recycling targets*. Currently, the EU plastics recycling rate is 38% (Eurostat, 2022) while the target for 2025 is 50%. Recycling efforts across the EU need to be urgently ramped up with a critical need for more investment in recycling and collection infrastructure. Plastic Pollution

While mechanical and other physical recycling technologies will continue to expand and innovate, there is also a unique opportunity for chemical recycling to complement existing efforts to help achieve recycling targets and increase the volume of recycled content. Mandatory recycled content targets for packaging and automotive are currently being discussed at EU level.

Chemically recycled feedstocks are typically blended with virgin feedstocks and the two different feedstocks cannot be physically separated once they are co-fed into the complex large-scale installations. Therefore, a mass balance chain of custody is required to accurately calculate and verify the amount of recycled content allocated to products. Chemical recycling allows the use of plastic waste, especially feedstock not suitable for mechanical recycling, to produce new chemicals, including plastics. Recent academic research shows that mechanical, other physical and chemical recycling are complementary as these address different types of feedstocks**.  Plastic Pollution

As recognised by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), chemical recycling is currently undergoing rapid technological developments***. When comparing the environmental performance of chemical recycling to incineration with energy recovery, chemical recycling already achieves significant greenhouse gas emission savings, and these are set to increase as the EU electricity grid gradually decarbonises.

Mass balance fuel-use exempt is crucial to incentivize the rapid scale-up of chemical recycling. An estimated 8-billion-euro investment is in the pipeline by 2030 that would produce 2.8Mt recycled plastics via chemical recycling across the different EU Member States****. However, these planned investments will not be achieved if the regulatory framework does not allow for a mass balance method that incentivizes scale-up.

The mass balance fuel-use exempt approach is in line with the EU recycling definition in the Waste Framework Directive and we endorse this to be accompanied by stringent third-party certification and auditing systems to ensure the traceability of recycled content throughout the supply chain. Plastic Pollution

Chemical recyclers are already using third party certification systems with mass balance allocation to ensure full chain of custody traceability for the products commercialised on the market. Other methods such as polymer only and proportional allocation will significantly increase the costs and the required chemical recycling capacity needed to achieve the recycled content targets in packaging and other sectors.


Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling

Plastics Recyclers Europe warns against priority access to recycled PET

The organisation said the provision, if implemented, would promote monopolistic control of recycled polymers and go against free-market principles

Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE), the European Waste Management Association (FEAD), and EuRIC, a confederation representing the interests of the European recycling industries, have objected to the introduction of the “right of first refusal” in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation proposal (PPWR) legislation.  Plastic Pollution

“Right of first refusal” would give priority access to recycled plastics, including recycled PET, to companies in the packaging industry. In September 2022, Unesda, the pan-European association representing Europe’s soft drink industry, proposed introducing the measure in the upcoming revision of the PPWR. At the time, the association said recycled PET was becoming ‘almost as rare and expensive as white truffles or gold’ in the EU, with demand purportedly significantly exceeding supply.

Beverage companies, particularly small to medium-sized enterprises, expressed concerns of not being able to meet the obligations arising from the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive, as many cannot the very high prices of recycled material. They argued that right of first refusal would give every producer, from large to small, the option to buy the recycled material issued from the recyclable packaging it put on the EU market – after adjustment for collection and recycling rates.  Plastic Pollution

This would arguably put all beverage producers, including SMEs, in a position to meet their mandatory recycled content targets, considerably reduce the downcycling of PET bottles by promoting bottle-to-bottle recycling, and incentivise all sectors, including those outside the beverage industry, to invest in the recyclability and collection of their products.

However, recycling organisations argued in an Oct. 23 statement that the risk of PET bottle downcycling is a ‘myth’ that ‘could ruin European efforts toward packaging circularity’. PRE, EuRIC, and FEAD warned that the provision, if implemented, would be detrimental to the development of recycling capacity in Europe, promoting monopolistic control of recycled polymers, and going against free-market principles.


Plastics Recyclers Europe warns against priority access to recycled PET

One Eq­uity Part­ners Agrees to Sell Walki to Japan’s Oji Group

Firm Supported Walki’s Sustainability Initiatives Over Five Years of Ownership

One Equity Partners (“OEP”) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Walki Holding Oy (“Walki” or the “Company”), a pan-European supplier of sustainable and high-performing packaging and engineered materials solutions, to Oji Holdings Corporation (“Oji Group”), a Japanese paper products technology company.

Founded in 1930 and headquartered in Espoo, Finland, Walki is a specialty packaging materials manufacturer, offering consumer and industrial packaging for food and specialty consumer products, as well as engineered materials, such as insulation and fire-retardant facings, sustainable membranes, and protective clothing applications.

The Company has 17 production facilities worldwide and employs more than 1,700 people. OEP’s acquisition of Walki closed in July 2018.  Plastic Pollution

“We are humbled by Walki’s performance under our ownership and were pleased to help the business execute on a transformative business expansion strategy with sustainability at its core,” said Marc Lindhorst, Managing Director, One Equity Partners. “We collaborated with management to drive transformative growth opportunities in the packaging and engineered materials end markets while supporting the development of manufacturing methods with reduced adverse environmental effects.”

During OEP’s ownership, Walki saw revenue growth of 125% and made significant investments in long-term environmental sustainability. Investments included the development of alternative materials and production methods to give customers the flexibility to choose the most appropriate packaging solution to mitigate environmental impact.  Plastic Pollution

Walki completed seven acquisitions over OEP’s hold period, including that of Plasbel Plásticos in 2021, to leverage its expertise in producing recycled and compostable packaging and support significant expansion of the Valkeakoski facility in Finland.

“One Equity Partners was a first-rate partner to our business over the last five years,” said Leif Frilund, President and CEO of Walki. “OEP’s expertise in specialty manufacturing businesses like ours helped us to execute our sustainability strategy while continuing to grow the business.

With their support, we have proven that consistent corporate growth and business development do not have to be mutually exclusive.”  Plastic Pollution

One Eq­uity Part­ners Agrees to Sell Walki to Japan’s Oji Group

Danimer Scientific, BIOLO and Bolthouse Farms Announce Commercialization of Home Compostable Packaging for Fresh Produce with Meijer Stores

Danimer Scientific, Inc. (“Danimer” or the “Company”), a leading next-generation bioplastics company focused on the development and production of biodegradable materials, today announced the commercialization of home compostable retail packaging for vegetables and fruit, which Danimer developed in partnership with biodegradable packaging and food service product manufacturer BIOLO and carrot producer Bolthouse Farms.  Plastic Pollution

Danimer’s signature PHA, Nodax®, was used to create the bags for one-pound Earthbound Farm Organic Mini Peeled Carrots, now available in Meijer’s regional network of 240 grocery stores and supercenters in six states across the Midwest.

Stephen Croskrey, CEO of Danimer Scientific, said, “As demand continues to rise for environmentally superior alternatives to petroleum plastics, we’re excited that Meijer will offer home compostable packaging solutions that make possible the safe, efficient, low-cost and stable delivery of fresh foods, providing consumers with a more responsible way to enjoy the products they love. We’re grateful for the partnership of BIOLO, Bolthouse Farms and Meijer in bringing this product to market, which we believe will lead to other foods shifting to PHA-based packaging.”  Plastic Pollution

Danimer’s Nodax® is a biobased polyester made with oils derived from the seeds of plants such as canola. Unlike traditional plastic, which can take centuries to degrade, Danimer’s PHA-based products can degrade in a matter of months under certain conditions.

The Earthbound Farm Organic Mini Peeled Carrots bags are certified as home compostable by TUV, a globally recognized leader in independent product testing, inspection and certification. This certification means that the bags have passed rigorous testing that requires them to disintegrate at least 90% within 26 weeks and biodegrade within 52 weeks under home compost conditions.  Plastic Pollution


Danimer Scientific, BIOLO and Bolthouse Farms Announce Commercialization of Home Compostable Packaging for Fresh Produce with Meijer Stores

Unrecyclable plastics – The Complex Reality of Plastic Recycling: Beyond the Hype 24-10-2023

Plastic Pollution

Unrecyclable plastics – The Complex Reality of Plastic Recycling: Beyond the Hype 24-10-2023

Unrecyclable plastics

Beijing’s economy is in bad shape

Proof? Xi Jinping today visited the Central Bank of China.

It is the first time this has happened since he came to power 10 years ago – the aim is “to underline the government’s growing attention to supporting the economy”.

Translated: countermeasures are needed to avoid collapseChinese President Xi Jinping today made his first known visit to the Central Bank (PBOC) since coming to power 10 years ago, aiming to underline the government’s growing focus on supporting the economy and financial markets amid stagnant growth and turbulences of various types.
Bloomberg reports this, citing well-informed sources, according to which Xi, together with Vice Prime Minister He Lifeng and other government officials, went to the headquarters of the PBOC and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (Safe) in the afternoon.

He, according to the same sources, also visited the nation’s sovereign wealth fund.

Unrecyclable plastics

Beijing's economy is in bad shape

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Mura Technology opens advanced recycling facility for ‘unrecyclable’ plastics

Mura Technology is opening its first commercial-scale HydroPRS advanced plastic recycling plant in Teesside, UK, processing ‘unrecyclable’ flexible and rigid mixed plastics into recycled hydrocarbon feedstocks for repeated plastic production.

Located at the Wilton International industrial site, the site reportedly has the capacity to produce 20ktpa of recycled liquid hydrocarbon products and expand its production capacity by over three times its initial size in the future. It is said to have created 150 jobs during its build and commissioning phases and now expects to offer up to 50 direct jobs and a further 100 surrounding related infrastructure to support operations.

The company anticipates that its offtake partners will receive their first delivery of recycled hydrocarbon products from the Teesside facility early next year. Unrecyclable plastics

HydroPRS is a process designed to complement mechanical recycling and produce recycled plastic feedstock to manufacture new plastics, in turn facilitating a circular economy. It makes use of supercritical water, or water under high pressure and temperature, and converts films, pots, tubs, trays, and other post-consumer, multi-layered plastics into stable hydrocarbon feedstocks.

Independent Life Cycle Assessments have been carried out at Teesside and suggest that the process saves 80% of carbon emissions by diverting these ‘unrecyclable’ plastics away from incineration. Apparently, materials can undergo unlimited cycles of the HydroPRS recycling process, which would cut down on single-use plastics and drive circularity within the plastics industry.  Unrecyclable plastics

For every tonne of plastic waste produced, HydroPRS is also said to save up to five barrels of oil and create products with an equivalent or lower Global Warming Potential.

Local mayor Ben Houchen will deliver a speech at the opening of the facility. Also set to attend are Marco ten Bruggencate, commercial VP for EMEA at Dow and President of Plastics Europe; Benny Mermans, vice president of Sustainability at Chevron Phillips Chemical (CPChem); Jinsuk Kim, managing director of LG Chem Europe; Doug Kelly, vice president of Technology at KBR, Mura’s License and Engineering Partner; and Dr Paul Davidson, Director of UK Research & Industry’s Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge delivered by Innovate UK.  Unrecyclable plastics

Dr Steve Mahon, CEO of Mura Technology, said: “The opening of our first-of-its-kind, next generation recycling facility is a groundbreaking achievement and the culmination of four years of dedication.

“Our HydroPRS process is unlocking a new market for plastic waste, creating value and keeping both plastic and carbon in circularity. The technology works alongside existing mechanical recycling to ensure no plastic types are considered ‘unrecyclable’ and require incineration or landfilling.

“With support from our partners, the Teesside site will be the first in Mura’s global roll-out, helping in the fight against the plastic pollution and global warming crises and acting as a launchpad for the 1,000,000 tonnes of annual recycling capacity that Mura plans to have in operation and development in this decade.”  Unrecyclable plastics

Partnerships with blue-chip companies like KBR, CPChem, LG Chem, and igus GmbH are helping Mura pursue global scaling for the HydroPRS process. Its collaboration with Dow has resulted in plans to construct a HydroPRS advanced recycling facility in Böhlen, Germany, scheduled to begin operations in 2025.

In similar news, Swedish Plastic Recycling’s Site Zero plant site, which aims to recycle all kinds of plastic packaging without emitting CO2, has scheduled its own grand opening on 15th November 2023. The company expects its opening to commence a ‘new era’ for the recycling of plastics.  Unrecyclable plastics


Unrecyclable plastics

Joint Swiss-German survey finds inflation expected to drop worldwide


  • Though inflation expectations worldwide remain above central banks’ target, a further fall in the expected inflation rate for the rest of this year compared with previous quarters is evident, a Swiss-German survey found.
  • The overall average expected inflation rate this year is 6.2 per cent.
  • High inflation rates worldwide are expected in the coming years.

Though inflation expectations worldwide remain well above central banks’ target, a further decline in the expected inflation rate for the rest of this year compared with previous quarters is evident, according to the Economic Experts Survey (EES) of the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich (ifo Institute) and the Institute for Swiss Economic Policy.  Unrecyclable plastics

The overall average expected inflation rate this year is 6.2 per cent. This is the median of average expected inflation rates at the country level, ifo Institute said on its website.

Though inflation expectations worldwide remain above central banks’ target, a further fall in the expected inflation rate for the rest of this year compared with previous quarters is evident, a Swiss-German survey found. The overall average expected inflation rate this year is 6.2 per cent. High inflation rates worldwide are expected in the coming years.

The median is used because expected inflation rates vary widely by region, with some dramatically higher in individual countries and regions such as Africa than in the rest of the world.  Unrecyclable plastics

The average rate of 6.2 per cent expected in the current quarter is significantly lower than the expected rate of 7 per cent in the second quarter this year.

Short-term inflation expectations are therefore falling, but remain at a high level worldwide. Experts also expect high inflation rates worldwide in the coming years.

In the long term up to 2026, inflation expectations will also remain high at 4.5 per cent. However, long-term inflation expectations have decreased compared with the results of the previous quarter (4.9 per cent).

Inflation expectations vary widely among the world’s regions. For 2023, experts expect the lowest inflation rates in North America (4.1 per cent).  Unrecyclable plastics


Unrecyclable plastics

Mexico’s Alpek suspends construction at the PTA and PET plant in Texas due to inflationary cost pressure

Mexico-based Alpek, one of the largest petrochemical companies in the Americas, has decided to temporarily suspend construction at its Corpus Christi Polymers (CCP) project in Texas due to rising costs. The decision comes shortly after the announcement of the closure of a filament plant in Mexico due to profitability challenges. Alpex has already obtained consent from its partners for this project for the temporary suspension of construction at the CCP project.  Unrecyclable plastics

The CCP project offers the most efficient and innovative production of polymers such as purified terephthalic acid (PTA), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PTA accounts for the majority of the total annual capacity of the project, followed by PET. The project uses innovative processes and products for technical advantages compared to the competing packaging materials in its versatility. The CCP was originally scheduled to commence commercial production in 2025.

Reports said that the construction and labour costs have surpassed the initial expectations due to a sustained period of high inflation. Hence, CCP and its partners decided to pause the project temporarily. The promoter, partners, and financiers are expected to meet in the near future to decide the re-commencement of the construction work and commercial production. Sources said that the project will be adequately preserved to restart construction in the near future.  Unrecyclable plastics

Unrecyclable plastics

The Complex Reality of Plastic Recycling: Beyond the Hype

Plastic recycling has become a buzzword in the global efforts to combat climate change and environmental degradation. Recycling plastics is seen as a sustainable solution that can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and minimize the environmental footprint of plastic production. However, the reality of plastic recycling is far more complex than it may seem. In this article, we will delve into the multifaceted aspects of plastic recycling, including the challenges faced by small businesses, the complexities of recycled raw materials, and the need for a more nuanced understanding of environmental benefits.
The Cost Challenge
One of the most significant issues in the plastic recycling industry is the cost of recycled raw materials. In many cases, recycled plastics are more expensive than their counterparts derived from fossil fuels. This cost disparity poses a challenge for businesses looking to adopt sustainable practices. Consequently, some brands incorporate negligible quantities of recycled materials to maintain an image of sustainability while keeping their costs low.  Unrecyclable plastics
It’s important to understand that the cost of recycling involves various factors, including collection, sorting, cleaning, and reprocessing. These additional steps in the recycling process contribute to the higher costs. Small businesses, in particular, often struggle to absorb these extra expenses, leading to a situation where only large corporations with substantial resources can invest in sustainable practices.
Exceptions in the Automobile and Other Sectors
While the use of recycled plastics is cost-prohibitive for many industries, some exceptions exist. The automobile industry, for instance, has made significant strides in incorporating recycled materials into their products. This is largely attributed to the innovative practices of large automotive manufacturers. However, these exceptions are not widespread and are primarily driven by the significant financial resources available to large corporations.
For small businesses that produce high-quality products, the financial barriers can be insurmountable. Many of them find themselves caught between wanting to make sustainable choices and struggling to compete with larger competitors who can absorb the additional costs of using recycled materials.  Unrecyclable plastics
The Market for Low-Performance Recycled Raw Materials
There is indeed a market for recycled raw materials with lower performance attributes, but profitability is often elusive. These materials may find applications in less demanding industries or in products where performance is not a critical factor. However, the market for this materials have a fierce competition .
To make recycled raw materials more attractive, it is essential to develop innovative ways to enhance their performance and durability. Only then can they compete more effectively with their virgin material counterparts and gain a broader foothold in various industries.
The Nuances of Environmental Benefits
When discussing the environmental benefits of using recycled materials, it’s important to consider the full picture. While it is true that recycling plastics can significantly reduce carbon emissions, these reductions can sometimes be exaggerated. This is often due to the omission of certain secondary factors or the failure to account for differences in recycled and virgin materials.  Unrecyclable plastics
For instance, the carbon emissions associated with the transportation of recycled materials, additional energy requirements in the recycling process, and the carbon footprint of collecting and transporting plastic waste are factors that can affect the overall environmental impact. While recycling remains an environmentally beneficial practice, a more nuanced and comprehensive assessment is needed to provide an accurate representation of its advantages.
Plastic recycling is a crucial component of our collective efforts to mitigate the environmental impact of plastic production. However, it is essential to acknowledge the multifaceted challenges that exist within the industry. The cost disparity between recycled and virgin materials, the exceptions in industries like automotive and the nuanced assessment of environmental benefits all underscore the complexity of plastic recycling.
Small businesses that aim to embrace sustainability may find themselves at a disadvantage, given the financial barriers associated with adopting recycled materials. This highlights the need for more accessible and cost-effective recycling solutions for all businesses.  Unrecyclable plastics
Furthermore, a transparent and comprehensive evaluation of the environmental benefits of recycling is vital to ensure that the advantages are accurately represented. By addressing these challenges and promoting innovation in the recycling industry, we can move closer to a more sustainable and eco.
The Complex Reality of Plastic Recycling: Beyond the Hype

InnoVent Renewables Launches a Solution to Global Waste Tire Challenge

Exclusive technology converts tires into valuable fuels & chemicals

InnoVent Renewables announces its formation with a corporate mission to drive renewable energy forward by mitigating the global environmental challenge of waste tires. InnoVent Renewables launched as a U.S.-based technology and operations company with a proprietary continuous pyrolysis technology that converts waste tires, plastics, and biomass into valuable fuels and chemicals.  Unrecyclable plastics

Each year more than 1 billion tires are disposed of globally, and North America alone disposes of 100+ million tires annually.  Decomposition of tires is slower than other waste resulting in a serious health hazard (mosquitos, pests, water borne diseases, and chemical leaching into soil); and burning tires in pits or cement kilns is far more hazardous as it emits toxic emissions in the air. The exclusive pyrolysis technology is unique in that it’s continuous, which is a much higher efficiency compared to batch processing. It utilizes the gas to preheat the tires, thereby making it a Net Zero energy process. During the process valuable chemicals are recovered from the products, producing high quality fuels.

“We are thrilled to formally launch InnoVent Renewables and plan to ramp-up operations into early 2024,” noted InnoVent Renewables CEO Vibhu Sharma. “Our investors, strategic advisors, and management team are all fully committed to our success as we address the global challenge of waste tires.  Unrecyclable plastics

We firmly believe our proven process, deployed at scale globally, will have a huge positive impact on our climate and fill a clear environment need.”

With a solution to this environmental challenge, InnoVent has assembled a team of world class executives each with more than 25 years of energy and chemical industry experience to drive early-stage growth. With current operations in Houston (USA), Pune (India), and Monterrey (Mexico), the company has aggressive growth plans across North America and Latin America, with future expansion opportunities in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-PacificUnrecyclable plastics


InnoVent Renewables Launches a Solution to Global Waste Tire Challenge

Flexible packaging materials get cheaper, but still above 2020 levels

A new report from Flexible Packaging Europe reveals that the prices of flexible packaging materials have fallen more in the third quarter of 2023, but they are still higher than before the crisis.

The report, based on a survey by the European association, shows that the prices have been dropping since the start of the year, after reaching a record high last year.

However, they have not yet returned to the levels of the fourth quarter of 2020, which is the baseline for comparison.  Unrecyclable plastics

The report says that most prices went down by 10% to 20% in the third quarter, compared to the second quarter.

For example, HDPE and LDPE prices went down by 10% and 14%, and ended the quarter with a price index of 125 and 131, respectively.

The index was 100 in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Some prices decreased less than others.

The price of sixty gram single-coated glossy paper went down by 7% and reached 140, while the price of 15 micron BOPA film went down by 8% and reached 124.

The price of 20 micron BOPP film went down by 11% and reached 113, which is close to the original price.   Unrecyclable plastics

The price of 12 micron PET film only went down by 4% and reached 136. David Buckby, a senior analyst at Wood Mackenzie, thinks that the prices are falling because of low orders, low demand from some European customers, and low stocks.

He also says that some markets have too much production capacity, which was increased a lot in the past years. Buckby says that some prices may keep falling in the fourth quarter, but some products may become more stable.

Guido Aufdenkamp (in the photo), the executive director of FPE, says that the future is unclear: “Many customers do not want to buy packaged foods and there are too many stocks in the supply chain.  Unrecyclable plastics

This makes the demand for flexible packaging low in the short term”. He also says that inflation is going down, but not as fast as some people expected.

He reminds that even though these big drops in prices are good for reducing inflation, the prices of flexible materials are still much higher than before Covid and they change a lot. He says that this makes their customers and suppliers very careful, but they hope that demand will increase in 2024.

Flexible packaging materials get cheaper, but still above 2020 levels

What happens to waste tire after pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis is a thermochemical process that involves the decomposition of organic materials, such as waste tire, in the absence of oxygen and at high temperatures. During this process, the tire waste is heated in a controlled environment, leading to the breakdown of its chemical structure.
Stages of Pyrolysis:
Pyrolysis of waste tire can be divided into three main stages:
1. Preheating:
The waste tire is initially heated gradually to a specific temperature range, typically between 300 to 400 degrees Celsius.

This preheating stage helps to evaporate any moisture present in the waste tire and prepare it for further decomposition.  Unrecyclable plastics
2. Pyrolysis or Decomposition:
Once the waste tire reaches the desired temperature, pyrolysis occurs. At this stage, the long chains of polymers in the waste tire break down into smaller molecules, including oil-gases and solids.
3. Condensation and Collection:
After the pyrolysis process, the oil-gas products are usually cooled rapidly by the cooling system(DOING waste tire pyrolysis system has a multi cooling system with high oil yield), causing them to condense into liquid oil and gas. The solid can be discharged from the pyrolysis reactor. These products are then collected and subjected to sell or further process.
– Gaseous Products: Various hydrocarbon and volatile gases, such as methane, ethane, propane, and butane, are released as byproducts of pyrolysis. These gases can be used as sources of energy or further processed for pyrolysis reactor heating or other applications.
– Liquid Products: The decomposition of waste tire results in the formation of a liquid product known as pyrolysis oil or pyrolysis liquid. This oil is rich in hydrocarbons and can be used for industrial plants heating. Or it can be refined by the pyrolysis oil distillation machines to diesel and for agricultural machinery.


What happens to waste tire after pyrolysis?

Packaging films – Oil drops after Hamas releases US hostages : will it continue to go down? 23-10-2023

Unrecyclable plastics

Packaging films – Oil drops after Hamas releases US hostages : will it continue to go down? 23-10-2023

Packaging films

Petrochemicals chip – Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep


Packaging films

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Oil drops after Hamas releases US hostages

• Summary
• Oil prices drop on Friday but gain over 1% for the week
• Hamas releases two US hostages in Gaza
• Earlier, Israeli minister said troops to see Gaza ‘from inside’
• Global oil market already faces supply concerns
Oil prices settled lower on Friday after the Islamist group Hamas released two U.S. hostages from Gaza, leading to hopes the Israeli-Palestinian crisis could de-escalate without engulfing the rest of the Middle East region and disrupting oil supplies.
Brent crude futures fell 22 cents, or 0.2%, to settle at $92.16 a barrel.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures for November delivery , which expired after settlement on Friday, fell 62 cents, or 0.7%, to $88.75 a barrel. The more-active December WTI contract closed 29 cents lower at $88.08 a barrel.
Hamas’ armed wing released two U.S. hostages from Gaza – a mother and her daughter – “for humanitarian reasons” in response to Qatari mediation efforts in the war with Israel, its spokesman Abu Ubaida said on Friday.  Packaging films
“The report took some of the risk premium out of the market,” said Phil Flynn, analyst at Price Futures Group. “The market went from starting the day with little hope and went to possible signs that there may be some way out of this crisis.”
Both contracts had gained more than a dollar per barrel during the session on signs of escalation of the conflict. For the week, both front-month contracts rose over 1%, a second straight weekly jump.
On Thursday, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant told troops at the Gaza border they would soon see the Palestinian enclave “from inside,” and the Pentagon said the U.S. had intercepted missiles fired from Yemen toward Israel.  Packaging films
“The Middle East remains a big focus of the market because of fears of a region-wide conflict that would likely involve a disruption of oil supplies,” said John Kilduff, a partner at New York-based Again Capital.
Supply disruptions may be less likely now, Kilduff added, but “the market cannot ignore it – especially heading into the weekend when things could change rapidly and there will be no trading.”
Also supporting prices were forecasts of a tightening market in the fourth quarter after top producers Saudi Arabia and Russia extended supply cuts to year end.
Large inventory draws, mostly in the U.S., support the thesis of an undersupplied market, UBS analyst Giovanni  Packaging films
Packaging films

“The Complex Nexus of Energy Transition: Lithium, Cobalt, Hydrogen”

The quest for achieving decarbonization and the energy transition presents a myriad of challenges. Are the essential raw materials readily available to support a fully electric mobility landscape? Will their extraction and utilization prove to be environmentally favorable? And is it economically viable for the industry? These are the inquiries that have long preoccupied global policymakers and major automotive conglomerates.

From the 22nd to the 25th of October, experts and professionals from diverse sectors convened in Palermo for the second iteration of the E2DT congress – Energy, Environment, and Digital Transition. This event was organized by the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC) with the endorsement of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE).  Packaging films

When we speak of energy and environmental transition, we typically refer to the shift from fossil fuel-based energy production to renewable resources. This path, as reiterated by analysts and companies, is neither straightforward nor devoid of costs. This transition necessarily unfolds within the realm of political choices, as exemplified by the European Commission’s recent stance on internal combustion engines. This stance has ignited a robust debate encompassing contrasting perspectives: those advocating for a swift farewell to fossil fuels, those advocating for a gradual shift, and those who argue that the current level of technological innovation permits a balanced compromise between environmental protection, industrial costs, and raw material availability.

“To this end, it is imperative that unbiased and scientifically sound information be accessible to decision-makers and regulators so that legislative changes are not influenced by partisan views,” underscores Giuseppe Ricci, President of AIDIC.

Additionally, digitalization assumes a pivotal role in this transition by expediting transformation processes.

Energy and production systems are increasingly becoming interconnected, intelligent, and efficient, equipped with self-learning capabilities, with profound implications for the labor landscape and, consequently, society.  Packaging films

This challenge is global in scope. Recent developments in various parts of the world underscore this fact. Ghana, for instance, has inked an agreement with the Australian conglomerate Atlantic Lithium Ltd for the exploitation of a substantial lithium deposit, a key raw material in the spotlight. In a shift to South America, Chile is contemplating nationalizing its lithium reserves. Across Asia, China, which already holds a central position in the availability, exploitation, and processing of critical raw materials, has recently reached an accord to exploit lithium deposits in Afghanistan. In many regions of Europe, including France, Italy, and Scandinavia, searches are underway to identify potential sites for resource extraction. Simultaneously, the United Kingdom has postponed its ban on internal combustion engines from 2030 to 2035.  Packaging films

A significant portion of Europe’s concerns stems from its status as primarily a consumer of materials essential to bolster the energy transition. It heavily relies on China and, to some extent, the United States for these resources. Furthermore, many of the fundamental elements required for electric batteries are sourced from politically unstable regions. Thus, the geopolitical aspect is far from inconsequential in the context of the energy transition.

AIDIC has crafted numerous position papers on critical metals, summarizing the primary challenges at hand. Batteries, for instance, impact not only electric mobility but also an array of everyday devices and objects, while simultaneously influencing the efficiency of renewable energy sources with their storage systems.  Packaging films

Ricci cites a well-known study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) that zeroes in on batteries. This study reveals that, on average, an electric vehicle battery weighs approximately 206 kg and comprises a variety of metals, with graphite, copper, nickel, manganese, cobalt, lithium, and chromium being the most significant. When comparing the weight of individual materials used in batteries to the number of vehicles in circulation across Europe and worldwide, and then contrasting this with the availability of raw materials, it becomes evident that the critical issue revolves around cobalt and nickel. In an extreme scenario, there might not be enough cobalt to support a fully global fleet of electric vehicles.  Packaging films

Packaging films

Hellweg defies odds, sees major sales increase

This year has been tough for a lot of plastic recyclers. Recycled resin prices have been under severe downward pressure for months because of persistent weak demand, competition from the falling cost of virgin plastics and cheaper imports from Asia.

On the show floor at Fakuma, there are some reports of double-digit percentage drops in sales for recycling machinery. But there are also surprisingly positive reports, with some companies saying they have not seen a drop in sales or have, even, experienced increased sales.  Packaging films

Chief among them is perhaps Hellweg Maschinenbau, whose managing director, Mark Hellweg, gleefully said the company will have increased its output by 30 to 50 percent by the end of 2023 after already boosting sales by 50 percent in 2022.

“The first day at Fakuma was really good,” Hellweg said. “We had conversations throughout the entire day. For me, it was a very good day, like a very good Fakuma. So, I don’t see any negative impact right now. I don’t see it, and I don’t feel it. People were a little bit nervous during the last month. I have also seen that in our customers. But yesterday I had no chance to feel it here. Optimism what all I was met with yesterday.”

At the core of Hellweg’s success is the new MDSGi 1500/600 wet grinder, which it is unveiling and starting to sell at Fakuma. The machine has been under development for the past three years after Repetco contacted Hellweg and was “absolutely impressed” with the results of the grinding tests, Hellweg said.  Packaging films

The Spain-based new entrant to the recycling of PET/polyethylene multilayer packaging ordered four prototypes that have been in operation 24/7 since the beginning of the year. Even though Hellweg only just started commercialization at Fakuma, it already received six orders for the rest of the year, and another eight are booked for 2024.

The new wet grinder uses low-power motors rated from 45 kW to 110 kW, which enable previously unattained low power consumption of just 70 kWh to 90 kWh, a huge advantage during the current high electricity price market. Forced feed of PET, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, PVC, polycarbonate, polylactic acid or PE films using a tamping screw ensures long-term, trouble-free operation even with contaminated input materials, achieving a throughput of up to 5 tonnes of film per hour.

Mark Hellweg of Hellweg Maschinenbau says his recycling machinery company has increased its sales while other firms saw drops in demand.

The MDSG 1500/600 W model is the first to be commercially available, with MDSG 600/600 W and MDSG 600/300 W versions to follow. The first number in the model’s name denotes the working width of 600 mm or 1500 mm, while the second number refers to the diameter of the rotors, 300 mm or 600 mm.  Packaging films

Depending on the model, the grinders are fitted with five or seven rotary blades plus two or three static blades. These blades use Hellweg’s double scissor-cut technology, in use in its machines for the past 25 years. These are key to the success of the new grinder, setting a benchmark in terms of cut quality and dust-free operation. They ensure a constant cutting gap and require no adjustment of the rotary blades.

Hellweg defies odds, sees major sales increase

Evonik to develop precious metal catalysts and technology with Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies

Evonik Industries has completed the relocation and expansion of its precious metal powder catalyst plant in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park (SCIP). Production is scheduled to commence in Q4, 2023.

  • Evonik to produce precious metal catalysts tailored to Hydrogenious’ LOHC (liquid organic hydrogen carriers) technology
  • Technology will be jointly commercialized and targets green hydrogen for mobile applications
  • Catalysts for pilot plants and commercial units expected to be available 2026

Evonik has signed an agreement to develop, scale up and produce proprietary fixed bed catalysts for mobile applications of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies’ proprietary liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) technology based on benzyl toluene (BT).

The safe, cost-efficient and flexible process chemically binds hydrogen synthesized by sustainable energy to the LOHC-BT, which then is transported to the off-taker site where the hydrogen is released for industrial or consumer use – or in the mobile application released on board to power propulsion units.  Packaging films

“We are committed to bringing our expertise in catalysis to jointly develop processes with the Hydrogenious team, that will help to transform the industry from fossil-based to sustainable feedstock,” said Michael Frey, Head of Product Line Polyolefin and Continuous Process Catalysts, at Evonik.

“When transporting hydrogen over long distances, liquid organic carriers play a particularly important role. To overcome catalytical challenges associated with the use of onboard applications, customization – based on extensive and proven experience – is required,” he added.  Packaging films

Hydrogenious’ LOHC process uses benzyl toluene as carrier material, boasting competitive safety and economic advantages. The thermal oil – which is loaded with hydrogen – is hardly flammable and non-explosive, with a risk potential comparable to diesel fuel. It can be stored at ambient temperatures and pressure, has a competitive storage density level, and is reusable as a hydrogen carrier hundreds of times.

“The flexibility and scalability of our LOHC technology accelerates the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy because we can leverage the existing liquid fuel infrastructure,” said Dr Caspar Paetz, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies.

“We are happy to work with Evonik to further improve our technology – their expertise in tailoring catalysts to specific needs is an essential part of the development process,” he added.

Catalysts for pilot plants and commercial units are expected to be available from 2026 onwards.  Packaging films


Evonik to develop precious metal catalysts and technology with Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies

Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings

Novel bio-based food packaging supports home composting and recycling

Innovative formulations have fostered a circular economy for polylactic acid, a bioplastic made from plant starch that was challenged by end-of-life issues.

Plastic packaging, largely for foods and beverages, has become ubiquitous. It is low-cost and lightweight, with essential barrier properties that protect products meant for human consumption. About a third of plastics are produced for packaging and approximately 85 % of this ends up in landfills or as unregulated waste. Polylactic acid (PLA), a bio-based and biodegradable plastic, has relieved the food packaging sector’s dependence on fossil fuel raw materials and requires less energy to produce. However, it cannot be recycled with other plastics and is degradable only under harsh industrial conditions. With funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership between the EU and industry, the BIOnTop project aimed to address these end-of-life (EoL) challenges and foster a circular economy for sustainable PLA.  Packaging films

Conventional barriers in plastic and textile packaging

Food packaging plastics are often multi-layer, multi-material structures that are difficult to process and recycle at EoL. PLA is a bio-based plastic made from fermented sugars or plant starch. Although compostable under industrial conditions, it can take several weeks or more to decompose, with significant energy and water input. Most PLA ends up in landfill where it can take hundreds of years to decompose. According to Rafael Alonso of project coordinating entity AIMPLAS: “When it comes to textiles like tea bags, most coatings are not bio-based. As with multi-material plastic packaging, they are different from the fibres they coat, again making organic recycling extremely difficult.”

PLA-based compounds with technical and environmental appeal

The project combined several technologies to ensure properties required for packaging while enabling EoL options that are currently not possible for available materials, under controlled waste management scenarios. The team used sustainably sourced feedstocks, additives and fillers to formulate new PLA-based materials from close to 100 % bio-based feedstock. These reduce the carbon footprint and open the door to better EoL recycling opportunities including more eco-friendly mechanical recycling and industrial composting as well as home composting.  Packaging films

“BIOnTop developed novel tailor-made biocomposites and copolymers integrating bio-based diacids with lactic acid, enabling a breakthrough in their biodegradation behaviour in mild conditions. We also enhanced the barrier properties of delivered biopackaging trays, films and derived packaging using removable protein-based coatings and a novel fatty acid grafting technology to decrease permeability and compete with fossil fuel-based packaging,” Alonso explains.


Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings

China and India struggle to curb fossil fuels: Kemp

China and India are burning record amounts of fossil fuels this year, even as they also install record renewable power generation capacity, highlighting the slow pace and enormous inertia to be overcome in the energy transition.

Both countries are experiencing rapid growth in energy use for services such as air conditioning, heating, cooking, lighting, power and transport as they try to raise living standards closer to those in the advanced economies.

Growing demand for energy services is so vast fossil fuels and renewable energy sources are acting as complements rather than substitutes, ensuring consumption from both is increasing simultaneously. Packaging films

In effect, both countries are pursuing an “all of the above” approach to economic development and energy security, similar to the one advocated by then-U.S. President Barack Obama in his state-of-the-union address in 2014.


In every historical case, the transition from a pre-modern agricultural economy to a modern urban and industrial one has been accompanied by a huge increase in the consumption of energy.

Increased consumption provides more labour saving, higher wages, more comfort, more entertainment and more opportunity for travel to visit family and see the world.

If they follow the usual pattern, both China and India are likely to consume a lot more energy services in the next few decades as their populations aspire to reach the same living standards as North America and Europe.  Packaging films

Chartbook: China and energy consumption

In 2022, the populations of China (1.43 billion) and India (1.42 billion) were each similar to the total for countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (1.38 billion).

But total primary energy consumption in China (159 exajoules) and India (36 exajoules) was far lower than in the OECD (234 exajoules).²

Each person in China consumed only 66% of the energy as their counterparts in the OECD and in India the figure was just 15%.

Even that overstates the consumption of energy services locally since both countries and especially China export a high proportion of their energy-intensive manufactured output to the OECD.  Packaging films

Continued modernisation means both countries will use a lot more energy – making an “all of the above” strategy imperative for policymakers.


In the OECD, total energy consumption has been essentially flat since 2007, so growing production from renewables and especially gas has displaced coal and to a lesser extent oil.

Renewables (and gas) have been substitutes for fossil fuels such as coal and oil enabling a significant reduction in greenhouse emissions.  Packaging films

But total energy consumption has continued to grow rapidly in China (by an average of 3.1% per year in the last decade) and India (3.8% per year).

Renewables (and gas) have served as complements to other fossil fuels – ensuring energy remains affordable and reliable even as consumption increases significantly.

China and India’s current trajectory for energy consumption looks a lot like the United States or Western Europe between the 1950s and 1970s, a period of rapid growth in economic output, living standards and energy use.

In the Euro-Atlantic economies, rapid growth in total energy demand created a need for more energy from all sources; consumption from older sources continued to rise in absolute terms even as its share was reduced relatively.  Packaging films


China and India struggle to curb fossil fuels: Kemp

PET bottle waste – How Flexible Packaging Benefits from Today’s Corona Treatment 21-10-2023

Packaging films

Petrochemicals chip – Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep 23-10-2023

Petrochemicals chip

Petrochemicals chip

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals chip

Petrochemicals chip

ITEM 16/10/2023 23/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,000 yuan/ton 6,825 yuan/ton -175
Bottle grade PET chips export market 885 $/ton 875 $/ton -10
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,860 yuan/ton 6,775 yuan/ton -85
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 6,900 yuan/ton 6,810 yuan/ton -90
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 5,860 yuan/ton 5,710 yuan/ton -150
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 730 $/ton 730 $/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,025 yuan/ton 3,960 yuan/ton -65
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 467 $/ton 457 $/ton -10
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals chip

1,033 $/ton 1,027 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,010 $/ton 1,004 $/ton -6
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,185 $/ton 1,150 $/ton -35
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,675  yuan/ton 7,600 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,000 yuan/ton 8,950 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals chip

8,950 yuan/ton 8,950 yuan/ton
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,300 yuan/ton 8,200 yuan/ton -100
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,450 yuan/ton -100
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,600 yuan/ton 12,650 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,900 $/ton 1,900 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,500 yuan/ton 13,750 yuan/ton +250
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals chip

14,050 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton +50
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,100 yuan/ton 19,100 yuan/ton -300
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,150 yuan/ton 16,200 yuan/ton +50
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,500 yuan/ton 18,500 yuan/ton-
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,250 yuan/ton 17,250 yuan/ton
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals chip

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,500 yuan/ton 9,400 yuan/ton -100
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals chip

7,930 yuan/ton 8,120 yuan/ton +190
Benzene overseas  market 920 $/ton 918 $/ton -2
Ethylene South East market 920 $/ton 950 $/ton +30
Ethylene NWE market 729 $/ton 686 $/ton -43
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals chip

9,700 yuan/ton 9,700 yuan/ton
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,450 yuan/ton 13,400 yuan/ton -50
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals chip

7,400 yuan/ton 7,220 yuan/ton -180
Naphtha overseas market  657 $/ton 687 $/ton +30
Phenol domestic market 8,575 yuan/ton 8,382 yuan/ton -193

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –


Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep

GAGİAD President Koçer Spoke at the Sustainable Future in Textile Panel: “The Future of Textile Is Through Branding”  Petrochemicals chip

Cihan Koçer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gaziantep Young Business People (GAGİAD), spoke at the opening of the panel titled “Sustainable Future in Textiles” held at Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Vocational Training Center. Emphasizing that Gaziantep is a strong textile and export city, Koçer said, “Our Gaziantep city continues its determined march in the 100th anniversary of the Republic, with its textile experience from centuries ago to today, and weaves its success stories, stitch by stitch.”

The present and future of the textile industry were discussed in the panel titled “Sustainable Future in Textile” organized by GAGİAD and Gaziantep Chamber of Industry. In the panel held at Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Vocational Training Center, many topics were discussed, from wearable technologies to sustainable fashion, from employee engagement and sustainable human resources practices to the transition process of the European Union Green Deal. The meeting, moderated by Istanbul Fashion Academy Trainings Coordinator Gülin Girişken, was attended by Fashion Designer Arzu Kaprol, who designs special clothes for Turkish scientists working in Antarctica, and LC Waikiki Corporate Academy, Professional Expertise Development Group Manager Dr. İbrahim Güneş, Orbit Consulting General Manager Didem Çakar and industry representatives attended.  Petrochemicals chip

“We must brand by focusing on sustainability”

Giving the opening speech of the panel, Cihan Koçer, Chairman of GAGİAD Board of Directors, stated that it is very meaningful and valuable to organize such a panel in Gaziantep, one of the most important production and export centers of Turkey, which is the 5th largest textile exporter in the world, and said:

“Our city of Gazi, which aims to continue its stable growth by focusing on production, employment, investment and export, continues its determined march in the 100th anniversary of the Republic with its textile experience from centuries ago and weaves its success stories, stitch by stitch. The fact that the textile industry ranks first with a 2022 percent share in the 10,5 billion dollar exports reached by our city in 36 is the clearest indicator of this progress and success. Petrochemicals chip

I think that both our country and our city have a strong competitive advantage in textile in terms of production capacity and quality, but we have difficulty competing with many countries, especially Asian countries, in terms of cost. “The thing that will get us out of this cycle and turn a development that can be seen as a threat into an opportunity is to center sustainability, branding, and taking our place in the future of the world with high technology and digitalization moves.”

Koçer continued his words by stating that the sustainable future of the textile industry and our country’s reaching the place it deserves in the world requires a paradigm shift.

“To exist and produce value in a world where new generation raw materials, innovative production solutions, carbon neutrality targets and circularity are at the center, now requires leaving familiar paradigms aside.  Petrochemicals chip

At the point we have reached, a view on sustainability should be a necessity rather than an obligation. We should work not for laws and sanctions, but to add value to the world in economic, social and environmental terms.

The textile industry, which was one of the first sectors to announce its sustainability action plan, should aim to first preserve and then increase its competitiveness by rapidly carrying out the implementation processes in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Agreement and European Green Deal on a global level, and the Green Deal Action Plan and Medium Term Program on a national level. At this point; “With the awareness of the responsibility of our chambers, unions and GAGİAD, we will continue to play an active role in the transition of our sectors to the new order,” he said.  Petrochemicals chip

“The transition to a circular economy will accelerate our adaptation to international standards.”

Ali Can Koçak, one of the hosts of the panel, Member of the Board of Directors of Gaziantep Chamber of Industry and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Vocational Training Center (GSO-MEM), emphasized the importance of sustainability in terms of international competition in his speech and said, “It is necessary to realize green and digital transformation for a sustainable future in textiles.” .


Panel for Sustainable Future in Textile in Gaziantep

PET bottle waste – How Flexible Packaging Benefits from Today’s Corona Treatment 21-10-2023

PET bottle waste

Plastics Europe launches Plastics – the fast Facts 2023

Plastics Europe has launched its new ‘Plastics – the fast Facts 2023’. The fast Facts is a more visual and user-friendly format for the publication of preliminary global and European plastics production, trade partners and other key data. Finalised and more comprehensive data will be published in the ‘Circular Economy for Plastics – A European Overview’ report, early 2024.

This year’s Plastics – the fast Facts has identified a number of key developments and trends.

Faster growth in circular plastics 

The global production of plastics reached 400.3 Mt in 2022, which was a slight increase compared to the previous year.  PET bottle waste

Most notable, however, is that, proportionally, circular plastics production grew 16 times more than fossil-based plastics and has now reached nearly 10% of global production. The growth of circular plastics is expected to increase at an even faster rate over the coming years.

The circularity picture in Europe is even more positive. Fossil-based plastics production is decreasing, while circular plastics production has increased by 29.2% since 2018, reaching a 19.7% share of overall European plastics production in 2022.

Accelerating this trend, which is necessary to realise the European Union’s Green Deal and circularity ambitions, will require a very significant increase in the collection, sorting, recycling, as well as increased access to high-quality circular feedstock, and abundant and affordable renewable energy.

Growing competitiveness pressures for European manufacturers 

More concerning from a European perspective, is that the fast Facts 2023 confirms the growing competitiveness gap between Europe and the rest of the world.

Europe’s share of global plastics production has fallen from 28% in 2002 to 14% in 2022, with North America and China accounting for 17% and 32% respectively. And European plastics production has also decreased in absolute terms, even though demand for conversion and consumption of plastic products by end-consumers in Europe remains stable.  PET bottle waste

Europe’s producers are under significant competitiveness pressures for a number of reasons, including high energy prices, a more stringent regulatory framework and access to raw materials.

If this continues Europe will become increasingly dependent on imports, which do not necessarily meet EU sustainability standards, to satisfy the demand for plastics and achieve our legal targets. The ability of European plastic producers to invest in our circularity and net zero transitions, and the transitions of the many downstream sectors that rely on plastics, will also be undermined. This will also negatively impact on the competitiveness of these sectors and increase their exposure to international shocks.

The fast Facts confirms that China, followed by Europe, is the global leader in relation to bio-based plastics production and recycling.  PET bottle waste

To safeguard and restore European competitiveness plastics manufacturers need an enabling policy framework that incentivises investments and creates a level playing field through, for example, a true EU equivalent to the US Inflation Reduction Act, and the creation of a harmonised and consistent regulatory framework across the Single Market.

Releasing the potential of chemical recycling

The world’s recycled plastics production continued to increase in 2022, reaching 35.5 Mt, or an 8.9% share of overall global plastics production, with Europe accounting for 21% of global recycled plastics production.

Chemical recycling is essential for producing enough high-quality recycled plastics for applications which are complex or have high safety requirements, such as food contact, automotive, and building and construction materials. In 2022, Europe produced more than 50% of the chemically recycled plastics globally.  PET bottle waste

With over €8 billion of investment already announced, and provided that policy makers deliver the legislative acceptance of this technology that is so urgently required, the volume of chemical recycling plastics should increase significantly over the coming years.

Learn more about announced investments in chemical recycling, and the policy framework needed for a rapid scale-up in Europe, on Plastics Europe’s dedicated webpage (here).


PET bottle waste

How Flexible Packaging Benefits from Today’s Corona Treatment

Smart upgrades address pressing sustainability, as well as workforce and business growth challenges, to make sure your pouches, bags, and films are the best they can be.

Corona treatment is a prime example of how upgrades to so-called legacy technologies enable new and cost-effective solutions to today’s most pressing challenges.

At their core, corona treatment systems increase the surface energy of materials like plastic films or special papers so they can be printed or coated, ensuring uniform results and effective adhesion. Converting, narrow-web flexography, textile finishing, and a host of other applications benefit from corona treatment to ensure premium printed quality and optimized line speeds.  PET bottle waste

Let’s look at how corona treatment will become more central to surmounting three present-day and soon-to-be-here issues: sustainability concerns, workforce challenges, and business expansion.

  1. Sustainability concerns.

The modern food industry has long relied on plastic film to ensure safety, quality, and shelf life of endless products. Corona treatment is used in the printing, lamination, and coating of flexible packaging that is a central tenet of the food market.

Given rising consumer concerns and a rapidly shifting regulatory environment, the nature of film will change, most likely with the inclusion of more recycled film materials or substrates that are combined with paper. Corona treatment will be even more important to secure unified surface quality as the substrate landscape expands.

From a process perspective, the latest technology removes corona treatment’s ozone emissions by converting ozone into oxygen. Purifying the air is achieved through using a catalyst bed of metal oxides, with easy monitoring and replacement of filters for optimum catalyst protection.

  1. Workforce challenges.

Ozone removal benefits the larger environment and, of equal importance, avoids exceeding the limits of ozone surrounding the exhaust area in any case.


PET bottle waste

Go Rewise aims to recycle 25% of India’s PET bottle waste by 2025 partners with Coca Cola for 100% recycled PET bottles

Go Rewise, a brand by Ganesha Ecosphere (XNSE: GANECOS), recycling partner and food grade rPET provider is taking another meaningful step towards creating a circular economy. It has announced that it intends to recycle 25% of India’s PET bottle waste by 2025.

Go Rewise is at the forefront of building a green supply chain for India, with a bold objective to recycle 25% of India’s PET bottle waste by 2025 and create a circular economy. With 25 years of industry expertise, Go Rewise has deployed state-of-the-art Super Clean recycling technology to produce premium quality, FDA, EFSA-certified, and food-safe rPET materials. Every rPET product also comes with EPR certification, assuring transparency and traceability in the supply chain.  PET bottle waste

Go Rewise aims to solve India’s increasing plastic waste problem and brings sustainable packaging solutions for various FMCG brands. The company recycles 9.3 billion bottles annually and is expected to see double-digit growth given the Government’s Extended Producer Responsibility and Plastic Waste Management mandates to curb plastic pollution.

Yash Sharma, Founder, Go Rewise and Director at Ganesha Ecosphere, said: “At Go Rewise, our goal is not just to recycle plastic but create viable options for green supply chain and circular economy solutions in India. Recycling is not just an environmentally responsible choice; it is a powerful tool to mitigate the effects of climate change. The recycling expertise we’ve harnessed from 25 years in the industry enabled us to push the boundaries of what’s possible in PET recycling in India, and the partnerships with Manjushree for conversion and Coca-Cola for adoption of rPET helped us launch new sustainable packaging solutions at scale.”  PET bottle waste


PET bottle waste

Ascend to further increase prices on nylon polymers, compounds and monomers

Ascend Performance Materials, the largest fully integrated producer of nylon 6,6, announced another round of global price increases on its polyamide polymers, compounds and monomers due to significant increases in input costs, where contracts allow, as follows:

Material Price Increase Notes
Neat PA66 polymer $0.20/kg In addition to Oct.
PA6 compounds $0.20/kg In addition to Oct.
PA66 compounds $0.30/kg
Hexamethylene diamine
Adipic acid
$0.15/kg In addition to Oct.

This is the second increase Ascend has announced in as many months.

These price increases will take effect Nov. 1, 2023. Customers should contact their sales representative for additional information.  PET bottle waste

About Ascend Performance Materials
Ascend Performance Materials makes high-performance materials for everyday essentials and new technologies. Our focus is on improving quality of life and inspiring a better tomorrow through innovation. Based in Houston, Texas, and with regional offices in Shanghai, Brussels and Detroit, we are a fully integrated material solutions provider with global manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe and China. Our global workforce makes the plastics, fabrics, fibers and chemicals used to make safer vehicles, cleaner energy, better medical devices, smarter appliances and longer-lasting apparel and consumer goods. We are committed to safety, sustainability and the success of our customers and our communities.  PET bottle waste


Ascend to further increase prices on nylon polymers, compounds and monomers

Braskem continues investing in the development of its biopolymers in Asia and opened a Tokyo Representative Office

Braskem, the leading global biopolymer producer, today announces the opening of its Representative Office in Tokyo, Japan one of the key markets for Braskem’s I’m greenT bio-based Polyethylene (PE). This expansion reinforces our continuous commitment to the Japanese market and the continued development the biopolymer solutions based on renewable feedstock.  PET bottle waste

For over 15 years, Braskem has provided biopolymers to the Japanese market as part of its sustainable solutions, in line with the countries goals to become a carbon neutral circular economy.

Braskem’s biopolymer I’m greenT bio-based Polyethylene (PE) delivers an important contribution to a carbon-neutral society and mitigation of climate change as the product has a negative carbon footprint, from the sugar cane crop to polymer production. Through this process, we can removes COfrom the atmosphere through photosynthesis and stores the carbon in the biopolymer that can be further mechanically or chemically recycled.

Braskem recently increased the production capacity of biopolymers in Brazil by 30% and has established an JV with SCG Chemicals to develop a project in Thailand to increase the regional availability of I’m greenT bio-based Polyethylene (PE) in Asia.

Walmir Soller, VP of Braskem for Europe & Asia and Global Leader for the Im greenbiobased PE business, said “We are always looking for opportunities to expand the I’m greenT bio-based PE reach and deliver low-carbon alternatives to our clients, aligned with the increasing societal demand for sustainable solutions.

Our Representative office in Japan will be Braskem’s ambassador to work with local stakeholders, and advocate for the development of the low carbon solutions. We want to be an active partner in Japan’s journey towards net zero, by contributing our plastics from sustainably sourced renewable feedstock.”  PET bottle waste


Braskem continues investing in the development of its biopolymers in Asia and opened a Tokyo Representative Office

Covestro commissions recycled polycarbonate compounding line in China

The Shanghai facility has an annual processing capacity of 25,000 tons

Germany-based polycarbonate manufacturer Covestro has started operating a new compounding line in Shanghai. It is the company’s first dedicated mechanical recycling compounding line for polycarbonates in China.

The new line is set to produce over 25,000 tons of polycarbonates and blends containing mechanically recycled materials annually, in response to the growing demand for post-consumer-recycled (PCR) plastics, particularly in applications within the electrical and electronic products, automotive, and consumer goods sectors.  PET bottle waste

Covestro plans to supply over 60,000 tons of recycled-content polycarbonates annually in the Asia Pacific region by 2026, in response to robust market demand. Recently, the company also transformed an existing compounding line at its Map Ta Phut site in Thailand for mechanically recycled polycarbonate. The move is part of a programme to expand capacity in the region, which also includes the addition of new production lines at sites in Guangzhou, China, as well as Greater Noida, India. The combined additional capacity now exceeds 100,000 metric tons annually.

“These investments enable us to meet the rising demand for PCR polycarbonates, enhancing our capacity and efficiency. With new or repurposed capacity now operational, we are better positioned to assist our downstream customers in their journey towards more sustainable products, expediting the transformation of industries towards a circular and climate-neutral future,” said Lily Wang, head of Covestro’s business entity engineering plastics.  PET bottle waste


Covestro commissions recycled polycarbonate compounding line in China

Sesotec lets users take full control of regrind purity, quality

Dietmar Dieing, Sesotec vice president of sales, left, and Bartosch Jauernik, group director product management, at Fakuma 2023.

The 2023 edition of Fakuma opened its doors to the world premiere of Sesotec GmbH’s new sorting platform, Pre-Sort.

Sesotec says the platform promises to redefine precision, efficiency and sustainability in the plastics recycling industry.

The Schönberg, Germany-based company has been manufacturing recycling sorting systems for more than 40 years. It wants to leverage intelligent technology for an effective and profitable circular economy and has bet on combing the components of its Varisort Compact sorter, dedusting, material conveying, and central control into one platform to achieve just that.  PET bottle waste

The Pre-Sort platform is designed to give users full control over the quality and purity of input material, minimizing dependency on external suppliers.

At Sesotec’s booth, a real-life sized platform can be seen hard at work. Mixed material flows are extracted from a bin, although silos, bags or octabins can also be used. The selection of sorting levels is done using preconfigured modes, with input material being assigned to three exemplary classes. Class one is for nearly homogenous input material, with low level of impurities, for example 90 percent good material, 10 percent foreign matter. This is the chosen class for the demonstration on the show floor, with a mix of blue and yellow, foreign, regrinds. PET bottle waste


Sesotec lets users take full control of regrind purity, quality

Returnable PET-bottles – Economic recovery in Europe? Maybe next year 20-10-2023

PET bottle waste

Returnable PET-bottles – Economic recovery in Europe? Maybe next year 20-10-2023

Returnable PET-bottles

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Renault aggravates the car crisis Yesterday was a tough day on the stock market for Stellantis (-3.65%) and especially Renault (-7.15%)

And while the group led by Luca De Meo, which yesterday presented third-quarter results below expectations, suffered from currency depreciation, doubts about the listing of Ampere (electric vehicles and software), already postponed once and expected by June 2024, would have weighed on the group; for Stellantis, according to an analyst, the reason is “the stock market’s disaffection with the sector due to recession signals”.

But also worrying is the extension of the strike called in mid-September by the Uaw union that has stopped production of Gm and Ford in the United States.

Also to be taken into account are the recent statements by Tesla’s number one, Elon Musk, who gave news that was not entirely reassuring about the prospects of the car company. For the first time, the company missed both earnings and revenues since the second quarter of 2019. Returnable PET-bottles

A consequence of the sharp cut applied to prices. The tycoon is also worried about the general state of the economy.

Fears, those expressed by Musk, that affect the entire sector, which is also struggling with a complex and expensive energy transition.

The spotlight of manufacturers is in fact on high interest rates that make it even more difficult for consumers to buy cars, especially if they were to rise further.

Stellantis, for its part, due to the continuous higher costs caused by Uaw strikes in the United States, has decided to cancel the exhibitions and presentations scheduled at Ces 2024, the largest technology fair in the world, scheduled for January 2024 in Las Vegas.

A painful choice, given the importance of the showcase. “In light of the current state of negotiations in the United States, preserving business fundamentals and, therefore, protecting the future of the company is a top priority for Stellantis’ leadership team.

Being second to none in creating value for stakeholders, customers, employees and investors is a key component of the Dare Forward plan by 2030,” explains a note from the group. Returnable PET-bottles

In this regard, Bill Ford, executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, on the damage that the agitation is causing, issued a warning: “At stake is the future of the American auto industry”.

Stellantis, finally, has defined an agreement with Dongfeng for the sale of three plants based in China and currently owned by joint ventures Dongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobile.

Dongfeng will continue to manage sales of Peugeot and Citroën brands under the Great Wall.  Returnable PET-bottles

Renault aggravates the car crisis Yesterday was a tough day on the stock market for Stellantis (-3.65%) and especially Renault (-7.15%)

Best-in-class weight achieved by new returnable, resistant PET bottle launched by Sidel for carbonated beverages

With upcoming European regulations requiring beverage producers to embrace packaging circularity and returnable bottles, Sidel has developed a dedicated PET bottle for carbonated beverages designed for long-standing reuse.

In accordance with the European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, the focus is on creating a circular economy where returnable bottles are at the forefront. With a target of 25 percent of bottles to be reusable by 2040, there is now increasing demand for returnable packaging and refillable production lines over a food grade bottle-to-bottle process.

For packaging manufacturers looking to introduce returnable bottles, PET is the material of choice. Using PET helps to reach lighter bottle weights and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

To meet the needs of the returnable carbonated beverages bottle market, Sidel experts have designed a PET bottle with a best-in-class weight and a high level of resistance which can withstand numerous washing cycles.  Returnable PET-bottles

Robust bottle endurance

The returnable packaging design has been developed for sustained endurance and consumers can return the same bottle into a deposit scheme to be reused multiple times. This bottle is qualified to withstand up to 25 refillable loops.

Combined with a dedicated blowing process, the preform and structural design enable the bottle to endure high washing temperatures. The bottle also includes a reinforced neck to guarantee top bottle quality in neck-held washing and refill cycles. 

Lightweight and fully recyclable

With the packaging industry aiming to reduce its material usage, this structural design is available in various bottle formats, such as 1L, 1.5L and 2L and provides significant opportunity for lightweighting. For example, the 1.5L bottle weighs just 77g and offers ultra-high performance with 28 percent weight saving compared to the market average.

Even when this new returnable bottle reaches the end of its useful life, it can be recycled into a new bottle, continuing the circularity of PET.  Returnable PET-bottles

Proven expertise in PET packaging, blowing and complete lines

With more than forty years of leadership in blow-moulding equipment for PET bottles, Sidel offers dedicated solutions to support beverage producers’ switch to returnable bottles.

For example, Its EvoBLOW eHR range is a standout solution from Sidel and enables the highest preform reheating capability and blowing bottles in hot moulds. This results in increased bottle performance and an output of up to 1,300 bottles per hour per mould for CSD and carbonated water (for a 1L bottle).


Returnable PET-bottles

Economic recovery in Europe? Maybe next year

Every downswing is followed by an upswing, said Michael Wittmann, president of Wittmann Technology GmbH: “That’s how economic cycles work.”

Wittmann’s exceptionally high backlog going into 2023 cushioned the company against feeling the effects of the economic downturn this year in terms of sales revenue. In fact, the figure for this year is expected to show an increase of 9 percent over last year, both because of the order backlog but also because a number of supply issues have also been resolved. Returnable PET-bottles

As a result, deliveries have picked up significantly. The impact of the economic slowdown will not be felt by Vienna-based Wittmann until 2024.

“We will only notice the economic slowdown in our overall sales revenue with a delay, specifically next year in 2024,” Wittmann said.

The downturn in economic activity has persisted since mid-2022, which is a relatively long period by historical standards, he noted.  Returnable PET-bottles

“This may also be explained by the fact that the investment boom in 2021 and early 2022 was exuberant and resulted in investments being brought forward — and these now have to be compensated for,” he said.

Although there are currently no indicators pointing to a significant economic recovery, he is optimistic that market activity will start to pick up next year.

“We’ll be looking at an improvement in order bookings compared with 2023 and a temporary slowdown in revenue in 2024,” Wittmann predicted.

He added that, generally speaking, the different regions in which the company operates have been affected to varying degrees by the economic crisis.

“Central Europe, Germany and Austria in particular, are suffering the most. In Western and Eastern Europe, we can already see slight signs of improvement.

Asia will also recover more quickly, while North America continues to show pleasing market activity.”  Returnable PET-bottles


Returnable PET-bottles

Recycling moves from mainstream to faltering industry

The last edition of Fakuma, back in October 2021, was hailed as the show when recycling moved from niche to mainstream.

The industry had started its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic with sales books filling up quicker than in 2019. Regulations calling for recycled content and public pressure were highlighted as main factors driving demand on the show floor.

In the meantime, high prices for virgin resin, which guide the price of recyclates, were allowing recycling companies the margins to further invest in new products and technologies.  Returnable PET-bottles

Fast forward to 2023 and recycled resin prices are under severe downward pressure because of persistent weak demand, competition from the falling cost of off-spec virgin plastics and cheaper imports from Asia. Recycled PET has been particularly affected.

There are some recent signs of improvement, however. Virgin polymer prices registered strong price gains in September, and the situation might keep improving with crude oil costs soaring.

Nevertheless, weakened European economies and stubbornly strong inflation rates continue to restrain end user demand. When inflation is high and consumers end up having less money to spend, they tend to restrain their spending to essentials — are they still willing to pay a premium for packaging with recycled content, for example?

Sustainable Plastics caught up with the CEO of industry leader Erema Group, Manfred Hackl, to discuss how these circumstances are affecting the company. Compared with last year, the Austria-based manufacturer of machinery for plastic recycling is seeing percentage sales drops in the double digits.  Returnable PET-bottles

Mixed waste probably diffucult to recycled at Fakuma Trade Fair in Friedrichshafen Germany October 2023. Foto: Plastics News/Caroline Seidel

“The sales are not on the level of the last years. The intake is lower, especially in Europe, no discussion about that,” Hackl said.

“But we have other regions all over the world that we are still getting orders from. We are currently benefiting from two things. First, that we have a broad product portfolio, including recycling machines, filtration systems, high-tech components, and used and remanufactured machines. That broad customer base ensures higher stability, especially in these economically challenging times.

And second, we benefit from the fact that we brought two energy-saving technologies onto the market last year that help our customers make significant savings in energy consumption and thus achieve greater profitability.  Returnable PET-bottles


Returnable PET-bottles

Novamont passes to Versalis (ENI- Italy)

The transfer of 64% of the bioplastics producer to the chemical company of the ENI group has been completed.
After obtaining the green light from the European antitrust authorities, Versalis – a chemical company of the ENI group – announced that it had completed the acquisition of entire control of Novamont, of which it already held a 36% stake.
The operation was announced in April this year. Versalis took over the 64% held by Mater-Bi, a holding controlled by Investitori Associati II and NB Renaissance. Financial details of the deal were not provided.  Returnable PET-bottles
“The acquisition of Novamont will allow us, through the integration of the two portfolios, to accelerate our strategy in the direction of chemistry from renewable sources – comments Adriano Alfani, CEO of Versalis.
Today the process of integrating our businesses begins, which will enhance people’s skills and which will lead us to the definition of an industrial plan that will leverage a unique technological platform and an increasingly low-carbon product portfolio, in line with the strategy Versalis and with the ENI energy transition path”.
“Together we will have even more strength to face the urgent challenges of the ecological transition and to play a key role in the field of chemistry from renewable sources and the circular bioeconomy at a national and international level – comments Catia Bastioli on X -. This important result is not only a recognition of the path undertaken by Novamont over thirty years ago, but also of the commitment, dedication and results achieved by all the players in our supply chain”.  Returnable PET-bottles
Based in Novara, Novamont is active in the production of bioplastics and biobased intermediates under the Mater-bi and Origo-bi brands. It has plants in Terni, Bottrighe (RO) and Patrica (FR), as well as research laboratories in Novara, Terni and Piana di Monte Verna (CE). It also operates at the Matrìca site in Porto Torres (SS) in a 50/50 joint venture with Versalis. Overall it employs 650 people.
Returnable PET-bottles

Natureworks Announces Next Phase Of Construction On New Fully Integrated Ingeo™ PLA Biopolymer Manufacturing Facility In Thailand

NatureWorks, a manufacturer of polylactic acid (PLA) biopolymers made from renewable resources, has made significant progress on the construction of their new fully integrated Ingeo™️ PLA biopolymer manufacturing facility in Nakhon Sawan Province, Thailand. As a fully integrated PLA complex, the plant will include three manufacturing facilities: lactic acid fermentation, lactide monomer production, and polymerization. The facility will have an annual capacity of 75,000 tons of Ingeo biopolymer and produce the full portfolio of Ingeo grades. This effort reflects the company’s commitment to expanding customer access to fully biobased, low-carbon biomaterials with unique performance attributes valued by global downstream packaging and fiber markets.  Returnable PET-bottles

“The construction of our new facility is a significant undertaking that represents NatureWorks’ continued investment both in the Asia Pacific region and in the expansion of the biobased materials market,” said Steve Bray, VP of Operations at NatureWorks. “We have seen a rise in demand for Ingeo biopolymers throughout the Asia Pacific region, and this new complex will allow us to continue to sustainably and efficiently supply our markets with the highest quality biopolymers.”

The construction of this new facility will support rapid growth in multiple different markets including 3D printing, nonwovens for hygiene, compostable coffee capsules, tea bags, flexible packaging, and sustainable food serviceware. Construction is on track to support projected start-up activities and full production in 2025.

Ingeo biopolymer produced at this site will be made from sugarcane, an annually renewable feedstock that is locally abundant and will be sourced from farms within a 50-kilometer radius of the Nakhon Sawan site.  Returnable PET-bottles

“Over the last decade, the global materials market increasingly prioritized the use of biobased, sustainably sourced materials in order to reduce the impact on climate and facilitate climate-friendly processes like food scrap diversion from landfill to compost through the use of compostable materials,” said Jill Zullo, CEO at NatureWorks.

“The market’s evolution has redefined the scope of what we can accomplish, allowing us to think bigger when it comes to our manufacturing expansion. This new facility will enable us to meet growing consumer demand and continue providing unparalleled service to our international customer base.”  Returnable PET-bottles


Natureworks Announces Next Phase Of Construction On New Fully Integrated Ingeo™ PLA Biopolymer Manufacturing Facility In Thailand

Thai Acrylic Fibre Co.,Ltd. (TAF) To Showcase Regel™ And Other Sustainable Innovations In Textile Exchange Conference

Thai Acrylic Fibre Co.,Ltd. (TAF), one of the world’s largest acrylic fibre producers, is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming Textile Exchange Conference 2023 at Booth 145. Set to take place from October 23 to October 27 at the O2 InterContinental in Greenwich, London.

The Textile Exchange Conference brings together industry leaders, innovators, and experts from across the fashion, textile, and apparel industry, serving as a premier global platform to collaboratively explore challenges and solutions to overcome the climate crisis.

At the conference, TAF will be showcasing their latest innovation – Regel™ – recycled acrylic fibre. With its impressive MSI (Material Sustainability Index) scores, and outstanding LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) credentials, Regel™ is setting new standards for sustainability within the textile industry.  Returnable PET-bottles

Regel™, recycled acrylic fibre, has been developed with a strong focus on sustainability that offers a practical solution for a variety of textile applications. Its MSI scores and LCA demonstrate the reduced environmental impact throughout its life cycle and its potential to contribute to a supply chain, marking a significant step in the industry towards more eco-friendly textile production. Regel™ also retains the warmth, comfort, vibrant shades, and durability for which acrylic fibers are renowned through innovative “Regel technology”.


Thai Acrylic Fibre Co.,Ltd. (TAF) To Showcase Regel™ And Other Sustainable Innovations In Textile Exchange Conference

Sonopress and SK Chemicals agree on cooperation in the field of 100% recycled PET distributed by Biesterfeld Plastic for the EcoRecord Long-Playing Record

Leading storage media manufacturer Sonopress has developed a revolutionary new form of long-playing record that dramatically reduces the environmental impact of the manufacturing process. Neither natural gas nor steam are needed to press the discs, and in test operations the energy savings were up to 85% compared to the conventional process. For the production of the novel “EcoRecord” LP, recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used as the base material instead of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which can also be 100% recycled PET from SK Chemicals provided by SK Chemicals’ long-standing international distribution partner Biesterfeld Plastic. This allows a significant reduction in carbon emissions – while ensuring the same physical properties and safety as existing PET.    Returnable PET-bottles

Sonopress and SK Chemicals are thus actively leading the way in reducing carbon emissions by closely cooperating in the production of music long-playing records made from 100% recycled materials. SK Chemicals announced that it has used 100% of its recycled PET (CR-PET) for Sonopress’ new EcoRecord long-playing records.

The term CR refers to “Circular Recycling” or “Chemical Recycling” technology, which enables infinite reuse by breaking down plastic waste to the molecular level and reprocessing it back into raw materials. Compared to “mechanical recycling,” in which plastic waste is cleaned or shredded for reuse (in flake form), it has the advantage of maintaining high-value physical properties and safety.

Sonopress’ EcoRecords, which can be made of 100% recycled PET-CR, was jointly developed by SK Chemicals and its long-term strategic international Distribution Partner Biesterfeld Plastic, after signing a memorandum of understanding with Sonopress.

By using PET-CR in Sonopress’ EcoRecord music records, greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced compared to the previous petroleum-based PET, which meets the needs of consumers who prefer environmentally friendly products. Accordingly, Sonopress plans to expand the use of SK Chemicals’ PET-CR to other product groups, starting with this mass-produced packaging.    Returnable PET-bottles

In addition to Sonopress applications, SK Chemicals is using the CR material for Jeju Samdasoo’s RE:Born and has launched the “6℃ Eco Toothbrush” with recycled materials in collaboration with KNK, a company specializing in toothbrushes. The company is also expanding the scope of recycled materials by launching textiles made of recycled materials developed in collaboration with environmentally friendly social enterprises such as “Art Impact” and “Project 1907.”

Eung-soo Kim, Executive Vice President and Head of SK Chemicals’ Green Material Business, said, “In March, we acquired assets related to the recyclable recycled PET raw materials business in Shuye, China, and established SK Shantou to lay the foundation for a stable supply of recycled plastic raw materials.” He added, “Based on this, SK Chemicals plans to expand its recyclable recycled product groups to various industrial materials in the future.”  Returnable PET-bottles


Sonopress and SK Chemicals agree on cooperation in the field of 100% recycled PET distributed by Biesterfeld Plastic for the EcoRecord Long-Playing Record

1,000 km battery – Polyolefins producer details its catalytic pyrolysis process 19-10-2023

Returnable PET-bottles

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin – Has the electric car won the war against the hydrogen car? 16-09-2023

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

ITEM 09/10/2023 16/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,025 yuan/ton 7,000 yuan/ton -25
Bottle grade PET chips export market 890 $/ton 885 $/ton -5
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 6,980 yuan/ton 6,860 yuan/ton -120
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,010 yuan/ton 6,900 yuan/ton -110
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,005 yuan/ton 5,860 yuan/ton -145
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 760 $/ton 730 $/ton -30
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,025 yuan/ton 4,025 yuan/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 467 $/ton 467 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

1,050 $/ton 1,033 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,027 $/ton 1,010 $/ton -17
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,250 $/ton 1,185 $/ton -65
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,900  yuan/ton 7,675 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,150 yuan/ton 9,000 yuan/ton -150
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

9,100 yuan/ton 8,950 yuan/ton -150
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,500 yuan/ton 8,300 yuan/ton -200
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,620 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton -70
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,500 yuan/ton 12,600 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,900 $/ton 1,900 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,500 yuan/ton 13,500 yuan/ton -550
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

14,400 yuan/ton 14,050 yuan/ton -350
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,400 yuan/ton 19,100 yuan/ton -300
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,500 yuan/ton 16,150 yuan/ton -350
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,700 yuan/ton 18,500 yuan/ton- -200
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,500 yuan/ton 17,250 yuan/ton -250
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,800 yuan/ton 9,500 yuan/ton -300
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

7,940 yuan/ton 7,930 yuan/ton -10
Benzene overseas  market 908 $/ton 920 $/ton +12
Ethylene South East market 900 $/ton 920 $/ton +20
Ethylene NWE market 772 $/ton 729 $/ton -43
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

10,000 yuan/ton 9,700 yuan/ton -100
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,400 yuan/ton 13,450 yuan/ton +50
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

7,450 yuan/ton 7,400 yuan/ton -50
Naphtha overseas market  648 $/ton 657 $/ton +9
Phenol domestic market 9,112 yuan/ton 8,575 yuan/ton -537

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –


Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Has the electric car won the war against the hydrogen car?

The debate between electric and hydrogen cars has been ongoing for years. While both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, it seems that electric cars have emerged as the clear winner.

According to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not likely to catch up to battery-electric vehicles, even for commercial trucks 1The study confirms what common sense has made clear for years: hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not as efficient as battery-electric vehicles 2The organization forecasts that battery-electric vehicles will improve to 81% overall efficiency by 2050, whereas hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles will improve to 42% 2. Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Another advantage of electric cars is that they can depend on an existing power generation and distribution system – the electrical grid. An electric vehicle can be recharged wherever there is access to a plug socket 3On the other hand, hydrogen cars require a separate infrastructure for producing and transporting hydrogen 4.

Despite the fact that hydrogen fuel cell cars emerged as an alternative to both the electric and combustion engine vehicle in the early 2000s, they have now all but disappeared 3Toyota and Hyundai, the only vehicle manufacturers to produce hydrogen cars for the UK market, sold just 12 hydrogen cars in the country in 2021 3. Meanwhile, electric vehicles have surged in popularity. In 2010, 138 electric vehicles were sold in the UK. This grew to roughly 190,000 annual sales in 2021 3.

In conclusion, it seems that electric cars have won the war against hydrogen cars. While both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, electric cars are more efficient and practical than hydrogen cars. They can depend on an existing power generation and distribution system – the electrical grid – and do not require a separate infrastructure for producing and transporting fuel. Therefore, it is safe to say that electric cars are here to stay. Petrochemicals r-PET Resin

Has the electric car won the war against the hydrogen car?

EU recycling targets – Magna Introduces Industry-First, 100% Melt Recyclable Foam and Trim Seating Solutions 14-10-2023

EU recycling targets

Opaque white milk bottles to be recycled in Resilux and Inex collaboration

Resilux and Inex have unveiled the Rebirth series, which recycles opaque white milk bottles into new ones. The solution seeks to close the loop on ultra-high-temperature milk packaging.

In collaboration with Fost+, Resilux’s Poly Recycling division sorts the collected bottles into a separate stream, where they are ground, washed, and regranulated into food-grade feedstock. The Rebirth series claims to be between 20% and 40% lighter than HDPE bottles and thus offer a lower carbon footprint, alongside the establishment of a circular economy for the bottles.  EU recycling targets

Inex’s aseptic PET line is set to enable flexible switching between different bottle sizes. The absence of an aluminium seal is also thought to be environmentally beneficial for the pack and enable horizontal storage without risking leakage.

The companies hope that the Rebirth solution will bring the industry together in a collaborative effort to close the loop on opaque white bottles and secure a more sustainable future for milk packaging. It also adheres to Resilux’s People, Planet, Product philosophy, in which collaboration with customers and stakeholders aims to develop the best solutions for protecting products.  EU recycling targets

“At Resilux, we believe in the power of collaboration to address the pressing environmental challenges of today and tomorrow,” explains CEO Dirk De Cuyper. “By joining forces with Inex, we have achieved to develop our Rebirth series, an innovation that significantly reduces the reliance on virgin PET resources for packaging.

“This breakthrough enables us to recycle white opaque bottles into new ones without compromising on food safety or quality, while also providing optimal protection for a longer shelf life, through our ResiBlock light barrier solutions.”  EU recycling targets

In similar news, One Stop and Veolia are working together on a system for in-store collection and bottle-to-bottle recycling – aiming to recycle over 380,000 milk bottles annually.

EU recycling targets

Coca-Cola and Grab Bring Back ‘Recycle Me’ Program

Beverage giant Coca-Cola has partnered with Southeast Asia’s super app Grab to launch the ‘Recycle Me’ recycling program, which seeks to nudge consumers into recycling their polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles.

This initiative is also in partnership with Yayasan Mahija Parahita Nusantara and Waste4Change.  Post-consumer PET

Consumers who recycle their empty PET plastic bottles through the programs will get reward points that they can exchange for phone credits, electricity tokens, and e-wallets (electronic wallet money) on OVO. Consumers only need to submit eight used PET plastic bottles from Coca-Cola Indonesia’s range of beverage products. The Grab delivery service will deliver all the collected PET bottles to eight Mahija Parahita Nusantara collection centers located in the DKI Jakarta, Bekasi, and Tangerang areas.

According to a press release, the first 20,000 participating consumers can get a shipping fee subsidy of up to Rp 30,000. Also, the chance to earn e-wallets worth a maximum of Rp 15,000 on OVO.  EU recycling targets  Post-consumer  PET

“We’re on a mission to collect more empty bottles so we can make new ones with them,” Triyono Prijosoesilo, Public Affairs, Communications, and Sustainability Director at PT Coca-Cola Indonesia was quoted as saying in a recent press statement.

“It’s a great fit with our ‘World Without Waste’ vision, under which we are working to support a closed-loop circular economy for our packaging in Indonesia,” Triyono said.

Coca-Cola Indonesia in June launched bottles made from 100% recycled PET (rPET), excluding its caps and labels. Coca-Cola Indonesia said one out of every three bottles that the company introduced into the Indonesian market is made from locally produced 100% recycled PET plastic.  EU recycling targetsPost-consumer PET

Yayasan Mahija Parahita Nusantara will send the collected PET plastic bottles to Amandina Bumi Nusantara recycling facility. This is where the bottles will get recycled and become raw material so they can be converted into new bottles.

Amandina Bumi Nusantara processes locally sourced post-consumption PET bottles provided by Mahija Parahita Nusantara and converts them into new bottles, specifically into Coca-Cola’s 100% recycled PET plastic bottles. The facility is a joint cooperation between Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia (CCEP) and Dynapack Asia.

“Grab has set a Carbon Neutral and Zero Waste to Nature by 2040 goal. We believe that preserving the environment and minimizing climate change impact would ensure long-term economic success for our partners and community. Therefore, through this partnership with Coca-Cola, Yayasan Mahija Parahita Nusantara, and Waste4Change, we are actively supporting the promotion of recycling habits in Indonesia as our concrete step to achieve zero packaging waste in nature by 2040,” Tirza Munusamy, Chief of Public Affairs, Grab Indonesia said.  Post-EU recycling targetsEU recycling targetsconsumer PET

This marks the third year of the Recycle Me program which grows in scale and partner involvement every year. Every time a consumer takes part in the program, it also helps plastic bottles to have another life.

“Once again, we look forward to consumers joining the ‘Recycle Me’ program by collecting, sorting, and sending in their empty PET plastic bottles.


EU recycling targets

Sinopec NZRCC Selects Lummus’ Polypropylene Technology for Large-Scale Plant in China

Novolen® technology recognized for sustainability benefits, product flexibility, minimizing CAPEX and OPEX, and maximizing financial returns

HOUSTONOct. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Lummus Technology, a global provider of process technologies and value-driven energy solutions, announced a contract from Sinopec Ningbo Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Co. Ltd. (Sinopec NZRCC), a subsidiary of the Sinopec Group and its flagship refining and petrochemical company. Sinopec NZRCC will license Lummus’ Novolen® technology for a new 500 kilo ton per annum polypropylene plant in Ningbo, ChinaEU recycling targets

“With this award, our Novolen business strengthens its position in China and globally, reinforcing it as the industry’s leader and preferred process for producing high-quality polypropylene,” said Romain Lemoine, Chief Business Officer of Polymers and Petrochemicals, Lummus Technology. “We look forward to supporting Sinopec NZRCC’s project to build this highly competitive plant by providing timely, superior process design- and implementation services.”

Lummus’ scope includes the technology license, basic design engineering, training and project engineering services.

Today, Novolen is the industry’s leading polypropylene technology and can deliver a sustainable route for polymers production, while maximizing the financial benefits of operations through lower CAPEX and OPEX. The technology is highly flexible, robust, energy efficient and allows production of a full grade slate of leading polypropylene products of all product families, including homopolymers, random copolymers, terpolymers, impact copolymers and rTPO’s.  EU recycling targets


EU recycling targets

High imports and low demand for European plastics threaten EU recycling targets, says Plastics Recyclers Europe

Plastics Recyclers Europe warns that the European plastics industry could be threatened by low demand for recyclate produced in the EU and high imports from outside the continent – recommending an independent third-party certification system to ensure transparency and traceability.

Since the beginning of 2023, recyclate prices have apparently decreased by up to 50% and cheap material imports from outside the EU have gone up. All recycled polymers are said to have been affected; to name one example, PET imports to the EU have reportedly increased by 20% between Q2 2022 and Q2 2023, lowering demand for EU rPET and reducing rPET production by an estimated 10%.  EU recycling targets

Manufacturers of PET beverage bottles are looking to increase their use of recycled content as the Single Use Plastics Directive’s targets are approaching, Plastics Recyclers Europe explains – but, instead of rPET produced within Europe, non-transparent imports from non-European countries are thought to have become increasingly popular for meeting this demand.

The organization calls for action to be taken to reduce pressure on recyclers, cautioning that Europe could fail to meet its newly proposed, legally binding recycling and recycled content targets if nothing is done. It recognizes legislation as a powerful tool in the pursuit of circularity for plastics, yet underlines that it must be adequately enforced to ensure it is effective.  EU recycling targets

An independent third-party certification system is suggested as a means of preventing untraceable, unverified plastics imports and declarations. Similarly, it is expected to boost traceability, especially for food contact materials, and increase the transparency of the origin of recycled plastics.

“The future of the recycling industry is at stake and immediate action in form of enforcement measures is needed to avoid a shutdown of recycling plants across Europe,” said Ton Emans, president of Plastics Recyclers Europe. “Ceasing recycling activities would have knock-on effects on jobs, overall economy in Europe and the environment.”

Mark Victory, senior editor, Recycling at ICIS, recently spoke with Packaging Europe about the effect of lowering prices on demand for recycled materials. Although he states that rPP and rHDPE made a comeback last month, recycled polyolefins are expected to remain low in demand for the rest of the year.  EU recycling targets

In another article, he examined the shortage of mechanically recycled polymers suitable for packaging application and the pressure from regulators and consumers for sustainable solutions, and what this means for the industry.

High imports and low demand for European plastics threaten EU recycling targets, says Plastics Recyclers EuropePenn Color receives a joint Recyclability Approval from RecyClass and EPBP

Latest independent testing proves Penn Color’s ‘66UV11964’ UV blocker as compatible with the clear transparent and coloured PET bottle recycling streams in Europe.

UV light exposure can induce the degradation of specific vitamins, flavours, colorants, and additives, resulting in diminished potency and a shortened shelf life. Penn Color’s ‘66UV11964” UV blocker can be used in PET bottles to safeguard UV-sensitive contents against photodegradation when exposed to direct light, thereby protecting essential product characteristics like aroma, flavour, and colour. Recyclability evaluation was carried out to ensure that the additive does not cause yellowing on the PET matrix during the recycling process.  EU recycling targets

Trials were carried out at Plastic Forming Enterprises (PFE) following the Recyclability Evaluation Protocol for PET bottles from EPBP[1], and results show that no significant deviations were observed on the quality of the produced recyclates. The stated approval is valid under the condition that the concentration of the UV stabiliser does not exceed 0.6 wt% in a PET bottle[2].

Following this process, Penn Color’s technology will be integrated within the RecyClass Online Tool[3] and will also be considered within the scope of RecyClass Recyclability Certifications[4] for plastic packaging.  EU recycling targets

In general, the use of additives in the PET stream has caused issues for recycling due to the subsequent yellowing of the final recycled materials. What this approval shows to the industry is that with innovation it is possible to limit or avoid such adverse impacts on recyclates – and, therefore, move closer to a circular plastic future.


Penn Color receives a joint Recyclability Approval from RecyClass and EPBP

Environmentally friendly microcapsules made from biopolymers

Biopolymers as shells for microcapsules will be the focus of a workshop on November 16, 2023, at the Fraunhofer Conference Center at the Potsdam Science Park. Biodegradable polymers and natural materials ensure manufacturers and users of microcapsules get their products approved under the EU Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). Experts from the Fraunhofer Technology Platform Microencapsulation will discuss how to apply natural raw materials to manufacture environmentally friendly microcapsules. The network concentrates current findings and identifies new opportunities for the use of microcapsules.  EU recycling targets

In the future, new regulations in the European Union will prohibit the sale of products that contain intentionally added conventional microplastics and release them during use. Transitional periods of four to twelve years apply to applications in cosmetics, fertilizers, as well as detergents and cleaning agents. Natural materials and biodegradable polymers are key for products to not be subject to such regulations.  EU recycling targets

“We are developing biodegradable microcapsules that are functional and cost-effective,” emphasizes Dr. Alexandra Latnikova, an expert in microencapsulation at Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP. For this, a deep understanding of polymer and particle formation processes is essential Latnikova adds. Microcapsules, for example, efficiently protect active ingredients and allow for targeted release. They thus improve the effectiveness and durability of products. The desired functionality of microcapsules often contradicts the requirements for rapid biodegradability in many applications. Parameters such as availability, stable quality, price, and sustainable sourcing of capsule wall materials also determine the basis for environmentally friendly microcapsules.

Developing new materials to meet these requirements is a focus of the scientists at Fraunhofer IAP.  EU recycling targets

“All these parameters must be met to obtain solutions with high market potential. In recent years, we have seen a great interest in chemically cross-linkable, water-soluble polymers. These polymers save the use of solvents and avoid new investments, as it allows to use existing equipment. Water-soluble cellulose sulfate and aqueous nanocellulose dispersions are good examples,” adds Dr. Latnikova.


Environmentally friendly microcapsules made from biopolymers

Advanced Recycling Reduces GHG Emissions in Plastic Production


Producing new plastic by advanced recycling of post-use plastic (PUP), instead of fossil-based production, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and increase the U.S. recycling rate, according to research by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory. The peer-reviewed life cycle analysis study appears in the November 2023 issue of Journal of Cleaner Production.  EU recycling targets
This is the first analysis of multiple U.S. facilities taking PUP all the way to new plastics again. Specifically, the new plastics are low-density and high-density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE, respectively). The recycling process used is pyrolysis, whereby plastics are heated to high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment. The main product is pyrolysis oil, a liquid mix of various compounds that can be an ingredient in new plastic. The oil can replace fossil ingredients like naphtha and gases to manufacture ethylene and propylene. They are two important monomers, or building blocks, for plastic production.  EU recycling targets


“Advanced recycling can transform hard-to-recycle plastics into a multitude of high-value raw materials, reducing the need for fossil resources and potentially minimizing the environmental impact of waste management.” — Pahola Thathiana Benavides, Argonne principal energy systems analyst

The study collected 2017-2021 operating data from eight companies with varying pyrolysis oil production processes. The analysis shows an 18% to 23% decrease in GHG emissions when making plastic with just 5% pyrolysis oil from PUP compared to crude oil-derived LDPE and HDPE, respectively.  EU recycling targets

When factoring in current end-of-life practices for many plastics in the U.S., such as incineration, there is a further 40% to 50% reduction in GHG emissions when manufacturing pyrolysis-based LDPE and HDPE, respectively, according to the analysis. Reductions are much higher (up to 131%) in the European Union as more PUP is currently incinerated.

“As advanced recycling becomes increasingly efficient, it is poised to play a major role in achieving global sustainability goals by reducing waste and GHG emissions,” said Argonne Principal Energy Systems Analyst Pahola Thathiana Benavides, a study author. ​”It can transform hard-to-recycle plastics into a multitude of high-value raw materials, reducing the need for fossil resources and potentially minimizing the environmental impact of waste management.”  EU recycling targets

Advanced Recycling Reduces GHG Emissions in Plastic Production

Post-consumer PET – thyssenkrupp Uhde inks service contract with Hive Energy for Spanish green hydrogen plant 13-10-2023 

EU recycling targets

Post-consumer PET – thyssenkrupp Uhde inks service contract with Hive Energy for Spanish green hydrogen plant 13-10-2023

Post-consumer PET

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

RadiciGroup Inaugurates New Production Facility in India

With a commercial presence dating back to 2006, RadiciGroup has marked a significant milestone by opening its first industrial facility in India, consolidating its commitment to the Asian continent. The establishment in Halol, Gujarat, is a substantial investment, occupying over 100 employees and encompassing an expansive 19,000 square meters, with a remarkable 11,000 square meters dedicated to the production of technopolymers. These technopolymers serve as fundamental components for various sectors, including automotive, electrical/electronic, consumer/industrial goods, and telecommunications.

The decision to establish a manufacturing base in India is the result of more than 15 years of commercial engagement in the country, providing invaluable insights into the local market. Over time, RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers has evolved into a key partner for numerous clients in the region, and the new facility equips the company to tackle global challenges more effectively.

Maurizio Radici, Vice President of RadiciGroup, remarked, “This is a historic moment for us. Now, we have a manufacturing presence in India, which becomes an integral part of the global production network of RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers, supported by seven other facilities and numerous commercial locations across Europe, America, and Asia. From the beginning, we envisioned expanding our roots worldwide, with the goal of being close to our global and local customers, collaboratively developing high-quality products and innovative solutions for the market. The opening of this plant underscores the success of this vision and represents the long-term commitment we, as shareholders, have in the Indian region.”

India is a market where a strong presence is essential to capture growth in sectors that require short and responsive supply chains. Federico Percassi, Country Manager India of RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers, emphasizes, “With this facility, we can respond much more rapidly to our customers’ needs. It allows us to shorten material development and supply times by developing tailor-made solutions on-site, leveraging the expertise of our Indian specialists while continuing to benefit from the support of the global structure. I am confident that, through teamwork, valuable synergies will be created, fostering mutual growth. Moreover, the new facility is located in an area that can accommodate increases in production capacity should the need arise to harness the growth potential of not only the Indian market.”

The Halol site is an addition to the facility inaugurated in Suzhou, China, just last April. This marks another step in RadiciGroup’s internationalization journey, aimed at strengthening the Group’s footprint throughout the Asian continent. The strategy is to serve diverse markets punctually and efficiently, following a proximity-driven approach that positions the company close to the industrial realities of its clients.

Federico Percassi adds, “In addition to the over 100 people at the new Halol site, Radici Plastics India PVT LTD has around 30 other professionals located in various Indian cities, covering the entire country. The company also has two large warehouses and a commercial office. We hope that further opportunities for development and market growth will emerge, contributing to the success of the entire RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers Business Area.”

The inauguration of the Halol facility signifies RadiciGroup’s commitment to long-term growth in India, supporting the region with high-quality technopolymers and customized solutions across various industries. With its extensive experience and dedication to global and local clients, RadiciGroup is well-positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the dynamic Indian market.

RadiciGroup Inaugurates New Production Facility in India

thyssenkrupp Uhde inks service contract with Hive Energy for Spanish green hydrogen plant

thyssenkrupp Uhde has been engaged by Hive Energy Limited to deliver a pre-FEED to support the development of Hive’s first green hydrogen / ammonia production plant in Spain. The pre-FEED was awarded following a comprehensive techno-economic study for the power-to-ammonia facility, which was performed in 2022 using thyssenkrupp Uhde’s proprietary RHAMFS methodology.

The key goal of the pre-FEED is to enhance the technical concept and commence key engineering activities for the plant. thyssenkrupp Uhde will base the pre-FEED on its dynamic uhde ammonia synthesis technology, which has been specifically developed to tackle the unique challenges of dynamic ammonia production and will also provide integration engineering for the process facility. The pre-FEED will allow Hive Energy to advance through the subsequent commercial and regulatory phases of the project development.  Post-consumer PET

Dr. Cord Landsmann, CEO thyssenkrupp Uhde, said: “We at thyssenkrupp Uhde are making a significant contribution to the green transformation. With our technologies and new partnerships like this one with Hive Energy Limited, we are building a sound business case for this groundbreaking green energy project. This marks another important step towards the sustainable and climate-friendly production of green ammonia.”

Shirvine Zhang, Head of Hydrogen and Hybrid Energy at Hive Energy Limited, commented: “Hive’s mission is to implement sustainable and clean technologies to mitigate the impact of climate change. We look forward to progressing this project with world-class and equally climate-minded companies, like thyssenkrupp Uhde, to support the energy transition.”


Post-consumer PET

After Tesla, other manufacturers turned to Idra from Brescia(Italy) to obtain gigantic body molding machines

Tesla has shown the way for megacasting, the creation of large body parts for electric cars in one go. It did so thanks to the Giga Presses created by Idra, an Italian company based in the province of Brescia.
Now those same Giga Presses will also be used by Hyundai and Ford. The House of the Blue Oval, in particular, asked for the creation of a Giga Press which is currently being tested and fine-tuned in the Idra factories in Brescia.  Post-consumer PET
We start with 6,000 tons
Ford’s Giga Press, complete with the American manufacturer’s logo printed on it, is identified by the acronym 6,100, which indicates a power of 6,000 tons. The new Giga Press was also shown to a selected audience of industry experts during an event organized by Idra at its headquarters.
During the event, Idra technicians also put into operation another Giga Press, even larger, with a power of 9,000 tons. This one, unlike the other, was not “branded”. Two similar machines, also produced by the Brescia company, were sent to Tesla (which already has 14 from Giga Press) for the production of the Cybertruck.  Post-consumer PET
Idra, up to now, has signed 25 contracts for as many Giga Press. It has already produced and delivered 21. Among the customers, in addition to Tesla and Ford, there is also Hyundai, which has understood the advantages of this production method and which, in addition to the Italian Giga Presses, is working to develop its own.
The other Giga Press coming soon
Among the companies that are updating their lines to introduce presses with similar performance (and dimensions) is Zeekr, a brand owned by Geely, which will be able to eliminate as many as 800 welding points thanks to the molding of larger components.
Volvo also ordered two Giga Presses, but they are produced in Switzerland by Bulher. To these are also added NIO, General Motors, Toyota and Volkswagen: each with its own times and suppliers.

Post-consumer PET

Advanced Battery Technologies (ABAT) Announces Start of Operations at its Recycling Facility in Nevada

American Battery Technology Company , an integrated critical battery materials company that is commercializing its technologies for both primary battery minerals manufacturing and secondary minerals lithium-ion battery recycling, announced the operational start-up of its commercial-scale, lithium-ion battery recycling facility located in the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) in McCarran, Nevada, initiating implementation of its first-of-kind lithium-ion battery recycling technologies at an industrial scale.

“We are excited to have achieved this major milestone and to now be generating commercial-scale quantities of domestic recycled battery metal products,” stated ABTC CEO Ryan Melsert. “By securing our move-in-ready industrial facility in early 2023, we were able to greatly accelerate our timeline to operations, and the last step of receiving approvals for the updated operational permits for our specific internally-developed processes were received over the past week.”  Post-consumer PET

ABTC’s first-of-kind integrated battery recycling system utilizes a strategic de-manufacturing and targeted chemical extraction train in order to recover battery materials with high yields, low cost, and with a low environmental footprint. These processes are fundamentally different than conventional methods of battery recycling, which utilize high temperature furnaces, such as in smelting operations, or non-strategic shredding or grinding systems. The ABTC system results in efficient separation, recovery, and purification of high-value battery-grade products with less environmental impact and greater cost efficiencies than conventional methods.

This commercial facility has the capacity to process over 20,000 metric tonnes of battery feedstock materials per year when fully ramped, and this first phase of operations will process these battery feedstock materials into recycled products including copper, aluminum, steel, a lithium intermediate, and a black mass intermediate material that will be sold through an already executed marketing agreement with the global metals trader TechMet-Mercuria.  Post-consumer PET

Once the second phase of this integrated recycling facility is operational, this lithium intermediate will be further refined into a battery grade lithium hydroxide product, and the black mass intermediate material will be further refined into battery grade nickel, cobalt, manganese, and lithium hydroxide products.

“Our research & development, engineering, project management, and operations teams have been working with the commissioning of this facility as our highest priority, and we are proud to have accelerated our timelines to have installed our first piece of equipment within a month of gaining access to this new site, and to now have begun commercial operations less than six months later,” stated Andrés Meza, chief operating officer for American Battery Technology Company. “We appreciate Storey County and Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) in their work to permit and establish these processes, and we look forward to our continued engagements as we move through operations.”  Post-consumer PET


Post-consumer PETPET recycling in Brazil

How likely is it that a passer-by in the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil, would know the price of recycled PET resin? Not very, perhaps, but considerably more probable than most people would assume. Around 55% of PET packaging is recycled in Brazil, compared to around 24% for plastic packaging in general. In a city of more than 12 million inhabitants, there are anywhere between 2,000 and 30,000 ‘catadores’, informal recycling workers that collect plastic, carboard, aluminium, and other waste from the city streets.
The numbers vary widely because the vast majority of the workers aren’t registered. However, the Brazilian newspaper A Folha de Sao Paulo put its estimate at 2,100 while a survey from Cataki, an app that connects catadores with waste producers, calculated this to be closer to 30,000 workers.  Post-consumer PET

The National Movement of Catadores of Recycled Materials (MNCR, from the Portuguese) estimates that there are around 800,000 active catadores in Brazil, with women making up 70% of the category. Overall, catadores are responsible for collecting around 90% of everything that is recycled in Brazil.

Polymer prices
Much like the rest of the world, the increased offer of cheap virgin materials from Asia has led to a drop in demand and price of recycled polymers in Brazil. According to the Interministerial Committee for the Socioeconomic Inclusion of Waste Pickers and Collectors of Reusable and Recyclable Materials (CIISC), the inflow of plastic waste into Brazil rose by 7.2% between 2019 and 2022, while resin prices have dropped an average of 28% over the last 12 months.  Post-consumer PET
According to data collected by Sustainable Plastics, during the first two weeks of August, European polymer prices for rPET clear flake prices fell by €100/tonne, clear food-grade pellet prices were down by €90/tonne and coloured flake prices fell by €40/tonne.
Dwindling demand for rPET resin is impacting recyclers in Brazil and the catadores are amongst the first to feel the impact. At the end of August, national broadcaster Globo aired an interview with catadores from the streets of Sao Paulo, who shared they were shocked at the unprecedented drop in prices.

In an attempt both to slow the fall in prices and to shore up the national recycling industry, on 1 August the Brazilian Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex) raised the import tax on waste plastic, paper, and glass to 18%.  Post-consumer PET

Until this August, these products had been exempt from import taxes, and plastic waste was taxed at 11.2%.


PET recycling in Brazil

SGR deploys new flake analyser for post-consumer PET

The analyser utilises a combination of infrared radiation, AI, and colour identification to map the rPET.

France-based Société Générale de Recyclage (SGR) has announced the deployment of a new analyser for post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) flakes.

The new 4.0 analysis tool from Canadian manufacturer Eagle Vizion will allow the company to produce premium-quality recycled PET (rPET) for its customers in the food industry.

The equipment, named Flake Analyzer, is intended for the analysis of post-consumer polymers.  Post-consumer PET

SGR has an annual production capacity of 12,000 tonnes of rPET for the food industry.

Dubbed CIRPET, the company’s produced rPET received a positive opinion from the European Food Safety Authority last year.

Integrated directly into the CIRPET production line with continuous sample analysis, Flake Analyzer is used for validating flake purity in real time.

This identification of potential contaminants enables rapid automated responses when purity levels fluctuate.

The machine simultaneously utilises infrared identification, AI, and colour identification to map the material within the rPET.

Designed to detect each particle, the scalable system quantifies the different constituents of the rPET flow at parts per million precision.  Post-consumer PET

According to SGR, rPET quality will be based on a combination of the initial purity of the inbound PET flakes and the efficiency of the sorters used to purify that stream.

SGR de Chalon-sur-Saône plant manager Jean-Marc Wiencek said: “We are giving ourselves the means to strengthen our position and offer the best possible quality of rPET to our customers, and above all consistent quality.”


SGR deploys new flake analyser for post-consumer PET

The secret to better batteries? A different software management

An advanced Battery Management System (BMS) can increase density, charging speed and duration more than “hardware” innovations
The world of lithium ion batteries is destined to experience years of great growth. According to a survey signed by IDTechEx, the sector will be worth 360 billion euros by 2034. The reason is clear: the number of electric cars in circulation will increase and, consequently, manufacturers will ask for more and more accumulators to power them.
With these prospects on the horizon, it is obvious that battery companies will look for ways to gain an advantage over the competition by working on innovative products. But when you think of batteries with better performance or technical characteristics, your mind immediately goes to the solid state, to particular chemistries, to innovative architectures (read Tesla 4680).  Post-consumer PET

In truth, there is much more to pay attention to.

The Difference Between “Hardware” and “Software”

Let’s start from a general consideration. If you introduce a hardware innovation in the field of lithium ion batteries, you usually encounter a series of critical issues. First, large sums of money must be spent on the development and fine-tuning of that innovation. Second, you have to compromise somehow.
High-silicon anodes that can be used to replace graphite ones, for example, increase energy density and charging speed, but reduce lifetime. The solid electrolyte, however, can increase production costs.
However, there is a field in which great benefits can be obtained in terms of performance without necessarily having to face critical issues. It is that of the battery management software, or BMS (Battery Management System). Let’s see why.
The management of individual cells
Software engineers can improve multiple parameters of a battery by simply working (so to speak) on the control units that control the operation of the battery itself. With a better BMS, the energy density of a battery can be increased, its charging speed can be increased, its safety can be improved and its useful life can be extended.
Thanks to the software it will be possible to precisely monitor the health status of each individual cell that makes up a battery and it will be possible to modify the functioning of that single cell to optimize the functioning of the entire accumulator.

There are many companies that have understood that software will be the real secret ingredient for having better batteries, but all of them are only at the beginning of their journey. Certainly, names like Qnovo or Eatron Technologies, currently unknown to most, will soon end up being known globally. Post-consumer PET

The secret to better batteries? A different software management

BASF Supplies Asahi Kasei’s ROICA With Biomass Balanced Tetrahydrofuran

BASF is supplying biomass balanced tetrahydrofuran (THF BMB)2 to the ROICA Division of Asahi Kasei Corporation (Asahi Kasei), a multinational Japanese company. Asahi Kasei will use BASF’s THF BMB to produce its mass balance grade premium sustainable stretch fiber under the ROICA™ brand. This collaboration aims to support the launch of a new sustainable apparel collection by Asahi Kasei’s customers.

ROICA™ supplies its mass balance (MB) stretch fiber as an option for most of its portfolio products.  Post-consumer PET

The brand is making its debut in the market with MB stretch fibers and has already initiated discussions with several apparel manufacturers.

BASF’s THF BMB is recognized for its significant reduction in product carbon footprint compared to its standard grade of THF products. This is achieved by replacing a certain amount of fossil raw materials in the production with renewable feedstock in its Verbund setup. According to Asahi Kasei, utilizing BASF’s THF BMB can lead to an approximately 25% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to its existing products. Additionally, by introducing its own mass balance approach and renewable energy in the production, Asahi Kasei aims to further reduce CO2 emissions of its products by approximately 25%, resulting in a total reduction of CO2 emissions by approximately 50% compared to Asahi Kasei’s existing products.1 Without the need of large investments or changes to the product’s formulation, BASF’s THF BMB drop-in solution3 ensures identical quality and properties as the standard product.  Post-consumer PET

Choon Nga Phua, Director, Business Management Diols & Derivatives, Intermediates Asia Pacific, BASF, said, “We are excited about the progress we have made in our sustainability partnership with Asahi Kasei. We see a growing trend in the adoption of more sustainable raw materials in the global apparel market. As a pioneer in the development of the biomass balance approach, we will support our customers in accelerating the transition to a lower-carbon, circular bio-economy and help consumers make informed purchasing decisions about more sustainable products, thereby fashioning a more sustainable textile value chain.”

“As one of the global leaders in the development and manufacturing of innovative materials, we view this as another step in our efforts to bring our business pillar of originality and sustainability together,” said Takehiro Kamiyama, Senior Executive Manager of ROICA Division, Life Innovation SBU, Asahi Kasei.  Post-consumer PET

THF is a colorless, water-miscible liquid with an ether-like odor. In this case, THF is used to produce polytetrahydrofuran (PolyTHF®), which is a raw material for the production of highly elastic spandex and elastane fibers. Furthermore, THF serves as an organic solvent with intermediate polarity for organic substances and is used as a reaction medium or starting material for various syntheses.


BASF Supplies Asahi Kasei’s ROICA With Biomass Balanced Tetrahydrofuran

Biodegradable plastics – New Public-Private Partnerships Look to AI and Enzymes to Break Down Plastic and Textile Waste 12-10-2023

Post-consumer PET

Biodegradable plastics – New Public-Private Partnerships Look to AI and Enzymes to Break Down Plastic and Textile Waste 12-10-2023

Biodegradable plastics

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

France becomes first country to implement Digimarc’s plastics recycling platform

France, selected by the HolyGrail initiative leadership team, will become the first country-wide implementation of Digimarc Recycle. Digimarc Recycle allows brand owners to digitize products and packaging, enabling a direct communication channel with consumers. When the digitized item is scanned with a Smartphone, consumers can see recycling instructions and sustainability content of the item.

Digimarc says that this marks a milestone in combatting plastic pollution and that the implementation of Digimarc Recycle is a testament to the hard work and collaboration of stakeholders who want to unlock the circular economy for plastics, address fast-approaching legislation, and create a more sustainable world. Biodegradable plastics

By linking covert digital watermarks (used to identify plastic packaging to any desired level of granularity deterministically) with an extensible cloud-based repository of product attributes (such as brand, SKU, product variant, packaging composition, food/non-food/cosmetics use, etc.), Digimarc Recycle helps drive a step change in the quality and quantity of recyclate. This improvement also unlocks new end markets for post-consumer recyclate that do not exist today. Moreover, the information used to drive this sortation in facilities provides product-specific and location-based disposal instructions via a brand-owned direct-to-consumer digital communication channel accessed via on-pack watermarks or QR codes.  Biodegradable plastics

“Digimarc applauds the vision and action of the France team and its pioneering member organizations, including P&G, L’Oreal, Henkel, Veolia, CITEO, and Pellenc ST,” said Riley McCormack, Digimarc president and CEO. “Moreover, we are committed to working alongside this group to expand the rollout to other facility operators, brands, and retailers in France, because when the only thing that stands in the way of progress is inertia, true leadership is defined by those who take action.”

In addition to providing the information necessary to power advanced sortation at recycling facilities, Digimarc Recycle captures and provides a view of the post-purchase product journey benefiting stakeholders across the value chain. Biodegradable plastics

Among these benefits, governments can gain insights into the size, scope, and content of their waste stream; producer responsibility organizations (PROs) can design and implement more meaningful and more accurate extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes; facility operators can unlock operational efficiencies and insights; and brand owners and retailers can access data to power design-for-recyclability improvements, packaging-usage reductions, consumer behaviour insights, and overall functional gains.


Biodegradable plastics

Study stirs controversy over the benefits of biodegradable plastics

Research that suggests the breakdown products of compostable plastic bags could be toxic has been criticised by the bioplastics industry

Controversy has been sparked by a study that appears to show that when they break down, compostable plastic bags release more toxins into the environment than conventional plastic bags do.  Biodegradable plastics

European Bioplastics, which represents companies that produce various types of biodegradable plastics, has branded the research “scientifically questionable” and suggested that it does not replicate how plastics degrade in the real world.

The dispute highlights concerns over biodegradable plastics. To some, they are the answer to the world’s acute problem of plastic waste, but to others these materials are a distraction from what they see as the true answer – simply using less plastic.

What did the study find?

Carried out by scientists in Spain and released in the Journal of Hazardous Materialsthe study involved testing the breakdown products of various types of plastic bag on zebrafish cells grown in the laboratory.  Biodegradable plastics

The researchers looked at compostable bags, which are a type of biodegradable plastic bag designed to break down under specific conditions, and compared them to conventional plastic bags.

It found that extracts of compostable bags decreased the viability of the cells, an effect that was made stronger if the bag had been exposed to ultraviolet light or had been composted.

However, similar remains from conventional plastic bags did not have the same toxic effect on the cells.

“These findings highlight the importance of investigating the effects of degradation mechanisms such as sunlight and composting on the toxicity of bioplastics,” the researchers wrote in the Journal of Hazardous MaterialsBiodegradable plastics

“It is also crucial to investigate the composition of newly developed formulations for bioplastics, as they may be more harmful than conventional ones.”

What criticism has been levelled at the study?

To extract chemicals from the plastics before they were tested on the zebrafish cells, the scientists used methanol, a type of alcohol.

In a statement issued this week, European Bioplastics said that there was no evidence in the study that the methanol did not change the chemical structure of the samples. As a result, the study, they suggested, may not reflect how these plastics behave in the real world.  Biodegradable plastics

Claims made by the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, one of the organisations behind the study, “are not supported by the scientific evidence”, according to European Bioplastics.


Biodegradable plastics

Lummus’ Green Circle Announces Agreement for Advanced Plastic Recycling Technology with Dongyang Environment Group

Agreement strengthens Lummus’ experience developing and commercializing solutions for
plastics circularity

Lummus Technology, a global provider of process technologies and value-driven energy solutions, has announced an agreement with Dongyang Environment Group to deploy Lummus’ advanced plastics recycling technology in South Korea. The plant will be located in Seosan, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea, and will be operated by Dongyang Environment’s subsidiary, Seohae Green Chemical.  Biodegradable plastics
“We are pleased to announce this agreement with Dongyang Environment, one of South Korea’s leading providers of energy and environmental services,” said Greg Shumake, Vice President and Managing Director of Green Circle. “This is a significant step forward in our commitment to the circular economy and to deploying advanced plastics recycling technology in South Korea and other key markets around the world.”
Lummus’ Green Circle business unit will provide to Dongyang Environment its advanced plastic recycling technology, which effectively converts plastic waste into high-value chemicals and feedstocks, creating circularity. This technology is a proven, reliable and economic solution to address the global plastic waste problem, offering additional environmental benefits such as a lower carbon footprint and the elimination of char production.  Biodegradable plastics
“Dongyang’s resource recycling and energy conversion expertise and Lummus’ world-class technology will create strong synergies,” said Byung Jin Song, the head of Dongyang Environment R&D center. “Additionally, Dongyang will strengthen its position in the chemical recycling industry, offering more sustainable products and increased value to our customers.”
Green Circle concentrates and expands Lummus Technology’s capabilities to capture new opportunities in the energy transition and circular economy.

Green Circle is a leader in providing economically and technically sound solutions to process solid wastes containing plastics; process various renewable bio-based feedstocks to value-added chemicals, polymers and fuels; decarbonize refinery and petrochemicals assets; expand production of blue hydrogen and biofuels; and treat industrial wastewater.

Biodegradable plastics

New Public-Private Partnerships Look to AI and Enzymes to Break Down Plastic and Textile Waste

Protein Evolution, Inc. Partners with U.S. Department of Energy’s Agile BioFoundry, Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Development Unit, and the Joint BioEnergy Institute to Decarbonize the Chemicals Industry  Biodegradable plastics

Protein Evolution, Inc., a biological recycling company focused on decarbonizing plastic production, announced today that it is partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Agile BioFoundry (ABF), Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Development Unit (ABPDU), and the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI), a DOE Bioenergy Research Center, both led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, on two separate projects.

The first project will leverage the team’s collective advancements in artificial intelligence to create enzymes that break down plastic and textile waste, and the second will streamline the methods for manufacturing these enzymes at scale. JBEI, ABF and ABPDU are part of Berkeley Lab’s BioManufactory – a collaborative group of programs that partner with industry to provide expertise and support as companies develop, optimize, and scale-up their bio-based projects.  Biodegradable plastics

“Our innovative process uses AI to design novel enzymes to transform various types of polyester waste back into the building blocks of new polyester,” said Maren Wehrs, Director of Bioprocess Development of Protein Evolution. “These partnerships provide access to cutting-edge research, infrastructure, and a wealth of domain expertise that will help us accelerate sustainable waste management and the global transition to a lower-carbon, circular economy.”

Protein Evolution’s innovative technology is the first in the U.S. to use enzymes as a catalyst to successfully produce new polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from polyester textile waste. The PET resulting from Protein Evolution’s process is indistinguishable from the petroleum-derived virgin alternative, but with a far lower carbon footprint, and it is suitable for both textile and packaging grade applications.

The company is actively scaling its commercial capacity to take in greater quantities and more diverse types of plastic waste as feedstock to facilitate the production of low-carbon polyester.  Biodegradable plastics

Partnering to Decarbonize the Chemicals Industry

Protein Evolution’s partnerships with JBEI, ABF and ABPDU share the overarching goal to reduce emissions from petroleum-based plastic production and the landfilling and incineration of plastic waste.

“Identifying and cost-effectively producing highly catalytic enzymes to transform waste into new products has the potential to significantly reduce industry’s reliance on petroleum,” said Jay Konieczka, Chief Technology Officer at Protein Evolution. “At scale, our technology will divert millions of waste products from landfills and the environment, helping to reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and contribute to a more sustainable and cleaner future.”  Biodegradable plastics


New Public-Private Partnerships Look to AI and Enzymes to Break Down Plastic and Textile Waste

Breakthrough study in post-consumer polypropylene packaging – Characterising contamination levels

Having just read UNEP’s recent Global Plastics Treaty draft policy, it is interesting to note their suggested approaches per country to the areas NextLoopp and Nextek have been focusing on. Reviewing and upgrading how we manage and maximise recycled plastic contents, through to reviewing product design for sustainability and enhancing waste management is our mission.
As such closing the loop on post-consumer food-grade polypropylene (PP) packaging is very much in-step with our commitment to save CO2e by extending the lifecycle of plastic. The reason for this is that, from a climate change perspective, 1.6 tonne/1.8 ton of CO2e could be saved if we were to use food-grade recycled PP versus using virgin PP resin.
Polypropylene accounts for more than 20 percent of global plastics production with food packaging being this prolific polymer’s primary product. In fact, some 55 percent of PP rigid packaging (1 Mt) is food-contact, equivalent to around 10 percent of total PP demand.  Biodegradable plastics
According to Plastics Recyclers’ latest report the net demand for PP in Europe is 10.5 Mt., yet PP recyclate from post-consumer rigid product applications only meets 3 percent of this demand.
This is the driving force behind NextLoopp’s continued science-based exploration to close the loop on post-consumer food-grade PP
Achieving this has required addressing each and every roadblock along the way and deep-diving into the specific sorting and decontamination requirements for the recycling processes for PP. This has led to our most recent investigations to determine the residual contamination levels of post-consumer PP packaging, which up until now, have not been characterised.  Biodegradable plastics
The lack of data showing the misuse rate within PP feedstocks has meant there was no reliable way of defining the residual levels that could potentially migrate into food as well as understanding which molecules to target via decontamination processes.

Nextek’s study aimed to identify substances that might cause samples to be outliers from the expected input stream which could represent challenges to the final safety of the recycled plastics. Key was to check whether the substances observed could potentially be genotoxic. This is a critical criterion for EFSA safety evaluations given that the substance could be derived from the mis-selection of an item of non-food PP packaging, which is not necessarily a case of misuse.  Biodegradable plastics
Although, being olefinic, PP has very similar properties to HDPE, the packaging format of PP reduces the chances of it being in a consumer-misuse scenario. A large proportion of PET packaging is relatively durable, with a tight closure, making it a container of choice when used for the storage of hazardous materials.
Likewise, HDPE packaging is also in bottle form with a closure, meaning it, too, may be used in such a scenario.

PP food containers, on the other hand, are less likely to come in bottle form and much more likely to be pots, tubs, or trays with limited closure capability.


Breakthrough study in post-consumer polypropylene packaging - Characterising contamination levels

OMV Europe PE margin down year on year

OMV’s polyethylene (PE) indicator margin for Europe stood at €308/tonne in Q3 2023 versus €312/tonne in Q3 2022 and €320/tonne in Q2 2023, said the Austrian oil, gas and petrochemical group.  Biodegradable plastics
For the polypropylene (PP) indicator margin for Europe, the figures were €330/tonne, €357/tonne and €372/tonne, respectively.
For the propylene indicator margin for Europe, the figures were €330/tonne, €574/tonne and €459/tonne, respectively.
For the ethylene indicator margin for Europe, the figures were €455/tonne, €614/tonne and €567/tonne, respectively.
Also in the trading statement, the company put its European refining margin indicator (based on Brent crude) for the third quarter at $14.05/bbl compared with $14.38/bbl in the third quarter a year ago and $7.59 cents/barrel in the second quarter of this year.


OMV Europe PE margin down year on year

Three new partners targeting recycled plastic packaging join the Canada Plastics Pact

Most recently, the CPP released its five-year roadmap (2023 to 2027) for advancing flexible plastic packaging in Canada.  Biodegradable plastics

The Canada Plastics Pact (CPP) has welcomed Omnia Packaging Inc., BASF Canada, and NSF to its expanding network of more than 95 partners in the third quarter of 2023.

Omnia Packaging Inc. joins as a signatory partner

Omnia Packaging Inc., a Canadian subsidiary of Sunino Group, is a food packager specializing in injection plastic production producing exclusively recyclable polypropylene (PP) plastic packaging. They are committed to collaborating with other PP producers in Canada to increase recycling efforts.

NSF joins as an implementation partner

NSF is a public health and safety organization that helps companies responsibly manage their corporate, facility, product, and supply chain materials with customized solutions. They are committed to assisting CPP partners to operate more responsibly through better materials management.  Biodegradable plastics

BASF Canada joins as a knowledge partner

BASF is focused on advancing sustainability and driving a circular economy by taking actions like designing materials for circularity, developing solutions that improve or enable recycling, and establishing product-specific recycling loops. They are committed to sharing professional, technical, and commercial systems knowledge to support CPP’s advancement on its roadmap and collaborate on programming, standards, policies, and solutions to further plastics circularity.

“We are excited to welcome these new stakeholders to the pact, each contributing unique perspectives to the plastics value chain,” said Cher Mereweather, managing director at the CPP. “Our collective commitment to advancing solutions to achieving a circular economy for plastics is strengthened by their involvement.”  Biodegradable plastics

Since the CPP launched in January 2021, various initiatives have been underway to address the opportunities and challenges to enacting systems change, such as forming nine working groups that bring together the key stakeholders to tackle the pressing issues around plastic waste and pollution.

The CPP’s guidance documents, driven by the collective expertise of its working groups, are a tool for supporting stakeholders to implement circular economy principles in their operations, by sharing knowledge and solutions. Most recently, the CPP released its five-year roadmap (2023 to 2027) for advancing flexible plastic packaging in Canada. It’s designed for stakeholders across Canada, including manufacturers, producers and brand owners, retailers, stewardship agencies, recyclers, and governments, to work together on clear and practical objectives.  Biodegradable plastics


Three new partners targeting recycled plastic packaging join the Canada Plastics Pact

Carbon Footprint – Petronas Chemicals Group to Build Asia’s Largest Advanced Chemical Recycling Plant in Malaysia 11-10-2023

Biodegradable plastics

Carbon Footprint – Petronas Chemicals Group to Build Asia’s Largest Advanced Chemical Recycling Plant in Malaysia 11-10-2023

Carbon Footprint

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Petronas Chemicals Group to Build Asia’s Largest Advanced Chemical Recycling Plant in Malaysia

Plant would have a capacity of 33 kilotons, with a target start-up date of mid-2026.

Petronas Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG) said Oct. 9 it plans to build Asia’s largest advanced chemical recycling plant in Malaysia with operations scheduled to begin in the first half of 2026.

The plant would have a capacity of 33 kilotons per year, the company said.

PCG, a division of Malaysia’s state-run oil giant Petronas, will convert end-of-life plastics into pyrolysis oil.

The company’s final investment decision includes the signing of a technology license agreement between PCG and Plastic Energy Limited and an engineering, procurement and construction agreement with Mutiara Etnik Sdn. Bhd.  Carbon Footprint

Plastic Energy will provide the chemical recycling technology for the plant through its TAC process, which heats mixed post-consumer plastic waste in the absence of oxygen. This process then produces hydrocarbon vapors that are condensed into pyrolysis oil, which can be used as a substitute for hydrocarbon feedstock in the production of food-grade recycled plastics.

The plant will help PCG meet its sustainability goals while contributing to the circular supply chain, said PCG CEO Mohd Yusri Mohamed Yusof.

“Through the advanced chemical recycling plant, we envision driving innovation across the plastics value chain while creating opportunities for all parties, from waste collectors to manufacturers, to jointly contribute to the circular plastics economy,” he said in a prepared statement.  Carbon Footprint


Carbon Footprint

Berlin Packaging on the sustainable strengths of hybrid packaging

Packaging Gateway sits down with Berlin Packaging EMEA CMO Dario Bassetti to discuss sustainable hybrid packaging.

US-headquartered Berlin Packaging is well-known in the industry for its regular acquisitions, which have recently included Coropoulis Packaging and StyleGlass.

But the company is also aiming to make strides on its ESG goals as reportedly the “world’s largest hybrid packaging supplier”.  Carbon Footprint

Following a roundtable presented at Luxe Pack Monaco, Packaging Gateway spoke to company representatives for the EMEA region and chief marketing officer Dario Bassetti about Berlin Packaging’s “strategic pillar” of sustainable materials.

Bassetti explained that “Packaging plays a crucial role. We are aware that only through dialogue with our stakeholders, customers and suppliers, can we overcome the current challenges together.

“This involves consumers increasingly demanding sustainability, but they are not always ready to pay the price.”

Berlin Packaging’s business model aims to provide maximum freedom in the use of materials and processes that can be optimised, focusing on three main areas: circularity, optimisation, and reuse. These are integrated into the services and drive innovations and business proposals.  Carbon Footprint

The company’s 2022 Sustainability Report stated that it enabled its customers to eliminate over 2,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and conducted 120 Life-Cycle Assessments.

However, Bassetti highlighted the European Union’s regulations, which “are becoming more and more complicated”, including the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

The strengths of hybrid packaging

Berlin Packaging’s stands at Luxe Pack Monaco featured recyclable and refillable products for the spirits and beauty markets.  Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

Dow launches recycled, bio-grades for perfume and cosmetic packaging

Chemicals company Dow has launched two new ionomers grades using renewable and circular feedstocks for perfume and cosmetic packaging applications, said Sustainableplastics.

The Surlyn Ren grade is produced from bio-waste such as used cooling oil, while Surlyn Cir grade contains chemically recycled plastic waste. Both grades are ISCC Plus certified according to the mass balance scheme. Dow claims the recycled and bio grades continue to deliver the properties that give the unique look, feel, and performance that the Surlyn line, based on fossil feedstocks, is known for.  Carbon Footprint

LVMH Beauty, a division of luxury conglomerate LVMH, will be the first user of the new grades following the brand’s announced collaboration with Dow earlier this year. Dow has started to supply the new sustainable Surlyn ionomer grades, which will be integrated into several of the multinational’s applications.

“Surlyn Ren and Surlyn Cir are a major step forward in creating sustainable packaging for the cosmetic industry,” said Daniella Souza Miranda, global business director for Circular & Renewable Solutions at Dow. “These products will not only support LVMH towards their sustainability goals but will also contribute to Dow’s bold ambition to transform waste and deliver 3 million metric tons per year of circular and renewable solutions by 2030,” she added.  Carbon Footprint


Carbon Footprint

INVISTA halting production in Orange, impacting more than 200 employees

A representative of the INVISTA plant in Orange County confirms to KFDM/Fox 4 News it’s discontinuing production at its site in mid 2024, eliminating about 240 of the site’s 300 jobs by the end of that year.

Invista produces chemicals used in nylon products.

The company says it’s making the difficult decision due to lower than expected growth and an increase in the global supply.  Carbon Footprint


INVISTA today announced the decision to discontinue production at its site in Orange, Texas.

“We appreciate the diligent and innovative work of employees at the Orange site over the years,” said Francis Murphy, INVISTA president and CEO. “Unfortunately, lower than anticipated growth and an increase in global supply led to this difficult decision.”

The site will begin the safe shutdown of the adiponitrile (ADN) production unit right away and expects to cease production of hexamethylene diamine (HMD) in mid-2024.

About 240 of the site’s 300 roles will be eliminated by the end of 2024. All impacted employees will be eligible for severance benefits. Throughout this transition, the company is committed to treating every employee with dignity and respect.

INVISTA’s top priority now and always is the safety of employees, contractors and the surrounding community.  Carbon Footprint


INVISTA halting production in Orange, impacting more than 200 employees

ARKEMA Continues to Lower the Carbon Footprint of the Global Production of Its Bio-Based Polyamide 11 Chain

The Group further decreased by 46% the carbon footprint of its bio-based Rilsan® polyamide 11 grades reaching less than 2 kg CO2e/kg (1), by using renewable or low carbon energy sources and by making several energy efficiency improvements in its production sites. It represents an improvement of around 70% relative to traditional polyamide resins using fossil-based raw materials and conventional energy sources.  Carbon Footprint

Derived entirely from renewable castor seeds, Rilsan® polyamide 11 is 100% segregated bio-based. Furthermore, the amino 11 monomer and the downstream polymers are produced using a significant proportion of low carbon and renewable energy – both in terms of electricity and combustible fuels. Arkema thus recently announced a biomethane supply agreement with ENGIE in France, and carried out several energy efficiency improvements in its polyamide 11 chain production sites over the last year.

This is an important step for our customers and the markets we serve,” said Erwoan Pezron, Senior Vice President, Arkema’s High Performance Polymers. “The lower carbon footprint we announce today applies to our entire global production, not just a particular set of grades or a certain location. This allows our customers to deliver on their commitment to decarbonize and to develop more sustainable products at scale. Furthermore, we have a strong action plan in place to further decarbonize this range, with a 2030 target to reduce the carbon footprint by a further 50%. Our objective is to continue to offer our customers high-performance materials with one of the lowest carbon footprints in the market.”  Carbon Footprint

This represents a strong step forward in Arkema’s drive to ever-lower carbon footprint and lower climate change impact through a combination of sustainable raw materials, energy sources, and manufacturing processes.


ARKEMA Continues to Lower the Carbon Footprint of the Global Production of Its Bio-Based Polyamide 11 Chain

Alpla, Tönissteiner launch reusable bottle made from 100% rPE

Packaging specialist Alpla has collaborated with Privatbrunnen Tönissteiner, a mineral water company based in Germany, on the development of a reusable PET bottle made entirely of recycled material. The new bottle, of which the development was worked on by the two companies for around a year, is also completely recyclable at the end of life. Currently only available in a one-litre size, the bottles have already been introduced at retail outlets in the country.  Carbon Footprint

The bottles are produced from 100% post-consumer recycled material, provided by Alplarecycling, with the exception of the closure and the label).

‘The packaging of the future is sustainable, light and safe,” said Georg Pescher, managing director of Alpla Germany. Alpla already delivers in this respect, he added, ‘with a circular economy based on the bottle-to-bottle principle, weight optimisation and systematic design for recycling’.

The new bottle has been designed for use with Tönissteiner’s existing twelve-bottle crates in which the bottles are also returned. Up to 160 crates can be transported per lorry load.

“In ALPLA, we have found an innovative partner for the introduction of our first own reusable rPET bottle. The climate-friendly bottle has been perfectly tailored to our sorting, bottling and transport processes,” said  Tönissteiner managing director Hermann-Josef Hoppe.  Carbon Footprint

The end of life of the reusable bottle is reached after a specified number of cycles. Laser markings indicate the number of cycles a bottle has been through and complement the quality controls at the refilling stage.


Alpla, Tönissteiner launch reusable bottle made from 100% rPE

Here is the laser that halves battery production times

Manufactured by IGP Photonics, it uses a double beam to weld individual cells at double the speed of traditional methods
The car market wants more and more batteries. So producing them faster can give a big advantage to increase volumes and respond to growing demand.
Among the innovations in cell construction processes is the technology of IPG Photonics, which operates in the field of latest generation lasers and which has presented a new highly automated double beam system for welding cells.  Carbon Footprint
The double beam trick
This new laser, called AMB – an acronym that stands for Adjustable Model Beam or adjustable operation beam – can emit a 3 kW single-mode beam of power that reaches the individual cells to create welds with great precision and at double the speed of a traditional system .
The AMB laser also emits a second beam. If the main one carries out the actual welding, the secondary one, which has an annular section, serves to reduce spatter as much as possible and minimize the area subjected to overheating. Furthermore, this type of welding also reduces cracks and porosity in the weld itself.
  For cylindrical, prismatic or bag cells
The technology developed by IGP Photonics is suitable for any type of lithium ion cell. The EV-Cube system is designed for cylindrical cells and can weld 10 of them per second with a precision of 25 µm (micrometers). The LaserCell system, however, develops on 6 axes and can weld the inside of bag or prismatic (as well as cylindrical) cells.
Both systems come complete with a specific laser, processing setups and secondary equipment. Furthermore, they are equipped with integrated software that allows you to modify processes according to different needs. In addition, they can be enhanced with real-time laser welding measurement.  Carbon Footprint
“Our laser systems provide solutions that address real-world requirements, such as battery cell welding, and integrate patented technologies such as real-time laser weld measurement,” said Trevor Ness, senior vice president of worldwide sales and of IPG’s strategic business development.
Here is the laser that halves battery production times

Plastic Pollution – EU launches trade attack against China in a war it can’t win  10-10-2023

Carbon Footprint

Plastic Pollution – EU launches trade attack against China in a war it can’t win  10-10-2023

Plastic Pollution

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Plastic Recycling Technology: A Solution for the Plastic Pollution Crisis

Plastic is one of the most widely used materials in the world, but it also poses a serious threat to the environment and human health. Every year, more than 380 million tonnes of plastic are produced globally, but only 9% of it is recycled into new plastics. The rest ends up in landfills, incinerators, or the oceans, where it can harm wildlife, ecosystems, and human health.

To tackle this problem, scientists and engineers are developing new ways to recycle plastic waste more efficiently and sustainably. One of these methods is chemical recycling, which involves breaking down plastic molecules into smaller units that can be used as raw materials for new products.  Plastic Pollution

Q   How does chemical recycling work?

A.  Unlike mechanical recycling, which melts and reshapes plastic waste into new products without changing its chemical structure, chemical recycling transforms plastic waste into different substances. There are several types of chemical recycling technologies, such as pyrolysis, gasification, hydro-cracking, and depolymerisation.

Pyrolysis is a process that heats plastic waste in the absence of oxygen, producing a mixture of gases, liquids, and solids. The gases and liquids can be used as fuels or feedstocks for making new plastics or other chemicals. The solids can be used as carbon black, a material used in tyres, rubber products, and ink.

Gasification is a process that converts plastic waste into a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, known as syngas. Syngas can be used to generate electricity or to produce synthetic fuels or chemicals.  Plastic Pollution

Hydro-cracking is a process that uses hydrogen and a catalyst to break down plastic waste into smaller hydrocarbon molecules, such as propane or ethane. These molecules can be used as fuels or feedstocks for making new plastics or other chemicals.

Depolymerisation is a process that reverses the polymerisation reaction that forms plastics from monomers. Monomers are the building blocks of plastics, such as ethylene or terephthalate. By using heat, pressure, or catalysts, depolymerisation breaks down plastic waste into its original monomers, which can be purified and reused to make new plastics.

Q    What are the benefits of chemical recycling?

A.  Chemical recycling offers several advantages over mechanical recycling. First, it can recycle plastics that are difficult or impossible to recycle mechanically, such as mixed or contaminated plastics, multilayer plastics, or plastics with additives or colours. Second, it can produce high-quality recycled materials that have similar properties to virgin materials, avoiding the loss of quality or performance that often occurs with mechanical recycling.  Plastic Pollution

Third, it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by saving energy and resources that would otherwise be used to produce new plastics from fossil fuels.Q

Q    What are the challenges of chemical recycling?

A.  Chemical recycling also faces some challenges that need to be overcome before it can be widely adopted. One of them is the high cost and energy consumption of the processes, which depend on the type and quality of the plastic waste and the desired output. Another challenge is the availability and accessibility of suitable plastic waste streams that can be collected and sorted for chemical recycling. A third challenge is the regulation and standardisation of chemical recycling processes and products, which vary across different countries and regions.  Plastic Pollution

Q    How can chemical recycling help solve the plastic pollution crisis?

A.  Chemical recycling is not a silver bullet that can solve the plastic pollution crisis alone. It needs to be combined with other strategies, such as reducing plastic production and consumption, improving plastic design and quality, enhancing mechanical recycling systems and infrastructure, promoting circular economy principles and practices, and raising awareness and education among consumers and stakeholders.

However, chemical recycling can play an important role in closing the loop of plastic waste management and creating a more sustainable future for plastics.

By transforming plastic waste into valuable resources that can be reused again and again, chemical recycling can help reduce environmental impacts, conserve natural resources, create new economic opportunities, and support innovation and development in the plastics industry.  Plastic Pollution


1 Recycling technologies • Plastics Europe

2 The world’s first ‘infinite’ plastic – BBC Future

3 Plastic Recycling Technology: What are the Environmental Benefits …

4 Plastic pollution: how chemical recycling technology could help fix it

5 New process could enable more efficient plastics recycling

Plastic Pollution

EU launches trade attack against China in a war it can’t win

The European Union is preparing new anti-China measures. BYD is sticking Tesla to the crown, but sales are also increasing at other Chinese EV builders. The large state-owned enterprises are investing heavily in emerging high-tech sectors. Human-like robots are in the spotlight, but the gaming sector is also catching up on the AI road. We end with a chips section.  Plastic Pollution

As part of its economic security strategy, the EU Commission has unveiled 4 technologies in which it seeks to de-crist: advanced semiconductors, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies and biotechnology. Although China is not mentioned in particular, it is clear who is targeted. The Commission is now going to flea by the end of the year to what extent the 27 Member States are exposed to risks. Ultimately, restrictions could be placed on the export or investment of European companies in high-tech sub-sectors that are classified as high risk. By next spring, four other technologies would be eligible. It involves advanced connectivity, navigation and digital technology-including IoT and blockchain-advanced sensor technology, space and propulsion technology, energy technology, robotics and advanced materials. of SCMP    Plastic Pollution

EU Commissioner for Justice Reynders has revealed on the French BFM TV that the Commission is considering a similar investigation of the windmills by analogy with the investigation into government support for electric vehicles. Interest association WindEurope has been complaining stone and leg over Chinese competition FT for some time

The European Parliament, for its part, has approved an ‘anti-compulsive’ instrument that would allow Brussels to impose tariffs, quotas, export controls or market frostbites on countries that are believed to engage in economic harassment.


Plastic Pollution

Toray Expanding European Carbon Fiber Production Facilities

Toray Industries, Inc., announced that it has decided to expand French subsidiary Toray Carbon Fibers Europe S.A.’s production facilities for regular tow* medium- and high-modulus carbon fibers. This move will increase annual capacity at the Abidos plant (South-West France) from 5,000 metric tons annually, to 6,000 metric tons. Production is expected to start in 2025.  Plastic Pollution
Demand for medium- and high-modulus carbon fibers is rising in Europe, driven by a push to move towards a net-zero society. This growth is mainly due to higher build rates for commercial aircrafts (secondary structures and engines), as well as centrifuge for energy production, satellites, and high-end automobiles. By boosting carbon fiber production capacity in Europe, Toray is responding to its customers’ demand for medium and high-modulus carbon fibers, as befits the market leader.

Toray has made sustainable growth pivotal to Project AP-G 2025, its medium-term management program. Accordingly, the company has developed solutions to tackle climate change with its carbon fiber composite materials. Toray will fully leverage its resources to help achieve a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, in keeping with its corporate philosophy of contributing to society by creating new value.  Plastic Pollution


Plastic Pollution

 World plastic production and consumption per capita

Plastic recycling is the process of recovering plastic waste and transforming it into new products.    Plastic Pollution

There are different methods of plastic recycling, such as mechanical, chemical and direct recycling1. Here is a brief overview of each method:

The plastic recycling metric ton by 2022 is not easy to estimate, as there are different sources and methods of measuring plastic waste and recycling.

We can resume so :

As you can see, these estimates vary widely depending on the data source and methodology used. Therefore, it is important to be cautious and critical when interpreting these numbers, and to consider the uncertainties and limitations involved in measuring plastic waste and recycling.  Plastic Pollution

World plastic production and consumption per capita

Saudi Arabia, Russia to continue voluntary oil cuts

Saudi Arabia and Russia said they were continuing voluntary oil cuts to year end as tightening supply and rising demand support oil prices,said Reuters.

The Saudi and Russian statements come hours before a ministerial monitoring panel of the OPEC+ group of leading oil producers convenes online later on Wednesday. The panel, called the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee, can call for a full OPEC+ meeting if warranted but sources have told Reuters it is unlikely to tweak current oil output policy.

Oil prices continued a downward trend directly following the news with Brent futures falling $1 to $89.92 a barrel but they were trading at $90.40 a barrel by 0854 GMT. OPEC+, which comprises the countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and leading allies including Russia, has been cutting output since last year in what it says is preemptive action to maintain market stability.  Plastic Pollution

The U.S. and Western allies have argued that the world needs lower prices to support economic growth and the global economy. Saudi Arabia, the OPEC de facto leader, said it would continue with its voluntary oil output cut of one million barrels per day (bpd) for the month of November and until the end of the year and that it would review the decision again next month.

The kingdom’s production for November and December will be approximately 9 million bpd, the energy ministry said in a statement. “This voluntary cut decision will be reviewed next month to consider deepening the cut or increasing production,” the statement said.

Saudi Arabia first implemented the additional voluntary cut in July and has been renewing it monthly. It said in September the cut would last until year end but would be reviewed on a monthly basis. Russia in August said it would reduce exports by 300,000 bpd until the end of this year.  Plastic Pollution

The Saudi and Russian additional voluntary cuts come on top of April cuts agreed by them and several OPEC+ producers, which extend to the end of 2024.

Saudi Arabia, Russia to continue voluntary oil cuts

Borouge and Tadweer sign partnership to explore recycling opportunities in Abu Dhabi

Borouge, a leading petrochemical company that provides innovative and differentiated polyolefin solutions and Tadweer signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore opportunities in the management and adoption of best practices in waste management, sorting and mechanical recycling of polymers, said the company.
Tadweer, part of ADQ, is the sole custodian of waste management for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and is committed to developing an integrated waste management sector and becoming a leader in extracting value from waste to contribute to national sustainability ambitions.  Plastic Pollution
Borouge and Tadweer will explore further opportunities in polymers waste sorting for mechanical recycling and the development of a sustainable ecosystem, to secure the generation of high-quality polymer recyclates using different technologies. Furthermore, the partners will join forces to establish business development and benchmarking frameworks which unlock value added business opportunities through potential joint investments in brown and greenfield assets. The agreement reinforces Borouge and Tadweer’s leading industry positions and supports their circular economy ambitions.
Both companies will be collaborating in supporting local regulatory frameworks related to the sustainable and efficient management of polymer waste. This includes the launch of public initiatives and campaigns to boost awareness about best practices in polymer waste management and recycling.  Plastic Pollution
Committed to driving circularity for a zero-waste environment, Borouge has increased the number of strategic partnerships with recycling companies and expanded its product portfolio of sustainable solutions. Today, Borouge has 18 partnerships across eight countries serving its key territories in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, marking an important milestone in its ambitions towards realising its 2030 strategy.
Borouge is a responsible petrochemical company with a portfolio of sustainable solutions. The Company works with customers, suppliers and value chain partners to address global challenges, with a comprehensive roadmap to reduce emissions. In addition, Borouge collaborates with the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi to combat a multitude of environmental issues related to waste management.  Plastic Pollution
As part of its commitment to sustainability, Tadweer has built partnerships with leading global entities in Greece, Spain, Jordan, and more. These partnerships, which are focused on the exchange of knowledge and experience, contribute to driving a circular economy and achieving a sustainable future. Tadweer’s partners play a pivotal role in supporting the company to develop an integrated waste management system, in line with the UAE’s sustainability objectives.


Borouge and Tadweer sign partnership to explore recycling opportunities in Abu Dhabi

UK implements new restrictions on single-use plastics

Commencing on 1 October 2023, the sweeping ban marks a watershed moment in the global fight against plastic waste.

On 1 October 2023, England took a significant step in its fight against plastic pollution with the introduction of new regulations banning several single-use plastic items.

In a bid to address the escalating problem of plastic pollution and litter, the UK government has implemented a series of bans and restrictions on single-use plastic items, taking effect on Sunday 1 October 2023.  Plastic Pollution

These measures, announced in January, will prohibit the sale of single-use plastic cutlery, balloon sticks, polystyrene cups and food containers across various sectors, including retailers, takeaways, food vendors and the hospitality industry.

Restrictions will also be placed on the supply of single-use plastic plates, trays and bowls.

Environmental impact and public support

Single-use plastics are known for their long-lasting environmental impact, taking hundreds of years to decompose and causing harm to oceans, rivers and land.

Furthermore, the production and disposal of plastic items contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Research indicates that in England alone, approximately 2.7 billion single-use plastic cutlery items and 721 million single-use plates are used annually, with only a meagre 10% being recycled.  Plastic Pollution

These items, if lined up, would circle the globe more than eight-and-a-half times.

The public has overwhelmingly supported these measures, with 95% of respondents in favour of the prohibitions following a government consultation. This broad support reflects a shared commitment to reducing plastic waste and littering, particularly as plastic cutlery ranked among the top 15 most littered items in the country in 2020.

Collaboration and future initiatives

The government has worked closely with industry stakeholders to facilitate their transition to compliance with the new regulations. Businesses were provided with nine months from the publication of the consultation response to prepare and deplete existing stock.

Collaboration with trade bodies and local authorities has also played a crucial role in ensuring businesses and Trading Standards officers are well-prepared for the implementation of the new rules.  Plastic Pollution

The ban does not extend to single-use plastic plates, trays and bowls used as packaging in shelf-ready pre-packaged food items. These items will be addressed within the government’s plans for an extended producer responsibility scheme, designed to incentivise producers to minimise packaging and meet higher recycling targets.

These new measures are part of the UK government’s broader commitment to combat plastic pollution and eliminate avoidable plastic waste by 2042.

Prior actions included banning microbeads in personal care products in 2018, restricting the supply of plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds in 2020 and introducing the Plastic Packaging Tax in April 2022.  Plastic Pollution


UK implements new restrictions on single-use plastics

Recycling Technology – Petrochemicals Polymers – German industrial orders rebound in August but outlook uncertain  09-10-2023

Plastic Pollution

Petrochemicals Polymers – German industrial orders rebound in August but outlook uncertain 09-09-2023

Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals Polymers

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks  PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber 

Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals Polymers

ITEM 02/10/2023 09/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,200 yuan/ton 7,025 yuan/ton -175
Bottle grade PET chips export market 905 $/ton 890 $/ton -15
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 7,100 yuan/ton 6,980 yuan/ton -120
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,170 yuan/ton 7,010 yuan/ton -160
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,240 yuan/ton 6,005 yuan/ton -235
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 790 $/ton 760 $/ton -30
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,050 yuan/ton 4,025 yuan/ton -25
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 470 $/ton 467 $/ton -3
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals Polymers

1,117 $/ton 1,050 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,094 $/ton 1,027 $/ton -67
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,250 $/ton 1,250 $/ton
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 8,050 yuan/ton 7,900 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,350 yuan/ton 9,150 yuan/ton -200
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals Polymers

9,200 yuan/ton 9,100 yuan/ton -100
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,650 yuan/ton 8,500 yuan/ton -150
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,800 yuan/ton 7,620 yuan/ton -180
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 13,000 yuan/ton 12,500 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,830 $/ton 1,900 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 14,050 yuan/ton 13,500 yuan/ton -550
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals Polymers

14,900 yuan/ton 14,400 yuan/ton -500
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,500 yuan/ton 19,400 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 17,000 yuan/ton 16,500 yuan/ton -500
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 19,150 yuan/ton 18,700 yuan/ton- -450
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  18,100 yuan/ton 17,500 yuan/ton -600
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals Polymers

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,900 yuan/ton 9,800 yuan/ton -100
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals Polymers

8,240 yuan/ton 7,940 yuan/ton -300
Benzene overseas  market 975 $/ton 908 $/ton -67
Ethylene South East market 870 $/ton 900 $/ton +30
Ethylene NWE market 785 $/ton 772 $/ton -13
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals Polymersv

10,000 yuan/ton 10,000 yuan/ton
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,100 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton +500
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,400 yuan/ton 13,400 yuan/ton
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals Polymers

7,600 yuan/ton 7,450 yuan/ton -150
Naphtha overseas market  711 $/ton 648 $/ton -37
Phenol domestic market 9,477 yuan/ton 9,112 yuan/ton -365

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –


Petrochemicals Polymers

German industrial orders rebound in August but outlook uncertain

German industrial orders rose more than expected in August due to a strong increase in computing, electronic and optical products, but the outlook for the sector remains challenging.

Orders rose by 3.9% on the previous month on a seasonally and calendar adjusted basis, the federal statistics office said on Friday.

A Reuters poll of analysts had pointed to a rise of 1.8%.

“This means that incoming orders have stabilised after a two-year decline,” said Ralph Solveen, chief economist at Commerzbank. However, this stabilisation is at a lower level than before and companies will have to gradually adjust their production in the coming months.  Petrochemicals Polymers

The less volatile three-month on three-month comparison showed that new orders were 4.9% higher in the period from June to August than in the previous three months.

The increase in August follows a sharp decline the previous month. The statistics office revised July’s drop to 11.3% compared with June, from a provisional decline of 11.7%.

In August, an increase of 37.9% on the month in the manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products drove the expansion in industrial orders. The manufacturing of electronic components was largely responsible for the increase, the statistics office said.

Foreign orders were up 3.9% on the month and domestic orders rose by 4.0%, the data showed.  Petrochemicals Polymers

“The weak external environment and the high level of uncertainty in Germany still call for caution,” said Bastian Hepperle, senior economist at Hauck Aufhaeuser Lampe Privatbank. He said the weak period in the manufacturing sector was likely to continue.

Despite the positive data for August, Germany’s manufacturing sector, which accounts for about a fifth of its economy, remains mired in a downturn.


German industrial orders rebound in August but outlook uncertain

Geneva Motor Show (GIMS) in Qatar

Sheikhs from oil to electricity. And they take Ginevra to the desert

From oil to electricity, even sheikhs change. The car is not the end, but the means to get into. Just as the rest of the world seems to want (or have to) go down: investing on four wheels is now officially the new frontier of the richest Arab countries. The strategy is always the same: attract the best to your home, exactly as has already happened for football and other forms of business. Nothing is impossible, nor too expensive for them. Not even carrying Guinevere into the desert.  Petrochemicals Polymers
This is exactly what is happening, given that the most prestigious and oldest car show in the world, after a few years of trouble, increasingly lukewarm participation from manufacturers and cancellations due to Covid, opened its awaiting Middle Eastern edition on Saturday in Doha to return to Switzerland next February. The Geneva Motor Show (GIMS) in Qatar – which will be organized every two years and always in conjunction with the Formula 1 Grand Prix – is not a scandal at all but a sign of the times, with a fundamental variant.  Petrochemicals Polymers
The idea of Middle Eastern countries is to ride the change in global mobility and invest the money earned from oil and natural gas in renewables and electric cars. The desire, in many cases, is to support a foreign brand and then find a way to also invite it to build its cars in the Emirates, contributing to the growth of the local economy.
Rich Arab entrepreneurs continue to buy European luxury cars to show off behind the wheel on the Corniche in Doha or at the Dubai Marina, where Ferraris and Lamborghinis, Bentleys and Rolls-Royces circulate as if they were giving them away: traditional custom-built cars remain a status symbol here. But this attraction, which was also reflected at the level of investments for Gulf companies that purchased shareholdings in traditional brands, seems to be over. Today, with the ecological transition, Arab funds are looking less and less at Europe and more and more at China, master of the electric car with its brands, still little known in our latitudes but very popular elsewhere.  Petrochemicals Polymers
CYVN Holding, for example, recently signed a deal to buy 7% of NIO. The Abu Dhabi government fund will thus contribute to giving an injection of liquidity (700 million euros) to the Shanghai company. While the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia has declared that it is ready to invest around 5 billion euros in Human Horizons, a Chinese brand that has recently made its debut in Europe with two premium electric cars under the HiPhi brand.
Not only participations, but also production. It happened with Iconiq Holding Limited, a startup founded by Chinese entrepreneur Allen Wu in 2016 and purchased in 2022 by NWTN, a Dubai-based company financed by Sultan Investments, a giant in the Emirati real estate sector. NWTN has built a factory in China and one in Dubai where it assembles cars coming from China. Saudi Arabia, which is already ready to debut on the market with Ceer, the first brand of the monarchy which is part of a joint venture between the sovereign fund Pif and the Taiwanese multinational, is also the main investor of the American Lucid Motors which has received an order for 100 thousand vehicles over ten years from local authorities, and which will produce its 100% battery-powered vehicles in a factory near Jeddah, near the Red Sea. The initiative is part of the program launched by the Riyadh government to diversify the local economy and achieve, by 2030, a 30% sales mix covered by battery-powered cars.  Petrochemicals Polymers
It is normal, with these premises, that a country like Qatar brings home the most famous event dedicated to the sector, with the participation of many Chinese manufacturers alongside Toyota, Kia, Porsche, Volkswagen, Audi, Lamborghini, Mercedes and BMW which here they obviously brought their most luxurious models (but not only) and 10 world “firsts”. «We have created a completely new car festival, respectful of the Geneva tradition but with an innovative format – explains Sandro Mesquita, CEO of GIMS who has signed an agreement with the Qatari authorities for 5 editions over the next ten years -. No longer just an exhibition, but dynamic tests on the track and in the desert for the public.”
But Doha is focusing on broader projects.  Petrochemicals Polymers

«For our country – explains the Qatari Minister of Tourism Saad Bin Ali Kharji – the GIMS is the most prestigious and influential automotive experience in the Middle East. An important step also in terms of hospitality in the strategy that will help us become the fastest growing destination in this part of the world by 2030.”

Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals Polymers

Recycling Technology – Petrochemicals Polymers – German industrial orders rebound in August but outlook uncertain  09-10-2023

Recycling Technology

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Petrochemicals Polymers – German industrial orders rebound in August but outlook uncertain 


Recycling Technology

Toray Develops Glass Fiber-Reinforced PPS Recycling Technology

Matches performance of virgin content, reduces CO2 emissions

Toray Industries, Inc. has developed a technology that makes it possible to recycle glass fiber-reinforced polyphenylene sulfide (PPS-GFRP) whose performance matches initial performance of virgin resins. By Increasing recycling ratio of PPS GFRP, it will contribute to reducing CO2 emission.  Recycling Technology

PPS resin is an engineering plastic with excellent heat resistance and chemical resistance. More than 90% of PPS resin is glass fiber reinforced and applied for various types of industrial applications. Also, PPS resin has excellent insulation resistance. It is applied for electronic parts such as semiconductors and EV parts. Demand of PPS resin is expected to increase along with these applications and the need of PPS recycling reins.

The conventional process for recycling PPS-GFRP shortens glass fibers and breaks them. This significantly decreases mechanical strength. To meet the performance requirements of resin molded products, manufacturers generally apply them in applications with lower quality requirements.  Recycling Technology

This makes it difficult to increase the recycling ratio of PPS resin.

Toray developed pellets for recycling materials by leveraging proprietary compounding technology to blend PPS resin with special reinforcing fibers. Blending these pellets with recycled material makes it possible to maintain comparable performance with virgin material and can be applied to same application, such as horizontal recycling and expected to be used for various applications.

This technology can deliver comparable mechanical strength with injection grade moldings wholly made with virgin material. This is even when recycled material accounts for 50% or more of the PPS-GFRP. Another benefit of 50% recycled content is that it reduces CO2 emission by at least 40%.  Recycling Technology

The company is working on technologies to broaden variations by designing different resins and additives in pellets for recycling materials. It looks to supply recycled PPS- GFRP pellets after engineering optimal pellet blend ratios and formulations that meet customer demand requirements and by drawing on Materials Informatics-based prediction technologies.

Collaborating with several molding companies and other business partners, Toray has already embarked on closed recycling initiatives with its technology. One move has been to supply customers with recycled PPS-GFRP pellets blended with those for materials recycling based on process remnants from customer plants. The company is also conducting tests to verify horizontal recycling and prepare for commercialization with cooperations from customers.  Recycling Technology

Toray plans to seek more partners to create a recycling scheme and will foster the use in open recycling for materials recovered from the marketplace, thus helping to realize a sustainable economy. A first step will be to develop sample work, primarily for customers in Japan, thereafter, launching offerings under Ecouse, Toray’s integrated brand for recycled materials and products.

One goal of the Toray Group Sustainability Vision for 2050 is to contribute to a world in in which resources are sustainably managed.  Recycling Technology

Recycling Technology

Coca-Cola India has expanded its 100% recycled PET bottles for its packaged drinking water brand Kinley, launching the bottles in pack sizes of 250 milliliters and 750 milliliters for Coca-Cola.

The recycled bottles are manufactured by Coca-Cola’s bottling partners Moon Beverages, and SLMG Beverages. They are made from 100% food-grade recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET), except for the caps and labels. The recycled plastic is approved by the U.S. FDA and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for food-grade recycled material and repurposed into new PET bottles.  Recycling Technology

“PET plastic bottles have value beyond their first life,” Sanjeev Agarwal, chairman, Moon Beverages (part of MMG Group), said in a statement. “Our new bottles made with food-grade rPET are recyclable and can become another bottle giving it another life. Recycled PET is a big move in the right direction to embrace plastic circularity in India.”

The company said it was the first to launch a one-litre bottle made from 100% recycled PET. Coca-Cola now offers the recycled bottles in more than 40 markers. The iconic brand also has a goal, dubbed World Without Waste, to meet 50% of recycled content by 2030.

In addition, Coca-Cola is aiming to collect and recycle the equivalent of a bottle or can for every one the company sells globally by 2030. Plus, it wants to make 100% of its packaging recyclable by 2025.  Recycling Technology

“We produced the first bottle of Coca-Cola in India and are proud to be amongst the first bottlers to produce the rPET variant,” said Paritosh Ladhani, managing director, SLMG Beverages. “We are committed to sustainability and SLMG is enthused to drive meaningful change and build a sustainable future.”

The use of recycled PET in food packaging was approved by the Food Safety Authority of India. Other agencies, including the Government of India’s, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and the Bureau of Indian Standards, have facilitated the use of recycled plastics in food and beverage packaging.  Recycling Technology

The actions in India follow the Coca-Cola Bangladesh launch of 100% rPET bottles in December 2022 — making it the first market in Southwest Asia to introduce Kinley water bottles in one-liter packages.

Coca-Cola also has a “Return and Recycle” initiative with Zepto that gathers bottles directly from consumers.


Recycling Technology

Mandatory Bottle Return System to be Introduced Next Year

From January 1, 2023, the mandatory bottle return system will start in Hungary. The government’s aim is to enable Hungary to switch to a circular economy as quickly as possible.  Recycling Technology

A mandatory bottle return system will be in place from the beginning of next year, with the decree laid down in the latest issue of the Hungarian Gazette published on Wednesday evening. The products subject to the mandatory return fee include all glass, metal, plastic bottles and cans of beverage products with a capacity of between one deciliter and three liters, with the exception of milk and milk-based beverage products.

Manufacturers are obliged to place a legally required marking on these products, the communications department of the Ministry of Energy announced.

Anikó Raisz, Secretary of State responsible for environment and circular economy, stated that this system will contribute to Hungary achieving a 90 percent PET bottle recycling rate in a few years.  Recycling Technology

The fee for mandatory returnable non-reusable beverage packaging will be HUF 50 (EUR 0.13) per item.

For products and refillable bottles with a voluntary return fee, the manufacturers will determine the amount that customers can get back after returning them.

The mandatory return of the bottles must be provided by reverse vending machines in groceries with a sales area of more than 400 square meters, and mandatory return points in municipalities with more than 1,000 inhabitants. Retail outlets that are obliged to operate reverse vending machines will soon be able to register at MOHU MOL Waste Management Zrt., while stores with smaller sales areas can join the system on a voluntary basis.  Recycling Technology


Mandatory Bottle Return System to be Introduced Next Year

Polyplastics launches new material at Fakuma 2023

Textile-to-textile – PCR and Bio-based Closures for Circular Flexible Packaging 07-10-2023

Recycling Technology

Textile-to-textile – PCR and Bio-based Closures for Circular Flexible Packaging 07-10-2023


Renewcell Expands The CIRCULOSE® Supplier Network To 116 Members, Increasing The Marketplace For Textiles Made With CIRCULOSE®

Renewcell, featuring textile-to-textile recycling at scale, announces the expansion of the CIRCULOSE® Supplier Network (CSN) to 116 members, marking a significant milestone in the journey toward a circular textile industry. This expansion brings an infusion of innovation, diversity, and global reach, increasing the number of materials made with CIRCULOSE® that are available to source now.

The CIRCULOSE® Supplier Network, initially composed of 47 yarn and textile producers, has now evolved to include a diverse range of 116 members. Particularly of note is the geographical expansion, with new members joining from regions such as Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Czech Republic.  Textile-to-textile

The extension into the Southeast Asian region reaffirms Renewcell’s commitment to advancing circular fashion on a global scale.

In addition to the geographic diversification, this growth includes onboarding a dozen knitters and more than thirty yarn spinners, enhancing the variety of qualities made with CIRCULOSE® that are available for all brands to source. This expansion signifies a considerable step forward in ensuring that brands worldwide have access to a wide array of materials made with CIRCULOSE®.

A significant development within this expansion is the inclusion of home textile suppliers for the first time, including Sharadha Terry Products, The Kadri Mills, and Yang Tsu. This strategic addition opens up new possibilities for integrating CIRCULOSE® into various facets of the textile industry, reaffirming the network’s adaptability and potential.

Patrik Lundström, CEO at Renewcell, emphasizes the importance of this expansion: “The CIRCULOSE® Supplier Network plays a pivotal role in scaling up the availability of yarns and fabrics made with CIRCULOSE®. With a more diverse network across the textile supply chain, fashion brands now have a broader range of sustainable options to incorporate CIRCULOSE® into their designs.”  Textile-to-textile

“Right now, Sustainability is not just a trend. It’s our need to make the future green,” states Shakaib Nazim, General Manager Marketing at Indigo. “Indigo Textile mill isn’t just a place of production; it’s a hub of innovation for sustainable denim. Our CIRCULOSE® denim fabric range is the perfect fit for style and sustainability. Our next step towards sustainability growth is to convert our core line fabrics with CIRCULOSE® fiber.”

Hatice Ates, Product Design and Development Manager at Ekoten, explains, “At Ekoten Fabrics, we are aware that circularity is the key to the fashion industry’s fight against climate change. We believe that the circularity of the fashion industry will be achieved through timeless designs and sustainable material selection. In this direction, we attach great importance to the use of cellulosic raw materials from secondary raw materials with low environmental impact.

We are delighted to join the CIRCULOSE® Supplier Network, which carries out disruptive innovation endeavors in this field.”  Textile-to-textile

More… Textile-to-textile

Europe has the evidence: China violates the rules on electric cars

Chinese electric cars receive subsidies from the People’s Republic of China, in violation of European Union rules.

Announced a few weeks ago by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles from China has already yielded initial results.

And the situation revealed is what many had suspected: Chinese electric cars benefit from subsidies from the People’s Republic.

This operation violates the European article for “defense against subsidized imports from non-European Union countries.”  Textile-to-textile

Here is the evidence: In the document published on the official website of the European Commission, the evidence supporting the thesis is outlined:

• Direct transfer of funds and potential direct fund transfers or bonds.

• Waiver by the public administration of otherwise due revenues or non-collection of the same.

• Provision of goods or services by the public administration for a consideration lower than the appropriate amount.

Additionally, as reported by the European Commission, “various subsidies, loans, export credits, and lines of credit granted by state-owned banks” are added to these elements.

In summary: the Chinese government subsidizes its manufacturers, economically incentivizing them through favorable loans, minimal or even absent taxation, to export their electric cars.  Textile-to-textile

An Urgent Issue “These subsidies have allowed a rapid increase in the market share of subsidized imports in the EU, to the detriment of the Union’s industry,” the document states, emphasizing how Chinese policies are creating an unfair competitive situation, threatening manufacturers in Europe.

Indeed, pricing is one of the key issues in the global automotive transition, with prices higher than those of conventional models but artificially lowered by the People’s Republic. The evidence available to the Commission also indicates that subsidized import prices are significantly lower than those of the Union’s industry, to the extent that they exert downward pressure on prices or prevent price increases that would otherwise have occurred, consequently putting significant pressure on sales, market shares, and profit margins of the Union.    Textile-to-textile

This is particularly important in a context where the Union’s industry will need to achieve higher sales volumes in the battery electric vehicle market to absorb the substantial investments it must make to remain competitive in the transition to full electrification.

The increased imports of low-priced battery electric vehicles originating from the People’s Republic of China, capturing significant shares of a growing market, would result in heavy losses for the Union’s industry, which could quickly become unsustainable.

Tariffs on the Horizon? The evidence gathered so far does not conclusively resolve the issue, with investigations and discussions expected to continue for some time.

According to European regulations, the maximum limit is set at 13 months, meaning that any conclusions must be presented by the beginning of November 2024.

However, the European Union can begin taking action earlier: according to Union regulations, protective market measures can be implemented within nine months. In other words: customs tariffs.  Textile-to-textile

By doing so, the gap between European and Chinese models would be narrowed, with the latter subject to higher taxes to offset the tax breaks and economic benefits granted by the People’s Republic.


Milliken & Company Brings Plastic Additive Portfolio to ArabPlast 2023

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231005188625/en/

DeltaMax performance modifiers help balance melt flow, impact strength, and stiffness to increase overall performance and enable wider recycled polypropylene (rPP) use. (Photos © 2023 Milliken & Company)

Fortified and enhanced by Milliken’s innovative portfolio, plastics can take on performance-driven characteristics like increased clarity and strength and improved recyclability and emissions reductions, while supporting inter-material replacement opportunities and enabling recycled content utilization during production. Brands and manufacturers can also harness tangible gains from utilizing Milliken’s additive portfolio that help advance their own sustainability goals and metrics. These benefits align with Milliken’s enterprise-wide sustainability goals, including contributing to plastics end-of-life solutions, and reinforce Milliken’s path to achieving its SBTi-verified near- and long-term net-zero targetsSBTi-verified near- and long-term net-zero targetsTextile-to-textile

“As experts in the field of additive and colorant technologies, Milliken is uniquely positioned to help further the circular economy for plastics with a range of solutions that promote reduction, reuse, recycling and replacement strategies—solutions that very much align with Milliken’s overarching sustainability commitment,” shared Wim Van de Velde, global vice president of plastic additives for Milliken.

ArabPlast attendees can explore Milliken’s leading clarifier, modifier and additive products, including:

  • Millad® NX® 8000 ECO, a clarifying agent for polypropylene (PP) that boosts clarity, enables faster production rates and reduces energy use. This product is certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to provide average energy savings of 10% for the production of injection molded clarified PP parts.
  • Hyperform® HPN®, performance additives for PP, deliver an improved balance in stiffness and impact-resistant properties while reducing energy use. The Hyperform line is certified by UL to enable 5% to 8% energy savings when this product is used as a nucleator when producing thin-wall injection-molded PP container lids and similar PP applications.  Textile-to-textile
  • DeltaMax®, performance modifiers for virgin and recycled PP, is unique in its ability to balance melt flow, impact strength, and stiffness to increase overall performance. DeltaMax helps converters reduce energy by running machines with faster cycle times or lower temperatures.
  • DeltaFlow™ Viscosity Modifiers are solid concentrates designed to specifically help PP recyclers by increasing the melt flow rate of recycled polypropylene (rPP) for extrusion and injection molding processes.
  • UltraGuard™ Solutions are concentrates that improve barrier properties in polyethylene (PE) to enable downgauging for reduced material usage and part weight, allowing designers to create more mono-material products to improve end-stage recyclability.  Textile-to-textile

“We are a technology leader in the plastics ecosystem,” added Van de Velde. “But we understand the importance of collaboration to achieve critical sustainability milestones, which is why we’re working within the industry to envision the future of circular plastics.”



revalyu Resources Breaks Ground On Its First PET Recycling Facility In The United States

Leaders from revalyu Resources, Heraeus Group, and the Development Authority of Bulloch County were joined by state and local officials to celebrate revalyu breaking ground on their first advanced PET (polyethylene terephthalate) recycling facility in America located at Gateway Regional Park in Statesboro, GA.   revalyu is investing over $200 million to build a plant capable of recycling 200 million pounds (90,000 metric tons) of post-consumer PET plastic a year.

Customer applications have shown that the quality of recycled PET from plastic bottles is equivalent to that of virgin PET and can be used as a direct replacement. Once converted into high quality recycled PET, revalyu’s rPET chips can be used to produce any kind of sustainable PET product.  Textile-to-textile

Currently, it is mostly used in the textile industry for applications such as seamless knitting, weaving, denim, automotive, furniture or technical textiles.

revalyu has already recycled over 6 billion bottles in India. Due to its unique recycling process based on glycolysis, the quality of revalyu’s rPET (recycled PET) products enables its customers to replace conventional oil-based PET with revalyu’s more sustainable rPET. Compared to conventional PET, revalyu’s rPET is produced using 75% less water, 91% less energy, and saves around 0.7 barrels of oil and 0.2 cubic meters of landfill space per 2000 pounds of PET recycled.

According to Jan van Kisfeld, Managing Director of revalyu, the company plans to recycle the equivalent of 25 million plastic bottles per day at its Georgia facility. He noted that, “Our first plant in the US is a very important step for the global expansion of our company. Our existing and future US customers have a huge demand for our 100% recycled pellets, which are equivalent in quality to conventional oil-based PET pellets. This advanced recycling plant will serve our customers directly from the US, enabling quicker transportation time, lower cost and a smaller CO2 footprint.”  Textile-to-textile

Dr. Vivek Tandon, Founder of revalyu states: “Used PET plastic can now be efficiently, profitably and easily recycled again and again without degradation of quality.  Our already commercialized revolutionary process will transform the PET plastic industry as we know it.  In the years to come, less and less PET will be manufactured from oil as it is replaced by high quality recycled material. I thank Bulloch County for their incredible support, we could not have chosen a better partner for our international expansion.”

Lanxess Mesamoll plasticizer made more sustainable

Reduces carbon footprint; no impact on product quality

Sustainability, plasticizer, plastics, Mesamoll, sustainable raw materials, reduced product carbon footprint, PCF

In an important step towards more sustainability in its plasticizer portfolio, specialty chemicals company Lanxess‘ polymer additives (PLA) business unit now offers a more sustainable solution for its plasticizer Mesamoll. The phthalate-free, well-gelling and saponification-resistant plasticizer can be applied for a wide range of polymers, such as PVC, PUR and rubber.  Textile-to-textile

“The switch to a more sustainable raw material base in the production of Mesamoll is a testament to Lanxess’ commitment to sustainability,” says Karsten Job, head of the Polymer Additives business. “Helping our customers to reduce their carbon footprint while meeting the demands of our customers for phthalate-free, reliable, and performing solutions makes us a front-runner in the market.”

In the future, more than 30% of the input materials for Mesamoll will come from fully sustainable sources resulting in a reduction in the product carbon footprint (PCF) of around 20%. As this is calculated via the mass balance approach by the supplier of the respective raw materials, there is no impact on the product quality or performance of Mesamoll.

“We want to actively shape the transformation of our industry,” says Stefan Tiebach, Head of Global Marketing at PLA. “At Lanxess, we firmly believe in leading by example and that is why we decided to stop the distribution of our conventional Mesamoll and are solely distributing the more sustainable version starting on 1 October, 2023. Our customers will continue to receive the usual product quality with the additional benefit of an improved sustainability profile.”  Textile-to-textile

Lanxess says it is committed to further reduce the PCF for its plasticizer Mesamoll in the future, even though the current, reduced PCF is significantly lower than most alternative plasticizers on the market.

Lanxess is a specialty chemicals company with sales of 8.1 billion Euros in 2022. Its core business is the development, manufacturing and marketing of chemical intermediates, additives and consumer protection products.

The impact, resilience, and growth of responsible packaging in a wide region are daily chronicled by Packaging South Asia.

A multi-channel B2B publication and digital platform such as Packaging South Asia is always aware of the prospect of new beginnings and renewal. Its 16-year-old print monthly, based in New Delhi, India has demonstrated its commitment to progress and growth. The Indian and Asian packaging industries have shown resilience in the face of ongoing challenges over the past three years.  Textile-to-textile

As we present our publishing plan for 2023, India’s real GDP growth for the financial year ending 31 March 2023 will reach 6.3%. Packaging industry growth has exceeded GDP growth even when allowing for inflation in the past three years.

The capacity for flexible film manufacturing in India increased by 33% over the past three years. With orders in place, we expect another 33% capacity addition from 2023 to 2025. Capacities in monocartons, corrugation, aseptic liquid packaging, and labels have grown similarly. The numbers are positive for most of the economies in the region – our platform increasingly reaches and influences these.  Textile-to-textile


Lanxess Mesamoll plasticizer made more sustainable

Partnership previews upcoming sustainable packaging to enable circular economy at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023.

Accredo Packaging, a member of the API Group, and Presto Specialty Products, a business unit of Reynolds Consumer Products, came together to create the Child Guard flexible package for retailer Costco’s signature Kirkland Ultra Clean laundry detergent in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which won the 2023 Gold Sustainability award from the Flexible Packaging Association.  Textile-to-textile

At PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023, the companies previewed a post-consumer recycled (PCR) edition of the Child Guard that has since launched.

The PCR Child Guard is made up of at least 25% PCR materials. The closure is opened by pressing down into a small notch with the mechanism. Pressing down on any other section of the zipper, the flexible pouch will remain closed.

“The level of recycled content inside the zipper helps to enable higher recycled content in the overall structure because it’s all done by weight. We are really excited about the partnership with Presto on that specific and we’ve got some exciting things on the horizon,” says Jonathan Quinn, vice president of marketing and sustainability at Accredo, a vertically integrated converter with a strong focus on sustainability.

Presto’s Fresh-Lock+ is also releasing a new line of closures made from bio-based materials, originating from sugar cane, which absorbs carbon during its growth cycle. These closures can be processed and recycled in the recyclable recovery stream.


PCR and Bio-based Closures for Circular Flexible Packaging

Netstal presents new brand positioning

Shortly before Fakuma in Friedrichshafen, Germany, Netstal is presenting itself with a new brand identity. The company has defined the values ‘Leading, Reliable and Value-creating’ as the core of the corporate brand. With a contemporary corporate design, this positioning is intended to be communicated to the outside world.

The self-formulated mission is to sustainably maximise the added value of customers from the strategic application fields of thin-wall packaging, closures, PET preforms and medical technology.    Textile-to-textile

With the new message to the target groups ‘Your best choice’, Netstal also hopes to address new target groups: “Today the shortage of skilled employees is an urgent challenge. More than ever, we want to present ourselves as an attractive employer, retain existing employees and attract new talent,” emphasises Renzo Davatz, CEO of Netstal and member of the KraussMaffei Executive Board.

New logo, new homepage

The heart of the new corporate design is the graphically revised company logo. “In modernizing it, we have been careful to respect Netstal’s long tradition. Clearly recognizable remains the familiar diamond shape, which has been opened up on the sides and forms a harmonious frame for the lettering,” says Michael Birchler, Head of Marketing and Communications at Netstal. “In a figurative sense, this also says that we are opening ourselves up to new opportunities and challenges. These include topics such as digitalisation and sustainability or the conscious use of the valuable plastic material. At the same time, we remain true to our core competence, and that is the injection moulding machine,” adds Renzo Davatz.  Textile-to-textile

On the new Netstal website, customers, partners, and job seekers can gather information and get in touch with the company. In the new download centre, technical data is available for all current series of Netstal injection moulding machines. With user-oriented filter options, the selection can be narrowed down according to application area, drive technology, shot weight and tie-bar distance. The data sheets are available for download with either metric or imperial units of measurement. “We want to reduce hurdles and provide our customers and interested parties with the best possible support in the planning phase. That’s why we are also opening in this regard and making the required data freely available on the internet,” explains Wolfgang Zangerle, Head of Business Intelligence at Netstal.

Injection moulding machines reflect the new look

With the switch to the latest Axos 9 controller generation, Netstal has also applied its new corporate design to the current machine portfolio. The dominant colours of the covers are dark blue and white. Three-dimensional logos in chrome steel look has been designed to emphasise high quality and independence. Large window areas continue to provide insights into the inner workings of the clamping units of the machines, all of which are equipped with toggle lever technology.  Textile-to-textile


Netstal presents new brand positioning

Plastic Pyrolysis Oil – Microban Launches Ascera™: A Patent-Pending, Cutting-Edge Antimicrobial Technology Inspired By Nature 06-10-2023


Plastic Pyrolysis Oil – Microban Launches Ascera™: A Patent-Pending, Cutting-Edge Antimicrobial Technology Inspired By Nature 06-10-2023

Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Pyrolysis Oil Pricing Indexes: Shaping the Future of Plastic Waste Recycling

In the ongoing battle against plastic waste, the need for reliable pricing indicators has become more critical than ever. In a significant development, ICIS, a renowned consulting firm known for its expertise in tracking prices of virgin and recycled plastics and other chemical commodities, has unveiled a groundbreaking service known as the Pyrolysis Oil Pricing Indexes. This innovative index aims to shed light on the pricing dynamics of pyrolysis oil, a product obtained through the chemical recycling of waste plastics. The Pyrolysis Oil Pricing Indexes will be seamlessly integrated into the existing Mixed Plastic Waste – Europe report, introduced in 2021, leading to a name change for the report itself: it will now be known as Mixed Plastic Waste and Pyrolysis Oil.

The existing Mixed Plastic Waste pricing service has already been instrumental in capturing the prices of mixed polyolefin bales and high-plastic-content waste bales, two key sources from which pyrolysis oil is derived.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

With the addition of pyrolysis oil pricing data, this comprehensive index will cover the pricing trends and market dynamics of the two primary methods of plastic waste recycling: mechanical and chemical recycling.

One significant aspect highlighted by ICIS is that pyrolysis oil prices do not necessarily follow the trends observed in equivalent virgin feedstocks. This divergence underscores the unique nature of this emerging market, where reliable and independent price indicators have been notably absent.

As per ICIS Recycling Supply Tracker – Chemical, waste plastic pyrolysis plants, particularly those focused on mixed polyolefins, currently constitute approximately 60% of all chemical recycling capacity in Europe. This sector is poised for remarkable growth, with European capacity projected to increase nearly sevenfold by 2028, reaching approximately 600,000 tons annually based on projects that have reached the final investment decision (FID) stage.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Moreover, when considering projects that are still in the announcement phase but have not yet reached FID, the total capacity for pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste could potentially reach a staggering 1.7 million tons annually within the next five years. This forecast demonstrates the immense potential of chemical recycling in addressing the plastic waste crisis and transforming waste materials into valuable resources.

The introduction of the Pyrolysis Oil Pricing Indexes is a pivotal moment in the field of plastic waste recycling. By providing accurate and up-to-date pricing information for pyrolysis oil, ICIS is empowering stakeholders across the industry with the data they need to make informed decisions. This includes recyclers, manufacturers, investors, policymakers, and environmental advocates who are all dedicated to creating a sustainable future by reducing plastic waste.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

One of the key advantages of the index is its ability to bridge a significant gap in the market. Unlike traditional recycling practices, which often rely on mechanical processes, pyrolysis represents a chemical recycling method. This means that it can handle a wider range of plastics, including those that are challenging to recycle mechanically. Pyrolysis offers a pathway to recycle mixed and contaminated plastics effectively, helping to divert more waste from landfills and incineration.

Additionally, the Pyrolysis Oil Pricing Indexes will promote transparency and stability in the pyrolysis oil market. This is crucial for the industry’s long-term growth and the development of a circular economy for plastics. Transparent pricing mechanisms encourage investment, innovation, and the adoption of sustainable practices, further driving the transition away from linear, disposable plastic consumption.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

As the demand for sustainable solutions to plastic waste continues to grow, the Pyrolysis Oil Pricing Indexes will serve as an invaluable tool for tracking market trends, evaluating investment opportunities, and shaping the future of plastic waste recycling. Its integration into the Mixed Plastic Waste – Europe report underscores the importance of pyrolysis oil as a key component in the evolving landscape of plastic recycling.

In conclusion, ICIS’s launch of the Pyrolysis Oil Pricing Indexes is a significant step forward in addressing the global plastic waste crisis. With the capacity of pyrolysis recycling set to soar in the coming years, the need for accurate and independent pricing information is paramount. This index not only fills that gap but also heralds a new era in the recycling industry, where the transformation of plastic waste into valuable resources is guided by data-driven insights and sustainability principles.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Wood and OMV sign collaboration agreement for plastic recycling technology

Wood has signed a collaboration agreement with OMV for the commercial licensing of its innovative plastic recycling technology, ReOil®. This agreement will support significant advancements in chemical-based plastic recycling, helping to build a circular economy solution for end-of-life plastics that would otherwise be sent to landfill or waste incineration.

OMV, the integrated energy, fuels & feedstock and chemicals & materials company, developed the proprietary ReOil technology to convert plastic waste into pyrolysis oil, a valuable resource primarily used to produce high-performing and sustainable plastics. ReOil offers an innovative solution to support the growth of plastic recycling – it is estimated that around 60% of plastics production will come from recycled feedstock by 2050.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Under the agreement, Wood and OMV will bring ReOil jointly to the market, combining Wood’s proprietary heater technology with OMV’s chemical recycling process. The companies have established a combined technology and engineering delivery team to support clients with the implementation of ReOil at their sites. In addition, Wood will work with ReOil licensees to provide full asset lifecycle support globally.

Craig Shanaghey, Wood’s Executive President of Projects, said: “Building on our excellent long-term relationship with OMV, we are excited to formally partner on the ReOil technology. ReOil is a proven solution to the complex problem of plastic waste and aligns with Wood’s strategic priorities to design a more sustainable future. We look forward to working with OMV to deploy this technology at scale.”  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Daniela Vlad, Executive Vice President Chemicals & Materials at OMV, said: “We are delighted to enter this long-term relationship with Wood to provide a licensing offer which will further enable global licensees to make use of future circular economy solutions. This is in line with our strategic priorities to establish OMV as a leader in renewable and circular economy solutions and diversify our portfolio by entering adjacent products and business areas.”

A ReOil pilot plant has been operating in the OMV refinery in Schwechat, Austria since 2018 and has processed end-of-life plastics for more than 22,000 hours to date. A 16,000 tons per year ReOil plant is currently in construction at the same site and Wood is working with OMV on the development of an industrial-scale plant with a capacity of 200,000 tons per year.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil


Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Arçelik – Bio-attributed polystyrene in the refrigerator

In its commitment to sustainability in the use of plastics, the Turkish appliance manufacturer Arçelik (part of the Koç group) has chosen to use polystyrene grades obtained from biobased raw materials, attributed by mass balance, for some components of its innovative latest generation Bio Fridge refrigerators, such as the internal linings and drawers.
This bio-attributed styrenic resin maintains the same properties and characteristics of its conventional counterpart, being indistinguishable from it, but offers a significant advantage in terms of reducing the carbon footprint. The attribution of renewable raw materials, starting from styrene, and their traceability along the production chain are guaranteed by an ISCC Plus certified mass balance.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil
Trinseo launched two years ago the Styron BIO85 HIPS and Styron BIO95 GPPS grades, produced with bio-attributed styrene, which boast a reduction in product carbon footprint (PCF) of 71% and 84% compared to variants obtained from fossil sources.
Arçelik has made a commitment to achieve a percentage of 40% recycled plastic and 5% bio-attributed materials in all its products by 2030, thus demonstrating its commitment to environmental sustainability.
Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Eni’s record discovery: a field of 140 billion cubic meters of gas in Indonesia

Eni has identified a significant gas field in Indonesia, located approximately 85 kilometers off the coast of Kalimantan. This discovery confirms the crucial importance of methane in the context of the energy transition.

Initial estimates indicate that the field, identified by the Geng North-1 well, drilled to a depth of 5,025 meters in 1,947 meters of water depth, in the North Ganal license, has total volumes of approximately 140 billion cubic meters of gas and contains approximately 400 million barrels of condensates.
Eni’s CEO, Claudio Descalzi, speaking to CNBC, underlined that gas remains fundamental to meeting ever-growing energy demand, highlighting its importance in several regions such as China, India and Europe.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

He defined the discovery of Geng North as “strategic”, given its proximity to growing markets and its position close to structures already discovered in the past, allowing to consider the start of a new production hub.
Geng North, given its location and size, has the potential to significantly contribute to a new production hub in the northern part of the Kutei Basin, connecting to the Bontang liquefaction (LNG) sites on the East Kalimantan coast.

The Geng North well is adjacent to the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) area, which includes several undeveloped discoveries.

Eni’s goal is to achieve a production mix of 60% gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) by 2030, with an increase in proprietary LNG production.

By that date, installed renewable energy capacity is expected to exceed 15 gigawatts through the Plenitude project.

This year, capacity will reach 3 gigawatts.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Recycling CO2 to produce methanol

A question of balance

Reducing global Greenhouse Gases emissions to net zero by 2050 increasingly hangs on our ability to make a significant change in our relationship with CO2. Perhaps the most critical component of the global economy, until now, we have treated it as a waste stream and discarded it in the atmosphere. For the world to end its reliance on fossil fuels, CO2 must instead be treated as a precious resource that we re-cycle and reuse. Carbon will continue to be needed to support human progress, but we must manage it within a closed loop system to make it sustainable.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Since 2006 CRI has pioneered the development of the technology required to produce sustainable methanol from carbon emissions and is rolling it out to help partners achieve industrial scale Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) projects.

Capturing CO2 emissions, combining them with green or recovered H2 to produce methanol and feeding them back into our industrial processes as a renewable energy source and feed stock, provides an accelerated path toward a Circular Economy.

Renewable methanol enables a rapidly growing proportion of the global economy to become carbon neutral using existing processes and infrastructures, by enabling collaboration between different sectors to reduce overall CO2 emissions.

In China, a CO2-producing industry is supplying carbon neutral methanol as raw material for chemical production, instead of emitting.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

In Scandinavia a CO2-producing smelter will soon supply clean burning fuel for maritime transport.

The carbon dioxide challenge

Compared with the pre-industrial era, levels of CO2 in our atmosphere are now 50% higher and still rising. The first 25% of that increase took 200 years, but it has taken only 30 years to double. The primary cause of that increase is our dependence on fossil fuels as an energy source.

The consequence of this sharp rise is going to be global warming and the current levels of CO2 already represent an unavoidable temperature rise, accompanied by environmental effects such as rising sea levels.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil


Recycling CO2 to produce methanol

Repsol selects Honeywell technology for biofuel production in Spain

Honeywell International Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.) announced that Repsol S.A. (Madrid, Spain) has licensed Honeywell Ecofining technology to produce renewable fuels from feedstocks such as used cooking oil and waste animal fat at Repsol’s facility in Puertollano, Spain. Repsol is designing this plant to convert approximately 240,000 metric tons per year (m.t./yr) of waste feeds/feedstocks to renewable diesel and other products.

The Honeywell UOP Ecofining process will provide Repsol with an efficient and high yield solution to produce renewable fuels and petrochemical precursors from residual feedstocks.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

“Renewable fuels are a key pillar in our commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and Honeywell is providing us with the cutting-edge Ecofining technology to accomplish this,” said Berta Cabello, Repsol’s Director of Renewable Fuels. “This will be Repsol’s second plant exclusively dedicated to producing 100% renewable fuels, allowing us to lead the market for these products in the Iberian Peninsula where we already have more than 20 service stations supplying 100% renewable diesel.”

“Honeywell’s Ecofining technology will allow Repsol to economically convert waste feeds into renewable fuels and reduce its carbon footprint,” said Barry Glickman, vice president and general manager, Honeywell Sustainable Technology Solutions. “Renewable Diesel and SAF can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional diesel or aviation fuel.”    Plastic Pyrolysis Oil


Repsol selects Honeywell technology for biofuel production in Spain

Microban Launches Ascera™: A Patent-Pending, Cutting-Edge Antimicrobial Technology Inspired By Nature

Microban International is pleased to introduce its latest ground-breaking technology – AsceraTM. This patent-pending, next generation antimicrobial technology uses an active ingredient inspired by nature*, and is designed for use in olefinic polymers and solvent-based coatings. Ascera is sustainable, metal free and less toxic than alternative technologies, and provides the lifelong antimicrobial product protection that Microban is known for around the world.  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

As the global leader in antimicrobial and odor-control technologies, Microban is committed to the development of solutions that support product sustainability by extending their useful lifetimes. Ascera exemplifies the company’s commitment to sustainability by offering lasting product protection while maintaining critical attributes, such as ease of incorporation, safe handling, and good chemical, thermal and UV stability. Ascera will perform for the product’s expected lifetime when applied according to Microban’s standards, effectively inhibiting the growth of odor-causing bacteria to prevent stains and premature aging of the finished product.

“Microban has always led the antimicrobial industry with technological innovations that contribute to product sustainability,” said Dr. Souvik Nandi, Vice President of R&D at Microban International.“In the past decade, regulatory and environmental groups have put increasing pressure on many of the antimicrobial chemistries that are currently used. As a result, Microban has invested significant resources in identifying naturally occurring solutions that are more sustainable and effective. We are very proud to roll out Ascera, which represents the culmination of many years of intensive research. This is the first of an exciting series of nature-inspired solutions that we will be launching in the next few years for different market segments and material types.”  Plastic Pyrolysis Oil


Microban Launches Ascera™: A Patent-Pending, Cutting-Edge Antimicrobial Technology Inspired By Nature

Hydrogen plastic waste – Carbios’ textile preparation line ‘closes loop’ on fibre-to-fibre recycling 05-10-2023

Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Hydrogen plastic waste – Carbios’ textile preparation line ‘closes loop’ on fibre-to-fibre recycling 05-10-2023

Hydrogen plastic waste

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Flash method may be solution for hydrogen, plastic waste

Rapid flash joule heating (FJH) of waste plastics produces large quantities of hydrogen gas and high-purity graphene, researchers at Rice University in Houston, Texas, have found, a method that could turn the nascent hydrogen industry on its head if proved to be scalable.

FJH discharges current through a carbon-based product to increase the temperature up to 3,000C within a tenth of a second. The sudden heating reorganizes the product’s chemical bond, converting the carbon-carbon bonds to graphene and releasing the hydrogen.

“We just bore a hole in one of the electrodes and the hydrogen comes spurting out,” says James Tour, Professor of Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science, and NanoEngineering at Rice University, founder of 14 companies, and author of over 785 research publications.    Hydrogen plastic waste

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) ‘Earth Shot’ hydrogen strategy aims to create an industry that can make one kilo of hydrogen for $1 within one decade.

“This method solves your 1-1-1 challenge. And we’re at much less than $1,” says Tour.

“You take plastic off the street, you form a material that allows you to use less building material, because you’re strengthening it with the graphene, and you get hydrogen as your byproduct. It’s a tremendous way to go.”

One Tour-founded company, Universal Matter, has headquarters in Canada, the United States, and Britain and is focused on producing graphene from the process.

The company aims to have a demonstration plant in Burlington, Ontario, by the end of 2023.    Hydrogen plastic waste

Tough, flexible, and light

Turbostratic graphene, through the FJH process and without the use of solvents or reactive gases, can be produced from a broad range of carbon-based feedstock material, including recycled plastics, coke, and petroleum, as well as biomass and discarded food waste, Universal Matter says.

Graphene is a tough, flexible, light, nanomaterial with a high resistance. An individual sheet is 200 times stronger than an equally thin piece of steel, says Ford Motor Co., one of the only companies to use graphene at an industrial scale.

“The graphene is mixed with foam constituents, and tests done by Ford and suppliers have shown about a 17% reduction in noise, a 20% improvement in mechanical properties, and a 30% improvement in heat endurance properties, compared with that of the foam used without graphene,” the company said in a statement.


Hydrogen plastic waste

Carbios’ textile preparation line ‘closes loop’ on fibre-to-fibre recycling

Biochemistry researcher, Carbios inaugurated its textile preparation line at its demonstration plant in France, to turn textile waste from used garments into raw materials suitable for enzymatic recycling.

Carbios’ textile preparation line aims to optimise the sorting and preparation of textiles, especially those with challenging components like zips and buttons, resulting in higher yields and accelerating bio-recycling in the industry.  Hydrogen plastic waste

The biochemistry researcher has developed a highly selective enzyme capable of depolymerising polyester in textile material, which is a challenging task due to the complex nature of textiles.

Enzymatic recycling not only contributes to establishing a textile recycling chain but also promotes textile circularity and allows brands to reduce their reliance on virgin materials.

Key information about the textile preparation line:

  • Textiles (used clothing or cutting scraps) are loaded onto the line, shredded, and have “hard points” (e.g., buttons, zips) removed, resulting in a material suitable for enzymatic recycling
  • 300kg of textiles are processed per hour in a continuous process
  • The patent was filed in 2023    Hydrogen plastic waste

According to Carbios, only 13% of textile waste is recycled globally, with a mere 1% undergoing “fibre-to-fibre” recycling. To address this pressing issue, the patented line streamlines the entire preparation process, encompassing shredding and the extraction of hard points such as buttons or fasteners.

This follows the announcement that starting from 1 January 2025, separate collection of textile waste will be mandatory in Europe, with the European Union targeting a minimum content of recycled fibres in textiles by 2030.

At the inauguration of the line, which took place in Clermont-Ferrand, France, Roland Lescure, French Minister for Industry explained that only 13% of textile waste is currently recycled worldwide, with the majority ending up in landfills or incineration.

He said: “Carbios is contributing to the creation of a French recycling industry and providing a solution – cutting-edge and made in France – to what was until now a real obstacle to textile recycling.”  Hydrogen plastic waste


Hydrogen plastic waste

Recycling in the car, but in a closed-loop

Beverage producers worried about competition on regenerated materials that could be triggered by the new regulation on end-of-life vehicles.

In July, the European Commission announced measures to encourage the recyclability and end-of-life recycling of motor vehicles, through a new Regulation intended to replace and unify the current Directives 2000/53/EC and 2005/64/EC.
Among the measures proposed by Brussels is the obligation to use recycled plastic in new cars, starting from 2030, for 25% of the total used, of which 25% comes from end-of-life vehicles, therefore in a sort of closed circuit.  Hydrogen plastic waste

However, four organizations representing drinks producers, recycling and environmentalism – Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE), The Reloop Platform, Unesda Soft Drinks Europe and Zero Waste Europe – are wondering where 75% of non-recycled material will come from of automotive origin and what impact it will have on the availability of recycled material for other uses, in this case packaging.

“The experience of recent years suggests that part of the recycled content used to achieve the new objective will come from other sources, including quality ones, such as materials approved for contact with food, therefore with an unwanted downcycling – we read in the signed document by the four organizations -. A further negative effect could arise from the automotive industry’s use of recycled material which would have the potential for continuous recycling in applications that are no longer recyclable, breaking the closed-loop in other sectors.”  Hydrogen plastic waste

The signatories fear that it could create competition on recycled materials, which could jeopardize the ability of other sectors to meet their recycled content obligations imposed by Brussels, as in the case of PET bottles.

“Thanks to the supply chain’s sustained investments in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Deposit Responsibility (DRS) systems – the note continues -, PET beverage bottles boast a fairly high collection and recycling rate. They provide recycled materials of high quality for food use which can then be reused to produce new beverage bottles in a ‘closed loop’, bottle to bottle.” “However, PET bottle recycling is often diverted from other sectors to lower-quality, no-longer-recyclable applications. A downcycling that jeopardizes the ability of drinks manufacturers to meet their obligations under the Single-Use Plastics Directive ( SUP) – 25% recycling by 2025 and 30% in 2030 – and the ambitions of the upcoming Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste”.  Hydrogen plastic waste

The signatories suggest, to prevent these problems, to focus, in the formulation of the regulation on end-of-life vehicles, on closed-loop recycled content objectives, taking into account technical feasibility and foreseeing their gradual revision and expansion over time.

Furthermore, the use of recycled material should be discouraged where this material can be recovered in a closed cycle from other sectors. Finally, the EU Commission proposal should support the principle of ensuring priority access to its own raw materials for recycling in every sector subject to mandatory recycled content targets. In other words, Downcycling should only be allowed when closed-loop recycling is not technically feasible or environmentally desirable.  Hydrogen plastic waste

Recycling in the car, but in a closed-loop Beverage producers worried about competition on regenerated materials that could be triggered by the new regulation on end-of-life vehicles. In July, the European Commission announced measures to encourage the recyclability and end-of-life recycling of motor vehicles, through a new Regulation intended to replace and unify the current Directives 2000/53/EC and 2005/64/EC. Among the measures proposed by Brussels is the obligation to use recycled plastic in new cars, starting from 2030, for 25% of the total used, of which 25% comes from end-of-life vehicles, therefore in a sort of closed circuit. However, four organizations representing drinks producers, recycling and environmentalism - Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE), The Reloop Platform, Unesda Soft Drinks Europe and Zero Waste Europe - are wondering where 75% of non-recycled material will come from of automotive origin and what impact it will have on the availability of recycled material for other uses, in this case packaging. "The experience of recent years suggests that part of the recycled content used to achieve the new objective will come from other sources, including quality ones, such as materials approved for contact with food, therefore with an unwanted downcycling - we read in the signed document by the four organizations -. A further negative effect could arise from the automotive industry's use of recycled material which would have the potential for continuous recycling in applications that are no longer recyclable, breaking the closed-loop in other sectors." The signatories fear that it could create competition on recycled materials, which could jeopardize the ability of other sectors to meet their recycled content obligations imposed by Brussels, as in the case of PET bottles. "Thanks to the supply chain's sustained investments in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Deposit Responsibility (DRS) systems - the note continues -, PET beverage bottles boast a fairly high collection and recycling rate. They provide recycled materials of high quality for food use which can then be reused to produce new beverage bottles in a 'closed loop', bottle to bottle." “However, PET bottle recycling is often diverted from other sectors to lower-quality, no-longer-recyclable applications. A downcycling that jeopardizes the ability of drinks manufacturers to meet their obligations under the Single-Use Plastics Directive ( SUP) - 25% recycling by 2025 and 30% in 2030 - and the ambitions of the upcoming Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste". The signatories suggest, to prevent these problems, to focus, in the formulation of the regulation on end-of-life vehicles, on closed-loop recycled content objectives, taking into account technical feasibility and foreseeing their gradual revision and expansion over time. Furthermore, the use of recycled material should be discouraged where this material can be recovered in a closed cycle from other sectors. Finally, the EU Commission proposal should support the principle of ensuring priority access to its own raw materials for recycling in every sector subject to mandatory recycled content targets. In other words, Downcycling should only be allowed when closed-loop recycling is not technically feasible or environmentally desirable.

Midwest reclaimer rolls out $2 million PP processing line

Plastic Recycling Inc. is now processing post-consumer curbside PP, with an eye toward obtaining an FDA food-contact letter in the near future.

The Indianapolis-based plastics reclaimer is initially sorting and washing about 25 million pounds of PP per year on the system, said Brandon Shaw, marketing manager for Plastic Recycling Inc. (PRI), but the system is modular and can be scaled up easily.

The line, which processes PP bales from materials recovery facilities (MRFs), includes a trommel, metal removal technology, shredding, optical sorting, wet grinding, washing and rinsing steps, float-sink separation, drying and color sorting.

The company is also looking to add sorting robots to produce a stream of PP scrap consisting entirely of food and drink packaging.  Hydrogen plastic waste

PRI has invested millions of dollars in recent years to boost its production capabilities, including by building-out a $3 million lab.

With the investments, including two new extruders that added 60 million pounds of annual capacity, PRI now has the capacity to produce 160 million pounds of recycled plastic, Shaw said.

In terms of post-consumer PP, specifically, the reclaimer can produce about 45 million pounds a year, said Marco Meloni, chief operating officer at PRI.

“We are able now to really respond to all the requests of the market in terms of recycled content, PCR content and virgin plus recycled products,” Meloni said. “So we are able now to give a very wide range of products to the market.”  Hydrogen plastic waste

Commercial-scale production starts

Located at PRI’s 550,000-square-foot compounding facility in Indianapolis, the new PP line is currently running. (PRI also has a 120,000-square-foot scrap processing plant in Indianapolis, as well as facilities in Tennessee and South Carolina.)

Shaw estimated the line cost about $2 million, not counting roughly $1 million worth of equipment already owned by PRI.

PRI has been buying bales for the last three months, with commercial production starting in August. “We’re working with all the big MRFs,” he said.  Hydrogen plastic waste

So far, PRI hasn’t had any trouble sourcing enough PP feedstock, Shaw said, noting that relatively few reclaimers are recycling curbside PP bales, with the market dominated by KW Plastics.

Prices for PP have been low lately, with post-consumer scrap averaging only about 5 cents per pound nationally, according to RecyclingMarkets.net. Throughout 2022, a year that included some high PCR pricing, bales averaged nearly 20 cents per pound, and during the first half of this year, they averaged 7.5 cents per pound.

Virgin pricing has also been low. Citing marketing conditions, plastics producer Braskem recently decided to reduce PP production levels at a plant in Pennsylvania, according to Plastics NewsHydrogen plastic waste

Shaw acknowledged that there is a “tough market right now economically, but we are playing the long game and using the lab upgrade to create real compounds with the ability to create colors.”

PRI has invested substantially in its lab, which is expected to employ a staff of 17 people conducting testing on raw materials and finished goods, as well as R&D, Meloni said.


Midwest reclaimer rolls out $2 million PP processing line

Avient India’s specialty material solutions

Polymer materials for sustainability in packaging and tech verticals

Avient Corporation, a global manufacturer of specialized polymer materials, addresses the demand of the rapidly changing market with the development of new specialty materials. The company produces thermoplastic compounds, plastic colorants and additives, thermoplastic resins, vinyl resins, thermoplastic composites, and specialty thermoset composite materials.  Hydrogen plastic waste

As mentioned in Dominique Huret’s article on beverage developments shown at Interpack in this issue, Avient has also been part of the newly developed, Cerac Milky Monsters, a playful small format bottle suitable for children shown in Dusseldorf. She writes, “The preforms come from SGT and were developed in partnership with Avient – a coloring specialist. They are a single-layer dairy preform with a very low mineral content (less than 4%).

“Intended especially for the dairy products market, these preforms incorporate a new Avient additive technology called ColorMatrix Lactra Four One Zero which offers superior whiteness to the bottle and high protection for photosensitive liquids, blocking light up to 99.9%, even with a low wall thickness of 200 microns.”  Hydrogen plastic waste

Speaking about the company’s activity in India, Vikas Vij, managing director of Avient India, said, “We are born of the collective power of two leading innovators — PolyOne and Clariant Masterbatch. The Avient name was derived from the combination of l’avenir – which means the future, vie – which means life, and -ent – a suffix that means to perform, and which can also be heard in the words environment and invent. Our corporate brand position is Challenge Accepted, and we work every day to live and fulfill that promise to all of our stakeholders.”

In September 2022, Avient welcomed more than 1,000 new associates to its new Avient Protective Materials business, further expanding its growing composites portfolio with the globally admired brand of Dyneema, claimed to be the ‘world’s strongest fiber.’

“We have created a next-level specialty material solutions company that addresses the demands of the rapidly changing world that lies before us. We are cutting a new path in the development of specialty materials, one where our distinctive problem-solving passion can have the deepest impact and enable us to conquer the challenges of the future we all share.”  Hydrogen plastic waste

Industrial and tech verticals

Apart from polymer materials, Avient provides technologies that improve the recyclability of products, thus enabling a more circular economy. There are lightweight solutions that replace heavier traditional materials such as metal, glass, and wood, which can improve fuel efficiency in all modes of transportation and reduce carbon footprint. Then come sustainable infrastructure solutions that increase energy efficiency, renewable energy, natural resource conservation, and fiber optic / 5G network accessibility.

In the last quarter of 2023, Avient will launch new technologies in the automotive, E&E, and packaging sectors. These will be showcased at the Fakuma show in Germany from 17-21 October 2023 in Hall B5, Stand 5316.  Hydrogen plastic waste

The impact, resilience, and growth of responsible packaging in a wide region are daily chronicled by Packaging South Asia.

A multi-channel B2B publication and digital platform such as Packaging South Asia is always aware of the prospect of new beginnings and renewal. Its 16-year-old print monthly, based in New Delhi, India has demonstrated its commitment to progress and growth. The Indian and Asian packaging industries have shown resilience in the face of ongoing challenges over the past three years.  Hydrogen plastic waste

As we present our publishing plan for 2023, India’s real GDP growth for the financial year ending 31 March 2023 will reach 6.3%. Packaging industry growth has exceeded GDP growth even when allowing for inflation in the past three years.

The capacity for flexible film manufacturing in India increased by 33% over the past three years. With orders in place, we expect another 33% capacity addition from 2023 to 2025. Capacities in monocartons, corrugation, aseptic liquid packaging, and labels have grown similarly. The numbers are positive for most of the economies in the region – our platform increasingly reaches and influences these.

Even given the disruptions of supply chains, raw material prices, and the challenge of responsible and sustainable packaging, packaging in all its creative forms and purposes has significant headroom to grow in India and Asia. Our context and coverage engulf the entire packaging supply chain – from concept to shelf and further – to waste collection and recycling. We target brand owners, product managers, raw material suppliers, packaging designers and converters, and recyclers.  Hydrogen plastic waste


Avient India’s specialty material solutions

Taiwan encourages companies to invest in Lithuania to deepen bilateral cooperation

Lithuania has solid research capabilities and innovation while Taiwan has commercialisation capabilities and experiences in developing international markets, a Taiwanese official told Euractiv, adding that they would be glad to provide various kinds of facilitation to deepen this cooperation.

The comment comes after Taiwan’s Naonal Science and Technology Council and the Lithuanian Research Council signed a memorandum of understanding on September 22 to strengthen research and development cooperation in lasers, biotechnology, semiconductors, and other areas.  Hydrogen plastic waste

“Lithuania has solid research capabilities and innovation, while Taiwan has commercialisation capabilities and experiences in developing international markets, which will be an essential model for broadening Taiwan-Lithuania economic cooperation,” Alex Liao, director of the Economic Division on behalf of the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania, told Euractiv.

According to Liao, both countries share the same development direction, as Lithuania has chosen biotechnology and laser as its strategic industries, while Taiwan’s strategic industries include biotechnology precision machinery and semiconductors.

“We encourage enterprises and research institutes between Taiwan and Lithuania to expand contacts and deepen exchanges, and we will be glad to provide various kinds of facilitation,” he said.  Hydrogen plastic waste

Relations between both countries increased after Lithuania allowed Taiwan to open its de facto embassy under its own name, The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania, rather than after its capital city – Taipei.

China heavily criticised the move, which accused Lithuania of violating the one-China principle, according to which Taiwan is an inalienable part of the country. This resulted in China removing Lithuania from its customs registry, blocking shipments, and pressuring international businesses to leave the Baltic country.  Hydrogen plastic waste


Taiwan encourages companies to invest in Lithuania to deepen bilateral cooperation

Accelerating Circularity working group to tackle textile chemical recycling ambiguity

Non-profit Accelerating Circularity, which focuses on textile-to-textile recycling has created the Alliance of Textile Chemical Recycling (ACTR) working group to give the textile industry a common voice and facilitate accurate information on textile chemical recycling.

The mission of Accelerating Circularity is to create new supply chains and business models to turn textile waste into mainstream raw materials and its new working group aims to share the benefits of chemical textile recycling.  Hydrogen plastic waste

“We formed this collective to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximise the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration,” explained Karla Magruder, Founder and President of Accelerating Circularity. “Chemical recycling technology has many benefits, including quality more similar to virgin fibre and the ability to recycle multiple times.”

ACTR plans to provide the industry with information on how textile chemical recycling can:

  • Offer solutions for diverting textile waste to landfill
  • Enable textile to textile recycling versus incineration/landfill
  • Provide sustainably sourced/circular materials
  • Support brand/retailers/producers in achieving their CO2 reduction targets
  • Provide long term price stability and consistent supply of raw materials versus virgin.  Hydrogen plastic waste


Accelerating Circularity working group to tackle textile chemical recycling ambiguity

Graphene plastic recycling -Is graphene the silver bullet for plastic recycling woes? 04-10-2023

Hydrogen plastic waste

Graphene plastic recycling -Is graphene the silver bullet for plastic recycling woes? 04-10-2023

Graphene plastic recycling

Introducing Radilon® Chill-fit: RadiciGroup’s Innovative Textile Yarn for Enhanced Comfort and Freshness

RadiciGroup, a renowned leader in the textile industry, has unveiled its latest innovation, Radilon® Chill-fit, a groundbreaking nylon yarn designed to maximize the breathability and freshness of fabrics. This remarkable achievement is the result of extensive research and development efforts, culminating in a highly functional nylon yarn that offers optimal thermal regulation without the need for additional treatments.

Radilon® Chill-fit provides users with an enduring sensation of comfort and freshness, ensuring long-lasting wearability while also offering excellent protection against harmful UV rays.  Graphene plastic recycling

This innovative yarn represents a significant leap forward in the world of textiles, setting new standards for comfort, performance, and sustainability.

For the first time, textile enthusiasts and industry professionals will have the opportunity to experience Radilon® Chill-fit firsthand during the autumn edition of Performance Days, a premier trade fair dedicated to showcasing the latest trends and innovations in yarns, fabrics, and accessories. This event is scheduled to take place on October 4th and 5th in Munich, Germany. At the RadiciGroup booth (Stand L17), experts from the Business Area Advanced Textile Solutions will present the full range of the Group’s functional and high-performance yarns, along with their sustainable product offerings aimed at fostering innovation and circularity within the textile industry.  Graphene plastic recycling

Marco De Silvestri, Head of Sales & Marketing for the Business Area Advanced Textile Solutions, emphasized the company’s commitment to optimizing the technical performance of their yarns, as exemplified by the introduction of Radilon® Chill-fit. He also stressed their dedication to enhancing the environmental performance across various sectors, including sportswear, athleisure, workwear, and more, through their special products that are traceable and have a reduced environmental footprint.

Introducing Radilon® Chill-fit: RadiciGroup's Innovative Textile Yarn for Enhanced Comfort and Freshness

Credits : RadiciGroup

De Silvestri further elaborated on their sustainable offerings, mentioning the Renycle®, Repetable®, and Biofeel® product lines, each representing a unique approach to environmental responsibility. Renycle® offers recycled nylon, Repetable® focuses on recycled polyester, and Biofeel® features fibers produced from renewable materials. These solutions significantly reduce CO2 emissions, contributing to a more responsible and sustainable textile supply chain.  Graphene plastic recycling

In discussing the textile industry’s ongoing evolution, De Silvestri emphasized the importance of collaboration and collective responsibility. He highlighted RadiciGroup’s substantial investments in cutting-edge technologies aimed at streamlining processes and enhancing both technical and environmental aspects of their products. These investments begin at the material chemistry level and extend through the production chain, demonstrating the company’s commitment to sustainability from start to finish.

Radilon® Chill-fit is a testament to RadiciGroup’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of textile innovation while prioritizing comfort, performance, and sustainability. Its launch at Performance Days is a significant milestone, showcasing the company’s commitment to providing the industry with groundbreaking solutions that benefit both consumers and the planet. As RadiciGroup continues to lead the way in textile advancements, they remain steadfast in their mission to create a more environmentally responsible and sustainable future for the entire textile sector.  Graphene plastic recycling

Introducing Radilon® Chill-fit: RadiciGroup's Innovative Textile Yarn for Enhanced Comfort and Freshness

Credits : Radicigroup

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Baystar transforms polyethylene production with North America’s first Borstar technology unit

New 625,000 metric ton-per-year PE production unit more than doubles production capacity in Pasadena, TX

Baystar (Bayport Polymers LLC) launches a new era in high-performance polyethylene (PE) production and enhanced sustainability with the start-up of its new Bay 3 polyethylene unit. The new unit is the first of its kind in North America, bringing proprietary Borstar technology from Borealis and more than doubling Baystar’s production capacity in Pasadena, TX.

The Borstar technology brings a transformative approach to production flexibility for manufacturers and converters seeking a broad range of highly customized products for lighter, more durable, more flexible and more efficient plastics. Borstar products are PFAS-free and can enable more than 50% postconsumer recycled material in some end products.  Graphene plastic recycling

Thanks to a broad molecular weight distribution, Borstar PE offers superior physical properties with no need for process aids or additives.

“Bringing our new unit online marks the beginning of an exciting evolution in PE production for the industry as Baystar reimagines what is possible,” says president Diane Chamberlain. “Borstar technology enables our technical, production and sales teams to collaborate in the creation of the highly customized products our customers require to remain competitive and meet consumer demands. This project is the culmination of an enormous investment which began in 2019, and it stands as a testament to the incredible determination, innovation and relentless focus on safety demonstrated by our team and our partners.”

Baystar became a fully integrated polyethene manufacturer in 2022 with the start-up of its new 1 million ton-per-year ethane cracker unit in Port Arthur, Texas, which supplies ethylene feedstock to Baystar’s three PE production units. With a total investment exceeding $1.4 billion, construction of the Bay 3 unit employed over 1,900 on-site workers and will provide full-time employment for an additional 50 skilled workers in the Pasadena region.  Graphene plastic recycling

“We have a product offering second to none, backed by a talented team of experts who came to Baystar to be part of something special,” says commercial director Brad Leesman. “We’re big enough to introduce leading technologies, but small enough to be nimble and highly responsive on behalf of our customers. We look forward to surprising the industry with our new approach.”


Graphene plastic recycling

Is graphene the silver bullet for plastic recycling woes?

If it feels like you’ve been hearing about recycling plastic all of your life, you might be right.
The first plastic recycling mill was built in 1972[1], about the same time as the Environmental Protection Agency was formed. But despite promoting plastic recycling — including spending tens of millions of dollars in advertising, marketing and public relations campaigns[2], as well as lobbying for curbside recycling — the technology to economically recycle plastic didn’t exist.  Graphene plastic recycling
The resin identification codes with which we’re all now familiar were introduced in 1988, and the global waste trade – developed countries shipping their plastic waste to less developed ones for recycling – took off in earnest in the early ’90s[3].
But certain facts have refused to go away, much like plastic waste itself. Plastic recycling has never been a popular practice. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has reported that global plastic use and waste will almost triple by 2060[4]. Meanwhile, plastic waste recycling has fallen from a high of only 9.5% in 2014 to between 5% and 6% in 2021[5]. And the amount of plastic that has been recycled more than once is under 1%[6].
There are a host of reasons to explain this problem.
One is that plastic is expensive to collect and sort. There are seven different identification codes: polyethylene terephthalate (e.g. water and soda bottles), high-density polyethylene (e.g. milk and shampoo bottles), polyvinyl chloride (e.g. cling film wrap), low-density polyethylene (e.g. grocery bags), polypropylene (e.g. microwavable dishes), polystyrene (e.g. plastic cutlery), expanded polystyrene (e.g. takeout food containers) and “other” plastics (e.g. water cooler bottles).    Graphene plastic recycling
These all have different melting temperatures and densities so, if they are melted together, they separate and set into layers. The resulting blend is structurally weak and difficult to shape. They could be melted a second time to separate them, but the cost is prohibitive.
Even when correctly sorted, most plastic can only be recycled between one and three times because heating shortens polymer chains, degrading its strength and quality, hence the term “downcycling” used to describe the process.
When it comes to food-grade plastics, strict packaging requirements also prevent, for example, a water bottle being turned into another water bottle.
And there is the question of colour. Each kind of plastic has a unique mix of dyes and additives that give it specific colours, shapes, toughness and other qualities. To recycle a light-green plastic soda bottle, it needs to be melted down with other soda bottles which are that exact shade of green. Even if the desired colour is black, different shades of black still make sorting mandatory.

What all this means is that the vast majority of plastic, including those that people wash, strip labels from and put into their blue bins, winds up in landfills, is burned (releasing toxic chemicals and pollutants, including microplastics) or dumped in the ocean.
A partial solution can be found in the use of a relatively newly discovered nanomaterial called graphene. Only an atom thick, adding graphene to plastic has a twofold result. First, it improves the plastic’s strength so that it lasts longer and therefore stays out of the trash heap longer. Second, it also improves plastic’s ability to be repeatedly recycled.
When it is correctly added to plastic parts, graphene can improve impact resistance, increase stiffness and allow for thinner cross-sections, reducing material usage. In most cases, only a small amount of graphene, around 0.1% by weight, is needed, making it cost-effective to include.  Graphene plastic recycling
When it comes to recycling plastics, their mechanical properties tend to decrease with each processing cycle. By incorporating graphene, the recycled plastic can regain its strength comparable to new materials.
Additionally, graphene will turn the mixed material’s colour solid black, regardless of its original colour or opacity. This can make the material more desirable as it avoids inconsistencies and off-colour appearances often found in recycled plastics. Graphene could also eliminate the need to sort even black plastics because of the resulting uniformity of colour.
However, not all types of graphene are the same, so it’s important to find the right combination to achieve the desired results.

HydroGraph is playing a significant role in making high-quality graphene available in large quantities with its Hyperion detonation system. This method involves filling a chamber with hydrocarbon and oxygen, igniting the mixture with a small spark, and graphene is formed in the resulting detonation.
The graphene produced using this technology is 99.8% pure, unmatched in quality and quantity. It is currently undergoing testing in various polymer applications worldwide. This system:

  • Can produce graphene of various modifications and morphologies.
  • Is highly energy efficient.
  • Doesn’t require solvents or mined minerals.
  • Can be easily scaled up.  Graphene plastic recycling

The HydroGraph Hyperion system is compact and modular, allowing for easy deployment and enabling integration into production lines at customer sites around the world. It operates as a closed system, minimizing energy consumption and emissions. Each machine has a small footprint of just 2 meters by 2 meters but can produce over 10 metric tons of fractal graphene per year, which can be further customised with additional chemical functionalisation.


Graphene plastic recycling

McKinsey: rPET availability in the US market needs boost

According to a study by McKinsey, high long-term demand for recycled content in packaging could lead to shortages of recycled packaging materials in the US. Brand owners that are aiming to introduce new packaging formats and establish innovative ways to boost product recyclability and levels of recycled content to meet their sustainable-packaging commitments, address consumer concerns, and adapt to rapidly rising regulatory pressure could face the very real risk that they cannot achieve their goals because of an anticipated shortage of recycled materials: collection levels of high-quality recycled material look set to remain almost flat, creating supply challenges for brand owners and packaging companies, says the study.  Graphene plastic recycling

If brands with public recycled-content commitments follow through on their plans, the US demand for rPET in 2030 would outpace supply by about three times. As the supply-and-demand imbalance widens, the price premium between rPET and virgin PET has the potential to rise significantly over the next decade. The challenge for the industry moving forward will be to unlock additional rPET supply, the experts say and suggest three potential approaches, centered on boosting supply, ensuring access, and designing for circularity, that could also be applicable to other packaging substrates.

The experts have evaluated that today only about 27 per cent of PET bottles and about 18 per cent of all recyclable PET plastic waste is collected, the rest ends up in landfills. In recent years, the collection and sorting of PET has not improved significantly. As a result, rPET supply in North America grew only about 1 per cent per year in 2012-22. While there have been some new entrants in the recovery and reprocessing value chain, process losses have not been significantly reduced. This means that about 4.6 billion pounds of PET ends up in landfills every year.

Rapidly growing demand combined with stagnant supply could lead to a supply-demand imbalance for rPET in the future, the study outlines. Historically, rPET supply has only grown by about 1 per cent per year over 2012-22, while consumption has grown by about 4 per cent per year over the same period. If brands fully deliver on their recycled content commitments by 2030, demand for rPET is expected to grow by about 15 per cent per year between 2022 and 2030, the study says. Over the same period, supply is expected to continue to grow by only about 1 per cent, so that by 2030 demand will be three times higher than available supply.      Graphene plastic recycling

In the future, ESG-driven use of rPET is expected to expand its market share and potentially lead to increasing price premiums as demand for rPET grows. In addition, brand owners may consider switching from other plastics – such as HDPE, PVC and PS – to rPET because it is more recyclable and considered more accessible compared to other plastics. This could lead to another supply shortage, the experts caution.

As future rPET availability will be determined by a combination of supply, demand and regulatory factors, packaging industry leaders should consider three meaningful ways to increase rPET availability, according to McKinsey:

Boost supply: With more than 80 percent of PET waste going unused, opportunities exist across the value chain to boost PET recovery, from collection through to sorting and processing. Given that recycling programs are often organized at the local level, there are opportunities to form public‒private partnerships to increase local collection rates in areas with underfunded or nonexistent curbside recycling.  Graphene plastic recycling

The Recycling Partnership, for example, is an organization that makes private investments in public recycling programs, with the aim of increasing the supply of recycled plastics. At the same time, investments in advanced sortation equipment at material recovery facilities are an additional avenue to increasing rPET supply. McKinsey also note that in some countries (such as the Nordic countries), national and state-level policies such as extended producer responsibility or deposit-return schemes are having a measurable influence on rPET supply.


Graphene plastic recycling

Plastic Omnium – In France, composite hydrogen tanks

Plastic Omnium is building Europe’s largest plant for high-pressure tanks for trucks and buses. composite hydrogen tanks Plastic Omnium The French group Plastic Omnium has started construction work on a new plant for the production of high pressure tanks (type IV) in composite material with fiber in Lachelle, in the department of Oise (Northern France). of carbon for hydrogen storage, intended to be installed on industrial vehicles and buses. With an investment estimated at 150 million euros and an annual production capacity of 80 thousand tanks, obtained through filament winding, once completed it will be the largest European plant. It will supply vehicle manufacturers such as Stellantis and HYVIA, creating 150 to 200 new jobs.  Graphene plastic recycling

Plastic Omnium - In France, composite hydrogen tanks

The works will be completed by the end of 2024. The company created the new Plastic Omnium New Energies division early last year and currently has a pilot plant in Belgium. Two more tank factories will be launched by the group in Shanghai (China) in 2026 and in Michigan (United States) the following year. From 2015 to today, the French group has invested over 400 million euros in this segment. Type IV tanks are designed for pressures from 350 to 700 bar. They are produced by the French group starting from a blown liner in thermoplastic resin, subsequently wrapped with carbon fibers impregnated with resin. The result is a highly resistant and at the same time lightweight container.

Coperion and Herbold Meckesheim to present  product and process solutions at Fakuma 2023

Clothing microplastics polluting – In Emmen the solution must be invented for polluting microplastics in clothing 03-10-2023

Graphene plastic recycling

Clothing microplastics polluting – In Emmen the solution must be invented for polluting microplastics in clothing 03-10-2023

Clothing microplastics polluting

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

In Emmen the solution must be invented for polluting microplastics in clothing

In the world, 50 million tons of synthetic fibers for clothing are made every year and almost all of it ends up in the environment © serge vinkenvlieg/RTV Drenthe
The solution must be found for polluting microplastics in Emmen. One of the biggest culprits? The polyester in our clothing. Innovation company Senbis is now conducting research into a biodegradable variant. “If this invention is successful, everyone will soon wear responsible clothing, which, just like Bluetooth, was developed in Emmen.”
“The holy grail we are looking for is clothing,” explains Senbis director Gerard Nijhoving. “Sixty percent or more of our clothing consists of polyester. That is, plastic. Clothing wears out during wearing and washing. Look in the dryer to see how many fibers remain after a wash. That is what you can see. What you cannot see is the much smaller particles, the micro-plastics. These end up in the surface water and the environment via wastewater and sewage treatment,” says Nijhoving. And when you throw away an item of clothing, you are actually throwing away petroleum.  Clothing microplastics polluting
Microplastics are killing
The clothing example is just the tip of the iceberg. Wherever we use plastic made from oil that then ends up in the environment, pollution is ultimately created by tiny pieces of plastic. Think of mowing trimmers, fishing nets, plastic that we throw away, wear and tear on car tires. And there are also numerous care products that contain microplastics: facial scrub or toothpaste, for example. The list is endless.
Ultimately, all those invisible particles of plastic end up in nature, in animals or in ourselves. For example, via the water purification system, which will never be able to remove those tiny pieces of plastic. Nijhoving: “Fortunately, it has been banned in cosmetics since this week. It has to be. It has already been shown that microplastics are now in our blood.”
While Senbis is now focusing on the invention of a biodegradable variant for polyester, it has already found solutions for the mowing trimmer, fishing nets and plastic granules for artificial grass sports fields. These are now all biodegradable thanks to the smart minds at the company at Getec Park in Emmen.  Clothing microplastics polluting
Huge collaborative project
Senbis does not do it alone. Education and knowledge institutions are participating in the search for ‘the invention.’ NHL Stenden in Emmen, the University of Groningen, the University of Wageningen and TNO are working together to bring together the right molecules to find a replacement for polyester. Nijhoving: “We will also use artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate our research and help us think about the molecules.” The project is called BIOTTEK: Biopolyesters In Research for a Future-Proof Transition of Emmen and the Plastics Industry.
Nijhoving hopes that the first invention will be available within three years. That’s going to be quite a job. According to the director, there are already quite a few bioplastics, but they are still in their infancy compared to all other types of plastics and especially the properties they have. “We have to make our new artificial yarn so that the clothes do not shrink in the wash or melt during ironing.”  Clothing microplastics polluting
Just Transition Fund
Senbis’ search will cost 6.6 million euros. 3.3 of these come as a subsidy from Europe via the province. “That money comes from the Just Transition Fund, which is one of the multi-year European subsidy programs,” says Economy Representative Willemien Meeuwissen. “It is a ‘fund for a just energy transition’, intended for areas most affected by the transition from a fossil to a green economy. With this, the European Union wants to reduce socio-economic inequality. This subsidy for Senbis is the first in Drenthe “, says Meeuwissen.
The North jointly received 330 million for the research. Emmer councilor Guido Rink is determined to have approximately 25 million of this end up in Southeast Drenthe. And these do not all have to be mega-large and complicated studies such as those carried out by Senbis, SMEs can also join in with plans and ideas.
Senbis and the researchers received 3.3 from Europe for research into biodegradable artificial yarn © serge vinkenvlieg/RTV Drenthe  Clothing microplastics polluting
Long history
According to Nijhoving, it is not surprising that the search for biodegradable artificial yarn and ultimately complete organic artificial yarn takes place in Emmen. The AKU, AKZO and nylon stocking factory Danlon were once companies here, all of which were involved in plastic and synthetic fibers. “We ourselves come from the research department of AKZO. AKZO sold everything in the 1990s, the aramid yarns went to Teijin, nylon to DSM and polyester fibers to Diolen. All Emmen. Diolen went bankrupt in 2008 and we are now with sample drawer Clothing microplastics polluting
Clothing microplastics polluting

Traceless secures €36.6m in series A funding round

Germany-based bioeconomy start-up Traceless has secured €36m in a series A funding round led by private equity fund UB Forest Industry Green Growth Fund (UB FIGG) and Swen CP’s Blue Ocean fund. UB FIGG invests in sustainable and resource-efficient forest and bio-based industries; the Blue Ocean fund invests in innovations that help address the three existential threats to ocean health. A local banking syndicate consisting of GLS Bank, Hamburg, and Hamburger Sparkasse also participated in the financing round, as well as the company’s three existing investors, green-tech investor Planet A Ventures, seed investor High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), and deep tech investor b.value.

“The Blue Ocean fund seeks to invest in startups bringing innovative solutions to address the 3 main threats to our ocean: overfishing, ocean pollution and climate change. As plastic pollution is one of the main pollutants threatening our ocean, we were seduced by Traceless,” said Olivier Raybaud, managing director of SWEN Capital Partners.

“The traceless team has achieved extremely strong results in terms of material performance, development times and commercialisation of the new material. We are looking forward to accompanying Anne, Johanna and the team in the scale up of this innovative technology,” added Sakari Saarela, partner at UB FIGG.

Founded in 2020, Traceless has developed a certified completely bio-based, home-compostable, and plastic-free material that uses agricultural residues as feedstock. It contains no potentially harmful chemicals and has a minimal ecological footprint: compared to plastic, 91% of CO2 emissions and 89% of fossil energy requirements are saved during production and disposal. Traceless materials are available as a granulate that can be further processed using standard processing technologies and is suitable for applications ranging from rigid moulded parts and flexible films to paper coatings or adhesives.
Traceless materials will use the funding from the round to build a demonstration plant in Hamburg – its first production facility at industrial scale.
“Through scaling our innovative technology, we prove that a climate-friendly, circular, resilient and regenerative industry is possible. With our novel biomaterial, we can make a significant contribution to solving plastic pollution,” said Anne Lamp, co-founder & CEO of Traceless


Traceless secures €36.6m in series A funding round

KHS exhibits cutting-edge filling equipment and resource-conserving packaging systems at BrauBeviale

Nature MultiPack with new universal adhesive for PET bottles

After a four-year break the beverage industry returns to Nuremberg: at BrauBeviale from November 28 to 30 KHS will be presenting its extensive portfolio of cutting-edge filling technology and resource-conserving packaging systems. The modular Innofill Glass DRS ECO filling system will be the center of attention at KHS’ trade show booth – a veritable success story whose consumption values and product quality prove convincing. Nature MultiPack (NMP) is also setting standards as one of the most sustainable types of secondary packaging currently on the market. Following the introduction of a universal adhesive for the beverage can segment, in the future KHS will now be offering this for PET, too. The KHS portfolio is rounded off by a number of digital service products, among them intelligent systems for remote diagnosis and maintenance and a range of additional virtual training courses.  Clothing microplastics polluting

From the beverage can to the PET bottle: the universal Nature MultiPack adhesive is now also available for plastic containers.Photo – KHS

The last successful trade show in Nuremberg in 2019 attracted around 40,000 visitors from 138 different countries of the world. For KHS as the second-largest exhibitor, this is reason enough to present the global beverage industry with its latest developments, as Kai Acker, CEO of KHS GmbH, emphasizes: “We’re very excited about finally returning to Nuremberg after such a long break and convincing our international trade visitors of our profitable and sustainable systems and solutions.”    Clothing microplastics polluting

Pioneer in efficiency and conversing resources

This is exactly where the Innofill Glass DRS ECO comes in. Since its launch in 2019, the modular glass filler has been installed many times over throughout the world. Its success is primarily attributable to its special evacuation and CO2 purging process for glass bottles. Here, during pre-evacuation air – and thus oxygen – is first removed from the containers before they are then purged with a precisely dosed amount of carbon dioxide. The result is compelling: the machinery lets less oxygen into the beer – and in doing so consumes up to 60% less CO2. The less carbon dioxide used per filled bottle, the more efficient the filling process. “Low-oxygen filling brings product quality up to a new level and thus ensures perfect enjoyment of the beer,” explains Acker.  Clothing microplastics polluting

At the trade show KHS will also be focusing on reducing packaging materials – and thus supporting the circular economy. Following the successful launch of a universal adhesive for beverage cans, KHS is now also offering this pioneering streamlined consumable for plastic bottles. Still one of the most environmentally-friendly secondary packaging styles on the market, PET containers of practically any shape, size or material thickness can now be joined together using just one type of adhesive. This is facilitated by a special process where the adhesive is foamed during application to the containers. The new system also increases the level of convenience for the consumer, as bottles are easier to separate. Moreover, the outer wall of the PET container is subjected to less stress when the pack is opened, meaning that even with lightweight bottles with a very low wall thickness overload and damage are more or less totally ruled out.  Clothing microplastics polluting

Digital systems a fixed feature of the KHS service portfolio

KHS is not only smart and intelligent with respect to its filling and packaging expertise; its digital service portfolio is also a feature of this year’s trade show booth. With ReDiS (Remote Diagnostic Service) the systems supplier already supplies a highly efficient method of remote maintenance. This enables system disruptions to be analyzed and remedied and software updates and modified system parameters to be uploaded to the machinery at any time on consultation with the customer. KHS provides additional help to make troubleshooting more time- and cost-effective with its ARS or Augmented Reality Service. According to the principle of ‘I see what you see’, support engineers gain a clear picture of the situation through the smart glasses worn by the user and line availability is thus quickly restored.  Clothing microplastics polluting


Clothing microplastics polluting

Why BRICS matters for Pakistan

BRICS represents Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, encompassing 41% of the global population and 24% of the global GDP. The 15th BRICS Summit being held from August 22 to 24 in Johannesburg, South Africa. About 40 countries participated in this year’s BRICS summit where some key decisions were made adding six new members namely Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The new membership will be effective from January 1, 2024.

In a historic first, Pakistan’s participation in the BRICS’s seminar, ahead of the summit, was encouraged by Beijing, which wants to integrate Pakistan into the alliance. However, Pakistan surprised the international community for not being the part of BRICS’s summit in Johannesburg. By joining BRICS, Pakistan could potentially benefit in multiple ways.

First, BRICS is the emerging power Centre of the world. Joining BRICS could open up economic opportunities for Pakistan.  Clothing microplastics polluting

The country could engage in trade with other member states, benefiting from their growing economies. Pakistan’s exports could find new markets within the framework of BRICS. Muhammad Karim Ahmed analysed, “These BRICS countries are emerging economies and they have improved their country, their economic conditions, manufacturing, and found markets for themselves through joining the bloc”. Certainly, the economic prosperity will minimize unemployment, poverty and illiteracy in Pakistan.

Moreover, developing nations are dissatisfied with the stringent conditions imposed by western-dominated financial institutions like International Monetary Fund (IMF). BRICS has also created two new financial institutions, the New Development Bank (NDB), also known as the BRICS Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA). CRA, which has a capital of more than USD 100 billion, can help member states withstand any short-term balance of payment crises. Pakistan if allowed in BRICS, can easily access the USD 100 billion CRA as well as the comparatively lenient loan conditions of NDB, without improving the functioning of the Pakistani state.

Second, BRICS membership could boost Pakistan’s geopolitical leverage by providing a platform to collaborate with other emerging powers on global issues. Pakistan has always been blackmailed by its traditional allies. Becoming a BRICS member could offer Pakistan an opportunity to diversify its diplomatic relationships. As a BRICS member, Pakistan could potentially demand for reforms in global governance structure. This could lead to a more equitable international order.  Clothing microplastics polluting

Third, some political analysts suspected that Pakistan’s inclusion in BRICS may generate disturbances with India, leading to a defunct group. However, it appears that India’s opposition to Pakistan joining the bloc is dying down. Recently, Indian Prime Minister Modi has supported BRICS expansion. South African president also welcomed Modi’s remarks, who remarked, “delighted to hear India supporting expansion of the BRICS”. Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed told Arab News that “First of all, Pakistan should apply for membership in BRICS, where the lead role is with China and where India is the weakest link due to its proclivity to be part of the West’s new Cold War against Beijing.” So, BRICS membership will certainly increase Pakistan’s diplomatic leverage with regard to India in the region.  Clothing microplastics polluting


Clothing microplastics polluting

The Population Bomb – A defining question of the 21st century

Fifty years ago overpopulation was a major source of concern around the world. Humanity was growing so rapidly, warned experts, that we’d soon outstrip the carrying capacity of the planet, run out of food, and face collapse. Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich became a media celebrity after his book “The Population Bomb” was published in 1968, and for years thereafter the topic was central to debates about the environment, the global food supply, and our collective future. And then somewhat suddenly, it wasn’t.

An expanding food supply and falling birthrates in many countries combined to make the worst predictions of the 1970s the stuff of fiction, such as in the 1973 movie “Soylent Green” where the food supply was, shall we say, of human origin. While the total population did grow rapidly, from 2.5 billion in 1950 to over 8 billion now, the rate of increase slowed significantly starting in the mid-1960s and is now less than half what it was at its peak.  Clothing microplastics polluting

Recent headlines are now reporting on a predicted population bust — projections for late in this century that could see the human population shrink to perhaps half of what was once expected, possibly as low as 6 billion in 2100 rather than the 11-12 billion previously anticipated. The prospect of slowed growth is at odds with basic assumptions about the global economy, which are predicated on ever-increasing GDPs and economic models driven by mass consumption and cheap labor. With fewer workers and fewer consumers in the future the global economy can only shrink, a notion that puts chills into the hearts of some observers. But would a gradual decline in population really be all that bad?

Today the chief source of concern over our collective future is not the food supply, but the ability of the atmosphere to absorb the greenhouse gasses that modern societies emit. Our reliance on fossil fuels is changing the planet in increasingly unpredictable ways, impacting precipitation patterns, growing seasons, migration routes, sea level, and of course temperatures in ways that may threaten large segments of the human population within our lifetimes.  Clothing microplastics polluting

In his book, “The Carbon Footprint of Everything,” author Mike Berners-Lee explains that a sustainable amount of emissions per person is around five tons CO2 equivalent per year as a global average. By his numbers the average American is responsible for about 21 tons per year, over four times our “share” of the global carbon budget. That needs to come down, while the energy footprints of many in developing countries equitably should go up so their standards of living can be improved.

To make room to increase the carbon footprints of the large segment of humanity that needs more resources, the impacts of the global wealthy — especially North Americans and Western Europeans –will have to decrease. But if overall population growth slows to the point of reversal there will be some additional wiggle room, more “carbon capacity” to go around to help the world’s poorest improve their living conditions while ameliorating perhaps some of the most painful impacts on the rest of us as we strive toward a climate-stable future.  Clothing microplastics polluting


The Population Bomb - A defining question of the 21st century

Can BRICS de-dollarise the global financial system?

China is among a number of countries looking to challenge the dominance of the US dollar. PHOTO: REUTERS

The highlight of the 15th BRICS summit was the agreement to admit six new member countries – Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE – which will officially join the group on January 1, 2024. “This membership expansion is historic,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping, the bloc’s most stalwart proponent. “It shows the determination of BRICS countries for unity and cooperation with the broader developing countries.”

Another significant outcome of the summit was the group’s declaration to work towards an alternative multilateral currency to replace the dollar. Nicknamed the “bric” by some cheeky observers, this new currency is expected to increase the payment options for emerging markets and developing economies (EMDE), and reduce their vulnerability to dollar exchange rate fluctuations. Obviously, bric will have to compete with special drawing rights (SDRs) and euro, the other currencies popular in the international market. While the hype about a common BRICS currency might be impractical and premature, trading in national currencies is increasingly becoming common.  Clothing microplastics polluting

What has driven the BRICS nations to push for their own currency and embark on this journey to depose the dollar from its pedestal? What are the chances that BRICS will be able to de-dollarise the global financial system? The factors contributing to the de-dollarisation initiative are plenty.

The US dollar is used as a reserve currency and a medium of exchange. Countries hold reserves for many reasons, as a buffer to overcome economic shocks, pay for imports, debt servicing, and moderate the value of their own currencies. The dollar is the most commonly held, making up 59 percent of global foreign exchange reserves, and second comes the euro, accounting for roughly 20 percent.

The dollar is also the dominant international medium of exchange. By one measure, it is now used in 84.3 percent of cross-border trade – compared to just 4.5 percent for the Chinese yuan.  Clothing microplastics polluting

The call for de-dollarisation did not come out of the blue. World leaders and economists have expressed their desire to dethrone the dollar since the 1960s. Former Bank of England governor Mark Carney told central bankers at the Jackson Hole Symposium in 2019 that the dollar’s dominance is the “destabilising asymmetry” growing “at the heart of international monetary and financial system.”

However, while there has been very little progress in that area, the urgency has increased recently. Extensive US sanctions have driven some countries to transact in other currencies, accelerating the urgency for de-dollarisation. The US relies upon the dollar’s dominant currency status to exercise “coercive economic statecraft” and sanction its adversaries.  Clothing microplastics polluting


Can BRICS de-dollarise the global financial system?

Global net-zero emissions by 2050 possible but with urgent action: IE


  • IEA Net Zero Roadmap reveals that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is achievable but requires rapid action and international cooperation.
  • The roadmap outlines plans for tripling renewable energy, boosting energy efficiency, and reducing fossil fuel demand, while emphasising an equitable global transition.
  • Delays could make targets unattainable.

Driving greenhouse gas emissions from the world’s energy sector to net zero and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius remains possible due to the record growth of key clean energy technologies, though momentum needs to increase rapidly in many areas, according to a new edition of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) landmark Net Zero Roadmap.  Clothing microplastics polluting

The roadmap emphasised the need for increased ambition and stronger international cooperation to achieve global climate goals, as per IEA.

Despite increased investment in fossil fuels and persistently high emissions, record growth in solar power capacity and electric vehicle sales indicate that achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century is still attainable. These technologies alone are expected to contribute one-third of the emissions reductions needed by 2030. Moreover, the role of yet-to-be-commercialised technologies in emissions reduction has fallen from nearly 50 per cent in 2021 to around 35 per cent in the 2023 update.  Clothing microplastics polluting

For bolder action, the updated roadmap calls for a tripling of global renewable power capacity and doubling the annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030. Additionally, it advocates for a 75 per cent reduction in energy sector methane emissions and a sharp rise in electric vehicles and heat pumps sales. These strategies are based on proven and often cost-effective technologies, which are projected to deliver over 80 per cent of the necessary emissions reductions by the end of the decade.

The roadmap also stresses the need for an equitable transition, taking into account national circumstances. For example, advanced economies should reach net zero sooner to allow emerging and developing economies more time. The pathway also seeks to provide modern forms of energy to all by 2030, requiring an annual investment of nearly $45 billion—just over 1 per cent of energy sector investment.  Clothing microplastics polluting

However, most countries need to advance their targeted net zero dates and significantly increase investments, especially in emerging and developing economies. Global clean energy spending is expected to rise from $1.8 trillion in 2023 to $4.5 trillion annually by the early 2030s.

In the updated scenario, fossil fuel demand would fall by 25 per cent by 2030 and by 80 per cent by 2050. This eliminates the need for new long-lead-time upstream oil and gas projects, as well as new coal mines and unabated coal plants. However, investments are still needed for some existing oil and gas assets.  Clothing microplastics polluting


Global net-zero emissions by 2050 possible but with urgent action: IE

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle – Germany’s 2023 GDP expected to decline by 0.6% 02-10-2023

Clothing microplastics polluting

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle – DFRL, Mysuru develops biodegradable water bottles 02-09-2023

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks : PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

ITEM 25/09/2023 02/10/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,200 yuan/ton 7,200 yuan/ton
Bottle grade PET chips export market 905 $/ton 900 $/ton -5
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 7,150 yuan/ton 7,100 yuan/ton -50
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,240 yuan/ton 7,170 yuan/ton -70
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,215 yuan/ton 6,240 yuan/ton +25
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 810 $/ton 790 $/ton -20
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,130 yuan/ton 4,050 yuan/ton -80
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 480 $/ton 470 $/ton -10
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

1,133 $/ton 1,117 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,110 $/ton 1,094 $/ton -16
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,250 $/ton 1,250 $/ton
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 8,100 yuan/ton 8,050 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,550 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,450 yuan/ton 9,350 yuan/ton -100
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

9,300 yuan/ton 9,200 yuan/ton -100
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,700 yuan/ton 8,650 yuan/ton -50
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,770 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton +30
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 13,375 yuan/ton 13,000 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,830 $/ton 1,830 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 14,450 yuan/ton 14,050 yuan/ton -400
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

15,100 yuan/ton 14,900 yuan/ton -200
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,500 yuan/ton 19,500 yuan/ton
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 17,200 yuan/ton 17,000 yuan/ton -200
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 19,400 yuan/ton 19,150 yuan/ton- -250
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  18,150 yuan/ton 18,100 yuan/ton -50
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,900 yuan/ton 9,900 yuan/ton
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

8,075 yuan/ton 8,240 yuan/ton +165
Benzene overseas  market 980 $/ton 975 $/ton -5
Ethylene South East market 870 $/ton 870 $/ton
Ethylene NWE market 783 $/ton 785 $/ton +2
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

9,700 yuan/ton 10,000 yuan/ton +300
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,100 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,400 yuan/ton 13,400 yuan/ton
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

7,550 yuan/ton 7,600 yuan/ton +50
Naphtha overseas market  719 $/ton 711 $/ton -8
Phenol domestic market 9,407 yuan/ton 9,477 yuan/ton +70

r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –


Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

DFRL, Mysuru develops biodegradable water bottles

Mysuru: The Mysuru-based Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), a DRDO lab, has developed a biodegradable water bottle, in an effort to reduce the overall carbon footprint in the environment.

These bottles, developed in a limited quantity, were launched by Union Minister of State for Defence and Tourism Ajay Bhat, here on Friday during the two-day national seminar at SDM College.

According to the release issued by DFRL-DRDO, these bio-degradable are compostable as per the ISO 17088-2021 and IS 17899 T: 2022 standards. These bottles are absolutely safe for food and beverage contact applications and what more, even the bottle cap and label are also compostable.

These bottles look like those other bottles as they too are transparent. Besides, these are durable and strong as any other plastic bottle.

With an aim to check plastic pollution that has become a menace due to indiscriminate littering and also insufficient recycling, these bottles have been developed in collaboration with M/s Konkan Specialty Polyproducts Ltd, Mangaluru. The technology that has been used to develop these bottles is the poly lactic acid manufactured using injection blow moulding technique.

These bottles are yet to be developed for commercial use as the availability of raw materials is scarce, it is said.


DFRL, Mysuru develops biodegradable water bottles

Sidel unveils StarLITE®R – a new, ultra-efficient 100% rPET bottle for carbonated soft drinks

To help carbonated soft drink (CSD) packaging producers embrace material circularity, Sidel has launched StarLITE®R – a 100% rPET bottle. Sidel’s signature StarLITE® family is evolving to address the challenges associated with working with recycled content.StarLITE®R allows CSD producers to switch to rPET bottle production with ease and efficiency, while significantly reducing the impact on product quality or packaging integrity.

Embracing 100% rPET

With over 45 years of experience in the blowing and PET packaging sector, Sidel has developed a deep understanding of recycled PET resin characteristics and its impact on bottle production. Laurent Naveau, Packaging Innovator Leader at Sidel, comments on the challenge rPET resin can present the packaging industry:

“The characteristics of rPET are impacted by several factors. Firstly, by seasonality. Consumption habits fluctuate over the course of the year impacting the product category mix. And secondly, by different PET collection models which means that post-consumer PET material bales will vary from region-to-region and even country-to-country. The recycling process and equipment used will also influence PET resin. All these factors can pose new challenges for manufacturers looking to produce bottles with rPET content.”

In addition to common CSD bottle manufacturing challenges such as stress cracking, roll out and bursting during blowing, a higher temperature is also required to process rPET. Consequently, packaging manufacturers can  experience reduced control over rPET material stretching and distribution of the substance in the bottle-making process.

Traditionally, greater variability in rPET resin leads to a narrower process window and lower bottle quality.

However, Sidel’s innovative base, StarLITE®R uses leading technologies to ensure efficient rPET bottle production by restoring a much wider process window. The StarLITE®R design is easier to blow as it can be done within a wider range of parameter settings on the blower achieving a much higher quality bottle.

High performance rPET bottle base

To achieve a high performing rPET bottle base, StarLITE®R features an optimised mould base profile and uses an advanced stretch rod end design.

The new mould base profile allows for perfect material distribution through advanced stretching and a high base clearance for optimum stability. The advanced stretch rod end design has improved the preform end-cap material stretching and ensures accurate injection gate centering on the bottle. Finally, the perfect combination of grooves and venting holes allows for high-precision base feet formation.

The new bottle solution also utilises dual external and internal bottle base cooling to ensure a perfect shape. Externally, the process uses a mould base cooling circuit that focuses on the warmer bottle base zones and internally a hollow-stretch rod requiring no additional air supply is used.


Petrochemicals PET-Bottle – Germany’s 2023 GDP expected to decline by 0.6% 02-10-2023

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle – DFRL, Mysuru develops biodegradable water bottles


Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by PolyestertimeSidel unveils StarLITE®R – a new, ultra-efficient 100% rPET bottle for carbonated soft drinks

To help carbonated soft drink (CSD) packaging producers embrace material circularity, Sidel has launched StarLITE®R – a 100% rPET bottle. Sidel’s signature StarLITE® family is evolving to address the challenges associated with working with recycled content.StarLITE®R allows CSD producers to switch to rPET bottle production with ease and efficiency, while significantly reducing the impact on product quality or packaging integrity.

Embracing 100% rPET

With over 45 years of experience in the blowing and PET packaging sector, Sidel has developed a deep understanding of recycled PET resin characteristics and its impact on bottle production. Laurent Naveau, Packaging Innovator Leader at Sidel, comments on the challenge rPET resin can present the packaging industry:

“The characteristics of rPET are impacted by several factors. Firstly, by seasonality. Consumption habits fluctuate over the course of the year impacting the product category mix.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

And secondly, by different PET collection models which means that post-consumer PET material bales will vary from region-to-region and even country-to-country. The recycling process and equipment used will also influence PET resin. All these factors can pose new challenges for manufacturers looking to produce bottles with rPET content.”

In addition to common CSD bottle manufacturing challenges such as stress cracking, roll out and bursting during blowing, a higher temperature is also required to process rPET. Consequently, packaging manufacturers can  experience reduced control over rPET material stretching and distribution of the substance in the bottle-making process.

Traditionally, greater variability in rPET resin leads to a narrower process window and lower bottle quality.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

However, Sidel’s innovative base, StarLITE®R uses leading technologies to ensure efficient rPET bottle production by restoring a much wider process window. The StarLITE®R design is easier to blow as it can be done within a wider range of parameter settings on the blower achieving a much higher quality bottle.

High performance rPET bottle base

To achieve a high performing rPET bottle base, StarLITE®R features an optimised mould base profile and uses an advanced stretch rod end design.

The new mould base profile allows for perfect material distribution through advanced stretching and a high base clearance for optimum stability. The advanced stretch rod end design has improved the preform end-cap material stretching and ensures accurate injection gate centering on the bottle. Finally, the perfect combination of grooves and venting holes allows for high-precision base feet formation.

The new bottle solution also utilises dual external and internal bottle base cooling to ensure a perfect shape. Externally, the process uses a mould base cooling circuit that focuses on the warmer bottle base zones and internally a hollow-stretch rod requiring no additional air supply is used.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle


Domo Chemicals awarded gold rating from EcoVadis

Domo now ranks in the top 5% of all companies rated by EcoVadis

Belgium-based engineering materials manufacturer Domo Chemicals has received a gold sustainability score from EcoVadis, a leading provider of business sustainability ratings. This overall rating puts Domo in the top 5% of companies in the sector.

EcoVadis evaluates more than 85,000 organisations in over 160 countries and in over 200 industries every year. Based on 21 criteria, the rating assesses a company’s performance in four categories: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Compared to last year, Domo moved from the 73rd to 94th percentile in the overall EcoVadis sustainability rating. The company scored particularly well in the categories Environment and Labour and Human Rights.

“This award is a testament to our unwavering commitment to sustainability,” said Yves Bonte, CEO of Domo Chemicals. “In one year, we have moved from the top 25% to the top 5%, placing Domo amongst the best in the industry.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle


Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Germany’s 2023 GDP expected to decline by 0.6%: Report


  • A recent report has suggested that Germany may see a 0.6 per cent drop in GDP for 2023, revising earlier spring forecasts downward by 0.9 percentage points.
  • The country’s economic downturn has worsened due to surging energy prices and climbing interest rates.
  • Improvements are expected by year-end, and GDP growth of 1.3 per cent is projected for 2024.

Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) for the year 2023 may witness a 0.6 per cent decline, as per a recent report. This marks a significant downward revision of 0.9 percentage points compared to predictions made earlier in the spring.

Struggling for over a year, Germany’s economic downturn intensified with the surge in energy prices in 2022. This rise has inflated consumer prices by over 8 per cent, thereby affecting the purchasing power of households.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Key interest rates have also climbed by over four percentage points, adversely impacting the construction industry, according to the Joint Economic Forecast prepared by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), the ifo Institute (Munich), the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), and RWI (Essen).

Business sentiment has been negatively affected recently, due in part to heightened political uncertainty. However, there are signs of improvement on the horizon. Wage hikes have kept pace with increasing prices, energy costs are dropping, and exporters are managing to pass on some of their elevated costs. These factors suggest a resurgence in purchasing power and are expected to mitigate the downturn by year-end.

Looking ahead to 2024, the institutes project a GDP growth of 1.3 per cent, only slightly lower than their spring forecast. However, a shrinking labour force in the coming years is expected to curtail potential growth rates.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

The economic downturn has begun to affect the labour market. Unemployment is expected to increase moderately to 2.6 million people in 2023, but it is likely to decrease somewhat in the following year.


Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Tesla Shares Analyst Vehicle Delivery Consensus as It Works To Lower Expectations Ahead of Quarterly Decline

Tesla is currently working to significantly expand vehicle production, as a result, the company posting record after record vehicle production and delivery numbers has become somewhat expected.

For instance, last Quarter Tesla posted the best vehicle production and delivery number in the company’s 10-plus years history. In Q2 2023, Tesla produced 480,000 vehicles and delivered 466,000 vehicles. The quarter was also a record in all aspects including revenue and profits.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

However, this quarter appears to be one in which Tesla will not set a record production number. This quarter Tesla is expected to post a rare quarter-over-quarter vehicle production and delivery decline.

There are multiple reasons to account for this quarter’s production and delivery decline. However, the main culprit for the decline is that Tesla has shut down production at multiple factories to either switch to a refreshed model or to upgrade production lines for efficiency and increase output.

Tesla’s Shanghai factory was shut down to switch to the refreshed Model 3 which was introduced at the beginning of this month. Tesla’s Texas factory was also shut down to perform upgrades to the Model Y production line and to prepare for Cybertruck volume production which is expected to begin in OctoberPetrochemicals PET-Bottle

In the long run, these shutdowns will help Tesla not only to produce better products but will also enable the EV maker to significantly increase vehicle production. However, public companies are required to post their performance on a quarterly basis which means all these shutdowns will show up as a decrease in Tesla’s production and delivery numbers quarter over quarter.


Quảng Yên Petrochemical plant granted technology transfer licences

The Stavian Quảng Yên Petrochemical Plant Project officially received the technology transfer licences for petrochemical technology to produce polypropylene (PP) resins from the Quảng Ninh Department of Science and Technology at Techconnect and Innovation Việt Nam 2023, under the witness of Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang.

Techconnect and Innovation Việt Nam 2023, with the theme “Innovation – Sustainable Development”, is a national-level event of significant importance, supporting businesses in the province to connect, transfer, and receive modern technologies to serve socio-economic development.    Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

The Stavian Quảng Yên Petrochemical Plant is being built on an area of 30ha in Bắc Tiền Phong Industrial Park, Tiền Phong Commune, Quảng Yên Town, Quảng Ninh Province. The project has an estimated total investment of up to US$1.5 billion with a production scale of 600,000 tonnes of polypropylene per year, applying the world’s most advanced copyrighted technologies from Honeywell UOP Company (USA) and Basell Poliolefine Italia Company (Italy). This includes propylene production technology from propane using the hydrogen reduction method and polypropylene production technology using Spheripol technology.

In addition to the cutting-edge technology, the Stavian Quảng Yên Petrochemical Plant will be equipped with a high-tech, automated, and eco-friendly production line imported from EU and G7 countries.    Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

They will apply more advanced solutions to optimise water use in production, ensuring energy savings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Stavian Quảng Yên Petrochemical 2023 also officially announced the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) contractor for the Stavian Quảng Yên Petrochemical Plant Project. With the extremely promising potential for developing petrochemical production in Việt Nam, the project is expected to attract further projects in these industries.


Quảng Yên Petrochemical plant granted technology transfer licences

More sustainable injection moulding

According to the Journal of Clean Production, injection moulding may be responsible of up to 90 per cent of the Global Warming Potential (GWP) created by the entire mould lifecycle, mainly caused by energy consumption. Here, Dervish Ibrahim, international sales manager at TM Robotics, explains why all-electric injection moulding machines are ‘the way forward’ for reducing the process’s environmental impact — while also helping manufacturers achieve a lower cost-per-part.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

The Journal of Clean Production’s findings are a wake-up call to manufacturers, particularly as demand for injection moulding processes continue to grow. For example, the market for injection moulded medical devices plastics is expected to see booming growth between 2023 and 2030.

Injection moulding is used to manufacture a huge variety of parts, and has several advantages. They include the ability to mould a wide variety of plastics, good repeatability, consistently high production with low waste and a low-cost-per-part — the latter is always a priority.

Maintaining a low cost-per-part throughout the manufacturing process is vital for reducing costs and delivering a higher product value — from both the manufacturer’s and the customer’s perspective. While injection moulding can support this, manufacturers are also concerned about the energy costs of injection moulding, and how this effects sustainability and the bottom line.    Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

More than 90 per cent of the costs of injection moulding can be attributed to energy use. This mainly applies to the electricity used to power and operate the injection moulding machine. As a result, there has been some debate in industry about the cost and sustainability advantages of hydraulic injection moulding versus all-electric machines.

Injection moulding machines powered by a hydraulic motor can produce higher energy levels and higher injection pressures, and the initial cost of the machine is lower. But there are also disadvantages with hydraulic machines. They include the machine’s high consumption of electric energy, because its hydraulic power is connected to an electric power unit that works at maximum capacity during every phase of the moulding process.

Whole-life cost 

Although hydraulic injection moulding machines are less expensive initially, it’s important to consider the whole life cost when buying new machines. This was demonstrated by TM Robotics’ customer Lotan, a manufacturer of plastic containers based in Leicestershire, UK. All of the injection moulding machines in Lotan’s production facility are electric, rather than hydraulic.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

The company relies on Shibaura Machine’s all-electric injection moulding machines (IMM) supplied by TM Robotics. The machine is manufactured in-house by Shibaura Machine, formerly known as Toshiba Machine. Performance benefits of the IMM include a range of clamping force from 50 to 2,500 tons, which can be calibrated by a digital direct screw transfer (DST) control for added production flexibility.

Although all-electric machines are initially more expensive with lower injection pressures, they are shown to outperform hydraulic versions in a variety of other ways. Advantages include higher rates and speeds of injection because the all-electric maching relies on toggle clamping rather than direct pressure clamping, which is better for high-speed injection moulding.  Petrochemicals PET-Bottle


More sustainable injection moulding

Petrochemicals PET-Bottle

Carbon capture EVcar – INEOS announces the acquisition of the Eastman Texas City Site for ~$500 million 30-09-2023

Carbon capture EVcar

INEOS announces the acquisition of the Eastman Texas City Site for ~$500 million

  • The deal includes the 600kt Acetic Acid plant and all associated third party activities on the site.
  • Eastman and INEOS have also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to explore options for a long-term supply agreement for vinyl acetate monomer.
  • David Brooks, CEO INEOS Acetyls, comments “We are delighted to announce this strategic acquisition which will help drive our global ambitions for our Acetyls business.”INEOS has today announced it has reached an agreement with Eastman Chemical Company to purchase the Eastman Texas City site, including the 600kt Acetic Acid plant and all associated third party activities on the site, for circa $500 million.Eastman and INEOS have also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to explore options for a long-term supply agreement for vinyl acetate monomer.David Brooks, CEO INEOS Acetyls, comments “We are delighted to announce this strategic acquisition which will help drive our global ambition for our Acetyls business. The site is ideally placed to take advantage of competitively priced feedstocks which will help support the growth of our business and sustainable future of the site.”  Carbon capture EVcar

Currently INEOS licenses its leading Cativa® Acetic Acid Technology to Eastman Chemical Texas City for production of Acetic Acid at the site.

“We are happy to have reached this agreement with INEOS. They have been a strong partner with us at the Texas City site and have extensive experience and a complementary position in the acetyls space,” said Erwin Dijkman, Division President, Chemical Intermediates.

“Our Texas City Operations is an attractive site with an incredible team of people, and we are pleased that INEOS plans to further invest in and grow the site. We look forward to working closely with INEOS as we prepare for a seamless transition later this year, and longer-term as operators of our plasticizer assets at the site.”  Carbon capture EVcar


Carbon capture EVcar

UPM selects Brenntag as sole European distributor of its new bio-based MEG

UPM Biochemicals announced today that it has selected Brenntag SE, the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution, as sole distributor of its sustainable bio-monoethylene glycol (BioMEG) UPM BioPura™ in Europe. The new distribution agreement will bring UPM BioPura™ to market, unlocking further commercial opportunities, while accelerating the introduction of sustainable forest-sourced materials into the chemical sector.

UPM Biochemicals is committed to the sustainable transformation of the chemical industry and is actively engaging with industry partners like Brenntag to enable its acceleration.

By reducing its dependency on fossil-based materials and transitioning to a more circular, low emission operating model, the chemical industry can become a key enabler in the transformation to a net zero circular economy.  Carbon capture EVcar

“As we evaluated potential partners, we were convinced by Brenntag’s strong distribution network across Europe, as well as its commitment to engage in evolving the chemical industry’s sustainability performance,” explained Michael Duetsch, Vice President Biochemicals at UPM. “Brenntag has demonstrated that they can market, deliver, and promote the advantages of more sustainable solutions.

This partnership confirms the attractiveness of our portfolio and is a strong push for the commercialization of our first-of-its-kind biorefinery in Leuna, Germany.“

UPM invests EUR 1,180 million to build the world’s first industrial scale biorefinery in Leuna, Germany, where sustainably sourced, certified hardwood will be converted into next generation biochemicals that will enable the vital shift away from fossil-based to renewable materials across a wide range of industries. The Leuna biorefinery is part of a broader growth area, UPM Biorefining, focused on scaling refineries producing a variety of renewable fuels and chemicals made from sustainable biomass.

UPM has already signed multiple distribution agreements in the past year to market UPM BioMotion™ Renewable Functional Fillers (RFF), another product within the innovative new category of bio-based products.  Carbon capture EVcar

UPM BioPura™ will be produced from certified hardwood obtained from regional forests around Leuna. The biomass does not compete with food resources and will provide manufacturers with a viable option to progress towards their net zero targets and significantly reduce their scope 3 emissions* by switching effortlessly from fossil-based ingredients to a renewable, drop-in solution.


Carbon capture EVcar

Michelin completes the acquisition of Flex Composite Group and creates a leader in high-tech engineered fabrics and films

Michelin completed today the acquisition of Flex Composite Group, under the terms announced on June 19, 2023 and after obtaining all of the necessary approvals for the transaction.

Michelin completed today the acquisition of Flex Composite Group, under the terms announced on June 19, 2023 and after obtaining all of the necessary approvals for the transaction.  Carbon capture EVcar

Michelin and FCG have thus created a leader in high-tech engineered fabrics and films. This acquisition is part of the Michelin in Motion 2030 strategy and marks a significant step forward in the development of the Group’s polymer composites activities. The new entity will leverage Michelin’s unrivalled innovation and R&D capabilities, and benefit from FCG’s advanced customers intimacy and industrial process expertise.

FCG is a European leader in engineered fabrics and films with applications in highly technical markets such as marine, supercars & electric vehicles, sports, or construction. FCG masters a wide range of polymer composite solutions, adjacent to those already developed by Michelin.

The company has 400 employees. It primarily operates in Europe, in fast-growing markets with strong demand dynamics catering to high-end customers. In 2022 FCG reported €202 million revenue. Over the 2015-2022 period, the company achieved average organic growth of 11%, with an EBITDA margin of 25 – 30%.  Carbon capture EVcar

Key highlights of the transaction:

  • Creating a leader in high-tech engineered fabrics and films, increasing by c. 20% the revenue of Michelin’s High-Tech Materials activities.
  • An important step in developing Michelin beyond mobility and positioning the Group as a key player in polymer composite solutions, in line with its Michelin in Motion2030
  • Leveraging both companies’ distinctive capabilities to unlock deep-innovation synergies in a broad range of products and applications.
  • Improved Michelin’s growth profile, margin accretive transaction for the Group and the Specialty segment, positive cash generation and EPS impact.
  • Acquisition financed with available cash, preserving Michelin’s strong financial position.  Carbon capture EVcar


Carbon capture EVcar

Spinning At ITMA 2023 – An Economic View

Recent innovations in the spinning sector focus on automation and process integration, higher efficiencies and better controls with remote access.

“Cautiously moving forward” appears to be the overarching motto of the spinning sector at ITMA 2023 held recently in Milan, Italy. Of course there were some technical advances on display, but economically speaking, no new innovations that completely shake up existing business models. Some of the incremental investments1 of the 1980s are coming back to mind. Incremental investments allow textile manufacturers to utilize new or improved technologies without having to completely replace existing equipment. This conserves financial resources, which is relevant in uncertain economic times, as well as during times when technological directions are not yet clear.

The theme of economic uncertainty was definitely visible and frequently mentioned in many conversations during ITMA.  Carbon capture EVcar

Many machine manufacturers as well as their clients still mentioned “surviving COVID” in the post-COVID times. Economic activity is still reduced, and survival is simply more important than innovation, or at least more imminent. For equipment producers, just like for their clients, raw material prices have been very volatile and considerably higher than five years ago2.

These kinds of cost increases impact machine prices, thus changing the cost/benefit analysis for new equipment and new technologies.

Similar price increases and volatilities have taken place in raw materials for yarn producers — in cotton and polyester2 prices, for example — making long-term decisions like the purchase of new spinning equipment extremely difficult.

Additionally, like for most other industries, a lot of technological innovation is happening in the integration, control and coordination of textile processes.

This upgrade requires computing equipment and semiconductors — items that are still in supply chain recovery mode since 2018. Shortages in some cases lead to “allocation” of equipment to existing or strategic customers only, most definitely not a desirable situation for the industry.  Carbon capture EVcar
Some themes do emerge in the technology directions despite this economic backdrop.

Process Integration

Most of the equipment manufacturers at ITMA showed very sophisticated programs that monitor, control, optimize, and integrate processes within and between plants. Cloud computing, remote access and control, and a plethora of data analyses was shown by most of the companies at ITMA. Software programs are key to efficient plant management, and exhibitors integrate maintenance and spare part businesses into their plant management toolboxes. While spare parts have always been an important business component, today these services are strongly promoted, showing how much more important they have become to the suppliers.  Carbon capture EVcar


Spinning At ITMA 2023 – An Economic View

The Growing EV Battery Market: Trends, Drivers, and Challenges

The EV Battery Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of +16.5% and reach a value of USD 67.7 billion by 2026. As the world shifts towards cleaner energy and reduced carbon emissions, the EV battery market has become a pivotal player in reshaping the automotive industry. This article explores the latest trends and drivers in the EV battery market, as well as the challenges it faces and the regulatory and legal issues that shape its trajectory.

One of the key trends in the EV battery market is the dominance of lithium-ion batteries due to their high energy density and long cycle life.

Ongoing research aims to enhance their performance and reduce costs, making them even more appealing. Additionally, solid-state batteries represent the future of EVs, promising increased energy density, faster charging times, and improved safety.  Carbon capture EVcar

Sustainability is another important trend in the EV battery market, driven by eco-conscious consumers. Companies are investing in greener battery production methods and closed-loop recycling systems to meet the growing demand for sustainable battery materials and recycling solutions.

Advances in battery technology are extending the driving range of EVs, alleviating range anxiety and making them more attractive to a broader audience.

EV batteries are also being used for grid energy storage, contributing to a more stable and sustainable energy ecosystem.

There are several drivers of growth in the EV battery market. Government incentives, subsidies, and tax breaks offered worldwide are promoting EV adoption and spurring market growth.  Carbon capture EVcar

Growing environmental awareness and stringent emission regulations are pushing automakers to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles. The expansion of EV charging networks is eliminating barriers to EV adoption and boosting consumer confidence. Continuous innovation in battery technology is lowering costs, improving efficiency, and making EVs more accessible to the masses.

The EV battery market also presents opportunities and threats. Emerging markets offer immense growth potential as they invest in sustainable transportation solutions. Battery manufacturers can explore new markets beyond automotive, such as energy storage for renewables and consumer electronics.  Carbon capture EVcar


The Growing EV Battery Market: Trends, Drivers, and Challenges

Honeywell and SK E&S to collaborate on carbon capture projects

Honeywell International Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.) recently announced a collaboration with SK E&S, an affiliate of Korean conglomerate SK Group, to deploy Honeywell carbon capture technology to help enable SK to accelerate the energy transition in Korea and other parts of Southeast Asia.

SK and Honeywell are deploying Honeywell UOP’s Advanced Solvent Carbon Capture (ASCC) system at a SK E&S natural gas power plant to showcase carbon capture’s vital role in decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries such as power generation, steel, cement, and petrochemicals. Honeywell’s technology is a key element to SK E&S’s pursuit to build a portfolio of sustainable solutions to provide to its customers as it becomes an early mover in sustainability in Korea.    Carbon capture EVcar

Honeywell’s Advanced Solvent Carbon Capture technology is specifically designed for post-combustion flue gas applications, enabling greater than 95 percent carbon dioxide (CO2) capture.1

This technology can be retrofitted within existing plants or included as part of a new installation.

“Joining efforts in Korea to deploy Honeywell Advanced Solvent Carbon Capture technology will further complement SK E&S portfolio of end-to-end environmentally friendly solutions to decarbonize both SK E&S’ assets and in the future our customers’ assets, as we aim to be a leader in decarbonizing Korea and Southeast Asia,” said TB Cha, Head of Net Zero Technology Center at SK E&S. “We look forward to collaborating with Honeywell to demonstrate a competitive and reliable post-combustion capture system for broad deployment.”    Carbon capture EVcar

“Working with SK E&S will demonstrate Honeywell’s ready now ASCC technology to help decarbonize fossil-fuel power generation, which is an essential component of the overall energy transition,” said Barry Glickman, vice president and general manager, Honeywell Sustainable Technology Solutions. “This collaboration is a key milestone in demonstrating post-combustion capture technology in natural gas power plant applications, allowing Honeywell to showcase its advanced technology and modular equipment supply capabilities.”


Honeywell and SK E&S to collaborate on carbon capture projects

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Novamont by Versalis

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole  control of Novamont S.p.A. by Versalis S.p.A., both of Italy.

The transaction relates primarily to the market of bioproducts and biochemicals from renewable resources.

The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the companies’ limited combined market position resulting from the proposed transaction. The transaction was examined under the normal merger review procedure.  Carbon capture EVcar

More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11150.


Plastic-eating bacteria – The case for chemical recycling and mass balance accounting 29-09-2023

Carbon capture EVcar

Plastic-eating bacteria – The case for chemical recycling and mass balance accounting 29-09-2023

Plastic-eating bacteria

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

The case for chemical recycling and mass balance accounting

Industry Voice: Chemical recycling and mass balance are set to play a critical role in the transition to a low-carbon economy, writes Dow Packaging, Peter Sandkuehler

As countries around the world continue to witness extreme weather events and climate change, along with concerning levels of plastic pollution and dwindling resources, the need for action is becoming ever more urgent by the day. Our industry is at the forefront of the issue, with a responsibility to drive the change needed to address climate change and the plastic waste crisis, which pose an existential threat to our planet. Plastics are essential to our society; we rely on their performance, benefits and convenience and their use has revolutionised our lives, from hygienic food packaging to safer medical supplies, lighter cars and more durable construction materials. But the affordability of plastic products has resulted in significant plastic use which has not been matched by an equivalently efficient end of life management process. Plastic-eating bacteria

It is clear that something must be done to reduce fossil based raw materials and associated carbon emissions and implement an effective circular economy within our industry. However, the industry cannot face this challenge alone; we must work alongside government on the formation of a workable circular economy. Governments are already beginning to prioritise the issue in their net zero strategies. Tackling plastic pollution is a key element of the European Green Deal, a roadmap which outlines the EU’s ambition to reach net zero by 2050.

As part of the Green Deal, the plastic value chains face bolder regulations on circularity for several end-markets such as packaging and automotive e.g. the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) and End of Life Vehicle Directive (ELV).

Within packaging, under the latest European Commission proposal, EU member states must reduce packaging waste per capita by 15 per cent by 2040, in comparison with 2018 levels. Additionally, the following conditions are proposed with a 2030 deadline:

  • Mandatory recyclability for all packaging based on design for recycling criteria.
  • Mandatory recycled content targets for plastic packaging (differing targets with a 2030 and 2040 deadline). Plastic-eating bacteria
  • Mandatory eco-modulated packaging Extended Producer Responsibility fees based on recyclability for all packaging.

At Dow, we see these proposed changes as positive, reflecting a sensible way forward for the industry. Through our own “Transform the Waste” strategy, we have committed to deliver globally three million metric tons per year of circular and renewable solutions by 2030, and we are investing in new technologies to produce circular products from plastic waste to meet rising market demand.

However, in order to reach the recycled content targets outlined in the PPWR and the ELV Directive, the plastics industry and value chain need policymakers to introduce the right framework to truly enable the transition to a circular economy, where all plastics recycling technologies are recognised and scaled up significantly. This will be essential for an effective transition to a sustainable business model. Plastic-eating bacteria

Plastic-eating bacteria

‘We are just getting started’: the plastic-eating bacteria that could change the world


When a microbe was found munching on a plastic bottle in a rubbish dump, it promised a recycling revolution. Now scientists are attempting to turbocharge those powers in a bid to solve our waste crisis. But will it work?

In 2001, a group of Japanese scientists made a startling discovery at a rubbish dump. In trenches packed with dirt and waste, they found a slimy film of bacteria that had been happily chewing through plastic bottles, toys and other bric-a-brac. As it broke down the trash, the bacteria harvested the carbon in the plastic for energy, which it used to grow, move and divide into even more plastic-hungry bacteria. Even if not in quite the hand-to-mouth-to-stomach way we normally understand it, the bacteria was eating the plastic.

The scientists were led by Kohei Oda, a professor at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. His team was looking for substances that could soften synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, which is made from the same kind of plastic used in most beverage bottles. Oda is a microbiologist, and he believes that whatever scientific problem one faces, microbes have probably already worked out a solution.  Plastic-eating bacteria

“I say to people, watch this part of nature very carefully. It often has very good ideas,” Oda told me recently.

What Oda and his colleagues found in that rubbish dump had never been seen before. They had hoped to discover some micro-organism that had evolved a simple way to attack the surface of plastic. But this bacteria was doing much more than that – it appeared to be breaking down plastic fully and processing it into basic nutrients. From our vantage point, hyperaware of the scale of plastic pollution, the potential of this discovery seems obvious. But back in 2001 – still three years before the term “microplastic” even came into use – it was “not considered a topic of great interest”, Oda said. The preliminary papers on the bacteria his team put together were never published.

In the years since the group’s discovery, plastic pollution has become impossible to ignore. Within that roughly 20-year span, we have generated 2.5bn tonnes of plastic waste and each year we produce about 380 million tonnes more, with that amount projected to triple again by 2060. A patch of plastic rubbish seven times the size of Great Britain sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and plastic waste chokes beaches and overspills landfills across the world.  Plastic-eating bacteria

At the miniature scale, microplastic and nanoplastic particles have been found in fruits and vegetables, having passed into them through the plants’ roots. And they have been found lodged in nearly every human organ – they can even pass from mother to child through breast milk.

Current methods of breaking down or recycling plastics are woefully inadequate. The vast majority of plastic recycling involvesa crushing and grinding stage, which frays and snaps the fibres that make up plastic, leaving them in a lower-quality state. While a glass or aluminium container can be melted down and reformed an unlimited number of times, the smooth plastic of a water bottle, say, degrades every time it is recycled. A recycled plastic bottle becomes a mottled bag, which becomes fibrous jacket insulation, which then becomes road filler, never to be recycled again. And that is the best case scenario. In reality, hardly any plastic – just 9% – ever enters a recycling plant.

The sole permanent way we’ve found to dispose of plastic is incineration, which is the fate of nearly 70 million tonnes of plastic every year – but incineration drives the climate crisis by releasing the carbon in the plastic into the air, as well as any noxious chemicals it might be mixed with.  Plastic-eating bacteria


Plastic-eating bacteria

Only from KHS: freshness protection which is 100% bottle-to-bottle recyclable

The FreshSafe PET® coating system provides convincing freshness and quality protection for juices, carbonated beverages, wine or sauces and dressings in PET bottles, for instance. The system also facilitates full bottle-to-bottle recyclability.

In FreshSafe PET® KHS combines the advantages of PET and glass bottles in one, offering market-proven plant engineering for customers with particularly high requirements regarding quality and sustainability. A wafer-thin protective layer of silicon oxide (SiOx) or chemically pure glass finishes the inner wall of the PET container, thus forming an effective barrier: aroma and carbon dioxide are retained while at the same time oxygen is prevented from penetrating the bottle resulting in no loss of vitamins or taste.

The coating process not only provides long-term product protection and crystal-clear bottles; it also completely does away with the need for additives and therefore enables PET bottles to be fully recycled. With these features KHS is specifically supporting its customers’ efforts to use environmentally-friendly packaging and keep packaging materials in circulation for as long as possible.  Plastic-eating bacteria

Maximum freshness protection, long shelf lives and lower overall costs

FreshSafe PET® protects sensitive products such as fruit juices and nectars just as reliably as carbonated beverages. The freshness and taste are retained while the shelf life is considerably lengthened. It is therefore also worth using the barrier system, for example, when small bottles (holding less than 500 ml) have to travel long distances and are subjected to changing climatic conditions.

Investing in FreshSafe PET® technology pays off thanks to lower operating costs and a number of further economic benefits. With FreshSafe PET® bottlers can switch to less expensive standard PET preforms, for instance. In order that each customer can study the advantages for themselves, KHS provides a customized total cost of ownership calculation based on the use of barrier technology.

Fruit juice bottles in particular often contain multilayer, blended or scavenger additives. These protect sensitive beverages from external influences yet often prevent pure-grade recycling of the PET material. With FreshSafe PET® KHS provides the only fully recyclable barrier system currently available. In the recycling process the glass coating is simply washed off by the caustic in a standard procedure. This produces pure, separated PET which can be fully recycled. Using this method PET bottles made of recyclate can also be coated without restriction.  Plastic-eating bacteria

This unique recyclability is acknowledged by the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) label, among others (more in our press release on the subject).  In its design guidelines the European PET Bottle Platform (EPBP) also describes KHS’ transparent SiOx coating technology as the only fully compatible barrier technology for PET bottles.


Alpek: Corpus Christi Polymers (CCP) pause construction of its integrated PTA-PET plant


Alpek, S.A.B. de C.V. (“Alpek”) announced today that Corpus Christi Polymers (“CCP”) has decided to temporarily pause construction of its integrated PTA-PET plant in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Alpek, along with its joint venture partners in CCP, has been committed to the development of this facility. However, due to high inflationary rates, construction and labor costs have surpassed original expectations.

Consequently, the partners have decided to pause and further assess options to optimize the project’s costs and timeline. The site will be properly preserved to be able to resume construction in the future.  Plastic-eating bacteria

“Alpek remains committed to maximizing value from CCP,” stated Jorge Young, Alpek’s CEO. “We are confident that taking the time to evaluate the various options will allow us to improve CAPEX and determine the best path moving forward considering our stakeholders and customers.”


Plastic-eating bacteria

GreenDot and Synextra Forge Alliance to Confront the Global Plastic Recycling Challenge

On September 27, 2023, GreenDot and Synextra made a significant announcement that reverberated throughout Italy and Europe. This momentous occasion marked the strategic consolidation of their efforts to enhance and synergize their expertise and capabilities within the plastics recycling sector. Their shared mission is to prepare feedstock for chemical recycling and produce high-quality mechanically recycled compounds, aligning perfectly with the newly proposed EU targets for circular polymers and industry transformation.  Plastic-eating bacteria

Amidst a surging demand for circular polymers and recycled content in response to the European Union’s latest proposed targets under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), GreenDot and Synextra have united forces. The focal point of their collaboration is to meet the escalating need for recyclates derived from chemical recycling processes and their corresponding feedstock. This collaboration represents a merger of their visions, competencies, and activities, driven by the growing clamor for sustainable solutions in packaging.

Under the strategic partnership, Pioneer Point Partners (“Pioneer”), Synextra’s shareholder, has become a part of the GreenDot Group. Laurent Auguste, CEO of GreenDot Group, expressed enthusiasm about this development, emphasizing their commitment to closing the loop on challenging-to-recycle plastics packaging. Auguste further added, “Jointly, we will accelerate the development of our activities in sorting and enhancing the quality of plastics recycling on a large scale. GreenDot is diligently following its development plan, which entails establishing recycling plants in the major economies of Europe and achieving vertical integration from feedstock preparation to recycling.”

Fabio Mosca, CEO of Synextra, highlighted the company’s expertise in plastic waste sorting, mechanical recycling, and feedstock supply to chemical recycling plants. Mosca conveyed his pride in joining forces with GreenDot and their shared vision for the growth of the circular plastics sector.  Plastic-eating bacteria

This collaboration aligns seamlessly with the industry’s ongoing transformation, necessitated by the EU Commission’s proposal for increased recycled content in packaging. GreenDot’s distinctive approach grants them direct access to recyclable streams on an international scale, establishing them as a leading global provider for the plastics circular economy. This union mirrors Synextra’s transformational journey over the past five years, driven by its shareholder, Pioneer.

GreenDot and Synextra’s collective objective is to offer a comprehensive solution for recycling a broad spectrum of plastic waste, with a specific focus on waste streams that are unsuitable for mechanical recycling. Currently, a significant portion of this plastic waste ends up incinerated or in landfills. The strategic amalgamation of GreenDot and Synextra paves the way for an array of industrial-scale mechanical and chemical recycling solutions, reintegrating plastic waste that was previously lost from the value chain. Consequently, the environmental impact of plastic packaging waste is minimized, as recycling prevents the release of fossil carbon compounds into the environment.

In conclusion, the collaboration between GreenDot and Synextra represents a pivotal step forward in addressing the global plastic recycling challenge. Their alignment with EU targets and commitment to sustainable solutions position them as trailblazers in the quest for a circular plastics economy.  Plastic-eating bacteria

Through their combined efforts, they aim to reshape the future of plastic recycling and contribute to a greener, more sustainable world.

GreenDot and Synextra Forge Alliance to Confront the Global Plastic Recycling Challenge

PolyQuest Strengthens Supply Chain Control with Acquisition of Baker Transportation

PolyQuest, a prominent player in the plastics industry engaged in the distribution and manufacturing of recycled thermoplastics, has unveiled its strategic move to acquire Baker Transportation, Inc. (BTI), a regional carrier and one of its crucial supply chain partners in the United States. The transaction is set to be finalized on October 1, 2023.

This unprecedented acquisition represents a notable departure from traditional industry practices, as PolyQuest diversifies its approach by bringing a transportation company in-house. This bold move empowers PolyQuest with increased command over potential disruptions in its supply chain while enhancing its overall distribution flexibility.

Headquartered in Wilmington, NC, PolyQuest is a privately held company that boasts operations in South Carolina, New York, and Austria.  Plastic-eating bacteria

The company stands at the forefront of distributing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins across the United States and Canada, in addition to handling polypropylene (PP), high-impact polystyrene (HIPS), and polyethylene (PE). Furthermore, PolyQuest is recognized for its role in the production of recycled PET (rPET) flake and resins.

PolyQuest’s comprehensive range of resins finds applications in various sectors, including bottle manufacturing, sheet production, strapping solutions, film production, fiber manufacturing, compounding, and injection molding markets.

While PolyQuest intends to maintain its relationships with existing freight service providers, the acquisition of Baker Transportation underpins the company’s commitment to tailor freight and logistics solutions with unmatched flexibility for its own operations and those of Baker Transportation’s current partners. John Marinelli, CEO of PolyQuest, underscores this aspect of the acquisition.

Notably, the Baker family will continue to oversee the transportation division, extending its services not only to PolyQuest but also to the existing customer base of Baker Transportation. Situated in Lake City, SC, Baker Transportation operates an impressive fleet comprising 150 trailers and over 40 trucks, primarily serving the Southeastern and Midwestern regions of the United States.

Baker Transportation strategically positions itself in proximity to the I-95, I-20, and I-26 corridors, granting it easy access to major US distribution routes and key ports in Wilmington, NC; Charleston, SC; and Savannah, GA.

Michael Baker, VP of Operations at Baker Transportation, comments on this significant development, emphasizing the enduring commitment to safety, reliability, and quality service that has characterized the company’s four-decade-long history. Furthermore, he highlights the enduring continuity of these core competencies in the wake of this transformative acquisition.    Plastic-eating bacteria

PAdd NewolyQuest Strengthens Supply Chain Control with Acquisition of Baker Transportation

DyeCoo and CleanDye CO2 Dyeing Technology Achieve a 58% Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Compared to Conventional Dyeing

In an effort to assess new technology, Adidas commissioned an independent report, revealing that DyeCoo’s revolutionary waterless dyeing technology, operated by CleanDye’s facility in Vietnam, significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 58% when compared to traditional textile dyeing methods. The independent lifecycle assessment (LCA) conducted by Sphera as part of Adidas’ initiative to identify and endorse low-carbon textile coloration technologies showcases the transformative potential of DyeCoo’s supercritical CO2 dyeing.  Plastic-eating bacteria

As forward-thinking brands like Adidas take decisive steps to reshape the apparel industry with a focus on climate concerns, technologies like DyeCoo’s CO2 dyeing, which simultaneously curtail carbon emissions and combat water pollution, have emerged as essential elements of sustainable fashion. Encouraged by these results, Adidas intends to integrate CO2 dyeing into its supply chain, bolstering its commitment to environmental responsibility.

The rigorous LCA was carried out by Sphera, a reputable third-party consultant with a track record of producing reliable sustainability reports across various industries. The comparison between CleanDye and DyeCoo’s waterless dyeing process and three conventional fabric vendors used by Adidas revealed that CleanDye and DyeCoo’s approach generated a 58% smaller carbon footprint than conventional fabric dyeing technology.    Plastic-eating bacteria

This report aligns with the growing global interest in DyeCoo’s technology, with manufacturers in Turkey, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Central America, and major international brands and retailers all seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint in the years ahead. DyeCoo garnered enthusiastic feedback at ITMA, the world’s largest international textile and garment technology exhibition held in Italy in June. During the event, DyeCoo introduced a range of new CO2 dyeing solutions, including a compact, fully electric CO2 dyeing machine suitable for sampling and small-scale production, as well as an advanced lab system for research and development purposes.

Kasper Nossent, the Commercial Director at DyeCoo, expressed his excitement about the report’s findings and the increasing momentum of CO2 dyeing in textile manufacturing. He anticipates further collaboration with brand partners to expand their technology’s reach beyond current customers to factories worldwide.

In addition to its significant sustainability benefits, DyeCoo’s CO2 dyeing technology offers a full spectrum of colors and maintains a high level of consistency in bulk production without compromising quality or cost.

Simon Weston, CEO of CleanDye, emphasized the role of their Vietnam facility, where DyeCoo technology helps produce high-quality, sustainable fabric at competitive prices, as highlighted in the LCA.

CleanDye has already supplied fabrics to brands such as Decathlon, Tom Tailor, s.Oliver, Marco Polo, and Bonprix, with discussions underway with numerous global apparel and footwear brands interested in incorporating DyeCoo and CleanDye into their supply chains.

Weston added, “After analyzing the LCA, CleanDye has made further improvements to our process, and we are confident that our carbon emissions are even lower than the already impressive LCA figures.”    Plastic-eating bacteria

Kenneth Katz, Managing Director and Head of Asia at TAU Investment Management, a private equity firm with a controlling interest in CleanDye and a significant stake in DyeCoo, remarked, “We already knew that CO2 dyeing technology dramatically reduces water pollution from textile manufacturing. Innovation like this is critical, as 20% of industrial water waste comes from textile dyeing. However, this report is especially exciting since it demonstrates that DyeCoo’s patented technology and CleanDye’s purpose-built dyeing facility in Vietnam also dramatically reduce carbon emissions. We look forward to expanding the impact of DyeCoo and CleanDye’s innovation in the sustainable transformation of the fashion industry.”    Plastic-eating bacteria

DyeCoo and CleanDye CO2 Dyeing Technology Achieve a 58% Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Compared to Conventional Dyeing

R-PET Sustainability – Europe R-PE and R-PP demand remains weak, but prices may have bottomed out 28-09-2023

Plastic-eating bacteria

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals – Europe R-PE and R-PP demand remains weak, but prices may have bottomed out 28-09-2023

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Shinkong Achieves Milestone with US FDA Approval for R-PET

In a significant development, Thai Shinkong Industry Corporation (TSIC) has recently received the coveted approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the utilization of its recycled materials in food-contact packaging, a remarkable achievement for the company. This approval marks a pivotal moment for TSIC as it opens up doors to the lucrative US market, which currently stands as a major consumer of R-PET (Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate) pellets originating from Shinkong’s cutting-edge facility based in Taiwan.

TSIC, a strategic joint venture formed between the renowned Mitsubishi Corporation and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corporation of Taiwan, inaugurated its state-of-the-art R-PET facility in the thriving region of Rayong, Thailand, at the outset of September.

This state-of-the-art facility represents a significant step forward in TSIC’s mission to contribute to sustainability through recycling, aligning with global environmental objectives. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

The journey to securing the US FDA’s approval has been pivotal for TSIC, given the rigorous standards and regulations governing food-contact materials in the United States. This achievement underscores the company’s commitment to delivering safe and eco-friendly solutions for the packaging industry.

As TSIC celebrates this milestone, its focus is now on establishing partnerships and securing approvals from major brands, enabling the company to supply high-quality bottle-grade R-PET pellets to markets both locally and abroad. The FDA approval serves as a powerful testament to the quality and safety of TSIC’s R-PET materials, positioning them as a trusted choice for companies seeking sustainable packaging solutions.

It’s worth noting that TSIC’s journey towards sustainable practices began earlier in September when the company commenced operations at its newly established R-PET facility in Rayong, Thailand. This facility, a collaboration between Mitsubishi Corporation and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corp, represents a significant investment in chemically recycled R-PET pellets production in Southeast Asia. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

With sustainability at the core of its operations, TSIC’s R-PET facility in Rayong exemplifies the company’s commitment to reducing plastic waste and its environmental footprint. By utilizing cutting-edge recycling technologies, TSIC transforms post-consumer plastics into high-quality R-PET pellets, thus contributing to the circular economy and reducing the reliance on virgin plastic materials.

In conclusion, the US FDA’s approval for TSIC’s R-PET materials represents a major breakthrough for the company and marks a significant stride towards achieving global recognition for its commitment to sustainability. TSIC’s journey to becoming a trusted supplier of R-PET pellets for food-contact packaging highlights the company’s dedication to delivering innovative and eco-friendly solutions to the packaging industry while promoting a greener, more sustainable future. This achievement underscores the power of collaboration and innovation in addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

“Empowering Sustainability: Bionaphtha’s Role in Shaping a Greener Future

Bionaphtha, an invaluable byproduct of biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel production, is poised for significant growth in both European and Asian markets. This surge is being fueled by the increasing demand for bioplastics and the imposition of fuel blending mandates.

Much like biofuels, bionaphtha is sourced from renewable feedstocks rather than conventional crude oil. As the petrochemical industry strives to achieve long-term net-zero emissions targets, bio-derived polymers, featuring bionaphtha as a key feedstock, offer a promising pathway toward decarbonization across the entire value chain.

It’s important to note that bionaphtha isn’t manufactured as a standalone product at dedicated facilities, nor are there plans to construct such facilities. Instead, bionaphtha is a byproduct of second-generation hydrotreated vegetable oil biofuel plants.

These advanced technologies employ hydrogen to refine waste oil sources like used cooking oil or animal fats, primarily yielding biodiesel or sustainable aviation fuel as their main products. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

The global biorefinery capacity has experienced robust expansion in recent years and is projected to grow from approximately 19 million metric tons per year in 2023 to over 50 million metric tons per year by 2030. This output includes renewable diesel, jet fuels, bionaphtha, and bioLPG, based on confirmed projects, as reported by the Biofuels Research and Analytics team at S&P Global Commodity Insights.

Notably, bionaphtha currently finds applications in two major sectors: fuel blending and bioplastics production, with a particularly strong presence in European markets. While fuel blending commands a significant market share in Europe, industry experts anticipate that bioplastics demand will ultimately take the lead.

Bionaphtha can serve as a drop-in feedstock in naphtha crackers, facilitating the production of olefins and aromatics used in bioplastics manufacturing.

These bioplastics are often labeled as bio-attributed polymers, setting them apart from other bio-based polymers that rely on plant fibers, corn starch, or sugar as their feedstocks. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

A pivotal concept in sustainable supply chains is the “Chain of Custody,” which tracks and validates the origin, handling, and processes involved in producing sustainable products. The “mass balance” approach plays a key role in this concept, where renewable materials are blended with fossil materials within existing infrastructure to create chemicals with partial renewable content.

This strategy eliminates the need for extensive new infrastructure and reduces logistical complexities. Renewable content is meticulously tracked through bookkeeping and subject to third-party audits, such as those conducted by the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification, ensuring traceability throughout the supply chain.

In recent years, the global chemical industry has invested in both bioplastics and chemically recycled polymers through pyrolysis naphtha routes. These pathways offer solutions to complement mechanical recycling by converting hard-to-recycle plastic waste back into virgin-like feedstocks via pyrolysis. While the two approaches share similarities, they have distinct objectives. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Chemical recycling aims to close the loop in plastic production and recycling, while bioplastics primarily focus on reducing CO2 emissions.

Bioplastics often command a premium over conventional plastics in European markets, appealing to consumer-oriented applications driven by sustainability concerns. For instance, the European toy sector prefers bioplastics over recycled plastics due to legislative safety considerations for young children. In Asia, interest from brand owners, especially in South Korea and Japan, such as cosmetic brands, has contributed to growing demand in this sector. Recycled polypropylene

Despite potential challenges, the bionaphtha market has experienced growth, thanks to a combination of demand and supply factors. Although some petrochemical producers may face negative margins in 2023, major players continue to invest in the bio-chemicals sector. Moreover, advocacy efforts are underway to improve carbon accounting in the petrochemical industry and enhance recognition of the sustainability contributions made by bio-based plastics.

In conclusion, bionaphtha represents a vital component in the journey toward a more sustainable future, offering a versatile and environmentally friendly resource that aligns with the evolving needs of the global market.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Introducing Herma’s Innovative Wash-Off Label Adhesive

Herma has unveiled its latest breakthrough in label adhesive technology, known as 72Gpw. This cutting-edge adhesive boasts nearly double the initial adhesion strength compared to traditional wash-off adhesives, while maintaining exceptional final adhesion and outstanding washability. The company showcased this remarkable innovation at the LabelExpo event.

The Cyclos-HTP Institute has granted certification to the adhesive 72Gpw for compatibility with a wide range of film and paper label materials. Hendrik Kehl, Herma’s product manager, highlights the significance of this achievement, stating, “Label users now have a compelling reason to switch to a wash-off solution without compromising on adhesion or washability, especially in demanding scenarios like high-speed labeling systems or when dealing with humid or cool environments.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

This groundbreaking label adhesive not only ensures secure labeling but also contributes to recycling efforts by facilitating residue-free separation of PET material from label material, including adhesives and printing inks. This results in a cleaner granulate production process.

Anticipating Stricter Recycling Guidelines

In line with the objectives of the European Packaging Directive, which were outlined in late 2022, there is a growing emphasis on closing material loops and enhancing the recyclability of packaging. This is expected to lead to more stringent packaging design standards. While wash-off label solutions have existed for some time, including Herma’s offerings, their adoption in the market has been relatively slow.

The industry association Finat has also provided insight into this trend, stating in July 2023, “Despite the availability of these options in the market, the majority of labels currently in use are manufactured with permanent adhesives rather than specially developed wash-off adhesives.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

To learn more about Herma’s innovative label adhesive solutions, visit their website.

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Europe R-PE and R-PP demand remains weak, but prices may have bottomed out

Demand across Europe in recycled polyolefins is expected to remain low for the remainder of 2023 as bearish macroeconomics continue to drag on the sector.

While some players in the recycled polypropylene (R-PP) and recycled high density polyethylene (R-HDPE) sectors have seen a rebound in demand in September, linked primarily to some limited restocking following summer convertor outages, this is from a low base. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Underlying buying interest remains below that seen in September 2022, and there remain pellet producers in the R-PP sector that continue to operate at 50% of nameplate capacity – as they have done through the majority of 2023 due to narrow margins.

Although some costs, such as electricity, have fallen in 2023, they remain at elevated levels compared with historic norms, while flake and pellet prices have broadly fallen throughout 2023.

Coupled with this, most players’ inventory levels remain high throughout the chain, meaning any restocking effect is more limited than in previous years.

This is particularly true in Germany. For recycled low density polyethylene (R-LDPE) pellets, there have so far been no signs of a pick-up in demand in September compared with August. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

August is typically a low month for demand because many convertors shut operations for several weeks in July and August to do routine maintenance – a process that began earlier and lasted longer in 2023 due to narrow margins.

September typically sees a rebound in consumption as convertors restock following their outages.

Europe flexible post-commercial R-LDPE bale spot prices are meanwhile facing upward pressure in September, while flexible R-LDPE pellet spot prices are at parity with August monthly levels. Bionaphtha Petrochemicalsene

Rising flexible bale spot values were attributed to increasing export demand – particularly to Asia. Feedstock bale availability for natural transparent pellets is tight in northeast and Southeast Asia.

A decline in manufacturing activities across multiple sectors in Southeast and Northeast Asia – resulting from high inflation – has limited input waste entering the chain and tightened supply.

September monthly negotiations across recycled polyethylene (R-PE) and R-PP markets are ongoing. Monthly negotiations in both chains typically settle at the end of the month.


Europe R-PE and R-PP demand remains weak, but prices may have bottomed out

Oil headed for $150 without U.S. support for more drilling, shale executives say

Oil is headed as high as $150 a barrel unless the U.S. government does more to encourage exploration, according to Continental Resources Inc., the shale driller controlled by billionaire Harold Hamm. Recycled polypropylene

Crude output in the Permian basin will one day peak as it already has in rival shale fields such as the Bakken region of North Dakota and the Eagle Ford in Texas, Continental Chief Executive Officer Doug Lawler said during an interview with Bloomberg TV. Without new exploration, “you’re going to see $120 to $150” oil, he said.

“That’s going to send a shock through the system,” he said on the sidelines of Hamm’s first ever American Energy Security Summit in Oklahoma City. Without policies encouraging new drilling, “you’re going to see more pressure on price.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Sprinkled among pro-oil presentations from Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley and Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s David Solomon, shale executives issued calls for the Biden administration to adopt consistent policies that will allow them to drill more. Failure to do so, they warned, will lead to tighter energy supplies and higher prices.

But the CEOs were quick to note that they have no intention of markedly boosting crude output in response to oil’s march toward the $100 mark for the first time in more than a year.

After touching an all-time high in July, oil production in U.S. shale fields is contracting and government analysts are forecasting a third straight monthly decline in October.

“I hear people say, ‘We’re back up to record levels of production,’” Chevron Corp. Chief Executive Officer Mike Wirth told summit attendees. “With better policy we would be beyond that.”  Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Haley said she would seek to boost domestic energy production by expanding drilling, speeding up permitting and building interstate pipelines. She also vowed to roll back some energy subsidies and regulations and revive the Keystone XL project.

“Nikki Haley was a great example of someone who cares about us, who appreciates what we do,” said Occidental Petroleum Corp. CEO Vicki Hollub. “Our politicians can’t lose sight of the fact that unless we’re energy independent, we do not control our own destiny.”

Even if oil breaches the $100 mark, Continental has no plans for a burst of output, Lawler said. Benchmark U.S. crude futures have risen 12% this year to more than $90.


Oil headed for $150 without U.S. support for more drilling, shale executives say

Corbion launches AlgaPrime™ DHA P3, addressing the demand for sustainable active nutrition in the pet food industry

Corbion launches AlgaPrime™ DHA P3, addressing the demand for sustainable active nutrition in the pet food industry Recycled polypropylene

AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 offers pet food manufacturers higher levels of DHA while reducing dependency on scarce traditional omega-3 sources.

Corbion, the global market leader in algae-based feed ingredients, announced today the launch of its new AlgaPrime™ DHA P3, a high-performance omega-3 ingredient enabling pet food manufacturers to enhance the nutritional profile of their products and boost DHA levels reducing dependency on marine-based resources and positively impacting their carbon footprint.

Produced via microalgae precision fermentation, AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 helps meet increasing consumer demand for more sustainable pet food ingredients, as nearly 70% of pet owners worldwide express concern about nutrition, climate change and a desire to make a positive impact on the environment through their everyday actions.

The ingredient supports manufacturers in their efforts to overcome the most common challenges of omega-3 DHA inclusion, as it provides the highest level of DHA on the market in biomass powder form (35% DHA), enabling flexibility for nutritionists and developers in working with higher DHA inclusions for added nutritional value, while advancing the sustainability of pet diets. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

In addition, it is stabilized with a natural antioxidant system. AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 is suitable for dry, wet, and injection-mold applications, allowing efficient access to, and use of, long-chain omega-3s.

“The launch of AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 furthers Corbion’s mission to preserve what matters by offering sustainable ingredients for healthier people, pets, and the planet,” said Tim Rutten, Vice President at Corbion Algae Ingredients.

“We believe this breakthrough ingredient will play an important role in meeting the growing need for better nutrition and more sustainable solutions, while delivering value across the pet industry.” Bionaphtha Petrochemicals


US recession likelihood spells trouble for emerging markets


  • The likelihood of a US recession within the next 12 months remains high, posing a significant risk to several emerging markets (EMs), particularly those in Latin America.
  • A strong US consumer base has supported Mexico, but demand is expected to soften due to high interest rates.
  • In Europe, Hungary and Poland are already seeing economic contractions.

The probability of a US recession within the next year remains elevated, which poses risks for several emerging markets (EMs), especially those in Latin America. US consumer strength has buoyed Mexico, but demand is likely to soften due to factors such as high interest rates. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

A weakening eurozone is also causing concerns. Hungary and Poland, in particular, saw their real gross domestic product (GDP) decline, marked by a contraction in exports and deteriorating manufacturing production, according to an S&P Global article titled ‘Emerging Markets Q4 2023: The Lagged Effects Of Monetary Policy Will Test Resilience’ by Valerijs Rezvijs and Vishrut Rana.

In Asia, China’s slowed growth—forecast at 4.8 per cent for 2023 and 4.4 per cent for 2024—will likely impact several economies, although the impact may be mitigated due to the slowdown focusing on domestic activity. Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Inflation in most EMs is slowing but is expected to fluctuate in the coming months. Core inflation rates remain high in about half of the EMs, and further rate cuts are expected to be gradual, given the uncertain trajectory of global inflation.

Structurally high interest rates without corresponding growth will constrain investment. As of H1 2023, fixed investment as a share of GDP in the median EM has dropped by 1 percentage point compared to pre-pandemic levels.


US recession likelihood spells trouble for emerging markets

Bottles recycled – 2035 – Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions 27-09-2023

Bionaphtha Petrochemicals

Post-consumer PET bottles – 2035 – Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions 27-09-2023

Post-consumer PET bottles

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

100 billion bottles recycled by Indorama


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical company, today announces that it has recycled 100 billion post-consumer PET bottles since February 2011 1. This has diverted 2.1 million tons of waste from the environment and saved 2.9 million tons of carbon footprint from the product lifecycles. Demonstrating its commitment to support the establishment of a circular economy for PET, in the last ten years Indorama Ventures has spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection of used PET bottles.

Mr. Aloke Lohia, Founder and Group CEO of Indorama Ventures said, “As we mark the recycling of 100 billion PET bottles, we want to thank consumers for recycling, and global brand owners for using recyclable and recycled packaging while also increasing collection rates. The scale of the waste challenge requires us all to do more, faster. In March 2020, we announced achieving the milestone of 50 billion PET bottles recycled in nine years. Today we hit the 100 billion mark in three and a half years.”

“By recycling post-consumer PET bottles into new bottles, we give waste an economic value. Post-consumer PET bottles

This drives improvements in waste collection systems, meaning less waste and a cleaner environment. In the last 10 years we have spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection systems for used PET bottles. We pledge to continue our long-term focus on circularity.”

The company has also committed a further $1.5 billion to expand its recycling business. To support increased recycling rates globally, Indorama Ventures has expanded its recycling facilities, infrastructure, and public education programs. The unique PET plastic used in soft drinks and water bottles is fully recyclable and is collected in practice and at scale. As a result, PET is the most recycled plastic in the world, and the company’s recycling achievements support that. Building on its position as the world’s largest producer of recycled resin used in plastic beverage bottles, Indorama Ventures is also seeking advanced technologies to deliver more recycling infrastructure globally and reduce lifecycle carbon emissions. Post-consumer PET bottles

The company now has 20 recycling sites in Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Recent developments include doubling the capacity of a recycling site in Brazil; and the opening of PETValue, the largest bottle-to-bottle recycling facility in the Philippines, in partnership with Coca-Cola. Both part of a $300 million ‘Blue Loan’ Indorama Ventures received in 2020 from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank, and Asian Development Bank. The loan has the objective of increasing recycling capacity and diverting plastic waste from landfills and oceans in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, and Brazil – countries seeking support in managing environmental waste.

Indorama Ventures has also partnered with the Yunus Foundation, a leading non-profit organization promoting sustainable development with a global network, with the goal of educating one million consumers globally about recycling by 2030, with 200,000 reached so far. Post-consumer PET bottles

Mr. Lohia added, “Sustainability is at the core of our company. These achievements reflect our commitment to environmental sustainability and our determination to establish a truly circular economy for PET packaging. Reaching this milestone is a testament to our planet’s growing commitment to sustainability. Each of these bottles represents a reduction in waste, and a step towards a world where no packaging ends up as litter or waste. This milestone achievement shows the positive change that can occur when we work together to support PET recycling and strive for a more circular world.”

Post-consumer PET bottles

BASF broadens its Monomers Portfolio and launches bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate 

  • First commercial scale production of bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate
  • 14C content of 73% according to ISO 16620
  • High performance and easy to use in a broad range of applications


Ludwigshafen, Germany – BASF is expanding its growing portfolio of 14C bio-based monomers with a proprietary process for production of 2-Octyl Acrylate (2-OA). The new product underlines BASF’s strong commitment to innovation for a sustainable future with 73% 14C-tracable bio-based content according to ISO 16620. Besides the regular 14C bio-based 2-Octyl Acrylate, BASF also launched the new product as 2-Octyl Acrylate BMB ISCC Plus. Here, the remaining carbon content is ISCC PLUS certified, and by applying BASF’s biomass balance (BMB1) approach, this variant offers a further reduced product carbon footprint (PCF2). Post-consumer PET bottles

With an industrial-scale production setup at its Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany, BASF has a pioneering role when it comes to producing 2-Octyl Acrylate in large volumes. This allows BASF to make the bio-based monomer globally available as a raw material. “We have broadened our product portfolio to support customers on their sustainability journey. With 2-OA, we are proud to have launched a novel acrylic monomer that helps customers to meet their sustainability goals,” says Dr. Reiner Geier, Senior Vice President Industrial Petrochemicals Europe.

BASF’s 2-Octyl Acrylate uses 2-Octanol as the respective bio-based feedstock. This bio-alcohol is based on castor oil, a sustainable non-edible feedstock which is reliably available throughout the year.

With its balanced solvency, 2-Octyl Acrylate can easily be used as bio-based alternative to fossil-based monomers such as 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate (2-EHA) and n-Butyl Acrylate (BA) e.g. in adhesives formulations, or coatings applicationsPost-consumer PET bottles

The new product also offers performance benefits compared to fossil alternatives, showing improved scrub resistance in coatings, shear resistance in adhesives and excellent weatherability. Therefore, 2-Octyl Acrylate is one of the few 14C bio-based monomers which can be used in both standard and high-performance applications. The high purity of BASF’s 2-Octyl Acrylate provides a reliably high quality, with low volatile organic compounds (VOC) and enables customers to use the monomer in a broad application range.

BASF’s 2-Octyl Acrylate is already registered in the EU, the US, Japan and many other countries. Further registrations are ongoing.  Post-consumer PET bottlesBottles recycled

Post-consumer PET bottles

Trade between China and Russia continues to surge in 2023, maintaining the robust momentum that was established in the record-breaking year of 2022

The Russian Customs Service has reported substantial growth in both exports and imports between the two nations since the beginning of this year.

According to the Russian Customs Service’s Telegram channel, bilateral trade between Russia and China has witnessed a remarkable 25% increase from January to August compared to the previous year. Data from China’s customs agency supports this, indicating that trade turnover during this period reached an impressive $155.1 billion.

Furthermore, the Russian customs authority has expressed the intention of Moscow and Beijing to further facilitate customs procedures in order to enhance trade. They have a particular interest in ensuring the continuous, round-the-clock operation of key transport hubs, such as the Zabaikalsk-Manzhouli automobile border-crossing checkpoint and the Pogranichny-Suifenhe road crossing. Post-consumer PET bottles

Russia primarily supplies China with energy resources, including oil and gas, as well as refined products, agri-food items, and industrial goods. In contrast, China exports a wide array of products, encompassing foodstuffs, equipment, mobile phones, electronics, engineering goods, furniture, toys, textiles, clothing, and footwear.

Notably, trade between Russia and China reached an unprecedented pinnacle of $190.3 billion in the preceding year. The two nations are now on track to surpass their $200 billion target for this year, firmly believing that achieving an annual trade volume of $250 billion is entirely feasible.

The strengthening of economic ties between Russia and China is bolstered by their shared commitment to conducting a significant portion of transactions using their respective national currencies, reducing their reliance on the US dollar. Moscow and Beijing have redoubled their efforts to lessen their dependence on the dollar and euro in global trade, particularly in light of Western sanctions imposed on Russia and the ongoing trade dispute between the US and China. Post-consumer PET bottles

Post-consumer PET bottles

2035 – Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions

The European Commission is poised to unveil its inaugural proposal regarding exemptions for e-fuels as an addendum to the legislation prohibiting the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2035. However, the forthcoming document exhibits notably stringent restrictions: synthetic fuels must achieve complete carbon dioxide neutrality, necessitating the capture of an equivalent amount of CO2 from the atmosphere as that emitted by engines during operation to qualify for exemption. This objective is perceived as nearly unattainable by the automotive industry, which is already engaged in a vigorous debate.

This Commission’s requirement exceeds the stringency of other community regulations. For instance, member states striving to fulfill renewable energy targets can utilize specific fuels with a 70% reduction in emissions rather than the 100% stipulated for e-fuels. Consequently, e-fuels may once again become a contentious issue, reminiscent of the February episode when Germany impeded the directive on phasing out internal combustion engines, staunchly advocating for a synthetic fuel exemption. Post-consumer PET bottles

Consequently, a tug of war is inevitable; the Commission’s proposal must undergo negotiation with other European institutions, including the Parliament and Council, which may result in significant changes in the months ahead. A consensus must be reached by year-end.

Amidst this, the eFuel Alliance accuses the Commission of reneging on its commitment to include the e-fuel exemption, asserting that the proposal’s restrictions render it practically unworkable. This has unveiled an internal conflict between the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG Clima) and the Directorate-General for Internal Market (DG Grow). The latter had sought alignment of the e-fuel definition with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), which mandates a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions for non-biological renewable fuels compared to traditional fuels. Ultimately, DG Clima prevailed, establishing the percentage at 100%. Post-consumer PET bottles

Ralf Diemer from the eFuel Alliance emphasizes, “E-fuels, when produced from renewable sources, achieve climate neutrality, emitting only the CO2 captured during production during combustion.” RED accounts for not only the vehicle’s usage phase but also factors like transport, storage, and fuel distribution, making a 100% reduction in emissions nearly unattainable. This concept applies to all technologies, including electric mobility. The Commission’s choice of 100% lacks a clear basis, and there is no impact assessment outlining how and when this objective can be realized. To assess a product’s actual CO2 emissions, a comprehensive life cycle analysis is crucial.

Diemer concludes, “We support the EU’s intention to consider the lifecycle more comprehensively, even though this approach has not been widely implemented in many other regulations. However, the industry needs intermediate steps to achieve climate neutrality goals. European legislators seem to be setting conditions that are more suitable for a world beyond 2040. Post-consumer PET bottles

The Commission’s current regulatory stance, already excessively stringent, impedes our objectives rather than fostering ambitious progress.”

2035 - Brussels Tightens Control on E-Fuels, Jeopardizing Exemptions

SKC to build bioplastics plant in Vietnam

South Korea’s advanced materials maker SKC said Monday that it had decided on a location in Vietnam’s northeastern city of Hai Phong to establish a manufacturing plant for biodegradable plastics, as it pushes to expand its eco-friendly business.

Amid mounting global calls to reduce plastic waste, the international market size for bioplastics is expected to grow at an annual rate of over 20 percent.

SKC and its joint venture Ecovance officials and top executives visited Vietnam on Friday to attend a ceremony marking the launch of the investment plan, during which they received an investment registration certificate from the Vietnamese government, the legal document needed for overseas companies to invest in the country.

The factory, set to be operational in 2025, aims to generate an annual output of 70,000 tons, the largest scale in the world, of polybutylene adipate terephthalate or PBAT, a biodegradable co-polymer. Post-consumer PET bottles

High-strength PBAT has been independently developed by Ecovance by using cellulose extracted from trees. It boasts enhanced durability compared to conventional PBAT, facilitating commercialization and its extensive use in general-purpose plastics, from industrial films and food containers to diapers and masks.

Additionally, SKC will be building a separate facility at the same site to produce an annual 36,000 tons of a biodegradable material named Limex .

Limex is made by mixing limestone with plastic resins, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, to reduce the use of plastics in the manufacturing process. SKC seeks to commercialize biodegradable Limex made of its high-strength biodegradable PBAT which decomposes more quickly in nature. Post-consumer PET bottles


SKC to build bioplastics plant in Vietnam

Europe Faces a Major Challenge in Exporting Electric Cars

As of January 1st, 2024, the cost of exporting electric cars from Europe to the United Kingdom will increase by 10%, prompting manufacturers to seek intervention from European authorities. Amid the ongoing issue of an influx of Chinese electric cars into the European market, Europe is now bracing itself for another challenge – the export of its electric vehicles to the UK.

In accordance with the provisions established during the lengthy and intricate post-Brexit negotiations, a new directive stipulates that, starting from January 1st, 2024, all electric vehicles traversing the English Channel in both directions must contain a minimum of 45% of their components sourced from either the EU or the United Kingdom, with batteries accounting for 50-60% of this requirement. Failure to meet these criteria will result in a 10% customs duty. Post-consumer PET bottles

Regrettably, as of now, no electric vehicle model complies with this directive, and time is rapidly dwindling.

Faced with the prospect of having to increase the prices of their electric cars, the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Acea) has issued an urgent plea to both the European Union and the United Kingdom to extend the deadline, aiming to avert further complications in an already challenging market.

Failure to act by the European Commission will result in a 10% tariff being imposed on EU electric vehicle exports to the UK, a critical trading partner. This could potentially cost EU vehicle manufacturers a staggering €4.3 billion over the next three years and may lead to a reduction in electric vehicle production by approximately 480,000 units, equivalent to the output of two medium-sized car factories, as indicated in the association’s press release.

The sole means of evading these tariffs would be to source all battery components and certain vital battery materials from the EU and the UK, a solution that is currently unfeasible.  Post-consumer PET bottles

Increasing consumer prices for European electric vehicles, particularly during a time when gaining market share is fiercely competitive on the global stage, is an unfavorable course of action from both commercial and environmental perspectives. This approach risks ceding market share to global manufacturers. Europe should support its automotive industry in the transition to zero emissions, akin to other regions, rather than impeding its progress,” emphasized de Meo. The solution is straightforward: extend the existing phase-in period for battery regulations by an additional three years. We urge the Commission to make the right choice.


Europe Faces a Major Challenge in Exporting Electric Cars

EV Car

Galp and Mitsui to invest $638m in biofuels and green hydrogen

The partnership will invest approximately $691m in two industrial-scale projects for renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuels.

The project aims to replace around 20% of existing grey hydrogen consumption at the Sines refinery with low-carbon green hydrogen. Credit: odecam via Shutterstock.

Portuguese energy company Galp on Monday confirmed plans to enter into a joint venture (JV) with Japan-based trading company Mitsui to produce renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) biofuels.   Post-consumer PET bottles

The partnership will invest approximately $691m in two industrial-scale projects; a 270 kilotonnes per annum (ktpa) advanced biofuels unit and 100MW of electrolysers for the production of green hydrogen. Both units are expected to begin production during 2025. Galp will own 75% of the JV’s shares, with Mitsui owning the remaining 25%.

The advanced biofuels unit, which will receive approximately $425m in initial funds, will use waste residues feedstock from used cooking oil or animal fat to produce renewable diesel, also known as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). SAFs will also be produced in the same way as the companies look to invest in the decarbonisation of the global travel sector. Post-consumer PET bottles

HVO can be used as an alternative to fossil diesel fuel for vehicles with internal combustion engines, with SAF increasingly being used as a lower-carbon alternative to jet fuel in aircraft. Both are environmentally friendly fuels with lower greenhouse gas emissions. Demand for HVO and SAF is expected to grow, especially in Europe where policies to encourage the use of biofuels are introduced.


Galp and Mitsui to invest $638m in biofuels and green hydrogen

PET plastic – “The Hidden Risks of Sunlight on Plastic Water Bottles” 26-09-2023

Post-consumer PET bottles

PET plastic – “The Hidden Risks of Sunlight on Plastic Water Bottles” 26-09-2023

PET plastic

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Denmark has opted to discontinue its support for hydrogen-powered vehicles, a decision that has generated both debate and contemplation about the future of eco-friendly transportation

Electric vehicles have unequivocally gained the upper hand over hydrogen in the realm of ecological transition, prompting Denmark to close down all hydrogen (H2) fuel distributors.

The absence of hydrogen distributors in Denmark has created an opportunity for electric counterparts to flourish. The dominance of electric cars over their hydrogen counterparts is not a mere inference but a fact substantiated by sales figures and production quantities across various automotive brands. As a result, Denmark is on the brink of shutting down all H2 distribution points. PET plastic

While it was conceivable for both eco-friendly fuels to coexist, much like the historical coexistence of Diesel, LPG, methane, and petrol, the commercial advantage overwhelmingly tilts towards lithium-ion-powered vehicles.

The closure of hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark is further expedited by the events of 2020 when the energy company Everfuel acquired control over all hydrogen distribution points in the country, with the optimistic aspiration of making a lucrative investment. Regrettably, this ambition did not materialize as expected, leading the company to reconsider its commercial strategies and explore alternative avenues within the realm of green energy. PET plastic

The trend away from hydrogen vehicles extends beyond Denmark and permeates the broader European landscape. In Italy, for instance, over 27,000 electric vehicle charging stations are operational or in the process of installation, while only two active hydrogen refueling stations exist. This demonstrates a lack of enthusiasm for hydrogen-powered cars among Italians. Furthermore, the European Union’s skepticism toward hydrogen is evident as it allocates 352 million euros for mobility, with a focus on creating 12,000 new high-speed charging points for battery electric vehicles (EVs) compared to just 18 hydrogen refueling stations throughout Europe. These numbers unequivocally endorse the preference for electric mobility in Brussels.

Even automobile manufacturers have aligned with this inclination, with only two brands venturing into the production of hydrogen cars: the Toyota Mirai and the Hyundai Nexo, the latter of which has only recently been introduced to the Australian market.

PET plastic

“The Hidden Risks of Sunlight on Plastic Water Bottles”

Introduction: It may come as a surprise, but the water bottle you carry with you throughout the day to stay hydrated might be doing more harm than good. While plastic water bottles, commonly made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), are generally considered safe for water storage, there’s a dark side to their use when exposed to sunlight and heat.

The Impact of Sunlight on PET Plastic: PET plastic, indicated by the number 1 within recycling arrows on the bottle, is believed to be safe for water storage. However, it’s essential to understand that these bottles were not designed to withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight or high temperatures. Sunlight contains UV radiation, which can break down chemical bonds in plastics like PET, causing them to decompose rapidly. This degradation process leads to the release of various chemicals into the water or beverage inside the bottle. PET plastic

Environmental Conditions Matter: Many people are unaware of the environmental conditions for which these plastic bottles were designed. PET bottles are not meant to be exposed to direct sunlight or stored in hot environments, such as inside a car or at the beach. Sunlight, elevated temperatures, high humidity, and oxygen levels—all present when PET bottles are exposed to the weather—contribute to the breakdown of plastic and the release of harmful chemicals.

Health Risks Associated with Chemical Leaching: The Endocrine Society warns that plastics, including PET, contain and leach hazardous chemicals, including endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). These EDCs can disrupt the body’s hormone systems, potentially leading to serious health issues like cancer, diabetes, reproductive disorders, and neurological impairments in fetuses and children. There is substantial evidence linking the toxic chemical additives in plastics to specific health impacts on the endocrine system.

Understanding Chemical Migration: Chemical migration from plastic into water or beverages depends on factors like the substance’s nature, contact temperature, and contact time. When PET bottles are used as intended, the amount of chemical migration is minimal and not considered a health risk. However, misuse, such as using plastic bottles for purposes beyond their design, can lead to increased chemical migration.

Temperature and Time Matter: Migration of chemicals from plastic bottles increases with higher temperatures and prolonged contact time. Although this may not necessarily pose an immediate health risk, it can alter the taste, color, and odor of the water, making it less appealing for consumption. PET plastic

Misuse and Health Risks: Using PET water bottles in direct sunlight or heat contradicts their intended use and can result in greater chemical migration than expected. Scientific studies on the safety and low-level chemical leaching of these bottles are only applicable when they are not exposed to heat and sunlight.

Common Misconceptions: Unfortunately, discussions about the safety of PET plastic bottles often overlook the impact of UV radiation and heat. Some sources, like Livestrong and the CDC, downplay the risks associated with sunlight and heat exposure, despite evidence suggesting that these conditions can change the organoleptic properties of water and may pose health risks.

Conclusion: While plastic water bottles are a convenient way to stay hydrated, it’s crucial to be aware of their limitations. Prolonged exposure to sunlight and heat can lead to chemical leaching, potentially affecting your health. To ensure the safety of your water, it’s best to use PET bottles as intended and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight and high temperatures. Your well-being should always be a top priority when it comes to staying hydrated on the go. PET plastic

PET plastic

A recently unearthed enzyme from the depths of the ocean is capable of breaking down PET plastic, a crucial discovery in the battle against plastic pollution plaguing our coasts and oceans

This groundbreaking finding emerges from a collaborative study led by Professor Ruth Schmitz-Streit’s research team at Kiel University, with significant contributions from researchers at the University of Hamburg and the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.

The study represents a pivotal advancement in our comprehension of PET-degrading enzymes, their underlying mechanisms, and their evolutionary significance within the global ocean ecosystem. These groundbreaking results have been published in the journal Communications Chemistry, where the research team not only explores potential biotechnological applications but also underscores the enzyme’s profound relevance in biogeochemical processes both in oceanic and terrestrial environments.

What sets this PET-degrading enzyme apart is its unique origin.

Professor Ruth Schmitz-Streit, the head of the Molecular Biology of Microorganisms working group at the Institute of General Microbiology (IfAM) and a member of the Kiel Marine Science (KMS) research priority area at Kiel University, explains, “In our study, we have unveiled a novel genetic resource derived from deep-sea archaea, previously unknown in this context.”  PET plastic

Until now, most PET-degrading enzymes, numbering around 80, were primarily associated with bacteria or fungi.

“Our findings significantly contribute to a better understanding of the ecological role played by deep-sea archaea and their potential impact on PET waste degradation in marine environments,” adds the microbiologist.

This newly discovered enzyme, named PET46, was identified and comprehensively characterized using a metagenomic approach. The research team isolated the gene from a deep-sea sample based on genetic similarities to known sequences, synthesized the corresponding coding gene, produced the enzyme in Escherichia coli bacteria, and meticulously studied its biochemical and structural properties.

PET46 exhibits a multitude of distinctive traits, expanding the repertoire of PET-active enzymes. Its structural divergence from previously documented enzymes is particularly noteworthy.  PET plastic

For instance, PET46 demonstrates the exceptional ability to break down both long-chain PET polymers and short-chain PET oligomers, enabling continuous degradation.

One of the enzyme’s standout features is its novel substrate-binding mechanism, distinguished by a unique “lid” consisting of 45 amino acids positioned above the enzyme’s active center. In contrast, other PET enzymes typically employ aromatic amino acids in proximity to their active sites for binding.

At the molecular level, PET46 shares remarkable similarities with another enzyme called ferulic acid esterase, which naturally degrades lignin in plant cell walls. Given the structural similarities between lignin and PET, these naturally occurring PET-degrading enzymes may play a vital role in the decomposition of wood, such as in forest soil composting.  PET plastic

The remarkable biochemical attributes of PET46 position it as a promising candidate for various applications, encompassing marine and terrestrial plastics, as well as biotechnology. Notably, PET46 exhibits superior efficiency at 70°C compared to reference enzymes from bacteria and composting plants, which function optimally at their respective temperatures.

This groundbreaking research was conducted under the auspices of the PLASTISEA project, led by Professor Ute Hentschel Humeida of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research in Kiel. Dr. Jennifer Chow from the University of Hamburg and Dr. Pablo Pérez-Garcia, a research assistant in Schmitz-Streit’s group, jointly contributed as the first authors of the study.  PET plastic

PET plastic

China’s high-tech materials firm to help renovate textile industry

BEIJING-A Chinese leading manufacturer, which specialises in textiles auxiliaries and organic silicone products, has joint hands with local partners to bring technological innovation support to the textile printing and dyeing industry in Pakistan.
“As the pillar industry of Pakistan, textile industry is currently facing two major constraints, namely energy and cotton yarn shortage. The fabric categories of some local printing and dyeing factories are gradually transitioning to a large proportion of polyester. Chinese chemical fiber suppliers can provide the most suitable chemical fiber raw materials for unique textile categories to match needs,” said Xing Pingping, Overseas Sales Manager of Ningbo Runhe High-tech Materials Co., Ltd.  PET plastic
According to Xing, recently, his company joined hands with Pakistani agent FairChem International to hold a textile seminar in Faisalabad, in which China and Pakistan partners jointly discussed the future direction of local textile printing and dyeing industry. More than 150 local practitioners participated to explore new opportunities. According to data released by Pakistan Customs, in fiscal year 2022, Pakistan’s total exports of textiles reached USD19.32 billion, a year-on-year increase of 25.3 percent from the previous fiscal year, and accounted for nearly 61 percent of Pakistan’s total merchandise exports. Pakistan, which has a relatively complete industry chain, owns more than 2,000 cotton binding, spinning, and textile factories, China Economic Net (CEN) reported.
However, “Pakistan’s textile category structure is obviously different from other countries in South Asia. Many major fabric categories use larger amounts of cotton, yet have lower profit margins,” Xing said, “Which has largely affected the competitiveness of Pakistani textiles in the international market.  PET plastic

“In response to the energy shortage I mentioned earlier, growth in the coming years will be driven largely by the digital textile printing market,” Xing emphasized, “the market for digital textile printing in Pakistan is increasing as it offers better and high-definition textile print design possibilities, lower water, effluent, emissions and energy use.
Besides, the technological level of Pakistani textile enterprises is increasing day by day, thus some small-scale factories also have advanced textile materials and technologies, such as polyurethane coating, aramid finishing, waterproof finishing, etc. There are also many printing and dyeing factories that have digital printing machinery. Regarding current shortage of cotton yarn, local companies have generally increased the proportion of polyester applications. For these chemical fiber materials, our cutting-edge chemical fiber silicone emulsion can come in handy. In addition, professional chemical fiber finishing solutions and polyester cotton-like and wool-like finishing solutions can also provide assistance to our local partners.”        PET plastic


PET plastic

JPMorgan’s energy guru warns oil prices are headed to $100 per barrel. ‘Put your seatbelts on, it’s going to be a very volatile supercycle’

Oil production cuts by Russia and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) have helped push Brent crude prices up some 10% over the past month to roughly $93 per barrel. Christyan Malek, JPMorgan’s head of EMEA energy equity research, fears it’s just the beginning of an era of higher prices.

“Put your seatbelts on. It’s going to be a very volatile supercycle,” the energy guru told Bloomberg Friday when discussing what to expect next for the oil market.

Malek, like a growing number of his peers on Wall Street, believes that a lack of investment in new oil production, coupled with production cuts from OPEC and other top oil producers, will lead to higher crude prices for years to come.

“The flow of capital into new oil supply is just not what it was like in the last 30 years,” he said.  PET plastic

“So what that’s doing is driving the long-term price, the back end of the curve, up to $80, or north of $80. We think it probably normalizes around $100.”

Although a major psychological milestone, $100 oil isn’t what it used to be because of inflation. A barrel that today costs $100 is the equivalent, in real dollars, to a $71 barrel in 2010 and a $56 barrel in 2000.

Malek noted that for decades oil producers benefited from low borrowing costs, but with the Federal Reserve and many other central banks worldwide raising interest rates to fight inflation, it’s now far more costly to finance new oil production projects. “You need at least $80 [per barrel] to invest in marginal new oil [production],” he explained. “We call it the cash break-even.”

Despite U.S. and European recession fears, which would normally lead oil prices to fall as investors anticipate fading consumer demand, crude oil prices have surged in 2023 due to this lack of new oil production as well as production cuts from the world’s largest producers.  PET plastic

The 13 member nations of OPEC, which produce roughly 80% of all crude, are now producing less oil than at any time since August 2021. Saudi Arabia and Russia also both decided this summer to cut their oil production by 1 million and 300,000 barrels per day, respectively, through the end of the year. And on Thursday, Russian officials enacted a temporary ban on exports of gasoline and diesel to all countries outside of four ex-Soviet states in an attempt to stabilize their domestic fuel market.

The good news, according to Malek, is that although oil prices might rise to $100 per barrel, it’s unlikely they will soar much higher than that because OPEC isn’t willing to miss out on sales due to fading demand. When oil prices surge too far, too fast, consumers and businesses are eventually unable to keep up with the rising costs, leading to a reduction in demand for the product.  PET plastic

“They [OPEC] have a sort of fiduciary duty to make sure they’re stabilizing the price [of oil],” Malek explained. “I think what they’re trying to do is make sure it stays within a range. So by definition, if we see a very cold winter or hurricanes and prices spike very quickly, they’ll be managing the upside just the way they’re managing the downside.”


JPMorgan’s energy guru warns oil prices are headed to $100 per barrel. ‘Put your seatbelts on, it’s going to be a very volatile supercycle’

The Plastics Fair 2023, organized by Mikrocentrum, was a comprehensive event that provided valuable insights into the plastics and rubber industry

Attendees were treated to a wealth of information, tips, and sustainable highlights from the industry during the event held at Brabanthallen.

One noteworthy announcement came from Sandra Onwijn, Head of the Circular Economy Department at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. She highlighted the impending national regulations aimed at accelerating circular plastic chains and introduced a promising initiative known as the “circular plastic standard.” Under this standard, companies would receive financial support, which was hailed as a significant opportunity for the industry.  PET plastic

Ms. Onwijn emphasized the need to delve into the details of the scheme, especially given the heightened climate and environmental targets. The circular plastic standard would not only entail stricter rules and controls but also incentive policies, creating a favorable environment for the sector to thrive.

The Plastics Fair also showcased its broader relevance, with the presence of representatives from organizations like Urgenda, the Plastic Free Sea Foundation, and knowledge institutions from around the world. Sustainability and innovation were central themes throughout the event.

The fair featured an array of lectures and presentations, totaling fifty in number, catering to diverse interests within the industry. Topics ranged from renewable resources and waste prevention to reducing CO2 emissions and the importance of high-quality recycling, biobased materials, and effective product design.        PET plastic

The Machinery Square, a key attraction, displayed state-of-the-art technology for the plastics and rubber industry. Sustainability remained a focal point here, with a notable example being Ferromatik’s fully electric injection molding machine, which garnered significant interest due to its potential for energy savings.

Sandra Onwijn, in her interactions at the fair, expressed optimism about the Netherlands’ standing in the global circular plastic landscape. While she couldn’t provide exact rankings, she highlighted the country’s ambition to lead in this area. The Netherlands is actively working on setting standards for circular plastics in Europe, offering an opportunity for businesses to seize a frontrunner position and access substantial financial support for their circularity efforts.  PET plastic

In conclusion, the Plastics Fair 2023 was not just a showcase of industry innovations but also a platform for discussions on sustainability, innovation, and government initiatives. It emphasized the potential benefits of the upcoming circular plastic standard, positioning the Netherlands as a frontrunner in the circular plastics movement.The Plastics Fair 2023, organized by Mikrocentrum, was a comprehensive event that provided valuable insights into the plastics and rubber industry

INDA partners with the Waterloo Filtration Institute

CARY – INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has joined forces with the Waterloo Filtration Institute to present the FiltXPO technical program scheduled for October 10-11, 2023, in Chicago, Illinois.

The Waterloo Filtration Institute played a pivotal role in suggesting program topics and bringing world-class presenters on board. This collaboration aims to provide engineers, scientists, and industry professionals with the latest insights into filtration and separation topics that are currently shaping the industry and will continue to do so in the future. Detailed information about the conference, including the list of speakers, can be found on the FiltXPO website.  PET plastic

The program encompasses a wide range of presentations, including discussions on filter media technologies, advancements in filtration machinery and equipment, innovations in clean air solutions for both residential and urban environments, standards and testing procedures, emerging industry trends, new developments, as well as challenges and opportunities in the field of filtration.

This year’s keynote address, titled “IAQ Is the New Black,” will be delivered by Suzanne Shelton, President & CEO of Shelton Group. Shelton will share the latest consumer data on health, safety, the environment, and society, providing participants with valuable insights into the filtration sector’s opportunities and the communication challenges faced by manufacturers in showcasing the value of their products.

A sneak peek at some of the subject matter experts lined up for the event includes:

  • AAF Flanders – Discussing “Air Filter Standards Activity and Its Impact on Innovation”  PET plastic
  • Ahlstrom – Exploring “Enhancing Wetlaid Filtration Media Performance Through Innovation”
  • Air Techniques International – Examining the “Application of Automated Filter Tester in Quality Control Testing: The Significance of Consistent Aerosol Particle Size Distribution”
  • American Truetzschler, Inc. – Shedding light on “How to Produce Exceptional Filter Media”
  • CEREX Advanced Fabrics – Presenting “The Antimicrobial Advantages of Nylon”
  • Elsner Engineering Works, Inc. – Delving into “The Right Time for Automation”
  • Hollingsworth & Vose – Discussing “Accelerating Membrane Adoption with ROI in Mind”
  • INDA – Exploring “Beyond Porter’s Five Forces: The Impact of Regulation on Markets”  PET plastic
  • Mann+Hummel – Unveiling “Filtration for Cleaner Urban Mobility: Introducing Horizon Europe Innovation Action AerosolFD”
  • NatureWorks – Optimizing “Biopolymers to Enhance Filter Performance: A Range of Approaches and Opportunities”
  • Palas GmbH – Analyzing the “Influence of Temperature and Humidity on Filter Efficiency and Dust Holding Capacity”
  • Ptak Consulting – Evaluating “Residential Filtration: Performance in the Face of Infectious Aerosols”
  • The University of Georgia – Presenting “Recent Advances in Melt Blown Nonwovens and Filter Media Research”

New to FiltXPO this year are Lightning Talks, offering a platform for quick presentations on emerging trends, products, innovations, and ideas, with speakers changing every eight minutes. Participating companies include Ahlstrom, Elsner Engineering Works, Inc., Gottlieb Binder GmbH, TSI, and the Waterloo Filtration Institute.

The FiltXPO exhibition will run from October 10 to 12, coinciding with the technical program. To register or stay updated on program developments, please visit the FiltXPO website.  PET plastic

INDA partners with the Waterloo Filtration Institute

Sustainable polymers – BASF Secures Long-Term Access to Bio-Based 1,4-Butanediol (BDO) through QIRA 23-09-2023

PET plastic

Mixed-Plastics Recycling – Nafion, the Core Innovation in Rechargeable Solid Air Batteries 25-09-2023

Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Petrochemicals r-PET – Nafion, the Core Innovation in Rechargeable Solid Air Batteries


Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Crude Oil Prices Trend

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

The UN’s chief of environmental affairs has issued a stark warning regarding the escalating production and pollution caused by plastic

She asserts that simply relying on plastic recycling is insufficient to address this crisis, urging a comprehensive reevaluation of our plastic consumption patterns.

Inger Andersen, the director of the UN Environment Program, emphasized during an interview at the General Assembly in New York that with plastic production soaring globally and pollution worsening, the status quo cannot be maintained. She underscored the need for a collective reimagining of how we utilize plastic materials.

Two weeks following the release of the initial draft of an impending international treaty on plastic pollution, anticipated to be finalized by the end of 2024, Andersen shared insights into the diverse ambitions of the 175 participating nations.

These ambitions range from advocating for a reduction in raw polymer production to emphasizing reuse and recycling.  Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Andersen’s approach starts with eliminating as many single-use plastics as possible, especially those that serve no necessary purpose, such as items wrapped in plastic that are naturally encased, like oranges or bananas. She also suggested reevaluating the very nature of products, questioning whether they need to be in liquid form and exploring alternatives like powders, compressed forms, or concentrates. For instance, she mentioned her habit of checking the soap aisle in supermarkets for solid alternatives.

Furthermore, Andersen stressed the importance of reducing the overall supply of new raw polymer, an option outlined in the draft treaty text. She pointed out that while recycling efforts are essential, plastic usage continues to rise. Over the past two decades, annual plastic production has more than doubled, reaching 460 million tons, and this figure could triple by 2060 if no significant changes occur. Currently, only nine percent of plastic is recycled, leading to plastic waste contaminating oceans, wildlife, and even human biological systems through microplastic pollution. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Andersen emphasized that relying solely on recycling will not suffice in addressing this crisis. She expressed that if the inflow of new raw polymer into the economy remains unchecked, the problem of plastic pollution in oceans will persist. She underscored the critical importance of ocean health for humanity’s future.

The future treaty on plastic pollution is expected to complement global initiatives aimed at protecting oceans, including the recent historic treaty covering the high seas, which was signed by around 70 nations. Andersen hailed this development as a vital step in safeguarding a crucial portion of our shared heritage—the oceans.

Mixed-Plastics Recycling

New Chemical Process Offers Hope for Mixed-Plastics Recycling

A molecular additive allows different kinds of plastic to be recycled together

Soda bottles, sour cream containers and disposable cutlery—these plastics (and many others) typically arrive at recycling plants mixed together in the same bin. But because they are made of different molecular building blocks, called monomers, they must be sorted into different streams before they can be melted to make new products.

“Until about a year ago, everybody thought the only thing you could do is take a plastic, break it back down to a monomer and then re-form it,” says Sanat Kumar, a chemical engineer at Columbia University. “Now we’ve come up with a different way of doing it.” His team has developed a process that allows different kinds of plastic to be recycled together. Their findings, reported recently in Nature, could give new life to many items that end up in landfills. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

A disturbingly small portion of our plastic waste is recycled, and production of new plastic—made from fossil fuels—continues to increase. The worsening situation has prompted scientists to seek new solutions to old recycling problems, including the difficulty of recycling mixed plastics. But they have faced a fundamental chemical hurdle: when different plastics are melted together, their various monomers tend to separate from one another like oil and water.


Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Credit: Thomas Fuchs

Introducing the Innolith I-State: A Swiss Battery Revolutionizing Electric Vehicle Autonomy

Innolith, a Swiss pioneer in battery production, has unveiled a groundbreaking innovation in the world of electric vehicles—an extraordinary cell that not only reduces manufacturing costs but also extends the range of electric vehicles to well over 1,000 kilometers. Named the “I-State,” this battery employs a novel chemical composition, complemented by a non-flammable liquid electrolyte, which collectively enables it to operate at higher voltages, surpassing the conventional limit of 4.2 volts and reaching up to 5 volts.

Key Features:

  • Exceptional Energy Density: The Innolith I-State boasts an impressive volumetric density of 825 Wh/l.
  • Versatility in Temperature: This battery is engineered to function reliably in a broad temperature range, spanning from -40 degrees to +60 degrees Celsius.

Konstantin Solodovnikov, the CEO of Innolith, highlighted the pressing need for improved batteries to accelerate the transition to a greener economy. He pointed out that conventional lithium-ion batteries, though dependable for decades, have revealed limitations that must be addressed in the future. The I-State battery, with its enhanced performance, reduced costs, and environmental sustainability, emerges as a game-changer in this context. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Solodovnikov emphasized that this innovative technology will play a pivotal role in supporting electric vehicles during the global shift towards eco-friendliness and renewable energy. Furthermore, Innolith is actively researching advancements in energy density and performance for future iterations of this technology.

Collaborative Efforts: Innolith’s I-State batteries are poised to enter the market through partnerships with leading automotive manufacturers and industry stakeholders. Additional details about these partnerships will be disclosed in due course. Excitingly, discussions are underway to license production, with the potential to yield an impressive annual output of 100 MWh of I-State batteries. Five companies have already expressed interest, and Innolith has entered into a letter of intent with a prominent enterprise, though the identity of this partner remains confidential for now. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Introducing the Innolith I-State: A Swiss Battery Revolutionizing Electric Vehicle Autonomy

Elix Polymers Unveils E-Loop Sustainable Materials at Fakuma 2023

Elix Polymers, a leading global supplier of specialty ABS materials headquartered in Spain, is set to unveil its latest eco-friendly E-Loop product line at the upcoming Fakuma 2023 exhibition in Friedrichshafen, Germany, scheduled for October 17 to 21. The company has consolidated its efforts in the circular economy realm under the E-Loop brand, encompassing two key initiatives from Elix Sustainable Portfolio Solutions: Circular Plastics and Responsible Innovation. Elix will use the Fakuma platform to present its most impactful circular solutions and innovations, carrying the banner of “Let’s close the loop” at booth 5003 in hall B5. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Visitors to the Elix stand can expect to see an array of products featuring mechanically recycled content, including E-Loop H801 MR, E-Loop Ultra 4105 MR, and E-Loop PC/ABS 5120 MR. These offerings maintain properties akin to their conventional prime counterparts while achieving a remarkable 29% reduction in CO2 emissions. Notably, these materials have garnered approval from various premium automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and have received validation from key tiers, with applications spanning the demanding landscape of both interior and exterior automotive components.

Among the highlights of the E-Loop range are the E-Loop CR products, crafted from sustainable certified raw materials that encompass circular and bio-based feedstocks. These products hold certification under ISCC+ (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification), with a meticulous mass balance model ensuring complete traceability and transparency across the supply chain. The flexibility of E-Loop CR products lies in the diverse sourcing options for the three primary monomers: fossil-fuel-based feedstocks, chemically recycled post-consumer waste, and bio-based feedstocks. Depending on the specific monomer blend employed, emissions reductions of up to 60% in comparison to prime-grade materials can be achieved. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

A testament to Elix Polymers’ commitment to sustainability, the company has received UL yellow cards for its E-Loop product lineup featuring certified raw materials, responding to the demands of customers within the electrical and electronics, as well as consumer goods sectors. Plastic pollution Petrochemicals

Salt Water-Degradable Plastics To Help Oceans

“Researchers at the University of Queensland are developing a groundbreaking solution to combat marine pollution: saltwater-degradable plastics. Dr. Ruirui Qiao, affiliated with UQ’s Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, is spearheading the development of an affordable, biodegradable plastic that disintegrates in seawater, aiming to mitigate the proliferation of persistent plastic waste in our oceans.

According to Dr. Qiao, our oceans are increasingly contaminated by long-lasting plastic items such as containers, bags, and microplastics, posing a significant threat to marine ecosystems and the countless seabirds and mammals that rely on them. While awareness of this issue has grown in recent years, the scale of plastic waste entering the water necessitates innovative solutions. Dr. Qiao believes that plastic degradation technologies hold promise as part of the solution. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Collaborating with fellow researchers, including Professor Tom Davis and Professors Xuan Pang and Xuesi Chen from the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Dr. Qiao’s team is utilizing cutting-edge 3D-printing techniques developed by her research group at AIBN and polymeric materials from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to create a range of customizable, high-value seawater-degradable plastics.

This collaborative effort has received $125,000 in funding from the Queensland-Chinese Academy of Sciences Collaborative Science Fund to expedite the project’s progress over the next two years. One of the techniques they are employing, known as ring-opening polymerization, enables precise control over the mechanical properties and form of the plastics while imbuing them with a low-toxic polyester “backbone.” As a result, these plastics can break down into a molecular state when exposed to marine environments.

The ultimate goal is to commercialize a new line of products in both Australia and China within five years, effectively replacing conventional plastics and capitalizing on a burgeoning biodegradable market projected to exceed $9.5 billion by that time. Dr. Qiao emphasizes that seawater-degradable polymer plastics will play a vital role in reducing plastic debris in the world’s oceans, enhancing the well-being of ecosystems and the quality of life for communities globally. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

In addition to their innovative work, the research team is fostering collaboration between research groups in Queensland and China to further advance their expertise in polymer science and additive manufacturing.”

Salt Water-Degradable Plastics To Help Oceans

UN Environment Chief Warns Recycling Alone Isn’t Sufficient

Over the past two decades, annual plastic production has surged, exceeding 460 million tons. With the global plastic production spiraling upward and causing escalating pollution, the UN’s environment chief has issued a stark warning that merely relying on recycling won’t extricate humanity from this crisis. Instead, she calls for a comprehensive reevaluation of our plastic consumption habits.

In an interview conducted on September 21st, during the General Assembly in New York, Inger Andersen, Director of the UN Environment Program, emphasized that the prevailing status quo is no longer a viable option. She pointed out that there are various approaches to find solutions to this predicament, but the urgency for change is evident to all.

Andersen’s remarks come on the heels of the publication of the initial draft of an impending international treaty on plastic pollution, set to be finalized by the conclusion of 2024. This treaty represents the diverse aspirations of 175 participating nations, notably highlighting the divergence between those advocating for reduced polymer production and those championing reuse and recycling. Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Initially, Andersen stressed the objective of eliminating as many single-use plastics as possible, targeting items that are evidently unnecessary, such as products wrapped in plastic that serve little purpose, or even those encased in natural packaging, like oranges or bananas. Subsequently, she highlighted the need to reconsider the very nature of products themselves. Questions about the necessity of products being in liquid form, and the potential for them to be reformulated as powders, compressed forms, or concentrates, must be seriously entertained. Andersen noted her personal habit of going straight to the soap aisle in supermarkets to check for solid alternatives.

UN Environment Chief Warns Recycling Alone Isn't Sufficient

Chemical recycling innovation – BASF Secures Long-Term Access to Bio-Based 1,4-Butanediol (BDO) through QIRA 23-09-2023

Mixed-Plastics Recycling

Petrochemicals r-PET – Nafion, the Core Innovation in Rechargeable Solid Air Batteries 25-09-2023

Petrochemicals r-PET

Petrochemicals r-PET

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks : PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals r-PET

ITEM 18/09/2023 25/09/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,300 yuan/ton 7,200 yuan/ton -100
Bottle grade PET chips export market 915 $/ton 905 $/ton -10
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 7,300 yuan/ton 7,150 yuan/ton -150
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,340 yuan/ton 7,240 yuan/ton -100
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,340 yuan/ton 6,215 yuan/ton -125
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 800 $/ton 810 $/ton +10
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,275 yuan/ton 4,130 yuan/ton -145
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 494 $/ton 480 $/ton -14
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals r-PET

1,160 $/ton 1,133 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,137 $/ton 1,110 $/ton -27
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,200 $/ton 1,250 $/ton +50
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 8,200 yuan/ton 8,100 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,750 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton -200
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,600 yuan/ton 9,450 yuan/ton -150
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals r-PET

9,350 yuan/ton 9,300 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,750 yuan/ton 8,700 yuan/ton -50
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,850 yuan/ton 7,770 yuan/ton -80
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 14,280 yuan/ton 13,375 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,600 $/ton 1,600 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,790 $/ton 1,830 $/ton +40
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 15,000 yuan/ton 14,450 yuan/ton -550
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-PET

15,350 yuan/ton 15,100 yuan/ton -250
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 19,000 yuan/ton 19,500 yuan/ton +500
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 17,450 yuan/ton 17,200 yuan/ton -250
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 19,600 yuan/ton 19,400 yuan/ton- -200
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  18,350 yuan/ton 18,150 yuan/ton -200
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals r-PET

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market 10,050 yuan/ton 9,900 yuan/ton -150
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET

8,540 yuan/ton 8,075 yuan/ton -465
Benzene overseas  market 1,023 $/ton 980 $/ton -43
Ethylene South East market 865 $/ton 870 $/ton +5
Ethylene NWE market 788 $/ton 783 $/ton -5
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET

9,500 yuan/ton 9,700 yuan/ton +200
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,100 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,250 yuan/ton 13,400 yuan/ton +150
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals r-PET

7,700 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton -150
Naphtha overseas market  713 $/ton 719 $/ton +6
Phenol domestic market 9,795 yuan/ton 9,407 yuan/ton -388


r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –

Petrochemicals r-PET

Nafion, the Core Innovation in Rechargeable Solid Air Batteries

The development of Nafion-based air batteries by Japanese researchers stands as a groundbreaking achievement in the realm of renewable and sustainable energy. These batteries have successfully sidestepped the use of heavy metals and liquid electrolytes, resulting in a marked reduction in their environmental footprint. At the heart of this revolutionary transformation lies Nafion, a proton-conducting polymer that not only excels in performance but also extends the lifespan of these batteries. Despite their initial lower discharge capacities, diligent optimization efforts have yielded promising outcomes. This advancement represents a crucial milestone on the path towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

Transitioning towards a sustainable energy future necessitates the exploration of renewable energy sources beyond photovoltaics. Petrochemicals r-PET

While photovoltaics has undeniably demonstrated its worth as a clean energy source, its widespread adoption poses environmental challenges related to solar panel production and disposal.

The quest for novel renewable energy sources becomes imperative in meeting the ever-growing energy demands of contemporary conveniences without further harm to the environment. Batteries play a pivotal role in facilitating this transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape.

The surging demand for electronic devices and electric vehicles underscores the urgency for more efficient and environmentally friendly batteries. In Japan, a team of researchers has taken a revolutionary stride by introducing an entirely solid air battery founded on the remarkable properties of Nafion material.

This innovation has the potential not only to reshape the battery industry but also to revolutionize the entire energy sector. Petrochemicals r-PET

Solid Air Batteries: An Environmentally Friendly Solution

The urgency to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions has galvanized extensive research into eco-friendly energy solutions. Batteries, as a fundamental component of these solutions, have assumed a central role in extensive studies and groundbreaking innovations. The primary challenge lies in developing batteries that are not only more efficient and durable but also environmentally sustainable.

Air batteries emerge as a promising solution to this challenge. In stark contrast to traditional batteries reliant on heavy metals, air batteries eliminate these environmentally detrimental components, resulting in a substantial reduction in their environmental footprint. However, until recently, the majority of air batteries depended on liquid electrolytes, which posed issues related to electrical resistance and fire hazards.

Nafion: A Revolutionary Polymer

Researchers from Waseda and Yamanashi Universities in Japan have chosen Nafion as the proton-conducting polymer for their innovative solid air battery. Petrochemicals r-PET

The utilization of Nafion not only obviates the need for liquid electrolytes but also ushers in enhanced performance and prolonged durability. The battery boasts an anode crafted from a chemical compound known as 2,5-hydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone, complemented by a cathode composed of the polymer 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone-3,6-methylene. This amalgamation, alongside Nafion serving as the electrolyte, has yielded a solid air battery with extraordinary performance capabilities.

Promising Performance and the Road to Sustainability

While the initial discharge capacity of semiconductor air batteries fell short of other technologies, meticulous adjustments in composition have led to substantial enhancements. The accumulator’s coulombic efficiency reached 84% at 4°C, and through successive cycles and refinements, the discharge capacity surged to 78%. This progress signifies a noteworthy stride towards a sustainable energy future, where clean and sustainable energy emerges as a tangible and compelling alternative to more well-established renewable sources. Petrochemicals r-PET

Nafion, the Core Innovation in Rechargeable Solid Air Batteries

Sustainable polymers – BASF Secures Long-Term Access to Bio-Based 1,4-Butanediol (BDO) through QIRA 23-09-2023

Sustainable polymers

Pyrowave Introduces Nanopurification Technology: A revolutionary short-loop chemical recycling innovation to remove toxic additives and contaminants in plastics

Pyrowave Introduces Nanopurification Technology: A revolutionary short-loop chemical recycling innovation to remove toxic additives and contaminants in plastics
On the sideline of the Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023, Pyrowave is proud to introduce its revolutionary Nanopurification Technology. Applied to plastic waste, this technology operates at the molecular level to remove contaminants from polymers with perfect control on purified resins. It specifically addresses a challenge faced by most plastic waste recyclers including advanced recycling: the presence of contaminants in plastic waste and in pyrolysis oil.In a world grappling with the growing concern of plastic pollution, one of the limiting factors caping the scaling of plastic recycling is the inability to secure feedstock compatible with level of purity required in end applications. Notably, a recent United Nations report has highlighted the challenges of handling hazardous chemicals present in plastics – additives and contaminants that represent major concerns to human health and the environment. Sustainable polymers

Pyrowave’s solution offers a plastic waste pre-treatment to purify the resins that can be used in advanced recycling methods sensitive to contaminants, or directly into final applications. This breakthrough approach has the potential to expand the range of recyclable plastics, including plastics with various contaminants and additives such as heavy metals, inorganic pigments, halogens, and flame retardants.

“We cannot sit and do nothing as the plastic pollution crisis escalates and the recycling rates are barely improving”, says Jocelyn Doucet, CEO of Pyrowave. ”As a pioneer of this industry, we are addressing the key challenge limiting the scaling of advanced recycling techniques by providing a groundbreaking nanopurification technology that will be driving real change for a cleaner, healthier planet.’’ says Jocelyn Doucet, Co-founder and CEO, Pyrowave. Sustainable polymers

Revolutionizing recycling: How Nanopurification Works
Pyrowave’s nanopurification methodology draws inspiration from pharmaceutical purification technologies, capitalizing on the significant size disparity between polymers and most additives found in the compounds. The technology tables on the large difference in size and solubility to separate additives from polymers using the most advanced nanofiltration membranes. Unlike conventional dissolution methods reliant solely on solubility, Pyrowave’s patent-pending technology enables simultaneous removal of various contaminants, all while maintaining meticulous control over the endpoint. It results in a process that is simpler, tailored to our clients’ specifications, more energy efficient and economical.

Pionneering a Greener Future

To debottleneck the access to plastic feedstock, Pyrowave standardizes the material upstream to be compliant with most advanced recycling process. In addition, the purified product can also be used directly in end-applications. Pyrowave has successfully demonstrated this technology by decontaminating polymers and supplying high-quality recycled plastics to industries requiring strict compliance, including food-contact applications. Sustainable polymers

The innovation can be used as a stand-alone to purify various plastic waste feedstocks or as a pre-treatment upstream of its microwave depolymerization process, for example.

Powered by electricity, Pyrowave’s new technology is low-carbon with approximatively 95% GHG emissions reduction compared to the virgin production of resins, and produces 100% traceable resins. Pyrowave’s solution enables higher recycling rates, less harmful substances in the environment and less GHG emissions than needed to produce virgin plastics. Pyrowave’s innovation holds the promise of reshaping the plastic recycling landscape by addressing head-on the pressing environmental issue of toxic contaminants in plastics.

Backed by over 10 years of experience, Pyrowave is eager to collaborate with like-minded partners to build a sustainable and circular economy that maximizes the value of plastic waste. Reach out today to learn more about Pyrowave’s nanopurification technology.
Mathieu Pagé
Public Relations Advisor
Cell.: 1-438-227-8344 Sustainable polymers

BASF Secures Long-Term Access to Bio-Based 1,4-Butanediol (BDO) through QIRA

BASF has inked a significant agreement to secure enduring access to QIRA bio-based 1,4-butanediol (BDO) from Qore LLC, a joint venture between Cargill and HELM AG.

This collaboration solidifies BASF’s commitment to sustainability, with Qore set to manufacture bio-based BDO at Cargill’s cutting-edge biotechnology campus and corn refining facility in Eddyville, Iowa. QIRA, the brand under which Qore produces this bio-based BDO, is derived through the fermentation of plant-based sugars sourced from field corn. It will match the quality standards of fossil-based BDO, maintaining identical specifications.

QIRA is an ideal drop-in solution, facilitating a rapid and seamless transition for the industry towards more sustainable alternatives, as noted by Jon Veldhouse, CEO of Qore: “By switching to QIRA, the product carbon footprint (PCF) can potentially be reduced by up to 86% compared to fossil-based BDO.” Sustainable polymers

Through the adoption of QIRA, BASF gains the ability to manufacture BDO derivatives with a lower PCF than their fossil-based counterparts. Furthermore, BDO derivatives based on QIRA exhibit equivalent physical and technical properties compared to those originating from fossil-based BDO. Commercial quantities of these bio-based products are anticipated to be available in the first quarter of 2025.

Sustainable polymers

Teknor Apex relaunches Terraloy sustainable polymers

Responding to market demands for sustainable compounds, Teknor Apex is relaunching its Terraloy brand in a dedicated effort to build up a portfolio of products that will meet the challenges of today’s rapidly changing industry.

businessman holding circular economy icon Circular economy concept for future business growth and environmental sustainability and reduce pollution for future business and environmental growth.

The portfolio will include polymers, additives and fillers covering a broad range of sustainable attributes such as recycled, bioderived, and biodegradable content. As the portfolio evolves, it will include credible products with verifiable carbon footprint and LCA data.  Sustainable polymers

Back in 2015, Teknor Apex received two awards for the Terraloy technology: the “Innovation in Bioplastics Award” from SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association; and the “Bioproduct Innovation of the Year Award” from Ohio State University’s OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center. It was this same year that the United Nations created a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet: The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals, supported by Teknor Apex initiatives, promote a global partnership to improve health and education, reduce inequality and stimulate economic growth – all while addressing climate change and working to preserve our environment.

“As a company that participates in many plastic recycling initiatives and sustainable activities, we are keenly focused on our mission of people and our planet being at the centre of our purpose. Sustainable polymers


Sustainable polymers

‘Mass balance is of utmost importance’

In its ‘Let’s talk about Chemical Recycling” series, the Plastics and Rubber Machinery division of the German VDMA association talks to experts and stakeholders active in the chemical recycling space. In response to skeptics about the technology, Markus Klatte, founder and Managing Director of Arcus Greencycling Technologies GmbH would like them to realise that ‘only with all the technologies at our disposal will we be able to complete the massive transformation to a circular economy’.
“Considerably more fossil oil would be consumed without mass balance,” he said.

Mr. Klatte, Arcus commissioned an industrial plant for chemical recycling at the beginning of the year. What are its unique qualities?
By utilising our technology, we can produce a pyrolysis oil from strongly mixed plastic waste that also contains polymers such as PVC, PET, ABS and many others.

We process the plastic waste the way it arrives from a waste sorting plant or from partners in industry. We are looking to recycle everything that would otherwise go into incineration. When the material is processed by our pyrolysis, unwanted contaminants such as chlorine or titanium dioxide are separated and put into a sink. Sustainable polymers

Condensable gases and non-condensable vapours are then produced in the gas phase. The condensable gases eventually become the pyrolysis oil. We operate our combined heat and power unit with the filtered, non-condensable gases, which renders our technology virtually energy self-sufficient. In the long run, there will also be a secondary market for residual materials; however, a lot of research still needs to be done in this respect.

With an annual capacity of 4,000 tonnes, it is quite a small plant.
Through our demonstration plant in the Frankfurt-Höchst Chemical Park, we can offer proof that industrial use works. We are still conducting a lot of tests. There are 650 measuring points at our plant that provide data, for example on energy requirements. In addition, the purpose of the plant is to test material flows that have not yet been researched, and to determine what can be recycled and what cannot.


Sustainable polymers

Danimer Scientific and Chevron Phillips Chemical Expand Collaboration for Rinnovo™ Polymer Applications

Danimer Scientific, Inc., a leading company specializing in next-generation bioplastics, with a focus on developing and producing biodegradable materials, has announced the expansion of its collaboration with Chevron Phillips Chemical (“CPChem”). This extended partnership aims to delve into the development and commercialization of various high-volume polymer applications, leveraging the cost-effectiveness and performance advantages offered by Rinnovo™ materials. Sustainable polymers

Rinnovo™ is a specific type of polyhydroxyalkanoate (“PHA”) derived from lactones, synthesized using Danimer’s proprietary Novo22™ catalyst technology. These PHAs can be utilized to produce eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastics. The expanded collaboration builds upon Danimer and CPChem’s previous agreement, which involved Danimer evaluating CPChem’s loop slurry reactor design for the continuous manufacturing of Rinnovo™.

Stephen E. Croskrey, the CEO of Danimer, expressed enthusiasm about the ongoing partnership with CPChem, stating, “Our collaboration with CPChem has consistently delivered positive outcomes, and we are excited about the new opportunities on the horizon. Sustainable polymers

CPChem’s Research and Technology lab in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, boasts a world-class team and facility, which we believe will expedite the integration of Rinnovo™ materials into high-volume applications, ultimately reducing costs in key markets.”

CPChem’s Bartlesville facility, established in 1950 by Phillips 66, is equipped with state-of-the-art research equipment for rapid product testing under various processing conditions. Furthermore, the facility’s advanced testing and analytical capabilities facilitate quicker feedback loops, thereby expediting the development and optimization of resin formulations.

Venki Chandrashekar, CPChem’s Vice President of Research and Technology, expressed ongoing excitement about the potential of their MarTECH® process technology and related collaborations to advance Danimer’s Rinnovo™, emphasizing its role in accelerating sustainability efforts. Sustainable polymers

For more information on Danimer Scientific, please visit www.DanimerScientific.com.

Danimer Scientific and Chevron Phillips Chemical Expand Collaboration for Rinnovo™ Polymer Applications

Swedish Plastic Recycling has unveiled its plans for the grand opening of the Site Zero recycling plant, which is being hailed as the world’s largest and most advanced facility for recycling plastic

This momentous event is scheduled for November 15th and marks a significant milestone in the quest to revolutionize plastic recycling.

Spanning an impressive 60,000 square meters, Site Zero boasts an annual capacity to process 200,000 tons of mixed household plastic packaging while achieving a sorting speed of 1,000 pieces of packaging per second. This remarkable feat is made possible through the utilization of sixty Near-Infrared (NIR) sensors, cutting-edge laser technology, and advanced camera systems. Sustainable polymers

Swedish Plastic Recycling has invested one billion SEK between 2019 and 2023 to bring this vision to life, and the results have been nothing short of sensational. Site Zero has demonstrated the ability to separate and recycle up to twelve different types of plastics simultaneously, a stark contrast to other European plants, which typically handle just three or four types. As a result, it is anticipated that virtually all plastics in the Swedish packaging market can now undergo treatment and be reintegrated into a circular economy.

Mattias Philipsson, the CEO of Swedish Plastic Recycling, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Site Zero surpasses all expectations; we are ushering in a new era of plastic recycling. This plant will serve as the driving force behind the global transition needed to significantly reduce climate impact, diminish our dependence on fossil plastic raw materials, and fully integrate plastics into a circular economy.”

The grand opening is set to attract visitors from across Europe, and an on-site press conference will be held to share the remarkable recycling results and insights gained during the testing phase, among other key information. Notable attendees will include representatives from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, TOMRA, and various players from Sweden’s food trade industry. Sustainable polymers

From its inception in 2021, the Site Zero project has aimed for complete climate neutrality. The plant is powered entirely by renewable energy sources, and any plastic that cannot be recycled will be directed toward Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) or energy recovery methods that produce no climate-harming emissions.

Meanwhile, in Sweden, Tetra Pak and Axjo Group are jointly exploring the feasibility of constructing a new recycling plant designed specifically for the polyAl layers found in carton packages. This facility is expected to have an annual recycling capacity of 10,000 tonnes.

Additionally, a new recycling plant specializing in the challenging task of recycling soft plastics recently opened in Scotland earlier this year. This facility, co-owned by supermarket chain Morrisons and operated by Yes Recycling, aims to prevent the export of end-of-life plastics and, instead, repurpose an impressive 15,000 tonnes of post-consumer packaging annually. Sustainable polymers

Furthermore, Amcor and Mondelēz International have committed to investment agreements in support of Licella’s construction of one of Australia’s first advanced recycling facilities. This facility is set to process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life plastics each year, contributing to the global effort to address plastic waste challenges.

Swedish Plastic Recycling has unveiled its plans for the grand opening of the Site Zero recycling plant, which is being hailed as the world's largest and most advanced facility for recycling plastic

Greenback Recycling Technologies has successfully completed the acquisition of Enval, a renowned specialist in the recycling of laminated plastics

The financial details of this transaction remain confidential. Following this merger, the united entity will be led by Philippe von Stauffenberg, the CEO of Greenback.

Both companies have amalgamated their efforts in the domain of plastics recycling. This move comes on the heels of the inauguration of a groundbreaking recycling facility in Cuautla, México, which utilizes Enval’s innovative microwave-induced pyrolysis technology, as depicted in the accompanying image. Sustainable polymers

Enval, initially established as a spin-off from Cambridge University in 2006, made significant strides in the recycling sector. In 2013, it launched its inaugural commercial-scale plant for recycling laminated plastics and aluminum in Luton.

The newly formed company under Greenback’s leadership will prioritize the recycling of challenging post-consumer plastic packaging waste. Additionally, it aims to supply raw materials for the production of new food-grade packaging containing recycled content.

Philippe von Stauffenberg stated, “Through the groundbreaking microwave-induced technology developed by Enval, we can convert flexible plastics into pyrolysis oil, known as π-Oil, which serves as a valuable resource for creating new food packaging with recycled materials. Furthermore, this process enables the recycling of another precious resource, aluminum, when found in multi-layered flexible packaging. This merger signifies a significant milestone for both Greenback and Enval, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunities it will present.” Sustainable polymers

Carlos Ludlow-Palafox, CEO of Enval, expressed, “For a considerable period, we have closely collaborated with Greenback on the construction of the Mexican plant, and this merger solidifies that partnership.” He highlighted that the synergy between Enval’s proficiency in chemical recycling and Greenback’s operational and business development acumen would contribute significantly to mitigating plastic pollution, both on land and in marine environments.

Greenback, headquartered in the United Kingdom, was founded by Philippe von Stauffenberg in 2018. The Mexico facility was established in collaboration with Nestlé and garnered support from the Alliance to End Plastic Waste.

Greenback Recycling Technologies has successfully completed the acquisition of Enval, a renowned specialist in the recycling of laminated plastics

Tire pyrolysis – Circular Economy: TotalEnergies to Build a New Plastic Recycling Unit at the Grandpuits Zero-Crude Platform 22-09-2023

Sustainable polymers

Bio-based polymers – Circular Economy: TotalEnergies to Build a New Plastic Recycling Unit at the Grandpuits Zero-Crude Platform 22-09-2023

Bio-based polymers

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Circular Economy: TotalEnergies to Build a New Plastic Recycling Unit at the Grandpuits Zero-Crude Platform

Paris, September 20, 2023 –TotalEnergies has announced the building of a new mechanical recycling unit for plastic waste at its Grandpuits site southeast of Paris. This new investment follows those announced in June 2023 — the doubling of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production and construction of a biomethane production unit — in line with the Company’s ambition to develop low-carbon energy and the circular economy.

The new unit should enter service in 2026 and produce 30,000 tons a year of high value-added compounds containing up to 50% recycled plastic material.
In addition to the mechanical recycling unit, a specific center will be established that provides technical assistance to customers and develops new products, in order to provide sufficient support for the commercialization of the new range of hybrid compounds.

One year after investing in a new production line that makes high-performance recycled polypropylene for the automotive sector in its plant at Carling, the Company is now expanding its recycled polymer offering with this new unit at Grandpuits.

It will target the high-performance packaging market, in particular for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Bio-based polymers

“This investment is great news for the local area and represents another milestone for the zero-crude platform at Grandpuits. The investment in this plastic recycling unit is entirely consistent with the Company’s ambition to grow the circular economy and will contribute to the objective of reaching 1 million tons of circular polymers by 2030. By developing all these projects at the Grandpuits zero-crude platform, the Company can confirm it will maintain 250 jobs at the site, honoring the commitments that it made in September 2020,” said Bernard Pinatel, President, Refining & Chemicals at TotalEnergies.

Grandpuits is an ambitious project for low-carbon energy and the circular economy:

In September 2020, in line with its aim to get to net zero by 2050, TotalEnergies launched a project to convert this industrial site. Bio-based polymers

The “zero-crude” project, which will cost an estimated total of over €500 million, is based on the development of several future-oriented activities in biomass, renewables and the circular economy:

  • SAF production: the biorefinery’s output capacity of 210,000 tons a year by 2025 and 285,000 tons a year by 2027 will allow the Company to keep pace with the gradual rise in EU blending mandates, set at 6% in 2030.
  • Biomethane production: the biomethane unit, which will receive feedstock in the form of organic waste from the biorefinery, will prevent the emission of almost 20,000 tons of CO₂ per year. Its annual capacity of 80 gigawatt-hours (GWh) represents the average annual demand of 16,000 people.
  • Advanced and mechanical recycling: with two recycling units, one for advanced recycling with capacity to treat 15,000 tons of waste a year, and another a mechanical recycling unit announced today, Grandpuits is establishing itself as a major French recycling site. Bio-based polymers
  • Green electricity generation: Grandpuits is home to the largest solar farm in the Île-de-France region, equipped with a battery energy storage system. Since coming onstream in July 2023, it has been generating 31 GWh of green electricity a year, enough to supply 19,000 people. This power generation required the installation of 46,000 solar panels and adds to the 28 GWh facility built at Gargenville, west of Paris, which was launched in 2022.


Bio-based polymers

“Why is the fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant gaining increasing popularity?”

The Preferred Choice: Fully Continuous Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plant

To cater to the diverse requirements of our customers, DOING has undertaken research and development efforts, resulting in the creation of three types of tire pyrolysis plants: batch-type, semi-continuous, and fully continuous. Among these options, the fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant has witnessed a surge in popularity in recent years due to its numerous advantages:

  1. Enhanced Processing Capacity, Greater Profitability: The fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant boasts a significantly higher processing capacity and production efficiency. Compared to batch-type designs, the daily processing capacity of the fully continuous system typically exceeds 20 tons, with common processing capacities of 30 tons per day and 50 tons per day. As you process more waste tires, your profits increase accordingly. Bio-based polymers
  2. Heightened Automation and Safety: The fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant offers a remarkable level of automation, ensuring safe operations and consistent production quality. In contrast to batch designs, continuous systems feature significantly greater automation, with optional PLC control systems enabling near-continuous operation for up to two months without interruption. Furthermore, the continuous feeding and carbon black discharge processes within DOING’s fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant are executed within a fully sealed environment, mitigating the risk of safety incidents.  Tire pyrolysis
  3. Enhanced Environmental Protection: The environmental benefits of the fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant are twofold. Firstly, it utilizes waste tires that have been pre-processed into rubber powder, reducing dust emissions caused by steel wire. The use of rubber powder as a raw material facilitates complete combustion, thus improving oil yield. Secondly, DOING’s fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant is equipped with advanced dedusting systems and desulfurization towers to purify exhaust gases, ensuring compliance with stringent emission standards. This elevated level of environmental protection sets the fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant apart. Bio-based polymers

Furthermore, many countries now impose stringent requirements on pyrolysis projects in terms of processing capacity and environmental friendliness. For instance, in countries like India, Australia, and China, newly established waste tire recycling projects are required to achieve annual outputs exceeding 20,000 tons, while renovations of existing facilities must meet a minimum output of 10,000 tons. These projects also need to adhere to strict environmental standards. The fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant effectively addresses these requirements, garnering significant support and encouragement from local governments.

If you are considering the establishment of a fully continuous tire pyrolysis plant, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated sales managers can provide comprehensive support, ranging from local policy assessments and pyrolysis plant selection to manufacturing and shipping. We also have successful pyrolysis plant projects that you can reference. Bio-based polymers

Contact Information: WhatsApp/Tel: +86 13526692320 Email: oilmachine@wastetireoil.com Official Websites: http://www.wastetireoil.com http://continuouspyrolysisplant.com http://www.wasteoiltodieseloil.com

Bio-based polymers

Origin Materials Awarded BioMADE Funding to Advance Department of Defense Sustainability Goals

World’s leading carbon-negative materials company to develop samples of bio-based carbon black and polymers for Department of Defense fleet decarbonization

Origin Materials, Inc. , the world’s leading carbon negative materials company with a mission to enable the world’s transition to sustainable materials, announced today that it has been awarded funding from BioMADE, a Manufacturing Innovation Institute catalyzed by the U.S. Department of Defense.

BioMADE announced a suite of projects last week that aim to aid in the advancement of Department of Defense supply chain resiliency and sustainability goals, re-shore manufacturing jobs to the United States, and enhance the domestic bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem. Origin Materials is one of nine projects announced by BioMADE, totaling $18.7 million in funding. Bio-based polymers

As part of its project, Origin will leverage its technology platform to develop samples of bio-based polymers and bio-based carbon black, which can be used to make more sustainable tires and other products, which could support Department of Defense fleet decarbonization efforts.

“This grant reflects the strong momentum for Origin’s technology platform to help solve the greatest sustainability challenges of our time,” said Origin Materials Co-CEO Rich Riley. “We are excited that Origin has been selected to pursue this far-reaching initiative for American manufacturing.”

“These projects will help unlock the benefits of bioindustrial manufacturing for all Americans – from everyday consumers to farmers to warfighters,” said Dr. Douglas Friedman, Chief Executive Officer at BioMADE in a statement. “By creating new products and transforming how we domestically manufacture existing products, these projects – and the bioindustrial manufacturing industry at large – have the potential to positively impact nearly every aspect of our lives.” Bio-based polymers


Tire pyrolysis

Asahi Kasei at Fakuma: Diversified Material Solutions for EV Batteries and the Circular Economy

Japanese technology company Asahi Kasei will showcase a slate of material solutions for EV batteries, improved connectivity, and lightweighting, as well as the circular economy, at the Fakuma show to be held Oct. 17 to 21 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Asahi Kasei will exhibit in hall B5 at booth 5319.

This year, Asahi Kasei will place a special focus on its broad range of materials for lightweight, compact, and safe electric vehicle batteries. The company is currently developing a new continuous glass-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic, Lencen, and will present it for the first time at Fakuma. This composite material is formed by stacking layers of continuous glass-fiber textiles with polyamide (PA) 66 films. Due to its tensile strength, heat resistance, and impact properties similar to metal, this material improves collision safety and reduces weight in EV batteries. Bio-based polymers

In addition, the company will showcase a carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic unidirectional tape (CFRTP-UD tape) that utilizes both recycled continuous carbon fiber and the company’s Leona PA resin. Boasting a higher strength than metal, this CFRTP-UD tape can be applied to automobile frames and bodies, further enabling the recycling of end-of-vehicle-life parts into different, new automobile parts.

Asahi Kasei will also showcase cooling pipes for EV battery packs made of the modified polyphenylene ether (mPPE) Xyron, as well as 2170 cell trays based on SunForce m-PPE particle foam. 

Solutions for improved HMI, glass replacement

Also on show is AZP, a transparent polymer that overcomes the disadvantages of conventional optical plastic materials. Featuring a close-to-zero birefringence equivalent to glass as well as superior designability, this material reportedly allows high transmittance and low color distortion at all viewing angles. Clear images without luminance variations, color distortion, or blurring can be achieved in polarized optical equipment such as human-machine interfaces (HMIs), AR/VR headsets, and head-up-displays (HUDs). A premium quality appearance is also maintained when looking at the display through polarized sunglasses. Bio-based polymers

Bio-based feedstock and new recycling technology for PA 66

Asahi Kasei will also present a bio-based and biodegradable cellulose nano fiber (CNF). This material is made from cotton linter and features high heat resistance and a network-forming capability. CNF-reinforced PA exhibits thixotropic behavior, making it highly suitable for 3D-printing applications in terms of easy printing, dimensional accuracy, smooth appearance, and mechanical performance. Furthermore, CNF has superior material recyclability compared with glass fibers.


Bio-based polymers

The alliance with Coperion gives Herbold Meckesheim’s growth more impetus

Herbold Meckesheim is reporting a good order situation for PET and film washing lines towards the end of the current fiscal year. The company is referring to the end of the US financial year, because since last summer Herbold belongs to the US group Hillenbrand Inc. Last October, a separate Recycling Business Unit was set up under the umbrella of Hillenbrand with the machinery building company Coperion to cover the entire process chain of plastics processing.

The company says that this gives the Meckesheim-based plant manufacturer an even stronger basis and more impetus for its steady growth. Bio-based polymers

The Recycling Business Unit is claimed to offer comprehensive and innovative overall solutions based on the complementary and aligned technologies of Herbold and Coperion. From mechanical processing size reduction, washing, separating, drying and agglomeration of plastics to bulk material handling, feeding and extrusion, as well as compounding and pelletising, the Business Unit covers the entire process and thus value chain. A global network of engineering sites, project management and service centers ensures fast order fulfillment, whether in the USA or Asia, and, thanks to literally short distances, enables installation and commissioning as well as competent and fast on-site service. State-of-the-art test centers for product development and customer trials round off the Recycling Unit’s range of services.

In the course of the integration, the management of Herbold Meckesheim was also restructured: In addition to Massimo Serapioni, who is also General Manager of the Business Unit, Christian Raiser took over the management of the operating business as Managing Director in July of this year.

He is responsible for the success of the site and reports directly to Markus Parzer, President Polymer Division of Coperion. Bio-based polymers


Herbold Meckesheim

EPBP Unveils Design Guidelines for Recyclable ‘Food Grade’ Opaque White PET Bottles

The inclusion of opaque white PET beverage bottles in the European Commission’s targets underscores the industry’s dedication to a more sustainable future. The European PET Bottle Platform (EPBP) has introduced comprehensive “design guidelines” for ensuring the recyclability of food-grade opaque white PET bottles. It is anticipated that these guidelines will offer invaluable support to Europe’s mechanical recycling sector for plastics.

These guidelines serve to provide structure and promote dedicated PET bottle streams, thereby safeguarding the quality and safety of both opaque white and clear PET beverage bottle recycling processes. This initiative advances the circular economy by advocating for material recycling within the same application and enhancing the overall value of each recycling stream. Bio-based polymers

Through their active efforts to boost the utilization of recycled PET, the mechanical recycling industry for plastics plays a pivotal role in waste reduction and minimizing the environmental footprint of plastics. By aligning with the European Commission’s targets and fostering circularity within the industry, participants in the PET value chain are actively contributing to a more sustainable future.

For more information, visit www.petcore-europe.org.

EPBP Unveils Design Guidelines for Recyclable 'Food Grade' Opaque White PET Bottles

The automotive landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, offering a glimpse into the near future and the popularity of various vehicle types

The imminent era promises the definitive rise of electric vehicles, establishing them as the primary choice for drivers. This revelation stems from recent research that meticulously analyzed data and market dynamics, projecting that by the year 2030, electric cars will constitute two-thirds of global vehicle sales.

This significant advancement is poised to be catalyzed by the decreasing costs of batteries, a crucial and historically expensive component in electric vehicles. These cost reductions are expected to propel electric cars towards price parity with their internal combustion engine counterparts. Bio-based polymers

Specifically, this equilibrium, often referred to as the “breakeven point,” is anticipated to be achieved by 2024 in Europe and 2026 in the United States.

By the time 2030 arrives, an impressive statistic will dominate the automotive landscape: two out of every three cars on the road will be electric. These insights were revealed in a report published by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), which forecasts a substantial reduction in battery costs throughout this decade. Projections suggest that the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) will drop by half, declining from $151 (approximately 140 euros) to a range between $60 and $90 (equivalent to 55-85 euros) per kWh. This critical factor, as emphasized by the research, will enable electric vehicles to achieve affordability on par with traditional gasoline-powered vehicles across all global markets by the year 2030.

The RMI’s analysis indicates that the rapid proliferation of electric models in Europe and China will lead to a remarkable surge in electric vehicle sales by 2030, potentially increasing by a factor of at least six. Bio-based polymers

Market penetration is expected to reach between 62% and 86% of total vehicle purchases by motorists. While this forecast may appear somewhat optimistic, it gains credence from the data at hand. For instance, in July, electric vehicle sales in the European Union surged by nearly 61% compared to the same month in 2022, constituting 13.6% of all vehicle sales. Notably, the adoption rate varies across different regions, with Northern European countries leading the charge while Italy recently crossed the pivotal 5% adoption threshold.

The automotive landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, offering a glimpse into the near future and the popularity of various vehicle types

Biomass-balanced plastic additives – Pyrum Innovations AG and Thermo Lysi SA have entered into an agreement to establish a recycling facility in Greece 21-09-2023

Bio-based polymers

Waste plastic recycling – Pyrum Innovations AG and Thermo Lysi SA have entered into an agreement to establish a recycling facility in Greece 21-09-2023

Waste plastic recycling

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

BASF has made a groundbreaking announcement, introducing a pioneering range of biomass-balanced plastic additives to the market for the very first time

The inaugural offerings in this product line, Irganox 1010 BMBcert and Irganox 1076 FD BMBcert, have received certification from TÜV Nord under the ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) scheme. These innovative solutions champion the use of renewable resources and empower BASF’s customers to meet their sustainability objectives.

The BMBcert product series plays a crucial role in conserving fossil resources. At the inception of the supply chain, sustainably sourced bio-based raw materials, certified by ISCC, replace traditional fossil counterparts. The equivalent amount is attributed to the product through the mass balance method. This allocation results in a remarkable reduction of the BMBcert product’s carbon footprint (from cradle to gate), slashing it by up to 60% when compared to the average global carbon footprint of conventionally produced items. Waste plastic recycling

Consequently, these certified additive solutions play a pivotal role in sustainable development, contributing to fossil resource conservation, greenhouse gas emission reduction, and the promotion of renewable raw materials. This pioneering product solution empowers customers to distinguish themselves from competitors while simultaneously advancing their sustainability objectives, all without compromising performance and quality.

Irganox 1010 BMBcert and Irganox 1076 FD BMBcert are suitable for a direct swap with Irganox 1010 and Irganox 1076. The BMBcert products are indistinguishable from their conventional counterparts in terms of performance, quality, product responsibility, and regulatory compliance. Consequently, customers need not undergo requalification of these additive solutions or reformulation of their products.

Joerg Bentlage, Head of Global Product Management, Plastic Additives, BASF, commented, “By leveraging BASF’s highly integrated global production network, which consists of interconnected sites and facilities, we are able to produce these industry-first drop-in solutions with a reduced carbon footprint but equal performance characteristics. On our path to a circular economy, we want to drive a sustainable change towards renewable raw materials in the industries we supply through innovative and strategic customer partnerships.” Waste plastic recycling

Initially, Irganox 1010 BMBcert and Irganox 1076 FD BMBcert will be produced at BASF’s facility in Kaisten, Switzerland. Additionally, Irganox 1010 FF BMBcert and Irganox 1076 FD BMBcert will be available in McIntosh, USA, starting in the spring of 2024.

BASF, as the world’s leading partner in plastic additives innovation, is steadfast in aligning with its customers’ sustainability objectives. The BMBcert additives form an integral part of the VALERAS portfolio, aimed at creating new value for plastics. BASF’s commitment to advancing sustainable innovations in the plastic additives sector addresses critical issues like climate change.  Biomass-balanced plastic additives

ISCC PLUS serves as an international certification program ensuring supply chain traceability and accountability from raw materials to the final product.

Waste plastic recycling

Pyrum Innovations AG and Thermo Lysi SA have entered into an agreement to establish a recycling facility in Greece

The contract for the planning and development of this new facility has been formally executed.

On September 14, 2023, Pyrum Innovations AG, known as “Pyrum,” initiated discussions with Thermo Lysi SA to collaborate on the creation of a cutting-edge tire recycling plant in Greece. Pyrum has undertaken the responsibility of conducting all essential planning activities required to secure the necessary building permits in compliance with Greek regulations. The facility is set to be constructed approximately 140 kilometers north of Athens and will possess a processing capacity of 20,000 tonnes of used tires annually. This capacity is substantial, allowing it to address nearly half of Greece’s annual waste tire production, which stands at around 45,000 tonnes.

The facility’s primary objective is to facilitate sustainable tire recycling and the recovery of valuable resources. Waste plastic recycling

Pascal Klein, CEO of Pyrum Innovations AG, expressed enthusiasm about this pioneering project in Greece, in partnership with Thermo Lysi SA. The commencement of the design work and the permitting process underscores the trust and commitment demonstrated by Thermo Lysi SA. Together, both companies intend to explore the prerequisites for constructing a state-of-the-art recycling plant that addresses the challenges associated with tire waste disposal in Greece. Their collective efforts aim to make a significant contribution to the circular economy.

As part of this collaboration, Pyrum has agreed to undertake the fundamental engineering tasks and prepare portions of the requisite approval documents for the new facility. Furthermore, the chosen location for the plant already hosts an existing tire recycling facility with a shredder plant, which allows for synergy and efficiency in the development and future operation of the new system. Additionally, the chosen land provides ample room for potential future expansion of capacity. Waste plastic recycling

This agreement with Thermo Lysi SA bolsters Pyrum’s extensive and promising pipeline for pyrolysis plant construction based on Pyrum’s innovative technology, marking the company’s first project outside of Germany. Pyrum has recently signed multiple letters of intent with various enterprises for collaborative ventures. Furthermore, the company has initiated the preparation of approval documents for another proprietary facility in Homburg, Germany, with construction slated to commence by year-end. Pyrum is confident, based on ongoing financial discussions, that the financing will be secured in time for the submission of approval applications for this project as well.

Waste plastic recycling

Global waste plastic management needs more effective approach

New report sketches Global Rules Scenario that shows how much more effective

It’s often said that the key to success is collaboration, and if this latest report from the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment and Climate is anything to go by, that certainly seems to be the case in the case of waste plastic management.
The report, which was developed by Systemiq, signals the urgent need for concerted global action and the implementation of global policies to ward off further escalating plastic pollution.
Failing such measures, virgin plastic production could soar by 66%, from 430 million tonnes in 2019 to 712 million tonnes in 2040. This would nearly double annual mismanaged plastic volumes and increase greenhouse gas emissions by 63% by 2040 relative to 2019 levels, the authors write. Waste plastic recycling
Published under the title ‘Towards Ending Plastic Pollution by 2040: 15 Global Policy Interventions for Systems Change’, the report is emphatic that the upcoming international treaty on ending plastic pollution also incorporate a comprehensive set of globally binding rules. These are crucial to fully end all aspects of plastic pollution and align the plastic system with the Paris Climate Agreement.

The present report contains a package of 15 global policy interventions across the plastic lifecycle. However, their effective implementation can be achieved only by anchoring these in global rules set down in the international, legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution. “Without common global rules and harmonised action, coordination and collaboration, the plastics policy landscape would likely remain fragmented, the adoption of far-reaching policies limited and the system’s ability to deal with complex international plastic value chains insufficient,” the report states. Biomass-balanced plastic additives

Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, Icelandic minister of the environment, energy and climate and current president of the Nordic Council of Ministers for Climate and the Environment, referred to the plastic treaty as a ‘unique opportunity to end plastic pollution by 2040’.


Waste plastic recycling

This electric motor reaches 475 HP using half the magnets

DeepDrive, a Munich-based company backed by prominent supporters like BMW and Continental, has unveiled a groundbreaking powertrain for electric vehicles set to hit the market in 2027. This innovative motor, known as the CSD 450, marks a significant advancement in electric motor technology.

One of its standout features is its ability to achieve a remarkable 475 horsepower while utilizing only half the number of magnets typically required. DeepDrive’s ingenious design employs a radial flow unit with two rotors—an internal and an external one—separated by two air bearings, thus optimizing performance. Additionally, this motor incorporates an innovative winding system boasting an impressive gap-fill factor of over 80%.

DeepDrive’s engineers have made efficiency gains in less space, reducing the reliance on magnetic materials by a remarkable 50% and cutting iron usage by a staggering 80% compared to competitors. Waste plastic recycling

Furthermore, this cutting-edge device combines the motor with a two-stage spur gear and an integrated silicon carbide (SiC) inverter, featuring a coaxial output shaft that minimizes space requirements without significantly impacting costs.

DeepDrive has also shared key performance details for two upcoming versions, designated as the CSD 450 and CSD 700. The CSD 450 will deliver a robust drive torque of 430 Nm and a power output of approximately 312 horsepower. This makes it suitable for both front- and rear-wheel-drive electric vehicles in the C-segment, as well as premium prototypes with four-wheel drive capabilities. Variable gear ratios will enable torque outputs ranging from 2,700 to 3,800 Nm.

On the other hand, the CSD 700 is poised to become the primary drivetrain for premium D-segment vehicles and all-wheel-drive vehicles. It boasts an impressive torque output of up to 5,400 Nm and a power output of around 475 horsepower.

Furthermore, the CSD 450 offers flexibility with a variable gear ratio, ranging from 6.4:1 to 9:1, while the CSD 700 offers a gear ratio range between 6:1 and 8:1. DeepDrive emphasizes that the transmission unit can seamlessly integrate into the wheels or be installed as a conventional central transmission. With such groundbreaking technology, DeepDrive is poised to make a substantial impact on the future of electric vehicle powertrains. Waste plastic recycling


The electric motor arrived on a 475 CV using the magnets

Britvic Ireland Unveils €6 Million Investment in Ballygowan Facility 

Britvic Ireland has revealed its commitment to invest €6 million in the expansion of its Ballygowan facility, located in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. This strategic move aims to increase the site’s production capacity by more than 20% to cater to the growing consumer demand for Ballygowan mineral water. Furthermore, it will result in the creation of 28 new job opportunities.

In addition to the bolstering of its workforce, this investment will facilitate the production of an additional capacity equivalent to 50 million fully recycled and recyclable 500ml bottles of Ballygowan. This expansion will not only enhance production capabilities but also reinforce the site’s commitment to sustainability. Waste plastic recycling

Ballygowan proudly holds the title of Ireland’s leading bottled water brand, and recent years have witnessed a consistent upswing in consumer demand. Sales of Ballygowan products have seen robust double-digit volume growth compared to pre-Covid levels. Notably, Newcastle West has been the heart and source of Ballygowan mineral water production, maintaining this tradition since 1984.

Britvic Ireland has been a valued local employer in Newcastle West since 2007, with the facility currently employing 55 individuals, in addition to the newly announced positions. It’s worth noting that Ballygowan bottles are crafted from 100% rPET, thanks to a prior €2 million investment in the Newcastle West facility in 2021. Biomass-balanced plastic additives

For more information, please visit Britvic.

Britvic Ireland Unveils €6 Million Investment in Ballygowan Facility 

KBR to supply ammonia cracking unit for South Korean hydrogen power plant project

KBR, the US-based engineering firm renowned for its cutting-edge hydrogen technology, has secured a pivotal role in Hanwha Impact Corporation’s ambitious hydrogen power project in Daesan, South Korea. The company announced that it will provide its advanced H2ACT™ technology to compose a critical component of the ammonia cracking unit, a key element in the conversion of ammonia into hydrogen for utilization in an upcoming power plant.

In a significant development for the project, KBR has entered into a license and engineering design contract with Hanwha Impact Corporation, which will facilitate the supply of their groundbreaking H2ACT™ technology for integration into the ammonia cracking unit. Waste plastic recycling

This specialized unit holds the crucial responsibility of transforming ammonia back into hydrogen, rendering it suitable for the envisioned power plant’s operations. The expected output from this unit is an impressive 200 tonnes of clean hydrogen every day, a substantial leap forward in the quest for sustainable hydrogen utilization in South Korea.

This strategic partnership between KBR and Hanwha Impact Corporation reflects a broader trend in the global energy sector, where hydrogen is increasingly being viewed as a key player in achieving sustainable energy goals. South Korea, like many other nations, recognizes the immense potential of hydrogen in addressing environmental concerns and diversifying its energy portfolio.

This development follows another noteworthy achievement earlier this year, in 2023, when PSM, Thomassen Energy, and Hanwha Power Systems collaborated to successfully operate a gas turbine with a hydrogen blend comprising 60% hydrogen at a power plant located in Daesan. This power plant is jointly owned by Hanwha and TotalEnergies, two major players in the energy sector. This successful demonstration underscored the viability and potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source, further bolstering the case for large-scale adoption of hydrogen technologies in South Korea. Waste plastic recycling

The ammonia cracking unit, which KBR will play a pivotal role in, represents a critical link in the hydrogen value chain. It takes ammonia, a widely available and transportable hydrogen carrier, and efficiently converts it back into its elemental hydrogen form. This conversion process is a crucial step in ensuring a reliable and sustainable source of clean hydrogen for the power plant’s operations.

By committing to deliver over 200 tonnes of clean hydrogen daily, Hanwha Impact Corporation’s project aims to set new standards in hydrogen production, storage, and utilization. This milestone project aligns with South Korea’s broader vision of becoming a leader in the global hydrogen economy, reducing carbon emissions, and transitioning toward a more sustainable energy future.

In conclusion, KBR’s involvement in supplying the ammonia cracking unit for the South Korean hydrogen power plant project marks a significant stride towards achieving large-scale sustainable hydrogen utilization.

With the successful gas turbine operation earlier this year and the promise of over 200 tonnes of clean hydrogen daily, South Korea is poised to play a prominent role in the global hydrogen revolution, demonstrating its commitment to a greener and more sustainable energy landscape. Waste plastic recycling

KBR to supply ammonia cracking unit for South Korean hydrogen power plant project

Toray and Honda Commence Collaborative Validation of Chemical Nylon 6 Recycling for Automotive Use

In an official announcement, Toray Industries, Inc. has revealed its partnership with Honda Motor Co., Ltd., aimed at the joint development of an innovative chemical recycling technology geared towards repurposing glass-fiber reinforced nylon 6 components retrieved from end-of-life vehicles.

This collaborative endeavor has already initiated the validation process for the proposed technology, which revolves around the depolymerization of nylon 6 through the use of subcritical water, followed by the regeneration of the material into caprolactam, a fundamental raw monomer. Waste plastic recycling

The research and development teams from both companies focused their efforts on harnessing the unique properties of subcritical water, such as its exceptional permeability, solvent power, and hydrolysis capabilities within resin materials. This breakthrough technology effectively deconstructs nylon 6 with the assistance of subcritical water, which refers to water exposed to elevated temperatures and pressures. Importantly, subcritical water operates without the need for catalysts or additives, facilitating the swift depolymerization of nylon 6 in a matter of minutes, ultimately yielding high quantities of raw monomer. Subsequent separation, refinement, and repolymerization of this monomer enable the creation of nylon 6 with performance qualities akin to virgin material.

The Ministry of the Environment has embraced this cutting-edge technology as part of its fiscal 2023 initiative to establish a decarbonized circular economy system, including the validation of recycling systems for various plastics and resources. Toray and Honda plan to leverage this endorsement to establish a pilot facility with an annual processing capacity of 500 metric tons of raw resin. This facility will serve as a platform for rigorous validation testing.

The initial phase of this collaborative effort will involve the recycling of used automotive plastic components into equivalent materials for automotive applications. The two corporations will concentrate on developing technologies for depolymerization and monomer separation and refinement, using intake manifolds as the primary raw materials for engine intake system components. Waste plastic recycling

Their objective is to implement these technologies for chemical recycling of automotive resin parts by approximately 2027.

In the future, the partners aspire to expand the reach of their chemical recycling technology to encompass diverse sectors, including apparel, films, and other non-automotive domains. They also envision involving other enterprises in their mission, with the goal of establishing a comprehensive chemical recycling system for nylon 6 within Japan. This ambitious undertaking aligns with the broader objective of fostering a circular economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Toray and Honda Commence Collaborative Validation of Chemical Nylon 6 Recycling for Automotive Use

PET bottle chip – The roadmap of the advanced technology of the Toyota battery 20-09-2023

Waste plastic recycling

PET bottle chip – The roadmap of the advanced technology of the Toyota battery 20-09-2023

PET bottle chip

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Chemelot Itero Technologies and Brightlands Campus have forged a partnership aimed at the construction of a pyrolysis plant

Under a commercial realization agreement, Itero Technologies plans to erect a chemical recycling facility, with an estimated capacity to recycle 27,000 tonnes of plastic waste annually. This innovative plant is scheduled to commence operations in the latter part of 2025 and will employ pyrolysis technology to transform discarded plastic into fresh plastics and products, fostering a circular approach. It marks a significant stride in scaling up Itero’s technology, which currently undergoes research and development using post-consumer plastic waste in a pilot facility located in West London.

Moreover, the establishment of this plant is poised to position Brightlands as a prominent example of scaling pioneering technologies, following the footsteps of ioniqa, Blue Plastics, and ReSolved Technologies. It underscores the importance of substantially expanding recycling technologies, alongside the development of novel ones, to make a positive global impact. PET bottle chip

Brightlands will also play a role in the preparatory civil work, design, and construction of Itero’s demonstration plant. Itero CEO Simon Hansford expressed his enthusiasm for this collaboration, stating, “We welcome taking this next, crucial step together with Brightlands. We see the Brightlands Chemelot Campus circular materials ecosystem, including the Brightlands Circular Space initiative, as a natural fit for the development of our recycling technology. It gives us access to incredible expertise with like-minded professionals and talents working towards shared goals here in the Limburg region.”

Astrid Boeijen, CEO of Brightlands Chemelot Campus, echoed this sentiment, saying, “Itero’s decision to build its demonstration plant at Brightlands Chemelot Campus supports our Brightlands Circular Space initiative as the place to be for circular collaboration and innovation on circularity of plastics. Brightlands Circular Space includes a fully circular demonstrator facility that is being developed at the north side of our campus in 2024-2026. PET bottle chip

Together, we will take advantage of this courageous step as we are both convinced that together we can achieve our goal of a circular world better and faster.”

In other developments, Amcor and Mondelēz International have entered into investment agreements to support Licella in the construction of one of Australia’s initial advanced recycling facilities, with an expected capacity to process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life plastics annually. Indorama Ventures has also successfully expanded its recycling facility in Brazil, with plans to boost its annual production capacity from 9,000 tonnes to 25,000 tonnes of post-consumer recycled PET. PET bottle chip

PET bottle chip

The roadmap of the advanced technology of the Toyota battery

In light of the recent inauguration of its “BEV Factory,” Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) has unveiled its ambitious plan for the upcoming generation of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) scheduled for production in 2026.

These cutting-edge batteries, which are not only designed and manufactured using state-of-the-art techniques but also boast an impressive extended range, are set to revolutionize the electric vehicle market. Takero Kato, President of Toyota’s BEV Factory, announced that the new generation of BEVs will make its market debut in 2026, with Toyota aiming to sell 1.7 million out of the 3.5 million BEVs projected for the 2030 model year. The highlight of this development lies in a suite of battery technologies that hold the key to making these BEVs adaptable to a wide range of customer needs and compatible with various fuel sources. PET bottle chip

Kato emphasized the importance of offering diverse battery options, much like the variety of motor choices available. He stated, “Providing battery solutions that cater to different vehicle models and customer preferences is essential.”

These qualities make the solid-state battery an ideal choice, enabling rapid charging and discharging while delivering greater power in a compact form factor.

Toyota’s next-generation solid-state battery brings significant improvements, including:

  • A 20% increase in range compared to the Performance battery (approximately 1000 kilometers).
  • Rapid charging in 10 minutes or less.

This breakthrough marks a significant step forward in Toyota’s advanced battery technology roadmap.

PET bottle chip

Nexam Chemical: A Milestone Order for PET Recycling Leading to a Reduction of 1250 Tons of CO2 Emissions

In Spain, a pioneering recycling company has harnessed the power of Nexam’s groundbreaking Reactive Recycling technology to usher in a new era of closed-loop recycling for food trays. This innovative approach not only saves food trays from incineration or landfill, but it also represents a significant step forward in sustainable environmental practices. The collaboration between Nexam Chemical and this Spanish recycler was initiated earlier this year, swiftly progressing from initial discussions to successful trial runs. Now, a groundbreaking full-scale production endeavor is poised to convert a staggering 750 tons of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) into upgraded raw materials, specifically designed for the production of new food trays.

The impact of this achievement cannot be overstated, as it effectively rescues these food containers from their previous fate of incineration or other non-recyclable disposal methods. PET bottle chip

In doing so, it contributes to a remarkable reduction of approximately 1250 tons of CO2e emissions – a critical milestone in the fight against climate change. Traditionally, PET recycling has primarily focused on bottles, leaving food trays largely unaddressed within the recycling loop. This venture represents a paradigm shift, demonstrating the potential to recycle a wider range of PET-based products beyond just bottles.

Ronnie Törnqvist, the CEO of Nexam Chemical, expresses his enthusiasm for this new application area, recognizing its immense potential. He states, “This is a new exciting application area, where we see a large potential with more and more companies venturing into recycling of other sources of PET rather than just bottles.” Törnqvist’s words underscore the pivotal role Nexam’s technology plays in enabling companies to explore innovative recycling solutions beyond the conventional scope. PET bottle chip

Henrik Bernquist, the Business Manager for Recycling at Nexam Chemical, acknowledges the significance of this achievement, emphasizing that it marks the first order to a PET recycling company positioned further upstream in the rPET (Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate) value chain than Nexam’s existing customer base. Despite the relatively modest order size of 0.5 MSEK, the environmental impact and the promising future business opportunities are substantial. This collaboration demonstrates Nexam Chemical’s commitment to advancing sustainable practices and forging partnerships that address the growing global concern of plastic waste and its associated environmental consequences.

In a world where the call for responsible environmental stewardship has never been louder, Nexam Chemical and its Spanish recycling partner have set a powerful example by successfully diverting food trays from incineration and landfill, significantly reducing carbon emissions in the process.  PET bottle chip

This achievement serves as a testament to the potential of innovative recycling technologies and their capacity to reshape the future of sustainability. With this milestone order, Nexam Chemical takes a significant step forward in its mission to catalyze positive change within the PET recycling industry, inspiring others to follow suit in the pursuit of a greener, more sustainable future.

PET bottle chip

SK geocentric to build first comprehensive plastic recycling facility in Ulsan

SK geocentric Co., the chemical unit of South Korea’s SK Group, will build the world’s first comprehensive plastic recycling complex that incorporates three chemical recycling technologies in a single location.
Upon completion, the complex is expected to process and chemically recycle 320,000 tons of plastic waste each year, resulting in a sharp reduction in carbon emissions.
SK geocentric announced a plan on Sunday to build an Ulsan Advanced Recycling Cluster (ARC), a recycling facility for plastic waste, in a site of 215,000 square meters Ulsan, South Gyeongsang Province.
Construction will begin in October with a massive investment of 1.8 trillion won ($1.35 billion).
The site is adjacent to SK Ulsan Complex (CLX) where affiliates of SK innovation Co. are located. PET bottle chip
“The facility will encompass three distinct processes, along with a dedicated power and water supply infrastructure,” said Kim Gi-hyun, a project manager at SK geocentric.
They include pyrolysis, a method that converts contaminated waste plastic into a substance resembling crude oil, PET depolymerization, which dismantles the molecular connections in plastic to eliminate impurities and generate a product resembling the original material, and a so-called supercritical process for extracting high-purity polypropylene (PP).
The current plastic recycling takes place only by grinding plastic substances into pieces. Most of the plastic, even when separated, end up in landfills for incineration.


SK geocentric to build first comprehensive plastic recycling facility in Ulsan

Coca-Cola is making a significant eco-friendly move by teaming up with DS Smith and Coca-Cola HBC Austria to replace plastic handles on 1.5 litre PET soft drink multi-packs with outer packaging made from cardboard

This innovative solution, known as DS Smith Lift Up, is set to make its debut in Austrian supermarkets in September 2023. DS Smith, a sustainability-focused packaging company, proudly asserts that this corrugated handle is entirely recyclable, promising to cut down the usage of approximately 200 tonnes of plastic annually for Coca-Cola HBC Austria.

This eco-conscious packaging transformation will encompass 1.5 litre PET multi-packs of various Coca-Cola beverages, including Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, and Mezzo mix, within Austria. The creation of DS Smith Lift Up adheres to the Circular Design Metrics approach, which has led to a substantial reduction in the carbon footprint of both the packaging itself and the manufacturing process. This particular handle design caters to PET bottles primarily intended for home consumption. PET bottle chip

Furthermore, the versatility of this new design extends to accommodating various bottle sizes and is the result of a collaborative effort with packaging machine manufacturer Krones.

Stefano Rossi, CEO of the Packaging Solutions Division at DS Smith, emphasized the significance of sustainable design, stating, “The DS Smith Lift Up concept was designed using DS Smith’s Circular Design Metrics approach, so it uses the least amount of material possible, reduces impact on the environment, and looks fantastic in stores and supermarkets. Collaboration with our partners Coca-Cola HBC and Krones is key to reducing single-use plastics and delivering innovative change at scale. We hold sustainable design at the heart of what we do as a company, and this is a shining example of the opportunity for innovation in packaging to lead the way to a more sustainable future for manufacturers, retailers, and consumers.”

Coca-Cola is making a significant eco-friendly move by teaming up with DS Smith and Coca-Cola HBC Austria to replace plastic handles on 1.5 litre PET soft drink multi-packs with outer packaging made from cardboard

AIMPLAS’ MODALT project aims to accelerate development of ‘electric mobility’

The MODALT project, led by ZELEROS with the participation of AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technology Centre, the CMT Thermal Engines Institute of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), and ZIUR Composite Solutions, aims to tackle  this challenge and accelerates the development and validation of high-power electric mobility technologies.

This industrial research, funded by the Valencian Agency of Innovation (AVI), involves the design, prototyping, testing, and validation of a high-performance energy storage module and its integration into modular battery packs for high-power and energy electric mobility applications. PET bottle chip

of Daniel Fons, Program Technical Leader at Zeleros, “Through MODALT we will generate differential knowledge to develop and manufacture more sustainable, lighter, safer, and long-lasting batteries. The storage module we are developing will contribute to unlocking high-performance electrified vehicle applications, as its design meets the power, energy, performance, and operational requirements demanded by these vehicles”.

Guillermo Ulldemolins, a researcher in sustainable and future mobility at AIMPLAS, added: “from a materials perspective, the use of thermoplastic composites enables the structural components of batteries, when they reach the end of their service life, to have a higher recyclability percentage compared to conventional systems, contributing to the circularity of the sector and making it more sustainable and environmentally conscious.”

Additionally, it is claimed the treatment and processing with thermoplastic matrixes allow the incorporation of conductive and fire-resistant particles, thereby achieving important properties such as electromagnetic shielding and fire resistance. Reinforcement with long fibers enables the production of high-stiffness materials without compromising impact resistance. PET bottle chip

More… AIMPLAS' MODALT project aims to accelerate development of 'electric mobility'

PET bottle chip consumption recycling volumes of PET flakes

One customer recently asks a question, which is also the most prominent and deep experience recycled chemical fiber plants have had this year.

According to the data, the consumption of Chinese domestic PET bottle chip was about 7 million tons in 2022, and the production of recycled PSF was about 4.3 million tons and that of recycled PFY was 800,000 tons. Why is there still a shortage of PET flakes?

At first, our thoughts are the same as the customer’s. Even according to the consumption of PET bottle chip, theoretically there should be an oversupply of PET flakes. However, this year the situation is as follows:

  1. The supply of recycled raw materials is tight generally, both coastal and inland.
  2. Recycling chemical fiber factories generally have low raw material stocks, especially the recycled PSF factories, with local raw material inventory as low as one week or even two to three days.
  3. It is already the traditional peak season for the supply of PET flakes with the hot weather and high consumption season, but the market supply has not improved significantly.  PET bottle chip

We can only speculate that there are two reasons for this: 1) insufficient recycling, and 2) increased usage in other applications.

Let’s first look at the consumption trends of PET bottle chip over the past five year

It can be seen that over the past five years, the export and sheet + other categories have shown astonishing growth rates of 53% and 209% respectively. Especially, the volume of the sheet + other category has tripled compared to 2018, and although there have been reductions i, the overall base has significantly increased. The growth of soft drinks and edible oil has been relatively mild, with only a 13% increase. PET bottle chip

The recycling rates vary for different categories. Previously, beverages had a high proportion, accounting for about half, and the recycling rate in this area was extremely high. Now, there is a rapid increase in other applications, especially in the demand for sheets and other packaging materials. As a result, the proportion of beverages has dropped by 10%, but there is relatively less recycling of sheets. Therefore, the consumption of PET bottle chip does not equal the recycling volumes of PET flakes.

At the same time, the application of PET flakes is increasing. High-value-added utilization directions such as high-end 3A-grade white flakes, sheet, and bottle-to-bottle production are becoming more and more common, with increasing volumes. High-quality PET flakes are sorted out continually. Consequently, the supply of PET flakes for conventional recycled chemical fiber is becoming increasingly tight, while their influence is diminishing. During the pandemic and the period of low oil prices, recycled chemical fiber factories could still purchase PET fiber chip or PET bottle chip. PET bottle chip

However, in the era of high oil prices, there is no purchasing window for them, and due to higher PET bottle chip and PET fiber chip, quality PET flakes are even used for sheet. Since 2020, the production of recycled chemical fiber has gradually recovered to over one million tons, while the consumption of PET bottle chip for soft drink and edible oil increases by less than 500,000 tons. The shortage of raw materials and difficulty in selling products have become the biggest challenges for recycled chemical fiber factories this year.


PET bottle chip consumption≠recycling volumes of PET flakes

High-tech plastic recycling – NTU researchers develop new way to recycle plastic that leaves minimal carbon footprint 19-09-2023

PET bottle chip

Crude Oil Prices – NTU researchers develop new way to recycle plastic that leaves minimal carbon footprint 19-09-2023

Crude Oil Prices

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices

NTU researchers develop new way to recycle plastic that leaves minimal carbon footprint

Research Breakthrough: Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have developed an innovative method for recycling plastic with minimal carbon footprint

Process Overview: The process employs light and a readily available photocatalyst to efficiently break down plastic materials, including plastic bags, takeaway boxes, styrofoam, and PVC pipes. The resulting acids, like formic acid, acetic acid, and benzoic acid, can be used to produce green fuels, such as hydrogen.

Upcycling vs. Recycling: The researchers prefer the term “upcycling” for this process, as it differs from traditional mechanical recycling that tends to reduce plastic durability.

Commercial Potential: The technology is currently in the process of being patented, and the research team is seeking industry collaborators for commercialization. It offers potential benefits for the clean energy sector, particularly in the development of liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) for safer hydrogen transport.

Challenges: Currently, the derived chemicals from this method may be more expensive compared to those produced from fossil fuels. Crude Oil Prices

However, the technology shows potential for producing higher-value specialty chemicals for fragrances and paints.

Efficiency Enhancement: Ongoing research and development aim to improve the efficiency of this technology so that it can process large quantities of plastic waste within a shorter timeframe.

Carbon Footprint: While the exact carbon footprint reduction has not been quantified, the new method is expected to have significantly lower emissions compared to conventional pyrolysis and mechanical recycling processes. Crude Oil Prices

Carbon Storage in Plastics: Plastic waste is highlighted as a form of carbon storage, as it prevents the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Biodegradable plastics may not necessarily have a smaller carbon footprint due to their chemical makeup.

Environmental Impact: The accumulation of non-biodegradable plastic waste in landfills and the environment has potentially prevented the release of a substantial amount of carbon dioxide, contributing to efforts to limit global warming.

This innovative plastic recycling process has the potential to reduce carbon emissions, enhance the sustainability of plastic materials, and contribute to cleaner energy production. Crude Oil Prices

Crude Oil Prices

‘Waste to resources’: SK gets ball rolling in high-tech plastic recycling

The process of recycling plastics is most widely known to be about breaking used plastics into little pieces, washing, sorting and drying them before turning what’s left of them into new plastics.

Chemical recycling, the more sophisticated method, involves extracting raw materials from used plastics or significantly changing the chemical structure of the waste; hence, there is no need to sort by color or condition of contamination.

Korea’s SK Group, the second-largest conglomerate in the country by assets, which has major oil refinery and petrochemical units under its wing, is at the vanguard of chemical recycling as it steps up the drive for a green energy transition toward decarbonization.

In its main refinery and chemical plant in Ulsan, an industrial city on the southeast coast, SK is building what will be the world’s first plastic recycling cluster with core chemical recycling facilities. Crude Oil Prices

The Advanced Recycling Cluster (ARC) will be built on 215,000 square meters of land ― a size equivalent to 22 football stadiums ― inside the 8.3-million-square-meter Ulsan CLX.

The 1.8 trillion-won ($1.35 billion) project is scheduled to break ground next month, aiming to begin operations in 2025.

“Some 320,000 tons of plastic waste ― which is 213 million 500-milliliter PET bottles of water ― will be recycled every year once the ARC is operational,” said Kim Ki-hyeon, an official at SK Geocentric, the chemical unit in charge of the ARC, during a press tour in Ulsan on Wednesday.

The recycling cluster will house three major chemical recycling facilities: high-purity polypropylene (PP) extraction, depolymerization of PET plastics or polyester, and pyrolysis.

Depolymerization chemically turns plastic and fiber waste into the original form of monomers and enables recycling without quality degradation. SK is working with Canada’s Loop Industries on the depolymerization technology.

For PP extraction, SK is collaborating with U.S. Purecycle Technologies, which specializes in extracting ultra-pure PP resin. Crude Oil Prices

SK has a license contract with British recycling company Plastic Energy for pyrolysis, a technology that converts plastic waste into crude oil through high-temperature heating with limited oxygen. Plastic items, such as baby bottles and interior materials for vehicles, are made using crude oil.

SK Innovation, SK’s energy unit, plans to use the pyrolysis oil as feedstock for its naphtha cracking by refining it using the post-pyrolysis processing it has developed.


High-tech plastic recycling

Covestro, Selena launch bio-attributed PU foams for thermal insulation applications

Covestro and Selena Group have joined forces to introduce a line of eco-friendly polyurethane (PU) foams designed for improved thermal insulation in construction applications, as reported by Sustainableplastics.

Selena has integrated Covestro’s bio-attributed methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) into an upgraded version of its Ultra Fast 70 one-component foam, commonly used for window and door installations. This material bears the ISSC Plus certification, indicating the incorporation of plant-based feedstocks through the mass balance method, resulting in an impressive 60% reduction in carbon emissions compared to foams derived from fossil fuels. Crude Oil Prices

The Ultra Fast 70 foam formulation drastically reduces installation time for doors and windows, enabling a greater number of projects to be completed within the same timeframe, according to Selena. It reportedly achieves full curing in just 90 minutes, a significant improvement over competing products that typically require around 24 hours for curing. Additionally, this foam yields 70 liters per container, reducing the overall quantity needed for window or door installations.

This innovative product boasts similar performance characteristics to its fossil fuel-based counterparts, allowing customers to seamlessly integrate it into their existing processes without sacrificing quality. In addition to the bio-attributed PU foam, Selena incorporates bio-based polyols and recycled PET materials into its range of foam products.

Covestro’s recent partnership announcement coincides with reports of ongoing discussions with Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) regarding a potential acquisition of the German company Crude Oil Prices

High-tech plastic recycling

Green hydrogen: the future of sustainable energy at your fingertips

Green hydrogen is a clean and abundant energy source that is rapidly transforming the way we meet our energy needs. With falling costs and optimistic forecasts, green hydrogen could soon become an everyday reality, helping to reduce carbon emissions and ensure a cleaner future for our planet. Crude Oil Prices

Key takeaways:

  • Green hydrogen produced from renewable sources is expected to become competitive with gray hydrogen derived from methane or industrial waste in existing plants by 2030 in at least five key markets.
  • New green hydrogen projects will become cheaper than keeping existing gray ones running in Brazil, China, Sweden, Spain, and India by 2030.
  • Brazil will get the lowest cost for green hydrogen by 2023, estimated at $1.47 per kilogram.
  • By 2050, the cost of newly built green hydrogen will be lower than the marginal cost of gray hydrogen from existing plants in all markets modeled.
  • Some significant challenges remain for the domestic adoption of green hydrogen, including the high energy requirements for production and the need for a specialized network of electrolyzers and distributors.
  • However, there is an interesting prospect for the use of green hydrogen in domestic off-grid. Two German companies have developed systems to produce and store hydrogen at home during the summer, capable of covering winter energy consumption, including heating.  Crude Oil Prices


Green hydrogen is a promising solution for the energy transition. While challenges remain in domestic adoption, the use of green hydrogen is gaining momentum, and it is poised to become a driving force in the energy industry by 2030.

In addition to the key takeaways above, I would like to add that green hydrogen has the potential to revolutionize many sectors of the economy, including transportation, industry, and power generation. It can be used to produce clean fuels, chemicals, and electricity. It can also be used to store energy from renewable sources, such as solar and wind power.

Green hydrogen is a versatile and sustainable energy source that has the potential to help us achieve our climate goals. With continued investment and research, green hydrogen could soon become a key part of our global energy mix. Crude Oil Prices

Green hydrogen: the future of sustainable energy at your fingertips

Recycled products and development trend in Yarn Expo Autumn 2023

Yarn Expo Autumn 2023 is held in Shanghai during Aug 28 and Aug 30. The Yarn Expo has decent popularity, although it is slightly less popular than the Yarn Export held in spring in the first half of the year. The highest level of popularity is observed in 8.2 Hall.

  1. Market sentiment

Ningbo Dafa and Guangdong Tok Zin raised the HC re-PSF offers by 100yuan/mt on Monday, and then part of plants in Jiangsu raised the HC re-PSF offers by 100yuan/mt and solid re-PSF offers by 50yuan/mt on Tuesday. The price increase this year is mainly pushed by higher feedstock market and sales are divergent. Sales are ordinary in Zhejiang and Jiangsu, and producers show concerns over the feedstock supply and demand in buoyant season later. Crude Oil Prices

1) Market participants worry about the market in buoyant season. Recently, HC re-PSF sales are ordinary, and price increase is sporadic. Producers mainly stand on the sidelines. Part of HC virgin PSF plants lacks advantages, and is hard to compete. A few new production lines are delayed.

2) Boheng specializes in differentiated recycled PSF. Currently, there are 114 colors in their color card, and many of these colors are quite dreamy, especially appealing to niche differentiated customers. The necessity of OBP (Ocean bound Plastic) becomes more prominent with Japan’s release of nuclear wastewater, as the urgent need to save plastic in nearby seas becomes apparent. It is reported that there are only three domestic manufacturers of recycled fibers with OBP certification: Boheng, Zhongyuan, and Cyclone.

Ocean Bound Plastics, abbreviated as OBP, refers to improperly managed plastic waste that is abandoned in the environment, where it can be transported to the ocean through rain, wind, tides, rivers, and floods. Plastic waste in landfills or managed waste facilities is not considered OBP, but plastic waste in uncontrolled informal landfills within 50 kilometers of the coastline is considered OBP. The purpose of OBP is to protect the ocean from plastic pollution originating from land-based activities, rather than recovering plastic from the ocean through fishing or collection efforts. Crude Oil Prices

3) Zhejiang Jiaren continues to expand capacity on chemical recycling, and R-DMT is launched this year.

4) The production process under chemical recycling of Cyclone is below. According to Cyclone, the costs of chemical recycling are 3,000-5,000yuan/mt higher than that of physical recycling.


Recycled products and development trend in Yarn Expo Autumn 2023

TotalEnergies launches green hydrogen tender call

TotalEnergies has initiated a tender call for the annual production of 500,000 tons of “green” hydrogen, marking a significant step in the company’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions from its European refineries. This move, aimed at decarbonizing its industrial activities, involves replacing “grey” hydrogen with green hydrogen, which is produced using renewable energy sources. TotalEnergies expects this transition to result in a reduction of approximately five million metric tons of CO2 emissions per year across its European refineries, including its three oil refineries and two biorefineries in France.

In addition to the large-scale tender call, TotalEnergies will complement its efforts with smaller local projects. Furthermore, the company has entered into an agreement with Air Liquide to supply the Gonfreville refining platform with up to 15,000 tons of green and low-carbon hydrogen annually, with the potential to reduce carbon emissions by 150,000 metric tons each year.  Crude Oil Prices

Jean-Marc Durand, the director of petrochemical refining in Europe at TotalEnergies, emphasized the need for a significant quantity of electrolyzers and highlighted that the purpose of the tender call is to stimulate growth in this sector. Durand stated, “We talk a lot about green hydrogen, but at some point, players like us need to commit to getting these sectors off the ground via massive calls for tender. There needs to be an effect of scale. That’s what this work is all about.”

TotalEnergies is also counting on various European regulations and incentives to achieve competitive pricing for green hydrogen. Typically, green hydrogen costs two to three times more than grey hydrogen, as explained by Sebastien Bruna, the director of hydrogen in the refining branch of TotalEnergies.

The European Union recently granted final approval for legally binding targets to accelerate the expansion of renewable energy sources during this decade. Notably, this decision allows France to consider nuclear power in the production of hydrogen as part of its renewable energy strategy. Crude Oil Prices

TotalEnergies launches green hydrogen tender call

How Spinnova and Renewcell want to scale circularity in fashion

Spinnova and Renewcell, two innovative companies, have joined forces to introduce a groundbreaking technology concept aimed at expanding the production of a novel textile fiber derived from textile waste.

This pioneering fiber production concept harnesses patented technologies from both organizations with the shared goal of amplifying circularity within the fashion and textile sectors. Crude Oil Prices

Renewcell is at the forefront of establishing a circular economy in the fashion industry by recycling cellulosic-rich textile waste, including cotton and viscose. They employ a patented process to transform textile waste into a pulp substance known as “Circulose.” This biodegradable raw material is crafted entirely from recycled textiles and can be utilized to craft new fibers. Up until now, Circulose has primarily been used in the creation of man-made cellulosic fibers like viscose. However, with the transformative technology offered by Spinnova, these partners can convert Circulose into an innovative, biobased textile fiber without the need for any harmful chemicals during the spinning process.

Spinnova has already conducted successful trials in spinning Circulose pulp into a novel textile fiber. The initial batches of Spinnova fiber, composed entirely of Circulose, have been generated for yarn and fabric development. The initial prototypes incorporate a blend of cotton and Spinnova fiber based on Circulose. Crude Oil Prices

Ben Selby, Deputy CEO of Spinnova, expressed, “The fashion and textile industry is in need of fresh solutions and enhanced collaboration across its supply chain, making this partnership incredibly exciting for us. Our objective is to accelerate the fashion industry’s transition toward a circular economy and explore opportunities for expanding textile-to-textile fiber production.”

Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, added, “The textile industry is currently undergoing a significant transformation, transitioning from a linear business model to a circular economy. Exploring Spinnova’s technology has been a thrilling journey, and we are eagerly anticipating the launch of the first collection crafted from Circulose using Spinnova’s distinctive fiber spinning technology.” Crude Oil Prices

At present, the companies are in the process of evaluating options for initiating the scaling of textile-to-textile fiber production with potential partners. They anticipate commencing the development of the first consumer collection made from Circulose-based Spinnova fiber. The initial consumer products are projected to enter the market by the conclusion of 2024.

How Spinnova and Renewcell want to scale circularity in fashion

Petrochemicals EV-Cars – Electric Vehicles: A Solution for Faster Charging and Longer-Lasting Batteries 18-09-2023

Crude Oil Prices

Petrochemicals Polymers – M. Holland Unveils Mfinity Line of Sustainable Resins 18-09-2023

Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals Polymers

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks : PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber Petrochemicals Polymers

Petrochemicals Polymers

ITEM 11/09/2023 18/09/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7,075 yuan/ton 7,300 yuan/ton +225
Bottle grade PET chips export market 895 $/ton 915 $/ton +20
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 7,060 yuan/ton 7,300 yuan/ton +240
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,090 yuan/ton 7,340 yuan/ton +250
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,155 yuan/ton 6,340 yuan/ton +185
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 770 $/ton 800 $/ton +30
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,165 yuan/ton 4,275 yuan/ton +110
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 482 $/ton 494 $/ton +12
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals Polymers

1,093 $/ton 1,160 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,070 $/ton 1,137 $/ton +67
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,190 $/ton 1,200 $/ton +10
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,900 yuan/ton 8,200 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,650 yuan/ton 7,750 yuan/ton +100
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,350 yuan/ton 9,600 yuan/ton +250
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals Polymers

9,050 yuan/ton 9,350 yuan/ton +300
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,475 yuan/ton 8,750 yuan/ton +275
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,650 yuan/ton 7,850 yuan/ton +200
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 13,350 yuan/ton 14,280 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,570 $/ton 1,600 $/ton +30
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,790 $/ton 1,790 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 14,100 yuan/ton 15,000 yuan/ton +900
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals Polymers

14,650 yuan/ton 15,350 yuan/ton +700
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 18,100 yuan/ton 19,000 yuan/ton +900
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,750 yuan/ton 17,450 yuan/ton +700
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,900 yuan/ton 19,600 yuan/ton- +700
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,700 yuan/ton 18,350 yuan/ton +650
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals Polymers

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,200 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton +200
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,850 yuan/ton 10,050 yuan/ton +200
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals Polymers

8,500 yuan/ton 8,540 yuan/ton +40
Benzene overseas  market 987 $/ton 1,023 $/ton +36
Ethylene South East market 865 $/ton 865 $/ton
Ethylene NWE market 774 $/ton 788 $/ton +14
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals Polymers

9,500 yuan/ton 9,500 yuan/ton
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 14,100 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,250 yuan/ton 13,250 yuan/ton
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals Polymers

7,550 yuan/ton 7,700 yuan/ton +150
Naphtha overseas market  685 $/ton 713 $/ton +28
Phenol domestic market 9,270 yuan/ton 9,795 yuan/ton +525


r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –

Petrochemicals Polymers

M. Holland Unveils Mfinity Line of Sustainable Resins

M. Holland Co., a global distributor specializing in thermoplastic resins and related materials, has introduced a groundbreaking product line known as Mfinity. This innovative brand comprises compounds crafted with the incorporation of up to 100% recycled content, encompassing both commodity and engineering materials. Mfinity stands as a pragmatic solution, aimed at assisting clients, brand owners, and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in achieving their sustainability objectives.

Beyond the integration of recycled materials, Mfinity incorporates proprietary additives, bio-compounds, and tailor-made formulations tailored for eco-friendly applications across diverse markets, including automotive, consumer goods, electrical and electronics, and packaging. A considerable number of Mfinity resins bear third-party certification, attesting to the proportion of recycled content, while select grades have obtained FDA’s Letter of No Objection (LNO) or other relevant agency certifications.

“Prominent brands and OEMs have made commitments to incorporate greater proportions of sustainable or recycled materials into their products by 2025, if not sooner,” noted Peter Prusak, Director of Business Development at M. Holland. “Beyond the evident environmental advantages, there is a growing market demand for practical sustainability solutions.”

M. Holland has established a dedicated sustainability team, comprising experts closely attuned to the latest research, trends, and innovations in environmentally friendly materials. These experts play a pivotal role in guiding the company’s customers, suppliers, and business partners, helping them pinpoint opportunities to advance their sustainability initiatives.

“As a trusted resin distributor, M. Holland already provides a range of high-quality recycled resins, including post-consumer and post-industrial varieties, to support various industries,” Prusak added. “Mfinity represents a significant expansion of our offerings, affording manufacturers a broader spectrum of material choices as they endeavor to innovate their products for a more sustainable world.”

Petrochemicals Polymers

Plastic Sorting Recycling – Greek recycling company Terna Energy working with STADLER to deliver new recycling plant  15-09-2023

Plastic Sorting Recycling

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Greek recycling company Terna Energy working with STADLER to deliver new recycling plant 

Greek renewable energy company Terna Energy, part of the Gek Terna Group, is a player in clean energy production and the largest investor in Renewable Energy Sources in Greece.

The company has chosen STADLER, a globally active German company specialising in the planning, production and assembly of turnkey recycling and sorting plants. STADLER has now completed the commissioning and start-up of the latest facility, an MRF and Compost Refinement Plant in Tripoli, the capital city of the Peloponnese region, and two further projects in Sparta and Kalamata are in progress.

The company claims that the new facility stands out for its high degree of automation and efficiency, and for its capacity to adapt to changing material composition. The company claims it produces  consistently high-quality output, achieving outstanding recovery rates – above 90% for the organic fraction, plastic containers, bottles and paper, and 80% for biofilms and PE film. It is also designed to facilitate maintenance, with easy access to all components and motors for service. Plastic Sorting Recycling

High efficiency and adaptability for consistently high-quality output

The sorting plant receives mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with an input capacity of 30 to 40tph in a single line. It is processed to produce a high-quality output of recyclates and organic material. The former – PET, HDPE, PP/PS, Foils, Paper, Cardboards, Ferrous and non-Ferrous cans and containers –are sorted into automatic bunkers then baled. The latter, in fractions below 60mm from Anaerobic Digestion and 65-85mm from vessel composting, are further processed in the compost refinement plant with a capacity of 10tph, producing two fractions of clean compost with different specifications and material size.

STADLER claims its design team developed a plant that delivers the high-quality output required by Terna Energy, effectively addressing the challenge presented by the peculiarities of the waste stream in the region: “The Peloponnese is a very touristic region, and this has an effect on the composition of the waste, with high variations in seasonal consumption and diversity of packaging,” explains Dimitris Blanas, Head of Sales Greece & Middle East at STADLER. Plastic Sorting Recycling

The process begins with two trommel screens then a STADLER STT5000 Ballistic Separator that separates the rolling, flat and screened fractions. At this stage of the process, Pellenc ST COMPACT optical sorters, seamlessly integrated with STADLER’s high-speed conveyors, come into play to sort waste by material and color on the two main lines: 2D for flat objects such as mixed paper, cardboard and film, and 3D for hollow objects such as bottles, containers and trays.

These sorters, which feature Pellenc ST’s latest advanced technology, are perfect for the task with their compact size, low energy consumption and high level of performance, as well as their capability to manage the volumes and variations in the feed: “The high capacity of this equipment will be able to absorb the increase of waste volumes, says Steve Halpin-Gosset, Regional Sales Director, South Europe at Pellenc ST. “Thanks to their high scalability, sorting settings can also be adapted according to input stream composition changes.” PET food containers


Plastic Sorting Recycling

Indorama Ventures to Invest $150 Million in Expanding PET Recycling Operations in India

Bangkok-based Indorama Ventures Public Co Ltd, a company predominantly owned by Indian stakeholders, is set to invest a substantial $150 million in the establishment of three PET recycling plants in India. The ambitious project is slated to commence commercial production by 2026.

CEO of Indorama Ventures Group, Aloke Lohia, announced the investment plans during the 21st Forbes Global CEO Conference. He revealed that the company has secured essential regulatory approvals, and land acquisition processes are currently underway in proximity to their existing PET production facilities located in Haldia, Nagpur, and Panipat.

This strategic move will significantly enhance Indorama Ventures’ PET production capacity, which currently stands at 800,000 tonnes per year, catering to both the Indian and global markets. Plastic Sorting Recycling

PET, known for its durability and recyclability, aligns with global sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing the reliance on fossil fuels for manufacturing.

Aloke Lohia emphasized the importance of increasing the utilization of recycled PET, aligning with worldwide efforts to minimize new product manufacturing from fossil fuels. He expressed optimism about the Indian economy’s robust growth, particularly in the manufacturing sector, buoyed by government-led export promotion initiatives.

Lohia’s focus is on scaling up production within India, driven by the country’s burgeoning demand and export potential. He specifically highlighted the potential in supplying advanced technology-based auto components to Indian original equipment manufacturers. The company’s technological prowess and access to materials like nylon and polyester position them as ideal partners for producing essential items like airbags, mandated in Western automotive markets. Plastic Sorting Recycling

Indorama Ventures is actively engaging with Indian auto component manufacturers to evaluate investment opportunities, which can be tailored to meet domestic and export market requirements. Their goal goes beyond mere import substitution, as they aim to enhance the production of critical components, such as airbags, for the Indian automotive sector.

Aloke Lohia anticipates a surge in demand for products incorporating advanced technologies as India continues its economic progress and accelerates industrialization efforts. He expressed confidence in the company’s prospects in the Indian market, highlighting numerous growth opportunities, especially in the automotive sector.

Indorama Ventures, a global chemical company with a presence in 35 countries, boasts a rich legacy spanning three decades.

As the world’s premier manufacturer of PET and recycled PET, the company is dedicated to sustainability and innovation. Plastic Sorting Recycling

Their mobility fiber business, producing a diverse range of fibers and yarns used in the automotive industry, is well-established in the United States, Europe, and other regions.

Plastic Sorting Recycling

UBQ closes $70 million funding round

Israel-based cleantech company UBQ Materials has raised $70 million in a financing round led by Eden Global Partners, the company announced today. The round was joined by return investors in the company, including TPG Rise Climate, the investment arm of American private equity firm TPG; Battery Ventures; and M&G’s Catalyst strategy, a UK-based investor specialising in long-term impact investments.

The funding will be used to support the company’s continued scale-up and global expansion. Next to the industrial-scale 80 kT/pa facility in Bergen Op Zoom, Netherlands which is scheduled to open later this month,  the company operates a small-scale plant at Kibbutz Tze’elim in Israel, which can produce around 7,000 tons of material a year. The new funding will enable the company to expand and build additional facilities in Europe and North America. Plastic Sorting Recycling

“We believe the market opportunity for UBQ’s materials is enormous and look forward to supporting UBQ’s world-class management team as they continue to grow the business,” said David Dwek, Chief Executive Officer of Eden Global Partners.

UBQ Materials was founded in 2012 by Yehuda Pearl, a co-founder of Sabra; Jack Tato Bigio, and Eran Lev. The company has developed and patented a closed-loop process, which converts garbage waste – including food waste, mixed plastics, cardboard, paper, and dirty diapers – into a new, sustainable raw material for the manufacturing of everyday goods across a multitude of industries. The process works by breaking down the heterogeneous waste streams into their basic, natural components before reconstituting them to create a brand-new material.  The organic trash  – around 70-80% of UBQ’s feedstock is broken down to its particulate constructs—lignin, cellulose, fibres, and sugars—and then reassembled and bound together into a matrix. The remaining 20-30% are mixed plastics that melt and bond into the matrix, creating a climate-positive and highly recyclable thermoplastic material. Plastic Sorting Recycling

UBQ has partnered with leading industry brands, including Mercedes-Benz, PepsiCo, and McDonald’s, who have already integrated UBQ into durable and semi-durable products such as car parts, footwear, pallets, display stands, panels, and planters.

Over 3 billion tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) are expected to be produced annually by 2050 while current approaches to waste management continue to contribute to climate change. Landfills are the third largest human source of methane, a greenhouse gas 84 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over 20 years, while incineration emits 1.7 kg CO2eq for every kilogram of MSW incinerated. Every kilogram of Israeli-manufactured UBQ replaces 1 kg of oil-based plastic, diverts 1.3 kg of waste from landfills and incinerators, and prevents up to 11.7 kg of CO2eq emissions measured over a 20-year time horizon.

“UBQ has pioneered a fully sustainable resource, pivotal for existing manufacturing industries across endless applications,” said co-founder and co-CEO Bigio.

PET food containers

This approach simplifies and enhances the recycling of lithium, making it both more accessible and safer

Chinese scientists have unveiled a technique for extracting lithium from depleted battery anodes and utilizing it to create fresh cathodes.

The recycling of lithium-ion batteries is a crucial but intricate endeavor. It is an essential step towards establishing a truly sustainable mobility system, demanding intricate and often costly industrial processes. However, a team of researchers from the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS and UCAS) has introduced an innovative method that effectively addresses many of the challenges associated with lithium recovery from end-of-life batteries. Plastic Sorting Recycling

In conventional processes, the focus is on extracting lithium from the cathode, the electrode containing the highest lithium content. Unfortunately, this approach comes with numerous complications linked to the presence of other materials that must be separated from lithium. On the other hand, extracting lithium from the anode, primarily composed of graphite, is comparatively more straightforward. This can even be accomplished without completely discharging the battery. Nonetheless, this procedure poses a significant fire hazard and the risk of explosions.

The breakthrough by Chinese scientists, published in the Angewandte Chemie journal, leverages aprotic organic solutions to efficiently recover lithium from the anode. Aprotic substances, which do not release hydrogen ions, prevent the formation of hydrogen gas during lithium recovery. This results in safer conditions without the threat of fires.

Moreover, the adopted solutions consist of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and an ether serving as a solvent. The PAH can selectively absorb positively charged lithium ions from the graphite anode in a controlled and highly efficient manner. This not only reduces waste but also allows the lithium-PAH solutions to be directly employed as reagents to replenish exhausted cathodes, effectively rejuvenating them.

Additionally, the versatility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon materials allows for customization based on the intended application. Plastic Sorting Recycling

This groundbreaking discovery significantly streamlines  the process from recovering lithium from end-of-life batteries to the creation of new batteries. China, having already secured a leading position in battery production, now appears poised to assert its dominance in the field of recycling as well.

This approach simplifies and enhances the recycling of lithium, making it both more accessible and safer

Evonik Teams Up with REMONDIS to Advance Sustainable Polyurethane Recycling

Essen, Germany – Evonik, a global leader in specialty chemicals, has entered into a strategic partnership with the REMONDIS Group, a prominent recycling company, to bolster the circular economy in the flexible polyurethane foam industry. This collaboration marks a significant step toward Evonik’s goal of closing the material loop within the polyurethane sector by securing a consistent supply of end-of-life mattress foams. The partnership will actively support Evonik’s ongoing development of its chemical recycling process.

Evonik has pioneered an innovative hydrolysis technique that allows for the recovery of key components from polyurethane foam, subsequently repurposing them as high-quality building blocks for manufacturing new mattresses. This groundbreaking process is currently undergoing testing at a pilot plant in Hanau, and the next phase will involve trials at a larger demonstration facility. Plastic Sorting Recycling

In Europe, it is estimated that over 250 kilotons of polyurethane foam from discarded mattresses are either incinerated or sent to landfills each year. Evonik and REMONDIS are committed to reducing this environmental impact by ensuring that valuable materials are reintroduced into the raw material cycle, thereby decreasing the reliance on fossil resources within the polyurethane value chain. “The pursuit of circularity in the realm of flexible polyurethane foams is paramount for the environment and the long-term sustainability of our industry. It provides an opportunity for us to act in harmony with the interests of the environment, the industry, and consumers alike,” explained Thomas Wessel, a member of Evonik’s Executive Board responsible for sustainability.

The REMONDIS Group brings its expertise in sorting PU flexible foams from waste, ensuring consistent quality in the recycling process. This facilitates the transformation of these materials into chemical recyclates through Evonik’s hydrolysis method. Dr. Patrick Glöckner, Head of Evonik’s Global Circular Economy Program, emphasized the importance of such collaborations, stating, “Working with REMONDIS allows us to transition from linear value chains to robust circular systems. Authentic circularity thrives within networks, which is why we are actively expanding our collaborative efforts.”

The successful partnership with flexible foam producer The Vita Group, initiated in 2021, has already demonstrated that Evonik’s hydrolysis process yields raw materials of superior quality compared to conventional recycling methods. Increased adoption of recycled materials helps reduce dependence on fossil resources and lessens the ecological footprint of the polyurethane industry. Initial findings also indicate a significant reduction in the CO2 footprint when compared to mattress production using fossil resources. The demonstration plant aims to validate this on a larger scale. Plastic Sorting Recycling

Jürgen Ephan, Managing Director of REMONDIS Recycling GmbH & Co. KG, emphasized the societal responsibility of closing material life cycles, stating, “For us, closing material life cycles is not only a business objective but also an expression of our responsibility towards society as a whole. Conserving raw materials worldwide and processing them repeatedly is a fundamental requirement for sustainable environmental and climate protection.” Ephan further highlighted REMONDIS’ commitment to continually developing new processes to optimize material cycles and welcomed the opportunity to collaborate with Evonik to address the challenge of recovering raw materials from foam mattresses.

Initially, the project will focus on the North Rhine-Westphalia region in Germany, with the ultimate goal of developing a scalable technology and business model that can be expanded globally. Plastic Sorting Recycling

Evonik Teams Up with REMONDIS to Advance Sustainable Polyurethane Recycling

SK Chemicals and Ottogi have pioneered the use of 100% circular recycled PET in food containers, marking a groundbreaking first in Korea

SK Chemicals and Ottogi have made history in Korea by introducing 100% circular recycled PET (CR-PET) into food containers, marking a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions. According to Petnology, both companies are actively leading the charge in carbon reduction efforts.

On the 5th of this month, SK Chemicals proudly announced the incorporation of 100% circular recycled PET (CR-PET) into Ottogi’s revamped packaging for pork cutlet and steak sauce. Circular recycling, a technology pioneered by SK Chemicals, involves breaking down waste plastics at a molecular level and transforming them into raw materials, enabling infinite reuse. This method, in contrast to mechanical recycling, which involves cleaning or cutting waste plastics into smaller flakes for reuse, preserves the high-quality physical properties and safety of the materials. Plastic Sorting Recycling

Ottogi’s renewed meat sauce containers exclusively feature “SKYPET CR,” a product jointly developed by SK Chemicals and Poonglim P&P, Ottogi’s food packaging subsidiary, following an MOU signed last year. Implementing SKYPET CR in meat sauce containers results in significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to the previous petroleum-based PET containers. This development caters to the growing demand from eco-conscious consumers and offers an advantage for exporting to regions like Europe, where greenhouse gas regulations are becoming more stringent.

It’s worth noting that Coca-Cola India recently achieved a milestone by introducing 100% recycled PET (rPET) bottles for water, marking the first instance of 100% recycled plastic being used for food or beverages in India. The food-grade rPET used in these bottles is produced by Srichakra Polyplast (India) Pvt Ltd on a Starlinger PET bottle-to-bottle recycling line. Plastic Sorting Recycling

SK Chemicals and Ottogi have pioneered the use of 100% circular recycled PET in food containers, marking a groundbreaking first in Korea

Aquafil to Close Carpet Factory in Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Causing 40 Job Losses

Aquafil UK, a carpet yarn processing plant in Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, has announced that it will be closing its doors, resulting in the loss of 40 jobs. The closure is a blow to the local community, which has already been struggling with the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit.

Aquafil has cited “challenging trading conditions” as the reason for the closure. The company says that it has been making losses for five years and that further losses are unsustainable. Aquafil has also said that it is facing strong competition from overseas manufacturers. Plastic Sorting Recycling

The GMB union, which represents the workers at the Aquafil plant, has said that the closure is “devastating” for the local community. The union has called on Aquafil to reconsider its decision and to work with the workers to find a solution that will save the jobs.

The closure of the Aquafil plant is a reminder of the challenges facing manufacturing businesses in the UK. The UK economy is still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and businesses are facing rising costs and increased competition from overseas. The closure of the Aquafil plant is a setback for the Scottish economy, and it is likely to have a knock-on effect on other businesses in the area. Plastic Sorting Recycling

The Aquafil plant has been in operation for over 50 years. It is a major employer in Kilbirnie, and its closure will have a significant impact on the local economy. The plant is also a major supplier to the carpet industry, and its closure is likely to have a knock-on effect on other businesses in the sector.

The GMB union has said that it will be working with the workers at the Aquafil plant to find new jobs. The union has also said that it will be lobbying the government to provide support for the workers and their families.

The closure of the Aquafil plant is a blow to the local community and to the Scottish economy. It is a reminder of the challenges facing manufacturing businesses in the UK, and it is a call for action from the government to support businesses and workers.

  • The Aquafil plant is located in a rural area, and the closure will have a significant impact on the local economy.
  • Many of the workers at the Aquafil plant are skilled and experienced, and they will find it difficult to find new jobs in the area.
  • The closure of the Aquafil plant is a setback for the Scottish government’s efforts to promote economic growth in the region.
  • The government has said that it is committed to supporting businesses and workers in the affected area. Plastic Sorting Recycling

Aquafil to Close Carpet Factory in Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, Causing 40 Job Losses

Zinc-air batteries – Start-up establishes UK’s first pilot plant for recycling plastic lab waste 14-09-2023

Plastic Sorting Recycling

UV Absorbers – Start-up establishes UK’s first pilot plant for recycling plastic lab waste 14-09-2023

UV Absorbers

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Start-up establishes UK’s first pilot plant for recycling plastic lab waste

LabCycle has commissioned a pilot plant at the University of Bath that can recycle up to 60% of plastic lab waste back into new lab consumables.

LabCycle, a UK start-up co-founded by University of Bath alumna Dr Helen Liang, has successfully commissioned the UK’s first pilot plant for recycling plastic lab waste.

With support from the University of Bath, LabCycle has set up a pilot recycling plant in a converted greenhouse on campus where it is developing its recycling technology. The team has established collaborations with the private, public, and government sectors, including the local National Health System (NHS) Blood and Transplant unit to recycle waste from their laboratories.

LabCycle has not made its method of recycling plastics public, but Liang revealed in an interview with the University of Bath that it involves a combination of chemical and mechanical recycling processes that remove hazardous contaminants. “It’s been developed according to the standards of the NHS, and the health and safety protocols from different research institutes,” she added.  UV Absorbers

The patent-pending technology reportedly doesn’t require waste to be autoclaved before entering the recycling process, resulting in less heat energy use. Water can purportedly also be reused during the process, minimising its use. The method has received the stamp of approval from the University of Bath’s Innovation Centre for Applied Sustainable Technologies (iCAST), which has tested the properties of recycled polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and shown that the polymers are suitable to make new lab consumables.

Currently, less than 1% of lab plastic waste is recycled in the United Kingdom, with researchers using significant amount of single-use plastic in their daily research to avoid cross-contamination between experiments. LabCycle intends to recycle up to 60% of this waste, including pipette tips, test tubes, petri dishes, and multi-well plates, to produce high-grade plastic pellets.

The start-up collaborates with an undisclosed partner that manufactures the pellets into new lab equipment. Friendly fiber innovations  UV Absorbers


UV Absorbers

LyondellBasell Announces Initial Investment in the Plastic Circularity Fund

LyondellBasell has proudly revealed its participation in the initial phase of the Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM) Plastic Circularity Fund SCSPp, aptly named the “Plastic Circularity Fund.” This initiative places a sharp focus on investments aimed at combatting plastic waste pollution and reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the plastic industry’s value chain.

The fund is geared towards backing companies that offer groundbreaking plastic materials designed for reusability and recyclability, along with enhanced solutions for plastic collection, sorting, and recycling. Since 2021, LyondellBasell has committed a substantial $44 million to various venture capital funds. UV Absorbers

Yvonne van der Laan, the Executive Vice President of Circular and Low Carbon Solutions at LyondellBasell, emphasized the importance of collective engagement and collaboration across the value chain to bolster the supply of sustainable materials and meet the escalating demand for eco-friendly products. She expressed the company’s alignment with LOIM’s Plastic Circularity Fund, which is fully in sync with LyondellBasell’s ambition to combat plastic pollution and expedite the transition to a circular, low-carbon economy.

LyondellBasell’s venture capital endeavors extend to a portfolio that encompasses Closed Loop Partners, Infinity Recycling, HX Venture, Chrysalix, and LOIM. These investments harmonize with the company’s overarching objective: for each dollar LyondellBasell invests in venture funds targeting critical sustainability issues, it catalyzes an additional five dollars from co-investors. UV Absorbers

UV Absorbers

Kelheim Fibres is proud to showcase its environmentally friendly fiber innovations at the upcoming Global Fibre Congress, commencing on September 13th in Dornbirn

Our primary focus is on championing sustainability and reinforcing the European supply chain.

During the event, Ingo Bernt, the project leader for fiber and application development at Kelheim Fibres, and Henning Röttger, the head of business development at PelzGROUP, will jointly present “Towards High-Performance Plant-Based AHP Products.” This collaborative effort between Pelz and Kelheim Fibres introduces a plastic-free, high-performance panty liner powered by our cutting-edge Olea specialty fiber, renowned for its water retention properties. The motivation behind this innovation stems from the urgent need for sustainable and hygienic personal products.

Furthermore, our commitment to sustainability extends to our second project, titled “Performance Fibres Meet Sustainable Design – An Example of a Reusable Baby Diaper.” Natalie Wunder, project leader from Kelheim Fibres’ new business development team, and Caspar Böhme, co-founder of Sumo, will unveil the washable and reusable SUMO diaper. In contrast to traditional disposable diapers, this product represents a double win for sustainability and eco-friendliness. RUV Absorbers

It’s worth noting that both of these groundbreaking products will be exclusively manufactured in Europe, resulting in reduced carbon emissions, shorter supply chains, and bolstering the European textile and non-wovens industry.

UV Absorbers

Santoni Shanghai Acquires A German Knitting Machinery Maker Terrot In Move To Create A New Ecosystem

Santoni Shanghai Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd., founded and wholly owned by Italy’s Lonati family, today announced the strategic acquisition of Terrot GmbH, a leading manufacturer of circular knitting machines based in Chemnitz, Germany. The move comes as the latest development in Santoni Shanghai’s long-term vision to build an ecosystem that aims to reshape and consolidate the circular knitting industry. The transaction will be finalized pending approval from Chinese regulatory authorities.

The global circular knitting machine market is expected to see significant growth in the coming years, with a July 2023 report from Consegic Business Intelligence forecasting a 5.7% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, propelled by an increasing consumer preference for breathable and comfortable knitted fabrics as well as increasingly diversification of demand for knitted apparel. To seize this market opportunity, Santoni Shanghai has developed an ambitious strategic plan centered around innovation, sustainability and digitalization. The new partnership with Terrot aims to further this strategy by enhancing Santoni’s integrated and scaled-up ecosystem, while also driving the sustainable development of the global knitting machinery industry. UV Absorbers

“The integration of Terrot, which also includes the well-known Pilotelli brand, will bring an immediate and extraordinary boost to our products portfolio,” said Gianpietro Belotti, CEO of Santoni Shanghai. “Terrot’s incredible technical capabilities, extensive product range and vast experience in serving customers all over the world will enable us to better achieve our shared aspirations. We are very excited about this partnership and look forward to working with Terrot as we move towards establishing a pioneering industry ecosystem, realizing our mission to providing customers with an utterly new knitting experience.”

“We see our machines not simply as isolated units of production, but rather as parts of a holistic and integrated ecosystem,” Mr. Gianpietro Belotti added. “Each part of this ecosystem is interconnected with the entire industry chain, bolstered by our recent advances in digitalization and our century long expertise. The new synthesis will offer now the largest range of technical solutions available in the market, which we believe will enable us to satisfy the needs of all the investment levels. Through our partnership with Terrot, we are one step closer to fulling our vision of innovatively consolidating the entire industry.” UV Absorbers

Zinc-air batteries

Indorama Ventures and SIPA unveil first clear PET sparkling wine bottle at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limitedone of the world’s leading sustainable chemical companies, and SIPA, a leading PET packaging technology specialist, today launch their transparent sustainable PET sparkling wine bottle exclusively at PACK EXPO Las Vegas. The award-winning PET packaging solution for sparkling wine provides brands with a fully recyclable option that maximizes logistics efficiencies, minimizes handling risks, runs on existing glass-filling lines, and has a lower carbon footprint1.

The latest launch is the development of a monolayer transparent bottle, including a barrier, to replicate the famous glass-like look of traditional sparkling wines – allowing consumers to see the color and effervescence of the liquid. UV Absorbers

Dr. Patrick Amrhein, Managing Director, Indorama Ventures Polymers Germany, said, “This new clear bottle innovation showcases how the partnership between Indorama Ventures and SIPA allowed us to face the challenge of creating a transparent thick-walled PET sparkling wine bottle, by developing a modified resin that combines a monolayer barrier functionality with excellent glass like appearance, in a record time of less than six months. This combines the touch and the appearance that results in an appealing PET sparkling wine bottle with a high shelf-life.”

Indorama Ventures’ advanced barrier resin delivers a monolayer PET sparkling wine bottle with a minimum shelf life of 24 months, and the packaging has glass-like clarity while being uniquely able to protect the sparkling wine’s taste and effervescence. The new bottle is fully recyclable in the standard clear PET stream.

The benefits of changing to PET for wine bottles are plentiful. A key example is the CO2 footprint of PET is significantly lower compared to that of a glass bottle, traditionally used for wine. Glass is processed at 1,400 °C and PET at 260 °C, and with glass bottles seven-times the weight of a PET bottle, the production process alone results in a sizable reduction of 36 percent 2. The new clear bottle follows the global launch of the traditional green PET wine bottle, in May 2023. UV Absorbers


Indorama Ventures and SIPA unveil first clear PET sparkling wine bottle at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 

UV Absorbers And Their Properties and Classifications

Ultraviolet absorber (UV absorber) is a light stabilizer that can absorb the ultraviolet part of sunlight and fluorescent light sources without changing itself. Ultraviolet absorber is mostly white crystalline powder, good thermal stability, good chemical stability, colorless, non-toxic, odorless, generally used in polymers (plastics, etc.), coatings and so on.

Most colorants, especially inorganic pigment colorants, can play a certain degree of light stabilization when used alone in plastic products. For colored plastic products for long-term outdoor use, the light stability of the product cannot be improved by the colorant alone. Only the use of light stabilizer can effectively inhibit or slow down the light aging rate of colored plastic products for a long time. Significantly improve the light stability of colored plastic products. Hindered amine light stabilizer (HALS) is a class of organic amine compounds with steric hindrance effect. Due to its functions of decomposing hydroperoxide, quenching radical oxygen, trapping free radicals, and recycling of effective groups, HALS is the plastic light stabilizer with high anti-photoaging efficiency and the largest amount at home and abroad. UV Absorbers

The data show that the appropriate light stabilizer or the appropriate combination system of antioxidant and light stabilizer can improve the light and oxygen stability of outdoor colored plastic products several times. For plastic products colored by photoactive and photosensitive colorants (such as cadmium yellow, uncored rutile, etc.), considering the catalytic photoaging effect of the colorant, the amount of light stabilizer should be increased accordingly.

Uv absorbers can generally be classified according to chemical structure, action fraction and use, which are described below:

  1. Classification according to chemical structure: ultraviolet absorbers can be divided into organic ultraviolet absorbers and inorganic ultraviolet absorbers. Organic ultraviolet absorbers mainly include benzoates, benzotriazole, cyanoacrylate, etc., while inorganic ultraviolet absorbers mainly include zinc oxide, iron oxide, titanium dioxide and so on.
  2. Classification according to the mode of action: ultraviolet absorber can be divided into shielding type and absorption type. Shielding UV absorbers are able to reflect UV light and thus prevent it from entering the body, while absorbing UV absorbers are able to absorb UV light and convert it into heat or visible light.
  3. Classification according to use: ultraviolet absorbent can be divided into cosmetic grade, food grade, pharmaceutical grade, etc. UV Absorbers
  4. Cosmetic grade UV absorbers are mainly used in sunscreen, skin care products and other cosmetics, food grade UV absorbers are mainly used in food packaging materials, and pharmaceutical grade UV absorbers are mainly used in drugs.



UV Absorbers And Their Properties and Classifications

Credits : Otsuka Chemical’s Ultraviolet Absorber Product

Zinc-air batteries, an economical and safer alternative to lithium-ion batteries, are gaining attention in ongoing battery research

Addressing global challenges like climate change, enhancing energy efficiency, and fostering innovation necessitates the exploration of novel battery technologies, and zinc-air batteries offer a promising avenue towards sustainability and efficiency.

Researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia conducted a study, shedding light on the remarkable potential of zinc-air batteries due to their cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness, high theoretical energy density, and inherent safety features. These batteries consist of a negative zinc electrode and a positive air electrode, historically limited by their low power output and short lifespan. However, ECU scholars, led by Professor Muhammad Rizwan Azhar, have successfully reduced the internal resistance of these batteries by incorporating materials like carbon, iron-based minerals, and cobalt. This breakthrough has resulted in sustained maximum power and high stability, bringing zinc-air batteries closer to their theoretical voltage threshold. UV Absorbers

Professor Azhar highlighted the affordability and commercial viability of these batteries, made possible by utilizing abundant resources like zinc and air. He emphasized their potential to outperform lithium-ion batteries, especially in the context of long-range vehicles and electric aircraft. This advancement not only revolutionizes energy storage but also contributes significantly to building a sustainable society, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and mitigating environmental impacts.

The innovative design of zinc-air batteries aligns with the United Nations’ sustainable development goals and the objectives set forth in the 2015 Paris Agreement, both of which advocate for sustainable energy resources to combat climate change.

Compared to lithium-ion batteries, zinc-air batteries have a unique positive electrode composed of oxygen from the air, making them lightweight and compact without the need for a solid positive electrode. While lithium-ion batteries have been widely used since the 1990s, known for their lack of memory effect, stability, and support for numerous charge-discharge cycles, zinc-air batteries offer an alternative with different characteristics. Lithium-ion batteries use a solid positive electrode containing lithium-based materials like lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) or lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4).

Zinc-air batteries exhibit good durability in terms of charge/discharge cycles but can be sensitive to environmental factors such as humidity and oxygen.

In the study by Professor Azhar and his team, the new zinc-air battery solution demonstrated a high open-circuit voltage of 1.48 V, a low potential difference of 0.77 V during charging and discharging at a current density of 5 mA cm−2, and stable performance for up to 950 hours or more. UV Absorbers

Zinc-air batteries, an economical and safer alternative to lithium-ion batteries, are gaining attention in ongoing battery research

Chemical Recycling Techtextil – MIT has unveiled a groundbreaking development: supercapacitor concrete infused with carbon black 13-09-2023

UV Absorbers

Carbon dioxide upcycling – MIT has unveiled a groundbreaking development: supercapacitor concrete infused with carbon black 13-09-2023

Carbon dioxide upcycling

Stellantis’ E-fuel Initiative Preserves Internal Combustion Engines Until 2050

Stellantis has unveiled a game-changing strategy to ensure the longevity of endothermic vehicles until 2050, effectively sidestepping the European Union’s “Fit for 55” regulations. This remarkable effort by the automotive powerhouse, formed through the merger of FCA and PSA, hinges on the use of e-fuels.

In a significant development, Stellantis has charted a path to safeguard internal combustion engines. This global automotive conglomerate, boasting an impressive portfolio of brands including FIAT, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Abarth, Jeep, Maserati, Dodge, Chrysler, Ram, Peugeot, Citroen, DS Automobiles, Opel, and Vauxhall, has devised a solution that ensures the continued operation of its vehicles until 2050, effectively bypassing the European Union’s “Fit for 55” plan slated for enforcement from 2035.

Stellantis has conducted extensive trials, revealing that e-fuels demonstrate compatibility with the group’s current Euro 6 vehicles. Carbon dioxide upcycling

These experiments, conducted in collaboration with Aramco, mark a significant stride toward achieving the ambitious goal of making e-fuels accessible at affordable prices to the mass market. Such a development would extend the lifespan of internal combustion engines on the roads for an additional 15 years beyond 2035.

It is worth noting that the “Fit for 55” provisions exclusively pertain to new vehicles. Consequently, combustion engine cars purchased between now and 2034 will retain the ability to operate even beyond the 2035 regulatory deadline. Carbon dioxide upcycling

Stellantis' E-fuel Initiative Preserves Internal Combustion Engines Until 2050

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Techtextil India 2023: Unveiling Cutting-Edge Innovations and Business Opportunities in the World of Technical Textiles

The grand inauguration of the 9th edition of Techtextil India has taken place at the prestigious Jio World Convention Centre (JWCC) in Mumbai. This momentous event has brought together over 160 prominent industry players, each showcasing more than 200 esteemed brands. Techtextil India 2023 is not just an exhibition; it’s a convergence of state-of-the-art products, groundbreaking technological solutions, a plethora of knowledge-sharing sessions, live product demonstrations, and extensive networking prospects. Carbon dioxide upcycling

India’s technical textiles sector is currently experiencing a rapid growth trajectory, driven by relentless research and development endeavors, bolstered by various government initiatives, and the expanding footprint of diverse industries. Inaugurating this illustrious event, Smt. Darshana Jardosh, Minister of State for Railways and Textiles, Government of India, underscored the nation’s imperative to attain self-reliance in research, development, and innovation, thereby diminishing reliance on high-performance fiber imports. She emphasized the pivotal role played by professional platforms like Techtextil India in nurturing industry growth by providing valuable insights into global and domestic trends, products, and innovations spanning the entire textile value chain.

The inauguration of Techtextil India 2023 witnessed the presence of distinguished figures, including Shri. Rajeev Saxena, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, and other key luminaries in the industry.  Carbon dioxide upcycling

The event enjoys substantial support from the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, and various industry associations, highlighting the sector’s paramount significance in the country’s economy.

The exhibition floor boasts an extensive array of exhibitors presenting a wide spectrum of offerings, ranging from machinery, equipment, accessories, fibers, yarns, non-wovens, filtration solutions, masterbatches, functional textiles, composites, coated textiles, and much more. Esteemed Indian companies such as Arvind Limited, Park Non-woven, Sarex Chemicals, Welspun, Reliance, and Aditya Birla Yarns are participating alongside international stalwarts hailing from China, Taiwan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, and the USA.

Techtextil India 2023 provides a pivotal platform for global business networking and fostering connections. It has attracted the participation of renowned companies such as Indorama Hygiene Group, Autefa Solutions, Brückner Textile Technologies, Georg Sahm, Karl Mayer, and many others, reinforcing its stature on the global stage.

The event commenced on a highly positive note, with exhibitors from around the world showcasing their finest products. Mr. Raj Manek, Executive Director and Board Member of Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd, expressed optimism about the event’s potential to empower the textile industry. Carbon dioxide upcycling

He underscored the invaluable support from the Ministry of Textiles in promoting initiatives and projects aimed at propelling the growth of the textile sector.

Techtextil India 2023 also features the Techtextil Symposium, delving into critical industry topics, and the 3rd edition of MEDITEX TM, focusing on advancements in medical textiles.

Backed by numerous associations and centers of excellence, Techtextil India continues to serve as a comprehensive platform for professionals to forge trade relationships, gain insights into market trends, and share their expertise. Its ultimate aim is to position India as a global leader in the technical textile market, catalyzing growth and fostering innovation within the industry. Carbon dioxide upcycling

Carbon dioxide upcycling

Sabic collaborates on bio-sourced in-mould labelling solution

Together with three partners, Sabic is producing mono-PP thin-wall containers with in-mould labelling in an integrated single-step injection moulding process.

A new initiative from Sabic in collaboration with three other partners has demonstrated that certified renewable polymers are also suitable for use in in-mould labelling food packaging applications.

The four companies, Saudi chemical manufacturing company Sabic, Dubai-based Taghleef Industries and the two Greek partners Karydakis IML and Kotronis Packaging, announced they successfully produced the first mono-polypropylene (PP) thin-wall containers with in-mould labelling made from a mass balanced, certified renewable resin. According to the partners, this was achieved without compromising on quality, safety, processability, or convenience. Carbon dioxide upcycling

Both the cups and the label film used for the containers have been made with mass balance certified bio-based feedstock from Sabic’s Trucircle portfolio. The label material for the IML containers is a biaxially oriented polyethylene (BOPP) film produced by film manufacturer Taghleef using a Sabic certified renewable resin tailored to the BOPP process. Taghleef ‘s transparent, white and metallised PP label films can be easily customised to fit the customer’s needs, and all can be produced using polymers with bio-based feedstock.

Sabic said the feedstock is derived from second-generation sources not competing with food or feed production. Besides using certified bio-based PP resins for both the moulded parts and the label film, the resulting packaging can be recycled in existing rigid PP recycling streams.

In-mould labelling technology, in which the label becomes an integral component of the packaging itself, eliminates the need for separately applied adhesive labels on the finished packaging product. Decoration of the product takes place inside the mould. The label is placed in the mould, after which plastic is injected over the label.

This forms a permanent, tamper proof bond between label and container right in the mould, said Augustinos Kotronis, General Manager at Kotronis Packaging. The end result is a decorated packaging part that is produced in a single step.

Demand for the technology is steadily increasing, with cost efficiency and sustainability playing a key factor. Carbon dioxide upcycling


Carbon dioxide upcycling

MIT has unveiled a groundbreaking development: supercapacitor concrete infused with carbon black

This remarkable advancement holds the promise of reshaping structures like buildings and roads into colossal electric energy reservoirs, offering a transformative solution to the storage of renewable energy. Dive into the world of this innovative technology and witness its profound impact on the realm of sustainable energy.

MIT has introduced a groundbreaking achievement in the form of supercapacitor concrete infused with carbon black. This monumental breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the concept of buildings serving as colossal electric energy reservoirs, effectively tackling the critical issue of renewable energy storage.

At the heart of this pioneering discovery lies a surprisingly simple ingredient: carbon black.

Carbon black, derived from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons, boasts outstanding resistance and conductivity properties, making it a widely utilized material across various industries. Carbon dioxide upcycling

Its incorporation into the supercapacitor concrete development process highlights how a commonplace element can redefine our approach to energy storage.

The Future of Renewable Energy with Supercapacitor Concrete

Clean energy stands as the linchpin to a sustainable future, yet the conundrum of efficient storage persists. A collaborative research endeavor between MIT and the Wyss Institute is poised to tackle this challenge head-on, quite literally under our feet. By amalgamating cement and carbon black with water, these researchers have crafted concrete featuring intricate, thread-like structures that form a fractal network of highly conductive carbon. This network, when infused with a conductive salt solution, facilitates the adhesion of charged particles from the electrolyte, culminating in a concrete-based supercapacitor.

In their experiments, the researchers interconnected three cement-carbon supercapacitors, yielding the equivalent of a 3 V battery. However, their ambitions reach higher; they aspire to design 12 V supercapacitors, connecting them to unleash even greater charging power. It is estimated that a 3.5-meter concrete block could potentially store up to 10 kWh of electricity, paving the way for homes and buildings to become vast repositories of renewable energy. Carbon dioxide upcycling

Applications of Carbon Black Cement for Energy Production

This groundbreaking material, capable of simultaneously generating energy, has the potential to clad virtually every residence and edifice worldwide. The scope of this innovation, however, extends beyond these horizons. Researchers are exploring the concept of constructing concrete roads equipped with the ability to provide contactless charging for moving electric vehicles. This paradigm shift could accelerate the transition toward a more sustainable world in unprecedented ways.

Nevertheless, it is essential to temper our enthusiasm, as MIT’s work remains ongoing. Challenges, such as the need to maintain the cement’s moisture levels when in contact with the electrolyte solution, persist.

However, this discovery brings us significantly closer to a sustainable future, addressing a pivotal challenge in the realm of clean energy that goes beyond traditional photovoltaic systems: efficient and accessible energy storage.

The supercapacitor concrete innovation offers a vivid glimpse into a world where our streets and homes are integral components of a groundbreaking green energy infrastructure. Carbon dioxide upcycling

Flexible packaging bio-sourced

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) has unveiled its second collaboration dedicated to exploring carbon dioxide (CO₂) upcycling technology

This innovative investment aims to pioneer sustainable packaging materials and will be conducted in partnership with researchers at Swansea University in the United Kingdom.

The primary objective of this research project is to revolutionize the manufacturing of ethylene, a fundamental component of plastics, including HDPE used for crafting plastic bottle caps. The initiative seeks to develop technology that can harness CO₂ extracted from the atmosphere, offering an eco-friendly alternative to the conventional use of fossil fuels in ethylene production. This advancement promises a more sustainable approach to plastic packaging creation.

This project marks the latest venture financed through CCEP’s innovation investment arm, known as CCEP Ventures (CCEPV). It is part of a series of investments geared towards fostering innovation and sustainability, aligning with CCEP’s ambitious goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2040.Carbon dioxide upcycling

Over a span of three years, the project will initially concentrate on refining an efficient and productive process for converting CO₂ into ethylene. Subsequently, it will assess options for scaling up production.

As a component of its sustainability agenda, known as “This Is Forward,” CCEP remains steadfast in its commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of its packaging and hastening the transition towards a circular economy for plastics. This investment builds on prior collaborations aimed at advancing cutting-edge climate technologies, including a recent partnership with the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) for scalable CO₂-to-sugar conversion methods and an investment in CuRe, a technology that breathes new life into hard-to-recycle plastic polyester waste.

These strategic investments are geared towards enhancing the long-term sustainability of critical raw materials and packaging, thereby accelerating efforts to reduce carbon emissions within supply chains, all while achieving cost savings in materials, transportation, and logistics. FCarbon dioxide upcycling

This announcement comes on the heels of the news that CCEP, in conjunction with The Coca-Cola Company and seven other global bottling partners, has launched a separate $137.7 million venture capital fund exclusively dedicated to sustainability investments. This fund will complement CCEP Ventures, which focuses on early-stage businesses, by investing in companies poised for commercialization in the sustainability sector.

For more information, please visit Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP).

Chemical Recycling Techtextil

U.S. Researchers Revolutionize Chemical Recycling Process with Table Salt Catalyst

Scientists at Michigan State University (MSU) have unveiled a groundbreaking breakthrough in chemical recycling using an unlikely catalyst: table salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl). Their discovery, detailed in the publication “Revolutionizing Plastics Chemical Recycling with Table Salt” in Advanced Sustainable Systems, highlights the superior performance of salt in comparison to expensive chemicals in the pyrolysis of polyolefins.

The MSU team employed table salt to facilitate the low-temperature pyrolysis of polyolefins, including high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), and polypropylene (PP), in a ratio of 4:2:2:3, respectively. Their findings were compared with the results obtained using platinum on carbon or aluminum as a catalyst.

Notably, while platinum boasts remarkable catalytic properties, it comes at an exorbitant cost of approximately $29,000 per kilogram, whereas table salt is an economical alternative at just $0.04 per kilogram. Carbon dioxide upcycling

The pyrolysis process using table salt as a catalyst yielded 86% liquid and 14% gas by weight, with no undesirable solid wax byproduct, in stark contrast to the use of platinum on carbon or aluminum, which resulted in 54% and 62% solid wax production, respectively. The wax derived from plastic pyrolysis is typically considered low-value and requires further refining processes such as cracking to yield useful chemicals, diesel, petroleum, and gasoline.

Muhammad Rabnawaz, an associate professor at MSU’s School of Packaging, expressed enthusiasm, stating, “This is really exciting. We need simple, low-cost solutions to address a significant challenge like plastics recycling.”

While the use of table salt as a catalyst shows promise in closing the plastic waste loop, the resulting pyrolysis oil is unsuitable for creating new polymers. Rabnawaz and his team observed that the oil generated when employing table salt as a catalyst primarily consists of hydrocarbon molecules similar to those found in diesel fuel. They believe that the process can be further refined to produce liquid products with more valuable applications than mere fuel combustion, as noted in an MSU statement. Additionally, the researchers acknowledged the need for further investigation to comprehensively characterize the gas emissions produced during the process. Carbon dioxide upcycling

The study also demonstrated the successful pyrolysis of metallized plastic using table salt, achieving remarkable conversion efficiencies. While table salt did not surpass a platinum-alumina catalyst, it delivered comparable results at a fraction of the cost.

According to a preliminary economic analysis supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and MSU AgBioResearch, the adoption of this innovative method in a commercial pyrolysis reactor could result in a 3.5-fold increase in revenues compared to pyrolysis without the use of salt.

Notably, the research received partial support from Conagra Brands, a U.S.-based consumer packaged goods company, further underscoring its potential for real-world application and impact.

The Russian packaging industry is confronting a unique set of obstacles in the midst of Western sanctions, as reported by Packaging-gateway

Unlike previous crises marked by universal trends such as dwindling demand and reduced purchasing power, the current landscape in the Russian packaging sector presents distinctive challenges.

Amid these sanctions, the industry contends with shortages in various packaging materials, including PET packaging, aluminum caps, moisture-resistant paper labels, and critical additives necessary for production. Since the commencement of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, numerous companies have divested or offloaded their packaging operations in Russia, including Heineken, Mondi, and Smurfit Kappa.

These pressures are further compounded by regulatory scrutiny, which now extends to controlling prices not only for polymers but also for packaging and the products themselves. Carbon dioxide upcycling

On a global scale, approximately 3.9 billion tons of food are produced annually, with nearly one-third of it going to waste. Packaging plays an indispensable role in minimizing these losses. Despite ongoing efforts to protect the environment and enhance ecological sustainability, the global packaging industry is experiencing substantial growth. According to research by Horvath & Partner AG, a Swiss consulting firm, the sales of packaging products are projected to surge from $770 billion in 2021 to $1 trillion by 2025.

The majority of packaging materials used in the global food industry are derived from non-renewable resources, particularly polyolefin-class polymers like polyethylene and polypropylene. Polymer packaging, both flexible and rigid, constitutes a significant share of the market, both on the international stage and within Russia. Flexible packaging bio-sourced

More than 60% of flexible packaging worldwide finds application in the food industry, and experts predict that the global flexible packaging market will surpass $250 billion by 2024. According to a survey conducted by the Flexible Packaging Association in the United States, 83% of brands currently employ some form of flexible packaging. Moreover, 26% of these brands have increased their utilization of flexible packaging in the past five years, with an additional 31% planning to do so in the near future. Flexible packaging for food products is prevalent both in foreign countries and within Russia.

It’s worth noting that Russia is diversifying its list of crude oil buyers, as revealed by LSEG data and traders, by shipping its first crude oil cargo to Brazil.

This move comes in response to the severe limitations imposed by U.S. and EU sanctions, with Russia having heavily relied on India and China as its primary crude oil buyers following the imposition of European embargo and price cap policies in December of the previous year, subsequent to Russia’s actions in Ukraine, which Moscow describes as a special military operation. Carbon dioxide upcycling

The Russian packaging industry is confronting a unique set of obstacles in the midst of Western sanctions, as reported by Packaging-gateway

The VDMA has projected a 2% decline in machinery production for both 2023 and 2024

This pessimistic outlook stems from the significant impact of a weakened global economy on the German machinery and plant engineering sector.

The most recent production forecast issued by the Association of German Engineering Industry (VDMA) paints a bleak picture for the latter half of 2023. The sector, heavily reliant on exports, faces challenges due to a stumbling global economy and a shortage of new orders.

Up to this point, companies have been enjoying the benefits of order backlogs, which resulted in a 1.7% real growth in production during the first seven months of the year. However, this buffer is gradually depleting, and the current year’s order intake, through July, is 14% lower than the previous year, exerting a negative impact on production. Dr. Ralph Wiechers, Chief Economist of VDMA, stated, “This decrease in orders will likely lead to a 2% decline in real production for the mechanical and plant engineering sector compared to the previous year.”Carbon dioxide upcycling

In the more stable three-month period from May to July 2023, orders experienced a substantial 12% year-on-year decrease in real terms. Domestic orders decreased by 6%, while foreign orders declined by 15%. Euro countries registered a 17% drop from the previous year, while non-euro countries saw a 14% decline.

Immediate improvement does not appear promising. The uncertainty prevails, as the duration and intensity of the current global economic weakness remain uncertain. According to Wiechers, global conditions might stabilize in 2024 and potentially witness growth from a new, albeit lower, level. However, he noted, “Currently, there is no momentum, either domestically or abroad, for a robust business resurgence. Stubborn inflation leading to stringent monetary policies by major central banks, the Ukraine conflict with its political and economic ramifications, ongoing geopolitical tensions between the USA and China, and the heated debate over competitive conditions all contribute to a lack of investor confidence and optimism.” He anticipates another real production decline of 2% in 2024 compared to the preceding year.

Despite these challenges, there are positive indicators. Capacity utilization remained nearly constant at a robust 88.8% in July, well above the long-term average, despite decreasing order numbers. Additionally, the core workforce saw a slight 1.5% increase in employment in June, totaling 1.02 million people (in companies with more than 50 employees). Exports exhibited notable growth, increasing by 11.5% in nominal terms and 3% in real terms year-on-year during the first half of 2023. Carbon dioxide upcycling

Wiechers concluded on a cautiously optimistic note, saying, “These factors demonstrate that the machinery and plant engineering sector is not in crisis mode; it remains exceptionally resilient. What would greatly benefit us now are a less tumultuous environment and politically astute decisions that address the numerous challenges and rekindle global customer confidence in investing in climate-neutral futures and transformative technologies.”

The VDMA has projected a 2% decline in machinery production for both 2023 and 2024

Recycled Packaging Sustainability – Can Brics create a new currency to replace the hegemony of the dollar? 12-09-2023

Carbon dioxide upcycling

Recycled Packaging Sustainability – Can Brics create a new currency to replace the hegemony of the dollar? 12-09-2023

Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Coca-Cola Phl Expands Recycled Packaging Program, Sustainability Initiatives

More Coca-Cola products in the Philippines will use 100 percent recycled PET bottles, the company announced during the launch of its “May Ikabobote Pa” initiative.

Coca-Cola Philippines has expanded its sustainable packaging program by strengthening its campaign to educate consumers and use more recycled material in the packaging of their products.

The company on Thursday, Sept. 7, launched a consumer engagement initiative called “May Ikabobote Pa,” which aims to educate consumers about waste reduction and recycling.

“Coca-Cola recognizes that the plastic waste problem in the Philippines is both urgent and complex. Therefore, it will take a collaborative effort to solve this issue,” Coca-Cola Philippines president Tony del Rosario said. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

“In line with our commitment to helping build a circular economy in the country, we are working to offer innovative packaging design, expand collection and recycling programs, and forge strategic alliances with stakeholders—including government agencies, industry partners and local organizations,” he added.

Del Rosario committed to use their “brand power” to engage consumers in collection and recycling initiatives, as well as build awareness about ways to recycle and reuse  plastic bottles.

Part of the campaign is a new webpage, which can be accessed through a QR code that will be printed in every product of Coca-Cola Philippines.

Users can view the company’s current sustainability efforts, along with an interactive graphic for their recycling process. A database of over 2,800 bottle collection sites nationwide is also available. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

“We believe it’s very important to approach this topic holistically, and sustain our actions and commitment for the long term,” del Rosario said during the launch event held at The Fifth at Rockwell in Makati.

Aside from the webpage, del Rosario said Coca-Cola Philippines would also use social media and out-of-home advertisements to further educate consumers.

“May Ikabobote Pa” is the latest addition to Coca-Cola’s “World Without Waste” program. Launched in 2018, it seeks to collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle or can that the  company sells by 2030.

Under the program, Coca-Cola aims to make 100 percent of its packaging recyclable by 2025 and use at least 50 percent recycled material in its packaging by 2030.

Recycled PET bottles

During the launch, del Rosario also revealed the expansion of their use of recycled packaging. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Now, Coca-Cola Original in 190ml and 390ml and Wilkins Pure in 500ml will also use recycled PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) or rPET plastic bottles, excluding caps and labels.

“We will also continue to use recycled plastic packaging for our Sprite 500 ml bottles as we’ve been doing since 2019,” Del Rosario added.

The said products now include a “I’m a 100% recycled plastic bottle” text at the bottom of the label, as well as a call to action meesage “Recycle Me Again.”

According to Coca-Cola, it has launched at least one brand in bottles made from 100 percent rPET in more than 40 countries around the world.

It said the rPET bottles maintain high-quality standards that consumers expect from the company and comply with local regulations as well as The Coca-Cola Company’s strict global standards for food-grade rPET packaging.

More…Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Challenging Times Ahead for European Chemistry

The European chemical industry faces a daunting economic landscape, with a substantial decline in production and sales during the first half of the year. According to Cefic’s latest analysis, production plummeted by 12.3% compared to the same period in 2022, although it did stabilize in the second quarter. This situation is reminiscent of the challenges faced in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

The aftermath of the 2022 energy crisis continues to cast a shadow, particularly in Germany and the Netherlands. Notably, these two countries experienced a more severe production decline, exceeding 15%, compared to a 10.8% drop in Italy.

Across various sectors, basic chemicals saw a double-digit production decline, while petrochemicals and polymers also suffered significant losses. Specialties were the only segment that managed to maintain production at a moderate level.

Despite these difficulties, chemical product prices remained stable throughout the first half of the year, although they did exhibit a 10% decline in June compared to the same month in 2022. Sales followed a similar trend, falling by 12.7% in the first half of the year, while production capacity utilization in the second quarter of 2023 remained at 74%, mirroring levels observed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Looking ahead, the situation remains precarious. Cefic states that demand for chemicals continues to decrease, and any recovery is expected to be slow and sluggish.

The second half of the year may pose additional challenges for the chemical industry, as new orders are likely to be hampered by weak demand in the industrial sector, driven by high interest rates, stricter lending conditions, and persistent inflationary pressures.

In conclusion, considering the overall weak economic conditions, it is anticipated that chemical production will significantly decrease in 2023. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Challenging Times Ahead for European Chemistry

The plastic pollution crisis

Plastics only began to be produced in large quantities following the second world war – but plastic pollution has since become one of the most serious threats humanity faces. By 2015, 60% of all plastic ever produced had become plastic waste, and in today’s world, plastic waste is ubiquitous – it’s in the air, in the soil, in freshwater, and in the sea.

Overall, 80% of marine plastic debris comes from land, and 20% is produced by ocean-based sources such as fishing, shipping and aquaculture. 3  Much of it is comprised of industrial and domestic waste from metropolitan and urban areas with poorly managed collection and disposal systems. Rubbish finds its way into rivers and other waterways, sometimes through storm drains and sewage outfalls, and these take it all the way to the sea. It’s estimated that 94% of the plastic pollution that enters the Mediterranean comes in the form of macroplastics, but microplastic pollution is significant too. Land-based sources of microplastics include agricultural polyethylene sheets that fragment from weathering, biosolids and sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants, and grey water from washing clothes made with synthetic fibres. 4 Sewage entering municipal treatment systems is high in microfibres from textiles, microplastics from personal care products, and degraded consumer products. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Between 80 and 90 percent of microplastics entering treatment systems remain in residual sewage sludge. This sludge is often used as fertilizer in agriculture, resulting in plastic being deposited on agricultural fields where it can remain for long periods of time – or be washed into the rivers and out to sea. Based on a recent study, microplastics can persist in soils for more than 100 years, due to low light and oxygen conditions5. 

The plastics life cycle

Plastic pollution is a design, production, consumption and disposal challenge that must be tackled across plastic’s entire life cycle. Many factors contribute to the issue, most obviously unsustainable consumption patterns, non-existent or ineffective legislation, inefficient waste management systems, and a lack of coordination between different sectors.

The impacts of plastic pollution on biodiversity and human health

Plastic pollution has adverse impacts on ocean ecosystems, the integrity of food supplies, and people’s livelihoods.

Entanglement and ingestion are the most common hazards for marine species, almost all of which – from microscopic zooplankton to the largest marine mammals – will come into contact with plastic waste during their lives.

Entanglement in plastic ropes, lines and discarded fishing gear injures and kills all kinds of marine animals; while ingestion at every stage of the food chain can cause fatalities or have major impacts on physiological functions including nutrition, growth, behaviour and reproduction. Recycled Packaging Sustainability


Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Needlepunch focus for Autefa at Techtextil India

Autefa Solutions will present its latest customizable needlepunch production lines at next week’s Techtextil India, which takes place from 12-14 September at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai.

Autefa says that its comprehensive range of nonwoven needlepunch lines, which are tailored to meet specific customer requirements, are designed to offer the highest possible levels of performance, reliability and quality.

Needle punching is renowned for its ease of operation, low energy consumption, consistent product quality and reduced operating costs. Amongst Autefa’s latest technological innovations aimed at meeting the evolving needs of the industry, is the 3-level closed-loop control system, which provides customers with real-time web quality monitoring and improvement capabilities. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

At the heart of the system is a state-of-the-art scanner that meticulously evaluates the weight distribution of the finished product. This critical data is used as the basis for real-time adjustments in the crosslapper and card infeed section, ensuring highly consistent distribution of the carded web.

The WebMax web profile control system is seamlessly integrated into the 3-level closed loop control system. This integration ensures uniform web profiling in both machine direction and cross direction, a distinctive edge treatment that helps reduce edge-related problems and extend felt life.

At the show, Autefa will also present its latest solutions for sustainable textile production.

“As the fashion industry increasingly prioritises sustainability, the demand for circularity solutions in textile is also soaring,” says Autefa. “Both consumers and companies are actively seeking ways to recycle “fast fashion” and reduce the environmental impact of their choices. In response to this pivotal trend, Autefa Solutions is proud to introduce a range of groundbreaking solutions designed to process and reuse various types of fibres, including reclaimed, natural, and man-made materials.

For example, illustrating a significant step forward in sustainable textile production, the Airlay V 12/R Aerodynamic Web Forming machine can be combined with the Stylus Needle Loom or HiPerTherm Oven to fulfill customer requirements for maximum productivity and consistent high quality. Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Elsewhere. a collaboration between Autefa Solutions and PAMA Paper Machinery brings together the best of two worlds—fibre-based web forming, consolidation, and drying technology from the nonwovens industry with wetlaid technology commonly used in the paper industry.

Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Arburg to present its Allrounder 520 H at Fakuma 2023

Chemical PET recycling – Petrochemicals MEG rPET – Has Stellantis already lost the challenge with China in car batteries?   11-09-2023

Recycled Packaging Sustainability

Petrochemicals MEG rPET – Has Stellantis already lost the challenge with China in car batteries? 11-09-2023

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

  • Polymers : PET – r-PET – Filament grade semidull chips -Filament grade bright chips – Ny6 – Ny66 – PP
  • Feedstocks : PX – PTA – MEG – CPL – Adipic Acid – Benzene – ACN – Ethylene – Phenol – Naphtha
  • Textile : Polyester POY – DTY – FDY – PSF – Recycled Polyester POY – Nylon POY – DTY – FDY Spandex 20-30-40 -Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  Acrylic Staple Fiber   Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

ITEM 04/09/2023 11/09/2023 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 7125 yuan/ton 7,075 yuan/ton -50
Bottle grade PET chips export market 895 $/ton 895 $/ton
Filament grade Semidull chips domestic market 7,000 yuan/ton 7,060 yuan/ton +60
Filament grade Bright chips domestic market 7,020 yuan/ton 7,090 yuan/ton +70
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market 6,150 yuan/ton 6,155 yuan/ton +5
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA export market 800 $/ton 770 $/ton -30
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,100 yuan/ton 4,165 yuan/ton +65
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 475 $/ton 482 $/ton +7
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

1,096 $/ton 1,093 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 1,073 $/ton 1,070 $/ton -3
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,180 $/ton 1,190 $/ton +10
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,725 yuan/ton 7,900 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,540 yuan/ton 7,650 yuan/ton +110
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 9,275 yuan/ton 9,350 yuan/ton +75
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

8,950 yuan/ton 9,050 yuan/ton +100
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market 8,350 yuan/ton 8,475 yuan/ton +125
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,600 yuan/ton 7,650 yuan/ton +50
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,900 yuan/ton 13,350 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL overseas  market 1,550 $/ton 1,570 $/ton +20
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,790 $/ton 1,790 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,650 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton +450
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

14,300 yuan/ton 14,650 yuan/ton +350
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market 17,900 yuan/ton 18,100 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,400 yuan/ton 16,750 yuan/ton +350
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,550 yuan/ton 18,900 yuan/ton- +350
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,400 yuan/ton 17,700 yuan/ton +300
Spandex 20D  domestic  market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

36,500 yuan/ton 36,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 35,000 yuan/ton 35,000 yuan/ton
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  32,000 yuan/ton 32,200 yuan/ton +200
Adipic Acid domestic market 9,550 yuan/ton 9,850 yuan/ton +300
Benzene domestic market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

7,950 yuan/ton 8,500 yuan/ton +550
Benzene overseas  market 903 $/ton 987 $/ton +84
Ethylene South East market 860 $/ton 865 $/ton +5
Ethylene NWE market 735 $/ton 774 $/ton +39
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market

Petrochemicals PSF PET-Bottle

9,400 yuan/ton 9,500 yuan/ton +100
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF  domestic market 13,600 yuan/ton 14,100 yuan/ton +500
Viscose Staple Fiber VSF  domestic market 13,150 yuan/ton 13,250 yuan/ton +100
PP Powder domestic market

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

7,530 yuan/ton 7,550 yuan/ton +20
Naphtha overseas market  666 $/ton 685 $/ton +19
Phenol domestic market 8,485 yuan/ton 9,270 yuan/ton +785


r-PET high end eco-friendly chips =7,800 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton   –

Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Auto, ccinaugurates its first Battery Technology Center in Italy

Stellantis, one of the world’s leading automotive manufacturers, has inaugurated its first Battery Technology Center in Turin, in the Mirafiori industrial complex. With an investment of 40 million euros for its development, the center increases Stellantis’ ability to design, develop and test the battery packs, modules, high voltage cells and software that will power future Stellantis brand vehicles , we read in a note. Over 100 technicians will work in the Battery Technology Center in Mirafiori, most of whom are specialized workers from Stellantis. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

The group is also working on a Battery Technology Center for North America in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. With 8,000 square meters and 32 climatic cells, the Battery Technology Center is the largest in Italy and one of the most important in Europe. The heart of the center consists of 32 climatic chambers – 24 walk-in chambers for testing battery packs and 8 chambers for carrying out cell tests. Inside the 24 walk-in chambers it is possible to control the environmental conditions by regulating humidity and temperature in a range between -40 and 60 degrees Celsius with a maximum variation of 20 degrees per minute. The center is capable of testing up to 47 battery packs in parallel.

Designed for future expansion, the center’s power system can handle up to 1.2 kilovolts (kV) and 2.2 megawatts (MW) per test cell. In the eight chambers reserved for the cells it is possible to test up to 96 elements in parallel. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

This part of the Technology Center will be dedicated in particular to the study of new chemical compositions and behavioral characteristics of cells for future development.

As part of its Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan, Stellantis announced its goal of achieving 100% BEV sales mix in Europe and 50% BEV passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in the United States by 2030. To achieve these business goals, the company is securing approximately 400 GWh of battery capacity, to be supported with six battery manufacturing facilities in North America and Europe. Stellantis is working to become a carbon-neutral company across the board by 2038, with single-digit offsets for remaining emissions. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

“We find ourselves faced with a unique opportunity to redefine mobility by offering intelligent and sustainable solutions – declared Ned Curic, Chief Engineering and Technology Officer of Stellantis – The new Battery Technology Center in Mirafiori brings together the tools in one place and the talented people needed to develop, test, validate and produce high-quality products that meet the needs of our customers with shorter lead times for premium electric vehicles around the world.”

The new Stellantis Battery Technology Center “is a further step, which follows the many concrete steps that the Region and Municipality have taken with Stellantis. After the many words of the past, the approach and method have changed, we wanted to build an almost contractual agreement with Stellantis”. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

Alberto Cirio, president of the Piedmont Region, said this on the sidelines of the inauguration of the centre, built in the Mirafiori industrial complex, in Turin, to test and develop the battery packs for electric vehicles that will power future products in the Stellantis range. “We have put on the table the elements that we could put in place and Stellantis has defined very specific objectives, which are being achieved. Everyone is keeping their commitments”, said Cirio, explaining that “the Battery Technology Center also has a significance of perspective, because it means that the head remains in Piedmont and Turin”. Petrochemicals MEG rPET

The President of the Region explained that in the agreement that is being defined at a national level with Stellantis, and in which Cirio represents the regions as coordinator for the car at the table, “a contractual relationship is being defined to which also the Minister of Business and Urso is paying a lot of attention to Made in Italy. On the one hand it guarantees contributions and incentives for car replacements, but on the other hand it requires concrete commitments from Stellantis.” Cirio said he was “satisfied because, after the many words of the past, today factories are actually being inaugurated, people are being hired and lines are being opened”.  Petrochemicals MEG rPET

At the new Stellantis Battery Technology Center in Turin Mirafiori “over one hundred people will work when fully operational, for now we are aiming for the reskilling of the current staff”, or the transfer from other divisions of the group (these are highly specialized workers, who have received at least 200 hours of training). Ned Curic, chief engineering & technology officer of Stellantis, said this at the inauguration of the BTC. Looking ahead, however, it cannot be ruled out that there will be new hires, also because “many Stellantis employees will retire and we will have to replace them”, said Curic.

Overall, he said, “we are hiring and will continue to do so due to the demographics of the current workforce.” Petrochemicals MEG rPET

According to Curic, in the coming years we will see “a transformation of the workforce” and “we need to implement the talent of the new generations”, which is why Stellantis works with the Polytechnic of Turin “to ensure we have skills to develop”.


Auto, Stellantis inaugurates its first Battery Technology Center in Italy

Chemical PET recycling – Petrochemicals MEG rPET – Has Stellantis already lost the challenge with China in car batteries? 11-09-2023

Chemical PET recycling

Petrochemicals MEG rPET – Has Stellantis already lost the challenge with China in car batteries?


Chemical PET recycling

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Chemical PET recycling plant under construction

To strengthen its efforts in the area of sustainability, Köksan PET ve Plastik Ambalaj San. ve Tic. A.Ş., headquartered in Gaziantep, Turkiye, aims to construct the world’s biggest rPET plant based on chemical recycling of post consumed PET waste. It is intended to commence the production of 100% food grade rPET by the end of 2024.

The capacity of this plant is expected to be 110.000,00 metric t/a. According to the company, the process of recycling PET flakes through depolymerisation to BHET and subsequent 3-micron microfiltration results in a resin that is comparable to virgin monomer, making it suitable for food-grade applications. Chemical PET recycling

Köksan’s patent process to make high viscosity and lower than 1ppm AA level in resin without any SSP process is claimed to be suitable for bottle grade application, states the company: “This will be the first plant of this kind for 100% rPET resin for all food grade applications”. The plant is also designed to produce various qualities textile grade resin with 100% rPET or virgin resin production.

The primary benefit of depolymerisation through the glycolysis process is its low operating temperature, typically around 200 °C. This avoids the side reactions and generations of BPA and phthalates which is generally due to high temperature thermal process like mechanical recycling. Chemical PET recycling

The chemical depolymerisation to BHET level ensures the process is similar to virgin polycondensation reaction and product rPET is similar to virgin PET resin.


Chemical PET recycling

LC Packaging acquires a minority share of Bluepack

Danish company Bluepack is a manufacturer of packaging for agriculture and flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs), also known as big bags.

Netherlands-based LC Packaging announced an agreement to acquire a minority share of Bluepack, a Danish company specialising in flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs), also known as big bags.

Big bags allow for packing, handling, and transporting large quantities of goods. Bluepack manufactures the bags for the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries, among others, in Denmark and Sweden. FIBCs are often a flexible and cost-efficient solution for materials and products, such as mortar, sand, gravel, granite chippings, feed, grass seeds, and potatoes. Bluepack did not disclose the exact constitution of its big bags, but the products are often made of polypropylene (PP). Chemical PET recycling

According to the agreement, the Dutch manufacturer and distributor of flexible packaging holds the first option to acquire the remainder of the Bluepack shares at a later date. LC Packaging already has its own FIBCs production facilities, but the acquisition is expected to lead to shorter lead times for its big bag costumers in and around Scandinavia.

“This partnership makes great sense for LC Packaging, since it allows us to expand our activities in Scandinavia with regard to FIBCs and agri packaging,” said Lucas Lammers, CEO of LC Packaging. Chemical PET recycling


Chemical PET recycling

Chinese textile industry’s profit falls by 20.3% YoY in Jan-Jul 2023


  • The total profits of industrial enterprises in China above the designated size reached 3,943.98 billion yuan between January and July this year—down by 15.5 per cent year on year (YoY).
  • The profit of the manufacturing industry was 2,769.42 billion yuan during the period—down by 18.4 per cent YoY.
  • The textile industry’s profit fell by 20.3 per cent YoY in the period.

The total profits of industrial enterprises in China above the designated size reached 3,943.98 billion yuan between January and July this year—down by 15.5 per cent year on year (YoY) and a fall of 1.3 percentage points narrower than that between January and June, according to official statistics. Chemical PET recycling

The profit of the manufacturing industry was 2,769.42 billion yuan during the seven-month period—down by 18.4 per cent YoY.

State-holding enterprises saw a profit of 1,380.59 billion yuan, a YoY decrease of 20.3 per cent.

The profit of share-holding enterprises was 2,883.56 billion yuan during the seven-month period—down by 16.6 per cent YoY. Enterprises funded by foreign investors and investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan saw a total profit of 935.57 billion yuan—down by 12.4 per cent YoY; private enterprises saw a profit of 1,022.66 billion yuan—down by 10.7 per cent YoY.

The Chinese textile industry’s profit decreased by 20.3 per cent YoY in the January-July period. Chemical PET recycling

From January to July, the revenue of industrial enterprises above the designated size was 73.22 trillion yuan—a decrease of 0.5 per cent YoY, an official press release said.

At the end of July, the assets of industrial enterprises above the designated size totaled 161.40 trillion yuan, a YoY increase of 6.5 per cent.


Chinese textile industry's profit falls by 20.3% YoY in Jan-Jul 2023

Drop in Polyethylene Sales in China Raises Concerns for Exporters

According to recent estimates, major exporters have lost around a billion dollars in polyethylene (PE) sales in China from January to July 2023, compared to the same period last year. This analysis is based on the records of imports from the big exporters provided by the China Customs department. The losses vary by grade of PE, with high density PE (HDPE) experiencing the greatest decline. Chemical PET recycling

Among the major losers in polyethylene sales to China were Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and South Korea, while the United States was one of the few winners. This trend was unchanged from the previous period. The Middle East, which saw a significant number of turnarounds in the first half of the year, may potentially regain ground later in 2023 as production recovers. However, some turnarounds were reported to have been brought forward due to poor market conditions.

The profitability of polyethylene sales is also at record lows, with no signs of improvement in the current market conditions. The average China CFR PE price spread over CFR Japan naphtha costs is at its lowest level since 1993.

Rising prices do not necessarily indicate a stronger market if petrochemical producers are unable to pass on feedstock costs. Chemical PET recycling

In terms of demand, HDPE is projected to decline by 2% in 2023, while LDPE is expected to remain flat and LLDPE to increase by 4%. If these estimates hold true, China’s total PE demand in 2023 would be lower than the ICIS Base Case Forecast.

It is evident that the decline in polyethylene sales in China has raised concerns for exporters. Many producers who based their strategies on assumptions such as the rise of China’s middle class may face challenges, while those who considered demographic and debt factors may fare better. Global PE capacity may need to be adjusted to bring the market back into balance. Chemical PET recycling


Drop in Polyethylene Sales in China Raises Concerns for Exporters

Italian PET recycler launches new food-grade rPET brand

With two Starlinger Recostar PET bottle-to-bottle recycling lines, Piedmont-based Dentis Recycling Italy expanded its product portfolio and now offers food-grade rPET pellets in addition to hot-washed PET bottle flakes.

The Starlinger Recostar PET 330 HC iV+ bottle-to-bottle recycling lines produce bottle-grade rPET and have a production capacity of up to 3.3 tons per hour each. Copyright: Dentis Chemical PET recycling

In 2021, Italy’s biggest recycler of post-consumer PET bottles initiated a new project to extend its rPET production capacity and purchased two Starlinger Recostar PET 330 HC iV+ recycling systems. The new lines were commissioned in summer 2022 and are recycling used PET bottles into high-quality rPET pellets that Dentis sells under the new brand name Repeter. With a combined production capacity of 6.6 tons per hour, the total yearly output of the lines amounts to 50,000 tons of finest bottle-grade rPET pellets.
Dentis reaches an important project milestone this year: The company will recycle a total of 80,000 tons of post-consumer PET bottles collected through the Italian collection systems operated by Corepla and Coripet. After completion of the capacity extension in 2024, the potential recycling capacity of the Piedmont site will amount to approximately 130,000 tons of post-consumer PET bottles per year.

“We want to support the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy” said Roberto Dentis, co-owner of Dentis Recycling Italy. “With technology from Starlinger we can be sure that the recycled PET we produce meets the elevated standards of our customers in the food and beverage packaging sector. By producing high-quality food-grade recycled PET pellets we are able to maintain a closed loop for PET bottles and contribute effectively to achieving the European recycling targets, making post-consumer plastic packaging no longer a waste to be disposed of but turning it into an important resource for top-quality packaging.” Chemical PET recycling

The food-grade rPET pellets produced on the Starlinger lines and marketed under the brand name Repeter are available in several colours. Besides approvals for use in food packaging from numerous big brand owners, the Starlinger PET recycling process has received positive opinions from the European Food Safety Authority EFSA as well as LNOs from the US Food and Drug Administration FDA. Dentis supplies the food-grade rPET pellets to important brand owners in the food and beverage industry, as well as to local plastic packaging producers.

Source: Starlinger


Italian PET recycler launches new food-grade rPET brand

RCA Engineering develops modular composite recycling systems

Modular plant configurations gives companies the option of mechanical or thermal processing of carbon and glass fibers to ensure zero waste and emissions, no noise and reduced construction costs.

With the exponential growth in the consumption of composite materials, their end-of-life recyclabilty has become an important topic to address. In this area, RCA Engineering (Barcelona, Spain) has sought to develop a modular composite recycling method for carbon and glass fibers from any sector using mechanical and thermal recycling processes. Chemical processing have been ruled out to eliminate the creation of toxic substances, such as cadmium and mercury, among others, which can further affect the environment.  Chemical PET recycling

RCA has designed modular plants differentiated by their mechanical capacity (i.e., production capacity in tons/hour). All models are composed of two maritime containers and a baseplate frame which provides a horizontal platform. Container dimensions change depending on the models. The containers are assembled over a modular steel structure so that the bottom container, which stores the shredded material, can be easily replaced once full. RCA Engineering says it has begun implementing thermal cameras on all of its recycling systems.

Modular systems that are capable of mechanical or thermal recycling are offered to customers; three models are available for mechanical recycling and two models for thermal recycling. The mechanical system includes a shredder system inside the part of the process line, as well as a filter and particle separator depending on the type of laminates and pieces to be decommissioned (e.g., whether they are monolithic or sandwich laminates). Chemical PET recycling

A small conveyor is also included on the line.

Thermal systems include a pyrolysis oven inside the process line. Regenerative burners are used for better energy efficiency. Burners cycle continuously and heat-up ramps are programmed on the PLC. Oxygen (O2) analyzers are installed to control emissions, and same with the burners to control NOx emissions. Thermocouples control the system.

Configuration of the process line on the upper container can be adjusted as per the client. Each system is fed with an electrical battery system with a capacity that can go from 281 to 1,405 kilowatt-hours. There are no emissions to the atmosphere and no noise contamination. Each modular system is said to be zero waste, easy to transport and simplified for decommissioning uses; cost is reduced by about 30% compared to the construction of a traditional plant. In addition, these recycling systems are ideal for remote locations. Chemical PET recycling


RCA Engineering develops modular composite recycling systems

Chemical PET recycling

Carbon Capture recycling – Sinochem International Expands Presence In Aramid Fiber Industry Chain 09-09-2023

Carbon Capture recycling – Sinochem International Expands Presence In Aramid Fiber Industry Chain 09-09-2023

Carbon Capture recycling

Amut Advances PET Recycling Initiatives in South America

In a significant stride toward bolstering plastic recycling efforts in South America, Amut, a prominent manufacturer based in Novara, has clinched a substantial order from the Peruvian conglomerate, San Miguel Industrias (SMI). SMI stands as a major player in the production of PET and rPET preforms as well as bottles across South and Central America. This collaboration signals a promising step towards a more sustainable future for the region.

Carbon Capture recycling

“ADNOC Announces Plans to Create One of the Most Extensive Carbon Capture Initiatives in the MENA Region”

ADNOC Commits to Developing One of MENA’s Largest Carbon Capture Initiatives ADNOC has officially greenlit a momentous initiative to establish one of the most substantial carbon capture projects in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, as reported by Process-worldwide. Carbon Capture recycling

Carbon Capture recycling

Pacur chooses Eastman’s Eastar Renew as the material for its medical device packaging

Pacur, a custom sheet extruder based in Wisconsin, has announced its selection of Eastman’s Eastar Renew 6763 for the production of rigid, thermoformed, sterile barrier medical device packaging.

This decision aligns with Pacur’s commitment to sustainability and their dedication to a more circular future by diverting plastic waste away from landfills.

Carbon Capture recycling

Prashant Gamatex rejoices in the successful sale of 1,000 high-speed sectional warping machines

Prashant Gamatex is celebrating a remarkable milestone by marking the sale of 1000 high-speed sectional warping machines. As a prominent member of the Prashant Group, an alliance of India’s leading engineering companies specializing in weaving preparation and logistics, Prashant Gamatex stands as a testament to their enduring commitment to excellence. Carbon Capture recycling

Prashant Gamatex rejoices in the successful sale of 1,000 high-speed sectional warping machines

Sinochem International Expands Presence In Aramid Fiber Industry Chain

Sinochem International made its debut at the China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE2023), showcasing its entire line of para-aramid products. These innovative solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of the optical communication industry, serving as non-metallic reinforcement materials for optical-fiber cable applications. Carbon Capture recycling

Sinochem International Expands Presence In Aramid Fiber Industry Chain

Solvay Set to Showcase Full Spectrum of Advanced Polymers and Specialty Chemicals at Semicon Taiwan 2023

Solvay, a renowned global provider of specialty materials, has disclosed its participation in Semicon Taiwan 2023, where it intends to unveil its comprehensive range of materials tailored for the worldwide and local semiconductor manufacturing industry.

Solvay Set to Showcase Full Spectrum of Advanced Polymers and Specialty Chemicals at Semicon Taiwan 2023

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the Antibacterial Masterbatch market, including market share, size, growth, analysis, and forecast for the period 2023 – 2030 with 8% CAGR

The “Antibacterial Masterbatch Market” report draws on various inferences to analyze the challenges within the industry. The final draught highlights the industry’s typical problems as well as the businesses facing them. This report is of 127 pages. The Antibacterial Masterbatch market is expected to grow annually by 8% (CAGR 2023 – 2030). Carbon Capture recycling

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the Antibacterial Masterbatch market, including market share, size, growth, analysis, and forecast for the period 2023 - 2030 with 8% CAGR

Oil Prices Decline – Recent Research Uncovers the Potential for Sweat to Extract Flame-Retardant Chemicals from Microplastics 08-09-2023

Carbon Capture recycling

rPET Carbon Capture – “ADNOC Announces Plans to Create One of the Most Extensive Carbon Capture Initiatives in the MENA Region” 09-09-2023

rPET Carbon Capture

Amut Advances PET Recycling Initiatives in South America

In a significant stride toward bolstering plastic recycling efforts in South America, Amut, a prominent manufacturer based in Novara, has clinched a substantial order from the Peruvian conglomerate, San Miguel Industrias (SMI). SMI stands as a major player in the production of PET and rPET preforms as well as bottles across South and Central America. This collaboration signals a promising step towards a more sustainable future for the region.

Amut, renowned for its expertise in designing and fabricating extrusion and recycling plants for plastic materials, is set to embark on a groundbreaking venture. Under the patronage of SACE and UniCredit, who have orchestrated a non-recourse discount operation amounting to a staggering 16 million euros, Amut will erect three state-of-the-art bottle recycling facilities in Peru, Guatemala, and Colombia. This move represents a pivotal moment in the quest for environmental sustainability, with PET plastic recycling at its forefront.  rPET Carbon Capture

Mauro Drappo, the CEO of Amut, underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to sustainability, particularly evident in their production of PET recycling plants tailored for food-grade applications. He elaborates on the intricate process that embodies a circular economy for PET bottles and more, commencing from the initial collection of containers, progressing through meticulous selection, and culminating in the recycling of plastic materials, thus granting them a second lease of life. This holistic approach epitomizes the spirit of circularity, where resources are efficiently utilized and waste is minimized.

Enrica Delgrosso, the Regional Director North West of SACE, affirms the vital role that their organization plays in facilitating such endeavors. In times marked by instability and uncertainty, companies can rely on SACE’s support, encompassing a plethora of insurance-financial products and accompanying services.rPET Carbon Capture

These resources are instrumental in nurturing Italian exports, which have consistently functioned as an economic driving force. The collaboration between SACE, UniCredit, and Amut, therefore, not only champions sustainability but also underscores the importance of fostering economic growth through responsible business practices.

Amut, with its roots dating back to 1958, boasts a rich history of providing cutting-edge extruders and complete production lines for a diverse range of products. These include sheets, stretch films, waterproofing membranes, pipes, and profiles. The company’s repertoire extends further into the realm of recycling, as they specialize in conceiving and constructing plants tailored to recycling plastic materials sourced from bottles and containers made of PET, HDPE, PP, and PE film. Their portfolio also encompasses waste recycling plants dedicated to reclaiming post-consumer and industrial materials. By offering comprehensive solutions in plastic recycling, Amut stands as a steadfast proponent of sustainability in an era where the need for responsible resource management has never been more pressing.rPET Carbon Capture

The collaboration between Amut and San Miguel Industrias (SMI) represents a paradigm shift in South America’s approach to plastic recycling. With three cutting-edge recycling plants on the horizon, Peru, Guatemala, and Colombia are poised to become beacons of sustainability in the region. These facilities will not only address the pressing issue of plastic waste but also contribute to job creation and economic development. As Amut’s CEO Mauro Drappo aptly puts it, these plants will breathe new life into discarded plastic materials, ushering in a circular economy that promotes responsible consumption and production.

In conclusion, Amut’s recent venture with San Miguel Industrias (SMI) is a testament to the power of collaboration in driving sustainability initiatives forward. With an unwavering commitment to recycling PET and promoting a circular economy, Amut, supported by SACE and UniCredit, is poised to make a lasting impact on South America’s environmental landscape.rPET Carbon Capture

Through the construction of three state-of-the-art recycling plants, the region is taking bold steps towards reducing plastic waste, fostering economic growth, and embracing responsible resource management. This alliance serves as a beacon of hope in an era where environmental consciousness is more critical than ever before.

rPET Carbon Capture

“ADNOC Announces Plans to Create One of the Most Extensive Carbon Capture Initiatives in the MENA Region”

ADNOC Commits to Developing One of MENA’s Largest Carbon Capture Initiatives ADNOC has officially greenlit a momentous initiative to establish one of the most substantial carbon capture projects in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, as reported by Process-worldwide. This groundbreaking venture, known as the Habshan Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) project, is set to possess the capability to apprehend and securely store 1.5 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, deep within subterranean geological formations. The announcement stands as a vital component of ADNOC’s overarching carbon management strategy, designed to forge a distinctive framework that unites all emissions sources and sequestration locations. This united effort aims to accelerate the realization of ADNOC’s and the United Arab Emirates’ decarbonization objectives.rPET Carbon Capture

Harnessing state-of-the-art technology, this project will augment ADNOC’s carbon capture capacity to 2.3 million metric tonnes annually, which is equivalent to eliminating over half a million gasoline-powered vehicles from the streets each year. The development will be overseen, operated, and maintained by Adnoc Gas on behalf of ADNOC and encompasses carbon capture units situated at the Habshan gas processing facility, an extensive pipeline infrastructure, and an intricate network of wells designed for CO2 injection. In parallel news, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) has increased its acquisition offer for Covestro AG to approximately 11 billion euros (USD 12.3 billion). According to insider sources, ADNOC’s latest proposal values Covestro at roughly 57 euros per share, a notable increase from the initial mid-50 euro per share range. Covestro had previously declined ADNOC’s initial takeover bid last month, citing its perceived undervaluation. While a Covestro spokesperson chose not to comment on the matter, ADNOC has not yet responded to a Reuters request for comment. rPET Carbon Capture

rPET Carbon Capture

Pacur chooses Eastman’s Eastar Renew as the material for its medical device packaging

Pacur, a custom sheet extruder based in Wisconsin, has announced its selection of Eastman’s Eastar Renew 6763 for the production of rigid, thermoformed, sterile barrier medical device packaging. This decision aligns with Pacur’s commitment to sustainability and their dedication to a more circular future by diverting plastic waste away from landfills.

The materials within Eastman’s Renew polymer portfolio are manufactured using ISCC-certified circular content via mass balance allocation. This approach allows Pacur to use resins with certified circular content, supporting their innovation agenda focused on sustainable solutions. Jason Eckel, Pacur’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, emphasized the importance of investing in next-generation sustainability solutions as a key element of their innovation agenda.rPET Carbon Capture

Eastar Renew 6763 is created through Eastman’s molecular recycling technology, which is virtually indistinguishable from Eastar 6763 copolyester in terms of durability, safety, and performance. Molecular recycling plays a pivotal role in introducing circular polymers into the healthcare industry, promoting the collection and recycling of previously unrecyclable polymers and contributing to the reduction of plastic waste. By choosing Eastar Renew, Pacur can certify the diversion of plastic waste from landfills to produce new packaging. The percentage of recycled content is accurately tracked through an ISCC-certified mass balance accounting method, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Furthermore, Eastman is set to launch the world’s largest material-to-material molecular recycling facility in Kingsport, Tenn., later this year, further enhancing their efforts in this field. rPET Carbon Capture

Pacur’s use of Eastar Renew 6763 in sterile barrier packaging products is made possible by their ISCC PLUS-certified facility, which was achieved in 2022. ISCC PLUS is a globally recognized third-party certification system that tracks sustainable feedstocks throughout the supply chain, ensuring the sustainability of Pacur’s operations.

rPET Carbon Capture

Prashant Gamatex rejoices in the successful sale of 1,000 high-speed sectional warping machines

Prashant Gamatex is celebrating a remarkable milestone by marking the sale of 1000 high-speed sectional warping machines. As a prominent member of the Prashant Group, an alliance of India’s leading engineering companies specializing in weaving preparation and logistics, Prashant Gamatex stands as a testament to their enduring commitment to excellence. Since its inception in 1975, the Prashant Group has expanded its global presence substantially.

The Prashant Group’s reputation is firmly rooted in its core values of innovation, quality, automation, and exceptional service. These principles have been instrumental in propelling the group to numerous accomplishments, all driven by their unwavering dedication to exceeding customer expectations.rPET Carbon Capture

Headquartered in Ahmedabad, Prashant Group recently hosted a ‘Customers Meet’ in Surat to commemorate the sale of 1000 High-Speed Sectional Warping Machines in the Surat region. This prestigious event attracted over 700 prominent entrepreneurs from Surat’s textile industry, all of whom have relied on Prashant for their weaving preparation machinery for many years.

As the textile industry has diversified its production lines, Prashant Group has expanded its product range to meet the evolving needs of both natural and man-made fiber sectors, as well as the filament sector. During this business gathering, the company presented details about its latest machines, including products such as Techtronic for the Technical Textiles Sector, Robowarp as the ideal solution for sample to medium production in yarn-dyed shirting (Cotton, P/V, and P/W Suiting & Furnishing), Innovative Nitro technology offering ecological and green solutions in Indigo Dyeing, as well as High-Speed Polyester and Viscose Filament Sizing machines, and Warp printing technology with Loom Printer for the Filament industry.rPET Carbon Capture

Thanks to continuous advancements in technology and automation, Prashant Group has maintained its competitive edge in terms of quality and cost-effectiveness. Their market share has consistently grown, both in domestic and export markets.

The Chairman of the group, Mr. Prakash Shah, along with Directors Mr. Apurva Kapadia and Ms. Amoli Shah, joined their technical and marketing teams at the event to express their gratitude to all customers for their unwavering support and patronage. Customers reciprocated with expressions of complete satisfaction regarding the performance of their machines, further elevating the significance of this celebratory occasion.

Prashant Gamatex rejoices in the successful sale of 1,000 high-speed sectional warping machines

Sinochem International Expands Presence In Aramid Fiber Industry Chain

Sinochem International made its debut at the China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE2023), showcasing its entire line of para-aramid products. These innovative solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of the optical communication industry, serving as non-metallic reinforcement materials for optical-fiber cable applications. rPET Carbon Capture

Optical communication cables constitute a critical foundation for high-speed information networks. In the era of new-generation communication technology, optical transport networks demand higher speeds, increased capacity and longer reach. Therefore, optical communication cables need to have superior performance attributes, including elevated strength, enhanced modulus, extended lifespan, reduced weight, minimal creep, and heightened resistance to corrosion.

Sinochem International’s proprietary para-aramids are used as non-metallic reinforcing materials for optical-fiber cables, offering a compelling alternative to traditional materials like glass fibers or steel wires. They significantly augment the overall performance of optical-fiber cables while enhancing the reliability of communication signal transmission.

Aramid is recognized globally as one of the three high-performance fibers. It has an outward appearance resembling ordinary spun fibers. rPET Carbon Capture

But compared with steel wire, aramid exhibits a strength of 5-6 times and a toughness of 2 times, while weighing only one-fifth. These fibers excel in various aspects, including high strength, elevated modulus, resistance to high temperatures, tolerance to acidic and alkaline environments, insulation properties, anti-aging characteristics, and an extended lifecycle. In the realm of optical communication cables, they have rightfully earned their place as one of the industry’s specified non-metallic reinforcement materials.


Sinochem International Expands Presence In Aramid Fiber Industry Chain

Solvay Set to Showcase Full Spectrum of Advanced Polymers and Specialty Chemicals at Semicon Taiwan 2023

Solvay, a renowned global provider of specialty materials, has disclosed its participation in Semicon Taiwan 2023, where it intends to unveil its comprehensive range of materials tailored for the worldwide and local semiconductor manufacturing industry. The company will be showcasing its materials portfolio at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center from September 6 to 8, with a dedicated booth at Q5848. The spotlight will be on cost-effective and eco-friendly material solutions spanning advanced polymers, slurry abrasives, gases, and wet chemicals. These solutions are meticulously engineered to address the intricate demands of manufacturers in this dynamic market, elevating chip performance with exceptional purity, enduring chemical stability, and optimized resistance to elevated temperatures and plasma.rPET Carbon Capture

Andrew Lau, Senior Executive Vice President of Solvay’s Specialty Polymers Global Business Unit, expressed the company’s dedication to Taiwan’s market players, serving both local and global semiconductor industries. He emphasized Solvay’s commitment to sharing cutting-edge material innovations that enhance profitability and sustainability throughout all semiconductor manufacturing phases, aligning with the industry’s roadmap for next-generation processes.

Leveraging its extensive technical industry expertise, Solvay has established itself as a frontrunner in specialty polymers and chemicals for the semiconductor industry. These materials have proven their resilience in the challenging conditions of advanced semiconductor processes. Designed to meet the most stringent performance requirements, they foster efficiency and assist manufacturers in reducing their environmental footprint across each process stage, encompassing front-end-of-line (FEOL), back-end-of-line (BEOL), testing, and assembly.rPET Carbon Capture

Solvay’s booth will prominently feature structural and internal components molded from KetaSpire® PEEK, Torlon® PAI, Halar® ECTFE, and Solef® PVDF, illustrating the value of Solvay’s specialty polymers in FEOL processes such as dry and wet etching, cleaning, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), chemical mechanical planarization (CMP), and lithography. Additionally, Tecnoflon® FFKM for O-rings and seals, Fomblin® PFPE as a lubricant in vacuum pumps, and Galden® PFPE for efficient heat transfer in chillers will receive special attention.

Solvay will also unveil a range of materials with enhanced sustainability credentials. Novel bio-based polymer chemistry addresses ambitious environmental objectives. Non-fluorosurfactant (NFS) Tecnoflon® FKM and sustainably produced Tecnoflon® FFKM elastomers exhibit excellent plasma resistance for dry etch seal fabrication and an expansive service temperature range while generating extremely low particles. Furthermore, Halar® ECTFE grades offer a more sustainable alternative to PFA and PTFE in wet process applications. rPET PET Recycling

Many of Solvay’s specialty polymers extend into wafer handling, duct coating, filters, piping, tubing, and BEOL processes, covering wafer level packaging (WLP), probing, and testing. The portfolio is complemented by dedicated specialty chemicals, including cleaning gas for etching, Interox® hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for optimized wet etching, and Cypure® PH3 cylindered phosphine dopant gas. All these process chemicals, including low global warming potential fluids, uphold the highest standards of purity, quality, and consistency in the market.

In line with Solvay’s commitment to ensuring the long-term supply security of its specialty chemicals, the company has invested in a new joint venture plant for electronic-grade H2O2 production. This essential chemical agent for wafer cleaning will be manufactured at the Tainan Technology Industry Park, with commissioning planned for the fourth quarter of 2023, boasting an initial capacity of 30,000 tons per year. This venture builds upon Solvay’s experience with existing H2O2 plants in Asia, Europe, and the United States, adhering to rigorous international standards for quality, sustainability, and environmental safety.rPET Carbon Capture

It’s worth noting that Solvay, a pioneer in high-performance and sustainable polyamide 6.6 polymers, continues to drive innovation within its portfolio. The company recently introduced a specialized grade of Rhodianyl, composed of 100% pre-consumer recycled polyamide, produced at its Santo Andre plant in Brazil.

Solvay Set to Showcase Full Spectrum of Advanced Polymers and Specialty Chemicals at Semicon Taiwan 2023

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the Antibacterial Masterbatch market, including market share, size, growth, analysis, and forecast for the period 2023 – 2030 with 8% CAGR

The “Antibacterial Masterbatch Market” report draws on various inferences to analyze the challenges within the industry. The final draught highlights the industry’s typical problems as well as the businesses facing them. This report is of 127 pages. The Antibacterial Masterbatch market is expected to grow annually by 8% (CAGR 2023 – 2030).

The global Antibacterial Masterbatch market is experiencing significant growth, driven by a number of factors including increasing demand, technological advancements, and favorable government regulations. One of the key growth drivers of the market is the increasing demand for Antibacterial Masterbatch products from various end-user industries. Additionally, advancements in technology have led to the development of more efficient and cost-effective Antibacterial Masterbatch products, further fueling market growth.rPET Carbon Capture

However, there are also a number of challenges that the market faces. One of the major challenges is the high cost of Antibacterial Masterbatch products, which makes them unaffordable for some end-users. Additionally, the lack of standardization and technical expertise in the industry can also hinder market growth.

Overall, the global Antibacterial Masterbatch market is expected to continue its growth trajectory in the coming years, driven by increasing demand and advancements in technology. However, the market will need to overcome the challenges it faces in order to realize its full potential.

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the Antibacterial Masterbatch market, including market share, size, growth, analysis, and forecast for the period 2023 - 2030 with 8% CAGR

Oil Prices Decline – Recent Research Uncovers the Potential for Sweat to Extract Flame-Retardant Chemicals from Microplastics 08-09-2023

rPET Carbon Capture

Oil Prices Decline – Recent Research Uncovers the Potential for Sweat to Extract Flame-Retardant Chemicals from Microplastics 08-09-2023

Oil Prices Decline

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Oil Prices Decline Amidst Concerns Over China and Winter Demand

In Singapore, oil prices experienced a decline on Thursday, primarily driven by concerns surrounding winter demand and the uncertain economic outlook for China. These factors outweighed the expectations of tighter supplies resulting from extended production cuts by both Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Oil Prices Decline

Recent Research Uncovers the Potential for Sweat to Extract Flame-Retardant Chemicals from Microplastics

A recent study conducted at the University of Birmingham has unveiled that sweat has the potential to release flame-retardant chemicals from microplastics, possibly facilitating their absorption through the skin, as reported by Specialchem. Oil Prices Decline

Oil Prices Decline

People at Alpla: interview with Indira Habibovic

Indira Habibovic has been a central figure in the ALPLA Sales team for twenty years now. The Dutchwoman joined the company straight after finishing her studies – initially as an assistant to the Key Account team and CCO Nicolas Lehner.

Oil Prices Decline

Embracing Recycled Polymers for Sustainable Manufacturing: Axion Polymers’ Call to Action

In an era where environmental concerns and sustainability have taken center stage, Manchester-based plastics recycler, Axion Polymers, is advocating for a fundamental shift towards the use of recycled polymers in various industries. Oil Prices Decline

Embracing Recycled Polymers for Sustainable Manufacturing: Axion Polymers' Call to Action

Lummus and RWDC take their partnership into the next phase

Following the MOU signed in April between Lummus and biotechnology company RWDC, in which the two companies agreed to cooperate on the development of technology to accelerate PHA production at scale, the partners have now announced a binding Joint Development and Commercial Cooperation Agreement (JDCCA) aimed at rapidly expanding the manufacturing and global licensing of polyhydroxyalkanoate, or PHA, materials.


Oil Prices Decline

Lummus and RWDC take their partnership into the next phase

Organize a seminar on chemical recycling with BPF as the host

The British Plastics Federation (BPF) is gearing up to host a half-day online seminar on the 19th of October, delving deep into the latest advancements in chemical recycling. This eagerly anticipated event, proudly sponsored by Plastics Europe and the Environment Exchange, promises a stimulating lineup of speakers poised to explore contemporary issues and novel concepts that are shaping the future of plastic recycling.

Organize a seminar on chemical recycling with BPF as the host

Jayplas Unveils Plans for Cutting-Edge Recycling Facility in Wales

Jayplas, a pioneering plastic reprocessing company, has unveiled ambitious plans to establish a state-of-the-art recycling facility in Wales. This advanced facility is slated to process a minimum of 100,000 tonnes of both flexible and rigid plastics annually, marking a significant stride towards enhancing Wales’ circular economy. Oil Prices Decline

Jayplas Unveils Plans for Cutting-Edge Recycling Facility in Wales

Polyethylene furanoate PEF – BYD: The Chinese Automaker Conquering the Globe with Cutting-Edge Battery Technology by Mr. Chuanfu 07-09-2023

Oil Prices Decline

Flame-Retardant Chemicals – Oil Prices Decline Amidst Concerns Over China and Winter Demand 08-09-2023

Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Oil Prices Decline Amidst Concerns Over China and Winter Demand

In Singapore, oil prices experienced a decline on Thursday, primarily driven by concerns surrounding winter demand and the uncertain economic outlook for China. These factors outweighed the expectations of tighter supplies resulting from extended production cuts by both Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Brent crude futures saw a 36-cent drop, settling at $90.24 per barrel by 9:45 a.m. Saudi time, following a nine-session winning streak. Similarly, US West Texas Intermediate crude futures fell by 37 cents, reaching $87.17 per barrel after seven consecutive sessions of gains.

Earlier in the week, both benchmark prices had surged after Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world’s top two oil exporters, announced voluntary supply cuts extended until the end of the year. These measures were implemented in addition to the cuts agreed upon by various members of the Organization of the Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC+) and its allies in April, extending until the end of 2024. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

CMC Markets’ Shanghai-based analyst, Leon Li, noted, “At present, it is really difficult for us to see any negative factors due to supply constraints. However, we need to consider possible demand risks, such as the market potentially slowing down in the fourth quarter as oil consumption enters the off-peak season after the summer demand subsides.”

Market participants were also analyzing mixed data from China. While overall exports declined by 8.8 percent year-on-year in August, and imports contracted by 7.3 percent, crude imports saw a significant surge of 30.9 percent. Li pointed out some encouraging signs for the Chinese economy, citing that the declines in trade data were less severe than expected. Additionally, the Chinese government had introduced various policy measures to stimulate financial and real estate markets. However, Li cautioned that it was still too early to gauge the pace of China’s demand recovery, even though it should have improved since July. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Concerns about potential increases in oil output from Iran and Venezuela, which could offset some of the cuts made by Saudi Arabia and Russia, also played a role in limiting market enthusiasm. BMI research analysts noted, “OPEC+ action is being partially undermined by the return of sanctioned barrels from Iran. Iranian crude production has ranged higher in the year-to-date, reaching 2.83 million barrels per day in July, up from 2.55 million bpd in January.” They added that there were also potential upside risks to Venezuelan production forecasts, as US officials were reportedly considering proposals to ease sanctions if Caracas proceeded with plans for new presidential elections.

Furthermore, supporting prices, US crude oil inventories were expected to have decreased by 5.5 million barrels in the week ending September 1, as reported by market sources citing American Petroleum Institute figures. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Recent Research Uncovers the Potential for Sweat to Extract Flame-Retardant Chemicals from Microplastics

A recent study conducted at the University of Birmingham has unveiled that sweat has the potential to release flame-retardant chemicals from microplastics, possibly facilitating their absorption through the skin, as reported by Specialchem.

In the study, researchers examined microplastics sourced from common plastic materials and subjected them to synthetic sweat within a laboratory setting. They assessed the extent to which brominated flame retardants, a group of chemicals employed to enhance plastic performance, could be accessed after microplastics had interacted with sweat.

The findings consistently demonstrated that the toxic chemicals leached out from the plastic particles. Consequently, there is a possibility that these chemicals can be absorbed through the layers of the skin. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

The research paper, published in Environmental Science and Technology, highlighted polyethylene microplastics as particularly concerning in terms of the accessibility of flame-retardant chemicals. Previous animal studies have associated these chemicals with adverse health effects such as neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, and cancer.

Dr. Ovokeroye Abafe, a Marie-Curie Research fellow at the University of Birmingham and the lead author of the paper, emphasized the significance of the study’s insights regarding the risks associated with daily exposure to microplastics. Dr. Abafe pointed out that microplastics can continually contact our skin, whether through clothing, cosmetics, indoor and outdoor dust particles, or even from the air.

Dr. Abafe concluded, “We have presented the first experimental evidence that toxic additive chemicals can leach from microplastics into our sweat and become available for absorption through the skin. This raises concerns about potential adverse effects of these chemicals, including endocrine disruption, neurotoxicity, obesity, and cancer.”

Additionally, it’s worth noting that LANXESS has recently expanded its benzyl alcohol production capacity at its Kalama, WA, US facility to support its growing customer base in the Americas. This expansion resulted from various technical enhancements. LANXESS also manufactures benzyl alcohol at its facilities in Krefeld-Uerdingen (Germany), Botlek (Netherlands), and Nagda (India). Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Flame-Retardant ChemicalsPeople at Alpla: interview with Indira Habibovic

Indira Habibovic has been a central figure in the ALPLA Sales team for twenty years now. The Dutchwoman joined the company straight after finishing her studies – initially as an assistant to the Key Account team and CCO Nicolas Lehner. For almost ten years, she has been a Global Key Account Manager and looks after ALPLA’s top customers. In this People at ALPLA interview, Indira explains why they call her ‘Heart of Hard’ and throws light on what shapes her day-to-day work at ALPLA. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Indira Habibovic answering questions for the interview

Hi, Indira. It’s nice to chat with you. You have been at ALPLA for 20 years now. What have been your personal highlights?

The personal highlights in my career are closely linked to my customers. These include one of the world’s largest consumer goods manufacturers and a major producer of cleaning and household products. These two companies rank among ALPLA’s top customers, and we have established a very strong relationship with them over the years.

Take the consumer goods manufacturer, for example. Over the past few years, we’ve grown to become one of their leading global suppliers. In the Beauty Care division, we are practically their sole supplier in Europe – a remarkable testament to our outstanding collaboration. Typically, large companies like these engage with at least two packaging suppliers, making this exclusivity something truly special.

We’ve also achieved outstanding global results together, which naturally makes me very happy. Most recently, we successfully launched a completely new product in just 18 months. Not only do we have new ingredients, but we also quickly developed an extraordinary new packaging system. The system is very innovative. The packaging is super-light and reduces plastic usage in production by 45 per cent. Moreover, the bottle can be fully squeezed, ensuring every last drop of content is extracted and takes up less space in recycling banks. The bottles and caps are made from the same material, making recycling easier. The shape of the packaging has been redeveloped as well.

This customer’s high regard for me isn’t just evident through the awards we’ve received from them. During a recent meeting with our top management, one of their managers referred to me as the ‘Heart of Hard’, demonstrating the strong and appreciative relationship I’ve cultivated with this top customer. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Can you tell us more about your second key account customer?

Yes, gladly. The manufacturer of popular cleaning products and household goods is experiencing robust growth. This company is a particularly tough negotiating partner and I´m all the more pleased that we have become almost the exclusive partner in Europe. This achievement is far from guaranteed, considering that we had completely lost business in Spain, where we were once a key supplier for the customer over a decade ago. Today, we are once again their supplier there.


Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Embracing Recycled Polymers for Sustainable Manufacturing: Axion Polymers’ Call to Action

In an era where environmental concerns and sustainability have taken center stage, Manchester-based plastics recycler, Axion Polymers, is advocating for a fundamental shift towards the use of recycled polymers in various industries. They assert that incorporating recycled raw materials into the manufacturing process can play a pivotal role in helping businesses reach their sustainability targets and align with ever-evolving industry regulations and mandates. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Axion Polymers proudly offers a diverse range of Axpoly recycled polymer grades, all meticulously crafted in the United Kingdom while adhering to ISO9001 quality standards, as well as being compliant with REACH and RoHS regulations. These engineering polymers are versatile and suitable for an array of injection molding applications, spanning from automotive components to consumer electronics and construction materials. Furthermore, the company is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratory facilities for rigorous in-house testing of both their recycled polymer input materials and finished products, ensuring the highest quality standards. Most notably, Axpoly recycled polymer grades conform to permissible levels of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), safeguarding environmental health.

One of the standout benefits of adopting Axion Polymers’ recycled polymers is their substantial carbon footprint reduction. Utilizing Axpoly PP, for instance, results in an impressive 81% carbon savings, while opting for Axpoly ABS leads to an even more remarkable 90% reduction in carbon emissions when compared to using virgin polymer materials. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

These recycled polymers offer manufacturers a unique opportunity to meet evolving regulatory requirements. For instance, the European Union is introducing regulations aimed at enhancing material circularity within the automotive manufacturing sector. Under this mandate, 25% of the plastic employed in constructing new vehicles must be recycled plastic, with 25% of that recycled material sourced from end-of-life vehicles. Axion Polymers’ offerings align perfectly with these directives, facilitating compliance for businesses operating in the European market.

One critical factor that sets Axion Polymers apart is their secure supply of infeed materials from their parent company, S. Norton Group. Axion utilizes advanced process technology capable of converting non-metallic waste from end-of-life vehicles and discarded electronic products into a range of valuable products.

These include recycled plastics, construction aggregates, and alternative fuels that are supplied to energy-from-waste plants. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

This integrated approach not only reduces dependence on landfill but also helps in curbing greenhouse gas emissions, reinforcing their commitment to environmental stewardship.

Laura Smith, Commercial Manager – Polymers and Co-products at Axion Polymers, emphasized the significance of this innovative process, stating, “At S. Norton Group, we’re proud that our processes showcase how plastic waste can be harnessed to create valuable new products, thereby conserving precious resources, reducing dependence on landfill, and protecting the environment from greenhouse gas emissions.”

Tony Hayer, Managing Director of S. Norton Group, added further weight to the argument for embracing recycled polymers, saying, “At a time of great change in the plastics industry, when businesses are facing mounting pressure to adopt circular practices and reduce their environmental footprint, using recycled polymers has plenty of benefits, including reduced demand for oil-based virgin polymer and significant carbon savings.”

To engage with Axion Polymers and learn more about their sustainable solutions, visit their exhibition booth at Interplas, scheduled for September 26-28, 2023, at the NEC in Birmingham. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Located in Hall 4, Stand A8, their presence at this event underscores their commitment to promoting the use of recycled polymers as a driving force for positive change in the plastics industry. As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, Axion Polymers stands at the forefront, advocating for a fundamental shift towards recycled polymers, offering businesses the means to reduce their environmental impact and meet stringent regulations while forging a path towards a more sustainable and circular economy.

Embracing Recycled Polymers for Sustainable Manufacturing: Axion Polymers' Call to Action

Lummus and RWDC take their partnership into the next phase

Following the MOU signed in April between Lummus and biotechnology company RWDC, in which the two companies agreed to cooperate on the development of technology to accelerate PHA production at scale, the partners have now announced a binding Joint Development and Commercial Cooperation Agreement (JDCCA) aimed at rapidly expanding the manufacturing and global licensing of polyhydroxyalkanoate, or PHA, materials. Lummus is contributing its experience and expertise in the licensing of process technology to the partnership, complementing RWDC’s expertise in PHA production and application. RWDC offers an attractive package to licensors, with its demonstrable technology innovation and technical capabilities, combined with its commercial value proposition and unit economics. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

The partnership will broaden the global availability of PHA and promote its further adoption as a sustainable alternative to fossil-based plastics.

“This agreement highlights Lummus and RWDC’s strong commitment to addressing plastic waste and the carbon footprint associated with conventional plastics production…reflecting our ongoing dedication to developing technologies that accelerate the use and availability of eco-friendly plastics,” said Leon de Bruyn, Lummus Technology’s president and CEO.

RWDC, with global headquartersin Singapore and operational headquarters in Athens, Georgia, has developed a proprietary microbial fermentation process that produces its Solon PHA using plant-based oils, including post-consumer or waste cooking oils, as feedstock. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

The material is both home and industrially compostable, meaning that products or packaging made with PHA that find their way into the environment will fully biodegrade in soil, fresh water, and marine settings, the company claims: and it holds certifications from TÜV Austria in six categories to prove it.


Lummus and RWDC take their partnership into the next phase

Organize a seminar on chemical recycling with BPF as the host

The British Plastics Federation (BPF) is gearing up to host a half-day online seminar on the 19th of October, delving deep into the latest advancements in chemical recycling. This eagerly anticipated event, proudly sponsored by Plastics Europe and the Environment Exchange, promises a stimulating lineup of speakers poised to explore contemporary issues and novel concepts that are shaping the future of plastic recycling.

With a live program featuring seven dynamic speakers hailing from prestigious organizations such as Wrap, Plastics Europe, Warwick University, and ExxonMobil, attendees are in for a thought-provoking experience. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to access three pre-recorded sessions that delve into key innovations within the field. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Kicking off the live sessions, Adam Herriott, a senior specialist at Wrap, will set the stage with an insightful overview of chemical recycling, delving into the intricacies of the plastics recyclate market. Following this, Will Collins, global editor at Argus Media, will provide a comprehensive analysis of capacity and supply trends, shedding light on operational facilities and what the future holds for the industry.

David Carroll, director of external affairs at Plastics Europe, will then take the stage to discuss the latest breakthroughs in mass balance at a European level, offering valuable insights into the industry’s trajectory. Stuart Coles, a distinguished reader at Warwick University, will provide an expert perspective on Life Cycle Analysis for chemical recycling, a crucial aspect of sustainable plastic management.

A pivotal panel discussion will center around feedstock availability, a critical issue facing the chemical recycling sector. Following this discussion, Katerina Garyfalou, vice president of new ventures at Clean Planet Energy, will share a compelling case study on the company’s investments in chemical recycling within the UK and its innovative approach of establishing ecoplants as part of its business model. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Concluding the live sessions, Adrian Da Costa, global development director at ExxonMobil, will dissect the barriers hindering significant investments in chemical recycling, offering valuable insights into the drivers at play.

The three pre-recorded sessions promise to be equally enlightening. Jen Hill from B & M Longworth will present on Pressolysis, Steve Burns from Reventas will discuss the future of dissolution advance recycling, and Jacob Nathan from Epoch BioDesign will delve into the fascinating world of enzyme recycling. Furthermore, attendees will have the privilege of accessing recordings from the BPF’s 2020, 2021, and 2022 chemical recycling seminars, enriching their knowledge base.

Stephen Hunt, BPF’s Membership Services Director, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, noting the rapid growth of chemical recycling within the plastics recycling industry. He highlighted the increasing popularity of the event, citing last year’s record-breaking attendance from over 25 countries. He anticipates an even greater turnout this year and emphasizes the seminar’s relevance for all stakeholders across the plastics industry supply chain. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

The 2023 chemical recycling online seminar is scheduled to run from 13:30 to 17:20 on the 19th of October. To participate, the registration fee is £49 + VAT for BPF and Plastics Europe members and £99 + VAT for non-members. This event promises to be a pivotal moment for industry professionals, providing a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape and the groundbreaking technologies that will shape the industry’s future. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay at the forefront of the chemical recycling revolution.

Organize a seminar on chemical recycling with BPF as the host

Jayplas Unveils Plans for Cutting-Edge Recycling Facility in Wales

Jayplas, a pioneering plastic reprocessing company, has unveiled ambitious plans to establish a state-of-the-art recycling facility in Wales. This advanced facility is slated to process a minimum of 100,000 tonnes of both flexible and rigid plastics annually, marking a significant stride towards enhancing Wales’ circular economy.

Once fully operational, this groundbreaking initiative is expected to substantially reduce Wales’ carbon footprint by approximately 150,000 tonnes annually. T

o put this into perspective, it’s equivalent to removing 120,000 cars from the road, making a substantial contribution to the goal of achieving zero waste and net zero emissions by 2050. Flame-Retardant Chemicals

The development of this facility will take place in three distinct phases:

  1. Establishment of a Mixed Kerbside Rigid Plastics & Film Sorting Plant.
  2. Creation of a Bottle Wash & Extrusion Plant.
  3. Construction of a flexible Packaging Wash & Processing Plant.

Vaughan Gething, Minister for the Economy, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “I’m thrilled to welcome Jayplas to Swansea for this significant undertaking, which serves as a vote of confidence in our workforce and our net-zero aspirations. Increasing plastic reprocessing and recycling capacity right here in Wales opens the door to an innovative and sustainable industry. This project will not only create a substantial number of skilled and environmentally friendly jobs but also support our journey towards decarbonization, bolster our reprocessing and recycling capabilities, and foster a more robust, equitable, and greener economy.” Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Julie James, Minister for Climate Change, also commended the development, saying, “I am very pleased to witness the establishment of this facility in Wales, aligning perfectly with our commitment to transition to a zero-waste, net-zero carbon Wales. Its timing coincides with the introduction of new Workplace Recycling Regulations in April next year, which will further enhance the supply of high-quality plastics for recycling.”

Kerry O’Neill, Commercial Manager at Jayplas, added, “Jayplas is delighted to announce the launch of our Plastics Processing and Manufacturing plant in Swansea. We have collaborated closely with the Welsh Government to expand our operations into Wales. We will harness cutting-edge technology to ensure that we possess industry-leading facilities capable of producing top-quality products while simultaneously bringing long-term investments and sustainable employment opportunities to the region.”

Shigenori Matsuo, Managing Director of Toyoda Gosei UK Ltd. (TGUK), expressed his satisfaction, stating, “I am delighted that TGUK has laid a strong foundation in Swansea, leaving a lasting legacy for Jayplas to develop a state-of-the-art facility, drive investment, growth, and employment in the area.” Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Jayplas Unveils Plans for Cutting-Edge Recycling Facility in Wales

Polyethylene furanoate PEF – BYD: The Chinese Automaker Conquering the Globe with Cutting-Edge Battery Technology by Mr. Chuanfu 07-09-2023

Flame-Retardant Chemicals

Automotive industry bioplastics – Neste has initiated strategic partnerships to advance collaborative efforts in the production of renewable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) resin 07-09-2023

Automotive industry bioplastics

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Toray increases its ownership share in its Thai subsidiary with the aim of enhancing the production of cellulosic sugar

Toray Industries Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) has significantly bolstered its investment in Cellulosic Biomass Technology Co. Ltd. (CBT, Bangkok, Thailand), raising its ownership stake from 67% to 84.4%. This strategic move, backed by an infusion of ¥1.2 billion ($8.1 billion), represents Toray’s commitment to advancing the production of cellulosic sugar, a vital component in the creation of bio-based fibers, resins, and films.

CBT, established in collaboration with Mitsui DM Sugar Co. Ltd. (Japan) in January 2017, was originally founded to showcase cutting-edge membrane-based saccharification process technologies. In April 2023, Toray unveiled its partnership with Mitsui to produce sugars from non-edible biomass, further reinforcing its commitment to sustainable materials.

Toray’s expanded capital injection into CBT will be instrumental in expeditiously harnessing cellulosic sugar production technology to accelerate the commercialization of essential polymer materials derived from non-edible biomass. Toray’s ambitious target is to have recycled resources comprise 20% of the raw materials used in key polymer products by 2030. Automotive industry bioplastics

To achieve this, the company is actively developing various technologies, including recycling plastics, transitioning to biomass-based materials, and utilizing carbon dioxide as a raw material.

To date, Toray has developed an energy-efficient production method employing membrane separation technology to extract cellulosic sugar from bagasse, a non-edible biomass byproduct of sugarcane juice extraction. Furthermore, the company has introduced a technology capable of co-producing polyphenol, a high-value product derived from bagasse.

The additional capital injection will also support the expansion of existing facilities at CBT to produce cellulosic sugar from cassava pulp, thereby increasing daily sugar production to five metric tons. Toray plans to install biomass fuel-burning boilers and enhance wastewater treatment capacity, aimed at reducing utility costs associated with cellulosic sugar production. Automotive industry bioplastics

It’s worth noting that Toray has verified the suitability of cellulosic sugar produced through this technology for microbial fermentation in chemical manufacturing processes, ensuring stability during storage and transportation. The Toray Group intends to utilize CBT’s sugar, derived from non-edible raw materials, across its chemical operations and for in-house development of adipic acid. Additionally, CBT will offer cellulosic sugar to chemical companies currently using sugar from edible biomass, fostering business partnerships and collaborations with enterprises utilizing biomass as a feedstock. Furthermore, CBT plans to collaborate with both domestic and international companies to cultivate markets for high-value polyphenols.

Toray’s ambitious goal is to achieve an annual production capacity of approximately 100,000 metric tons of cellulosic sugar by 2030. This endeavor is aligned with its vision of contributing to a circular economy by establishing a robust supply chain for polymer materials derived from this sustainable sugar source. Automotive industry bioplastics

The development of this cellulosic sugar technology was made possible through support from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization International Demonstration Project during fiscal year 2016. Jointly developed with Mitsui DM Sugar, CBT has acquired the demonstration facilities and is now focused on driving commercialization efforts forward.

Automotive industry bioplastics

Today, the dynamics in the automotive industry are shifting dramatically

The emergence of the electric revolution is transforming traditional practices and altering established norms.

Notably, after decades during which Western automakers favored China for cost-effective production, the tables have turned, and it is now the Chinese who are establishing production facilities in collaboration with us.

For instance, Magna International is in the midst of negotiations with several Chinese manufacturers, looking to leverage their Magna Steyr plants in Graz, Austria. This move could involve not only car production but also the establishment of new facilities, including those dedicated to electric motor manufacturing in Hungary. Automotive industry bioplastics

Magna is already engaged in car production for a Chinese manufacturer, albeit in China itself, through a joint venture with BAIC. However, they are approaching this new wave of partnerships with caution, thoroughly assessing the financial viability of potential collaborations. It’s believed that not all Chinese companies entering the market will thrive; perhaps only one in ten will succeed.

Meanwhile, CATL, the world’s leading lithium-ion battery manufacturer, has commenced operations at its German Gigafactory in Thuringia. Simultaneously, they are constructing a second battery factory in Hungary, specifically in Debrecen, where numerous European automakers are located. This facility is set to become the largest in Europe, with a formidable production capacity of 100 GWh. Automotive industry bioplastics

In an exciting development, CATL has also announced its plans to initiate the production of its innovative LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery at both European sites. Dubbed Shenxing and introduced last month, this battery boasts impressive qualities, such as its ability to perform reliably in low-temperature conditions and rapid charging capabilities. According to CATL, it can add up to 400 km of range in just 10 minutes.

Automotive industry bioplastics

ABB supports innovative bioplastics project as main electrical contractor for Avantium and Worley

Avantium, a pioneer in the emerging renewable and sustainable chemicals industry, is building a new plant that will support the transition to bio-based plastics to replace ones that rely on fossil-based raw materials. Located in Delfzijl, The Netherlands, the facility will use a novel technology that converts plant sugars into a next-generation plastic material called polyethylene furanoate  (PEF).

PEF is a new recyclable and plant-based plastic material that offers the potentially powerful combination of positive environmental and performance features that can be used in packaging, textiles, films and other sectors. The first piling works at Avantium’s new site started in April 2022, and construction should be complete in 2024, enabling commercial launch of PEF products from 2024 onwards. Automotive industry bioplastics

Broad scope of supply, for flexible bioplastics production

To support this project, ABB has been chosen as the main electrical contractor (MEC) by Worley and Avantium. The ABB scope of supply includes:

  • Electrical design, including system dimensioning and network analysis
  • eHouses, which offer advantages over fixed concrete substation buildings making them highly flexible to handle future scale-ups and configurations
  • Frequency converters, batteries, low and medium voltage switchgears
  • Distribution transformers, placed outside the eHouses
  • Commissioning of the delivered equipment

The eHouse solution allows assembly and most of the testing to be carried out directly in the production factory, thus substantially reducing the time for on-site installation and commissioning. In addition, ABB’s eHouses also reduce risks of cost overruns, execution problems and delays to the schedule. Automotive industry bioplastics


Automotive industry bioplastics

Neste has initiated strategic partnerships to advance collaborative efforts in the production of renewable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) resin

The key players in this endeavor are Neste, an oil company with a strong focus on sustainable products, Suntory, ENEOS, and Mitsubishi Corporation, all working together to scale up the production of PET resin using Neste’s renewable feedstock, Neste RE.

Neste RE is a feedstock employed in plastics manufacturing, crafted entirely from renewable and recycled raw materials. Its renewable component is derived from 100% bio-based sources, primarily waste and residue oils and fats, including used cooking oil. Additionally, it can encompass liquid renewable hydrocarbons or gaseous renewable propane. Neste manufactures these renewable products utilizing its proprietary NEXBTL refining technology at its facilities in Porvoo, Finland, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Singapore. Automotive industry bioplastics

The NEXBTL process, which stands for “next-generation biomass to liquid,” employs a catalytic process called hydrodeoxygenation to eliminate oxygen atoms by replacing them with hydrogen atoms, yielding a pure hydrocarbon with a high energy density. These hydrocarbons are subsequently isomerized to create various renewable end products, including diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, and renewable feedstock for polymer and chemical production. Renewable PET Preform

Neste RE also incorporates a recycled component comprising chemically recycled plastic waste, particularly types that cannot be mechanically recycle, such as colored, multilayered, or multi-material packaging and films. In this process, waste plastic undergoes a thermochemical liquefaction, transforming it into a substance akin to crude oil. The liquefied and pretreated waste plastic is then utilized to partially substitute crude oil as a raw material in refineries. Neste asserts that plastics and chemicals derived from chemical recycling are of superior quality and can serve as replacements for products reliant on virgin fossil resources in a wide array of applications.

As part of this new partnership, ENEOS intends to utilize bio-intermediates based on Neste RE for the production of bio-PX (bio-paraxylene) at its Mizushima refinery in Okayama, Japan. Subsequently, the bio-PX will undergo conversion into PTA (purified terephthalic acid) and further processing into PET resin, destined for use in PET bottles manufactured by the Japanese beverage company Suntory. Mitsubishi Corporation will play a coordinating role in facilitating collaboration among the various stakeholders in the value chain. Automotive industry bioplastics

Lilyana Budyanto, Head of Sustainable Partnerships APAC at Neste, emphasized the urgency of addressing the impending climate crisis, underscoring the need for companies to take proactive responsibility. Through strategic partnerships along the value chain, Neste aims to contribute to reducing the polymers and chemicals industry’s reliance on fossil resources while promoting the production of lower-carbon footprint products.

Circularity Challenges: PET is among the most widely used plastic packaging materials globally, and it is fully recyclable. Renewable PET Preform

However, a report by Zero Waste Europe revealed that recycled plastic from bottles in Europe does not primarily find its way back into new PET bottles. Instead, the majority of recycled PET is utilized in lower-grade applications like trays, film, strapping, or fibers. New bottles entering the market typically contain an average of just 17% recycled PET, even though PET bottles have a recycling rate of around 50%. Consequently, substantial enhancements in PET design, collection, and recycling processes are imperative to improve circularity within the industry, as emphasized in the report.  Automotive industry bioplastics

Neste has initiated strategic partnerships to advance collaborative efforts in the production of renewable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) resin

Xpeng, the prominent Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer, is gearing up for its grand entrance into the European automotive market

This exciting development was officially unveiled at the IAA Mobility 2023 show in Munich, Germany. Xpeng’s strategic move to conquer Germany, a pivotal hub in the European car industry, marks a significant step in the company’s global expansion journey. Prior to setting its sights on Germany, Xpeng had already made impressive strides by successfully establishing its presence in Denmark, Norway, Holland, and Sweden. The company’s expansion into Germany is slated to introduce two of its flagship models, the P7 sedan and the G9 SUV, to the discerning European consumers, with an expected launch date set for the following year. This move aligns perfectly with Xpeng’s broader vision of entering additional European markets, particularly France and the United Kingdom.

Xpeng’s decision to venture into Germany is not merely a strategic choice; it’s a testament to the company’s commitment to delivering high-quality EVs equipped with cutting-edge technology. Brian Gu, the co-president of Xpeng, emphasized their ambition to set a new standard for intelligent mobility. Automotive industry bioplastics

This mission extends beyond merely offering electric vehicles; it seeks to redefine the driving experience by incorporating groundbreaking technology and innovative features. As Xpeng readies itself to take on the competitive German market, they are fully aware that they must meet and exceed the demanding expectations of German consumers, known for their discerning taste and high standards in automotive excellence.

To support this ambitious European expansion, Xpeng has established a dedicated subsidiary known as “Xpeng Germany.” This localized approach ensures that the company can adapt to the unique characteristics and preferences of the German market while also addressing regulatory and logistical challenges effectively. By doing so, Xpeng aims to build strong brand recognition and trust among German consumers, a crucial factor for long-term success in the region. Automotive industry bioplastics

One of the most striking aspects of Xpeng’s European expansion is its collaboration with the Volkswagen Group, one of the world’s leading automotive giants. This collaboration signifies a remarkable partnership between a Chinese EV pioneer and a German automotive legend. As part of this agreement, Xpeng and Volkswagen will jointly develop two medium-sized electric models under the Volkswagen brand. These models will cater to the Chinese market and will be launched in 2026, further expanding the already extensive lineup of electric vehicles under Volkswagen’s MEB platform.

This partnership extends beyond individual models. Xpeng and Volkswagen are also working together to create an entirely new platform dedicated to future electric models intended specifically for the Chinese market. The creation of this platform showcases a commitment to innovation and adapting to the unique needs of the rapidly evolving Chinese EV market. Automotive industry bioplastics

In a significant financial commitment, Volkswagen has announced an investment of approximately $700 million in Xpeng, securing a 4.99% stake in the Chinese automaker. This investment not only reflects Volkswagen’s confidence in Xpeng’s capabilities but also highlights the increasing convergence between traditional automakers and emerging EV manufacturers.

The Xpeng-Volkswagen partnership exemplifies the growing trend of collaboration within the automotive industry as companies recognize the need to pool resources and expertise to accelerate the development and adoption of electric vehicles. By combining their strengths, Xpeng and Volkswagen are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the global electric vehicle market.

In conclusion, Xpeng’s expansion into Europe, starting with Germany, is a bold move that underscores the company’s ambition to become a global leader in the electric vehicle industry. With a commitment to delivering sophisticated, technology-driven EVs and a strategic partnership with Volkswagen, Xpeng is well-positioned to make a significant impact in Europe and beyond. As the world moves toward a more sustainable automotive future, Xpeng’s innovative approach and strategic alliances are setting the stage for a new era of intelligent mobility. Automotive industry bioplastics

Xpeng, the prominent Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer, is gearing up for its grand entrance into the European automotive market

BYD: The Chinese Automaker Conquering the Globe with Cutting-Edge Battery Technology by Mr. Chuanfu

Welcome to Odeonsplatz, the Munich square renowned as the heart of BMW’s city, currently hosting its second “mobility exhibition,” the contemporary successor to traditional automotive events. You might be taken aback by the vehicle that dominates the square, a car you may be seeing for the first time: the Dolphin, a compact car with a price tag of 34,000 euros (excluding government incentives), manufactured in China by BYD. Interestingly, there’s a touch of Germany in it too; Wolfgang Egger designed the Dolphin, borrowing one of Audi’s historic names, as BYD aims to make a substantial mark in the European electric car market. Automotive industry bioplastics

BYD, short for “Build Your Dreams,” plays a significant role in this endeavor. The company was founded in 1995 in Shenzhen by Wang Chuanfu, an engineer who began his career producing lithium batteries for early Nokia and Motorola mobile phones before expanding into solar energy storage and eventually diversifying into electronic components for trains and buses. Chuanfu’s gradual and methodical approach to the automotive industry captured the attention of visionaries like Warren Buffett, who was among the first to invest in this unassuming entrepreneur. Chuanfu aspires to outpace Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, in the not-so-distant future, and the numbers suggest this is not an idle ambition: BYD now boasts 620,000 employees, with 60,000 stationed at its sprawling Shenzhen headquarters, complete with an internal elevated metro line. Many of its technicians, adhering to a mandatory dress code of white shirts and ties, reside in roughly thirty apartment blocks within this expanding campus. Automotive industry bioplastics

In 2003, the company embarked on a remarkable journey that propelled it into the global top ten automakers in just two decades. In the first seven months of 2023, BYD sold an impressive 1.4 million units, commanding a 37% share of the Chinese market (four times that of Tesla), primarily due to its dominant presence in the electric vehicle segment. Remarkably, seven of the top ten selling models belong to BYD, and, like Elon Musk’s company, it is fiercely competitive with an aggressive pricing strategy that keeps its rivals on their toes.

What accounts for this sensational success, especially during a period of relative weakness in the vast Chinese industrial complex? According to experts, the key lies in BYD’s origins as a battery company and its commitment to controlling the entire production process, with minimal reliance on external suppliers. Essentially, only brakes and tires are sourced externally. The linchpin is its leadership in battery technology, second only to Catl, another Chinese giant, affording BYD a nearly insurmountable advantage over competitors, including European automakers, Toyota, and even Tesla, who happen to be among the Shenzhen factory’s primary customers. Automotive industry bioplastics

To bolster its technological dominance in batteries, the lifeblood of electric cars, BYD adopted a new production system called LFP (lithium iron phosphate), in stark contrast to the NMC mixture (nickel, manganese, cobalt), which offers superior performance but at a higher cost and with a greater dependence on rare earth minerals.

BYD’s expansion into the European market is another milestone on its journey. By the end of the year, the company plans to select the country for its first European factory, with Germany and France being the top contenders. Berlin could very well be the first destination to establish a foothold, albeit with discretion, avoiding the flamboyant displays characteristic of Elon Musk.

The surge of Asian manufacturers at the German auto show paints a vivid picture of the industry’s evolution, with approximately 40% of exhibitors hailing from China, a nation rich in rare earth minerals and essential batteries that power more affordable e-cars, albeit less technologically advanced than their European counterparts. These vehicles are now within reach for the middle class, who were previously priced out of the market for more expensive models. Recent records underscore the competitiveness of “Made in China.” For the first time this year, domestically produced cars outsold imports in China, particularly from Germany. Even more astonishingly, Chinese auto exports surpassed both Germany and Japan in the first quarter. Automotive industry bioplastics

With these credentials, the Land of the Dragon is poised to continue its global automotive conquest.

BYD: The Chinese Automaker Conquering the Globe with Cutting-Edge Battery Technology by Mr. Chuanfu

“First PP Compound to Achieve UL Certification for Enhanced Thermal Runaway Protection in Electric Vehicle Battery Systems”

Sabic’s Stamax 30YH570 resin, designed for electric vehicle (EV) battery systems, has achieved UL Certification for Thermal Runaway Protection, making it the inaugural polymer to pass the thermal runaway box test outlined in UL 2596, the Test Method for Thermal and Mechanical Performance of Battery Enclosure Materials, as reported by Plasticstoday.

This 30% glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene (PP) copolymer resin, offered under Sabic’s Bluehero electrification initiative, marks a significant milestone as the first EV-grade polymer to obtain UL verification for thermal and mechanical performance claims. Sabic underscores the importance of UL verification, which involves an impartial, scientific evaluation by a reputable third party, in instilling high confidence in the flame delay capabilities of this product. Automotive industry bioplastics

While the vast majority of EV batteries exhibit reliable performance over their lifecycle, the safety-focused automotive industry remains deeply committed to enhancing the design and functionality of EV battery systems. This commitment aims to extend the window for occupants to safely exit a vehicle by retarding the spread of fires beyond the battery pack. A pivotal aspect of this endeavor involves the careful selection and utilization of fire-protection materials in various battery pack components, including enclosures, covers, trays, and thermal barriers that compartmentalize cells.

On a different note, data sourced from traders and LSEG indicates that Russia’s seaborne diesel and gasoil exports witnessed a 2% increase in August compared to the previous month, totaling approximately 3.85 million metric tons. This growth can be attributed to robust fuel production. Idle primary oil refining capacity for August was estimated at 3.1 million metric tons, an uptick from July’s 2.458 million metric tons, according to Refinitiv Eikon data and Reuters calculations. Automotive industry bioplastics

"First PP Compound to Achieve UL Certification for Enhanced Thermal Runaway Protection in Electric Vehicle Battery Systems"

H.E. Eng. Dawoud Al Hajri, the Director General of Dubai Municipality, officially launched the inaugural Plastics Recycling Show Middle East and Africa (PRS MEA)

This pioneering event, PRS MEA, serves as a platform to showcase cutting-edge solutions and technologies in plastics recycling tailored for the Middle East and Africa (MEA) market. Its core mission is to propel the vision of a sustainable, environmentally friendly future by uniting leading providers of plastics recycling solutions from around the world. These groundbreaking innovations are being unveiled to the MEA markets, as part of a broader initiative to foster a circular and sustainable economy.

Here are some of the key highlights from the first edition of PRS MEA spanning three days:

  1. A total of 98 esteemed exhibitors will feature the latest developments in the plastics recycling industry, as well as the bedding and mattress sector. Notable exhibitors include industry leaders such as Schneider Electric, Bariq, Astra Polymers, Fimic Srl, Rebound Plastic Exchange, Krones AG, among others.
  2. Running in parallel with the event is the inaugural Plastics Recycling Conference. Distinguished speakers hailing from organizations like Unilever Middle East & Turkey, Plastics Recyclers Europe, PepsiCo, Rebound Plastic Exchange, Veolia, Tetra Pak, Nestlé, IFFCO Group, Dow Chemical IMEA, and more, will participate in thought-provoking discussions. Automotive industry bioplastics
  3. Conference sessions will explore topics such as “Plastics recycling market: Current landscape and possibilities,” “The state of collection and sorting in MEA,” “Chemical recycling: Meeting the new demands for recyclable materials,” “A deep dive into ocean plastics: Exploring the ambitious commitments and targets to advance circularity,” Material Recycling Focus Sessions, “Innovative Food Packaging Solutions to Enhance Sustainability and Circular Economy,” and “Advancing the circular economy for plastic packaging.”

The PRS Middle East & Africa 2023 event presents an ideal opportunity for industry stakeholders in the Middle East and African regions to enhance their presence in the plastics recycling sector and contribute to the realization of a greener, circular, and more sustainable economy.

Caption: The inauguration of the inaugural PRS Middle East & Africa event took place today, with H.E. Eng. Dawoud Al Hajri, Director General of Dubai Municipality, Matthew Barber, Sales & Events Director at Crain Communications, and Taher Patrawala, Managing Director at Media Fusion, jointly opening the event at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

For more information, visit PRS Middle East & Africa. Automotive industry bioplastics

H.E. Eng. Dawoud Al Hajri, the Director General of Dubai Municipality, officially launched the inaugural Plastics Recycling Show Middle East and Africa (PRS MEA)

EV-motor free magnets – Kelheim Fibres and MagnoLab Unite for Textile Advancement and Eco-Friendliness 06-09-2023

Automotive industry bioplastics

Polyethylene furanoate PEF – BYD: The Chinese Automaker Conquering the Globe with Cutting-Edge Battery Technology by Mr. Chuanfu 07-09-2023

Polyethylene furanoate PEF

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

ABB supports innovative bioplastics project as main electrical contractor for Avantium and Worley

Avantium, a pioneer in the emerging renewable and sustainable chemicals industry, is building a new plant that will support the transition to bio-based plastics to replace ones that rely on fossil-based raw materials. Located in Delfzijl, The Netherlands, the facility will use a novel technology that converts plant sugars into a next-generation plastic material called polyethylene furanoate  (PEF).


Polyethylene furanoate PEF

Toray increases its ownership share in its Thai subsidiary with the aim of enhancing the production of cellulosic sugar

Toray Industries Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) has significantly bolstered its investment in Cellulosic Biomass Technology Co. Ltd. (CBT, Bangkok, Thailand), raising its ownership stake from 67% to 84.4%. This strategic move, backed by an infusion of ¥1.2 billion ($8.1 billion), represents Toray’s commitment to advancing the production of cellulosic sugar, a vital component in the creation of bio-based fibers, resins, and films. Polyethylene furanoate PEF

Polyethylene furanoate PEF

Today, the dynamics in the automotive industry are shifting dramatically

The emergence of the electric revolution is transforming traditional practices and altering established norms.

Notably, after decades during which Western automakers favored China for cost-effective production, the tables have turned, and it is now the Chinese who are establishing production facilities in collaboration with us.

Polyethylene furanoate PEF

Neste has initiated strategic partnerships to advance collaborative efforts in the production of renewable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) resin

The key players in this endeavor are Neste, an oil company with a strong focus on sustainable products, Suntory, ENEOS, and Mitsubishi Corporation, all working together to scale up the production of PET resin using Neste’s renewable feedstock, Neste RE.

Neste has initiated strategic partnerships to advance collaborative efforts in the production of renewable PET (polyethylene terephthalate) resin

Tredegar Corporation, a prominent industrial manufacturer, made a significant announcement today regarding the sale of Terphane, a subsidiary of the company

Tredegar has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Terphane to Oben Group, a major player in the global flexible packaging industry.

This strategic move marks a pivotal moment for both companies and the competitive landscape of the packaging market. Polyethylene furanoate PEF

Tredegar Corporation, a prominent industrial manufacturer, made a significant announcement today regarding the sale of Terphane, a subsidiary of the company

BYD: The Chinese Automaker Conquering the Globe with Cutting-Edge Battery Technology by Mr. Chuanfu

Welcome to Odeonsplatz, the Munich square renowned as the heart of BMW’s city, currently hosting its second “mobility exhibition,” the contemporary successor to traditional automotive events. Polyethylene furanoate PEF

You might be taken aback by the vehicle that dominates the square, a car you may be seeing for the first time: the Dolphin, a compact car with a price tag of 34,000 euros (excluding government incentives), manufactured in China by BYD.

BYD: The Chinese Automaker Conquering the Globe with Cutting-Edge Battery Technology by Mr. Chuanfu

“First PP Compound to Achieve UL Certification for Enhanced Thermal Runaway Protection in Electric Vehicle Battery Systems”

Sabic’s Stamax 30YH570 resin, designed for electric vehicle (EV) battery systems, has achieved UL Certification for Thermal Runaway Protection, making it the inaugural polymer to pass the thermal runaway box test outlined in UL 2596, the Test Method for Thermal and Mechanical Performance of Battery Enclosure Materials, as reported by Plasticstoday.

"First PP Compound to Achieve UL Certification for Enhanced Thermal Runaway Protection in Electric Vehicle Battery Systems"

H.E. Eng. Dawoud Al Hajri, the Director General of Dubai Municipality, officially launched the inaugural Plastics Recycling Show Middle East and Africa (PRS MEA)

This pioneering event, PRS MEA, serves as a platform to showcase cutting-edge solutions and technologies in plastics recycling tailored for the Middle East and Africa (MEA) market. Its core mission is to propel the vision of a sustainable, environmentally friendly future by uniting leading providers of plastics recycling solutions from around the world.

H.E. Eng. Dawoud Al Hajri, the Director General of Dubai Municipality, officially launched the inaugural Plastics Recycling Show Middle East and Africa (PRS MEA)

EV-motor free magnets – Kelheim Fibres and MagnoLab Unite for Textile Advancement and Eco-Friendliness 06-09-2023

Polyethylene furanoate PEF

Renewable PET Preform – Inflation in Turkey Surges to 59%: A Looming Economic Crisis 06-09-2023

Renewable PET Preform

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

RadiciGroup showcased its cutting-edge, secure, and eco-friendly offerings at Plast

RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers is making its presence felt at Plast 2023, a significant event running from September 5 to 8 at the Milano Rho fairgrounds. Positioned in Hall 9, Stand B21-C22, the Group is unveiling a range of innovative solutions tailored to numerous application sectors. These sectors span automotive and e-mobility, electrical/electronics, water management, and consumer and industrial goods.

Central to RadiciGroup’s research and development strategy is the ecological transition. With its vertically integrated polyamide production and over four decades of experience as an engineering polymers manufacturer, the Group is at the forefront of expanding its solutions portfolio. This expansion aims to meet the growing demand for sustainability and circularity while maintaining a strong focus on performance and safety.

Erico Spini, the global marketing director of RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers, emphasized the Group’s commitment to three key fronts. Renewable PET Preform

First, producing materials with superior technical characteristics for metal replacement and lightweighting of components. Second, engaging in mechanical recycling of materials sourced from pre- and post-consumer sources to support the circular economy. And third, incorporating biobased raw materials from renewable sources. These challenges are met head-on thanks to the expertise of RadiciGroup’s personnel and the vast experience accumulated across various sectors and geographic markets.

At the Plast fair, RadiciGroup is showcasing several case histories of finished products achieved through collaboration with customers. These examples illustrate how RadiciGroup’s materials have positively impacted technical and environmental performance. Some highlights include an innovative e-bike rear swing arm developed in partnership with Acerbis and Fantic, an office chair crafted by Bock using Renycle® recycled polyamide, and an electric car charging cable plug and socket created by Gewiss, also using Renycle®. Renewable PET Preform

Intriguingly, the development of an e-bike rear swing arm underscores RadiciGroup’s dedication to metal replacement. This shift towards lightweight, high-performance materials is essential for improving the efficiency and sustainability of transportation.

Furthermore, the use of Renycle® recycled polyamide in an office chair showcases RadiciGroup’s commitment to the circular economy. By recycling materials from pre- and post-consumer sources, the Group demonstrates its dedication to reducing waste and conserving resources while providing quality materials for various applications.

The electric car charging cable plug and socket, also made using Renycle®, exemplifies RadiciGroup’s focus on sustainability. The automotive industry’s shift towards electric vehicles necessitates environmentally friendly materials that maintain safety and performance standards. Renewable PET Preform

To delve deeper into RadiciGroup’s new products and proposals, a press conference titled “RadiciGroup, innovation and sustainability partner: tailor-made solutions for successful projects in every industry sector” is scheduled for September 6 at 2:30 pm at the RadiciGroup stand in Hall 9, Stand B21-C22. This conference promises to provide comprehensive insights into RadiciGroup’s ongoing commitment to innovation, sustainability, and meeting the unique needs of clients across diverse industries.

In conclusion, RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers’ presence at Plast 2023 highlights its dedication to innovation, sustainability, and customized solutions. As industries increasingly prioritize eco-friendly materials and circular practices, RadiciGroup’s expertise and product offerings position it as a valuable partner for businesses across various sectors seeking to thrive in an evolving, sustainable future. Renewable PET Preform

RadiciGroup showcased its cutting-edge, secure, and eco-friendly offerings at Plast

“Retal Expands Portfolio with Popular Monolayer Preform”

Retal, a multinational plastic packaging producer, has enriched its product portfolio with the addition of a highly sought-after monolayer preform, known as the 26/22 GME30.37. This versatile preform is now part of the offerings at Retal Czech, situated in Melnik, and is available in both transparent PET monolayer and PET with additives, catering to the specific needs of each customer. The preform comes in various weight options and is ideally suited for the European markets, particularly in countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, France, and parts of Spain. It serves as a perfect fit for carbonated and non-carbonated beverages that utilize this neck finish.

Jiri Nydrle, Sales Manager at Retal Czech, sheds light on the significance of adding this popular preform to their product range, stating, “This recent addition marks an expansion of our product line to meet the demands of both local and neighboring European customers. Our skilled and experienced team is committed to collaborating with customers to develop tailored packaging solutions for various applications, whether it’s for food, beverages, cosmetics, household items, or industrial products. We offer a wide range of specialized and customizable neck finishes, including 34/29 and 28mm double-start and 17-63mm options. By introducing the production of the 26/22 GME30.37 preform, we’re offering our customers even more choices for a comprehensive packaging solution from a single partner.” Renewable PET Preform

As the demand for carbonated, non-carbonated, and functional beverages continues to rise, it’s imperative to have suitable packaging solutions that are consumer-friendly and environmentally responsible. To address the diverse requirements of each beverage type, Retal Czech can leverage the ongoing research and development efforts at the company’s Lithuanian design laboratory. Here, state-of-the-art CAD design software is utilized, and a highly skilled R&D team meticulously analyzes even the smallest changes and their impact.

Andzejus Buinovskis, a member of the creative team at Retal’s R&D lab in Lithuania, explains how the 26/22 neck finishes differ, with key distinctions in weight, neck height, and application. Buinovskis notes, “In all our work, we focus on making impactful improvements without compromising performance. Sustainability is always a priority, so the weight of the preform is critical, while ensuring it maintains its structural integrity and practicality. The 26/22 GME30.40 stands out with its ample tether parking space compared to other 26/22 neck finishes, ensuring a wide opening angle and excellent functionality for the tethered cap.” Renewable PET Preform

Retal’s ability to provide expert technical knowledge sets it apart in the packaging industry. By staying attuned to industry trends and the evolving legislative requirements in various markets, the company has already commenced production of 23.5g and 26.5g 26/22 GME30.37 preforms in 1.5-liter to 2-liter sizes for a well-regarded local beverage brand in Slovakia, Poland, and Germany, with ongoing testing for additional customers.

Jiri Nydrle concludes, “This is an exciting period for preform development, both for us and our customers. We must navigate the changing legislative landscape, and for that, we are fortunate to have the expertise of our R&D team. It’s also a significant advancement for our industry. Being able to offer sustainable options from our Melnik plant is a win for our local and neighboring customers. We have a diverse range of solutions available, with varying weights, neck finishes, and applications. Renewable PET Preform

Visit Retal to learn more about their offerings.

Renewable PET Preform

Inflation in Turkey Surges to 59%: A Looming Economic Crisis

Turkey finds itself in the throes of a crippling economic challenge as its inflation rate surged to an alarming 58.9% year-on-year in August, marking the highest level since December 2022. Official data, released on a fateful Monday, revealed the disconcerting reality of the country’s economic landscape. This abrupt and relentless spike in prices has cast a shadow over the daily lives of Turkish citizens, posing a monumental threat to their livelihoods.

The magnitude of this crisis becomes even more evident when we consider the stark contrast with the previous year. Prices in August 2023 had soared nearly 60% compared to the same period in 2022. Furthermore, the month-on-month increase was a staggering 9.1%, primarily fueled by the rapid depreciation of the Turkish lira. The economic repercussions of this inflationary surge are profound, affecting the affordability of basic necessities and the overall well-being of the populace. Renewable PET Preform

The recent trajectory of inflation in Turkey paints a disheartening picture. For eight consecutive months, from November 2022 to June 2023, there was a glimmer of hope as inflation showed signs of abating. It had reached its lowest point in a year and a half, standing at 38.2% year-on-year in June. However, this respite was short-lived, as inflation embarked on a relentless upward spiral in July, reaching 47.8% year-on-year. The rollercoaster ride of inflation rates continued, with a sense of economic uncertainty engulfing the nation.

It is crucial to note that official figures may not fully encapsulate the gravity of the inflation crisis. Independent economists, belonging to the Inflation Research Group (Enag), have sounded an even graver alarm, suggesting that the year-on-year rise in consumer prices could be as high as an astonishing 128%. This disparity between official statistics and independent assessments underscores the pressing need for transparent and comprehensive data reporting. Renewable PET Preform

The Turkish Central Bank, entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding price stability, has taken drastic measures to combat the inflationary surge. Since June, the bank has aggressively increased its main key interest rate from 8.5% to a staggering 25%. These unprecedented rate hikes were implemented in a bid to curb the runaway inflation that threatened to cripple the Turkish economy.

As early as the end of July, when inflation began its resurgence, the central bank revised its inflation forecasts, projecting that it would reach an alarming 58% by the close of 2023. This projection represents more than double the previous estimates, underscoring the severity of the situation. The central bank anticipates a prolonged battle to restore economic stability, with the hope of achieving it only by 2025.

The repercussions of Turkey’s prolonged bout with double-digit inflation since late 2019 are felt across the country. Families are grappling with the daunting cost of living, and the sustainability of their basic needs is at risk. The relentless rise in prices has eroded the purchasing power of the Turkish lira, making it increasingly challenging for households to make ends meet. Renewable PET Preform

In conclusion, Turkey stands at a critical juncture in its economic history, grappling with an inflation crisis of unprecedented proportions. The surge in consumer prices has left the populace struggling to maintain their standard of living, with no immediate relief in sight. The Turkish government, in tandem with the Central Bank, faces the monumental task of stabilizing the economy and ensuring the well-being of its citizens in the face of this daunting economic challenge.

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ZF prepares next-gen electric motor free from magnets

ZF is in the process of developing an advanced electric motor devoid of magnets. Unlike existing magnet-free designs for externally excited motors, ZF’s innovative I2SM model generates the magnetic field’s energy through an inductive exciter housed within the rotor shaft.

According to ZF, this solution promises to deliver an exceptionally compact design while maximizing power and torque density. Similarly, an externally excited synchronous motor (FSM) also eliminates the need for permanent magnets or rare earth materials.

Through the development of the In-Rotor Inductive-Excited Synchronous Motor (I2SM), ZF aims to create motors that are not only highly sustainable in production but also incredibly powerful and efficient during operation. ZF claims that the performance of the I2SM is on par with permanent-magnet synchronous machines. Renewable PET Preform

Conventional FSM systems, although magnet-free, still require sliding or brush components to transmit current to the rotating rotor, which limits their installation possibilities. However, the compact I2SM eliminates this limitation, enabling what ZF refers to as “space-neutral integration” of the exciter into the rotor, thereby avoiding axial space constraints. Additionally, the I2SM boasts increased power density in the rotor and does away with the need for loops, brushes, or extra seals.

In comparison to traditional FSM systems, the inductive exciter of the I2SM is claimed to reduce energy transfer losses to the rotor by 15 percent. Furthermore, in production, it can potentially reduce the CO2 footprint by up to 50 percent when compared to permanent magnet synchronous motors, which require substantial energy for magnet production.

ZF intends to advance the I2SM technology to the point of production readiness, though a specific timeline remains undisclosed. Once ready, it will be offered as an option within ZF’s e-drive product lineup. Customers will have the choice between 400-volt and 800-volt architectures suitable for both passenger and commercial vehicles. The latter will employ silicon carbide chips in the power electronics. Renewable PET Preform

Dr. Holger Klein, CEO of ZF, emphasizes the company’s commitment to innovation that enhances the sustainability, efficiency, and resource conservation of electric drives, highlighting their magnet-free e-motor as a prime example. Development board member Stephan von Schuckmann lauds the drive as a demonstration of ZF’s strategy to enhance resource efficiency and sustainability in e-drives, primarily through efficiency improvements.

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Brazil’s focus has shifted towards sugar production at the expense of ethanol output

In the upcoming 2023/24 season (April-March), Brazil anticipates its highest-ever sugar production, with record-breaking export volumes of the sweetener, according to Hydrocarbonprocessing.

Brazil’s overall sugar production, spanning all producing regions, is now estimated at 42.7 million metric tons. This exceeds Job Economia’s initial forecast by 2.3 million tons and surpasses the 37 million tons produced in the previous season (2022/23). Ideal weather conditions this season have greatly benefited crop growth and processing.

Julio Maria Borges, managing partner at Job Economia, expressed optimism, stating, “So far so good for the season, very good.” The consultancy has upgraded its predictions for sugarcane processing and sugar production in both the Centre-South and Northeast regions of Brazil. It foresees exports reaching an all-time high of 32.2 million tons in the season, an increase of 2.4 million tons compared to its earlier estimate and a significant rise from the 27.1 million tons exported in 2022/23. Renewable PET Preform

Borges noted, “That will account for around 50% of the global trade of sugar.” This surge in Brazil’s projected production and sugar exports aligns with adverse weather conditions affecting sugar-producing competitors such as India and Thailand, which are expected to have limited export quantities.

In Brazil, sugar mills are diverting a nearly record-breaking amount of sugarcane towards sugar production, while ethanol production is being curtailed due to higher prices for sugar. Job Economia’s projection for total ethanol output now stands at 32.9 billion liters, which is 600 million liters less than their initial estimate. In the previous season, Brazil produced 31.2 billion liters of ethanol.

However, the portion of ethanol derived from corn is expected to grow by 25% this season, reaching 5.5 billion liters. This corn-based ethanol already constitutes 20% of the country’s total ethanol production, a significant shift from the previous reliance on sugarcane alone.

Brazil's focus has shifted towards sugar production at the expense of ethanol output

Kelheim Fibres and MagnoLab Unite for Textile Advancement and Eco-Friendliness

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of specialized viscose fibers, has forged a strategic partnership with MagnoLab, an international consortium of textile industry companies situated in the Biella region. This collaboration underscores the significance of inter-company cooperation in propelling innovation and sustainability within the textile sector. Kelheim Fibres, renowned for pioneering sustainable viscose fibers, positions itself not merely as a fiber supplier but as an innovation collaborator for the entire industry. Employing an Open Innovation approach, Kelheim Fibres actively encourages the exchange of ideas and knowledge to jointly conceive sustainable solutions for the future.

Kelheim Fibres operates a range of in-house pilot and technical facilities. This close-knit alliance with MagnoLab, distinguished by its cutting-edge textile machinery, enhances the efficiency of research and development efforts. Renewable PET Preform

Dr. Marina Crnoja-Cosic, Director of New Business Development, Marketing & Communications at Kelheim Fibres, underscores the benefits of this partnership: “By closely connecting with the companies under the MagnoLab umbrella, we can produce small-scale samples and prototypes employing diverse technologies. This empowers us to craft solutions grounded in our specialized fibers, which can seamlessly integrate into our partners’ textile value chain.”

Giovanni Marchi, President of MagnoLab, echoes his enthusiasm: “Kelheim Fibres represents our inaugural collaboration with a fiber manufacturer. Together, we now span the entire textile spectrum, elevating the value of our collective work. This collaboration facilitates practical testing, expediting the implementation of innovations. It also fosters tighter integration within the European (and thus regional) value chain. Reduced transport distances across Europe not only diminish environmental impacts but also streamline innovation realization on the continent.” Renewable PET Preform


Kelheim Fibres and MagnoLab Unite for Textile Advancement and Eco-Friendliness

China’s Economic Challenges: Services PMI Disappoints Markets, Country Garden’s Bond Payments

China’s economic landscape is facing turbulence as the services Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) disappoints the markets, triggering a downward spiral in various sectors. On Tuesday, September 5, Asian markets experienced fluctuations, with the Nikkei slightly above parity, the Hang Seng losing 1.5%, and Shanghai down by 0.65%. Simultaneously, futures on Wall Street remained slightly down, anxiously awaiting afternoon data on factory orders.

The Chinese government’s recent measures to bolster the real estate sector and consumer spending, though significant, have not yet instilled confidence among investors, leading to a retreat from riskier assets. As China grapples with its economic challenges, the real estate giant, Country Garden, came under scrutiny after a 2% drop in its stock on Tuesday. This setback followed a rebound in the previous session, despite news that the company managed to make last-minute coupon payments on dollar-denominated bonds, which had expired a month ago. Remarkably, these payments came after investors had pardoned the company on seven yuan-denominated bonds whose redemption had been postponed. Renewable PET Preform

The disappointment in China’s economic performance can be largely attributed to the underwhelming data from the Caixin China General Service PMI. In August 2023, the PMI fell to 51.8 from July’s 51.9, missing market expectations of 53.6. This drop marked the weakest increase in services activity since the start of the year, reflecting mounting downward pressure on the economy. The slowing growth in new orders and a decline in overseas sales, the first since December of the previous year, contributed to this downturn. Furthermore, sentiment hit a nine-month low, underlining the concerns pervading the business community.

In this context, the Reserve Bank of Australia’s decision to maintain its interest rates at 4.1% during its September meeting is notable. This move represents the third consecutive month in which the bank has opted to keep rates steady, aligning with market consensus. The central bank stated that inflation had peaked but remained unacceptably high, with expectations that it would persist for some time. It reiterated that further monetary tightening might be necessary to bring inflation back within the 2-3% target range in a reasonable timeframe. The decision to adjust rates would hinge on the evolution of the economy and prices. The bank’s forecasts indicate an expected inflation rate of around 3.25% by the end of 2024, with a return to the expected corridor by the end of 2025. However, Australia’s economy is currently experiencing below-trend growth, with a gradual rise in unemployment expected to reach approximately 4.5% by the end of the following year. Renewable PET Preform

Meanwhile, the spotlight is on China’s largest private real estate developer, Country Garden, as it made interest payments on two dollar-denominated bonds within the grace period, which expires 30 days after the bond issue. The failure to pay $22.5 million in coupons due on August 6 had raised concerns about the extent of the Chinese government’s economic stimulus to stabilize the housing market—a sector that accounts for approximately 28% of the national GDP. The uncertainty surrounding the bond payments added to the unease in China’s financial landscape and sparked questions about the government’s ability to manage its economic challenges effectively.

In conclusion, China faces mounting economic challenges as its services PMI falls below expectations and investor confidence wavers. The government’s efforts to bolster the real estate sector and consumer spending have not yet yielded the desired results. The situation is further compounded by the concerns surrounding Country Garden’s bond payments. Renewable PET Preform

These developments underscore the complexity of China’s economic landscape and the need for strategic and comprehensive measures to navigate the challenges ahead.

China's Economic Challenges: Services PMI Disappoints Markets, Country Garden's Bond Payments

Closed-Loop PET Tray – A novel type of plastic that possesses the remarkable ability to biodegrade completely on its own 05-09-2023

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