Batteries – PET Bottle – StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging 16-09-2024


PET Bottle – StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging



Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Cyclohexanone Prices Rise in Europe Amid Steady Demand and Production Hurdles

Cyclohexanone prices saw notable increases in both Germany and the Netherlands due to a combination of moderate demand, fluctuating raw material costs, and supply constraints in early September. This price trend of Cyclohexanone was influenced by various factors in the downstream and upstream markets, alongside seasonal and geopolitical developments. Batteries

In early September 2024, Cyclohexanone prices saw a notable increase in both the Netherlands and Germany. In the Netherlands and similarly in Germany, prices rose, reflecting a weekly increase of 1.4%. This upward trend was driven by moderate demand from downstream sectors such as nylon, adipic acid, and caprolactam production, alongside seasonal fluctuations that boosted consumption. Despite the decline in benzene costs, which typically affects production expenses, ongoing high production costs continued to support elevated prices of Cyclohexanone in both regions.

The crude oil market experienced significant turbulence as U.S. crude oil prices fell to their lowest level since June 2023, marking an 8% weekly decline, the steepest drop since October. Brent crude prices also dropped by 9.8%. Batteries

This downturn was compounded by OPEC+ delaying its planned production increase of 180,000 barrels per day until December, introducing uncertainties about global supply and demand. These developments had a ripple effect, affecting related markets and sectors, including construction, where the EU’s forecast for the year was revised to a 1.5% decrease from an initial 0.5% decline, though positive signs such as rising house prices and increased building permit issuance indicated a potential rebound in building material production.



Aquafil has unveiled its 2024-2026 Industrial Plan, including €100 million in investments and a focus on mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

The company anticipates a 15-20% volume growth in 2025 compared to 2024, and a further 2-4% rise in 2026. By the end of 2025, Net Financial Position (NFP) is expected to decrease to €185-195 million, reaching €157-167 million in 2026. CEO Giulio Bonazzi highlights the strategy’s focus on unlocking growth through increased volumes, innovative technologies, and industrial efficiency. Batteries

A planned €40 million capital increase will strengthen Aquafil’s financial flexibility and support key investment initiatives, helping consolidate its market leadership and seize strategic opportunities. Aquafin Holding, the controlling shareholder, has committed to subscribing to its share of the increase, confident in the Plan’s success.

The Plan targets growth in European, North American, and Asia Pacific markets, driving revenue expansion across all business areas. It emphasizes technological improvements, process efficiency, automation, and cost rationalization, which are expected to positively impact margins.  Batteries

Aquafil has unveiled its 2024-2026 Industrial Plan, including €100 million in investments and a focus on mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Solid-State Batteries: The Key to Electric Vehicle Efficiency

The future of electric vehicles hinges on more efficient, reliable batteries. To achieve maximum efficiency, we need batteries with extended mileage, fast recharging capabilities, and enhanced durability against impacts and fires. Solid-state batteries, often considered the “Holy Grail,” may be the solution.

What Are Solid-State Batteries?
Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, which use liquid electrolytes to transfer ions between electrodes, solid-state batteries use a solid electrolyte. This allows them to store more energy in the same size casing. Additionally, they eliminate the flammable liquid electrolytes, improving vehicle safety and enabling faster recharges—potentially within 15 minutes for a range of over 480 km.

Current Challenges
Despite their promise, solid-state batteries are not yet ready for mass production. They offer higher energy density but face technical hurdles. Commonly used graphite anodes can develop dendrites—needle-like structures that can cause short circuits. The solid electrolyte material also tends to crack and degrade over multiple charge cycles.

Looking Ahead
Many companies, including Toyota, are racing to commercialize this technology, with potential breakthroughs by 2027. However, scaling up solid-state batteries for automotive use remains a challenge, requiring significant investment to lower costs and secure a reliable supply chain.

Solid-State Batteries: The Key to Electric Vehicle Efficiency

Sonatrach and Ronesans Holding have announced the Final Investment Decision (FID) for a major Propane Dehydrogenation and Polypropylene Production (PDHPP) project in Turkey

The decision was revealed at a ceremony held at Sonatrach’s headquarters in Algiers, attended by Sonatrach CEO Rachid Hachichi and Ronesans Holding CEO Erman Ilicak.

The PDHPP complex will be built in the Ceyhan industrial zone, Adana, Turkey. It will include a propane dehydrogenation unit, polypropylene production facilities, and shared utilities and storage systems. Sonatrach will hold a 34% stake in the project through its subsidiary, SPIC BV, while Ronesans Holding will control 66%. Sonatrach will supply propane to the facility under a long-term contract, with prices based on global market rates.

This project aligns with Sonatrach’s strategy of international expansion and diversification, particularly in petrochemicals. It aims to increase the value of hydrocarbons by transforming them into high-value products.

The completion of the PDHPP complex is expected to boost economic development in both Algeria and Turkey while enhancing Sonatrach’s role in the global petrochemical industry.

Sonatrach and Ronesans Holding have announced the Final Investment Decision (FID) for a major Propane Dehydrogenation and Polypropylene Production (PDHPP) project in Turkey

Massless Batteries: A Game-Changing Innovation

A Swedish startup, Sinonus, is rethinking battery design to revolutionize portable devices like notebooks. Originating from Chalmers University of Technology, the company has developed a new type of carbon fiber to create massless batteries, potentially reshaping the future of technology.

Challenges in Battery Technology

Innovating battery technology is crucial due to its direct impact on daily life and tech progress. New-generation batteries with higher energy density and longer lifespans can minimize electronic waste by reducing replacements. Additionally, using less toxic and more abundant materials than lithium and cobalt lessens environmental harm.

Higher energy density allows for lighter, more efficient devices such as smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles (EVs), significantly enhancing portability and user experience.

In EVs, advanced batteries could mean greater range, faster charging, and lower costs, encouraging more sustainable mobility. Improved batteries also promise advancements in medical devices, robotics, and energy security.

How Massless Carbon Fiber Batteries Work

Sinonus has developed carbon fiber that serves both as a structural material and an energy storage medium. Their prototype replaces traditional AAA batteries with carbon fiber, though scaling up for larger devices remains a challenge. While the energy density is still low compared to lithium-ion batteries, the material’s dual function could free up space in devices for other uses.

The Future of Massless Batteries

Despite current limitations, Sinonus’ innovation could reduce the weight and size of devices without sacrificing battery life, offering a glimpse into a lighter, more efficient tech future.

Massless Batteries: A Game-Changing Innovation

PET Bottle – StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging 16-09-202416-09-2024
