Automotive – Why Car Manufacturers Should Go “All-In” on Electric Cars 17-09-2024


Origin Materials, a leader in sustainable materials, has successfully completed the Factory Acceptance Test for its Origin CapFormer System, the first commercial-scale system for manufacturing PET caps and closures

This innovative system utilizes thermoforming, slit-and-fold technology, and proprietary design features to produce PET caps efficiently at scale.

With over 98% manufacturing efficiency, the test confirmed the system’s robust performance, meeting key industry specifications. Automotive

According to John Bissell, Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Origin, the CapFormer System meets the growing demand for PET caps, providing a commercially viable solution for PET-based packaging. It supports closed-loop recycling by enabling 100% container-to-container recycling with PET.

Designed for industries such as beverages, food, and medical packaging, the system aims to revolutionize sustainable packaging practices. The PCO 1881-compatible caps, made from both virgin and recycled PET, are set to launch in Q4 2024, with tethered caps and additional varieties to follow. Automotive

Origin Materials, a leader in sustainable materials, has successfully completed the Factory Acceptance Test for its Origin CapFormer System, the first commercial-scale system for manufacturing PET caps and closures

LyondellBasell Invests in New Recycling Center in Germany

LyondellBasell Industries N.V. LYB recently stated that it is investing in a new closed-loop preparation center in Lich, Germany, to address end-of-life challenges in durable goods. This advanced recycling center converts plastic waste into high-quality feedstock for high-performance materials, promoting the circular economy and contributing to industry sustainability objectives. Automotive

This new recycling center combines the skills of a service provider, a university that supports the process and analytics and a dedicated team at LYB.
The closed-loop preparation center is in sync with the LYB integrated hub strategy by combining current assets with new sophisticated sorting and recycling capabilities to increase operational scale, save costs and capture value from plastic waste. This new facility represents a significant boost in waste processing capacity for durable goods such as automotive and white good appliance parts. The requirements for recycling durable products that have reached the end of their useful life are complex. To produce a plastic suited for a high-quality feedstock, the materials must be cleansed of any paint, metal or other additives.  Automotive
These initiatives are enabling innovative methods of recycling durable goods into new materials for high-quality applications. The recycling facility uses mechanical recycling to convert end-of-life automobile and appliance plastics, such as bumpers and trim, into high-quality recovered materials. These recycled materials will be integrated into the LYB CirculenRecover product line, providing more sustainable recycled content options for demanding applications in the automotive and white goods industries, including structural elements, interior components and visible applications. Automotive


Truetzschler’s installed BCF and IDY systems entrusted to Oerlikon Neumag

TopicalTruetzschler’s installed BCF and IDY systems entrusted to Oerlikon Neumag

The Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division of the Swiss Oerlikon Group is expanding its customer services and spare parts business in the area of machines and systems for the production of carpet yarns (BCF) and industrial yarns (IDY). To this end, the company concluded an agreement with the Truetzschler Group, based in Moenchengladbach, Germany, in August. Automotive

Technology experts and service staff from Oerlikon Neumag are now the new contacts for customer services and the spare parts business for Truetzschler’s BCF and IDY technologies installed in the market. The textile machinery manufacturer Trützschler Group announced that they are withdrawing from this business segment in order to concentrate on the spinning, card clothing and nonwovens businesses in future.

“Our range of customer services and spare parts for existing BCF and IDY systems from Truetzschler fits perfectly into our existing Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions business model,” explained Georg Stausberg, CEO of the Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division. Automotive

erlikon Polymer Processing Solutions is expanding its service and spare parts business Image Source: Oerlikon

Truetzschler Group stated that Oerlikon Neumag is the best partner to offer its former clients customer services and spare parts for the Truetzschler BCF and IDY systems installed in the market in the future.



ADNOC is expected to submit a formal offer to acquire Covestro for approximately €14.4 billion ($15.9 billion), including debt, according to the Financial Times

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company has been pursuing the German chemicals manufacturer for over a year. In June, ADNOC gained Covestro’s willingness to share more information and engage in deeper discussions, following an improved indicative bid of €11.7 billion, or €62 per share. Automotive

Covestro, known for producing plastics and chemicals used in construction and engineering, agreed to open its financial books to ADNOC in the hope of reaching an agreement on key aspects, such as the company’s growth strategy.

While Covestro acknowledged the report from the Financial Times, a spokesperson declined to comment further. ADNOC has also not issued any statements regarding the potential acquisition. Automotive

ADNOC is expected to submit a formal offer to acquire Covestro for approximately €14.4 billion ($15.9 billion), including debt, according to the Financial Times. The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company has been pursuing the German chemicals manufacturer for over a year. In June, ADNOC gained Covestro's willingness to share more information and engage in deeper discussions, following an improved indicative bid of €11.7 billion, or €62 per share. Covestro, known for producing plastics and chemicals used in construction and engineering, agreed to open its financial books to ADNOC in the hope of reaching an agreement on key aspects, such as the company's growth strategy. While Covestro acknowledged the report from the Financial Times, a spokesperson declined to comment further. ADNOC has also not issued any statements regarding the potential acquisition.

Mercedes, in partnership with American company Factorial Energy, has announced its upcoming solid-state batteries, named Solstice

These batteries are expected to revolutionize electric vehicles (EVs) by the end of the decade, offering greater range and lower costs. Promising to increase EV autonomy by 80%, Solstice boasts a 40% higher energy density, reaching 450 watt hours per kilogram (Wh/kg).

The higher energy density will reduce battery size, leading to lighter, more efficient, and cheaper EVs. Additionally, the new design will improve production sustainability and efficiency, lowering overall costs. Automotive

Solid-state batteries also offer increased safety, with a reduced risk of fire compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries. However, they currently face challenges with cold temperatures and expansion during development.

Factorial has already delivered near-solid electrolyte accumulators to Mercedes, achieving an energy density of 391 Wh/kg. Automotive

Other automotive giants like Hyundai-Kia and Stellantis are also involved, with the latter helping finance production. Mercedes and Stellantis jointly invested 200 million euros in the factory and production lines. While the Solstice batteries are in development, the full impact of this collaboration is expected to be realized by the end of the decade.

Mercedes, in partnership with American company Factorial Energy, has announced its upcoming solid-state batteries, named Solstice

Why Car Manufacturers Should Go “All-In” on Electric Cars

A flexible approach to transitioning from internal combustion to electric vehicles (EVs) may seem wise, but it could be dangerous long-term. As the auto industry faces fluctuating demand, many manufacturers are hedging their bets by producing hybrids and traditional fuel vehicles alongside EVs. However, this strategy can backfire. Automotive

Current production is already below optimal levels, with factories operating at 70% capacity. If manufacturers continue this “multi-fuel” strategy, production efficiency could drop further, potentially falling below 60% by 2030. This could lead to factory closures and job losses.

Moreover, delaying full investment in EVs risks missing market opportunities. As consumers await more affordable electric options, manufacturers focusing on hybrids may find themselves left behind. Companies that prioritize electric vehicles now could gain a significant market advantage when demand shifts. Automotive

While some, like Toyota and Stellantis, are cautious about going fully electric, others, such as Volkswagen and Hyundai, are more committed to zero-emission vehicles. The race to EV dominance is uncertain, but those who hesitate could face greater challenges. A clear focus on electric vehicles is essential to avoid the pitfalls of a fragmented strategy and ensure future success.

Why Car Manufacturers Should Go "All-In" on Electric Cars


Batteries – PET Bottle – StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging 16-09-2024


PET Bottle – StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging



Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Cyclohexanone Prices Rise in Europe Amid Steady Demand and Production Hurdles

Cyclohexanone prices saw notable increases in both Germany and the Netherlands due to a combination of moderate demand, fluctuating raw material costs, and supply constraints in early September. This price trend of Cyclohexanone was influenced by various factors in the downstream and upstream markets, alongside seasonal and geopolitical developments. Batteries

In early September 2024, Cyclohexanone prices saw a notable increase in both the Netherlands and Germany. In the Netherlands and similarly in Germany, prices rose, reflecting a weekly increase of 1.4%. This upward trend was driven by moderate demand from downstream sectors such as nylon, adipic acid, and caprolactam production, alongside seasonal fluctuations that boosted consumption. Despite the decline in benzene costs, which typically affects production expenses, ongoing high production costs continued to support elevated prices of Cyclohexanone in both regions.

The crude oil market experienced significant turbulence as U.S. crude oil prices fell to their lowest level since June 2023, marking an 8% weekly decline, the steepest drop since October. Brent crude prices also dropped by 9.8%. Batteries

This downturn was compounded by OPEC+ delaying its planned production increase of 180,000 barrels per day until December, introducing uncertainties about global supply and demand. These developments had a ripple effect, affecting related markets and sectors, including construction, where the EU’s forecast for the year was revised to a 1.5% decrease from an initial 0.5% decline, though positive signs such as rising house prices and increased building permit issuance indicated a potential rebound in building material production.



Aquafil has unveiled its 2024-2026 Industrial Plan, including €100 million in investments and a focus on mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

The company anticipates a 15-20% volume growth in 2025 compared to 2024, and a further 2-4% rise in 2026. By the end of 2025, Net Financial Position (NFP) is expected to decrease to €185-195 million, reaching €157-167 million in 2026. CEO Giulio Bonazzi highlights the strategy’s focus on unlocking growth through increased volumes, innovative technologies, and industrial efficiency. Batteries

A planned €40 million capital increase will strengthen Aquafil’s financial flexibility and support key investment initiatives, helping consolidate its market leadership and seize strategic opportunities. Aquafin Holding, the controlling shareholder, has committed to subscribing to its share of the increase, confident in the Plan’s success.

The Plan targets growth in European, North American, and Asia Pacific markets, driving revenue expansion across all business areas. It emphasizes technological improvements, process efficiency, automation, and cost rationalization, which are expected to positively impact margins.  Batteries

Aquafil has unveiled its 2024-2026 Industrial Plan, including €100 million in investments and a focus on mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Solid-State Batteries: The Key to Electric Vehicle Efficiency

The future of electric vehicles hinges on more efficient, reliable batteries. To achieve maximum efficiency, we need batteries with extended mileage, fast recharging capabilities, and enhanced durability against impacts and fires. Solid-state batteries, often considered the “Holy Grail,” may be the solution.

What Are Solid-State Batteries?
Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, which use liquid electrolytes to transfer ions between electrodes, solid-state batteries use a solid electrolyte. This allows them to store more energy in the same size casing. Additionally, they eliminate the flammable liquid electrolytes, improving vehicle safety and enabling faster recharges—potentially within 15 minutes for a range of over 480 km.

Current Challenges
Despite their promise, solid-state batteries are not yet ready for mass production. They offer higher energy density but face technical hurdles. Commonly used graphite anodes can develop dendrites—needle-like structures that can cause short circuits. The solid electrolyte material also tends to crack and degrade over multiple charge cycles.

Looking Ahead
Many companies, including Toyota, are racing to commercialize this technology, with potential breakthroughs by 2027. However, scaling up solid-state batteries for automotive use remains a challenge, requiring significant investment to lower costs and secure a reliable supply chain.

Solid-State Batteries: The Key to Electric Vehicle Efficiency

Sonatrach and Ronesans Holding have announced the Final Investment Decision (FID) for a major Propane Dehydrogenation and Polypropylene Production (PDHPP) project in Turkey

The decision was revealed at a ceremony held at Sonatrach’s headquarters in Algiers, attended by Sonatrach CEO Rachid Hachichi and Ronesans Holding CEO Erman Ilicak.

The PDHPP complex will be built in the Ceyhan industrial zone, Adana, Turkey. It will include a propane dehydrogenation unit, polypropylene production facilities, and shared utilities and storage systems. Sonatrach will hold a 34% stake in the project through its subsidiary, SPIC BV, while Ronesans Holding will control 66%. Sonatrach will supply propane to the facility under a long-term contract, with prices based on global market rates.

This project aligns with Sonatrach’s strategy of international expansion and diversification, particularly in petrochemicals. It aims to increase the value of hydrocarbons by transforming them into high-value products.

The completion of the PDHPP complex is expected to boost economic development in both Algeria and Turkey while enhancing Sonatrach’s role in the global petrochemical industry.

Sonatrach and Ronesans Holding have announced the Final Investment Decision (FID) for a major Propane Dehydrogenation and Polypropylene Production (PDHPP) project in Turkey

Massless Batteries: A Game-Changing Innovation

A Swedish startup, Sinonus, is rethinking battery design to revolutionize portable devices like notebooks. Originating from Chalmers University of Technology, the company has developed a new type of carbon fiber to create massless batteries, potentially reshaping the future of technology.

Challenges in Battery Technology

Innovating battery technology is crucial due to its direct impact on daily life and tech progress. New-generation batteries with higher energy density and longer lifespans can minimize electronic waste by reducing replacements. Additionally, using less toxic and more abundant materials than lithium and cobalt lessens environmental harm.

Higher energy density allows for lighter, more efficient devices such as smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles (EVs), significantly enhancing portability and user experience.

In EVs, advanced batteries could mean greater range, faster charging, and lower costs, encouraging more sustainable mobility. Improved batteries also promise advancements in medical devices, robotics, and energy security.

How Massless Carbon Fiber Batteries Work

Sinonus has developed carbon fiber that serves both as a structural material and an energy storage medium. Their prototype replaces traditional AAA batteries with carbon fiber, though scaling up for larger devices remains a challenge. While the energy density is still low compared to lithium-ion batteries, the material’s dual function could free up space in devices for other uses.

The Future of Massless Batteries

Despite current limitations, Sinonus’ innovation could reduce the weight and size of devices without sacrificing battery life, offering a glimpse into a lighter, more efficient tech future.

Massless Batteries: A Game-Changing Innovation

PET Bottle – StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging 16-09-202416-09-2024


PET Bottle – StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging 16-09-2024

PET Bottle

PET Bottle

ITEM 09/09/2024 16/09/2024 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 6,350 yuan/ton 6,230 yuan/ton -120
Bottle grade PET chips export market     855 $/ton 830  $/ton -25
LDPE CFR Est China 1,160 $/ton 1,170 $/ton +10
PET Semidull Fiber chips

PET Bright

6,300 yuan/ton

6,350 yuan/ton

6,150 yuan/ton

6,200 yuan/ton



Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market

PET Bottle

4,995 yuan/ton 4,830 yuan/ton
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA FOB China 645 $/ton 640 $/ton -5
Monoethyleneglycol MEG South China domestic market 4,550 yuan/ton 4,500 yuan/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 538 $/ton 540 $/ton +2
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market 865 $/ton 839 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 843 $/ton 817 $/ton -26
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,001 $/ton 931 $/ton -70
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,300  yuan/ton 7,050 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,150 yuan/ton 6,800 yuan/ton -350
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 8,750 yuan/ton 8,600 yuan/ton -150
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F 8,500 yuan/ton 8,200 yuan -300
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market

PET Bottle

7,800 yuan/ton 7,525 yuan/ton -275
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,450 yuan/ton 7,195 yuan/ton -255
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,575 yuan/ton 12,250 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL Northeast Asia

PET Bottle
1,540 $/ton 1,520 $/ton -20
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,920 $/ton 1,890 $/ton -30
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,500 yuan/ton 13,300 yuan/ton -200
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market 14,350 yuan/ton 14,050 yuan/ton -300
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market

PET Bottle

18,000 yuan/ton 17,800 yuan/ton -200
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,300 yuan/ton 16,100 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,700 yuan/ton 18,600 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,500 yuan/ton 17,400 yuan/ton -100
Spandex 20D  domestic  marke 28,400 yuan/ton 28,400 yuan/ton
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 27,900 yuan/ton 27,900 yuan/ton  
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  24,900 yuan/ton 24,900 yuan/ton
Adipic Acid domestic market

PET Bottle

9,050 yuan/ton 8,550 yuan/ton -500
Benzene domestic market East China 8,500 yuan/ton  8,400 yuan/ton -100
Benzene to China CFR 1,039 $/ton 961 $/ton -78
Ethylene South East market 975 $/ton 965 $/ton -10
Ethylene NWE market CIF 980 $/ton  979 $/ton -1
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market 8,450 yuan/ton 8,450 yuan/ton
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF CFR China

PET Bottle

14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
VSF viscose staple fiber 13,650 yuan/ton 13,650 yuan/ton
PP Powder domestic market 7,410 yuan/ton 7,400 yuan/ton -10
Naphtha overseas market  619 $/ton 618 $/ton -1
Phenol domestic market 9,000 yuan/ton 9,087 yuan/ton +87

recycled PET  =                    5,200 yuan/ton  —          5,150  yuan/ton             -50

PET Bottle

StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel’s New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging

Sidel has introduced the StarLITE®-R Premium, a sophisticated, high-performance bottle base designed specifically for the premium market. This innovative base caters to 100 percent rPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate) bottles used for liquid dairy products, flavored water, juices, nectars, soft drinks, isotonics, and teas. The design aims to deliver an exceptional consumer experience, offering durability, premium aesthetics, and environmental sustainability. PET Bottle

According to Pierrick Protais, Packaging Innovator Leader at Sidel, “This bottle is crafted for premium markets where consumers expect not only top-tier performance but also visual appeal. Our new bottle design ensures that it withstands every stage of the production and supply chain process, from factory to shelf and finally into the consumer’s hands. The quality and performance of the bottle have undergone rigorous testing in Sidel’s laboratories under real industrial conditions.”

Streamlined Aesthetic with Superior Technical Features

Premium bottles traditionally require greater rigidity and thickness to ensure the product maintains its integrity, particularly under high-speed manufacturing conditions.

However, thicker PET bottles tend to deform, especially at the base. PET Bottle

The StarLITE®-R Premium solves this issue by offering a sleek, streamlined design that maintains its aesthetic appeal without compromising technical performance. The base is compatible with both round and square-round shaped bottles and supports various bottle sizes, whether single-serve or multi-serve, as well as both opaque and transparent PET bottles.

The technical features of the StarLITE®-R Premium enable it to be blown at high speeds, maintaining maximum base performance and providing an elegant, flat-bottomed design. Sidel’s patented vault technology optimizes the geometry of the bottle base, eliminating visible ribs and ensuring even material distribution. PET Bottle

The tall central dome, combined with lower radiating ridges of varying widths and lengths, provides stability and efficient material use, resulting in a wide-standing surface for enhanced bottle stability. Additionally, the mould design incorporates an enhanced cooling circuit that improves the chilling of the base, which is crucial for rPET, as it is processed at higher temperatures compared to virgin PET.

These features make the StarLITE®-R Premium capable of high-speed production, reaching up to 2,500 bottles per hour per mould. PET Bottle

This capability is especially beneficial for manufacturers seeking to balance speed with product integrity and appearance.

Sustainability and Environmental Benefits

The premium bottle market is often criticized for its environmental impact due to the heavier use of PET material and higher energy consumption during production. However, the StarLITE®-R Premium directly addresses these concerns by offering a sustainable alternative without sacrificing quality. “Premium bottles typically use more PET and require higher blowing pressure, which increases their carbon footprint,” notes Protais. “With growing regulations focusing on reducing environmental impact, manufacturers are searching for exclusive product solutions that also provide carbon savings. This is exactly what StarLITE®-R Premium delivers.” PET Bottle

One of the standout features of the StarLITE®-R Premium is its ability to be manufactured entirely from 100 percent rPET. Sidel has adapted its mould technology to ensure that the rPET material delivers high-quality bottles while reducing the required blowing pressure. This results in significant carbon savings—up to 3,100 tonnes of CO2 per year can be saved by switching from virgin PET to 100 percent rPET. Additionally, by reducing the blowing pressure by 25 percent compared to a typical premium bottle, manufacturers can achieve a further reduction of 61 tonnes of CO2 annually. PET Bottle

Versatility in Production and Integration

The StarLITE®-R Premium base is designed to accommodate various bottle formats, ranging from 0.25L to 2L, making it highly versatile for different production needs. The base is compatible with a wide range of premium bottle weights and can be integrated seamlessly into existing production lines. It can be produced on Sidel’s EvoBLOW, Universal, and Series 2 platforms and is suitable for both regular and aseptic filling lines. The ease of retrofitting ensures that manufacturers can incorporate this new bottle base without significant changes to their current setups. PET Bottle

Expanding the StarLITE®-R Range

StarLITE®-R Premium is the latest addition to Sidel’s growing StarLITE®-R range, which also includes designs like the StarLITE®-R Nitro for nitrogen-dosed products and the original StarLITE®-R for carbonated soft drinks. Each variant within the StarLITE®-R range is engineered for different beverage categories, ensuring optimal bottle performance, durability, and sustainability.

The StarLITE®-R Nitro, introduced earlier in 2024, is tailored for nitrogen-dosed products and is designed for 100 percent rPET bottles. The StarLITE®-R for carbonated soft drinks, Sidel’s first rPET-based solution, offers enhanced protection against deformation, improved stability, and better resistance to bursting. PET Bottle

With the introduction of the StarLITE®-R Premium, Sidel continues to demonstrate its commitment to innovative, sustainable packaging solutions that meet the evolving needs of the beverage industry.

StarLITE®-R Premium: Sidel's New rPET Bottle Base Elevates High-End Packaging

PET Bottle

Zinc Ion Batteries: A Game Changer for Electric Cars?

Electric vehicles (EVs) face challenges, with rising battery costs contributing to higher car prices. However, zinc-ion batteries may offer a solution, thanks to a new Gigafactory in Sweden by Enerpoly. This factory, located north of Stockholm, aims to reduce Europe’s dependence on Chinese battery giants like CATL and BYD.

The Enerpoly Production Innovation Center spans 6,500 square meters and is targeting an annual capacity of 100 GWh by 2026. This large-scale operation could create jobs, stimulate industries, and strengthen Europe’s supply chain. PET Bottle

Zinc-ion batteries have lower energy density (100 Wh/kg) compared to lithium batteries (200-300 Wh/kg), but they bring advantages. These batteries are environmentally friendly during production and disposal, with discharge times between 2-10 hours. Enerpoly claims zinc-ion batteries are more sustainable, cost-effective, and safer, using non-flammable water-based electrolytes.  PET Bottle

Zinc-ion batteries could also help prevent fire risks in EVs, as seen in a recent South Korean incident where a burning lithium battery caused significant damage. Zinc-ion batteries are expected to last up to 20 years and require less maintenance.

Enerpoly’s zinc-ion battery uses metallic zinc as the anode, manganese dioxide as the cathode, and a water-based electrolyte, offering a promising alternative for future EVs.

PET Bottle

Zinc Ion Batteries: A Game Changer for Electric Cars?

CO2 emission – Polyplastics Co., Ltd., a leader in engineering plastics, has introduced LAPEROS® bG-LCP, a biomass-balanced liquid crystal polymer designed to reduce CO2 emissions and increase renewable content 14-09-2024

CO2 emission

KraussMaffei Presents Recyclate-based ‘Sandwich’ Molding at Fakuma

The blue turtle that will be molded at the international plastics processing trade show has a black core made of mechanically recycled PC/ABS and an outer layer made of chemically recycled ABS.

Lightweight, with a glossy surface and a sustainable message, describes the small blue turtle that will be produced on an all-electric PXZ 121-380-180 Multinject press using the sandwich process at the KraussMaffei stand at Fakuma.CO2 emission

It has a black core made of mechanically recycled polycarbonate/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (PC/ABS) and a high-quality outer layer made of chemically recycled ABS.

Numerous features of the PXZ 121 injection press — such as the new sandwich platen, near-contour mold temperature control from partner Contura MTC, and the APCplus machine function, which uses specific property values of different resin grades — make the multi-component process even more efficient and economical, according to KraussMaffei.

Sustainability reinvigorates sandwich structures

“The increased use of recyclates has brought sandwich technology back into focus in multi-component technology and offers great potential,” said Manuel von Varchmin, responsible for sales of injection molding technology and automation at KraussMaffei. CO2 emission

“Thanks to its precision, efficiency, and flexibility, our all-electric PXZ Multinject version is ideally suited for this. We will be demonstrating this at Fakuma using the example of the Turtle project, which we have implemented with Contura MTC and other partners.”


KraussMaffei Presents Recyclate-based ‘Sandwich’ Molding at Fakuma

ENI is undergoing a major organizational restructuring, creating three new segments: Chief Transition & Financial Officer, Global Natural Resources, and Industrial Transformation

CEO Claudio Descalzi emphasized that this evolution will enhance operational excellence, support decarbonization efforts, and boost efficiency, especially in areas facing structural challenges.

The new structure features three Chief Operating Officers reporting to the CEO. Francesco Gattei will lead the Chief Transition & Financial Officer segment, overseeing financial strategy and energy transition initiatives through Plenitude and Enilive.

Global Natural Resources, led by Guido Brusco, will manage technical, operational, and engineering projects. This segment will integrate Power Generation, Marketing, and Trading Oil, focusing on upstream development with low emissions and multi-local strategies. CO2 emission

Giuseppe Ricci will head Industrial Transformation, concentrating on restructuring and innovation in the chemical sector (Versalis), and advancing traditional refining into bio-refining. This division will also focus on environmental remediation (Eni Rewind) and new circular, specialized bio platforms.

The overarching goal is to accelerate the transition of traditional industries into bio and circular platforms, enhance environmental remediation, and improve margins in transition businesses. CO2 emission

CO2 emission

Previero, a portfolio company of Ambienta, has acquired Parini, a sorting equipment manufacturer based in Orologia, Italy

Ambienta, a European asset manager focused on environmental sustainability, highlights that this acquisition enhances Previero’s capabilities in recycling technology, particularly in plastics. CO2 emission

Previero specializes in recycling equipment, including plastics washing and size reduction. Parini, known for its mechanical sorting systems, separates waste like rigid plastics and films, and removes contaminants. According to Ambienta, this partnership improves the overall efficiency and output quality of recycling processes.

Giuseppe di Carpegna, CEO of Previero, expressed enthusiasm, stating that the acquisition of Parini strengthens their position in the sorting sector and boosts their turnkey solutions. Parini’s general manager, Fabio Parini, is equally optimistic, emphasizing that the collaboration merges Parini’s technical expertise with Previero’s research and development strengths. Together, they aim to expand their integrated solutions across the plastic recycling value chain and beyond. CO2 emission

CO2 emission

German Plastics Industry Sees Modest Recovery

In the second quarter of 2023, the German plastics industry showed signs of recovery, with a 2.2% rise in production compared to the previous quarter. This marks the first year-on-year improvement since early 2022. However, production levels remain 21% lower than three years ago, and orders continued to decline slightly, according to Plastics Europe Deutschland. CO2 emission

In 2022, the sector faced significant challenges, with production dropping by 15%, while sales, exports, and imports fell by 22%, 11%, and 14%, respectively. Despite the recent uptick, structural problems persist, such as high energy costs, raw material prices, excessive bureaucracy, and long approval times.

“While we see a temporary halt in the negative trend, the German plastics industry still struggles with competitiveness,” said Alexander Kronimus, interim general manager of Plastics Europe Deutschland. He warned that without government support to make Germany a competitive industrial hub, investments in circular transformation may be delayed. CO2 emission

Looking ahead, only moderate recovery is expected, driven primarily by non-European markets, where industrial production is stronger. Kronimus emphasized the importance of making Germany both circular and competitive to advance in the global market. Meanwhile, the rubber industry continues to face challenges, with a 4.7% decline in production during the first half of the year, according to the WDK association.

German Plastics Industry Sees Modest Recovery

World’s Largest EV Battery Maker Lowers Lithium Mining Targets: Is the Future Sodium-Ion Batteries?

China’s Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL), the world’s largest EV battery manufacturer, has reduced its lithium mining targets, sparking a rise in lithium stocks in the U.S. Companies like Albemarle, SQM, and Lithium Americas saw gains, raising questions about the future of battery technology. CO2 emission

Lithium-ion batteries have long been the industry standard due to their high energy density and efficiency. However, lithium’s rarity and high extraction costs present scalability challenges. Sodium, a more abundant and cost-effective element, is emerging as a viable alternative. Sodium-ion batteries are cheaper to produce, using aluminum instead of copper. Though less energy-dense than lithium, advancements in sodium-ion technology have improved its efficiency, offering benefits like faster charging and reduced fire risks.

China is leading in sodium-ion battery development, recently launching the world’s largest sodium-ion energy storage system. This technology’s compatibility with existing infrastructure could make the transition easier, positioning sodium-ion batteries as a potential replacement for lithium-ion ones. CO2 emission

CATL’s move may signal a broader industry shift toward sodium-ion batteries. While lithium stocks have benefited from the immediate impact, the future may see sodium-ion technology become a more affordable and sustainable option, reshaping the EV battery landscape and reducing the reliance on lithium.

World’s Largest EV Battery Maker Lowers Lithium Mining Targets: Is the Future Sodium-Ion Batteries?

Polyplastics Co., Ltd., a leader in engineering plastics, has introduced LAPEROS® bG-LCP, a biomass-balanced liquid crystal polymer designed to reduce CO2 emissions and increase renewable content

Set for commercialization in spring 2025, this sustainable material expands Polyplastics’ DURACIRCLE® initiative, which includes DURACON® bG-POM.

LAPEROS® bG-LCP is produced using a mass balance approach, blending biomass and fossil-based raw materials, while maintaining the same chemical and physical properties as conventional products. This method allows a portion of the resin to be considered biomass-derived based on the input ratio. It also eliminates the need for separate production processes for biomass and fossil-based materials, helping accelerate carbon neutrality goals. CO2 emission

The LAPEROS® LCP line offers excellent heat resistance, thin-wall capabilities, and high-flow properties, making it ideal for ultra-small, precision components in advanced IT devices like smartphones and tablets. Its low linear expansion coefficient and mechanical strength make it a reliable choice for compact, high-performance applications.

Polyplastics’ DURACIRCLE® initiative supports sustainability through the use of renewable feedstocks, resin recycling, and post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials. The initiative also emphasizes chemical recycling and CO2 reuse in raw material technology development. Through innovations like LAPEROS® bG-LCP, Polyplastics is driving the shift toward a more circular and eco-friendly economy. CO2 emission

Polyplastics Co., Ltd., a leader in engineering plastics, has introduced LAPEROS® bG-LCP, a biomass-balanced liquid crystal polymer designed to reduce CO2 emissions and increase renewable content

SK tes has launched a new recycling plant in the Port of Rotterdam, focusing on the recovery of materials from used lithium batteries, electric vehicle batteries, and production waste

The facility extracts crucial raw materials, including lithium, cobalt, and nickel, from discarded batteries and production debris. These recovered elements, collectively known as ‘black matter,’ are essential for battery manufacturing and are reintroduced into the supply chain. CO2 emission

By recycling these materials, SK tes aims to reduce the environmental impact of battery waste while addressing the growing demand for rare metals required in new battery production. The facility currently has the capacity to process up to 10,000 tonnes of material annually, with plans to expand.

Initially spanning 10,000 square meters, the plant has the potential to grow to 40,000 square meters by acquiring adjacent land, further increasing its capacity to support sustainable battery recycling. CO2 emission

SK tes has launched a new recycling plant in the Port of Rotterdam, focusing on the recovery of materials from used lithium batteries, electric vehicle batteries, and production waste

CO2 emission

Sustainability – Asahi Kasei Enters Collaboration With De Nora for Development and Sale of Small-Scale Containerized Electrolyzers for Hydrogen Production 13-09-2024

Sustainability – Asahi Kasei Enters Collaboration With De Nora for Development and Sale of Small-Scale Containerized Electrolyzers for Hydrogen Production 13-09-2024


Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Avient Corporation is set to participate in the Plastics Recycling LATAM Conference, highlighting its focus on sustainability and advancing recyclability for its customers

This two-day event brings together key leaders and experts in the Latin American plastics recycling industry to explore trends, environmental policies, and sustainable packaging solutions.

At the conference, Avient will present its portfolio of sustainable polymer colorants, additives, and services. Featured products include Cesa Nox A4R Additives for enhanced recycling, Avient’s Color Prediction Service, which digitally showcases the potential of post-consumer recycled (PCR) content, and ColorMatrix SmartHeat liquid dispersion aids for improving PET bottle recyclability.  Sustainability

Avient’s sustainability efforts, including progress toward its 2030 goals, have been acknowledged with a Gold certification from Ecovadis, reflecting the company’s commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.


Asahi Kasei Enters Collaboration With De Nora for Development and Sale of Small-Scale Containerized Electrolyzers for Hydrogen Production

The Japanese technology company Asahi Kasei has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with De Nora, an Italian multinational company, leader in sustainable technologies, and a manufacturer of electrolyzer cells, small scale electrolyzers, and other components for the production of green hydrogen through water electrolysis.

The MOU concerns the joint development, study, evaluation, and sale of small-scale pressurised alkaline water electrolyzers. Sustainability

De Nora possesses technical expertise and knowledge in high-performance electrode catalysts for the electrochemical field, and is a leading company in the development, manufacture, and sale of electrodes and electrolyzers for several industrial electrochemical processes. This MOU was signed with the aim of leveraging the long-standing experience and know-how of both companies in the chlor-alkali electrolysis field to establish a close cooperation framework for development, production, and sales/support in the water electrolysis field.

Demand for green hydrogen produced by water electrolysis as a clean energy alternative to fossil fuels is growing. Sustainability

According to the Hydrogen Council, the global installed capacity of water electrolyzers is forecasted to expand rapidly to a cumulative total of approximately 300 GW by 2030.

Under such circumstances, an increasing number of companies are newly entering the water electrolysis field. In particular, there is growing demand for compact production systems with reduced costs, installation space, and delivery time serving several industrial sectors, including mobility.

To meet this growing demand for smaller hydrogen production systems, Asahi Kasei has now entered into a collaboration with De Nora, covering technical support, sales, operation, and after-sales service for small-scale containerized electrolyzers in the range of 1 to 7.5 MW. Sustainability

By doing so, Asahi Kasei expands its portfolio into the range of small-scale containerized pressurized electrolyzers, covering the emerging diversified needs of customers across the entire hydrogen market.



Berkeley researchers vaporize PE, PP into feedstock

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a chemical process to vaporize PE and PP into the feedstock monomer propylene.

The catalytic process, developed at the university, works equally well with the two most common post-consumer plastics – PE and PP – as well as mixed resins, the researchers said in a press release.

PE is made using ethylene, which in the U.S. typically results from steam-cracking natural gas liquids including ethane. Ethylene is in abundant supply, and PE is by far the biggest outlet. Sustainability

In contrast, propylene demand is growing, while refineries – historically the primary source of propylene – are gradually disappearing. Propylene is increasingly produced on purpose using propane dehydrogenation, which removes hydrogen, to exploit regional abundance of natural gas liquids rather than crude oil. It also is a co-product of steam cracking, in different proportions depending on the feedstock used.

A paper detailing the new process was published in the journal Science on Aug. 29. The work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sustainability

The researchers included additives and different plastics in the reaction chamber to see the effect of contaminants. Small amounts of some impurities barely affected the process, but even small quantities of PET and PVC significantly reduced the efficiency.


Berkeley researchers vaporize PE, PP into feedstock

PET bottle chip supply expected to recover

After a round of concentrated production cuts that began in early July, domestic sales volume and processing spread for PET bottle chip have both rebounded. The continuous decline in raw material costs has allowed some brands to stabilize their processing spread around 550-650yuan/mt. Some factory was heard have sold over 500kt PET resin.

From late August to September, the domestic market is likely to see a wave of new capacity coming online, including 600,000 tons from Yisheng Hainan, 750,000 tons from Sanfame, and 500,000 tons from Sinopec Yizheng.  Sustainability

Additionally, some previously shut-down units at Wankai and Sanfame will gradually restart, with an estimated total of around 2.6 million tons of bottle chip capacity involved. As market supply recovers, the average operating rate of PET bottle chip plants is expected to return to over 80% by early to mid-September. However, since it takes time for new units to start producing and enter the market, the actual impact may not be felt until late Q3 to early Q4.

If PET bottle chip factories are already fully booked or have oversold a certain volume of orders during this period, it could result in a temporary tightening of supply for specific grades in the spot market, as evidenced by recent market traders selling spot goods at prices nearly 100yuan/mt higher than those for later months. Sustainability


PET bottle chip supply expected to recover

Mario Draghi emphasizes the urgent need for a European industrial strategy to boost the electric vehicle (EV) sector, which faces risks of relocation and foreign competition

His plan proposes enhanced support for businesses, better EV infrastructure, and optimized use of EU resources. Draghi highlights Europe’s lag behind China in the EV supply chain, which threatens European competitiveness.

These proposals are outlined in his document “The Future of European Competitiveness,” presented in Brussels. Sustainability

Key points of Draghi’s plan:

  1. Reduce transformation costs through clean energy and automation.
  2. Develop a comprehensive industrial strategy covering the entire supply chain.
  3. Ensure regulatory stability with a technology-neutral approach.
  4. Leverage economies of scale via common standards.
  5. Create dedicated “electric” hubs to foster green technology innovation.
  6. Expand charging infrastructure, especially in underserved areas.
  7. Promote artificial intelligence and automated driving regulation.
  8. Strengthen European innovation projects for the automotive sector.
  9. Address the skills gap through specialized training programs.
  10. Improve market access by harmonizing global technical standards and diversifying raw material supply chains.  Sustainability

Draghi believes that these measures are crucial to reviving the European EV industry, ensuring long-term competitiveness, and reducing dependence on foreign players.

Mario Draghi emphasizes the urgent need for a European industrial strategy to boost the electric vehicle (EV) sector, which faces risks of relocation and foreign competition

Electric Cars: A Boomerang for the Automotive Industry

The push for electric cars in Europe is facing resistance, causing significant disruption in the automotive sector. Despite strong governmental support, the market has been slow to embrace the shift, leading to an industry-wide crisis. Audi, a major player in the Volkswagen Group, is now grappling with unrest among its workers. Employees at the Brussels plant are protesting due to declining sales of the electric models they produce, fearing plant closures and job losses.  Sustainability

The Brussels plant, which recently transitioned from producing combustion engines to electric vehicles like the Audi A1, is at the center of this crisis. With poor sales performance, workers have taken drastic measures, seizing keys to 200 electric cars to demand clarity on their future. Audi has threatened legal action, and negotiations with unions are underway.

This unrest is emblematic of broader challenges in the electric vehicle (EV) market. High production costs, especially for electric SUVs, are deterring consumers. Meanwhile, Chinese manufacturers, benefiting from substantial government subsidies, are producing cheaper, more competitive EVs. Sustainability

Europe’s lack of equivalent investment is hurting its automotive industry. Without the kind of financial support seen in China, European companies struggle to navigate this major transition. The result is growing frustration, stalled progress, and an uncertain future for European electric vehicles.

Electric Cars: A Boomerang for the Automotive Industry

EV cars – Schneider Electric and GR3N have joined forces to develop the first open automation system for advanced plastic recycling 12-09-2024


EV cars – Schneider Electric and GR3N have joined forces to develop the first open automation system for advanced plastic recycling 12-09-2024

EV cars

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Chinese passenger vehicle sales dropped for the fifth consecutive month in August, according to data from the China Passenger Car Association

Sales declined 1.1% year-on-year to 1.92 million units, improving slightly from a 3.1% fall in July. Despite the overall decline, sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs), including electric and plug-in hybrid models, surged 43.2%, making up 53.5% of total car sales. BYD and Tesla led the NEV market, setting sales records.

Car exports also rose, up 24% following a 20% increase in July. However, consumer confidence continues to wane, with more trade-ins than first-time purchases. EV cars

Subsidies are available for drivers switching from petrol-powered vehicles, offering up to 20,000 yuan ($2,823) for those buying NEVs and up to 15,000 yuan for smaller-engine alternatives.

Local EV makers Nio and Xpeng introduced lower-priced brands to address shifting demand. Despite rising NEV sales, dealerships face challenges due to falling car prices. Over half of dealerships reported losses in the first half of the year, up 7.3 percentage points from 2023. China Grand Automotive Services, the second-largest dealership, was delisted from the Shanghai Stock Exchange in August after its stock traded below par value for 20 days straight. EV cars

EV cars

Schneider Electric and GR3N have joined forces to develop the first open automation system for advanced plastic recycling

GR3N’s innovative technology, MADE (Microwave Assisted Depolymerisation), breaks down PET plastics into their chemical components, allowing for the production of new, high-quality PET pellets used in packaging and textiles. This process, based on alkaline hydrolysis, is more efficient at handling impurities than existing methods. EV cars

In March 2024, GR3N demonstrated MADE alongside Schneider’s EcoStruxure Automation Expert at their site in Italy. The plant’s modular design is built for scaling, with the first industrial facility planned in Spain, expected to process over 40,000 tons of PET waste annually. GR3N’s system, based on the IEC 61499 standard, allows seamless hardware-software integration, enabling flexible and scalable operations.

The collaboration offers several benefits, including reduced engineering costs, faster time-to-market, and the ability to scale without vendor constraints. The open automation system simplifies control, enhances data analytics, and integrates operational and IT functions, providing new optimization opportunities. Furthermore, it attracts a next-gen workforce with its modern, IT-aligned approach. EV cars

This partnership aims to scale to new sites rapidly, with the first large-scale plant set for 2027, positioning GR3N and Schneider Electric at the forefront of sustainable plastic recycling.

EV cars

In August, prices for PVC and PET bottle resin declined after two consecutive months of increases

The drop in PET bottle resin prices was largely due to fluctuations in raw material costs. PVC saw a similar decline, reflecting shifts in supply and demand dynamics. Both materials had experienced a summer price surge, but August brought a reversal as the market adjusted to changing conditions.

Key factors contributing to the price drops included lower feedstock costs and reduced demand in certain sectors. PET, commonly used in beverage bottles, was particularly affected by decreasing prices of raw materials like paraxylene and PTA. Meanwhile, PVC, essential in construction and piping, faced a softening market as production stabilized and demand dipped. EV cars

The price decreases came after a period of volatility, highlighting the sensitivity of these materials to global economic trends and the supply chain. Manufacturers and buyers are now watching for signs of further adjustments in the coming months, especially with ongoing uncertainties in energy markets and raw material availability.

In summary, August saw a notable reduction in PVC and PET bottle resin prices, driven by lower raw material costs and market recalibrations after previous increases. This development may signal further price adjustments in the near future. EV cars

In August, prices for PVC and PET bottle resin declined after two consecutive months of increases

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) represent a new global power shift, with Russia and China at the forefront

From Yalta in 1945 to the upcoming October summit in Kazan, Russia, 29,108 days have passed, yet the rules governing the world remain unsettled. The BRICS, once dismissed as “emerging economies,” now represent nearly half the global population and a quarter of its GDP, challenging both the G7 and the United Nations.

Key players, Russia and China, are using their influence in Africa, Asia, and beyond to reshape global dynamics. Russia has ousted former French colonial powers in Africa, controlling crucial resources like uranium. Through “proxy” politics, they wield power as the U.S. once did. Meanwhile, China secures mineral resources and strategic access in Africa by investing heavily in infrastructure projects. EV cars

In Asia, Xi Jinping controls North Korea and asserts dominance over Taiwan, while Iran, aligned with BRICS powers, strengthens its regional influence. This alliance presents a stark challenge to Western powers, including the U.S., EU, and a weakened United Nations. The Kazan summit, held just before the U.S. presidential elections, marks a pivotal moment in this evolving geopolitical landscape, where new alliances are shaping the future.

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) represent a new global power shift, with Russia and China at the forefront

How much worse are coloured plastics for the environment?

Studies are finding more reason to boycott coloured plastic products.

In 2020, Clover Milk released their new blue milk bottles, in an effort to differentiate themselves from other white milk cartons on supermarket shelves. But as those on social media at the time will remember, this marketing ploy prompted a negative response from the public, including the #BoycottTheBlueBottle campaign. This was motivated largely by the fact that blue plastic is much less valuable at recycling plants and is therefore less likely to be recycled at all. EV cars

Now, four years later in 2024, studies are finding more reason to boycott coloured plastics.

study done by the University of Cape Town and University of Leicester has shown that coloured plastics have a higher susceptibility to degradation when compared to plain plastics.

Faster rates of deterioration means more plastics breaking down into microplastics – which are harder to manage and can persist in ecosystems for decades.

Plastics consist of polymers which break down over time – a process accelerated by exposure to various elements. EV cars


How much worse are coloured plastics for the environment?

Mario Draghi urges Europe to develop a comprehensive plan for electric vehicles, focusing on batteries, charging infrastructure, and raw materials

In his report, “The Future of European Competitiveness,” presented with Ursula von der Leyen, Draghi emphasizes the need for urgent action to revive the struggling EV sector. He warns that without a solid industrial policy, Europe risks losing production to foreign competitors. EV cars

Key steps include increased financial support for businesses and a clear roadmap for electrification, battery development, and resource management. Draghi highlights the importance of utilizing Europe’s resources through recycling and raw material extraction, suggesting the EU could meet over half its metal needs for clean technologies by 2050.

Criticizing Europe’s delayed response, Draghi points out that while China has been building its EV supply chain since 2012, the EU only launched the European Battery Alliance in 2017. EV cars

This delay has left Europe behind in both technology and charging infrastructure, with Chinese manufacturers now dominating the market at lower costs. As a result, European market share has shrunk from 80% to 60%, while China’s has grown from 5% to 15%. Europe, Draghi concludes, must accelerate its efforts to stay competitive.

Mario Draghi urges Europe to develop a comprehensive plan for electric vehicles, focusing on batteries, charging infrastructure, and raw materials

Green hydrogen – Australia has committed €9.5 million (AUD 15.6 million) to advance soft plastics recycling, aiming to divert 43,000 tonnes from landfills annually 11-09-2024

EV cars

Green hydrogen – Australia has committed €9.5 million (AUD 15.6 million) to advance soft plastics recycling, aiming to divert 43,000 tonnes from landfills annually 11-09-2024

Green hydrogen

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

China’s exports rose by 8.7% year-on-year in August, surpassing the forecasted 6.5%, reflecting strong performance despite broader economic challenges

In contrast, imports grew by just 0.5%, falling short of the anticipated 2%, as reported by a Reuters poll.

Trade with major partners showed mixed results. Exports to the European Union (EU) increased by 13%, while shipments to the U.S. and ASEAN also rose. Import growth was uneven, with a 12% rise from the U.S., a 5% increase from ASEAN, but a slight 1% decline from Russia.

China’s consumer price index (CPI), excluding food and energy, rose by 0.3% year-on-year in August, the slowest since March 2021, reflecting economic pressures and weak domestic demand. Green hydrogen

Despite growing trade tensions with the U.S. and EU, including tariffs on electric vehicles, China’s export sector continues to be a strong pillar of its economy. The country faces challenges such as weak domestic consumption but remains heavily reliant on exports to sustain economic stability amidst shifting global trade dynamics. Maintaining and expanding its export capacity will be crucial for China as it navigates these ongoing challenges. Green hydrogen

China's exports rose by 8.7% year-on-year in August, surpassing the forecasted 6.5%, reflecting strong performance despite broader economic challenges

Plastics Recycling in the Middle East: A Promising Future

The Middle East is gearing up for its second edition of the Plastics Recycling Show (PRS) ME&A at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Over 100 exhibitors will gather, reflecting the region’s growing commitment to addressing plastic waste. Though known for its oil reserves, countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar are focusing on innovative strategies to combat plastic pollution.

Mechanical recycling remains the primary method in the region, but chemical recycling is gaining interest. With abundant capital and affordable renewable energy, the Middle East is well-positioned to lead in recycling technologies and innovation. Green hydrogen

The region faces a significant plastic waste problem, with the highest per capita plastic leakage into marine environments globally—an average of 6 kg per person annually. However, this waste can be repurposed into valuable products, transforming a challenge into an opportunity for the plastics recycling industry.

Governments and businesses alike are recognizing the potential of plastic recycling. During a recent Sustainable Plastics livestream, experts Tasos Bereketidis from Tomra Recycling and Philipp Niermann from Gneuss shared their insights on the future of plastics recycling in the Middle East and Africa, emphasizing the region’s readiness to embrace these changes ahead of the PRS ME&A event. Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen

Australia has committed €9.5 million (AUD 15.6 million) to advance soft plastics recycling, aiming to divert 43,000 tonnes from landfills annually

This funding supports three key projects.

Pro-Pac Group, a packaging company, will receive AUD 6 million to expand its facility, enabling the production of 11,000 tonnes of soft plastic packaging with 30% recycled content. This project will create 14 jobs.

Recycler Naula will receive over AUD 5 million to enhance its sorting and processing capabilities. This will process 32,000 tonnes of soft and mixed plastics for use in food-contact packaging, generating 61 jobs. Green hydrogen

Sustainable Plastic Solutions will get AUD 4 million to introduce technology to recycle 8,000 tonnes of agricultural plastics, creating 25 jobs.

This investment builds on a previous AUD 20 million fund for a soft plastics facility in Kilburn, South Australia. These initiatives are part of Australia’s AUD 250 million Recycling Modernisation Fund, aimed at boosting recycling capacity for various materials. When combined with co-investments, the fund is expected to reach AUD 1 billion.

Australia’s national target of recycling 70% of plastic packaging by 2025 is unlikely to be met, as only 18% was recycled in 2023. Green hydrogen

Following the collapse of the REDcycle program, new measures, including bans on soft plastic bags, have been enacted nationwide.

Green hydrogen

Key tech breakthroughs boost China’s hydrogen energy industry

Key technological breakthroughs have accelerated the development of China’s hydrogen energy industry and expanded the application scenarios of the clean energy, contributing to the country’s green transition drive. Green hydrogen

China has made important headway in the production of hydrogen energy from renewable sources, as well as its storage and transportation, driving the development of the industry.

According to the country’s Medium and Long-Term Plan for the Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035), hydrogen production from renewable energy sources will reach 100,000 tons to 200,000 tons a year by 2025, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1 million tons to 2 million tons annually. Green hydrogen

To ensure the safety of hydrogen transportation and use, the Jiangsu GUOFU Hydrogen Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. (GUOFUHEE) has used carbon fibers to produce high-pressure hydrogen storage tanks.

“This is called ‘carbon fiber weaving’, a key technique of our company. You can see the machine is weaving carbon fibers around storage tanks like a loom. Carbon fibers can greatly enhance the pressure resistance of storage tanks, making them impenetrable even by a bullet,” said Ding Leizhe, deputy general manager of GUOFUHEE.

“The storage density of this liquefied hydrogen tank we developed is three times that of a conventional Type III tank, which will remarkably improve the range of a hydrogen-powered vehicle,” said Wang Kai, the company’s general manager. Green hydrogen

East China’s Shandong Province has pioneered the opening of expressways to hydrogen-powered vehicles free of charge, and organized 30-plus leading enterprises, universities and research institutes to conduct research in this area, leading to the formation of complete hydrogen industrial and supply chains in the province.


MOL has launched the largest green hydrogen plant in Central and Eastern Europe at its Százhalombatta refinery, with a 10-megawatt electrolysis unit

The facility produces 1,600 tonnes of carbon-neutral green hydrogen annually using renewable energy, significantly reducing the Danube Refinery’s carbon dioxide emissions by 25,000 tonnes, equivalent to the emissions of 5,400 cars. Green hydrogen

Aligned with MOL Group’s SHAPE TOMORROW sustainability strategy, this plant will primarily use the green hydrogen for fuel production. The project, powered by Plug Power’s innovative electrolysis technology, also generates 8-9 tonnes of pure oxygen per tonne of hydrogen, ensuring no polluting by-products.

MOL plans to expand its green hydrogen production with similar plants in Bratislava and Rijeka, aiming to operationalize the Rijeka plant by 2026.

This initiative will play a key role in MOL’s green energy transition, gradually replacing the current natural gas-based processes, which contribute to one-sixth of the company’s total carbon emissions. Green hydrogen

According to Ádám Horváth, Vice President of New and Sustainable Businesses, MOL is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, and green hydrogen is a crucial step in achieving this goal. The new EUR 22 million plant positions MOL as a leader in sustainable energy, setting a precedent for future projects in the region.

MOL has launched the largest green hydrogen plant in Central and Eastern Europe at its Százhalombatta refinery, with a 10-megawatt electrolysis unit

Dow has launched its first bio-attributed elastomer for flooring, expanding its Engage REN Polyolefin Elastomers (POE) product line introduced in 2022

This innovation will be used in carpet tile backing to enhance dimensional stability and fiber adhesion. Green hydrogen

Produced using renewable energy and sustainable feedstocks like used cooking oil, Dow’s Engage elastomers are part of the company’s efforts to advance circularity. By applying its Ecolibrium technology, Dow transforms waste and by-products from other industries into high-performance plastics.

Joanna Giovanoli, senior marketing manager at Dow, highlights this as a key step towards reducing carbon footprints and dependence on fossil resources. “By offering bio-circular feedstock options, we can extend the life of waste materials and help our customers meet their sustainability goals,” she stated. Green hydrogen

The bio-attributed elastomers match the performance of traditional fossil-based versions without needing reformulation. Dow’s resins, certified by ISCC Plus using a mass balance approach, ensure traceability in the production chain.

Dow aims to commercialize 3 million tonnes of circular and renewable products by 2030 and ensure all packaging-related products are reusable or recyclable by 2035, advancing its commitment to sustainability. Green hydrogen

Dow has launched its first bio-attributed elastomer for flooring, expanding its Engage REN Polyolefin Elastomers (POE) product line introduced in 2022

Green hydrogen

PET flakes – U.S. stocks experienced their largest weekly decline since March 2023, fueled by weaker-than-expected economic data and cautious comments from Federal Reserve officials 10-09-2024

PET flakes – U.S. stocks experienced their largest weekly decline since March 2023, fueled by weaker-than-expected economic data and cautious comments from Federal Reserve officials 10-09-2024

PET flakes

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Ganesha Ecopet Tackles Climate Change with PET Bottle Recycling

Ganesha Ecopet, a leader in PET recycling in India and a subsidiary of Ganesha Ecosphere, has expanded its bottle-to-bottle recycling capacity to 42,000 tons annually. With two new Starlinger Recostar PET 165 HC iV+ lines, the company tripled production of recycled PET (rPET), aiming to recycle 25% of India’s PET waste by 2026.

The demand for food-safe rPET in India is driven by government mandates and shifting consumer preferences. PET flakes

The 2022 Plastic Waste Management Rules require producers to include 30% recycled content in PET bottles by 2025, increasing to 60% by 2029. Additionally, sustainability is a growing priority for young Indian consumers, making rPET an attractive option due to its recyclability and low carbon footprint.

Ganesha Ecosphere’s experience and commitment to advanced technology allow them to produce high-quality rPET, supporting global markets in India, the U.S., and Europe. Their operations focus on sustainability by recycling 95% of process water and increasing renewable energy use. PET flakes

Sourcing PET bottles from over 300 suppliers across India, Ganesha Ecopet works within the country’s highly efficient waste management network. The Indian government incentivizes better waste practices and encourages startups to innovate in collection and recycling.

With over 30 years of expertise, Ganesha Ecosphere continues to lead in PET recycling, processing 9.4 billion bottles annually and exporting globally. PET flakes

Ganesha Ecopet Tackles Climate Change with PET Bottle Recycling

How can we spur plastic upcycling? Turn it into something valuable

Scientists convert harmful microplastics into valuable graphene using plasma, offering a promising solution for this type of pollution.

A growing body of evidence suggests microplastics are harmful to human health — an alarming finding given the presence of microplastics in almost every environment on the planet. The potential health risks and our heavy reliance on plastics drove a sense of responsibility in a group of Australian scientists. PET flakes

Leveraging their expertise to help solve the problem, they’ve applied an established technology to up-cycle plastic pollution into valuable graphene — a material composed of a single layer of carbon atoms. At this nano-sized scale, it takes on unique properties that make it valuable for electronics, biomedical technology, solar panels, and other hi-tech functions. PET flakes

Mohan Jacob, a professor of electrical engineering at James Cook University in Australia, has been working for a decade on ways to produce environmentally friendly, sustainable, valued resources, and recently began brainstorming how a technique called atmospheric pressure microwave plasma could be used to transform the carbon in plastic into graphene.

“Atmospheric pressure microwave plasma is an advanced technology that generates plasma at atmospheric pressure using microwave radiation,” Jacob explained.

Plasma is a state of matter consisting of free ions and electrons, which occurs when a gas is subject to high energies. To create atmospheric pressure microwave plasma, microwaves are channeled into a chamber filled with a gas such as argon. This excites the gas and creates the highly reactive plasma. PET flakes


How can we spur plastic upcycling? Turn it into something valuable

APR updates position, recyclability category for degradable additives

The organization says packaging that includes degradable additives, nutrients or supplements renders that packaging “nonrecyclable.”

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has released updates to the recyclability category and formal position for degradable additives, nutrients and supplements. Based on the organization’s definition of “recyclable,” they are now included in the category of “renders the package nonrecyclable” in its APR Design Guide for Plastics Recyclability.

According to the APR Design Guide, a design feature renders a package nonrecyclable if the majority of material recovery facilities (MRFs) or reclaimers cannot remove such features to the degree required to generate a marketable end product.  PET flakes

The organization says a package including degradable additives, nutrients or supplements cannot be detected using commercially available technologies and will affect both the quality and yield of postconsumer resin (PCR) when they perform as designed. An item, package or film containing any of these design features renders the entire item, package or film nonrecyclable.

“This change in categorization is based on research and reports published by independent research groups and better aligns APR with other NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] in the recycling and circularity space, as well as international manufacturers and retailers,” APR President and CEO Steve Alexander says. “This update clearly reflects APR’s mission to improve all aspects of the plastics recycling process and protects the quality and yield of the PCR stream.”  PET flakes


PET flakes

China’s growing involvement in Africa was recently underscored at the Sino-African Forum (FOCAC) in Beijing, where President Xi Jinping welcomed fifty African leaders

This summit aimed to solidify China’s influence on the continent through strengthened cooperation and agreements. Xi announced key initiatives, including opening Chinese markets to 33 African nations, supporting Africa’s development plans, and investing 360 billion yuan in infrastructure and technological projects.

China’s “Going Out” strategy, especially through the Belt and Road Initiative, has expanded its global reach, challenging U.S. dominance and offering an alternative model of globalization. PET flakes

Despite internal challenges like rising debt and labor market issues, China has adopted a more cautious “small but beautiful” approach to avoid overexposure.

Beyond economic interests, China seeks greater involvement in global security, as highlighted by its multilateral ties with Africa and alliances with nations like Russia. China’s rapid transformation—from a developing country to a key global economic player—has reshaped global power dynamics, challenging Western dominance. PET flakes

Xi’s authoritarian leadership has reinforced China’s assertiveness on the world stage. While its methods may be difficult to interpret through a Western lens, China’s rise demands nuanced observation, not simplistic clichés. The challenge for the West is to develop structures that effectively counterbalance China’s growing influence while understanding the complexity of its ambitions.

China's growing involvement in Africa was recently underscored at the Sino-African Forum (FOCAC) in Beijing, where President Xi Jinping welcomed fifty African leaders

U.S. stocks experienced their largest weekly decline since March 2023, fueled by weaker-than-expected economic data and cautious comments from Federal Reserve officials

The S&P 500 fell 1.7% on Friday, totaling a 4.2% weekly loss, while the Nasdaq Composite plunged 5.8%, marking its worst decline since January 2022. Weaker payrolls data, with 142,000 jobs added in August (below forecasts of 160,000), raised concerns about an economic slowdown. PET flakes

Technology stocks led the sell-off, with investor sentiment further dampened by remarks from Fed officials suggesting a measured approach to future interest rate cuts. Fed Governor Christopher Waller hinted at the possibility of more aggressive cuts if needed, triggering a rally in U.S. Treasuries. The two-year Treasury yield dropped to 3.66%, while the 10-year yield slipped to 3.72%.

Global markets echoed Wall Street’s downturn, with Europe’s Stoxx 600 falling 1.1%, and Asian markets like Japan’s Topix and China’s CSI 300 also seeing declines. Oil prices hit yearly lows, with Brent crude down 2.5% to $70.90 per barrel, reflecting concerns over weakening demand in both the U.S. and China. Despite OPEC+ delaying production increases, worries over demand persist. PET flakes

Market volatility is expected to continue as investors monitor economic data and Federal Reserve decisions, with uncertainties surrounding the timing and extent of future rate cuts. Some analysts view the market reaction as exaggerated, though risks of a broader economic slowdown remain.

U.S. stocks experienced their largest weekly decline since March 2023, fueled by weaker-than-expected economic data and cautious comments from Federal Reserve officials

Slowing housing demand has impacted PVC prices, while PET resin prices also fell. U.S. housing starts in July dropped 4% compared to June and were down 7% compared to July 2023

This slowdown in construction activity contributed to weaker demand for PVC, a key material used in building and construction.

In the North American resin market, both PVC and PET bottle resin prices reversed direction in August, with each material seeing a decline of 2 cents per pound. This price drop marks a shift from earlier increases and signals a potential easing of supply pressures. PET flakes

The decline in housing starts and resin prices highlights broader economic challenges, as slower construction affects demand for materials, and price adjustments reflect shifts in market conditions.

Slowing housing demand has impacted PVC prices, while PET resin prices also fell. U.S. housing starts in July dropped 4% compared to June and were down 7% compared to July 2023

PET flakes

PET Bottle – Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) has initiated research on chemically recycling end-of-life tires (ELT) at its Kagawa Works facility, targeting the production of sustainable carbon black by March 2026 02-09-2024

China economy – The U.S. debt has surged to $35 trillion, with daily servicing costs exceeding $3 trillion 09-09-2024

China economy

Polymers – U.S. R-PET Market Stability in August 2024 Despite Minor Fluctuations 


China economy

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

China’s economic difficulties continue to grow, leading JP Morgan to downgrade its recommendation for Chinese stocks

Citing volatility from upcoming U.S. elections, weak political support, and economic headwinds, the bank downgraded China from “overweight” to “neutral.” JP Morgan joins other firms like UBS and Nomura in reducing expectations for China’s market performance. The CSI 300 index has fallen by 5.6% this year, ranking among the worst performers globally. China economy

Concerns about China’s GDP are increasing, with doubts over reaching the 5% growth target. In August, the manufacturing PMI index dropped to 49.1, marking the fourth consecutive month of contraction. Weak industrial production, low consumption, and a real estate crisis further hinder recovery. China’s GDP growth slowed to 4.7% in the second quarter, down from 5.3%.

Additionally, JP Morgan warned of the risks from another trade war with the U.S. and escalating tariffs, which could further strain China’s economy. Analysts predict China’s long-term growth will decline due to supply chain shifts, ongoing U.S.-China tensions, and internal instability. Recent trade actions, including 100% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles by Canada, mirror similar moves from the U.S. and the EU, deepening concerns over China’s economic future. China economy

China economy

Indorama and PET recycling

Indorama Ventures Public Co. Ltd., a leading producer and recycler of PET, has announced a joint venture with India’s Varun Beverages Ltd., PepsiCo’s second-largest global bottler, to establish PET recycling facilities in India. The collaboration aims to meet growing demand for recycled PET (rPET) content, supporting sustainability efforts across the region. China economy

Through its subsidiaries, IVL Dhunseri Petrochem Industries Ltd. and Dhunseri Ventures Ltd., Indorama is building two greenfield PET recycling plants, located in Kathua, Jammu & Kashmir, and Khurdha, Odisha. Expected to be operational by next year, the facilities will contribute to a combined annual capacity of 100,000 metric tons of rPET.

Yash Lohia, Chairman of Indorama’s ESG Council, highlighted the partnership’s significance in addressing India’s increasing demand for sustainable packaging. He noted that these facilities will transform post-consumer PET bottles into valuable resources, helping reduce plastic waste.

Varun Jaipuria, Vice-Chairman of Varun Beverages, emphasized the venture’s alignment with the company’s environmental goals and its broader commitment to a circular economy. China economy

The partnership aligns with India’s regulatory push for rPET content and reflects both companies’ commitment to advancing recycling infrastructure. Indorama, the world’s largest PET recycler, has set a target to recycle 750,000 tons of PET annually by 2025, furthering its leadership in sustainable packaging.

Indorama and PET recycling

Plastic to Power: Transforming Trash into World-Changing Hydrogen

Plastic waste is a growing issue in the United States, with projections estimating 220 million tons of plastic waste in 2024—a 7.11% increase from 2021. A significant portion of this waste is mishandled, leading to severe environmental consequences. Only 19.8% of recyclable plastics like PET, HDPE, and PP are actually being recycled, while the rest ends up in landfills, oceans, or incinerated. China economy

This week, on September 5, marks the theoretical “Plastic Overshoot Day,” when plastic waste production exceeds the planet’s ability to manage it. States such as Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois top the list for per capita plastic waste generation, making this a pressing issue in the U.S.

A promising solution to this dilemma is the conversion of plastic waste into hydrogen fuel. This process not only addresses the plastic pollution crisis but also provides a renewable energy source. By breaking down plastic waste through methods like pyrolysis, hydrogen can be extracted and used as a clean energy alternative. This dual benefit of waste reduction and energy generation could revolutionize both environmental management and the renewable energy landscape, potentially transforming trash into a valuable resource to power the world. China economy

Plastic to Power: Transforming Trash into World-Changing Hydrogen

The U.S. debt has surged to $35 trillion, with daily servicing costs exceeding $3 trillion

This issue is often ignored, especially during election years

The Federal Reserve’s upcoming rate cuts might offer temporary relief by lowering borrowing costs for households and businesses, and reducing the government’s debt servicing costs. China economy

However, the core problem remains: the U.S. spends more than it earns, leading to persistent budget deficits since 2002. Rate cuts won’t solve this.

The national debt has ballooned, partly due to the COVID-19 response.

The 10-year Treasury yield hit 5% last October, reflecting investor concerns. The Congressional Budget Office warns that debt held by private investors could rise to 93.7% of GDP within a decade, with total government debt reaching 166% of GDP by 2054. Despite robust demand for new debt, this situation is unsustainable. A loss of investor confidence could trigger a financial crisis. China economy

Historically, deficit spending has helped stabilize the economy during crises, but high levels of deficit spending now raise concerns about future crisis response capabilities. The U.S. risks a scenario similar to the UK’s under Liz Truss if it doesn’t address its debt problem.

Growing debt also risks devaluing the U.S. dollar, prompting investors to seek alternatives like Bitcoin and other currencies.

The urgent need for fiscal reform is clear. Without it, the U.S. faces a potential financial crisis with global repercussions. The $35 trillion debt crisis affects everyone, and immediate action is needed to avoid sinking further. China economy

The U.S. debt has surged to $35 trillion, with daily servicing costs exceeding $3 trillion

Citroniq raises $12M to move forward with bio-based PP plant in US

Lummus Technology and Citroniq plan to build the first of four ‘green PP’ plants in the US state of Nebraska

Mel Badheka, President, Citroniq Chemicals (left) presenting deal trophy to Leon de Bruyn, CEO of Lummus Technology

Citroniq, a Houston-based maker of carbon-negative materials, announced it raised $12 million in series A funding. China economy

The financing was co-funded by Lummus Technology, which last year announced plans to build four bio-based polypropylene (PP) plants in the United States in partnership with Citroniq.

The funding is expected to enable Citroniq to further advance the planning, design, and construction of its first ‘green PP’ plant in the US state of Nebraska.

“Since we announced the partnership between Lummus and Citroniq last year, we have made significant progress toward our shared goals of scaling and commercialising bio-polypropylene production processes,” said Leon de Bruyn, President and Chief Executive Officer, Lummus Technology. “Lummus’ latest investment in Citroniq builds on this progress and strengthens our partnership, working together to lower carbon emissions in the plastics industry.” China economy

The plant will employ the Verdene PP suite of four technologies developed by Lummus: ethanol to ethylene technology, dimer technology, olefins conversion technology and polypropylene technology.


Citroniq raises $12M to move forward with bio-based PP plant in US

$15.6m funding for Vic soft plastic recycling

More than 43,000 tonnes of soft plastics will be diverted from Victorian landfills every year, thanks to a $15.6 million investment in advanced and innovative recycling technology by the federal and state governments.

Three projects, delivered in partnership with the Victorian Government, have been announced under the new Recycling Modernisation Fund Plastics Technology stream, as governments work together on solutions for hard to recycle plastics, including soft plastics.

Pro-Pac Group in Reservoir received more than $6 million to expand its existing facility for transforming recycled feedstock into soft plastic with recycled content. China economy

It will produce up to 11,000 tonnes of Australian soft plastic packaging each year with 30 per cent recycled content. The project will deliver 14 direct jobs.

Naula in Altona received more than $5 million for advanced sorting and processing of up to 32,000 tonnes of soft and mixed plastics products per year, to refine them to produce new plastics such as food-grade packaging. This will help Australia to develop an advanced recycling supply chain that will turn post-consumer soft plastic waste back into food and other packaging. The project will deliver 61 direct jobs.

Sustainable Plastic Solutions received more than $4 million to install recycling technology to process an additional 8000 tonnes per year of agricultural plastics such as films, grain tarp and baling twine into high quality resins for remanufacturing back into original products. The project will deliver 25 direct jobs. China economy


$15.6m funding for Vic soft plastic recycling

Bio-based – BASF and ABB are spearheading the use of innovative technologies to enhance circularity and sustainability across the energy and chemicals industries 07-09-2024

China economy

Polymers – U.S. R-PET Market Stability in August 2024 Despite Minor Fluctuations 09-09-2024



ITEM 02/09/2024 09/09/2024 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 6,650 yuan/ton 6,350 yuan/ton -300
Bottle grade PET chips export market     865 $/ton 855  $/ton -10
LDPE CFR Est China 1,155 $/ton 1,160 $/ton +5
PET Semidull Fiber chips

PET Bright

6,560 yuan/ton

6,630 yuan/ton

6,300 yuan/ton

6,350 yuan/ton



Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market


5,105 yuan/ton 4,995 yuan/ton
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA FOB China 680 $/ton 645 $/ton -35
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,750 yuan/ton 4,550 yuan/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 548 $/ton 538 $/ton -10
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market 930 $/ton 865 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 908 $/ton 843 $/ton -65
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,000 $/ton 1,001 $/ton +1
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,400  yuan/ton 7,300 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,150 yuan/ton 7,150 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 8,800 yuan/ton 8,750 yuan/ton -50
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F 8,600 yuan/ton 8,500 yuan/ton -100
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market


7,900 yuan/ton 7,800 yuan/ton -100
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,500 yuan/ton 7,450 yuan/ton -50
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,670 yuan/ton 12,575 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL Northeast Asia

1,540 $/ton 1,540 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,920 $/ton 1,920 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,750 yuan/ton 13,500 yuan/ton -250
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market 14,400 yuan/ton 14,350 yuan/ton -50
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market


18,000 yuan/ton 18,000 yuan/ton
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,400 yuan/ton 16,300 yuan/ton -100
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,750 yuan/ton 18,700 yuan/ton -50
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,500 yuan/ton 17,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 20D  domestic  marke 28,800 yuan/ton 28,400 yuan/ton -400
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 28,300 yuan/ton 27,900 yuan/ton  -400
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  25,300 yuan/ton 24,900 yuan/ton -400
Adipic Acid domestic market


9,150 yuan/ton 9,050 yuan/ton -100
Benzene domestic market East China 8,625 yuan/ton  8,500 yuan/ton -125
Benzene China CFR 1,039 $/ton 1,039 $/ton
Ethylene South East market 980 $/ton 975 $/ton -5
Ethylene NWE market CIF 922 $/ton  980 $/ton +58
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market 8,550 yuan/ton 8,450 yuan/ton -50
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF CFR China


14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
VSF viscose staple fiber 13,600 yuan/ton 13,650 yuan/ton +50
PP Powder domestic market 7,425 yuan/ton 7,410 yuan/ton -15
Naphtha overseas market  656 $/ton 619 $/ton -37
Phenol domestic market 8,732 yuan/ton 9,000 yuan/ton +268

recycled PET  =                    5,300 yuan/ton  —          5,200  yuan/ton          -100


U.S. R-PET Market Stability in August 2024 Despite Minor Fluctuations

As of the end of August 2024, the U.S. Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (R-PET) market remained stable, with prices holding firm at USD 1,250 per metric ton (MT) for clear flakes on an FOB (Free on Board) Los Angeles basis. This price stability reflects a balanced interaction between supply and demand that characterized the market throughout the month.

In late July 2024, the R-PET market experienced a modest 1% price increase, moving from USD 1,240 to USD 1,250 per MT. This minor uptick was primarily driven by a temporary surge in demand, particularly from industries such as food packaging and bottling, which have increasingly adopted R-PET due to its environmental benefits. Polymers

Following this brief rise, the market quickly regained equilibrium, with prices remaining unchanged through August, indicating the resilience of the market.

Sustained Demand for R-PET in 2024

Throughout 2024, the U.S. R-PET market has exhibited strong resilience and consistency. Demand for R-PET has been bolstered by industries that prioritize sustainability, particularly in the context of meeting corporate and environmental goals. These industries, especially those in packaging and bottling, have steadily increased their reliance on recycled materials like R-PET to promote eco-friendly production practices.

The consistent use of R-PET across these sectors has been a key factor in maintaining stable prices. Polymers

Furthermore, manufacturers have demonstrated effective management of supply chains and inventory levels. By aligning production with fluctuating demand, they have been able to prevent any significant price swings that could have disrupted market stability. This careful balancing act has enabled the U.S. R-PET market to remain steady despite occasional fluctuations in demand. Polymers

Price Outlook: September to December 2024

Looking ahead, industry analysts from ChemAnalyst forecast continued price stability in the U.S. R-PET market. They expect the price of clear flakes to hover around USD 1,280 per MT through September, with only slight variations. In October, however, the market is expected to experience a more noticeable increase in price, with projections indicating a rise of approximately 2.4%. This forecasted price jump is largely attributed to heightened demand from the packaging industry, which typically experiences a significant uptick in activity as the year-end approaches. Polymers

During this period, manufacturers often ramp up production to meet increased consumer demand, particularly in sectors such as food and beverage packaging that rely heavily on R-PET for sustainable packaging solutions.

Despite the anticipated price increase in October, market conditions may see some adjustments in November and December. These fluctuations, often referred to as seasonal price corrections, are common as consumption patterns shift towards the end of the year. While some minor price declines could occur, they are expected to be temporary. By January 2025, the market is forecast to stabilize once again, with prices leveling out after the seasonal shifts have passed. Polymers

The Importance of R-PET in Sustainability Efforts

The U.S. R-PET market’s ability to maintain overall stability, even in the face of occasional fluctuations, underscores the critical role it plays in both recycling efforts and broader sustainability initiatives.


The National Recycling Coalition (NRC) Policy Committee has released a draft policy titled “Chemical Recycling Is Not Recycling” and is inviting feedback

The policy asserts that non-mechanical methods, which convert end-of-life plastics into fuels or feedstocks, do not align with NRC’s recycling definition. The NRC opposes the term “advanced recycling” for these processes, calling it misleading and inaccurate.

The policy also rejects classifying non-mechanical recycling as manufacturing while mechanical recycling is not, and questions the use of non-mechanical methods as a solution for plastic pollution. Polymers

Instead, the NRC supports policies that clearly differentiate between recycling (mechanical or non-mechanical) and solid waste management.

Chemical recycling has been a debated issue, raising concerns about its role in circular economy practices and appropriate regulation. The draft was presented to the NRC board on June 28, which has approved its distribution to state recycling organizations and NRC members for further input.Polymers

The National Recycling Coalition (NRC) Policy Committee has released a draft policy titled “Chemical Recycling Is Not Recycling” and is inviting feedback


Bio-based – BASF and ABB are spearheading the use of innovative technologies to enhance circularity and sustainability across the energy and chemicals industries 07-09-2024

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global sustainable chemical producer, has successfully achieved ISCC+ certification for three of its fiber manufacturing sites. In addition to one already ISCC+ certified fiber plant, this marks a significant milestone in the company’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and circular economy practices. Across its entire business, a total of nine Indorama Ventures sites are now ISCC+ certified, offering a diverse range of sustainable products, including PTA, PET chips, fibers, and fabrics.  Bio-based

The newly certified high-performance fiber portfolio will serve customers who require strong, durable technical yarns such as in the Mobility, Tire cords, Airbags, Industrial or Mechanical Rubber Goods sector. The new offerings include:

  • Mass balanced (M.B.) polyamides PA6.6 and PA4.6 from the company’s sites in Obernburg (Germany) and Pizzighettone (Italy). Developed in collaboration with key partners, these products match the performance of standard polyamide yarns while reducing GHG emissions by approximately 55% at the polymer level.
  • Bio-based high-tenacity PA4.10 (M.B.) yarn made in Obernburg (Germany) for tire and specialties applications. This 100% bio-content polymer, produced from bio-based Sebacic Acid and bio-based Di-Amino Butane (DAB) component via mass balancing, supports significant GHG emissions reduction due to the innovative raw material. Bio-based
  • Recycled PET yarns and tire cord fabric from Indorama Ventures’ site in Kaiping (China). These yarns and fabrics made from 100% recycled PET, represent the company’s efforts to drive the evolution towards circular practices and lower carbon products.



Netherlands’ Recycled Content Targets ‘Unachievable’ Without Change

A recent report has highlighted significant challenges facing the Netherlands in its ambitious goal to produce all plastic packaging from recycled or renewable materials by 2050. The study reveals that, despite ongoing efforts, the country is far from meeting its targets, calling for urgent changes in policy and practice. Bio-based

The report underscores that current recycling infrastructure and technologies are insufficient to handle the volume and complexity of plastic waste. It points out that only a small fraction of plastic packaging is currently being recycled, with the majority still ending up in landfills or incineration plants. This not only hampers the recycling rates but also contributes to environmental pollution.

Moreover, the report identifies a lack of incentives for businesses to adopt recycled materials. High costs and limited availability of quality recycled plastics deter companies from making the switch. Bio-based

The study suggests that without substantial financial and regulatory support, the transition to a circular economy will remain a distant goal.

To bridge this gap, the report recommends several measures. These include investing in advanced recycling technologies, enhancing collection and sorting systems, and implementing stricter regulations on plastic production and disposal. Additionally, it calls for increased collaboration between government, industry, and consumers to foster a culture of recycling and sustainability.

In conclusion, while the Netherlands has set a commendable target for 2050, achieving it will require a concerted effort and significant changes across the board. Without these, the goal of producing all plastic packaging from recycled or renewable materials will remain unachievable. Bio-based


BASF and ABB are spearheading the use of innovative technologies to enhance circularity and sustainability across the energy and chemicals industries

Sustainability can be fraught with contradiction – on the micro and macro level.

For example: a consumer buying vegan leather, made of plastic, to reduce their environmental impact. Or a manufacturer investing in AI, which uses up to 9 litres of water per kWh of energy, to enhance their energy efficiency.

This contradiction is everywhere. We all participate in and benefit from systems integral to modern life that negatively impact the planet. With the destructive impact of climate change there is an urgent need to reform these systems. But what is the solution when every solution still makes you complicit? Bio-based

Successful businesses acknowledge the contradiction and are still working to make progress and create positive value. No manufacturer quite embraces this mindset like the global chemicals manufacturer BASF.

Bringing sustainability & chemical manufacturing together

Sustainability has been a concern in the chemicals industry for a long time. Back in 1985 the Responsible Care® initiative was founded – a global, voluntary initiative for the industry to address its environmental and health impacts and responsibilities surrounding risk management and safety. Bio-based

Today, as public awareness of sustainability and regulations has increased, the initiative runs in 67 countries whose combined chemical industries account for nearly 90% of global chemical production. Chemical manufacturing is inseparable from modern life, critical to the products, places and infrastructure we rely on every single day.


BASF and ABB are spearheading the use of innovative technologies to enhance circularity and sustainability across the energy and chemicals industries

Australian researchers plan new generation of biodegradable plastic

SYGlobal concerns over plastic pollution and cuts to fossil fuel use are behind a new Australian-led initiative to develop a new generation of 100 percent compostable plastic. Experts estimate that more than 170 trillion pieces of plastic are floating in the world’s oceans. There are growing concerns about the impact of micro-plastics on health and the environment. Bio-based

The Bioplastics Innovation Hub aims to “revolutionize” plastic packaging by making biologically-made plastic that can break down in compost, land or water.

The aim is to produce water bottles, for example, using bioplastics derived from waste products from the food industry.

The green plastic scheme brings together the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, the CSIRO – Australia’s national science agency – and Murdoch University in Perth in a multi-million dollar collaboration with industry partners.

Andrew Whiteley, a CSIRO research program director, told VOA the technology could be ground-breaking. Bio-based

“What we are really essentially doing is trying to phase out those fossil fuel plastics and bring in this new generation of bioplastics, which take over the roles of the plastics that we have already been using. So it is, really, just that switch over and going forward in a more sustainable way using these bioplastics.”

Australian states and territories have been phasing out various plastics for several years. At the start of September 2024, more items have been banned in South Australia and Western Australia, including polystyrene containers and cups, plastic confetti, and plastic coffee cups and lids. Bio-based


Australian researchers plan new generation of biodegradable plastic

Green Fuel from Sunlight: Down, the New Plant in Germany

The Down plant, built by Synhelion in Germany, produces green fuel using sunlight, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions. Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate, this project is a spin-off from Zurich Polytechnic. Bio-based

How the Down Plant Works

The plant includes a heliostat field, reactor, receiver, and energy accumulator. Co-founder and CEO Philipp Furler explains: Ultra-thin mirrors (heliostats) covering 1,500 square meters track the sun, reflecting and concentrating its rays with 600 kWh power onto a receiver atop a 20-meter tower. This receiver supplies heat above 1,500°C to a thermochemical reactor, producing syngas (carbon monoxide and hydrogen), a precursor to synthetic fuels. Thermal energy is stored in the tower, enabling continuous production even at night or on cloudy days.

This process reduces CO2 emissions by 85-90%. Additionally, a Fischer-Tropsch unit converts syngas into synthetic crude oil, processed in a traditional refinery to produce certified fuel. Bio-based

A Solution for Transport

Synhelion targets high-energy sectors like aviation, producing solar kerosene for planes, diesel for ships and trucks, and gasoline for cars. Furler notes the innovative process took decades to develop. Since 2014, the team has generated eco-friendly fuel on a small scale and is now ready to expand after publishing their study in Nature.

Future Prospects

Synhelion plans to build a commercial plant in Spain to produce 1,000 tons of solar fuel annually, aiming for 100,000 tons by 2030 and 1 million tons by 2034. They also aim to decarbonize industrial processes like cement production, which contributes 8% of global CO2 emissions. Bio-based

Green Fuel from Sunlight: Down, the New Plant in Germany

Biomass – The HolyGrail 2.0 Initiative has validated the use of digital watermarking combined with Near-Infrared (NIR) technology for advanced sorting of flexible packaging 06-09-2024


Biomass – Why China Tariffs Could Reshape the Global Economy 06-09-2024


Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Why China Tariffs Could Reshape the Global Economy

Tariffs, especially between the U.S. and China, have become a central issue in global economic policy. Initially embraced by Trump, they have now gained traction within both major U.S. political parties. President Biden has not only maintained the tariffs but has also raised them on Chinese products, signaling a long-term strategy that’s likely to persist regardless of future administrations. Given this reality, it’s important to consider how these tariffs might reshape the global economy, U.S.-China trade relations, and potential investment strategies. Biomass

Tariffs and U.S.-China Trade Relations

The Biden administration plans further tax increases on Chinese goods, including electric vehicles, semiconductors, and critical minerals. These measures follow delays in reviewing tariffs originally imposed under Trump. In response, China has repeatedly urged the U.S. to remove all tariffs, arguing they harm not just China but the global economy as a whole.

The Complex Effects of Tariffs

While tariffs aim to make imports more expensive, encouraging consumers to buy domestic products, the reality is more nuanced for three key reasons:

  1. Currency Depreciation: When the U.S. imposes tariffs, China’s currency often depreciates. For example, after Trump’s tariffs, the Chinese yuan weakened, offsetting some of the anticipated effects. This depreciation makes Chinese exports cheaper, diminishing the impact of the tariffs. Biomass
  2. Corporate Evasion: Many Chinese firms have found ways to bypass tariffs by moving production to countries like Vietnam or Mexico. These products are then rebranded or assembled elsewhere, making it difficult to restrict Chinese imports effectively.
  3. Impact on U.S. Manufacturers: Tariffs can raise costs for U.S. companies that rely on Chinese materials. For example, steel and aluminum tariffs increase expenses for U.S. automakers and appliance manufacturers, undermining their global competitiveness. Biomass

Can Tariffs Prompt Economic Reform in China?

China’s economic strategy is heavily dependent on overproduction and exports, leading to a glut of low-cost goods on the global market. This model has contributed to significant debt and unsold inventory within China, while also suppressing wages and domestic consumption. Tariffs could push China to rethink this unsustainable approach, much like Japan did in the late 20th century. By making it harder to flood global markets, tariffs might encourage China to focus on domestic growth and more balanced economic policies.

Global Manufacturing Shifts and Investment Opportunities

One unintended but positive consequence of tariffs is the potential for economic growth in other regions. Biomass

To avoid U.S. tariffs, Chinese companies have shifted production to countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, and Mexico, spurring economic development there. Investors might see opportunities in these emerging markets, where manufacturing capacity and infrastructure are improving due to this relocation.

A New Era of Globalization?

Tariffs could be the catalyst for a more balanced global economy. As China diversifies its production, countries like Mexico and Morocco are poised to become new manufacturing hubs. Biomass

Investors who position themselves in these regions could benefit from the next phase of globalization, where production is more evenly distributed across the world.

In summary, while tariffs are often seen as blunt economic tools, they could play a crucial role in reshaping global trade and investment landscapes.

Why China Tariffs Could Reshape the Global Economy

The HolyGrail 2.0 Initiative has validated the use of digital watermarking combined with Near-Infrared (NIR) technology for advanced sorting of flexible packaging

This technology, provided by Digimarc and Pellenc ST, was tested in an industrial setting at Hündgen Entsorgung’s material recovery facility. The trials, conducted from December 2023 to February 2024, focused on separating hygiene-grade LDPE films from food-grade PP films.

Results from the December 2023 trials showed detection efficiencies over 95%, sorting efficiencies above 85%, and purity levels exceeding 70% in single-pass sorting. These figures are expected to improve with two-pass sorting, commonly used in recycling facilities. In February 2024, despite harsher conditions, including mixed waste streams and higher throughput, the technology maintained high detection (89.9%) and sorting (75.1%) efficiencies, with purity at 88.1%. Biomass

The results demonstrated the technology’s potential to create high-quality recycling streams, surpassing current capabilities. The consistent performance across varied conditions suggests that the technology is ready for industrial application, potentially reaching Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9.

A subsequent three-month trial will focus on sorting digitally watermarked rigid packaging in Denmark and Germany.

If successful, this will further validate the system’s robustness in an operational environment, paving the way for large-scale industrial adoption. Biomass


Audi begins mass production of radiator grilles with recycled content

For the first time, Audi is mass-producing painted radiator grilles made from a blend of polycarbonate (PC) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recyclates for the new Audi A3 Sportback and Audi A3 Sedan. This groundbreaking achievement is the result of a collaboration between Mocom, a specialist in compounding and recycling, Winning Plastics, a leading plastics processor, and Audi.

“Our objective is to systematically increase the use of recycled materials in Audi vehicles. With the A3 model update, the painted radiator grille ontains a significant portion of secondary raw materials for the first time. Biomass

As a key design element of Audi models, the grille must meet high standards in design, appearance, and quality, in addition to specific mechanical requirements,” explains Frank Fischer from Audi’s Materials Engineering department.

The project team encountered challenges due to the stringent technical requirements for mechanical properties in safety-critical components and the high purity needed for the material to be reused in painted parts. “Developing and producing radiator grilles with recycled content was an exciting process”, says Werner Meschitz, Head of Innovations at Winning Plastics. “Suitable recyclates were not available off-the-shelf, so together with our partner Mocom, we developed a recycled compound that partially incorporates painted scrap components from our own production. Biomass



What’s the weakness in spandex compared to polyester and nylon?

Since the beginning of the year, the trends of the main raw materials for synthetic fibers-polyester, nylon, and spandex-have shown significant discrepancies. The prices of polyester and nylon have experienced wide fluctuations influenced by supply and demand, seasonal changes, and cost variations. However, spandex market continues to experience severe competition, with prices consistently falling. Biomass

Since the beginning of the year, the price trends of polyester, nylon, and spandex have shown clear differences, though some similarities exist. All three materials have experienced price declines, with spandex prices decreasing more sharply than those of polyester and nylon (see above chart). The price declines for polyester, nylon, and spandex since the beginning of the year are approximately 1.8%, 5.0%, and 10.3%, respectively. Notably, the price performance has diverged among these materials; while polyester and nylon saw two phases of price spikes followed by corrections, spandex has shown a consistent downward trend.

Early in the year, polyester prices experienced a slight spike, and by late February and early March, prices were at a seasonal high. In March, due to downstream inventory digestion and insufficient new order follow-ups, the average monthly price of polyester saw a slight decline. From April to mid-May, polyester prices continued to soften; however, by late May, major polyester manufacturers began to limit production to maintain prices, leading to a noticeable increase in June’s average monthly price. Biomass

Meanwhile, nylon prices rebounded slightly in April and May due to demand from sun protection, sports, leisure, and outdoor sectors. However, despite a reduction in new orders for circular knitting machines and warp knitting in early June, strong cost support from rising benzene prices led to a slight increase in nylon prices.


What's the weakness in spandex compared to polyester and nylon?

Dow-Mitsui Polychemicals starts marketing of biomass EVA and biomass LDPE

Mitsui & Dow Polychemicals (Tokyo; President: Ryoji Kato) starts marketing biomass ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and biomass low density polyethylene (LDPE) based on the mass balance method from September 1, 2024. Biomass

Biomass EVA and biomass LDPE have the same resin properties as conventional petroleum-derived products because the raw material, biomass ethylene, exhibits the same physical properties as conventional petroleum-derived ethylene. Therefore, they can be easily switched from conventional products, while contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions over the entire product life cycle.

Since obtained ISCC PLUS certification at our Chiba Plant (Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture) in May 2024, we have been preparing to start production and marketing of biomass EVA and biomass LDPE products. Biomass


Dow-Mitsui Polychemicals starts marketing of biomass EVA and biomass LDPE

Asahi Kasei to showcase material solutions for thermal management of EVs, recycling and 3D printing at Fakuma 2024

Japanese technology company Asahi Kasei will exhibit its broad range of diversified material solutions at Fakuma 2024, the world’s leading trade event for industrial plastics processing, from October 15-19 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Highlights include polymer solutions for thermal management applications in EVs, a novel thermoplastic elastomer for improved recyclability of automotive interior parts, and a cellulose nanofiber composite for high-performance 3D printing. Biomass

Asahi Kasei will present its materials and solutions in three different areas: “Compact & Safe EV Batteries”, “Improved Connectivity & Lightweighting”, and “Sustainable Material Life Cycle”.

At the battery island, the company will showcase the modified polyphenylene ether (mPPE) XYRON™. Featuring a high non-halogenic flame retardance and the lowest ion elution properties, this material is suitable for thermal management applications in EV batteries. At Fakuma, Asahi Kasei will also show multilayer cooling pipes that do not require an adhesive layer. These pipes are made of a composite of the company’s LEONA™ PA on the outside, and XYRON™ on the inside. This pipe offers excellent bending properties, hydrolysis resistance and low ion elution properties Biomass


Asahi Kasei to showcase material solutions for thermal management of EVs, recycling and 3D printing at Fakuma 2024

Nonwoven – Volkswagen has partnered with Germany’s Revoltech to develop a sustainable leather alternative called LOVR, made from industrial hemp waste 05-09-2024


Nonwoven – Volkswagen has partnered with Germany’s Revoltech to develop a sustainable leather alternative called LOVR, made from industrial hemp waste 05-09-2024


Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

EFSA has updated its guidelines for authorizing mechanical recycling processes of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) intended for food contact under Regulation (EU) 2022/1616

This revised guidance outlines the criteria and scientific methods EFSA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of decontamination in recycling processes.

Applicants must provide detailed information about the entire recycling process, including collection, pre-processing, decontamination, post-processing, and intended use. They must also demonstrate the decontamination efficiency through a challenge test and conduct a self-assessment of the process. Nonwoven

One key requirement is that exposure to contaminants from recycled PET in food packaging must not exceed 0.0025 μg/kg of body weight per day. This threshold, known as the “threshold of toxicological concern” (TTC), represents the level below which potential genotoxic risks to human health are considered negligible.

EFSA will evaluate the safety of PET recycling processes based on the submitted data to ensure they meet the updated criteria for safe use in food contact materials. Nonwoven


A Groundbreaking Solution to the Issue of Plastic Waste

A study led by Tokyo Metropolitan University professor Kotohiro Nomura and published in Industrial Chemistry and Materials describes how to depolymerize PET (polyethylene terephthalate) using alcohols and an easily accessible, low-cost iron trichloride catalyst.

This technology can be used for the selective chemical recycling of textile and plastic waste mixtures. Nonwoven

Plastic waste is a major environmental concern that demands immediate response. However, the rate of plastic reuse (material recycling) is still low, particularly in the case of chemical recycling into raw materials, also known as chemical recycling.

Polyesters, which are composed of repeating “ester bonds” generated by the interaction of carboxylic acid with alcohol, are widely utilized in plastic bottles and garments.

Polyester can be reduced to its component parts entirely if these ester bonds could be broken. However, conventional procedures require high temperatures together with significant quantities of basic or acidic chemicals. Nonwoven

As a result, a straightforward, economical, and ecologically friendly approach is widely desired.



Origin Materials has introduced the world’s first tethered PET beverage cap, designed to improve recycling and reduce litter

Detached bottle caps often become environmental hazards, polluting parks, beaches, and oceans, and harming wildlife. Origin’s innovation ensures that caps stay attached to bottles, addressing both environmental concerns and new European Union regulations that mandate tethered caps. Nonwoven

This breakthrough cap is made entirely from PET, enhancing the recycling process by eliminating the need to separate caps from bottles. By keeping caps connected, the risk of loose litter is reduced, and recycling purity is improved, ensuring PET plastic remains in circulation rather than being downcycled.

John Bissell, co-founder and co-CEO of Origin Materials, highlights that their PET cap technology is well-suited for both the EU and other regions likely to adopt similar regulations. The caps can be produced using virgin, recycled, or bio-based PET, and are designed to be lightweight, sustainable, and user-friendly. Nonwoven

This innovative design not only meets regulatory requirements but also offers significant sustainability benefits. Origin’s tethered PET cap represents a major advancement in packaging, contributing to a more circular economy and addressing a significant market need in the $65-billion caps and closures industry.


Piovan Fdm & Fernholz: sustainable innovation in PP and PS sheet production

In the latest edition of the Spotlight, we hear from Piovan about its collaboration with Fernholz to design a material handling system for the production of PP and PS sheets.

The plastics industry is a sector that requires constant innovation and adaptation. In this dynamic environment, Fernholz, based in Meinerzhagen and Schkopaum, Germany, is at the forefront of sustainable innovation: in recent years, it has significantly reduced packaging weights and sheet thicknesses, working closely with its customers to develop eco-friendly plastic packaging.  Nonwoven

Fernholz is a leading manufacturer of multilayer Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS) and Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) sheets as well as decorated and printed PS sheets. It processes around 2,000 tonnes of polymers per month. This equates to approximately 2.5 billion packaging units per year.

In March 2022, Fernholz started the expansion of the Schkopau plant, which is dedicated to the production of PP and PS sheets mainly for the dairy industry, by adding a co-extrusion line. The complete system was designed, manufactured and commissioned by Piovan Fdm.  Nonwoven


Piovan Fdm & Fernholz: sustainable innovation in PP and PS sheet production

Oerlikon Nonwoven Takes Part In FILTECH In Cologne

At FILTECH, the trade fair for filters and filtration systems in Cologne (12-14 November), Oerlikon Nonwoven will be presenting its market- and customer-oriented system solutions for filtration applications. The Neumünster-based plant engineering company for nonwoven production technology will be offering trade fair visitors the opportunity to meet the team in hall 8, stand B18 and immerse themselves in the company’s comprehensive product and process expertise.  Nonwoven

Filtration: Meltblown solutions for the highest demands

Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown technology enables the efficient and simple production of unique and highly sophisticated nonwovens for filtration, insulation and sorption applications. The polymers used for the production of filter media and membranes are just as diverse as their areas of application. The spectrum ranges from classic polyolefins (PP, PE) through PET, PLA, PBT and PA to speciality plastics such as PPS and TPU. All these and other raw materials can be safely processed using the Oerlikon Nonwoven Meltblown process.

With the Edana Filtrex Innovation Award-winning hycuTEC hydrocharging technology for the production of highly efficient electret filter media, the pressure loss of a typical FFP2 filter medium can be reduced to less than a quarter. Nonwoven

“Filtration efficiencies of over 99.99% are easy to achieve with typical filter media of around 35 g/m² with a maximum pressure loss of 35 Pa,” explains Dr Ingo Mählmann, Director Sales & Marketing Oerlikon Nonwoven. “What’s more, this innovative process eliminates the need for an additional drying process for the production of high-separation electret filter media for most applications,” he continues.


Oerlikon Nonwoven Takes Part In FILTECH In Cologne

Volkswagen has partnered with Germany’s Revoltech to develop a sustainable leather alternative called LOVR, made from industrial hemp waste

This innovative material is vegan, oil-free, recyclable, and compostable, using waste from hemp grown for the food industry, combined with a plant-based adhesive. LOVR is versatile, moldable, and can be produced with existing industrial equipment, making it scalable for mass production. Nonwoven

LOVR could be used in Volkswagen car interiors by 2028 and has potential applications in furniture, footwear, and clothing. Unlike traditional materials, LOVR contains no fossil-fuel-based plastics, addressing concerns about microplastics in the environment. The material has already received positive feedback in initial presentations.

Volkswagen’s Kai Grünitz emphasized the company’s commitment to sustainable and resource-efficient vehicle development, exploring innovative materials across various industries. Nonwoven

The automaker aims to achieve net carbon neutrality and joined the Leather Working Group in 2023 to enhance transparency in its leather supply chain.

Revoltech, a spin-off from TU Darmstadt founded in 2021, won a Techtextil Innovation Award for LOVR, recognized for its potential to revolutionize traditional and artificial leather. While Volkswagen is not the first automaker to experiment with hemp, this partnership marks a significant step towards sustainable materials in the automotive industry, following earlier efforts by companies like BMW and Ford. Nonwoven

Volkswagen has partnered with Germany's Revoltech to develop a sustainable leather alternative called LOVR, made from industrial hemp waste


Hydrogen – New method turns plastic waste into valuable resources with vaporizing process 04-09-2024


Hydrogen – New method turns plastic waste into valuable resources with vaporizing process 04-09-2024


Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

The collapse of Aquafil shares on the Milan Stock Exchange was mainly caused by the results of the first half of 2024, which showed a net loss of 6.1 million euros, compared to 4.1 million in the same period of 202312

In addition, the company announced a capital increase of 40 million euros to support the new 2024-2026 industrial plan12.

This capital increase and the EBITDA forecasts lower than analysts’ expectations contributed to the decline in the stock

The collapse of Aquafil shares on the Milan Stock Exchange was mainly caused by the results of the first half of 2024, which showed a net loss of 6.1 million euros, compared to 4.1 million in the same period of 202312

Turkey is positioning itself to join BRICS, the bloc of major non-Western economies that includes Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa

This move, reported by Bloomberg, reflects President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s strategic goal to enhance Turkey’s global influence. The upcoming BRICS summit in Russia may formalize Turkey’s application, making it the first NATO member in the group.

Turkey’s potential BRICS membership aligns with its broader strategy of multi-vector diplomacy, balancing influence across various geopolitical arenas. Amid regional tensions, such as the conflict in Gaza and rivalry with Israel, Turkey seeks to leverage opportunities elsewhere, like its recent initiatives in natural gas exports to Europe. This economic diplomacy highlights Ankara’s ambition to operate where political constraints are less restrictive, and BRICS offers a platform for such maneuvering. Hydrogen

Turkey’s dynamic approach to international relations benefits from the shifting global landscape, where traditional alliances are weakening. By engaging with both Western and non-Western blocs, Turkey aims to maintain a unique geopolitical role. This dual strategy, exemplified by Turkey’s involvement in mediating conflicts and facilitating dialogue, underscores its potential as a “bridge country.” In an era of growing global rivalries, Turkey’s strategy, though risky, positions it to play a significant role in shaping the future geopolitical order. Hydrogen

Turkey is positioning itself to join BRICS, the bloc of major non-Western economies that includes Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa

JEPLAN Group Unveils “HELIX™” Brand for Recycled PET Resin

PET REFINE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., a JEPLAN Group company, introduces “HELIX™,” its new brand for recycled PET resin produced using proprietary chemical recycling technology. Alongside this announcement, a dedicated website will highlight the adoption of HELIX™ by major Japanese beverage and cosmetics companies.

With growing global concern for environmental sustainability, demand for recycled materials is rising. Europe is considering regulations requiring plastic packaging to contain at least 30% recycled content by 2030 and 50% by 2040. In Japan, the Japan Soft Drink Association aims for over 50% Bottle-to-Bottle recycling by 2030. Hydrogen

Recycling used PET bottles is challenging due to impurities, but PET REFINE TECHNOLOGY’s innovative process breaks down these bottles at a molecular level, removing impurities like coloring and metals. The result is a high-quality recycled PET resin comparable to petroleum-based alternatives, suitable for use in new PET bottles and cosmetic containers. This process also reduces CO2 emissions compared to traditional manufacturing.

The launch of HELIX™ aims to boost the adoption of recycled materials and promote the concept of “infinitely circulating” resources. By establishing HELIX™ as a recognized brand, PET REFINE TECHNOLOGY hopes to enhance consumer awareness and contribute to a more sustainable, circular economy. Hydrogen

JEPLAN Group Unveils "HELIX™" Brand for Recycled PET Resin

Bericap will showcase its latest sustainable closure solutions at Fachpack 2024, held from September 24 to 26 in Nuremberg, Germany

At booth 151 in hall 6, the leading manufacturer of plastic and aluminum closures will present a diverse portfolio tailored for industrial, food, and beverage applications. Highlights include lightweight closures for agriculture, mono-material sport caps, the tamper-evident Ring Peel Liner, and  Clip Aside tethered caps, now standard in Europe for milk and dairy products. Hydrogen

Bericap is committed to sustainability, focusing on reducing material use and advancing closed-loop cycles. Its “lightweight” range now features caps for 50 and 63 mm neck finishes, while mono-material designs simplify recycling. The Ring Peel Liner enhances product protection with tamper evidence, ensuring consumer safety and maintaining product integrity.

In the agricultural sector, the Closed Transfer System (CTS) exemplifies Bericap’s dedication to safety and sustainability. The award-winning Easyconnect solution allows safe, drip-free transfer of crop protection products, reducing exposure and enabling container recycling. Hydrogen

For active consumers, Bericap’s sport caps offer convenience and recyclability, with designs like the one-piece “Biarritz” and the two-piece “Monet.” These caps are available in tethered versions, compliant with EU Directive 2019/904, and have been used on over 15 billion bottles.


Sipol Debuts at Fakuma with a Fresh Image

Italian copolymer manufacturer Sipol will make its debut at the Fakuma fair in Germany (Friedrichshafen, 15-19 October) with a refreshed brand identity. This new image highlights Sipol’s advanced expertise in polymer chemistry and its seamless integration of diverse skills and resources. Hydrogen

The revamped logo, featuring a hexagon, symbolizes the company’s core elements: the chemistry of its polymers and the unity of its primary operational sectors. This modern and technological identity mirrors Sipol’s focus on designing and developing high-performance materials and innovative production processes.

Leveraging extensive experience in macromolecules, Sipol aims to meet market demands by creating new products, offering customized solutions, enhancing existing product performance, and providing expertise in tailored synthesis projects. Hydrogen

The first presentation of Sipol’s new look will occur at Lineapelle in Milan this September at the Tecnogi stand (Pav. 24, B11-15/C12-16). The European debut will follow at the Fakuma fair in Pavilion B3, stand 2332.


New method turns plastic waste into valuable resources with vaporizing process

The new catalysts simplify the process by eliminating the need for a previously crucial step: removing hydrogen to create breakable points in the plastic’s structure.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have unveiled a chemical process that has the potential to revolutionize plastic recycling. Hydrogen

This innovative process can effectively vaporize the most common types of plastic waste. Subsequently, it turns common plastic waste into useful materials for making new plastics.

The catalytic process can effectively break down polyethylene and polypropylene, which together constitute a staggering two-thirds of all post-consumer plastic waste globally.

“We have an enormous amount of polyethylene and polypropylene in everyday objects, from lunch bags to laundry soap bottles to milk jugs — so much of what’s around us is made of these polyolefins,” said Professor Hartwig in a press release.

This new process converts them into valuable hydrocarbon building blocks suitable for reuse in the production of new plastics. It could lead to a circular economy for many throwaway plastics, significantly reducing the need for new plastics derived from fossil fuels and mitigating the environmental impact of plastic waste. Hydrogen


New method turns plastic waste into valuable resources with vaporizing process

U.S. Plastics Pact looks to eliminate problematic plastics by 2030

U.S. Plastics Pact has released an updated report detailing its ongoing, accelerated action to eliminate problematic and unnecessary materials from the plastics value chain. This report comes as the U.S. government has recently shifted its position to support global targets that limit virgin plastic production, aligning with the U.S. Pact’s mission to advance a circular economy. Hydrogen

The report underscores the urgency and shared responsibility to shift to readily reusable, recyclable, or compostable materials to achieve a circular economy. It provides a clear path for addressing design challenges (e.g., contaminants), enabling advancements in circular package design, increasing recovery opportunities, and enhancing the quality of recycled content.

Aligning objectives for sustainable packaging 

Understanding the role packaging design professionals play in leading the industry toward a circular economy, the U.S. Plastics Pact has prioritized the removal of materials that hinder recyclability and compostability. Hydrogen

This focus aligns with the industry’s goal of reducing plastic packaging’s environmental and human health impacts while enhancing the quality of recycled content available for future packaging needs.


U.S. Plastics Pact looks to eliminate problematic plastics by 2030

TES and ZEG Join Forces to Explore Opportunities for Green Hydrogen Production in Germany

Tree Energy Solutions (TES) and ZEG Power (ZEG) are pleased to announce the signing of a Letter of Intent (LOI) to jointly explore opportunities for green hydrogen production in Germany. The collaboration aims to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future by leveraging ZEG’s novel green hydrogen production technology integrated with carbon capture. Hydrogen

As part of this agreement, TES has awarded ZEG a feasibility study to assess the viability of implementing ZEG’s technology and to evaluate the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of deploying an initial demonstration plant, paving the way for potential large-scale deployment of the technology.

This initiative aligns with TES’ aim to democratise access to reliable and affordable green energy through existing infrastructure to end-customers. The partnership with ZEG marks the beginning of a collaborative effort to advance decentralised green hydrogen production from e-NG while capturing the CO2. Hydrogen


TES and ZEG Join Forces to Explore Opportunities for Green Hydrogen Production in Germany

CATL battery – Plastic demand could reduce by up to 30% in an accelerated energy transition scenario 03-09.2024


CATL battery – Plastic demand could reduce by up to 30% in an accelerated energy transition scenario 03-09.2024

CATL battery

Crude Oil Prices Trend 

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Versalis, in partnership with Bridgestone EMEA and BB&G Group, is advancing the chemical recycling of end-of-life tires (ELT) to create a sustainable, circular supply chain

The collaboration focuses on converting used tires into pyrolysis oil, a renewable alternative to fossil materials, for producing high-quality elastomers for new tires.

Bridgestone will leverage its expertise in tire production, BB&G Group will handle the thermomechanical pyrolysis of ELTs, and Versalis will contribute its chemical processing capabilities. BB&G, having developed two pilot plants and recently commissioned its first commercial-scale Tyre Pyrolysis Oil (TPO) plant in Fatima, Portugal, will supply Versalis with the pyrolysis oil. CATL battery 

This oil will then be used to produce circular elastomers, with Bridgestone set to manufacture its first batch of tires using this sustainable material by early 2025.

Versalis plans to integrate the pyrolysis oil into its production processes, enhancing its Balance-branded products, which utilize biocircular materials under ISCC Plus certification. This initiative aligns with Versalis’s circularity strategy, aiming to reduce carbon footprints and drive innovation in the tire industry. Adriano Alfani, CEO of Versalis, emphasized that this partnership will deliver maximum value to customers and promote sustainable mobility, highlighting the company’s commitment to advancing circularity within the tire sector. CATL battery 

CATL battery 

China’s CATL, the world’s largest battery manufacturer, has denied claims that its products pose a security threat to the U.S.

The company asserts that its batteries, which are exported to the U.S., are passive and lack communication capabilities, making them unable to be remotely accessed or controlled. Therefore, they pose no national security risk.

The statement, released on August 29 through China’s state-run Global Times, refutes accusations from some U.S. lawmakers, specifically Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Representative John Mlinar. CATL battery

They had urged the U.S. Department of Defense to blacklist CATL, citing concerns over the company’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party and its potential impact on America’s energy security.

CATL countered these claims by highlighting that its batteries have supported millions of Americans during power outages and extreme weather events. The company emphasized that it does not compete directly with U.S. firms and collaborates closely with American partners to produce reliable and affordable products. CATL battery

A senior researcher from the Center for China and Globalization criticized the security concerns as a product of a “cold war mentality” among some U.S. politicians. The researcher warned that such baseless accusations could harm Sino-U.S. trade relations and negatively impact the well-being of ordinary Americans.

CATL battery 

Plastic demand could reduce by up to 30% in an accelerated energy transition scenario

As chemical producers face increasing pressure to decarbonize, technology investment could see plastic demand loss supported through elimination, substitution, and reuse/refill mechanisms.

Wood Mackenzie’s recent insight, Chemicals demand in a 1.5 °C scenario, provides an integrated view of various energy transition scenarios across each segment, commodity, technology, and market. CATL battery 

The report explores three potential outcomes for the energy and resources sector: the base case, pledges, and a Net Zero 2050 scenario.

Total polymer demand to grow by 2050

In Wood Mackenzie’s base case, total plastic demand (virgin + recycled) is estimated to grow to around 880 Mt by 2050, driven by single-use packaging and consumer products.

However, in the accelerated energy transition (AET) 1.5 °C scenario, total plastic demand shows a 30% reduction by 2050. Virgin production alone would decrease by 35% compared to the base case. CATL battery 

Mechanisms to reduce polymer demand

Virgin polymer demand could be reduced through mechanical recycling, which requires proper waste management and sorting technologies. Chemical recycling and bio-based packaging using feedstocks can similarly reduce polymer production.

Total plastic demand reduction impact

Implementing these mechanisms could reduce total plastic demand by up to 260 Mt by 2050 compared to the base case outlook. CATL battery 

Plastic demand could reduce by up to 30% in an accelerated energy transition scenario

Epson Partners with HKRITA to Innovate Fiber Recycling with Dry Fiber Technology

Epson has partnered with The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA) to develop advanced fiber recycling technology using Epson’s proprietary Dry Fiber Technology. This collaboration aims to address the global demand for recycled fibers, particularly in response to the increasing focus on sustainability and the reduction of petroleum-based synthetic fibers. CATL battery 

Traditional textile recycling methods, like garnett machines, struggle to separate fibers from tightly woven and elastic fabrics, which are common in items like dress shirts, bed sheets, and functional clothing. Epson’s Dry Fiber Technology offers a solution by enabling the effective defibration of these challenging materials.

The joint development with HKRITA will accelerate the recycling of textiles that are difficult to process, such as factory waste, unsold inventory, and unwanted apparel.

By advancing this technology, Epson aims to increase the availability of recycled fibers in the market. CATL battery 

Epson’s Dry Fiber Technology, originally developed for recycling paper and other fibrous materials, is a cornerstone of the company’s environmental strategy. Beyond textiles, Epson is also innovating in the production of recycled paper, packaging materials, and stronger, more durable recycled plastics. This initiative is part of Epson’s broader commitment to reducing environmental impact and promoting resource circulation.

HKRITA, established in 2006 in Hong Kong, plays a key role in advancing the textile industry through applied research and sustainable innovation, ensuring industry competitiveness and societal benefits. CATL battery 

Epson Partners with HKRITA to Innovate Fiber Recycling with Dry Fiber Technology

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have pioneered a new chemical recycling method for polyolefins, detailed in a recent paper

This technology, described as scalable and both energetically and environmentally sustainable, offers a solution to the challenge of recycling hard-to-process plastics.

The accumulation of single-use plastics in landfills and the environment poses significant risks to ecosystems and human health, with current mechanical recycling methods ultimately failing to prevent landfill buildup. CATL battery 

Chemical recycling, however, presents a promising alternative by breaking down polymers to produce valuable chemicals or monomers for new plastic production. The use of catalysts is key in this process, as they lower the energy needed to break the strong carbon-carbon bonds in polyolefins and enhance selectivity for desired products.

This approach focuses on recent advancements in the thermal catalytic deconstruction of polyethylene and polypropylene under mild conditions.

Additionally, it addresses emerging frameworks and challenges in the chemical recycling of mixed plastic waste. CATL battery 

Ongoing efforts are also discussed to make polymer deconstruction and upcycling more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have pioneered a new chemical recycling method for polyolefins, detailed in a recent paper

Siegwerk, Multi-Plastics, and Tripack will unveil a fully recyclable shrink sleeve water bottle for the English Mountain Spring Water Company at Label Expo Americas 2024

Multi-Plastics provided its Envirocycle 30% post-consumer recyclate PET shrink sleeve film for the project. Siegwerk contributed its CIRKIT de-inking primer technology, combined with SICURA Orbis ink technology, to ensure the ink washes off cleanly with the deinking primer. CATL battery 

Tripack’s expertise in application technology enabled the integration of PET shrink sleeves onto PET bottles. Multi-Plastics’ film prevents clumping, while Siegwerk’s deinking primer and ink ensure a clean and uncontaminated PET flake with minimal impact on wash water.

The shrink sleeves were printed using a PET film with 30% post-consumer recyclate, adhering to APR-approved design guidelines. CATL battery 

The partner companies created this shrink sleeve label based on these guidelines, ensuring the materials and inks meet APR standards for preferred design recognition.


Siegwerk, Multi-Plastics, and Tripack will unveil a fully recyclable shrink sleeve water bottle for the English Mountain Spring Water Company at Label Expo Americas 2024

Sustainability – Chile has inaugurated its first plant dedicated to producing beverage bottles from recycled plastic 02-09-2024

Sustainability – Chile has inaugurated its first plant dedicated to producing beverage bottles from recycled plastic 02-09-2024


PET Bottle – Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) has initiated research on chemically recycling end-of-life tires (ELT) at its Kagawa Works facility, targeting the production of sustainable carbon black by March 2026 



Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Crude Oil Prices Trend by Polyestertime

Zhengzhou Exchange Launches Bottle-Grade PET Resin Futures

The Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE) in China has launched futures trading for bottle-grade Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) resin to better address the risk management needs of businesses. PET resin, primarily used for making mineral water bottles, plays a crucial role in daily life.

On the first day of trading, the bottle-grade PET resin futures saw a trading volume of 133,444 contracts, amounting to 13.17 billion yuan (approximately $1.86 billion USD). Six contracts were listed initially, with a benchmark price set at 6,850 yuan ($966 USD) per ton. Sustainability

Niu Yike, a manager at ZCE, highlighted that the introduction of these futures will complement existing polyester-related products, enabling better hedging and inventory management for enterprises, ultimately supporting the industry’s high-quality growth.

Since crude oil is the primary raw material for producing bottle-grade PET resin, its price volatility significantly impacts PET resin prices. Over the past three years, crude oil price fluctuations have exceeded 60%, severely affecting production and operations for companies like Zhejiang’s new material firm, as noted by senior executive Chen Canzhong. The seasonal variability in PET resin sales further complicates production, making the need for financial tools to manage market risks essential. Sustainability

In 2023, China produced 13.1 million tons of bottle-grade PET resin, consuming 7.56 million tons, which is 24% of global consumption. China is currently the world’s largest exporter of bottle-grade PET resin, with products reaching over 100 countries.


Lummus Wins Contract for Kazakhstan’s First Polyethylene Plant

Lummus Technology, a leader in process technologies and energy solutions, has secured a contract from Silleno LLP to provide an ethylene unit for Kazakhstan’s inaugural polyethylene plant. This plant, situated in the National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark in the Atyrau Region, is expected to significantly boost Kazakhstan’s economy by enhancing GDP, creating jobs, and stimulating local businesses. Sustainability

Leon de Bruyn, CEO of Lummus Technology, expressed pride in contributing to such a vital project, highlighting the company’s extensive experience in Kazakhstan. Lummus’ ethylene technology, essential for producing polyethylene, involves converting ethane from the Tengiz oil field into 1.3 million tons of ethylene annually. The technology also includes their Short Residence Time (SRT®) heaters and an olefins recovery system, which together enhance energy efficiency, lower costs, and reduce CO2 emissions by optimizing product yield and cutting equipment needs by 25% compared to traditional methods.

Lummus has been a dominant force in light olefins technologies, securing nearly half of the new projects since 2000 and licensing over 200 ethylene plants globally, representing around 45% of the world’s ethylene capacity. Sustainability

This project reinforces Lummus’ role in advancing Kazakhstan’s petrochemical and energy sectors.

Lummus Wins Contract for Kazakhstan’s First Polyethylene Plant

Oerlikon Celebrates 20 Years Of E-Save — The Sustainability Program Of Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division

Over 15 million tons of CO2 savings in 20 years – that is the balance sheet of e-save – the sustainability program of today’s Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division. As one of the world’s leading suppliers of manmade fiber plant technologies, the company has been developing, producing and launching its products and services with sustainability in mind since 2004: ‘Energy’ savings and ‘Efficiency’ of systems, machines and components, ‘Environment’ relief and improved ‘Ergonomics’ for optimal machine operation are the four e-save topics that have provided fiber and yarn manufacturers with significant added value in terms of economy, safety and process handling right from the start. Sustainability

The pioneers of today’s brands Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven were already true pioneers in terms of sustainability.

The e-save logo is awarded to components and machines from Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven that are significantly more sustainable than the market standard or predecessor models. Sustainability

Rising energy prices, scarce resources, an ageing society, a shortage of skilled workers and lower profit margins in many industries prove Oerlikon’s e-save mission right. For 20 years, the technology leader in manmade fiber production has been scoring points with significantly lower energy consump-tion compared to the market standard, the competition or its own predecessor models. Fiber and yarn manufacturers around the world appreciate this, as investments in new systems developed according to e-save criteria pay for themselves in a much shorter time.


Oerlikon Celebrates 20 Years Of E-Save — The Sustainability Program Of Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division

Chile has inaugurated its first plant dedicated to producing beverage bottles from recycled plastic

Named Re-Ciclar, the facility is a $35 million joint venture between Coca-Cola Andina and Coca-Cola Embonor.

The plant aims to recycle over 350 million bottles annually, incorporating food-grade recycled material into Coca-Cola’s packaging in Chile.

Equipped with advanced technology from Italy, Japan, and Austria, Re-Ciclar uses sustainable methods such as solar power and electric cranes. The facility is expected to generate 25,000 indirect jobs nationwide. It plays a key role in Coca-Cola’s initiative to increase recycled content in its bottles, targeting 15% recycled PET by 2025, with aspirations for 100% in the future. Sustainability

Economy Minister Nicolás Grau emphasized the plant’s significance in advancing Chile’s sustainable development and circular economy. Re-Ciclar collaborates with various stakeholders, including local governments and grassroots recyclers, making it one of Latin America’s most advanced recycling facilities.

The plant partners with the National Association of Recyclers of Chile, Latitud R, La Ciudad Posible, and citizens to collect around 10,000 tons of PET in 2024. The recycling process begins with individuals depositing bottles at recycling points, followed by collection, storage, and delivery to Re-Ciclar. There, bottles are cleaned, shredded, and processed into recycled resin pellets, which are then transformed into new beverage bottles, ready for consumers. Sustainability

Chile has inaugurated its first plant dedicated to producing beverage bottles from recycled plastic

Netstal Earns Silver in Ecovadis Sustainability Ranking

Netstal has achieved a silver rating in the Ecovadis sustainability assessment, placing it among the top 15% of companies evaluated globally over the past year. This recognition highlights Netstal’s commitment to improving environmental impact, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Sustainability

“We are proud of our silver medal, reflecting the strong emphasis we place on sustainability in our vision and corporate policies,” said Renzo Davatz, CEO of Netstal Group. He emphasized the company’s dedication to environmental and climate protection as well as safeguarding human rights.

Netstal has made significant strides, reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 17% and cutting water consumption compared to previous assessments. The company also optimized the tracking of Scope 3 emissions from downstream processes. “Understanding the CO2 emissions of our injection molding machines used by customers is crucial for enhancing energy efficiency and further reducing Scope 3 emissions,” noted Michael Rocholl, Head of Quality and Process Management. Sustainability

The Ecovadis ranking offers measurable insights into Netstal’s sustainability for both internal and external stakeholders. Rocholl added, “Ecovadis’s annual review deepens our understanding of our ESG framework and guides future focus areas. We have outlined additional measures to ensure even greater sustainability.”

Ecovadis is a globally recognized organization, providing trusted corporate sustainability ratings for over 130,000 companies worldwide.

 Netstal Earns Silver in Ecovadis Sustainability Ranking Netstal has achieved a silver rating in the Ecovadis sustainability assessment, placing it among the top 15% of companies evaluated globally over the past year. This recognition highlights Netstal’s commitment to improving environmental impact, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. “We are proud of our silver medal, reflecting the strong emphasis we place on sustainability in our vision and corporate policies,” said Renzo Davatz, CEO of Netstal Group. He emphasized the company's dedication to environmental and climate protection as well as safeguarding human rights. Netstal has made significant strides, reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 17% and cutting water consumption compared to previous assessments. The company also optimized the tracking of Scope 3 emissions from downstream processes. “Understanding the CO2 emissions of our injection molding machines used by customers is crucial for enhancing energy efficiency and further reducing Scope 3 emissions,” noted Michael Rocholl, Head of Quality and Process Management. The Ecovadis ranking offers measurable insights into Netstal’s sustainability for both internal and external stakeholders. Rocholl added, “Ecovadis’s annual review deepens our understanding of our ESG framework and guides future focus areas. We have outlined additional measures to ensure even greater sustainability.” Ecovadis is a globally recognized organization, providing trusted corporate sustainability ratings for over 130,000 companies worldwide. Netstal Earns Silver in Ecovadis Sustainability Ranking Netstal has achieved a silver rating in the Ecovadis sustainability assessment, placing it among the top 15% of companies evaluated globally over the past year. This recognition highlights Netstal’s commitment to improving environmental impact, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. “We are proud of our silver medal, reflecting the strong emphasis we place on sustainability in our vision and corporate policies,” said Renzo Davatz, CEO of Netstal Group. He emphasized the company's dedication to environmental and climate protection as well as safeguarding human rights. Netstal has made significant strides, reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 17% and cutting water consumption compared to previous assessments. The company also optimized the tracking of Scope 3 emissions from downstream processes. “Understanding the CO2 emissions of our injection molding machines used by customers is crucial for enhancing energy efficiency and further reducing Scope 3 emissions,” noted Michael Rocholl, Head of Quality and Process Management. The Ecovadis ranking offers measurable insights into Netstal’s sustainability for both internal and external stakeholders. Rocholl added, “Ecovadis’s annual review deepens our understanding of our ESG framework and guides future focus areas. We have outlined additional measures to ensure even greater sustainability.” Ecovadis is a globally recognized organization, providing trusted corporate sustainability ratings for over 130,000 companies worldwide.

Astra Polymers joins Alliance to End Plastic Waste

The masterbach manufacturer is the latest plastic company to commit to action on the ground to fight plastics pollution

Astra Polymers announced it has joined the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW). The Saudi Arabia-based masterbatch producer is the latest of around 70 members to join the Alliance. Sustainability

The AEPW was founded in 2019 by industry members, including BASF, Chevron Phillips Chemical, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings, Procter & Gamble and Shell. Members of the Singapore-based non-profit organisation commit to deliver impact on the ground to fight plastic pollution.

Founded in 1993, Astra Polymers specialises in producing masterbatch, dust-free additive system and custom-made thermoplastic compounds. With manufacturing facilities in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, India, and Morocco, they serve various applications, including extrusion and thermoforming. Sustainability

As part of the Alliance, Astra Polymers is expected to help define a new future for plastic by shaping the standards, technologies, and markets of tomorrow; meet ambitious pledges and commitments; build public understanding about plastic.


Astra Polymers joins Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Hydrogen – A team of researchers in Korea has made a significant breakthrough in microbial plastic production, presenting a novel way to create biodegradable plastics with enhanced properties 31-08-2024


PET Bottle – Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) has initiated research on chemically recycling end-of-life tires (ELT) at its Kagawa Works facility, targeting the production of sustainable carbon black by March 2026 02-09-2024

PET Bottle

PET Bottle

ITEM 26/08/2024 02/09/2024 +/-
Bottle grade PET chips domestic market 6,920 yuan/ton 6,500 yuan/ton -420
Bottle grade PET chips export market     870 $/ton 865  $/ton -5
LDPE CFR Est China 1,135 $/ton 1,155 $/ton +20
PET Semidull Fiber chips

PET Bright

6,650 yuan/ton

6,680 yuan/ton

6,560 yuan/ton

6,630 yuan/ton



Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA domestic market

PET Bottle

5,385 yuan/ton 5,105 yuan/ton
Pure Terephthalic Acid PTA FOB China 690 $/ton 680 $/ton -10
Monoethyleneglycol MEG domestic market 4,660 yuan/ton 4,500 yuan/ton
Monoethyleneglycol MEG export market 546 $/ton 548 $/ton +2
Paraxylene PX FOB  Taiwan market 944 $/ton 930 $/ton
Paraxylene PX FOB  Korea market 922 $/ton 908 $/ton -14
Paraxylene PX FOB EU market 1,060 $/7on 1,000 $/ton -60
Polyester filament POY 150D/48F domestic market 7,345  yuan/ton 7,400 yuan/ton
Recycled Polyester filament POY  domestic market 7,150 yuan/ton 7,150 yuan/ton
Polyester filament DTY 150D/48 F domestic market 8,915 yuan/ton 8,800 yuan/ton -115
Polyester filament FDY 68D24F 8,550 yuan/ton 8,600 yuan/ton +150
Polyester filament FDY 150D/96F domestic market

PET Bottle

7,750 yuan/ton 7,900 yuan/ton +150
Polyester staple fiber 1.4D 38mm domestic market 7,445 yuan/ton 7,500 yuan/ton +55
Caprolactam CPL domestic market 12,825 yuan/ton 12,670 yuan/ton
Caprolactam CPL Northeast Asia

PET Bottle
1,540 $/ton 1,540 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips overseas  market 1,920 $/ton 1,920 $/ton
Nylon 6 chips conventional spinning domestic  market 13,750 yuan/ton 13,550 yuan/ton -200
Nylon 6 chips  high speed spinning domestic  market 14,380 yuan/ton 14,400 yuan/ton +20
Nylon 6.6 chips domestic  market

PET Bottle

18,500 yuan/ton 18,000 yuan/ton -500
Nylon6 Filament POY 86D/24F domestic  market 16,300 yuan/ton 16,400 yuan/ton +100
Nylon6 Filament DTY 70D/24F domestic  market 18,700 yuan/ton 18,750 yuan/ton +50
Nylon6 Filament FDY  70D/24F  17,500 yuan/ton 17,500 yuan/ton
Spandex 20D  domestic  marke 29,000 yuan/ton 28,800 yuan/ton -200
Spandex 30D  domestic  market 28,500 yuan/ton 28,300 yuan/ton -200
Spandex 40D  domestic  market  25,500 yuan/ton 25,300 yuan/ton -200
Adipic Acid domestic market

PET Bottle

8,950 yuan/ton 8,500 yuan/ton -450
Benzene domestic market East China 8,565 yuan/ton  8,625 yuan/ton +60
Benzene China CFR 1,035 $/ton 1,015 $/ton -20
Ethylene South East market 980 $/ton 980 $/ton
Ethylene NWE market CIF 964 $/ton  922 $/ton -42
Acrylonitrile ACN  domestic market 8,650 yuan/ton 8,650 yuan/ton
Acrylonitrile ACN  overseas market 1,200 $/ton 1,200 $/ton
Acrylic staple fiber ASF CFR China

PET Bottle

14,600 yuan/ton 14,600 yuan/ton
VSF viscose staple fiber 13,500 yuan/ton 13,600 yuan/ton +100
PP Powder domestic market 7,440 yuan/ton 7,425 yuan/ton -15
Naphtha overseas market  659 $/ton 607 $/ton -52
Phenol domestic market 8,620 yuan/ton 8,732 yuan/ton +112

r-PET Flakes  =                    6,650 yuan/ton  —          6,620  yuan/ton          -30

PET Bottle

Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) has initiated research on chemically recycling end-of-life tires (ELT) at its Kagawa Works facility, targeting the production of sustainable carbon black by March 2026

This move aligns with the growing demand for sustainable materials in the tire industry, where recycled carbon black, a crucial rubber reinforcing agent, is increasingly sought after. MCG’s innovative approach involves feeding pulverized ELT into a coke oven, producing carbon black from tar—a world-first technique. The resulting sustainable carbon black matches the properties of conventional carbon black, enabling its reuse in new tires and promoting closed-loop recycling. PET Bottle

MCG began a demonstration experiment in July 2024, feeding ELT into the coke oven, with plans to commercialize the process by fiscal 2025. The company aims to achieve an annual production rate of several thousand tons of sustainable carbon black by 2025, scaling up to tens of thousands of tons by 2030.

This advancement is part of MCG’s broader goal to establish ELT chemical recycling technology, contributing to the development of a circular economy in the automotive and tire sectors. PET Bottle

PET Bottle

BASF to Close Additional Plants in Ludwigshafen Amid Ongoing Site Revamp

BASF has announced the permanent closure of its adipic acid, cyclododecanone (CDON), and cyclopentanone (CPON) production plants in Ludwigshafen, a move that will impact approximately 180 employees. This decision is part of the broader restructuring plan for the company’s petrochemical hub, which began two years ago. PET Bottle

The shutdown process will be phased, with the CDON and CPON facilities set to cease operations in the first half of 2025. The production of adipic acid, which had already been reduced as part of adjustments announced in February 2023, will also be halted during this period. This partial continuation of adipic acid production was initially maintained to ensure a stable supply of raw materials for CDON and CPON synthesis.

Cyclododecanone is primarily used in the production of lauryl lactam, a key precursor in the manufacture of Polyamide 12 (PA 12). It also plays a role in the synthesis of musk fragrances and UV stabilizers. Cyclopentanone, on the other hand, has applications in the synthesis of agrochemicals, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and as a solvent in semiconductor production. PET Bottle

Additionally, it is used as a precursor in the creation of fragrances. Adipic acid, meanwhile, is a crucial component in the production of polyamides, polyurethanes, coatings, and adhesives.

Stephan Kothrade, a member of BASF’s board of directors and the company’s chief technology officer, commented on the closures, stating, “BASF is taking this step to ensure profitability by aligning production capacities with the evolving market conditions. We will maintain close communication with our customers to mitigate the impact of these closures on their operations.” PET Bottle

The decision to shutter these facilities underscores BASF’s commitment to adapting its operations in response to shifting market dynamics and economic pressures. The restructuring of the Ludwigshafen site reflects a strategic focus on optimizing production efficiency and reducing costs in the face of changing global demands for chemical products.

As BASF moves forward with its renovation plan, the company aims to balance the need for operational efficiency with the responsibility to support its workforce and maintain customer relationships. PET Bottle

The company has indicated that it will explore various options to manage the transition for affected employees, including potential reassignments within the organization or offering assistance with finding new employment opportunities.

This closure is part of BASF’s broader strategy to streamline operations and concentrate on areas with higher growth potential and profitability. By reducing production capacity in areas where demand has softened, BASF seeks to enhance its overall competitiveness and financial performance.

The shutdown of these plants in Ludwigshafen marks a significant step in BASF’s ongoing efforts to realign its business operations with the realities of the current market. As the company navigates these changes, it remains focused on delivering value to its customers while ensuring long-term sustainability and profitability. PET Bottle

BASF to Close Additional Plants in Ludwigshafen Amid Ongoing Site Revamp